• Published 22nd Oct 2023
  • 271 Views, 4 Comments

MLP Ghostly Tales - Kyetta Cubid

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Chapter 3: Dolled up

Once the Pink Ghost got to Applejack, she saw herself back in the Mall, but something was up with it. She saw it was Pink and White, as she looked at the Stores, seeing they were way girlier for her Tastes. "What the Hey did that freaky thing transport me too?" Worst of it is that she heard a very girly Pop song go through out the entire Mall. This annoyed her as she decided to leave through the main Doors, only to find herself in a Toy Store, down through the Barbie Doll Aisle, which had many Dolls, Vehicles and Playsets based on the Franchise.

"Oh no. This is that Girly Toy line that I can't stand. Rarity and her lil' Sis got some of these things." She also heard about it being a Movie that Pinkie asked her to go to, but she had to due to making a Pinkie Promise. She walked down the Aisle, looking at the Boxes of Toys and Dolls on the shelves. "I don't know how I got in there and where I am, but I'll find me way outta here! Just that Ghost wait!" "Aww, I totes appreciate that!" Just then, she was greeted by the Ghost again. "I totally thought of giving a human a cute makeover, like, forevar!" Applejack didn't know what that Ghost wanted with her, but she wanted answers.

"You see, I was totally a Barbie Doll from, like, years ago or whatever. I was waiting for a cute gal to take and love me like the doll I was, like, before. However, no one was completly interested. Once one series ended, like, another began, and you know what the bummer part of it is? The old Dolls all get scrapped! Since my Envy to finding someone who'll, like, want me, I was then turned into this totes spooky and ghostly form!" Applejack didn't understand half about what she said, but saw she was lonely.

"But enough about that, because soon, I'll, like, be taking my new life by making you into a totally cute, like, Barbie Doll! But the Cowgirl thing is, like, ugh! You need a Total makeover, and I know just the Galfriends for the job!" Just as Applejack wanted to fight her, the Ghost then did a burst of Aura, which brought some Barbie Dolls on the shelves to life, which were a Fashionista, Hair Stylist and Make Up artist. "Like the series Quote 'You can be Anything!'" Once the Ghost disappeared, Applejack was confused on what would happen next, as the Dolls looked at her.

"Oh my gawd, that Style is a total no no!" The Fashionista Barbie replied. "Like, you said it. Not to mention what her Hair is. Ew!" the Hair Stylist one added. "And she needs a Totally cute Makeover!" The Make Up Artist added too. Applejacked backed away from the Dolls who were eyeing down at her and her Style. "N-now hold ya horses! I'm sure we can settle this without a makeover of things." "We, like, agree, but your style needs to be, totally more Barbie!"

Now thinking they want to do what Rarity might do to her, Applejack then ran down the aisle, as the now alive Dolls followed her in a calm walk, Since they were wearing plastic heels. Applejack saw they weren't going to give up until they 'doll her up', she decided to try and hide. She found a box she thought was empty. Once she opened it, she was greeted by another Doll that was alive, as she greeted her. "Like, hey there!" Applejack then quickly closed the box. "Sorry there!"

She then heard the dolls heels still coming, as she was still out the open. She still needed to find a way to escape, as she saw Winged Horse Toys from the recent Barbie series. "Perfect!" She then goes to the Toy Horses and opened one out. It was alive like everything else, as she got on top of it. "So this is what it's like to fly on Rainbow is she was Pony? Let's get flying!" The Horse saw her riding it's back as it then bucked her off and flew off. Applejack was scared to land hard on the hard floor, until she was caught by the Dolls. "That was Totally lucky, right?" "Dagnabbit!"

"Ah well, we totally caught you, so that, like, means it Makeover time!" Applejack tried to dig her boots into the Stores floor, but it was harder than she thought. Once they got back into the mini Mall, she was now scared of what they were going to do to her, knowing it was something she wasn't into; Fashion!

