• Published 14th Oct 2023
  • 900 Views, 26 Comments

G5 Adventures in The Great Mouse Detective - ponydog127

Our heroes journey back to 19th century England to help the famous detective, Basil of Baker Street, find a young mouse girl's toymaker father after he was kidnapped by the evil Professor Ratigan and his bat minion Fidget.

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Meeting Basil of Baker Street

It was starting to rain on that very evening that Olivia Flaversham's father was forcibly taken from that small toyshop, and the young girl had wandered the streets, hopelessly lost while trying to find the one mouse who could find her father. Not being able to stand the cold much longer, she took shelter in a rainboot, softly sobbing to herself.

How was she going to find her father now?


A portal opened on the cold sidewalks of London, and the ponies managed to easily come out of it, getting a good look at their surroundings. “Wow,” Sunny said, noticing how large everything was compared to them. “I'm thinking about two things-- either everything around us just got a lot bigger, or...”

“We’re Smurf-sized again!” Hitch groaned. “Great... just the terror we needed.”

Sparky babbled and ran around the group before heading to the edge of the sidewalk. “Oh, no no no no, Sparky!” Hitch said before he immediately grabbed his dragon baby. “You're gonna have to stay with me at all times, and absolutely no dragon fire unless I say so!”


“Okay, ponies-- we need to be extremely careful,” Zipp said, “cause if this is anything like the Gargamel situation, we could be flattened like a--”

“CARRIAGE!!” Hitch suddenly shrieked. “Okay, sheriff, calm down,” said Pipp. “I’m sure there aren’t any carriages in New York.”

“No, I mean, here comes an actual carriage coming to squish us flat!”

Truth be told, a carriage was approaching them, and the ponies quickly dove into hiding to not be seen. After a moment, a voice spoke up as the carriage began to depart. “Oh, I’m terribly sorry. I hope the carriage didn’t frighten you too much.”

The ponies peeked out from their hiding place to see a mouse with a mustache, hat and coat approaching them with a slender young unicorn with a brownish-tan coat, blue eyes, a curly blue mane and a cutie mark of a flower on her flank. “Oh, well… maybe a little,” Sunny admitted as they came out of hiding. “We’re just not used to being in strange places and being this size.”

“Well, let us be the first to welcome you to London,” the mouse introduce. “My name is Dr. David Q. Dawson, most recently of the Queen’s 66th Regiment. And this is my loyal assistant, Azurine Flower.”

“Hello,” Azurine greeted politely. “A pleasure to meet you both,” Misty said. “I’m Misty, and these are all my pony friends… heh, and Sparky Sparkeroni.”

Sparky immediately babbled and raced over to the doctor, who chuckled out of surprise. “A dragon! In all my days in Afghanistan, I’ve never seen one of those before.”

“We’re not really sure where he came from, but ever since that one fateful day, Sparky’s been stuck to Hitch like glue,” Pipp chuckled. “Hey, you wouldn’t happen to know of a place we could stay, do you? We don’t really know how long we’ll be here, and we need a place to rest.”

“Well, Azurine and I were just looking for a place ourselves,” Dr. Dawson replied, “but we’ll happily keep you with us until you can head home.”

“All right,” Azurine said as the other ponies gathered around the newspaper they were holding. “Let’s see…”

But as they got to looking, rain started to fall down on them gently from above, causing the ponies to groan-- it always seemed to be rain for them. “Not to worry,” Dr. Dawson flipped open his umbrella. “I always have room for more under here.”

The ponies managed to scooch in under Dr. Dawson’s umbrella, not knowing that the events those next few nights were going to change their lives forever.

Suddenly, as they walked past an old rainboot, a soft but sad sound filled the air, almost sounding like… crying. Azurine’s sensitive ears led them straight to the sound first, and they peeked inside the boot, only for Azurine to stare with wide eyes and pinned ears. “Oh…” she whispered. “O-Oh my…”

There, inside that boot, was a small mouse girl in a blue coat and hat, crying to herself and looking terribly alone. The ponies immediately wondered how long she had been in there, but Dr. Dawson spoke up to the girl before they could speak. “Are you all right, my dear?”

