• Published 14th Jan 2024
  • 727 Views, 34 Comments

The End Of The Line - autobotfan15

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Epilogue: End Of The Line

[Haven City Train Station - A Week Later]

It was quite a scene at the station as many creatures gathered around the train that was parked at the platform. Because of how far north Haven City was, the leaves had already fallen off despite being the beginning of September. The air was nippy and there were clouds in the sky that threatened snow. Connie sat there with a line of newly built passenger cars that looked like American Pullman coaches. Connie also had streamers decorating her boiler and a banner on her tender that said ‘Maritime Express.’

Andrew was looking over Connie as he made final preparations. Gregory stood next to him as they talked. “So after all that drama that was the outcome of the twenty four elections?” Andrew asked.

“Yeah, pretty much, but maybe it ends differently on your version of Earth,” Gregory replied.

“Good thing I’m not there to find out,” Andrew said. “I don’t think I can stand to see a repeat of January sixth or another liberal protest. I’m on the fence with politics.”

“I lived in a smaller Pacific Northwest town, so I didn’t really get into the bigger politics of the grand old Red White and Blue,” Gregory said.

Next to him, the anthro version of Twilight stood, dressed in warm winter clothes. Ember was next to Twilight as she crossed her arms. “Can we hurry this up? I’m freezing here.”

“We still have a few VIP passengers that have yet to show up,” Andrew said, holding up a clipboard.

“Can she at least get into the warmer car?” Gregory asked.

“Of course I’m not forcing her to watch me perform Connie’s inspection,” Andrew said as he pointed to the coaches behind Connie.

Ember quickly rushed into the coach, leaving Gregory alone with Twilight. He smiled. “We’re gonna be having snow soon.”

“Would there even still be snow at our destination? We’re heading for a coastal beach.”

“Maritime Bay doesn’t get much snow, remember?” Gregory chuckled. “Not unless you wanna start saying Frosty Shivers.”

“Nah I prefer the sunny beach. Besides, even if I want a white Christmas I can ask you to fix that.”

“Then start saying Warm Wishyhoof,” Gregory smiled, “and I don’t normally interfere with the weather. It was just that one time last summer where the kids asked for a snow hill to beat the heat.”

“If you say so,” Andrew said before looking up to see a flying carriage ascend from the sky and land. “Looks like more royal guests have arrived and it looks like an egg has hatched as well.”

Gregory watched as Jason and Chrysalis walked up, the latter holding a small baby in her arms. Twilight clung a bit more tightly to him, and when he looked down, he saw her giving him a smile. “What is it?”

“Nothing, just…is that your new daughter?” Twilight asked.

“That she is,” Jason said, smiling a bit with pride.

“What’s her name?” Gregory asked.

Jason kissed the baby changeling’s head before responding. “Susie.”

Gregory smiled. “Can I see her?”

Chrysalis removed the blanket exposing their offspring. The changeling grubling had Chrysalis’ color scheme, but to Gregory’s surprise she was anthropomorphic. There were no holes in her body, and her eyes were wide eyed and curious. Gregory reached down and held out his finger to her. Susie looked at it, then grabbed it and began sucking on it. Chuckling, he looked up at the royal couple. “Is this her natural form, or has she already learned to transform?”

“As far as we know, this is her normal form,” Jason said.

Gregory chuckled. “So…is that something that would happen if a changeling and human have a kid together, or is that just a Chrysalis thing?” he asked as Susie continued sucking on Gregory’s finger.

“We’re not sure but we might tackle that together as she grows older, although the story of her birth is quite an interesting one,” Jason said.

“Is it, now?” Gregory smirked, looking down at Twilight. “I’m sure my egghead girlfriend here would be more than interested to learn about that. Ain’t that right, Twi-Hard?”

Jason looked at them with surprise before turning to Andrew. “I see you weren’t lying to me.”

“Well when you talk business for a while, we have to switch to juicer topics at some point,” Andrew said.

At that moment, a unicorn stallion dressed as a conductor walked up. “Mr. Andrew, we’re about ten minutes to departure, so whatever social visit this is we have to wrap up.”

“Right, we're just about done, Whistle Stop.”

“I’ll never understand pony names,” Gregory muttered before Twilight suddenly snuggled up closer to him. “Twi?”

“You lovers better get on board,” Andrew said. “I hear the seats in these new coaches are really comfortable. Besides he’s right, we have a schedule.”

“Right, let’s go,” Jason said as he led his wife and daughter into the train. Gregory and Twilight followed after. A few minutes later Rainbow Dash walked up wearing a bandana around her neck along with a pair of goggles. “There’s my fire mare, are you ready to get dirty?”

“You’re letting Rainbow near the firebox?” Gregory asked with a raised eyebrow.

“She’s been wanting to work closer to me and ever since her lightning strikes stopped it’s like she wants to do even more,” Andrew explained.

Gregory was about to say something dirty, but Twilight smacked his chest with her hand. “Ow!” he groaned, looking down at her.

“Let’s not have any jokes like those until we get to the bay,” she said. “Besides we have a lot more going on there already.”

“Oooh Gregory’s in trouble with Twilight,” Rainbow snickered. “Better hope she and Ember don’t put you in the dog house.”

Gregory gave her a dirty look, then chuckled. “Just behave. No hanky panky in the caboose. I know you train type have all sorts of-OW!”

Andrew and Rainbow just laughed at Gregory’s misfortune, but that was cut short when they heard someone shouting. “ALL ABOARD!”

Everyone climbed aboard, and just as the train began heading west, the snow began falling. The coaches were alive with activity as some of the passengers mingled in the cars. Some ate in the dining car, others drank at the bar in the parlor car, and others just sat and watched the scenery go by in both the chair coach and the observation car. The last one was where Jason, Gregory, Ember, Twilight and Chrysalis were all sitting. Spike was with his friends the CMC and Cozy Glow in the dining car eating, so Twilight didn’t have to worry about her little brother. As they sat, Jason decided to broach a conversation topic. “So…Twilight…have you told your parents about you and Gregory?”

