• Published 30th Dec 2023
  • 680 Views, 28 Comments

G5 Adventures in Muppets from Space - ponydog127

Following their last adventure, the Mane 6 meet with the Muppets for the first time and help one, namely the Great Gonzo, find his alien family before an evil government facility tracks them down.

  • ...

Gonzo's Alien Discoveries

Back at the beach house, Kermit had gotten to work painting the outside of the house, since the painters he had hired earlier had been scared off by Animal. Nonetheless, he was determined to get the job done right.

Sunny, Hitch, Zipp and Izzy decided to help out so Kermit wouldn't have to paint the entire exterior of the house by himself... besides, Izzy really wanted to display her creativity so that way the Muppets could remember the Mane 6, even after they leave to head back to Equestria.

While the group was busy painting the house, Clifford opened the mailbox, got a series of letters out of it and was busy looking through them. “Robera… Dolores… mmm… ooh! Shannanay,” he chuckled before looking toward the Muppets’ amphibian leader. “Yo, Kerm, what should I do with the bills?”

“Just leave them inside,” Kermit responded. “All right,” Clifford nodded before calling out to someone else. “Hey, Gonzo, you want your new edition of Insanity Fare?”

“No, I’ll get it later,” came Gonzo’s reply, and Hitch blinked in surprise at where Gonzo’s voice sounded like it was coming from. “Why is Gonzo on the roof? Is he okay?”

“Not too sure,” Sunny honestly said as she and Hitch used their earth pony powers to secure the ladder that Kermit was currently standing on. “We found him up there when we came back from chasing the house painters.”

“I think it has something to do with what he claimed happened with his breakfast cereal earlier,” Zipp hummed. “But then again, cereal letters that can make words without the help of unicorn magic? That seems a little weird, even for us.”

No sooner than she had said that, Misty came out the front door, holding a tray of food and a juice box in her magic as she turned to her friends. “Hey, guys. Is Gonzo still on the roof?”

“Yeah, we just heard him up there a minute or two ago,” Kermit nodded with concern. “Is he okay, Misty? Did something happen?”

“It’s sort of a long and… somewhat crazy story,” Misty said with some hesitancy. “I’ll explain it to you later. Hitch, you think you can help me get Gonzo’s lunch to him? Levitating a tray of food and myself at the same time feels like a disaster waiting to happen.”

“Sure thing, Misty,” Hitch nodded and got off of the porch. “Operation 'Plant path to the top of the house' is officially in progress!”

With one stomp of his hoof, Hitch created some large vines that twisted together into a large path that stretched from the ground all the way to the rooftop.

But before Misty could get moving, Izzy spoke up. “Misty-Twisty? Pipp is gonna be back soon, and we wanna spend some quality time together before dinner, maybe play a board game or two.”

“Will you be joining us?” Sunny asked. “Sure. I wanna sit with Gonzo for a minute or two and then I’ll catch up,” Misty told her. “Okay… see you inside!” Sunny said with a smile. Misty finished climbing to the roof, and set the tray of food next to Gonzo before approaching. “Hey, Gonzo,” the blue unicorn greeted. “I brought you some lunch.”

“Oh, thank you, Misty,” Gonzo said, setting his telescope down and grabbing an apple from the tray. “I was actually getting pretty hungry up here.”

“Did you manage to see anything yet? Anything that might tell you why your cereal was acting up?” Misty asked, sitting down. “No, nothing yet,” Gonzo sighed, setting his apple off to the side. “I just have to keep watching.”

“Well... I can stay up here if you want,” said Misty. “And I'm sure that my friends would be eager to do the same if we just ask them. I don't want you to be by yourself up here in the dark.”

Gonzo chuckled and noogied the unicorn on the head, making her giggle. “I’ll be fine, Butterfly. Besides, it’s gonna be cold tonight and I don’t want you to catch a chill. Go back down and catch up with your friends-- I’ll be okay for now.”

Misty smiled at the nickname that Gonzo had made for her, but wanted to make sure that he knew that he could call for her if he needed her. “...you will call me if you need anything, right?”