The little girl quickly turned to them with frightened eyes, and Dr. Dawson immediately pulled a handkerchief out from his coat. “Come now, come, come. Here, dry your eyes.”

Taking the handkerchief from him, the girl blew her nose before giving it back to Dr. Dawson. “There, that’s better,” said Sunny gently as the other ponies came into the room. “Now… can you tell us what’s the matter? Maybe we can help.”

“I… I’m lost,” the little girl finally managed to speak, pulling an old newspaper clipping from her coat pocket. “I-I-I’m trying to find Basil of Baker Street.”

“Now let’s see here,” Dr. Dawson took the newspaper clipping and read what it said. “Famous detective solves baffling disappearance. Hmm… hmm.”

“He sounds like a good detective, but I don’t understand,” Zipp said before turning back to the girl. “Where are your mom and dad? They’re probably worried sick about you.”

“That’s why I m-m-must find Basil!” the girl began to sob into her scarf, worrying the ponies and Dr. Dawson. “There, there, there. Now, now, now. Well, I don’t know any Basil…” said the doctor, earning a sad look from the girl before smiling and taking his glasses off. “…but I do remember where Baker Street is. Now, come along, everyone. We’ll find this Basil chap together.”

The little girl soon walked with them out into the rain, and as they walked, Pipp felt a tug on her wing and turned to the little girl. “Excuse me,” she said softly. “I don’t mean to pry, but… are you a princess?”

“Oh, yeah!” Pipp giggled. “Princesses Pipp Petals and Zephyrina Storm, at your service! And, you are…?”

“Flaversham,” the girl curtsied to the sisters. “Olivia Flaversham.”

“Pleased to meet you, Olivia,” said Zipp with a kind smile. “But, you can just call us Pipp and Zipp. And these are all our friends.”

“Hi!” Misty smiled. “And don’t worry. Whatever problem you have, I’m sure this Basil of Baker Street will help you. Do you think... maybe you can tell us what happened?”

Olivia sighed sadly. “My daddy’s missing, and I thought maybe Mr. Basil might be able to help.”

“Oh…” Misty gasped, and she and the others shared sympathetic glances, figuring this was probably the quest meant for them, before Pipp took Olivia onto her back. “Don’t worry,” she reassured. “We’re gonna make sure we get you to this Basil character so he can find your dad-- promise.”


Pretty soon, they manage to arrive on Baker's Street, and the rain seemed to have slacked off. Dr. Dawson knocked on the door and the housekeeper, Mrs. Judson opened it, her arms full of books, blankets and pillows, as well as a teacup and medieval mace. “Good evening, madam,” Sunny said politely. “Sorry to interrupt so late, but is this the residence of Basil of Baker Street?”

“I’m afraid it is,” Mrs. Judson sighed. “He’s not here at the moment, but you’re welcome to come in and wait.”

“Oh, we don’t want to impose,” Dr. Dawson said. “It’s just, the girl…”

Once seeing that Olivia wasn't with them, the group peered inside to see Olivia examining a magnifying glass with primal interest. Mrs. Judson immediately gasped, handing her stuff to Hitch and rushing over to her. “Oh my! You poor dear! You must be chilled to the bone!” she said, wringing out Olivia's hat with a chuckle. “Oh, but I know just the thing. Let me fetch you a pot of tea and some of my fresh cheese crumpets.”

As Mrs. Judson rushed off to the kitchen, the ponies and Olivia looked around the room, astonished at what they saw. A small propeller was operating a bellow nearby, and attached to that were several cigarettes and a pipe, all of which were puffing.On another table, four different pairs of shoes were being turned in a circular motion, first being brushed with black paint, and then setting a print on a stack of paper. “Wow,” Hitch said, setting Mrs. Judson’s stuff down. “This Basil character really has some unique stuff.”