“I told them a while ago,” she replied, “and well, let's just say their reactions were mixed. In fact I can't believe that was the first time I spoke to them since The Trial.”

“Huh, mixed eh? I half expected them to further disown you from how they treated Spike,” Jason said.

“Well their lives have been flipped since The Trial,” Twilight explained. “Let's just say the old house has become a target for graffiti artists and you don’t want to know what they…uh… painted on their walls.”

“Not surprising,” Chrysalis said.

“Yeah, well at first they were a little worried that a new human might hurt me like what happened with Jason, but when I mentioned Ember they got scared and accepted me for it. I think they were afraid Ember might hunt them if they disowned me.”

“I’d be sorely tempted to,” Ember, who was snuggling very close to Gregory to absorb his body heat, said. “You’re my mate’s secondary mate. That means as the primary I make sure you’re secured and safe. At least that’s how it works in dragon hoards.”

“Well, thank you for that I guess, blue female Spike,” Twilight teased.

That got the humans, the changeling queen and new changeling princess all laughing. Ember seethed a bit. “Not gonna let those times go are you?”

“Nope,” Twilight said.

Gregory kissed Ember deeply, then broke it after a few seconds. “You know we love you,” he said before turning and doing the same to Twilight. “Play nice, Twiggles.”

Meanwhile, Golden Spike and Silver Streak were sharing drinks in the parlor car, the latter of whom was carrying a scowl on his face. Golden noticed this immediately. “What's the matter now? You told me those projections were working well.”

“It's not those sir,” Silver said, “I just, I have to ask: why do you insist on this ceremony? It’s just a useless gathering of species, most of them known for causing messes in Equestria. In fact ninety five percent of all our crises were caused by nonponies.”

“And ninety five percent of your life involves you working your magic on a calculator and giving me sass I don’t need,” Golden replied sternly.

“But sir, those Minotaurs are asking us for even bigger loans we can hardly afford! They’re stealing from us!”

“Listen, if you read the report from Andrew like I asked, you would’ve seen the number of steel bridges and tunnels they’ve had to build. Their terrain is more treacherous than ours. Now if I were you I’d knock off your speciesism now.”


Golden took another sip of his drink and grinned. “Look around you.”

Silver looked around and noticed a dozen eyes on him. Many of them nonponies. The representatives of the yaks and zebras looked especially mad. Silver felt surrounded as he felt the stares closing in on him.

Golden shrugged. “Fortunately there is one way to save a company from a display like that.”

“Oh h-how’s that s-sir?” Silver asked nervously as he continued to look back at the angry crowd.

“By telling you that you violated our new non discriminatory policy and you’re fired,” Golden said smiling as he took another sip of his drink.

“WHAT?!” Silver Streak shrieked in horror.

Golden chuckled. “I know your niece Silver Spoon tried warning you about your xenophobic attitude. Maybe when she’s old enough she can succeed where you have failed.”

“But sir, this is absurd!” Silver shouted. “I’m your best financial advisor! Who will take my place?!”

“Eh, I have dozens of applicants,” Golden said. “Andrew and I will be performing interviews after our trip. Now if I were you I’d enjoy this luxury trip to the coast because you might be sleeping in economy on the return journey.”

Silver then noticed the other creatures now wearing looks of satisfaction as they slowly dispersed. He then noticed Golden had left. All he could do now was turn to the bartender who had appeared. “Give me your strongest,” he said.

The bartender, a griffin, glared at him. “Oh? Not too afraid I’ll ruin it for you, pony?”

When Silver saw who the bartender was he just slammed his head on the counter.

Meanwhile in the dining car a unicorn walked up to one of the tables that had a dragon and a few fillies. “What will you have today, fillies and dragon?”

“We’ll have five orders of the special,” Cozy said.

The waiter wrote it down and left. Spike was by the window wearing an unreadable expression on his face. In truth he had a lot on his mind to be hungry. Sweetie Belle noticed this first and said, “Spike? Something wrong?”

“Huh? Oh no…maybe… I don’t know,” he sighed. “It’s just hard to imagine how things can change so quickly. I’m still finding things hard to believe.”

“You mean like the whole thing with your sister and my daddy and mommy?” Cozy asked.

“Yes, I mean she’s my sister yet she’s with your dad. Would that make me your uncle or your brother?”

“Huh he’s right, that does sound like a pickle,” Scootaloo said.

“Um, does it really matter?” Applebloom asked. “Isn’t Twilight happy?”

“Yeah, but it’s like ever since Howard, she sometimes acts jumpy and a little nervous. I don’t know if it's PTSD or she’s still trying to adjust to herding or I don’t know. Sometimes I feel like she’s almost losing it. At least Gregory keeps her mind stable.”

Spike immediately felt a hoof around him and then felt Cozy embrace him. “Everything will be okay. After all, she doesn’t only have daddy and mommy, she also has you and me. Let’s agree to work together, bronkle Spike.”

“Bronkle? Really?” Spike deadpanned.

“Eh, we can think of a better title,” Cozy said.

“Has Professor Graystone been spending time with you?” Sweetie Belle asked.

“Yeah, whenever he can,” Spike replied. “He’s fun to play with.”

“How did your older brother react to Mr. Gregory starting to date Twilight?” Scootaloo asked.

“Oh you should’ve seen him. He maintained a good positive vibe but I did catch them while they were alone.”

“What happened?” Scootaloo asked.


[Yggdrasil - Secluded Hallway - One Month Prior]

Spike walked through the hallways. It had been a busy day helping out. At one point he rounded a corner and there at the end was a stoic looking Gregory and an assertive Shining Armor. The stallion had him pinned to the wall while staring deep into his eyes. “Just remember this, hurt my little sister and I will end you!”

