• Published 30th Dec 2023
  • 698 Views, 28 Comments

G5 Adventures in Muppets from Space - ponydog127

Following their last adventure, the Mane 6 meet with the Muppets for the first time and help one, namely the Great Gonzo, find his alien family before an evil government facility tracks them down.

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Secret C.O.V.N.E.T Operations (Part 2)

After a long while of driving, the group finally managed to reach C.O.V.N.E.T’s top-secret location, but they needed to hurry-- Gonzo and Misty could be in real trouble by now!

Once they parked the van, they crept out into the shadows that some trees were giving off and noticed a guard station right in front of the entrance.

After a moment of spying, Zipp decided to speak up to her friends about something. “Okay, so... how are we gonna get in there without the guard seeing us?”

Sunny looked around, noticing a small shrub not too far away from her, causing her to smile. “I think I have an idea!”

She stomped her hoof, allowing her earth pony magic to make the shrub grow to a size that they could all hide behind, but wasn't too high to where they couldn’t see over it. “Great idea!” Kermit told his earth pony friend. “All right, everyone, let's move!”

Everyone got behind the bush and began to move it closer and closer to the guard house, pausing whenever the guard glanced in their direction, and finally settled on a spot near the sidewalk.

But while the group popped up from behind the bush, Animal was the only one who popped up out in the open. “Psst, Animal!” Hitch whispered. “Get back here!”

“Sorry...” Animal apologized before moving back behind the bushes with the others. But, the security guard was still standing in front of the gate, and a bush walking past would drive his senses through the roof. Luckily, Miss Piggy seemed to have a plan of her own in mind. “Stand back, boys. This is a job for a woman.”

“Huh?” many of the ponies whispered to themselves as Miss Piggy walked away, leaving Sunny to follow her and make sure no extreme measures were taken while the others ducked out of sight. “Hello,” Miss Piggy said smoothly as they approached the security guard. “What's a nice man like you doing in a guardhouse like this?”

However, the guard didn’t seem to be amused. “I'm buffalo hunting. What's it look like I'm doing? This is a restricted area. You gotta go. Both of you.”

“Uh-oh… Piggy, maybe we should go,” Sunny whispered. “We need to think of another plan!”

But, however, Miss Piggy wouldn’t budge, continuing to try and sway the cop. “Look deeply into my eyes and tell me you want me to go.”

“I… want… you… both… to… go!” the guard barked. “Understand?! Now!”

Sunny was just about to advise Piggy that they needed to leave again, but then, Piggy patted her pocket where the Mind Mist was hidden, and Sunny suddenly realized what her plan was.

When Miss Piggy turned, she got the bottle out of her pocket and turned around quickly, spraying the guard and letting its effects fall on him. “What was I saying…?”

“Um…” Miss Piggy began speaking. “You were saying you were going to open the gate. Ha-ha-ha.”

And instead of being hostile, the guard smiled and did as he was told. “Open the gate. Open the gate. Of course, open the gate. Come on in. Welcome.”

“Come on, guys!” Pipp whispered. “Piggy and Sunny scored in our entrance!”

As the group approached the front gate, Piggy turned to the guard again. “Now, tell me I'm beautiful, sweetheart.”

“You are beautiful, sweetheart.”

“Aww… thank you.”

“Oh, boy,” Pepe lightly punched Piggy’s shoulder. “He fell on you like a ton of bricks, okay!”

“Naturally, I guess,” Sunny said with a shrug. “Have a nice time. I like your tie,” said the guard to Fozzie. “Very nice.”

“Thank you!”

“Bye bye!” Animal said to the guard. “Bye bye,” the guard bid farewell. “Ha-ha-ha. What a handsome family.”

As soon as the group was out of sight, Zipp sighed in relief. “Good work, Piggy. But we gotta be super careful moving forward. Come on… we better keep moving.”


After Journal had left the lab, Dr. Tucker made all the rats, especially Rizzo, go through many tests, and it left them all tired and exhausted.

But at least Dr. Tucker had promised them a large amount of cheese afterwards… or so they thought.

When they were all trying to rest in the cage, Dr. Tucker approached them with a sinister look. “Hey, rodents. You know the cheese I promised you after you ran that maze and took those tests?”

“Yeah,” the rats nodded. “Yeah yeah.”

“It was delicious. Ha ha ha ha ha ha ha ha!!!”

As Dr. Tucker walked away, that seemed to be Rizzo’s breaking point. “No cheese…? No cheese?!” he screeched, getting off of one of the beds. “All right! That does it! We're busting out of this joint, boys.”

