• Published 14th Jan 2024
  • 717 Views, 34 Comments

The End Of The Line - autobotfan15

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Chapter 6: Sidings

[Canterlot Castle - Midnight]

It was quite a scene at Canterlot Castle as many armies filed in. Some of the soldiers were taken to medical tents to be treated while others were trying to recover in their own way. In the crowd however, four humans, a queen and a dragon made their way through the crowd and soon entered the throne room where much to their surprise were the main six minus Twilight along with Cozy Glow and Spike talking to Luna and Blueblood. “Are you absolutely sure about this?” Luna asked.

“There’s no question about it,” Spike replied.

“We both saw Twilight being foalnapped by some nasty looking creature,” Cozy said.

“Oh no…” Blueblood said with dread.

Soon they all noticed the newcomers. “What’s going on?” Gregory asked.

“Apparently, some creature of unknown origin came to Haven City, Kidnapped Twilight Sparkle and vanished. Cozy Glow and Spike managed to hide in the basement but saw it through the door,” Luna replied.

“What was that abomination?” Spike asked.

Gregory sighed. “Probably one of the humans who came to this world to try and punish Jason for what he did.”

The room went silent for a bit as everyone processed this. Cozy flew up to Gregory and hugged him tightly, trembling in fear as the human did his best to reassure her that everything would be okay. She was quietly crying into his shoulder. After a few seconds, Luna looked at Jason. “Jason, we’re pleased to see you back.”

Jason grunted and shrugged. “Yeah, I’m alright more or less,” he began, “but I’ve got something to tell you.”

“What is it?” Applejack before remembering something. “Hey wait a minute, what do you mean human? Ain’t you humans related to primates and not felines?”

“Not unless you combine chaos magic with human DNA,” Andrew said, earning a look of horror from the two Canterlot royals, five former bearers, and two children.

“I’m afraid it’s the truth. It would seem a part of my punishment for Discord somehow found its way into the hands of a Twilight Sparkle stalking nutjob named Howard,” Jason stated.

“My goodness, how could I have been so daft? I practically shook hands with a human who became a draconequus,” Blueblood said as he rubbed his face with his hoof.

Princess Luna groaned. “This is just perfect. We’ve gone from one small problem to a very huge one!”

“Now what do we do? Surely We’re not gonna let these ruffians take Twilight are we?” Rarity asked.

“We gotta rescue her!” Rainbow Dash exclaimed.

“Don't even think about it, Dashie,” Gregory said. “We barely got out of there in one piece.”

Jason scoffed before turning to Andrew and Stacy. “Yeah, speaking of which, who the hell are you guys?! Were you working with that fan!? Were you also here to hunt me down because I ruined your precious cartoon?!” he snarled as his hands glowed.

Stacy hid behind Andrew in fear. Gregory got between them. “Jason calm down. While they were here to confront you, they had more humane reasons to come here. I told them our story.”

“Yeah, Blueblood here did the same with Howard but it seems he didn’t want to tell everyone,” Jason said, calming down a little.

“Actually while we were fleeing I thought I heard one of those abominations say ‘get the Windigo bringer’ while pointing at you,” Ember said.

Jason stared at Ember before letting out a snarl. “Great, just great! Now Howard is twisting the facts to make me look like the villain!”

“They want the Windigo bringer?” Gregory said darkly, an ice cold mist swirling around his boots, “then they’ve got it in me.”

“Steady yourselves everyone,” Luna said placatingly. “We understand tensions are high but now we need to keep ourselves calm and think clearly.”

Gregory’s magic subsided and he nodded. Turning to Andrew and Stacey, he said, “You two, front and center. Tell us about all of your companions.”

Andrew sighed. “I only knew Stacy and Robbie before the group formed. I don’t know the others well.”

“And I knew Howard for quite a while. He always seemed like a nice guy to all of us,” Stacy explained.