Gregory wrapped one hand around Shining’s fetlock and said hand began to glow icy white. “Don’t threaten me like that again, Mister Armor,” he said as Shining began to wince as ice formed around his hoof. “The overprotective brother shit is old and severely outdated. Your sister’s an adult and can make her own decisions.”

“Grr yeah, an adult who is still recovering from what Howard did to her,” Shining said, still wincing from the ice.

“You think I don’t know that?” Gregory asked, pushing Shining off gently but firmly, looking down at the burly unicorn stallion. “You think I haven’t had to hold her tightly several nights a week when she’s had horrible nightmares? You think I’d just ignore her like that and mistreat her? Maybe you’re more like your parents than you realize.”

“I’m just trying to make sure my sister doesn’t get hurt again like before.”

“By a filthy scary human?” Gregory asked with a frown.

“By a human with powers that could rival nature and dark magic.”

“Just like Jason, then,” Gregory scowled. “And here I thought you were different from other ponies.”

“I am, but I value the life of both my little sister and brother along with my wife and children.”

“And I value the lives of Ember, Twilight, and Cozy Glow!” Gregory shouted, the air around them dropping in temperature.

“What is going on here?” Cadance asked as she appeared at the other end and gasped at the sight of her husband's ice coated hoof. “What are you doing?!”

“I’m getting the fucking riot act from your xenophobic overprotective husband,” Gregory said, waving his hand and dismissing the ice, “and I was defending myself.”

Cadance narrowed her eyes. “If he was xenophobic why has he now started letting griffons join the crystal guard?”

“Xenophobia against humans,” he clarified.

“I can understand your concerns, Gregory, but if you don’t calm down now, I’ll make you hold Flurry while she sneezes magic in your face.”

“So now I’m being ganged up on by two ponies,” Gregory frowned angrily.

“Thank you dear,” Shining said gratefully.

“Shining, go back to the cafeteria, I’ll talk to you later,” she said sternly.

Shining recognized the look and immediately left. Gregory grit his teeth, turned, and began walking in the opposite direction before Cadance could say anything, at least at first. Cadance ran after him, falling into step with the human. “I know it may look like he’s xenophobic, but trust me he’s like that around every stallion Twilight tried getting close to. Why do you think Flash Sentry hasn’t bothered dating her?” she asked, letting out a chuckle.

Gregory didn’t return the sentiment. He stopped, knelt down, and got a bit close to her face. “Look,” he said with a trembling bottom lip, “I don’t have to deal with that stallion’s overprotective complex! If he can’t accept that his sister’s able to make her own decisions then that’s his hangup! I get he’s worried about her PTSD, but does he think he has a monopoly on that worry!?” He stood up, hyperventilating a little bit before turning and throwing a fist right at the wall. “YAAH!” He held his fist and slid down the wall, wincing. “Fucking hell…”

“Can you honestly blame him?” Cadance asked. “You know his follies in the show. If I’m honest, he hasn’t been the same since our wedding and the return of Sombra and Tirek may have made it worse,” she explained. “But he’s getting better even if you don’t see it. Just give him time, alright? Besides, if he wasn’t better he could’ve done something a lot worse.”

He stood up, a bit of blood dripping from his knuckles. He didn’t acknowledge it, however. “He hasn’t been there to hear Twilight’s night terrors. I HAVE! AND I CAN ONLY SIT AND HOLD HER!” Tears of fury and frustration fell from his cheeks as he turned and began walking away again, only after a few steps he stumbled and grabbed onto a nearby pillar.

The pink alicorn was immediately by his side and offered support. “He actually has in a way. Twilight sends us letters and all we can do is respond. I’m not saying it’s an excuse, but it’s only my way of saying we try what we can.”

“Just…keep him away from me,” he said. Cadance, now closer to him, could see the bags under his eyes and the despondent look on his face. “I don’t want to do something I’ll regret, and right now I’m not in the right mindset to be fucking calm…”


“I remember those times,” Cozy said. “Daddy wasn’t really too happy. Mommy Ember was gone and couldn’t help. Didn’t your brother apologize after Daddy collapsed from exhaustion twice?”

Spike was silent for a moment then smiled. “Kinda after that Cadance and Ember kinda forced them to work out their differences.”

“What happened?” Scootaloo asked.

“Cadance wanted them to talk in a room, but Ember shoved them both in a closet and locked the door. While they were in there many words were shared, many tears were shed, and eventually they both had an understanding. I even caught them hugging,” Spike said.

Cozy shivered. “Daddy didn’t sleep for weeks before that, and I could hear Twilight crying a lot. It was scary. At least now she’s looking better.” She relaxed. “Good to know they made up.”

“Still, maybe after the ceremonies things will be even better,” Spike said.

“Ceremonies? I thought there would be one,” Scootaloo said.

“Oh you didn’t hear? This is also a wedding trip as well,” Spike explained.

“Really?! You mean for Ember and Professor Graystone?” Applebloom exclaimed.

“About time!” Sweetie Belle exclaimed. “I was starting to think they would never do it.”

“I’m surprised they didn’t ask you three to be the flower fillies,” Cozy giggled.

“Maybe he wants to surprise us,” Scootaloo said.

“Maybe,” Spike said, “but he did ask me to be the ringbearer.”

“Of course he would,” Sweetie giggled. “So wait, if Twilight is gonna be a part of this, would it mean she too would be with Ember at the altar?”

“I don’t think Twilight is marrying Gregory today,” Spike said. “That may come later. They haven’t been together as long as Ember and Gregory have.”

Meanwhile in another car, Gregory and Jason walked through a door on their way to get a snack for their female mates when they noticed a small crowd forming at the end near one of the benches. They could hear giggling. “Bubba, make them do it again. It’s so cool and cute,” said a female human.

Curious, the two walked over and were able to cut through the crowd. Bubba who had two fluffies in his lap noticed the two. “Oh hey there guys.”