“Hey! He unicycled a bunch of this stuff!” Izzy said with a gasp. “Just like me!”

Suddenly, a voice from the door quickly caught their attention. “Ah-ha! The villain’s slipped this time! I shall have him!”

Quickly, the door burst open to reveal a large mouse dressed in Chinese robes, smiling triumphantly with a gun in his hand as lightning struck. The ponies screamed in alarm as the mouse ran into the room with no intent of stopping. “Out of my way! Out of my way!”

“I say! Who--” Dr. Dawson began to ask as the mouse’s hat is thrown directly on his own head, taking it off before continuing the question. “Who are you?”

“What? Oh!”

The mouse reached up and pulled off a rubber mask, revealing the identity underneath. “Basil of Baker Street, my good fellow.”

Basil then pulled a tab on his robe, which let the air inside escape to reveal his slender form, surprising Dawson and the ponies even more. Olivia, on the other hand, was relieved to see him and approached eagerly. “Mr. Basil! I need your help! And I…”

Unfortunately, Basil was not at all listening to her as he put on his house robe and tossed a dart onto the dartboard with his eyes closed, scoring a direct bullseye. “All in good time.”

“But-but you don’t understand. I’m in terrible trouble.”

“If you’ll excuse me.”

Basil just walked past Olivia, who sighed desperately as Misty stepped forward. “Excuse me, Mr. Basil, would you just see--”

Basil merely rushed past her, causing Misty to pause until Dr. Dawson stepped up, gaining the wind that Misty lost. “This young lady is in need of assistance. I think you ought…”

“Will you hold this, please, doctor?” Basil asked, handing him the gun he was holding earlier. “Of course.”

Dr. Dawson took the gun with his eyes closed, and he doesn’t realize at first what he’s holding and points the gun at his head. He opened his eyes, and then nervously held it out at arms length until Basil retrieved it. That’s when he suddenly realized something was off. “Ah, wait just a moment. How did you know I was a doctor?”

Basil picked up an ordinary bullet and placed it in the gun, continuing to answer Dr. Dawson. “A surgeon, to be exact. Just returned from military duty in Afghanistan. Am I right?”

“Why, heh heh, oh yes. Major David Q. Dawson.”

“But wait a sec,” said Zipp in confusion. “How could you have possibly…?”

“Quite simple, really,” said Basil, gathering several pillows from around the room. “Dawson has sewn his torn cuff together with the Lembert stitch, which of course, only a surgeon uses. And the thread is a unique form of catgut distinguished by its… peculiar pungency… found only in the Afghan provinces.”

One by one, Basil tossed the three pillows at Dawson, who held them against his body, his face mostly covered. “Amazing!”

“Actually it’s… elementary, my dear Dawson.”

Basil then spun the gun revolver and pointed it directly at the pillows, causing Sunny to shriek, put the pillows on the nearby couch and pull the others into hiding as the gun went off, pillow feathers flying all over the place. And at that moment, Mrs. Judson rushed back out at the stentorian report. “ What in heaven’s name?! Oh! Oh! MY GOOD PILLOWS!!! Mr. Basil!”

Basil popped his head above his chair at the shout, and Mrs. Judson wasn’t finished with that rant. “How many times have I told you not to…?”

“There, there, Mrs. Judson, it’s quite all right,” Basil reassured her before sniffing the aroma from the kitchen. “Mmm! I believe I smell some of those delightful cheese crumpets of yours,” he said, pushing Mrs. Judson back to the kitchen. “Why don’t you fetch our guests some?”

“But, ah, but, but…”

But, Mrs. Judson was already pushed into the kitchen without another word.

“Now…” Basil said, searching the floor, “...I know that bullet’s here somewhere.”

Olivia had found the bullet and held it up for him, causing him to take it begrudgingly. “Thank you, Miss…”

“Flaversham. Olivia Flaversham. And these ponies are my friends.”