“I promise,” Gonzo gave her one final hug before she departed down the side of the house and inside to meet up with her friends. As she disappeared from his view, Gonzo thought about how beneficial the ponies were to the group ever since they showed up the day before...

...especially to him.

Misty actually understood what he was going through, and he finally had someone to relate to... even if their situations were a little bit different.

That got him to thinking...

...what would happen when the ponies left? Who would he connect with then?


Later that night, at dinner, Gonzo was still up on the roof, looking at the night sky, and Kermit couldn’t help but be worried. “What is he doing up there?”

“Based on what happened earlier,” Zipp said, “his breakfast cereal told him to watch the sky on the roof.”

“Ooh… talk about whole grain and nuts!” Clifford said jokingly, leading many of the Muppets to laugh… that is, until Sunny spoke up. “Guys, stop it!” she scolded, much to the group’s surprise. “I can’t believe you all would act this… this immature about one of your own!”

“But, Sunny, Clifford made a funny joke!” Fozzie tried to defend the Muppets from the earth pony mare's scolding gaze. “But it was a joke at Gonzo’s expense,” Hitch frowned. “I know a lot of you know who your families are, but… Gonzo doesn’t. At least… not now. He’s confused and he just wants to find out who he is and where he comes from.”

“And I know more than anypony else how it feels to be completely alone in the world without anypony else to turn to. Me and my friends do anything to help Gonzo find where his family is, but… not if you all will just laugh at Gonzo for his… unorthadox methods,” Misty said sternly. “Are we clear?”

“...yeah, sorry, everypony,” Rizzo apologized with a bit of an ashamed look. “Yeah,” Robin agreed. “We don’t want to make Gonzo feel bad.”

“I know… we accept your apology,” Sunny smiled. “Besides,” said Misty, “I’m sure Gonzo will come inside in a little while. Like he said, it’s gonna get cold tonight, and I don’t want him or anyone else, for that matter, to get sick from being in the cold too long.”

Suddenly, a strange rumbling came from up above the house, causing those at the dinner table to look up in worry. “That's peculiar,” Bunsen hummed in thought. “Beaker, did the weather system say if there was going to be any precipitation this evening?”

His narrow, almost-pencil like assistant 'meeped' and shook his head in protest, causing Bunsen to frown. “Hmmm... just like I assumed.”

“Actually, the science guys are right. I just checked my always-reliable weather tracker,” Pipp said, handing her phone to Sunny as Kermit leaned in to get a closer look, “and there isn't a single storm cloud in sight!”

“Okay... now I'm getting worried,” Misty frowned. “And I know Gonzo said he'll be fine, but I better get him and bring him inside in case it does rain.”

“You go on ahead, Misty,” Zipp told her friend. “We’ll rinse off our dinner dishes and we'll be right behind you.”


Back on the roof (while Misty was preparing herself for whatever weather was coming), Gonzo was still watching the sky when his telescope fell on something peculiar-- a ball of light, leaving a trail across the sky… almost looking like a shooting star. “Cool!”

He stood up to get a closer look, but lightning struck right near him, electrocuting him into unconsciousness… just as Misty got up to the rooftop, only to witness what had happened. “GONZO!!!”

Horrified, the blue unicorn ran to her friend and tried to wake him, grabbing his shoulders and shaking him violently. “Gonzo! Gonzo, please! You have to wake up!” Misty begged. “It can't end like this! You have to wake up! And you have to wake up now!”

As Misty begged and begged some more for her friend to wake up, she could only imagine what Gonzo might have been experiencing in his head...

...for better or for worse.


In his hallucinated fantasy (while Misty was breaking down sobbing and trying to wake him up, Gonzo was flying through vast space, dodging asteroids and nebulas until his flight was slowed down as he came down to two fish floating in the vast galaxy. “Greetings, Mr. Gonzo! Greetings!”

“Whoa. What are you guys? Space fish?” Gonzo asked, impressed but still confused as to what was going on. “We are cosmic knowledge fish,” the first fish said. “We know many, many things.”