“Yeah, well now he’s a yandere fuckwad who’s probably gonna use his new chaos powers to infect Twilight to become his personal sex slave,” Gregory growled. When he noticed the reactions of everyone in the room, he frowned deeper. “Don’t give me those looks. It’s very likely!”

“Or maybe Howard might do something more,” Stacy muttered shakily.

“What do you mean?” Luna asked.

“Well, long before we came Howard had so many plans for this world,” Stacy explained. “They seemed like nice ideas but now I think considering what happened to Ponyville he might change them.”

“What kind of plans for this world?” Luna asked.

“Well, for one thing he wanted to keep Mr. Justice over there from melting more of the town’s economy,” Stacy said, gesturing to Jason.

“If you’d known the real truth, you knew that a lot of that money I actually teleported back to my hive,” Chrysalis snapped, “and don’t speak about my mate like that ever again!”

“Look, he had a lot more plans but amongst the ultimate goal was to undo everything Jason did to Ponyville.” Stacy deflated a bit. “Of course, that was before Howard learned everything.”

“That won’t happen,” Gregory said. “New Haven is where the Mane Six live now. Not only are they happier there, but the town is a melting pot of other races as well. It’s an experiment that’s actually been successful. I even heard that interspecies couples are forming.”

Luna’s eyebrow shot up at this, and she smiled. “Good to know that things are going well back there.”

Stacy sighed before turning to the two original humans. “Look, we’re sorry things are going so far south but I promise we’ll do everything in our power to help. Right Andrew?.....Andrew?”

They all noticed he was gone. It was then they heard the sound of feet going down a hall.

“Oh, for fuck’s sake, I’ll go after him!” Gregory walked out of the throne room, spotting Andrew walking away slowly. He sped up and when he reached the other human he put a hand on his shoulder. “Where the hell do you think you’re going?”

Andrew quickly swiped his hand off him. “Anywhere that's not here. I want to be alone,” Andrew said as he quickly ran leaving Gregory in the dust.

Gregory sighed, created ice wings with his magic, and flew after him, flying above him in the high sloping hallways of Canterlot Castle. “Don’t go running away,” he chided.

Suddenly Andrew faced Gregory with a look of pure frustration as tears poured down his face. “You don't understand!” he snapped as he quickly took a left, heading towards a hallway with several balconies.

It wasn’t long before Jason caught up to Gregory. “I think maybe you should let me help you with this one.”

“Yeah, good idea,” Gregory said as he landed and dissolved his ice wings. The two humans continued walking down the hall.

“Let me help too,” a voice said. It was Rainbow Dash as she galloped up to them.

“Sure, let’s go,” Gregory said.

They quickly found him sitting on a bench on a balcony overlooking the beautiful city of Canterlot. The stars glistened brightly in the spring night and the moon was just beginning to set. Gregory held up his hands to Jason and Rainbow. “I’ll go first,” he whispered. “I’ll signal you when you can join.”

Andrew could only look down at the city below, seeing the few changelings, ponies, and dragons traversing the streets to either heal or grab a bite. Most of the city was asleep, of course. He then heard footsteps behind him. “If that's you Stacy, I’m not in the mood.” He said sadly.

“Wrong human,” the voice of Gregory said as he took a seat next to him. Jason and Rainbow were waiting inside for his signal.

“What do you want? Here to call me out for being naïve? I don’t want to hear it anymore.”

“You think you’re the only naïve person who came to this world?” Gregory asked. “Jason was naïve . I was naïve. We both paid dearly for it. Jason spent years being tormented by ponies simply for being different. I was attacked and nearly killed because I’m a human. And you really think I can’t understand what you’re going through?”

“I don’t know how you never saw that incident broadcast, but you have no idea what me and so many others went through when we saw it,” Andrew argued.

