• Published 22nd Oct 2023
  • 271 Views, 4 Comments

MLP Ghostly Tales - Kyetta Cubid

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Good End: Re-Sealed

It has been a good few hours after Twilight, Rarity and Applejack were taken by the ghosts, but with it, the rest of the girls were doing they're task properly. Sunset Shimmer and Fluttershy were exploring the Caves where Gloriosa Daisy first found the Geodes that gave them magical abilities, the cave where they also did that fundraiser to help save Camp Everfree.

"This place gives us some memories, right Fluttershy?" Sunset asked her shy friend, as she was being quiet and hiding in a small area of the cave. Sunset giggled. "C'mon Shy, I mean you weren't the one trapped by vines, but you were at camp when Gloriosa tried to cover camp in vines." "I-It's not that, I'm a little concerned and scared to go into the forest." Fluttershy replied, as Sunset was confused. "Why? We explore forests many time and your always good with Animals." "I know, but it's not that I do want to go out at day, just not at night."

"You don't want to go out at night?" "W-Well, you might think this is a silly rumor, but there were rumors from Daisy about a Werewolf that once ruled her own pack. She was shot and killed by a legendary Monster Hunter and her soul was sealed inside a magical gem." What she said made Sunset shutter a little. "I didn't think you would do research on Monster tales?" "Y-You and the others don't know this, b-but I accidentally did research on animal ghost stories. I was too scared after reading the one I told you about, but I kept going." She then ended up crying for not keeping her secret for that long, until Sunset comforted her. "It's ok shy. If you wanted to get something off your back, you should of told me or anyone else."

Just then, they heard a howl coming from the forest, which made Fluttershy turn stiff in fright. Sunset was thinking she was onto something and wanted to check it out, but doesn't want to take or leave Fluttershy alone. "What should I do? I can't just leave her here. I should see Gloriosa or Timber." Just then they were greeted by some glowing eyes coming from the forest and bushes. Sunset got scared herself, as her and Fluttershy were then hoarded by a pack of Wolves, but one caught her attention.

She saw she had White skin coming from her White fur, her ripped up clothes, Purple hair and Blue eyes. "R-Rarity? Is that you?" Rarity then gave a howl inside the cave, which made her shutter a little. "You all are inside my cave! Leave while you still can or suffer from my Pack!" She said violently and loudly, but Sunset stayed with Fluttershy. "Just remember, this was your choise!" Rarity then jumped towards Sunset, as she brought out her hand. "N-No, STOP!" Once she touches Rarity's furry skin, Rarity then gained some memories of her past life, her talent, her friends. Once the flashback ended, she looked around, confused.

"S-Sunset? What am I doing here? And why am I so furry?" Rarity was asking her until she looked down at herself. "And what happened to my clothing?" She yelled, as the Wolves around her got confused. "What are you all looking at?" Rarity asked them, as the Wolves headed back to the Forest, as she then looked back at the girls.


After a brief talk about the last few things she remembered, Sunset and Fluttershy got all of it. "And then, once I became... this, the Ghost that brought me here took over my mind. I guess you using your Geode must have freed me." "No problem, but these ghosts sound like trouble. Where did you find that box?"

Rarity tried to think a little, as she quickly remembered. "It was this small Antique looking store that looked almost like a shack. The Box was also on a petastool." Sunset got what she said, as she thought someone could get it for them. She then called someone.

Meanwhile at the Mall, Rainbow Dash was looking around as she left a Sports store. "I mean it's awesome that Pinkie wanted to help with the work, but hows a dusty old recipe book going to get us anywhere?" Just then, she got a call from Sunset, asking her to get something inside a store. "Huh? She's asking me to get something from a store? Well, if she's asking."

She then headed to the store where it all started. She goes in and see many old things. "Man, this place gives me the chills. Bet Rarity won't set a single foot inside here." She finds the box on the Petastool and takes it. She calls out to anyone who could be the owner or worker. "Hey! Yo! I would like to buy this box if you please?" No one answered, as she just placed some money on the counter and left, since it would be considered stealing.

Once she was about to head out the store, she saw inside a painting store and Gallery, finding a Painting that had three girls in it, one getting her attention. She saw one of the girls reading a book, looked almost like Twiight. "Is that... Twi?" She heads into the Store to check on the painting.


Meanwhile inside a Toy Store, Pinkie Pie was looking around the various Toys, going from Lego, Pokémon, Roblox and heading to her most favourite part of it; Barbie. "Ooh! Better see what they brought for the Movie? Bet A.J. would love to see it again sometimes?"

As she looked at the Many Toys and Dolls, one got her attention. She saw it looked different to the others, as she had the same Skin, Hair and eye colours of Applejack. She thought it could be a factory mistake, but she decided to take it. "Meh, hope Sweetie Belle would love this? I mean it's not as weird as those Colourful Pony Toys I walked passed before."

Once she brought it and merrerly skipped out the store, she bumped into Rainbow Dash, as she saw she was taking a Box and a Painting, which she had to buy too. "Oopsie, sorry Dashie." "Nah, it's ok Pinkie, just help me up." Pinkie Pie Helped her Rainbow Haired friend up as she looked at the painting.

"This is one pretty Painting." "I had to get it! That one girl looks a little like Twilight! Can't you tell?" Pinkie Pie looked into it and saw some similarities. "Yep, I see it now!" "Well, if it's real or not, we better take this box and the painting to Sunset and the others. Also, what's with the Barbie Doll?" Rainbow was pointing at boxed doll. "She looks like Applejack." Rainbow thought it was another 'Pinkie Pie' thing as they headed out the Mall.


