• Published 30th Dec 2023
  • 679 Views, 28 Comments

G5 Adventures in Muppets from Space - ponydog127

Following their last adventure, the Mane 6 meet with the Muppets for the first time and help one, namely the Great Gonzo, find his alien family before an evil government facility tracks them down.

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Meeting the Muppets

The Mane 6 had met up in front of the Crystal Brighthouse before going inside, gathering their things and heading up to the Crystal Room, letting the Unity Crystals take them away on their next adventure… but they were unsure of where they would be going.


A calm, cool breeze blew through the air in a small, coastal North Carolina town, just as the sun set over the horizon, which brought forth the end to another day...

...that is, until a certain portal opened up on the end of one of the streets, allowing the Mane 6 to hop out of it, letting them look around at their surroundings. “Huh… feels pretty warm,” Sunny said to her friends, her ears flickering. “And I think I can hear waves in the distance. We must be in some sort of beach community.”

“But… which one? And which house do we go to in order to find a place to stay?” Hitch asked, looking around. “There are a lot of houses around, you know!”

“I guess we better split up and survey the area,” Zipp supposed as she and Pipp took to the air. “Everypony head in a different direction and let us know if you find something or somewhere we can stay for the night!”

And so, the pegasus sisters took to the air and the other ponies went in different directions to find a place to rest for a while.

Misty went off on her own, a lot of different things on her mind... especially the fact that Zipp was still concerned that Allura could still be a threat, somewhere out in the world.

They had to keep an eye out for anything suspicious... especially since they were in an unknown area.

Suddenly, something caused Misty to stop and look up at a house that she had stopped in front of... a rather large beachhouse, with three floors and a large porch.

Seeing this caused Misty to hum in thought. “Maybe we can find a place to rest here... it looks cozy enough.”

She lit her horn and opened the gate, moving into the front yard before going up the small staircase and up onto the front porch. But before she could knock on the door, however, a red, furry creature pounced at the door, letting Misty shriek and rumble backwards! “AHHHH!!!”

“HORSEY WOMAN!!!” the creature roared. “HORSEY WOMAN!!!”

“Animal, stop that!” said a voice as several figures dragged the red creature away from the door. “You already startled her half to death!”

The figure to whom this voice belonged to was in fact a walking, talking frog with a kind smile, and he opened the door to step out and check on her. “I-I'm really sorry about that, are you okay?”

“Yeah... yeah, I'm fine,” Misty said, brushing herself off. “I guess that was kinda my fault, knocking on other people's doors without knowing what to expect. Oh, my name is Misty, by the way-- Misty Brightdawn.”

“Kermit,” the frog said, shaking her hoof. “Kermit the Frog-- nice to meet you.”

“You know, I've never met a talking frog before,” Misty said with a chuckle. “That must sound pretty weird, though, right?”


Both Kermit and Misty turned to see the rest of the Mane 6 come running to the front steps before screeching to a halt. “Are you okay?!” Zipp asked. “We heard a scream and came galloping!”

“I’m fine, just got a little startled,” Misty explained before deciding to start with introductions. “Uh, Kermit? These are my friends-- Sunny, Izzy, Zipp, Pipp and Hitch. Guys, this is Kermit the Frog, and… I’m assuming this is his house?”

“Just the beach house me and the rest of the gang are renting,” Kermit explained. “So… where are you all staying?”

“Well, that’s the thing,” Sunny said, stepping forward. “You see, we’re from the realm of Equestria, and we get sent to this world on missions, but we don’t really have a place to stay. So… if you could recommend a place in this area, we’d be more than happy to get out of your mane.”

“Kermie, who’s at the door?” said a feminine voice. “Dinner is almost ready!”

“Just a second, Piggy!” Kermit responded. “I’m talking to some guests!”

“Ooh, guests? Did they come to see moi?

At that moment, a pig with big blue eyes and blonde hair, wearing a pink dress and matching gloves came forward, and upon seeing the ponies and dragon before her… she frowned. “What? You were talking to some horses with large horns and wings? I thought you may have been talking to the press!”

“Uh, please excuse Miss Piggy,” Kermit said politely. “She’s… well… sort of a diva when it comes to the press and getting attention.”