The Twilight and Pinkie fluffies ran over to Gregory, jumping into his waiting arms. He smiled as he pet the two. “Hey there, you two, and hey everyone. What’s happening here?”

“Oh, I just taught these cuties a cool meme trick, wanna watch?” Bubba asked.

Gregory, who was now seated while the Twilight and Pinkie fluffies snuggled in his lap, nodded. “Go ahead.”

“Pink Cake, Sparky time to do it again,” Bubba said, making the two get off Gregory and onto the floor with their sisters. Bubba then pulled out his phone and pressed play and just like that a short song played and the six fillies started doing a short but familiar dance on their hind legs. The crowd started laughing again as Gregory and Jason immediately recognized the moves.

“Is that the fortnite dance?” Jason asked.

“You should have taught them Carameldansen!” Gregory laughed.

“Tried that, they got exhausted real quick from that one,” Bubba explained.

“Chicken dance?”

Rainybow just crossed her front legs in annoyance. “Well I tried teaching them that, but I guess Rainybow has a bit of Scootaloo in her,” Bubba said.

“Gangnam style?”

“They had a bit of balance trouble with that one,” Bubba said, scratching his head. “That jumping is rigorous.”

“Hare Hare Yukai from Haruhi Suzumiya?”

That just earned Gregory a round of confused looks. “I don’t know that one.”

Gregory chuckled. “It’s from an old anime. I’ll show you later.” He sat down as the two fluffies from before came running back to snuggle with one of their favorite humans.

“You haven’t introduced the explicit kinda otaku culture right?” Jason asked sternly.

“No way,” Gregory said, “not even Celestia and Luna are ready for that.”

“Good, now let's get the snacks before I decide to make cotton candy out of them,” Jason grinned.

That made the fluffies jump and cling to Bubba in fright. “You know, it’s stuff like that which gets you in trouble,” Gregory said, petting the Twilight and Pinkie fluffies. Gregory tried to get up, but the two in his lap were still clinging to him. “These two really like me,” he said.

“Relax, I’m just kidding,” Jason said as he was now looking at the frightened crowd and the very intimidating Bubba.

“You really should know better, you moron,” Gregory said as he gently pried the two fluffies off of him before dragging Jason out of the room.

Meanwhile up in the engine. Andrew kept one eye on the tracks ahead and another eye on the gauges. “Hey Rainbow, how's the water tank looking?” he asked.

“Pretty good,” she replied, “and if this map is accurate we should have more than enough to get there.”

“Good, just keep Connie’s fire hot,” Andrew said before the sounds of the cab were soon filled with sounds of coal being shoveled and the frequent roaring of a fire.

Andrew looked over to Rainbow. “And how are you holding up? If this gets too hot you can take a break.”

Rainbow shook her head. “Nah, I’m fine.”

“Geez with the way you’re moving it’s almost like you don’t have any aches at all,” Andrew said astonished.

“Well duh, I’m awesome, even in this body!” She put her hands on her hips proudly.

“Yeah, hands are useful for shoveling,” Andrew smirked. “But you know you’re always awesome in regular pony form too you know.”

“Heh, but without hands, I couldn’t do…certain things,” she said in a now saucy tone, eyes narrowed as she licked her lips.

“You two better not be doing that in my cab. I can’t do all the work,” Connie said.

“Relax, we won’t do it when you’re working,” Rainbow said. “Only when you’re asleep.”

Andrew then felt a slight jerk. “She’s kidding, old girl. We didn’t do that in your cab when you slept, right Dashie?”

Rainbow snickered. “Yes yes, he’s right. We only do that elsewhere.”

Connie said nothing more continued on. Andrew just sighed as he reached into his pocket and took out a small box. After taking one quick look he shoved it back in his pocket before anyone could notice. He then noticed something up the tracks. “I can see the sea. We’re almost there.”

“Maritime Bay, huh? What’s there now?” Rainbow asked.

“Bigger train station, more shops, a nice resort catered to all species, and a special junction where the last spike will be driven into the track.”

“You had this all built in only a few months?”

“Well not just me,” Andrew said. “I had several walks of life contribute their own ideas. This coast was seen by many but the journey here was always hard but now with rail access it’s possible.”

“Why’d you decide on this place?” she asked

“Because this world needs more places like Haven City, and what could be better than a beautiful beach for many species to bond with?”

Rainbow raised an eyebrow. “You’re not exactly the best liar,” she said.

“What do you mean? All this was planned by many leaders.”

“Oh, I know you meant what you said,'' she said, “but Gregory told us more about the show. Specifically about a certain earth pony mare who lived in a lighthouse in a town called Maretime Bay.”

“Oh that.” Andrew looked a bit sheepish. “Well, G5 took place in the future and well we all thought, ‘Why wait for ponies to build when we can beat the future to the punch?’”

“Such a fancolt,” Rainbow teased.

“Hey, he may be a Brony, but he’s still a full time Railfan” Connie said.


“Speed demon.”

The two looked at each other before Rainbow pounced, wrapping her arms around him and kissing him with intense passion.

Connie groaned as she heard the sounds of kissing. “This ain't the love train, kids,” she groaned but after a bit she sighed. “Fine, we’re close to the station anyway.”

Rainbow broke the kiss, panting as her cheeks were a bit red. “There’s better be some private place for us.”

“Oh don’t worry, Gregory and I reserved a lot of rooms for us at the new resort,” Andrew said as Connie started slowing down into the Station.

“Good, because you’re not sleeping tonight,” she cooed.

Connie groaned at this. “Oh, for crying out loud!”

[Maritime Bay Junction Ceremony - A few Minutes Later]

After Connie unloaded her passengers, she went further up the line only to stop at what looked like a makeshift platform with a podium. Many creatures were gathering around a barricade that kept them a small distance away from a section of train track. Within the closed off section was a small wooden box and a steel hammer. Above it all was a huge banner hanging between two buildings that said ‘United by friendship, hope for peace, and rails.’