“Bullshit,” Gregory replied. “You and I may likely come from different versions of Earth, but I know what it feels like to have your whole worldview about this place shattered.” He turned to face Andrew. “Remember Jason’s last punishment? The one directed at Ponyville? The one specifically about everyone who enters the town seeing each and every crime Ponyville committed against another sapient creature?” Raising a finger, he pointed at his temple. “Every single incident from the past hundred or so years of Ponyville’s existence is here. From the very first instances of zebra slavery to Spike’s abuse to Matilda’s neglect and Jason’s torment. I can absolutely never forget the gritty details. So don’t fucking tell me I don’t understand. I was a firsthand witness to everything that Ponyville ever did in their xenophobia.”

Andrew stayed silent for a moment. “Maybe so, but we all came here because of the fallout from the broadcast. We just wanted to help set things right. Now all I see in myself is a pawn.”

“That’s maybe what you wanted to tell yourself, and maybe some of you believe you were helping,” Gregory said, “but you were just acting on your knee-jerk reactions. Sound familiar? Your precious television show was being tarnished, and you wanted to make things go back to normal. It was a more selfish reason than you care to admit. If you had really been paying attention, then at least some of you would have sympathized with what Jason went through. Seems like none of you cared. At least, not until you learned the truth. And even so, some of you are choosing to ignore it to satisfy your own selfish desires. If you really want to be truly helpful and not be a pawn, you’ll help us stop your fucktard of a boss and rescue Twilight. Put him in his rightful place as king of the douchebags.”

“He wasn’t always like this,” Andrew said, “especially on the day I first met him…”

[Chicago Museum Of Science And Industry - Winter 2023]

Andrew wandered through the big museum as he took in the sights. He let the warmth of the museum’s heater system wash over him as he stopped in front of one of the museum’s well known exhibits: a black 4-4–0 steam locomotive numbered 999. He read the small plaque. “The Empire State Express also known as the Queen of Speed. Bet Rainbow Dash would win a race against her.”

“Oh she certainly would,” a voice from nearby said.

Andrew turned to see a bald man approaching him. He was wearing a t-shirt that said Twenty Percent Cooler under his jacket. “Whoa, you came out of nowhere. Who are you?” Andrew asked

“Oh I'm sorry, how rude of me,” The man said. “My name is Howard, and judging from what you said about old Dashie, you seem to have good taste.”

“Well, you can say that,” Andrew said.

“Hmmm… Judging from your shirt, I’m guessing you're not from Illinois,” Howard chuckled as he gestured towards the shirt Andrew was wearing, which had the Pennsylvania flag on it.

Andrew smiled back. “Yeah, you guessed right. I came up here for a bit of a getaway from the stresses of life.”

“You mean the broadcast incident from October?” Howard asked.

Andrew frowned. “Yeah, it was quite a shock.”

“You’re not the only one. I hear rumors that so many famous pony content creators have dropped out of the fandom entirely.” Howard said, sounding a little frustrated.

“Well not many. I mean, we still have Bliss, Dr. Wolf, and even Silver-”

“Well as reassuring as that sounds, we still lost so many but…” Howard leaned in and whispered into his ear, “what if I told you there was a way to bring back the magic?”

“What? You mean like a revival or maybe a generation six?” Andrew asked with curiosity.

“Oh no my new friend. Something bigger.”

“What do you mean?” Andrew asked.

Howard gave him a slip of paper. “Find this username on Discord, use this password when asked and it’ll take you to a server where we can discuss more. Tata for now.” He said as he turned and left, disappearing into the crowd.

Andrew watched him leave and looked at the paper. “What a strange guy.” He slipped the paper into his pocket and went back to exploring the museum.


“Okay, judging from that story, I’m pretty sure he was always like this deep down,” Gregory said. “Stalker types like him keep things on the down-low so as not to arouse suspicion. He’s just a good actor. He also sounds very controlling. He wants things his own way. If things aren’t perfect he forces them to conform. How noble.”

“True, but still he helped us find a way here,” Andrew said meekly. “Some would say he was eccentric.”

