• Published 30th Dec 2023
  • 698 Views, 28 Comments

G5 Adventures in Muppets from Space - ponydog127

Following their last adventure, the Mane 6 meet with the Muppets for the first time and help one, namely the Great Gonzo, find his alien family before an evil government facility tracks them down.

  • ...

Dreams and Muppet Mornings

The room that the Mane 6 was given wasn’t much (basically just a couple of spare mattresses, a few windows and a dresser), but to the ponies, it was a lot better than staying out in the streets.

After the ponies had gotten settled, Sunny had gotten an idea, and the Mane 6 gathered all their new friends downstairs to tell them about the adventures they had gone on in the past year and a half or so.

There was a lot, and there wouldn't be enough time in a day to tell their friends EVERYTHING, so they stuck to a lot of the important parts-- Misty getting her cutie mark, Opaline's first and second defeats, and how they brought all magic back to Equestria.

Everyone seemed really intrigued by their tales, but every once in a while, when the subject of family was brought up, Misty noticed that Gonzo seemed… well, a little down and out.

She wasn’t sure if it was just her or not, so she decided to keep quiet for a while, just in case.

Soon, it seemed to be time to retire for the night, and everyone ventured up into their rooms to get some good dreams for the day ahead…

…well, almost everyone would have some good dreams for the day ahead.

And you can probably guess who it was that DIDN'T have the most satisfying slumber.


Darkness in the form of thundering clouds showered the earth, and within just a few moments, a huge storm was about to cover the entire planet, washing everything away…

…well, everything and everyone that wasn’t on Noah’s ark, that is.

Gonzo panted tiredly as he crossed the harsh desert landscape, trying to reach the huge ark getting ready to leave before the huge thunderstorm hit. “H-H-Hey, wait for me! Hold the boat!”

Knowing that the ark was getting ready to leave prompted Gonzo to run that much faster, and sooner rather than later, he reached the boat as the last of the animals were getting onboard. “Noah! Mr. The Ark! I'm here!” he called to the man leading the animals onboard, panting from exhaustion. “Barely made it. For a minute there I thought you were gonna leave without…”

But as Noah turned to face him, his face turned completely serious, making Gonzo a little uneasy. “Gee, Mr. Noah, sir,” he said. “I'm gonna come too.”

“What are you, anyway?” Noah asked him, closely inspecting him. “Oh, uh… good question,” Gonzo said, a little nervously, I might add. “Now, technically speaking, uh, let's say, put me down as a ‘whatever’.”

“What do you mean?” Noah asked him again, this time more sternly. “What is your species?”

This time… Gonzo was unsure of how to respond. Even he wasn’t sure what his species was, so... how was he supposed to tell this figure of Biblical history? “I-I don’t know,” he answered honestly with a shrug. “I guess there's only one of me.”

That’s when Noah stood up, tapping his staff against the ground and pointing at Gonzo. “Then you are DOOMED!!”

Gonzo gasped in horror at this as Noah closed the ark door, getting ready to leave him behind… at least for a small moment, and Gonzo stepped forward when he opened it again, hoping Noah had changed his mind about letting him aboard. “Yes, sir?”

“You may need this,” Noah handed him an umbrella before closing the door again, just as the rain began to pour, leaving Gonzo out in the open and vulnerable. “No! NOOO!!!” Gonzo cried out along with the pouring rain. “I don't wanna be alone! NOOO!!!!”


Gonzo didn’t realize he was dreaming as he continued to shout. “I don’t wanna be alone…” he murmured. “No no… NOOO!!!”

Gonzo immediately shot straight up in his bed and sent Rizzo flying out of his hammock (which hung right above his bed) and out the window, causing the rat to scream before Gonzo panted again. “I DON’T WANNA BE ALONE!!!”

“You’re not alone,” Rizzo told him from outside the window, causing Gonzo to look around for the source of the voice. “W-Who said that?”

