• Published 14th Oct 2023
  • 900 Views, 26 Comments

G5 Adventures in The Great Mouse Detective - ponydog127

Our heroes journey back to 19th century England to help the famous detective, Basil of Baker Street, find a young mouse girl's toymaker father after he was kidnapped by the evil Professor Ratigan and his bat minion Fidget.

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Mouse Queen in Peril/Escaping Ratigan's Trap

Seeing that Basil had finally been weakened and defeated, Ratigan tied him and Dr. Dawson to a mousetrap in the midst of some very complex machinery, and his thugs tethered all the ponies to the wall in glowing chains, making them unable to use their magic while bound in them. “You don’t know what a delightful dilemma it was trying to decide on the most appropriate method for your demise.”

Fidget nervously set the switch for the trap and scampered away after Zipp let out a growl and lunged at him, wings outstretched. While Dr. Dawson looked completely terrified, Basil was looking catatonic and was simply staring off into space. “Oh, I had so many ingenious ideas I didn’t know which to choose. So, I decided…to use them all.”

Ratigan then gave a grand gesture to reveal a gun, a crossbow, an axe, and an anvil, all of which are aimed directly at the mousetrap, causing the ponies, imprisoned nearby to gasp in horror. “Marvelous, isn’t it? Oh ho… But here, let me show you how it works. Picture this.”

Fidget curtsied to a nearby record player as Ratigan explained the deadly trap. “First, a tune I’ve recorded especially for you. As the song plays the cord tightens, and when the song ends… the metal ball is released. Rolling along its merry way until…” Ratigan gestured to each individual weapon, starting with the mousetrap. Snap! Boom! Twang! Thunk! …splat!

Izzy and Azurine whimpered at the sound of that, flinching in terror. “And so ends the short, undistinguished career of Basil of Baker Street,” Ratigan finished as Azurine finally snapped, lunging against her chains. “You’re… you’re despicable! Let us out of these chains at once, or you're going to get the worst migraine of your life!”

But as she tried to fire her horn at the despicable rat, her horn proved to be useless in the chains. “May I remind you pestly ponies that those chains are magic-proof?” Ratigan asked with a groan. “And so, you can’t use your little magic in them! All made by a very dear friend of mine.”

“...Paradise Moonray, I assume?” Misty asked with a sneer. “...actually, no. But she sounds like a clever, devious mind,” Ratigan said. “No, it was an alicorn like the orange one… but dark purple with powerful fire.”

Sunny felt her breathing get shaky at that. “Opaline… you knew her!”

“Well… we stopped her!” sneered Misty. “So now, we’re gonna stop you!”

“Don’t stress yourself too much,” Ratigan rolled his eyes before turning to his minion, now dressed as a British guard. “Everything’s ready, Fidget?”

“All set, boss.”

Ratigan then peeked inside a large white package with a pink bow on top. “Oh, this is wicked! So delightfully wicked.”

Several thugs, dressed in British Guard uniforms as well, moved the package as Ratigan walked over to Mr. Flaversham, who was bound by ropes, standing by Olivia's bottle, where the ponies could see that she’s safe and sound… for now, anyway. “Mr. Flaversham, let me congratulate you on a superb piece of craftsmanship,” Ratigan complimented. “See what you can do with the proper motivation?”

He then pinched Mr. Flaversham’s cheeks before he looked over to Felicia as more thugs got on her back. “You all know the plan.”

“Right, professor!” the thugs saluted. “It was my fond hope to stay and witness your final scene, but you were fifteen minutes late,” Ratigan told Basil. “And I do have an important engagement at… Buckingham Palace.”

Zipp growled at him, now knowing where they were going as Ratigan gestured to a nearby camera. “Now, you will remember to smile for the camera, won’t you? Hmm? Say cheese.”

“You fiend!” cried Dr. Dawson. “Sorry, chubby. You should have chosen your friends more carefully.”

Ratigan then started the record as he climbed aboard the dirigible Fidget was piloting. “Adieu, auf wiedersehen, arrivederci, farewell! Heh heh… bye bye, Basil.”

Record: You'll find your separate way
With time so short I’ll say so long
And go so soon

You followed me, I followed you
We were like each other’s
Shadows for a while

Now as you see
This game is through
So although it hurts
I’ll try to smile

As I say…

“Wait, wait wait…” Hitch said as he comforted Sparky. “W-W-What did he mean, an engagement in Buckingham Palace?”

“Haven’t you figured it out yet, sheriff?” Basil asked after a heavy sigh, sounding like he didn’t even care anymore. “The queen’s in danger and the empire’s doomed.”

This immediately caught the ponies and Dr. Dawson offguard. “THE QUEEN?!”


Outside Buckingham Palace, trumpets played as well dressed mice entered the palace for the queen's jubilee, and all the while, Ratigan's thugs were replacing the queen's actual guards so they could carry out the horrible scheme.

In her bedroom, the queen was preparing herself when there was a knock on her door, causing her to adjust her crown before answering. “Come in!”

“Ah, begging your majesty’s pardon,” said the first thug, entering the room. “A present has just arrived in honor of your jubilee.”

“A present? Oh how wonderful! Ah, I just adore jubilees.”

The thugs pushed the present inside the bedroom, where Fidget handed the queen a note, handwritten by Ratigan himself. “Here you are, sweetheart.”

That’s when the queen eyed him suspiciously. “Have you… been with us… long?” she asked before she read the note. “To our beloved queen, this gift we send as her 60 year reign… comes to an end…?”

Fidget and the other thugs pulled the ribbons and sides down on the present to reveal an exact robot replica of the queen, to which she studied with fascination. “How extraordinary!”