Gregory, Jason and their loved ones and friends had front row seats in the crowd. Jason then noticed someone was missing. “Hey Rainbow, where's Andrew?”

“He’s with Golden Spike,” Rainbow replied. “Apparently, since he’s part of the board he has to stand with him and other ponies at the podium.”

Jason then turned to Gregory. “Remind me again is the wedding tonight or is it gonna be tomorrow at noon?”

“Tomorrow,” Gregory said, placing his hand on Ember’s claw.

The crowd then got silent as Golden Spike walked up to the podium. After tapping the microphone he began. “Greetings everyone,” the stallion began. “We are blessed to be here on this beautiful albeit snowy day to celebrate an important milestone, not just to a simple company but to the world as a whole. Why it seemed like only yesterday, this world was on the brink of collapse, but today we can take joy in what we have built and for that I want to give the attention to a friend who made most of this possible, Mister Andrew Wilberts.”

The crowd applauded as Andrew walked up and took the mic. “Thank you Golden,” he said as he then turned to look at the audience. “You know, life is like a big journey. Sometimes we have a map that can help us through and sometimes we end up lost but eventually found. And I believe we have found our way to this. This was all possible with us coming together. In fact, an old man in my old world once said without unity there is no peace, only bitterness and fury.”

There was a brief silence before Andrew continued. “With unity we all became better than what history used to describe us as, and we managed to build something big and special to us. We did it.”

And just like that there was a huge cheer from the crowd. Golden Spike walked up to the wooden box and opened it and pulled out a literal golden spike. “Does this kinda thing look familiar to you?” Jason whispered to Gregory.

“He probably lifted it from something from Earth,” Gregory replied. “I’ll ask and then look it up on my archived Wikipedia file.”

Golden Spike carefully placed the spike on the wooden tie. He picked up the hammer and walked up to Andrew. “The honor should be yours.”

Andrew nervously took the heavy hammer. He took a moment to feel the weight of it. He then walked over to the spike sticking out. He took a moment to look at his friends out in the crowd. Gregory smiled and waved at him while Jason gave a small smile and a nod. He looked over at everyone else. Connie may not have had a face but he could tell she was smiling as were Rainbow and the other ponies. Stacy and some of her tanks watched with bated breath. He then saw a strange figure up on a rooftop. It looked like a centaur but he could tell it wasn’t Tirek, but rather a friend.

Finally, Andrew took a deep breath, lifted the hammer and slammed it down on the spike driving it into the wood. Moments before he did so, he could feel a slight cold breeze pushing the hammer up and over his shoulders, increasing its speed and helping to drive it down into the rails.

The ringing of the hammer on the spike rang out and echoed all over the bay. And just like that the crowd erupted into an even louder cheer along with Connie’s whistle. A second later, he felt the impact of an anthropomorphic prismatic pegasus crashing into him.

[Maritime Bay Resort Ballroom - A Half Hour Later]

The ballroom in the resort was large enough to house a crowd of many as VIPs with guests mingled in the party. Andrew walked through with a now normal Rainbow Dash by his side. “Why change now? I thought you liked that form?”

“Yeah, but Rarity insisted I wear my normal party clothes because she can’t tailor my new anthro clothes fast enough.”

Andrew just patted her head. “You know I like you either way. Besides, your normal self makes cuddling more fun.”

“Flatterer,” she giggled.

He then walked over to Gregory and Jason were helping themselves to punch. “So what did you guys think of my new Speech?”

“It was good, but it sounded like you were quoting something,” Gregory said.

“I did say what an old man in Washington once said,” Andrew explained. “Have you seen Biden’s inauguration?”

“I didn’t,” Gregory said.

“Well I wanted to ask you two an important question, how did you two propose to your mates?” Andrew asked.

“I did it the traditional way,” Jason said. “Got on one knee and pulled out a ring.”

“What about you, Jack Frost?” Andrew asked Gregory.

“Eh, I was a bit more casual about it,” he said.

“Meaning I asked him,” Ember chuckled.

Gregory nodded. “She gave me her heart ruby, and I accepted it. I still have it placed near my heart.” He pulled out a necklace with a heart shaped sapphire gem hanging from it.

Andrew pulled out the small box in his pocket. He looked down at it, his feelings were described as nervous. “I’m gonna ask her tonight,” he simply said. “I don’t want to screw this up. Is it possible to screw up?”

“Rainbow’s not really a traditional pony,” Gregory said, “so I doubt you’ll have any troubles.”

“Have troubles with what?” Rainbow asked as she trotted up. Andrew jumped and immediately shoved the box back in his pocket.

“With any of the railway expansions planned,” Gregory replied instantly, “I mean, after today’s little speech I’m sure things will be easier.”

“Okay?” Rainbow said as she trotted away.

“Thanks for that,” Andrew said.

“Hey, you’re not a good liar,” Gregory chuckled, raising a glass of wine in his hand.

“Easy for you to say. Not many people have built in lie detectors.”

“I don’t need it to tell when you’re lying,” Gregory smirked.

Later that night many creatures were out and about as the bay was filled with lights. Some of the male creatures were having a bachelor party for Gregory, but Andrew just went outside. From where he was in the resort, he had a good view of the ocean. The moon and the stars made the water glisten and reflected off of the snow that had fallen the night before. He sighed and looked down at the small box in his hand. “Lord above may this night end in hope.”

“May what end in hope?” A female voice asked. From nearby, Rainbow came walking up, now back in her anthro form. She was wearing a hoodie and sweatpants.

Andrew took a deep breath. It was now or never. “Rainbow, can you stand next to me? There’s something I want to ask you.”

Rainbow did so, shivering a bit in the cold as she tried to warm her arms. “The one downside about this form is that my fur is…thinner.”