They headed to a Clothing Store first, where the first part of her Torture begun. Due to that, they took off each part of her clothing, which they then started complaining about the Clothing. "Like, Ew!" "Totes." "I think she needs new clothing instead of... theses!" "What did y'all just say?" Applejack complained, as she was still embarrassed to be in her underwear. "Just give me my clothes back!" "Oh don't worry 'y'all', we got somethings totes you'll love!" "Like this crop top?" "And this Skirt?" Two of the dolls then brought out a Pink Crop top and White skirt, which Applejacks eyes shrank down. "Oh no ya don't!" Before she could run away again, they then caught up to her and pinned her down again. "There is no way I'm wearing anything like that around!" "Well, the more you complain, the more this will, like, be harder for all of us." They then pulled the Skirt up her legs and up to her waist. "Y-You all can't do this!" "Don't worry, you'll totes love your new clothes." They then forced the Crop top on top her head and onto the top of her body. "This top is too tight!" "Nah, it's, like, totally you!" Applejack had some angry thoughts in her mind, until they dragged her out and into another store.

Next was a Jewellery Store, which was one of her worst nightmares. She always remembers the times Rarity takes in there, just for one piece of jewellery. Two of them looked around the Store to see what would fit her, as Applejack was being held by the leader. "Hey! What about these? They're totes cute!" One of the Barbies brought out a piece of earrings. "Yeah! And these will, like, tie the whole thing together!" The other also brought out a some Golden Bracelets. Like before, they forced the bracelets onto her wrists and earrings on her ears. "I wish y'all were Rarity right about now." "Well, we're not Rarity, but she could also make a cute Barbie too!"

Each time she struggled, they still grabbed her. The last Location was a Salon and Make up Store, which she was furious of being captured. "I'm going to buck that winged horse when I see it again!" Once they got in, they took her to a Salon Chair and tied her down, so she won't escape. "Ok, you go find some cute Makeup and you find some Hairspray." Once they both went to get everything, Applejack then started struggling again, which was futile to her. Both dolls returned with the stuff, which meant they could start. They soaked her hair to start everything off with. By then, they put the make up on her face and painted her nails. She kept struggling, but they kept kept her head down. "This is why I hate Barbie!" "That totes hurt, but your still, like, on edge. We understand."

Once her hair was soaked enough, they washed it with some Shampoo. Once her hair was done, they took her head out of the bowl and dried it with a hairdryer. They coiled her hair using Hair curlers. "You three are the worst!" "In our worst means the best!" Applejack saw they didn't know what irony means. She then saw the last remaining part of her torture was Hairspray. "Don't. You. Dar..." She was then cut off when they sprayed at her head, which made her cough. "Dagnabbit!"

Once they were done with her makeover and re-style, Applejack was now wearing a Pink Long Sleeved Crop-top, White Skirt with a Belt and White High Heeled boots. For accessories, she had Golden Bracelets, Heart-shaped Earrings, Femme Sunglasses on top her head. And for makeup, she had Light Blue eyeshadow, Black mascara, Bright Pink lipstick and her Hair was now wavy and didn't have the bands in them anymore. She just smelled the Strawberry Perfume as she looked at her Pendant, which was still the same.

Once the dolls looked at they're final look at Applejack, they saw she was messing with her skirt a little. "If you, like, needed the bathroom, why didn't you totally say?" "It's not that! This new fancy underwear isn't feelin' right!" "Aww, don't be like that. You'll totally thank us later!" Applejack then looked at them with fire in her eyes. "I didn't ask for any of this new darn fancy makeover freak show! That was your doing!!!"

"You didn't, like, complain about the Makeup we had to put on you." "That's because the Lipstick was placed on many layers!" "The Fitting of the Shoes?" "You pinned my legs down until they were in them!" "Your new Hairstyle?" "I couldn't move my head in that dryer thing!"

Applejack then had enough. "That's it! I want my old clothes back! Where are they?" "Oh, we had to Totally throw them away! They're in that Bargain bin over in that store!" One of them said, shuttering at a Discount clothes store. She saw her Clothes, Boots and Cowboy hat were stuffed inside of the bin. She was glad they didn't take her Geode. "Dagnabbit! What did I do to deserve this? It was Rarity's fault for openin' that box!"