“Gee, I don’t know,” Rizzo responded back sarcastically. “Maybe it’s the RAT WHO’S HANGING OUT OF THE WINDOW!!”

Gonzo bolted out of bed to the window, seeing Rizzo hanging on the very edge. “Rizzo?”

“No, it’s Santa,” Rizzo said sarcastically. “But I forgot my reindeer.”

“Oh, I’m sorry, Rizzo,” Gonzo apologized, frowning as he helped Rizzo back into the safety of the bedroom. “I had that weird dream again.”

“Really?” Rizzo asked curiously, Gonzo telling him earlier about some dreams he had been having recently. “The one with the goat and the dwarf and the jar of peanut butter?”

“No, it was the one where…” Gonzo began to tell it before changing his mind. “Ah, forget it. You guys wouldn’t understand.”

“I’d understand. We’re roommates,” Rizzo said before moving his... er, paw to hold his best friend's hand. “Hey, hey hey… I’m here for you, man.”

“Okay…” Gonzo took a breath before beginning to explain his dream. “It's the one where I'm talking to this Noah guy, and he won't let me on his boat because I'm all…”

When Gonzo had turned around, Rizzo was already fast asleep again, causing Gonzo to sigh. “...alone,” he finished sadly. “Good night, Rizzo…”

Gonzo turned back to the window and gazed out at the seemingly endless sky of stars, and only a few moments later, Misty knocked on the door and entered the room. “Gonzo, is everything okay? I heard screaming coming from in here, and it sounded pretty intense.”

“No, no... it's okay, Misty,” Gonzo tried to reassure her. “Just a... a dumb dream.”

Misty frowned at this. “Sounds like anything but a dumb dream to me. You can talk to me, you know... I won't judge.”

Gonzo was just about to protest, but something about Misty's loving eyes and gentle smile made him sigh, relenting after a few moments. “I guess... have... have you ever felt like you were completely alone in the world, not knowing who you were or... where you came from?”

“Actually... yeah,” Misty nodded after a few moments. “I felt like that for a long time, and... I'm guessing you do too?”

“I've been feeling like that a lot lately. Ever since I can remember... I've been on my own, and... I guess I wonder if there's anyone else out there like me,” Gonzo admitted, “or... if someone out there knows where I came from.”

“...believe me, I know how it feels to feel completely alone in the world. While I was living with Opaline, I had no idea if I actually had parents and if they were looking for me,” Misty said, approaching Gonzo and standing next to him at the window as they looked out at the stars. “But... I have friends to help me, and so do you. If you want, maybe you and I can look for info about where you might have come from. What do you think?”

“You would do that for me?” Gonzo asked. “But we just met earlier today, and... I hate to get in the way if you finding your mission.”

“Helping you is the only mission on my mind,” Misty told her friend. “Now we better get some sleep-- Kermit says it might be hectic when we first get up, and I wanna wash my mane before the bathroom gets too crowded.”

Gonzo chuckled at that. “Yeah... good idea. Good night, Misty.”

“Night, Gonzo.”


The next morning, alarm clocks were ringing as the Muppets and the ponies woke up and tried to prepare themselves for the day ahead.

Many felt the need to start their day with a shower or brushing their teeth... even though the bathroom was already crowded, making it almost impossible for Zipp and Animal to have the room or the water source that they needed.

Pipp flew into Miss Piggy's room immediately after she woke up, and decided to help Piggy choose her outfit for the day, as well as Piggy offer Pipp the chance to come with her for her first day at her new job.

Of course, when Pipp learned that the job was at the nearby TV studio, she agreed, making her put that much more work into choosing Piggy's outfit.

Hitch, Zipp and Izzy were joining Sam the Eagle's workout session and found it quite enjoyable... even if there was a bunch of chickens at their hooves that they had to look out for.

Finally, Sunny was the pony helping out in the kitchen, making raspberry-flavored pancakes for everyone to enjoy, along with her friends' favorite smoothies (thank hoofness for earth pony powers).

