• Published 14th Oct 2023
  • 931 Views, 26 Comments

G5 Adventures in The Great Mouse Detective - ponydog127

Our heroes journey back to 19th century England to help the famous detective, Basil of Baker Street, find a young mouse girl's toymaker father after he was kidnapped by the evil Professor Ratigan and his bat minion Fidget.

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Investigations Begin/Meeting Toby

While Ratigan and his thugs were singing in triumph, Olivia was telling Dr. Dawson, the ponies and Basil the entire story of how Fidget kidnapped her father, down to the very last detail.

That's when Basil began to pace across the floor. “This case is most intriguing with its multiplicity of elements… its many twists and turns.”

That’s when Zipp turned to Olivia with her FlyPad in hoof. “Olivia, are you SURE you’ve told Basil and me everything? The slightest detail may be important in finding your dad.”

Olivia nodded at this. “It’s just as I said. And then my father was gone.”

“I'm pony pink positive that we're gonna find him, Olivia,” Pipp said. “And if anypony in our team can figure it out, it's my sister.”

Dawson turned to Basil as he puffed his pipe. “What do you make of it?”

“One thing is definitely for sure,” Zipp said as Olivia began to follow her and Basil into another part of the room. “Ratigan is up to something.”

“Excellent deducing, my dear princess!” Basil said proudly before becoming serious again. “A crime of the most sinister nature no doubt. The question is… what would he want with a toy maker?”

As Zipp and Basil began to think harder and harder about the dilemma, Azurine approached Olivia with Pipp when Fidget popped down from above as lightning struck, causing the three of them to scream.

Zipp and Basil quickly turned as Fidget fell down into the shrubs, and Basil quickly leapt to the door. “Quickly, Dawson, and bring those ponies with you! We’ve not a moment to lose!”

“Uh, uh... we’re right behind you, Basil!” Dr. Dawson shouted, and they rushed outside, only to find that Fidget had disappeared. Basil looked around and knelt down to look at the sidewalk, where Fidget had left behind his muddy footprints while Misty panted for breath. “No sign of the creepy bat anywhere!”

“Not quite, young Brightdawn,” Basil addressed the ponies to the trail of footprints underneath them. “He left some rather unusual footprints. They obviously belong to the same fiend who abducted the girl’s father-- Ratigan’s peg-legged lackey!”

“And if we follow this trail before it washes away,” Azurine added, “we might be able to get some sort of lead as to where he's going!”

And, to add to this pile of evidence, Dr. Dawson discovered that Fidget has lost his hat, picking it up off the ground. “Uh, Basil?”

“Ah-ha! Excellent work, old man!” Basil said, inspecting the hat before running inside. Standing in the doorway was Olivia and Mrs. Judson, while the former was comforting the young girl. “Now… there’s nothing to be afraid of, my dear.”

As an excited Basil rushed by, Mrs. Jusdon pulled Olivia out of harms way, glaring at Basil for his insensitivity. “Mrs. Judson is right,” Sunny said, smiling at Olivia. “We have a lead, and that creepy bat is pretty much gone.”

“Ha-ha! But not for long, Miss Flamhammer!” Basil said as he changed into his detective coat. “Flaversham!” Olivia reminded. “Whatever,” Basil shrugged. “Now, we simply pursue our peg-legged friend until he leads us to the girl’s father.”

“Then you’ll get my daddy back?”

“Of course we will,” Pipp said. “And quite soon, if I’m not mistaken, thanks to Detective Zipp and Basil of Baker Street!”

Basil then put on his detective hat with a proud, confident smile. “Now, hurry along, Dawson and ponies. We must be off to… Toby’s.”

“Toby’s?” the ponies and Dr. Dawson questioned at once. “Oh, you must meet him,” Basil said. “He’s just the chap for this.”

“You-- you want me to come?” Dr. Dawson asked out of shock. “Ha!” Basil smiled. “I should think a stouthearted army mouse like you would leap at the chance for adventure.”

“Well, heh, heh. I am rather curious.”