“Pleased to meet you, Mr. Basil,” Sunny said. “And I gotta say, your detective process is really impressive.”

“Yeah!” Zipp smiled. “I’d love to learn new skills from another detective!”

“Whatever,” Basil replied, distracted as he headed to another table. “Yes,” said Olivia, “but you don’t understand!”

Basil shushed her and immediately opened a small box containing another bullet before sticking both of them underneath the microscope to compare their markings.

The first one matched…

…the second one matched…

…but when he checked the third… they didn’t. “OH NO! Drat!” he shouted before falling into depression. “Another dead end… he was within my grasp.”

Basil flopped into his chair and began to play a sorrowful tune on his violin, not having another care in the world. “Olivia?” Azurine spoke. “I think you and I best go talk to him.”

“I’ll go, too,” Pipp said. “In case you need a famous influencer to help change his mind.”

So, Olivia and two of the ponies marched forward so they could see Basil more clearly from the light of the roaring fire in the fireplace. “Now will you please listen to me?” Olivia begged. “My daddy’s gone and I’m all alone.”

“Young lady, this is a most inopportune time,” Basil said before continuing to play, and upon seeing Olivia’s sad face, decided to say something to cheer her up. “Surely your mother knows where he is.”

“I… I don’t have a mother.”

Basil screeched the violin as he abruptly sat up, the ponies jumping in surprise. “Oh…” Pipp said softly. “I-I see. So, you need Basil to find your… remaining parent?”

Olivia nodded softly, and Izzy approached with the others. “Come on, Mr. Basil, sir! You gotta help Olivia! Just look at that adorable face!”

Basil looked like he was about to agree, but instantly changed his mind firmly. “See here! I simply have no time for lost fathers.”

“I didn’t lose him!” spoke Olivia defiantly. “He was taken! By a bat!”

Suddenly, Basil’s eyes widened as he leaned toward Olivia intently-- evidently, this information was of great importance. “Did you say… BAT?”


“Did he have a crippled wing?”

“I don’t know. But he had a peg leg!”


“This may come off as being nosy,” Hitch said, “but do you… know this bat?”

Know him?” Basil asked, sitting on top of his chair. “That bat, one Fidget by name, is in the employ of the fiend who was the very target of my experiment! The horror of my every waking moment. The nefarious Professor Ratigan!

Basil pointed his violin bow in the direction of the fireplace, where a picture of a well-dressed rat sat on the mantle frame. The flames in the fire burst and lightning struck as the ponies saw a close up of Ratigan's sinister grin. Azurine shuddered when she heard this name, but never the face, until now. “R-Ratigan?”

“You’ve heard of him?” Misty asked. “Ever since I was a filly,” Azurine nodded. “But… I’ve never seen him… or… never wanted to see him, anyway.”

“But I don’t get it,” Pipp said. “What would this… Ratigan guy want with Olivia’s dad? Is he that bad?”

“He’s a genius, princess,” Basil said firmly. “A genius… twisted for evil. The Napoleon of crime!”

“Whoa, heh…” Hitch gulped nervously as he held Sparky within his hooves. “He’s really all that, huh?”

“WORSE!!” Basil responded in a faked, hoarse tone. “For years, I’ve tried to capture him and I’ve come close… so very close. But each time he’s narrowly evaded my grasp. Not a corner of London’s safe while Ratigan’s at large. There’s no evil scheme he wouldn’t concoct! No depravity he wouldn’t commit. Who knows what dastardly scheme that villain may be plotting even as we speak…”

This sentence immediately got the ponies worried. If Ratigan was as bad as Basil said… it made Paradise and Opaline look like tiny scraps of evil.

And this made them honestly wonder… what would Ratigan be doing now?

Author's Note:

I decided to choose this pony for the OC role in my story, just decided to change her name. Shout out to the creator:

Myosotis Reference Sheet by DeadliestVenom on DeviantArt