They saw she was in a bad mood, as they then had an idea to complete her new style. "Well, you may, like, look they style, now it's totally the time to walk the walk!" They then dragged her off again onto a fashion runway, which made Applejack twitch her eye a little. "Your kiddin' me!" "Nope, to be a total Barbie, you must know how to be a Barbie!" "First, the walk! Follow me!" The Fashionista Barbie then walked on the stage, as Applejack saw she didn't have a hard time in plastic heels. Applejack followed her, which she almost wobbled and had a hard time, only for the Barbie to help her up.

Once she mastered walking in Heels, they went onto posing, which she mastered. Then came the most weirdest parts of all; talking like them and flirting with boys. "Like Hay it'll be 'like' flurt with a varmit!" "Don't say that. Some Ken's are so cute, we can't help it!" "Oh brother." Applejack replied, as she and the other Barbies looked at some Kens walk by them. They gave her some interesting looks, which made her blush a little.

"Did I see you, Like, blush? OMG, your totally liking on one of them!" Applejack then got embarrassed. "N-No, I wasn't, like, liking them or anything!" Once she replied, she then covered her mouth. "What the Hay did I Totally say?"

As she was backing away, she saw her legs were posing in many different ways, like she wasn't thinking of her own pose. "I think she's totally ready!" One of them said, as Applejack couldn't focus. "N-No, I'm Totally not ready! I-I haven't even been to a party with my fellow Barbie galfriends!" She covered her mouth again, not knowing what she was even talking about.

Just then, the Pink Ghost appeared again, as she also brought an Empty Barbie Doll box, which was reserved for Applejack. "Look at that, my pick is totally going full Barbie! You ready to do this, Galtime Barbie?" Applejack didn't know what else to say, as she answered the Ghost in a very Girly answer. "Like, totally Ghost Galfriend of whatever! I want to be with someone who'll love me like the Barbie I'm totally am!"

Once Applejack said that, she then started crying a little, as the Ghost then goes to inspirit her. "Don't forget to Put her and shelve her once I'm done!" The Ghost said, as she inspirited Applejack. Once inspirited, Applejack felt her Body becoming nothing more than plastic. The Elbows, knees and legs all obtained Joints in them for a more Barbie doll feel. Her face had also become more Doll like, as the Eyeshadow, Mascara and Lipstick became permament on her face. Her hair also obtained that Barbie feel to it. Once the transformetion was complete, her Geode was now Pink with the Barbie 'B' symbol, which was a darker pink.

Once Applejack, or as she's now knowned as 'Galtime Barble', was now laying on the floor motionless as the doll she was, the Barbies picked her up and layed her on the Cardboard sheet. The tied her Limbs and Torso onto the Board using some small wiring and slide her inside the box, closing it once she was in. They then took her out the mall and back into the Aisle, where they placed her with the other Barbie Dolls.

"Well, another totally satisfied Customer and Barbie!" "Totally! We should, like, do this always!" "Totes, but we're done for the day!" They replied as they headed back to their Boxes and went back motionless, like the Dolls they are, and now they're newest 'Barbie' friend!

Author's Note:

What did I even write? And what did I even make them say? I was making them sound a bit more bubbly a little.

The Requester had some... unique tastes for Applejack, which felt like a punishment for her, maybe me too! I also put in some Pink when Applejack went full Galtime Barble(I came up with name). I also added some Barbie Easter Eggs in this Chapter. Maybe some, maybe not a lot.

And for something to listen to as you want to re-read this Chapter(Also something from the new Barbie Movie) : (5) Nicki Minaj & Ice Spice - Barbie World (with Aqua) [Barbie The Album] - YouTube

Also, this Story will have a Good and a Bad end, because that's me and the Requester agreed on!

-Kyetta Cubid.

P.S. This thing had been edited Too. Many. TIMES!!! Help me!