“Then maybe this talk could warm you up,” Andrew began. “I want you to know you’re an important element in my life. When I first saw you on the screen years ago, I thought you were one of the most magnificent beings I ever saw. Seeing you in that show gave me color in a world that felt…gray.” Rainbow listened, taking in this information as she slid a wing around his back gently. “And even after I saw The Trial, I still liked you because I knew you were more than a flier that can fight. I came here because I thought your sins could’ve been dealt with in a way that wasn’t suffering. The railroad plans were just another plan. Yet during my time here you were still my symbol of color in a gray world.”

Rainbow took in more of this, she didn’t know what to think or how to react. But eventually she found her voice. “Well, does it really bother you that I’m not the same perfect pony you saw performing that rainboom? Sure, my suffering wasn’t easy but I was lucky and grateful to have friends. And now I’m grateful for the punishment. It’s something I know I deserved and something that really helped teach me a valuable, well, friendship lesson.”

“I still think constant pain is never the right punishment but that’s something Jason and I will always agree to disagree with,” Andrew said.

“Andrew, I’ve forgotten friendship lessons in the past before,” Rainbow said, “so this is a very good reminder to me.”

“If it was a physical scar maybe, but I won’t argue with the end result.”

“The scar and my eyesight being gone was my doing,” she said, “but it sounds like we’re getting off topic.”

“You’re right but to answer your question a few seconds ago. You were never truly perfect. You were just there when I needed you, even after the Howard incident. And now I want to return the favor with a very simple question.”

Rainbow’s eyebrow shot up in confusion. “What’s that?”

Andrew took out the box and got on one knee. He opened it to reveal a shiny diamond. “Will you marry me?”

Rainbow’s eyes shot open, and she went silent for a bit. Finally, she sniffed and nodded. “You big egghead, of course!”

Immediately they shared a big embrace so warm they didn’t feel the cold at all.

Meanwhile in a room above them. Little Susie’s eyes popped open. Chrysalis looked down at her as she held her. “What’s wrong little one?” Little Susie said nothing as she sniffed the air and immediately started licking her lips, babbling cutely. The queen then smiled in realization. “Aww, you had your first fresh love taste.”

[Maritime Bay Town Hall - The Next Day]

Bells were ringing as an organ started playing. The entire hall was filled to the brim with friends and family. Gregory stood at the front by a dragon who had some ceremonial jewelry on his person. Andrew was sitting at the front. “Nervous, Gregory?” he asked.

Gregory shot him a glare, adjusted his tie, then turned towards the door as music began to play, the familiar wedding march.

The doors then opened to reveal the Cutie Mark Crusaders dressed as flower girls as they went down the aisle spreading flower pedals as they went. Behind them was Ember, wearing a white dress and jewelry. He was caught a bit off guard by how beautiful she looked in this dress. Her bridal procession, which consisted only of Smolder and Twilight Sparkle, the latter in her anthropomorphic form, followed behind the bride, taking their places as dual maids of honor for the dragon lord. Behind Gregory stood Jason, who he’d asked to be his best man.

As the bridal procession reached the front, the music stopped. The dragon between Ember and Gregory stepped forward, bringing out a long fiery red vine and held it up. It had the most beautiful flowers growing from it along with black thorns. Without saying a word, both bride and groom brought their right arms out towards each other, clasping hand and claw tightly. The dragon officiator tied both of their wrists together with the vine. Gregory winced a bit as he felt thorns entering his skin, and he saw Ember holding back her own pain as the thorns found their way through her armor. He’d been initially worried about this, but he was assured that they were not poisonous, simply a defense mechanism.

As another dragon nearby began to beat on a drum with a rhythmic beat, the officiator spoke. “Today, we are gathered here to witness the union of these two into True Mates, bonded together for life. As this is the union of two beings of different species, they have both decided to honor the traditions of a human marriage and a dragon union ceremony. I have bound their wrists in the heartvine, a symbol of their eternal union both in this realm and the next. The flowers serve as a reminder that the union of True Mates can be a blissful experience, but the scars they will bear from the encounter serve as a reminder that there will be times in the future where they may harm one another. These will remind them to remember the beauty of their bond, for there can be no beauty without the knowledge of pain.”

The crowd was enraptured by this, especially Twilight. She had no idea that a dragon wedding was so ritualistic and profound. She hated seeing Gregory bleeding a bit, but he was taking it well and had agreed to it because it meant so much to Ember. That only made the alicorn librarian love him even more.

The dragon officiator continued. “Throughout all of Gaia, Faust has given us the gift of love for our fellow creatures, and even if in recent times that love has been nearly forgotten, let this union be one shining example of our unity, because while one is from our world, she found love in a being from a completely different world.” He brought out a pair of what looked like golden ceremonial knives, handing one to each of them. Both reached out their free hand or claw and took them, holding them before their faces. “Let these daggers be a reminder that you will fight for and protect one another in their darkest hours.”

Both bride and groom slowly placed their new daggers in the metallic sheaths at their sides as the officiator said, “Now, we deviate from our dragon customs while I will ask the two here several questions. Normally, True Mates do not speak, but this was agreed upon by both parties.” He pulled out a piece of paper, then faced Gregory. “Do you, Gregory Eugene Graystone, take this dragoness, Dragon Lord Ember Flare, to be your lawfully wedded wife and True Mate? Do you promise to love her, honor her, and cherish her in sickness and in health, for as long as you both shall live?”

“I do,” Gregory replied without hesitation.

The officiator then turned to Ember. “And do you, Dragon Lord Ember Flare, take this human, Gregory Eugene Graystone, to be your lawfully wedded husband and True Mate? Do you promise to love him, honor him, and cherish him in sickness and in health, for as long as you both shall live?”

Ember, looking a bit embarrassed by having to speak, simply nodded and said, “I do.”

The officiator looked at the crowd. “There was going to be a reading of some personal vows, but our Dragon Lord vetoed that.” This got a laugh out of nearly everyone in the room. “And now, the rings.”