“Some would say he used you all,” Gregory added. “Why are you defending his past self?”

“I don’t know anymore…right now I feel betrayed and lost.”

“And that’s understandable,” Gregory said in a softer tone. “You were betrayed. You were used for the selfish and wicked ambitions of one man who wanted only one thing: power. Now, are you gonna sit here and just mope?”

“Wouldn’t recommend it,” a raspy feminine voice said from beside Andrew as a prismatic pegasus joined him on the bench, looking at him with her magenta eyes. “I did that after Jason punished me. I became an alcohol addict. You thought I was addicted to cider before? That was nothing!”

“Oh yeah, she was wasted when I first had any interactions with her,” Gregory chuckled, grinning at Rainbow who stuck her tongue out at him.

“I spent so long hating the ponies myself, and I still don’t particularly care for some of them,” Jason said from behind them, “but only those who really deserve it. I’m on decent terms with everyone in that Haven City town now.”

“Even Discord?” Andrew asked.

Jason raised his hand and shook it, indicating a ‘Meh’ attitude. “We’re on speaking terms. I would say we’re friends, but we can hold a civil conversation without me wanting to leave the room.”

“Then I have a question to ask all three of you. Do you all still want to trust me after everything that just happened?”

The three looked at each other, or more specifically Rainbow and Jason looked at Gregory. He nodded and turned to Andrew. “Trust is earned, not given,” he said, “but I can sense your sorrow and remorse. If you really want to earn the trust of everyone here, then you and Stacy need to help us as best you can.”

“Not the answer I was expecting. Didn't you trust me to get you to Ponyville by train despite you having wings?” he asked with a somewhat smug look.

Gregory smirked. “Train tracks can’t move, dumbass,” he chuckled. “Besides, I was armed to the teeth. If it was a trap, I’d have unleashed my full arsenal and my full mage power.”

“Don’t go full nerd,” Jason groaned as he facepalmed.

Rainbow walked over and stood closer to him. “And hey, if you're still feeling down, I got something for a good fan,” she said as she nuzzled him. Andrew blushed somewhat.

“You just got Dashed,” Gregory snickered.

“Congratulations Rainbow, you're no longer tied with AJ as my number one favorite.” Andrew laughed.

Rainbow smiled proudly and pumped her hoof. “To quote Gregory, awwww fuck yeah!”

Jason sighed. “Stop corrupting ponies, Gregory!”

Gregory stood and struck a pose. “Nevah!”

Soon the balcony was filled with laughter from the three humans and one pony, but that laughter was cut short by a strange sound in the night. “Wait, you guys hear that?” Andrew asked. “Sounds like a trumpet,”

“Nah, that was like a train horn, but not like any steam train I know,” Gregory said. The blast came again. It was a bit clearer and familiar to Andrew and Gregory. “How is the train horn being blasted if it’s still in Ponyville?” Gregory asked.

Andrew looked on from the balcony in the distance. “That’s because it’s not in Ponyville. It’s coming here, I can see the light!”

Gregory looked down. “Holy shit…who’s driving it?!”

“I think…oh no, they found us!” Andrew exclaimed.

“Wait!” Gregory stopped them all as he walked to the edge of the balcony. “Give me a moment.” He closed his eyes and reached out one hand towards the train. There was silence as the three others watched Gregory curiously. The train horn blasted a couple more times. After about fifteen or so seconds, Gregory’s eyes opened. “There aren’t any emotional signatures coming from that train, but there is something. I’m gonna go check.” Gregory spread his ice wings as he flew away while the other three, unable to fly, ran back to report to the others.

At the station, some soldiers quickly surrounded the train as it slowed to a stop. Gregory landed nearby and pulled out a pistol, joining the soldiers who acknowledged his presence. The train stood there, idling as if waiting for someone to approach. Curiously, Gregory reached out and touched the train, and immediately felt something that shouldn’t have been possible. The engine was surrounded, or better yet, infused, with magic. Chaos magic. He walked up to the front of the engine. “Well, this is an unusual surprise…” he muttered as he gazed at the train.