“Would you like some tea?” asked the second fish. “Oh, no thanks,” Gonzo politely declined. “Little Gonzo,” said the first fish, swimming closer to him, “your people have been trying to reach you.”

This got Gonzo’s attention immediately-- did these fish know what he was and where he came from? Maybe that was why his morning cereal said to watch the sky. “My people?” he asked the fish excitedly. “Are they fish too?”

“No no no no no no,” the fish shook their heads. “We're not the same as you,” said the second fish, and the first fish nodded. “We are highly evolved beings. Now, if… uh… what was I saying?”

“My people?” Gonzo tried to remind them, and the fish suddenly got back on track. “You must mow the lawn if you wish to find what you seek,” said the first fish, and this got Gonzo confused. “I should mow the lawn?”

“A lawn that is cut in your own words, Gonzo,” said the first fish. “A message that can be seen from space.”

“Space! So trim it well,” said the second fish. “Goodbye, Gonzo,” the first fish bid him farewell. “And may the fish be with you.”

“Oh, well thanks, guys!” Gonzo said to the fish as a gravitational pull seemed to pull him back the way he came. “And thanks for the cosmic knowledge!”

“Goodbye, Gonzo!”



Misty had finally stopped shaking Gonzo’s shoulders, sobbing to herself when electricity scaled across Gonzo’s body and bringing him back to reality, causing Misty to shriek and fall backwards. “Gonzo? Is... is that really you? Are you okay? Are you hurt?”

Gonzo didn’t seem to answer Misty right away after that. And while he was seriously burned from the lightning (from head to toe, in fact), he was laughing joyously, as if he was in no pain at all.

He finally knew where he was from and what he was-- he was an alien, an actual alien from outer space! “That’s it!! HA HA HA HA HA!!!”

“Wha... what's it? What are you--? Gonzo, wait!” Misty cried as Gonzo ran over to the ladder and began to descend. “Oh no... I better go after him and try and figure out what just happened!”


While Gonzo was in his hallucinated fantasy and Misty had been trying to wake him, Sunny felt an uneasy feeling wash over her body...

...and it was strange.

Almost like... an electrical sensation.

Hitch frowned in concern as Izzy and Pipp continued to watch Clifford, Rizzo, Kermit and Pepe play poker nearby. “Sunny, what's wrong? You look... well... a little flushed.”

“It was... it was weird. It's like I had this tingle run through me, but...” Sunny looked around before sighing. “I don't know, I guess I got the feeling that something was wrong.”

“Huh... I didn’t feel anything tingly,” Hitch hummed in thought. “Did anyone else feel a tingle?”

“Hmmm... actually... nope!” Izzy chirped with a wide grin. “All I feel is the tingle of excitement coming with the fact that Rizzo is gonna win this next bet!”

“Normally, I wouldn’t be into betting and poker,” Pipp said, fluttering beside the group, “but this could be the one round of poker I could get into!”

“Come on, Rizzo, it’s time to bet, okay,” Pepe said to the rat across the table. “All right, prawn cracker,” Rizzo challenged his friend. “I'll see your Maryland crab cakes, and I'll raise you a 1958 cheddar cheese, never been sniffed.”

“Ewww…” the ponies chorused in disgust. “Crab cake and cheese, huh?” Kermit asked, just as Clifford chuckled. “Can’t beat that.”


Most everyone turned to see where the sudden voice had come from, and there was Gonzo, charred up and standing at the door, and seeing Gonzo’s current state caused Pipp to shriek and put both front hooves over her mouth to partially muffle it. “The cosmic fish have spoken to me!” Gonzo told his friends in excitement. “I’M FROM OUTER SPACE!!!”

“Yeah, yeah yeah. That’s great. Pepe, are you in or out?” Rizzo asked, not paying attention to Gonzo’s state. “Si, I’m in,” Pepe nodded as Gonzo came up to the table. “I’m an alien!”