“Riz,” Bubba sighed, “even if we got over the wall, we couldn't turn the doorknob.”

“Who needs doorknobs?”

Rizzo removed his Mice Girls poster to reveal a hole he had been digging in the wall, much to the shock of the other rats.

This was genius! Now they could finally escape!

So, with Rizzo taking the lead, the rats escaped through the hole before Dr. Tucker took notice.


Back outside, the rest of the Mane 6 led their Muppet friends further into the facility before reaching a heavily guarded building, causing them to hide again.

And once they were all in hiding, Kermit turned toward the others. “Guys, we gotta get through that door.”

“Should we just ask permission from those nice men with the rifles?” Fozzie asked innocently, causing Zipp to sigh. “Fozzie, those are the bad guys! Besides, Pipp and I can’t fly everybody past them-- our wings beating would give us away!”

“So… we need to find someway to creep past them,” Hitch said. “Do we have anything that can help?”

“...yes! Yes, we do!” Izzy said, getting out the rubber ducky from earlier. “We have this!”

“Good thinking, Izzy!” Kermit whispered. “Now, start spraying everyone with it, even yourself.”

Izzy did so, taking the rubber ducky into her aura and spraying the invisibility spray all over the group before turning and spraying it on herself. And then, after everyone had been sprayed, Izzy hid the rubber ducky inside a nearby bush. “All right, guys,” said Zipp, “this stuff doesn’t last long, so let’s go!”

But, since they were ALL invisible, they ended up crashing into a huge pile on the ground, quietly groaning… and two of which were Kermit and Miss Piggy, making the situation that much more awkward.

“Ugh! You're squashing me!”

“Oh, sorry, Kermie!”

“Come on. I will help you up, okay,” Pepe said before feeling something rather… peculiar about Kermit that he never noticed before. “Oh, Kermit… you’re so soft and plump, okay.”

But, when Piggy next spoke… she did NOT sound happy. “You got one second to get your hands off me, shrimp.”

“Ooh, sorry, Piggy!”

So, the group began to slowly walk past the security guards, making sure that the invisibility spray was intact, allowing them full access to the entire building at last.


At the same time, Misty had been chained right next to the bed where Gonzo was being held, and no matter how hard she tried, she couldn’t get loose, and her unicorn magic had no affect on it.

During her struggles, the doctor cheerfully walked in, as if he wasn’t scared of Gonzo and his species. “Hello!” he said, earning their attention. “I'm Dr. Van Neuter. I'll be your brain surgeon today, if you don't mind. Get it? Brain surgeon? Mind?”

As he laughed, Gonzo sighed out of boredom and worry, and Dr. Van Neuter seemed to sense this. “Feeling a little nervous, are we?”

“Of course we’re nervous!” Misty spat. “Wouldn’t you be nervous if you were tied down to a table or have a magic-proof chain around your neck?!”

“Well, don’t worry,” the doctor said. “Everyone’s nervous before having their brain and magic sucked out. Now, don't you go away.”

As the doctor went to check something on the computer, Misty tried again to break the chain, but this proved useless as she was once again met with failure. “Oh, Sunny… where are you guys…?”

“Don’t worry, Misty,” Gonzo whispered. “I have a feeling Persephone, Caramel and Journal won’t let us down.”


At the same time, the group stopped at the bathroom to let Fozzie use it, but when the bear came out, the invisibility spray on his hands had been washed off! “Okay, Kermit. I'm ready.”

Zipp internally slapped herself at the question she asked next. “Fozzie, you didn't wash your hands… did you?”

“Of course I did,” Fozzie answered. “Mom said, ‘Always wash your hands’.”

“Not when you're wearing invisibility spray!” Kermit pointed out. “Mom said ‘no exceptions’,” Fozzie insisted… and he soon regretted these words as soon as a security guard came into view. “Stop! You! Hands up!” she told Fozzie as she approached. “All right, remain calm. I'm gonna have to take you two into custody.”

“Wait!” Fozzie tried to plead. “Let me explain, lady.”

But before she could place the handcuffs on Fozzie, the guard was chased away by an invisible Animal biting her rear end. “Animal!” Sunny cried as Animal chased the guard down the hall. “Animal, come back!”

But after Animal chased the guard out of sight, Kermit began to think. “Give me a second to think. He doesn't seem to be on this floor…”

“Kermit…?!” Sunny looked down at her hooves, and soon, the others began to appear out of thin air as well. “Uh oh,” Pipp gulped. “I think the invisibility spray is wearing off!”

