• Published 22nd Oct 2023
  • 270 Views, 4 Comments

MLP Ghostly Tales - Kyetta Cubid

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Bad End: Shattered Stones

After what the Mane 4 told the Ghosts, that made them mad, as they're eyes started to glow Red. "What did you four Brats say to us?" "That Totally hurt, and believe me, you won't like me when I'm, like, Totally Hurt!" "I can feel my sisters emotions, and she isn't happy with you all!"

They then saw the Ghosts were about to trigger they're Powers, as the girls knew they were defenceless/ Rarity looked at her Geode, seeing she was kind of powerless to fight back. She then saw the Box she freed the Ghost from, giving her an idea. "Darlings, catch!"

"Say goodbye, brats!" Once the Ghosts fired a beam of Pink, White and Blue at them, Sunset grabbed the Box and opens it, which not only trapped the Ghosts beam, but also started pulling them into the Box. "No. NO!" "This Totally wasn't suppose to happen!" "Well, many sisters have to be together!" "Oh Shut it, you three dorks!!!" Once the White Ghost yelled at them all, as Sunset was ready to close the box, but the White Ghost had an idea. "Get ready to grab your Stone!"

Before Sunset could close the Box, the Ghosts grabbed the Stones they were sealed in, pulling them out of the lock. "What are they doing?" "Not good!" "That's cheating!" Just then, the Ghosts pulled out the Stones they were sealed in for those many years.

Everyone then looked up, seeing the Ghosts now handling they're Stones, each grinning like the Dazzlings from the Battle of the Bands. Without them, the Box they were sealed inside was now powerless. "O-Ok, we might of gotten off the wrong foot here, so why not just place the Stones back into the box and we'll talk about this like real humans?"

"HA! As if!" "Your friends Totally opened that lame box, so that means they now belong to us, like, really!" "It's a shame that you four a left free. There could be more for you soon!" Before the girls could do anything else, or the ghosts thinking they might do something, they used they're Powers to shatter the Stones into shards and dust, just like the Dazzlings Pendants.

Once they all destroyed they're stones, the bright light from them, not only made them disappear, but also Rarity, The Painting and the Barbie Doll. "Oh Poop." Pinkie Pie said, seeing the Ghosts now have won. "So, now what?" Rainbow Dash Replied. Fluttershy just fainted, seeing the Ghosts now have won. "I have no idea. But if we do find a way to save the others, we will save them." She then sighed. "Just as long as they don't get into trouble."


After the White Ghosts Curse has setted onto Rarity, she has now become the ruler of the Ghosts Wolf Pack and the Everfree Forest. As of that, she was sitting on a throne of Animal Bones her and the pack killed and ate the flesh. Rarity was looking at her Permament Long Nails as some Wolves came back with dead Animals from the forest.

"Ohoho! You shouldn't have, but who cares! I rule on you all now, and this perfect Hosts Body will make sure I rule this forest for as long as I have this body!" She then howled loudly inside the cave, as the Wolves also howled with her.


Once the Blue Ghosts Curse was set onto Twilight, she was a Permament part of the Painting with them, which was dubbed 'The Three Sisters'. It was taken to another Art Gallery as the curator of said Gallery introduced it.

"Ladies and Gentleman, for the first time in any history, this magnificent Painting has been found inside an Art Store in this very city. Taking a single glance at it, you see this is painted about Three Beautiful Sisters, each with a favourite hobby they enjoy. The name of the Artist is unknown, but from them, they gave it the name 'The Three Sisters'." The Curator announced, as everyone looked at the Painting.

Some People saw it to be an inspiration to everything that they like to do, some thought the Sisters in the Art were special, but some, from Canterlot High, saw one of them in the Painting looked like Twilight Sparkle, but they thought it could be conrincidential.


Meanwhile inside the Mall's Toy Store, Pinkie Pie head to go in there and buy Applejack, who was now cursed as 'Galtime Barbie' by the Pink Ghost, again. She saw that they were many young girls in the Barbie Section, buying new Dolls and Toys.

"Oh man, this crowd is impossible! And all of this for just one doll?" She then tried to get passed the many girls grabbing the doll that they wanted. "'Scuse me, I'm just going to get a doll that I'm after." Since she knew where Applejack was before, she tried to get to that shelf, even if she didn't think of going around another aisle.

She got passed the wave of Young Girls and got to the shelf. She grabbed a Doll she was thinking was Applejack and headed to the counter. "I... Would like to buy... This Doll please!" She panted, until she looked at the Doll, realising it was the wrong one.

Her eyes shrank a little as she looked at another counter, that a Young Girl already Brought Applejack. "Thank you, Daddy for getting me a new Dolly!" Pinkie Pie saw she has Galtime Barbie, with her jaw wide open. Before she could request a trade with her, she saw the Girl was already gone and left the store.

"Ok, now we're in Trouble! What am I going to say to the others that I lost A.J?" Pinkie Pie thought to herself, now wondering what to do now.


Meanwhile, in a endless Dark Void, the three Ghosts were having a talk about they're new Hosts. Since they were freed and destroyed they're Stones, they were still connected to the Box. "So, you dorks are happy with who you have?"

"Like, totally! She was just brought by this, like, adorable girl and she totally loves her. It, like, warms my heart!" The Pink Ghost replied, smiling with her hands on her chest. "Our Painting was taken to an Art Gallery! Even if the Humans don't know it was us who were the artists, we're still happy to be recognised as art."

"You three have the lamest life. I'm loving my new Host and life as ruler of the forest!" The White ghost yelled out, which didn't make a sound in the void. "Yeah, but, Like, remember those four other girls? They were totally, like, serious on wanting to save they're friends or whatever?" "Are you concerned they might come up with a plan to save them?"

Hearing they're concerns, the White Ghost has an idea. "No need to fear, I might know some other fellows who would be interested in a second chance at life!" She then chuckled, as the others joined in.

Author's Note:

And Bad End and Store is now completed!... But is it?

This was an interesting Request to make and even if it's kind of late, Happy Halloween to all!

Shoutout to JBlaser - Fimfiction for Requesting this series! If they would like to, I could make a sequel with the others being possessed by four other Ghosts.

Thanks again for Reading!

- Kyetta Cubid

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