It was now that Rizzo finally noticed how charred up Gonzo looked, and glanced at his body in a confused manner. “Have you been tap-dancing on the barbeque again?”

“No no no, Rizzo. I’m just fine,” Gonzo patted Rizzo on the back, accidentally electrocuting the rat and causing him to scream in pain and surprise. When the zaps of electricity finally stopped, Rizzo panted for a few seconds before suddenly, his playing cards lit up on fire. “GAH, MY CARDS!!!”

“Izzy, get the fire extinguisher!” Hitch cried. “It’s in the kitchen!”

The lavender unicorn ran into the kitchen and grabbed the fire extinguisher in her magic, but by the time she rushed back and put out the fire, Rizzo's cards had withered away into smoldering ash. “Oh, no… no no no…”

While Rizzo was deeply upset by the loss of his hand of cards, Gonzo quickly went to the nearby side table and began digging through the small drawer. “Gonzo, are you sure you’re okay?” Sunny asked. “Yeah, yeah, absolutely!” Gonzo nodded, still a tad distracted as Misty collapsed after she had walked into the room. “But I have to respond. Gotta make contact!”

Once he found a set of keys in the drawer, Gonzo quickly ran outside and into the night. “Where’s he going with those keys?” Hitch wondered in confusion. “Who cares? Flying saucer, maybe,” Pepe shrugged their worries off before laying his cards on the table. “Dos deuces.

“Huh?” Rizzo looked up from his apparent sobbing. “The prawn cracker wins,” Pepe smugly told Rizzo before laughing. “Pair of twos?! I swear, I had four aces!” Rizzo shouted. “I really did!”

But, Pepe ignored this desperate plea and began to sing to Rizzo tauntingly.

You got to know when to hold it
Know when to fold it, know when to--

Suddenly, before Pepe could sing anymore of the song, the sound of an engine beginning to run outside got their attention, making them instantly confused. “Okay, that's weird,” Pipp blinked. “Who would be outside on a lawnmower at this time of night?”

“I think I know who...” Misty muttered just as she and Kermit got up and walked toward the window to look outside. Turns out, Gonzo was using the lawn mower to create a response to his people that could be seen from space, just like the cosmic fish had told him to…

...and nothing was gonna get in the way of that.

Misty's thoughts of worry were subsided when she was approached by the rest of her friends, looking clearly worried. “Misty, what happened up there?” Sunny asked in concern. “Is Gonzo all right?”

“Well... I don't really know,” Misty shook her head. “I went up there to check on him, only to find him being struck by a bolt of lightning!”

Pipp gasped deeply at such a fact. “Oh my pony, was he okay?!”

Misty shook her head again. “Not for a minute or two. I shook him and shook him, and when I thought that he was... you know... gone... he woke up and started laughing, muttering about him being an alien and he needed to... mow a message into the lawn?”

“Well, now we know why he's mowing the lawn,” Hitch said, “but... I'm getting really worried about him nonetheless.”

“Me too, Hitch,” Kermit nodded with a frown. “In all the years I've known Gonzo, I've never seen him act like this before.”

“Eh,” Pepe shrugged. “I’ve seen him act weirder.”

Izzy looked around at her friends with a concerned glance. “Do you think we need to rid him of the jinxies? You have no idea how those things can affect somepony.”

“Maybe... I think the best thing is to talk to Gonzo tomorrow morning, when the electricity is out of his system,” Sunny advised. “Give him a little time to recover.”

“Yeah... good idea, Sunny,” Kermit nodded. “Didn’t Zipp head upstairs already?”

“Yeah, she wanted to get some research done before it got too dark,” Pipp nodded. “We better go up and check on her.”

“Um... if you don't mind,” said Misty, “I'll sleep down here and wait for Gonzo to come back inside... just in case.”

“Yeah... sure, Misty,” Sunny nodded. “All right, everypony... let's get some rest. I have a feeling we'll need it when we talk to Gonzo tomorrow morning.”

Author's Note:

I would love to thank cheerful9 for one of their many ideas that I incorporated into this chapter!

Happy new year, everypony!