After most everyone was done with their morning routines, they all met at the dining room table for breakfast. “Ah… good morning, everyone,” Kermit greeted cheerfully, and everyone responded back, just before Pipp and Miss Piggy barged through the door, knocking Bean Bunny into the wall behind it, causing him to fall over. “Hello, little people!” Miss Piggy called out. “What an absolutely splendid day!”

“Oh brother…” Zipp muttered to herself. “Now we have two times the diva trouble!”

“Zipp, that’s not nice!” Sunny scolded in a whisper before turning to her friends. “So, how are you and Piggy this morning, Pipp?”

“Actually, we’re late,” Pipp said as she quickly brushed her mane. “Piggy said I could come with her to new pony-tastic job today.”

“Oh, yes,” Miss Piggy agreed. “We megastar TV journalists have to be punctual, you know.”

This caused Sunny and Kermit to look at each other in confusion. “TV journalist…?”

“Well, gotta run! Bye, Kermie. Kissy-kissy!” Piggy bid farewell before she and Pipp ran out the door, Statler and Waldorf joking to each other about 'how the bacon just ran out'. But it wasn’t a moment or two later that Pepe came into the dining room. The raspberry flapovers will be out in a moment.”

“Hey, Uncle Kermit. What are you gonna do now that you’re on vacation?” asked Robin, Kermit’s froggy nephew. “Well, Robin,” said Kermit, pulling out his newspaper, “once I get those house painters started, I’m gonna kick back and relax.”

“Hey, Kermit, when will you fix the oven, okay?” asked Pepe, causing Hitch’s face to scrunch up. “What’s wrong with the oven?”

But before Pepe could respond, an explosion came from the kitchen, causing everyone to scream and duck for cover. “That,” Pepe answered, just before the Swedish Chef came in with a pan of burnt food, and complaining in another language the others couldn’t understand. “Yeah, I-I’ll put it at the top of my list,” Kermit said with a frown as he tried to go back to his newspaper. “There is a menu correction, okay,” Pepe announced to everyone at the table. “We will now be serving bologna sandwiches.”

This made most everyone groan in disappointment, but a statement from the Swedish Chef made Pepe add something to his announcement. “But no bread.”

“Ewww…” Hitch groaned. “I can’t believe that almost sounded good for a minute!”

“Come on, ponies, let’s go for a walk outside and survey the neighborhood,” Zipp said. “You guys go ahead,” Misty told her friends. “I wanna finish what I do have for breakfast first.”

“I’ll stay with you too,” Sunny added. “And try and help clean the kitchen up.”

After that, most everybody at the table left, leaving Sunny, Misty and Kermit by themselves… and when they heard a sigh coming from the stairs, they turned to see Gonzo finally coming to join them. “Hey, Gonzo? Aren’t you performing at that Bar Mitzvah today?” Kermit asked as he sat down at the table. “Nah,” Gonzo shook his head. “The Electric Mayhem’s covering for me.”

True to his word, the Electric Mayhem was indeed going out the door, with Animal pushing the heavy cannon.

But, something about how dejected Gonzo looked made Sunny think something was wrong. “But Kermit told me last night that you never miss the chance to get shot out of a cannon,” she pointed out. “Is something wrong?”

“No,” Gonzo shook his head, but eventually sighed and decided to spill the beans about what had been bothering him. “It's just that I'm sick and tired of being a one-of-a-kind freak, that's all.”

“Gonzo, you are NOT a one-of-a-kind freak,” Kermit told him in a stern tone. “You’re a… a…”

To be honest, Kermit couldn’t find the right word to describe Gonzo, so Gonzo decided to finish his sentence for him. “A whatever?”

“Well… yeah.”

Unfortunately, this made Gonzo that much more down and out. “You see?! See what I mean?” he asked, sighing in frustration. “I don't even know where I came from, or who I am!”