A pegasus soldier opened the door and went inside. He came out a few seconds later. “There’s no one inside.”

“That makes sense,” Gregory said as he stepped inside. The moment he did, he felt the magic surrounding him, but not only that, he felt a surge of what felt like raw emotion. “Whoa, there!”

“Sir, are you ok?” a guard called out.

“Yeah, I’m fine.” Gregory looked around, not noticing anything too different about the place physically. He took a flashlight he’d seen on a nearby shelf and looked around. “So…what’s happened to you today, eh, Miss Train?”

He heard the sound of approaching hoof and footsteps, but didn’t acknowledge them as he continued towards the drivers area. The emotional surge kept on growing as he did so. Suddenly static started playing on the wire radio. Gregory rushed over to it and sat at the controls. “Don’t tell me you’re trying to speak,” he said as he grabbed the mic and pulled the switch he’d seen Stacy use earlier to try and contact the others. “Hello?”

“You’ve discovered my presence,” a feminine voice said.

“Well, aren’t you the articulate one?” Gregory chuckled, “and yes I did. I can sense magic a bit, and emotions even more. Who are you, ma’am?”

“I am what you humans call Conrail SD40-2 6516,” the voice replied.

Gregory chuckled again as the others from the castle began rushing into the engine. “That’s a big name. Mind if I call you Connie?”

“You may call me Connie,” the voice replied.

“Gregory? Who are you talking to?” Andrew asked as he and the others filed into the cab.

“And why does this train feel like Discord before he lost his power?” Jason asked.

“No idea, but this train’s somehow come alive,” Gregory said.

“What?” Andrew looked around, then shook his head. “Okay, now that's weird. If anything, it's like that Harry Potter car. It moves itself yet is not alive.”

Gregory shrugged. “Eh, believe what you want,” he said as he got out of the chair. “Regardless, this train’s been combined with chaos magic somehow, and she came here for a reason.”

“She? What, you think this is a Rule 63 Thomas the Tank Engine?” Jason asked.

“All trains are ladies,” Gregory smirked as he stretched. “Point is, she came up here. Not sure why, but she did.”

Andrew sighed. “Okay, while I’m glad we have this back, what’s our next move?”

“I can have my dragons scout the tracks for signs of those humans,” Ember scowled.

“They might all remain in Ponyville and make it Chaosville by tomorrow. I say we go to sleep and get a lay of the land around Ponyville tomorrow,” Andrew suggested.

“Good call,” Jason said, “I think we could all use a breather.”

As they left, Gregory paused and turned back to the radio. “Connie, you gonna be alright here, or should I ask that someplace be set up for you?” he asked when the others were out of earshot.

“Me and my many siblings are used to sleeping outside, so don't worry.”

“Well, if you’re sure,” Gregory said as he gently patted the side of the train. “I’ll find a place for you later. Goodnight.”

The radio crackled a bit, and it sounded as if there was giggling coming from the radio. “That tickles,” the voice said.

“Were you just showing affection to a train?” Jason asked as he watched Gregory get out of the cab.

“Eh, I’ve done weirder,” Gregory said as he hopped out of the train only to have Ember fly up and glomp onto his back. “Ooof!”

“Lucky,” Andrew said quietly as they all walked back to the castle.

Gregory smiled as he took Ember’s hand. “I’m very lucky.”

“You’ll be luckier tonight,” Ember whispered.

“Not in public!” Gregory laughed.

Jason watched the two walk off, shaking his head in confusion but with a small smile on his face. “How does he snap back so fast like that?”

Author's Note:

Sorry for the delay a lot of things happened. Also just to remind any train enthusiat. Connie is a former conrail sd40-2 now painted black with the words Iron war horse.