This was clearly shown through the fact that Pepe was now visible in a pink ballet costume, dancing ballet right in front of them. After seeing their stunned faces, Pepe immediately realized that he was now visible and clearly embarrassed. “I should uh… go change, okay.”

Within a few minutes, he zipped away and returned wearing his normal clothes. “Okay, guys,” said Sunny. “We just need to find better cover… but where is the big question.”

“Psst… hey! Over here!”

Everyone looked toward the source of the voice to see Journal, Persephone and Caramel peeking out from a nearby closet. “Oh, hey there,” Zipp smiled. “Is there any way we can help you?”

“Well, we actually need your help,” Caramel admitted. “Our friends Gonzo and Misty told us to find their friends, and… we assume that’s you guys, right?”

“Yes, that’s us!” Fozzie nodded. “Are they okay?”

“Well… they’ve been taken away to have Gonzo’s brain and Misty’s magic ripped out,” Journal said, “so… I’d go with no.”

“Oh my pony!” Pipp gasped. “Sunny, we have to hurry!”

“Do you know where they’re being kept?” Kermit asked. “Alien Surgery Number 5,” Persephone spoke. “But you guys are gonna need disguises. Luckily, there’s a closet full of spare coats, and we could get you guys there no problem.”

“Thank you all so much!” Sunny smiled. “We’ll follow your lead.”


At the same time, Rentro was bringing General Luft to Singer’s office, and put his face onto a scanner to scan his eyes. However, the light was extremely bright, ending up blinding Rentro as the doors opened. “General Luft, sir.”

“This better be good,” the general said as he walked inside, and Ed prepared himself… this was his time, whether anyone else liked it or not.

At the same time, Rizzo and the rest of the rats were traversing through the air vents to escape the facility when Rizzo began to veer in another direction, earning Bubba’s attention. “Hey, Riz. Where's Riz? Where you going?”

“Listen. You guys go ahead,” Rizzo told the others. “I gotta go find my friends.”


“You could get caught.”

“What are you, nuts?”

Rizzo sighed at the final remark. “I guess I'll take my chances. It was nice meeting you guys. See you later.”

And so, Rizzo set out on his own, hoping to reach Gonzo and Misty before they were operated on... unaware that the others were on the same mission.


“All right, let’s start with the questionaire portion,” Dr. Van Neuter spoke. “Let’s see… unicorn, how would you describe any pain that you’re feeling right now?”

“...a 4, I guess,” Misty muttered. “Only with this chain around my neck.”

“Good good good…” Dr. Van Neuter wrote this down before moving onto Gonzo. “Have you ever experienced any achiness in your tentacles?”

“I don't have tentacles,” Gonzo answered. “Good, no achy tentacles. Good,” the doctor nodded. “Either of your heads ever come off?”

“No,” Misty shook her head, “I don’t think so.”

“Good good good… any gingivitis from either of you?”

“No,” Gonzo answered. “I don’t think Equestrians even get gingivitis, do they, Misty?”

“I don’t think so.”

“Great!” said the doctor before moving on. “What about your horn and your beaky thing? Ever had problems with that? Itching, swelling, flaking?”

“Well,” Gonzo said, “there was some flaking on my nose a few years back, but…”

“Oh, who cares? It’s showtime!”

Dr. Van Neuter tossed his clipboard aside before sticking a device that looked like a funnel to Gonzo’s head, and stuck a hose to Misty’s horn before firing it up. “No no no!” Misty strained to get free, but, she did begin feeling weak.

She hoped that her friends came soon… otherwise, she and Gonzo would be in even worse trouble than they thought.


Journal peeked her head out of the nearby storage room and looked around, seeing the empty hallway. “All right, all clear. Everyone follow my head and move slowly.”

The ponies followed after her, followed by the Kermit and Pepe, who were standing on Fozzie and Miss Piggy’s shoulders and wearing large lab coats. And needless to say… they were trying to walk and manage, but it wasn’t easy.

Izzy and Hitch walked beside them to help keep balance, and then Persephone pointed down the hall. “There. We take a right and then turn left at the end of the hall.”

“Then let’s hurry!” Zipp spoke. “Who knows what Gonzo and Misty are going through right now!”


Misty was beginning to know how Sparky felt when Opaline drained his dragonfire... having your cutie mark taken away and then having it ripped out of you by force were two very different things... but it was very painful.

But, Gonzo suddenly thought of something to relieve Misty of that pain. “Wait, wait!”

This shout caused the doctor to turn. “What is it?”

“...a-are you sure this is covered by our HMO?”

“Oh. Good question. I'll check.”

Misty sighed in relief as she felt the machine shut off. Now… she and Gonzo just needed a way out of here.