From nearby, Spike walked up. He was wearing a very well sewn suit and tie and held a dark purple felt pillow with two rings on them. The bride and groom picked up the rings and the officiator said, “This human tradition symbolizes their unity in much the same way our fire ruby represents us dragons giving our heart to someone. Let the two place the rings of their True Mate on the other.”

With their left hand/claw, Ember and Gregory placed the simple gold bands on the appropriate appendage of the other. They then clasped their hand/claw against each other once more. Leaning in, Gregory lifted the veil separating him from her, and the two kissed. Then, in one swift move, both began to unravel the vine from their wrists, revealing the small cuts on each of them. When the vine was unraveled, they both held the vine up, then Ember inhaled, breathing fire onto it while Gregory froze the ashes with his magic, creating a small sphere of glowing blue ice. He caught it, and both he and Ember held out the sphere to the crowd.

They erupted into applause as the two began walking down the aisle, receiving congratulations from everyone they passed.

“I love happy endings,” Andrew said.

“And I love happy beginnings,” Rainbow said as she leaned in to nuzzle him, once again in her anthro form and now wearing a dress. “And I love the fact that Rarity got all of these dresses done at the last minute.”

The reception was soon in full swing. Many friends and family were able to fit inside the largest building in the town that was now being used as a ballroom. There was of course food, two DJs working together and of course the wedding cake. “Looks like Vinyl Scratch has a new music partner,” Andrew said looking at the human working the music system.

“Which one is that?” Rainbow asked.

“Derek Winslow, huge fan of Vinyl and Octavia, and a part time DJ,” explained Andrew. “Oh and he’s one of the few who has a human girlfriend with us as well.”

“Oh yeah? Nice,” Rainbow said.

The two were soon dancing on the dancefloor. Along with many couples, such as the newlyweds and Jason and Chrysalis. At one point Andrew accidentally bumped into Gregory while trying to teach Rainbow to tango. “Oof sorry about that.”

“Trying to teach the prismatic menace to dance?” Gregory said with a smirk. “Now this I gotta watch. Rainbow and dancing go together like Rainbow and pie.”

“Oh? Have you forgotten that one scene where Rainbow did a-”

Andrew’s mouth was suddenly shut by Rainbow’s hand. “No one needs a reminder of that scene.”

“At least it was better than Twilight’s dancing,” Gregory chuckled. “Little Miss Ballerina Dash.” He grinned at her.

“I heard that!” Twilight said.

Gregory turned to her and chuckled. “Hey, come on, this isn’t a dance.” He then did a pretty good imitation of the dance from her birthday party.

“Well aside from that. I have a feeling things could only go up from here,” Andrew said.

“You can say that again,” a new voice said. The three males and two mares turned to see Stacy and Flash walking side by side up to them. Andrew noticed something on one of Stacy’s fingers.

Rainbow’s eyes went wide. “No way…did he-?”

“That’s right! You and Gregory aren’t the only love trains pulling into the bay,” Stacy said.

“Okay, you four are having a double wedding,” Gregory smirked.

“No, I didn't know Flash was going to propose. Is there any other relationship news we should know about?” Andrew asked.

“I have noticed Sandbar and Yona hanging out a lot,” Gregory said.

“I was being rhetorical,” Andrew deadpanned.

“Actually you guys aren’t the only ones,” said another voice.

Everyone turned to see Bubba holding Applejack in his big arms. “We’ve actually just started datin’,” Applejack said.

“We’ll raise fruit and cute fluffies together,” Bubba announced.

“Jesus Christ, if this keeps up and if there’s even some sort of magical way we can all have children with each other, we may have to expand Haven City,” Gregory said.

“There’s always the orphanage,” Andrew suggested.

“How true,” Gregory said, “and last I heard, I thought I saw a young colt and filly set of twins with apple related cutie marks who’d just arrived there.” He gave Applejack a raised eyebrow. “Anyone you might know?”

“Fuji and Cripps Pink of Las Pegasus,” Applejack said. “Ah did just recently hear their parents were involved in an accident with an airship. Ah also thought they were goin’ tah live with Braeburn and Little Strongheart.”

“Well, they showed up in Fluttershy’s orphanage before we left for here,” Gregory said.

“Well ah’ll be…”

Fluttershy walked up and placed a hoof on Applejack’s shoulder. “I’ll arrange for you to meet them when we get back.”

“Well enough about that,” Gregory said “Time to get back to dancing.”

“Alright, you love birds. Get your partners and join the newlyweds, we’re gonna play a slow love song next,” Derek announced over the mic.

Before the dance floor got crowded Andrew quickly whispered to Gregory. “You have Grogar’s Bell with you by any chance?”

“Yeah, why?” he asked.

“I think I know a guy we can trust to keep it safe,” Andrew said. “We’ll talk after the dance.”

“Hmm, we’ll see.” And with that the dance resumed.

Later that night, Andrew and Gregory walked to the edge of town with a lantern. “He should be somewhere here. Can you sense any emotion?”

“I know who you’re talking about,” Gregory said, “but I’d still feel better keeping it on my own. And yes, I can sense the emotions from nearby.”

They soon stopped only to hear hoofsteps coming from a nearby alleyway. There, emerging from the darkness was Robbie, still in his chaotic hybrid form. “I’m assuming today went just as well for you two like it did yesterday,” he said.

“Yes, and I’m glad you got my message,” Andrew began. “Is it true that you found a new place to lay low?”

“Yes, and it’s actually a little similar to Discord’s home in a way. Could use a bit of sprucing up though,” Robbie said as he now noticed the bell around Gregory’s neck. “Is that it? It looks overloaded.”

“And I still think I should hold onto it,” Gregory said, “but Andrew insisted I come out here to at least talk to you.”

“I can see why Andrew would think I would be a good fit for this. After all, I'm now the last draconequus with any power at all. Yet I can sense your lack of trust with me and that's understandable.”