Pipp gasped deeply. “You’re a diva too?! Oh, I think we’re going to get along just fine!” she said, flying forward. “Pipp Petals, at your service.”

“A pleasure to meet such a fine looking little pony!” Miss Piggy said, eagerly shaking Pipp’s hoof. “Kermit, why don’t we invite our little guests inside for dinner and then we can chat?”

“Sounds good to us,” Hitch smiled. “Anyplace with dinner is my kind of place!”


The dinner scene was… let’s just say… different than what the ponies were expecting. Instead of a small group of friends, there was a large group of different creatures, animals and people gathered around one small table… not that the ponies minded.

The more people around, the more friends they could potentially make.

A few minutes after everyone settled down to eat dinner, two more members of the group (who was identified earlier as the Muppets) came down to the dinner table-- one was a rat for certain, but the other… nopony was too certain of what he was.

He was blue, a darker shade than Misty, with a long curved nose, but… he seemed quite friendly. “Sorry we’re late, guys,” the blue creature apologized. “Rizzo left his moldy cheese collection under my bed for a little too long and I didn’t want the smell to linger.”

“Hey hey, those cheeses were classics,” the rat, now known as Rizzo, responded back. “I had to put ‘em somewhere!”

“Uh, Gonzo? Rizzo?” Kermit called to them. “I want you to meet Sunny, Misty, Izzy, Pipp, Zipp, Hitch and Sparky. They’re gonna be staying with us for a little while, at least until they find their mission and get back to their home-world.”

“Hi new friends!” Izzy waved cheerfully. “Nice to meet you too!”

“Heh heh… yeah, sure, whatever you say, cotton candy,” Rizzo said as he sat down next to her. “Where’d ya find this bunch, Kerm?”

“Animal kinda startled me before I knocked on your door, and Kermit invited us for dinner,” Misty said before taking a bite of salad. “Wow, whoever cooked this has some serious talent.”

“Uh, yes, that would be me,” said Pepe the King Prawn with a smirk. “The, uh, the chefs that usually do this… is out of commission for the time being.”

“Good thing, too,” Gonzo said. “Swedish Chef would have had the kitchen in flames by now.”

This caused many of the Muppets to laugh, but the ponies merely shrugged, not sure what to say or think. “So, Gonzo,” said Zipp, breaking the silence, “Kermit told me that you’re really big into stunts. So am I!”

“Really? Oh, that’s terrific!” Gonzo said. “Have you ever tried to eat a tire to the tune of ‘Flight of the Bumblebees’?”

Zipp blinked for a few moments, trying to process what he just said. “Uh… I don’t think so.”

“Or get shot out of a cannon?”

“Not that one either.”

Misty chuckled nervously. “Zipp deals with mostly stunts she can do in the air, like loop-de-loops and drawing pegasus designs in the clouds,” she explained. “But, your stunts sound really… out-of-the-box.”

“Oh, really? Wow, thanks!” Gonzo smiled. “Hey, are you guys going to stay in the neighborhood?” Fozzie Bear asked from across the table. “I’d love to share some of my latest jokes with you!”

“Trust me,” Sam Eagle whispered to Hitch in a quiet voice, “his jokes aren’t always that funny.”

“Well, I wish we could stay, but you guys have such a full house already,” Sunny frowned. “We wouldn’t wanna impose.”

“Oh, no! You wouldn’t be imposing at all!” Kermit reassured. “We have a guest room at the very end of the hallway upstairs that no one is using-- you guys can stay there until you find your mission.”

“Wow… that’s so nice of you!” Sunny smiled. “Thanks!”

“After dinner, we’ll check out the room and settle in,” Zipp smiled. “Then, I think we all need a nap.”

“Good idea,” Hitch yawned. “It’s bound to be a pretty interesting-- AAAGH!!”

Animal had fallen asleep right on his shoulder, causing Pipp to chuckle. “Looks like scaring the wits out of Misty earlier tired him out.”

This caused everyone in the room to laugh before they resumed their meal. But… Misty could tell that something was not right in Gonzo’s heart.

And that got her to wondering… what if Gonzo was the group’s next mission?