Well, they got their wish when Rizzo climbed up onto the table beside Gonzo while Dr. Van Neuter was away at the computer. “Psst, Gonzo, Misty.”

“Rizzo!” Misty whispered in relief. “Rizzo, you’re alive!” Gonzo exclaimed. “Where have you been?”

“You don't even want to know, guys,” Rizzo shuddered. “Just sit tight while I see if I can chew through these leather straps and then handle that leash on Misty.”

“Please, hurry!” Misty pleaded, and Rizzo immediately got to work. By the time that Rizzo had ducked under the blanket to undo Gonzo’s straps, Dr. Van Neuter returned. “Good news. You're covered with a $10 co-pay. Okay, hold still. And remember, if you experience any unpleasantness, please let me know. I'd hate to miss it.”

Misty groaned to herself as she felt her magic begin to drain again… just as Dr. Van Neuter lifted the sheet Rizzo was hiding under, revealing what he was doing. “Do you mind?”

“Oh, excuse me.”

Dr. Van Neuter immediately covered up Rizzo again, making Misty blink in surprise. Did he seriously just do that without thinking?

Upon realizing what he had done, Dr. Van Neuter pulled back the covers to reveal Rizzo again, his eyes widening in panic. “Oh, good Lord! A rat! I hate rats!”

“Then today ain't your lucky day... doc.

Misty gasped and quickly turned to see Rizzo’s new rat friends ganging up on Dr. Van Neuter, quickly getting ready to attack.

This was DEFINITELY going to be interesting.


“This way,” Journal said as the group continued down the hall. “We’re almost there.”

But, the second she said this, a doctor emerged from the door next to them, causing the ponies to hide wherever they could while Miss Piggy and Fozzie banged into the call, which caused Kermit and Pepe to take casual positions beside the door and tried to act natural.




“Oh, doctor.”

“Just a couple of doctors.”

“Doctors in the hallway.”

Fortunately, this was enough to fool the other doctor and she walked off, leaving the others to sigh in relief. “That was too close,” Caramel sighed. “You guys should really do comedy stuff for a living.”

Miss Piggy chuckled from underneath Pepe. “You have NO idea, sister.”

Suddenly, some loud banging and yelling came from a couple of rooms over, causing Zipp to gasp. “This looks like Alien Surgery Number 5 to me!”

“Go, Fozzie, go!”

“Forward, Piggy!”

“Let’s move!”

The group approached the doors, and while Sunny, Hitch, Izzy, Persephone and Journal kept watch for other doctors, the pegasi and Pepe and Kermit witnessed the rats attacking Dr. Van Neuter, and an alarm was going off inside the lab, along with a large amount of smoke.

Pipp was the first to speak after a few moments. “What in the pony world?!”

But before anything else could be said, Fozzie and Piggy tossed Kermit and Pepe aside so they could get a closer look, and the group burst into the room to witness the chaos first hand...

...and Gonzo and Misty still tied up.

“Guys! We’re so happy to see you!” Gonzo sighed. “Quick!” Misty cried. “Get us out of here!”

“We’ll take Gonzo!” Journal told Sunny. “You guys help Misty!”

Caramel began to help Rizzo with the straps while Persephone kicked the machine away from Gonzo, but not before Zipp was able to restore Misty’s stolent magic by shifting the gears to reverse and letting Misty loose from her chains.

Misty sighed in relief. “Thanks, girls. Come on! We don’t have a lot of time to get out of here before Ed realizes what happened!”


At that moment, Ed was leading the general to the room where Gonzo was held, ready to showcase his discovery. “This is big, general. I think we should notify the president.”

“I’ll be the judge of that.”

“As always, sir. Today, sir, we must think with a big mind. Behold. Irrefutable evidence of extraterrestrial life.”

But when the window opened so the general could peek inside, the Mane 6 and all their new friends had already escaped, leaving Dr. Van Neuter with the rats.

Ed looked completely mortified at this, and turned to the general to explain. “This looks worse than it is, general. Obviously, the… the alien is loose in the building with those…”

Suddenly, his mind thought of three ponies who might be able to pull a stunt like this. “...those interns!” he growled. “But not to worry, because…”

“Don’t bother,” the general sneered. “You’re terminated.”

“When you say ‘terminated’...

“YOU NEED HELP, SINGER!!” the general finally cried. “FIND SOME!!”

And with that, he stormed off, just as Rentro took the time to approach. “Well, how'd that go for you, then? Okay?”

But, Ed was too enraged to think about anything else.

He would find that alien and he would make those interns pay for their deception… if it was the last thing he EVER did.