Suddenly, the robot came to life and grabbed the queen, causing her to run around the room as the robot chased her around. “Goodness gracious!”

The robot suddenly halted as Ratigan appeared at her doorway, with Flaversham operating the controls. “Amazing likeness, isn’t it, Your Majesty?”

“Professor Ratigan!” the queen gasped. “Guards! Seize this despicable creature!”

Fidget snickered before Ratigan spoke into the speaker, making the robot queen say what he said. “Guards! Seize this despicable creature!”

Ratigan cackled as his thugs grabbed the queen, who was more than outraged at the despicable act. “How dare you!”

“Take her away!” Ratigan ordered, ringing Felicia’s bell as the thugs took the queen away to be fed to his beloved cat.


Back in Ratigan's lair, the record was thankfully still playing, but Basil had still made no attempt to free everyone. Olivia was still pushing at the cork, to no avail.

It's through so although it hurts
I’ll try to smile as I say goodbye
So soon and isn’t this…

“Don’t worry, Olivia!” Pipp strained as she tried to fly out of the chains. “We’re gonna get you out of here… right, Basil?”

Her only response from him was a mere groan. “Basil!” Sunny shouted to get his attention. “Oh, how could I have been so blind?” Basil asked out loud. “We all make mistakes!” Dr. Dawson tried to tell him. “But we can’t let that stop us! We have to--”

“Ratigan’s proved he’s more clever than I,” Basil said with a scoff. “He would never have walked into such an obvious trap.”

“Oh, it’s no use, Dr. Dawson!” Hitch sighed in exasperation. “We’ve tried to convince him for the past 5 minutes, and there’s been no progress on snapping him out of it!”

“Basil, you’ve got to pull yourself together!” Dr. Dawson tried to say. “You can stop that villain! Why--”

Suddenly, a sound caught their attention, and it sounded like the record… was skipping, meaning Dr. Dawson and Basil’s end was getting even closer! “Basil, Dr. Dawson!” Misty said as she strained to get loose. “The record!”

But Basil still wasn’t listening to her. “Oh, it’s finally happened! I’ve been outwitted!”

“Basil, please!

“Listen to us!”

“Beaten! Duped! Made a fool of!”

“That’s not true!”

“You can still beat Ratigan!”

“Oh, ridiculed! Belittled!”

“That’s enough!” Dr. Dawson shouted, getting angry that Basil wouldn't listen to him or the ponies as the record fixed itself. “Dash it all, Basil! The Queen’s in danger, Olivia’s counting on us to save her father and these poor ponies are trusting on us to complete their mission and help them get back to their own world! We’re about to be horribly splattered and all you can do is lie there feeling sorry for yourself. Well, I know you can save us, but if you’ve given up then why don’t we set it off now and be done with it?”

Record: We know by now that time knows how to fly…

During the uncomfortable silence, aside from the record playing, Basil let off a weak chuckle. “Set it off now…” he muttered before something in his mind clicked... something that could be able to fix everything and still give them a chance at saving the queen! “ Set it… off… now? Ye… yeah! Ha ha! Yes! We’ll… We’ll set the trap off now!”

“Wha-- Basil, wait!” Dr. Dawson cried, horrified. “I didn’t mean that we ought--”

By that point, as Dawson was trying to take back what he said, the song ended, and the ball was quickly on its way. Back in his true form, Basil quickly formed a plan. “The angle of the trajectory multiplied by the square root of an isosceles triangle… dividing Guttermeg’s principle of opposing forces in motion… and adjusting for the difference in equilibrium… Dawson, at the exact moment I tell you, we must release the triggering mechanism!!”

“Basil, we don’t even know if this will work!” Zipp cried. “You and Dr. Dawson could still get killed!”

“Trust me, your highness! I know what I’m doing!” Basil shouted before getting mentally ready for this one attempt. “Get ready, Dawson… steady… NOW!!”

As Dr. Dawson yelled out in terror, they hit the trigger, saved from the metal switch by the ball that was stopped just between their heads. This caused the ponies to sigh in somewhat relief.

That was extremely close.

The vibration loosend one of the pegs, which ricocheted towards the gun, causing it to misfire and hit the crossbow, which instead of being aimed at Basil and Dawson, flew towards the axe, cutting off the head. The blade fell lengthwise, slicing through the ropes and trap, effectively freeing the two mice before the anvil fell seconds later, missing them both.

The force of the anvil hitting the ground rattled Olivia's bottle, loosening the cork and sending her sailing through the air. As Dr. Dawson leaned heavily against the anvil, Basil shed his sailor costume and put his deerstalker cap back on, putting one arm around Dr. Dawson and holds the other out in the air. “Thank you, Dawson,” he said before catching Olivia in his open arm and turning to the camera. “Smile, everyone!”

The camera immediately off after this, capturing Basil's brilliant smile, and Olivia and Dawson's stunned expressions. “Phew…” Hitch sighed, his heart beating at 1000 miles a minute. “I thought for sure we’d see the murders of our new friends right in front of us. Now… GET US OUT OF THESE CHAINS!!!”

The three mice immediately rushed toward the ponies and managed to smash the chains off of them, where Olivia hugged Sunny and Pipp. “You’re alright!” she said happily. “I knew you all would come for me!”

“Of course we would,” Sunny said comfortingly before shaking Basil’s hand. “We’re glad you’re back, Basil. Without you, we wouldn’t have known what to do.”

“Yes, well… it was Dawson who really snapped me out of it with that last phrase, but… I appreciate you caring so much about me to not give up.”

“Anything for you, fellow detective,” Zipp said before taking him onto her back. “But we still have a mission, right? We have a queen to save!”