“Gonzo… it’s gonna be okay,” Sunny tried to comfort. “I know it isn’t as easy being different than everypony else, but… we’ll help you through it.”

But before anything else could be said about Gonzo's frustration, Clifford peeked his head around the corner. “Yo, Kerm?” Clifford called to Kermit, causing the group to look their way. “You weren't expecting some house painters, were you?”

Kermit nodded. “Yeah.”

“Well, they’re just drivin’ away.”


“Animal bit one of ‘em!”

“Oh no…” Kermit muttered, getting down from his chair. “Hey, wait, guys! Don’t let them go!”

“I’ll help you catch ‘em, hop on,” Sunny offered her back to the frog, and before they left, Kermit turned to look at Gonzo. “You know what you are, Gonzo?”

Gonzo turned to look at his friend in surprise. “What?”

“Distinct,” Kermit concluded before he guided Sunny and she ran outside to see if they could catch the house painters before they left for good. After they left, Gonzo looked at all the pictures of the Muppets and their biological relatives before he looked at a picture of himself… on a beach… all alone.

That only seemed to make him feel worse about himself, making him sigh heavily. “Distinct, huh…?” he muttered sadly. “More like extinct.

Misty frowned and got down from her chair, putting a gentle hoof on his hand. “Until we go back to Equestria, you have us ponies as your family, and I don't care what anypony else says-- no one ever deserves to feel alone. Ever. We wanna make sure you know you're loved.”

At this, Gonzo thought about it for a brief moment, but then he smiled and rubbed Misty’s head affectionately. “Thanks, Misty,” he said to his new unicorn friend. “You always know the right thing to say. Now, come on-- let’s get some breakfast.”

Misty nodded and took a bite out of the waffle on her plate. At the same time, Gonzo poured some Kap’n Alphabet cereal into the bowl in front of him. When he spilled a couple of letters on the table, he put the box beside him and went to go clean them up, but when he prepared to do such, it was like the letters were moving, all on their own, making words.

And the weirdest part was... Misty wasn't doing anything with her magic!

Gonzo and Misty watched it all in shock as the letters made a phrase. “Watch the sky?” Misty recited, and when Rizzo passed by with Zipp, Gonzo ushered them over. “Hey! Zipp, Rizzo, come here!” he exclaimed. “I think my Kap'n Alphabet is sending me a message!”

“Yeah, I know what you mean,” Zipp said with a shudder as Rizzo set his bologna on the table. “I had some guacamole at dinner last night and it’s still speaking to me.”

“Well, it wasn't the best guacamole in the business,” Misty said, “but that's not what we called you over here for! Look!”

But before she and Gonzo could show them the message, the letters had all jumbled up and were lifeless again. “It was there just a second ago,” Gonzo said, completely baffled. “I-I swear, Rizzo. It said ‘Watch the sky’.”

“Are you sure it didn't say ‘You need help’?” Rizzo asked cockily, not believing a word of this, despite Misty and Gonzo trying to protest and find an explanation. “Look, maybe you and your cereal would like to be alone.”

“Rizzo, come on, maybe they did see something!” Zipp cried as Rizzo walked away, causing her to heavily sigh. “Sorry, guys, I'll go after him, and then we can talk about whatever you saw.”

“Great,” Misty nodded. “Thanks, Zipp.”

As the white pegasus flew off after Rizzo, this Misty and Gonzo completely confused.

Had it all been their imagination? Or was something else going on here?

Or was something else going on here? Gonzo decided to pour more of his cereal into the bowl, thinking it was all in their heads, but as he poured, a small plastic telescope fell into his bowl. “Cool,” he commented, handling the item, before their eyes fell on something else-- the letters were moving again, and now they formed another message: ‘R U there?’.

Now Gonzo knew he wasn’t crazy. “RIZZOOOO!!!!” he cried, and after Misty used her phone to take a picture of such, she and Gonzo rushed off to find Rizzo and Zipp, hoping that the former would believe them upon seeing this.