“It’s not a lack of trust with you specifically,” Gregory said, “although that’s definitely true. It’s a lack of trust of anyone. Jason and I have held magic within us the longest among the human population of Gaia. I don’t like just giving this up to someone inexperienced.”

“And what do you think I’ve been doing these past few months?” Robbie asked. “Did you not hear any strange reports about a creature sneaking into library’s only to leave?”

“I did, and we figured it was you,” Gregory said, “but I don’t like the idea of letting this be placed into the hands of someone I barely know. I’d sooner just release the chaos back into the air and destroy the bell, but since that’s not an option I’d prefer to keep it hidden where only I know about it.”

“Look at that bell,” Robbie said, pointing at it, “it’s shaking like an overpressured can. I may not be Discord but I have read everything and I went as far as to place safeguards on my plans. If you keep it contained forever, do you have any idea what would happen if you allow the bell to shake apart?”

Gregory looked at it, the glow of the dark green bell reflected in his eyes. He gave Robbie a very stern look. “If I give this to you, it is not yours. I will be loaning it to you for safekeeping. I will be making sure I have access to it if need be. I will be making sure I can teleport it to my side whenever I see fit. You will be required to keep it very well hidden, its location known only to me and you.”

“Keeping it hidden is my true intention. But if it’s okay with you, I would like to relieve some of the pressure inside.”

Gregory looked at it, then back at Robbie. He took the bell in his hand, aimed it at Robbie, and concentrated. He began letting a slow amount of chaos magic leave the bell, entering the human/draconequus hybrid. He continued letting out a slow portion of magic until he could sense that the bell was stable. He then let it hang around his neck again. “I will have to think about it,” he said. “Drop by my place in a week, and you’ll have your answer.”

Robbie, who now had giant batlike wings instead of dragonfly wings, nodded. He then gave Andrew a wink and turned to leave. “Maybe if I become the next chaos lord, I can succeed where Discord has failed,” Robbie said before taking off.

“No, he shouldn’t do that,” Gregory said as the two turned to head back to their temporary residences. “Chaos should not belong to only one person. It’s a force of nature, nothing more.”

“Then maybe he should just be the chaos guardian, like Knuckles and the master emerald,” Andrew said.

“Never got into that fandom, but maybe,” he shrugged. “I still don’t like the idea of even loaning this to your friend.”

“I knew him for a long time, almost as long as Markus, he’s a good guy and he always follows his heart and not his gut. I’m sure he can keep it safe.”

“You’re forgetting the old adage: absolute power corrupts absolutely,” Gregory said.

“I’m not saying he should have all that bell has inside, at least as the saying goes, keep the key bell and hold the chaos door closed.”

He looked at the bell, then raised an eyebrow. “Hmm…my magic and chaos magic are like matter and antimatter,” he said, “but perhaps…there’s a way…” and with that, he went silent.

[Seeds Of Yggdrasil- One Week Later]

Robbie walked outside the entrance of Gregory’s apartment and stretched his limbs. It was a long meeting with Gregory but they both reached an agreement. In his hand he held a bright blue globe of ice which encased the bell. It was an enchanted ice spell, unable to be touched by chaos magic or any other magic aside from Gregory’s own. Gregory had also been stubborn on only loaning it to Robbie, keeping it within teleportation range of the ice mage.

Just as he finished stretching he heard a pony approach and saw Celestia. “Celestia, it’s an honor to meet you,” he said. “I wish we would’ve met in better circumstances.”

Celestia looked at him with a bit of a worried look, but then relaxed a bit. “I take it you are this Robbie that Andrew and Professor Gregory have talked about. And what is that object you have encased in enchanted ice?”

“Grogar’s Bell, filled with the last of Discord’s power,” Robbie explained. “My good friend Andrew thinks I have the capability of keeping it in a safe place away from those that might steal and abuse it.”

“Gregory was wise to encase it in ice that no magic can break or melt,” Celestia said. “And to keep it hidden away is also wise as well. I wish there was a more permanent solution but until we can find one, this is the best option.”

“Nothing can last forever but I can agree a better solution can and it will be found,” Robbie said.

Celestia said nothing for a bit but then smiled. “In that case I have something very important to ask of you.”


“Do you swear to never again jeopardize the safety of this world?” Celestia asked.

“I do,” he responded.

“Do you swear to protect that bell with your life?”

“I do.”

“And do you swear from this point forth you will help build a better future built on hope?”

“I do,” Robbie said beaming.

“Then I hope you can live up to that promise,” Celestia said, smiling warmly.

“I will,” he said before leaving. “For Derpy.”

Celestia heard this and gave him a small empathetic smile. “Good. See you later, then.”

Andrew and Rainbow were giving Connie a wash at the train yard when they saw Robbie flying away. “Looks like that talk went well.”

“I wonder what the terms were,” Rainbow said.

“Either way, he looks happy, it was nice of you to do this for him,” Connie said.

“Well you know what they say, everyone has to do their part. I figured he needed an important one. Just like how you have.”

“Yes, just like I have. Where would you be without me?” Connie asked.

“I don’t know, but I’m glad you were there,” Andrew said as he patted her boiler.

“Don’t worry, I’ll be there even when there are no tracks,” Connie said softly.

“Do I have to keep an eye on you two?” Rainbow teased.

“Oh Rainbow, you know I love you, Connie is just like a sister and I know you like her too,” Andrew said.

“Even if your sense of humor is as dirty as my coal dust,” Connie teased.

“You think mine’s dirty?” Rainbow chuckled, “you haven’t heard much of Gregory’s, have you?”

That got them all laughing. Andrew just looked down the tracks leading to the mainline. He smiled and wondered what the future held for him. He knew changes would come and, to quote his new friend Jason, “Some things never end.”

Comments ( 1 )

And so another chapter in the Ending verse ends i am glad with this outcome

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