Once they got to Everfree, Rainbow and Pinkie made it to the Geode cave where Sunset, Fluttershy and what they thought was Rarity were waiting for them. "We're here!" "And what happened to you, Rarity?" Rainbow Dash thought it was funny what happened to Rarity, as she sneered at her. "Did you bring the Box?" Sunset asked as Rainbow pulled it out and threw it at her.

Sunset caught it in Panic. "Watch it! If you destroyed it, we'll never fix Rarity!" "Ok, chill. She can't be as weird as these." Rainbow and Pinkie both brought out the Painting and Doll, as Rarity looked at them. "T-Twilight and Applejack darlings? What did those other ghosts do to them?" Rarity then cried a little as she howled inside the cave, which the Wolves in the forest also howled.

Sunset and the others comforted her. "It's ok. Once we stop those Ghosts, we might save them too." Rarity gave a small sniff and wiped her tears away. "So, how do we save them?" Rainbow Dash asked, as they haven't gotten that far yet. "Dashie!" "Hey, I was just curious!" Rainbow and Fluttershy complained, as Sunset them remembered what she did to Rarity before.

"Maybe if I could... "She then activated her Magic and touched the painting and the Doll. Once both glowed Blue and Pink, Sunset's eyes glowed a bright white. Rarity was also glowing White, as Sunset and her yelled as the light intensted, creating a violent blinding light that enveloped them all.

Once the glow stopped, the Ghosts showed they're forms again. "Oh man, I was, Like, curious on who my new owner would be!" The Pink Ghost replied. "Oh no, I feel so sad for you. WHO CARES?! I was with my old pack!" The White ghost then yelled. "Well, at lease I'm with my sister again." "Me too." Both blue ghosts said, embracing they're reunion.

"So you three were the ones who have taken our friends!" Sunset said as Fluttershy, Rainbow Dash and Pinkie Pie all were ready to fight. "Yeah we did! so what?" "Yeah, we were totally, like, trapped in that box for, like, forever, and those new hosts were totally begging for us to take them." "And it's not a crime to reward them, right?"

"Yeah right! Even thought it's kind of funny for Rarity to look like that." "Hey!" "N-Not to mension transforming them against they're own wills." "Yeah, that was really rude and totally mean, like the meanies you really are!" Pinkie Pie finished, sticking her tongue out at them.

However, that just made them angry, as their eyes started glowing Red. "What did you Four Brats say to us?" "That Totally hurt, and believe me, you won't like me when I'm, Like, Totally Hurt!" "I can feel my own sisters emotions, and she isn't happy with you all!"

They then saw the Ghosts were about to trigger they're powers, as the girls knew they were defenceless/ Rarity looked at her Geode, seeing she was kind of powerless to fight back. She then saw the Box she freed the Ghost from, giving her an idea. "Darlings, catch!"

"Say goodbye, brats!" Once the Ghosts fired a beam of Pink, White and Blue at them, Sunset grabbed the Box and opens it, which not only trapped the Ghosts beam, but also started pulling them into the Box. "No. NO!" "This Totally wasn't suppose to happen!" "Well, many sisters have to be together!" "Oh Shut it, you three dorks!!!" Once the White Ghost yelled at them all, as Sunset quickly closed the Box, sealing off they're Magic.

Once they were caught, they're Magic deactivated from Rarity, Twilight and Applejack, freeing them from they're states, but also put them in the clothes they were put in. Twilight and Applejack in the outfits the ghosts picked for them, but Rarity also was in some ripped up clothes. She looked down and covered herself up, embarrassed. "C-Can anyone be a darling and happen to have brought spare clothes?" "And can anyone ask me what the hay why I'm looking like an out of town girl and smelling like a strawberry patch?"

"Well, I kind of like mine." Twilight replied, blushing a little. "We should thank you guys for saving us. Did you catch the ghosts?" Sunset nodded, as she brought up the box. "Well, good riddance for them! So what should we do with them now?" Applejack asked, pulling her skirt a little. Sunset and the others thought about her request.


After they made they're choice, and got Twilight, Applejack and Rarity back in they're old clothes, they took the box back to the Store they found it from and put it back on it's Perastool. "There, back where it belongs." Rainbow Dash saw her Money still on the counter and decided to take it back. "Well, better guess it as a refund."

Rarity rubbed her elbow and looked at Twilight and Applejack. "I am so sorry darlings. I should of waited until I opened that cursed box." "Nah, don't beat ya'self up. I mean we go thought this kind of stuff everytime they're Magic or anyone using said Magic." Applejack chuckled to her.

"But still, we need something for the Presentation for school." Twilight replied, due to being captured inside a painting for a few hours. "Well, I mean if we need something done, we should have been doing it as friends!" They were still glad they're friends were still wanting to do things together. "And look on the bright side, I still have that Cookbook me and Dashie were going to use!" Pinkie Pie said in excitement as they all left the store.

Just then, Sunset and Twilight wanted to know something about the Box. "Maybe the Store Owner knows something about that Box?" "Maybe. Let's go ask them." just as they were going to head back, they saw the Store was now gone, as it was like it wasn't there. Sunset and Twilight looked at each other and back at where the store was before.

"Hey! Ya comin' or what? We're going to get something to eat at the diner!" Applejack yelled out at them, as Sunset and Twi looked at her. They followed they're friends, wondering what happened to the store or if the store was even there.

Author's Note:

The End... of the Good End at least.

This gave me a few ideas to put in it, on how it'll go. The Requester did give me an idea on what it should go like, such as how the ghosts were then sealed back inside, but their idea was a book as mine was about the Box which started it all.

I also did put in some other Toy lines on when Pinkie found Applejack, including a little fun tease on the franchise.

And if your asking, this will have a Bad End in it, which is next!

-Kyetta Cubid