“Besides, it does sound like quite the adventure, and I used to be quite the adventurous filly,” Azurine shrugged with a giggle. “I’m in.”

“Wait for me!” Olivia said, quickly grabbing her coat. “I’m coming too!”

When Olivia grabbed her things, she knocked over Basil’s violin in the process, causing Basil to dive and grab it before it hit the floor. “What?!” he said, instantly opposed to Olivia tagging along. “Certainly not! This is no business for children.”

“I have to agree with Basil on this one,” Zipp said. “You might get hurt, or worse! I think you better stay with Mrs. Judson, just until we find your dad.”

“Neigh way, Zipp!” Pipp argued. “What if that bat-mouthed bat shows up and scares Olivia again? Sorry, sis, but I think she’d be a lot safer with us to protect her.”

Olivia heard Pipp defending her, and instantly rushed to get ready, putting some crumpets in her coat pocket for the trip. “Are we going to take a cab? Or are you ponies gonna give us rides?”

“Whatever you want!” Pipp laughed. “I don’t give people rides often, but I think I can make an exception for ya.”

Basil sighed and turned Olivia and Pipp to face him. “My dears…” he said, trying to forcefully be gentle, “...I don’t think you understand. It will be quite dangerous.”

But just as he sat down, he destroyed his violin, growling out of frustration. “Young lady, you are most definitely not accompanying us. And that is final!


A few minutes later, the entire group traveled through the walls to the human apartment upstairs, where Basil turned to Olivia, who the ponies had practically used their puppy-dog eyes on him to allow Olivia to come. “Not a word out of any of you,” Basil said quietly to the ponies and Olivia. “Is that clear?”

Olivia quickly shushed him and they hid just as two human figures walked by-- Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson, talking to themselves.

“I observe that there’s a good deal of German music on the program. It is introspective, and I want to introspect.”

“But Holmes, that music is so frightfully dull.”

“Come along.”

Soon, the two men left, leaving the group alone to walk into the open. “Sheesh… this apartment is huge!” Hitch said, carrying Sparky on his back. “If this is really where Toby lives, we better get searching as many levels as possible.”

“Toby?” Basil called as they walked through the house. “Toby!”

Unfortunately, there was no answer, and Olivia leaned over to whisper to Azurine and Dr. Dawson. “Who’s Toby?”

“Well, my dear, Toby is… well, he’s uh, uh…” Dr. Dawson stammered, looking for an answer before he turned to Basil. “I say, Basil, who is this Toby chap?”

Before Basil could answer, there came a roar of thundering footsteps that sounded like they were getting closer. Towering over them is an adorable basset hound dog, who was obviously very happy to see Basil. “Ah, here he is now!” Basil said as the ponies’ and Dr. Dawson’s jaws dropped. “Sweet sauce horseshoe toss!” Izzy cried. “That is one BIG dog!”

“He’s a basset hound! I’ve read about them before in an old book my dad used to read!” Misty said eagerly. “They’re really good at sniffing out clues for mysteries.”

“Well, um… yes,” Basil said, clearing his throat before pushing the others toward Toby’s nose. “Dawson and ponies… Toby.”

Toby eagerly began to sniff them as Azurine coughed from the smell coming from Toby’s breath. “Oh… that is a strong odor,” she said quietly. “Charmed…” Dr. Dawson said, patting Toby on the nose, “...I’m sure.”

Unfortunately, Toby didn’t seem too thrilled with the introduction and growled menacingly at the group, causing Azurine and Dr. Dawson to hide and Hitch to step forward. “Toby! Is that any way to treat new friends?” he scolded. “Cease and desist! What would your mother say if she heard that language?”

Toby paused in surprise at how Hitch could understand him, giving Azurine and Dr. Dawson a chance to recover. “Wow,” Azurine said to Hitch. “How did you know he would react that way?”

“Hitch can understand all sorts of animals,” Sunny smiled. “Something that really comes with his earth pony magic, I guess.”

“I’m frightfully sorry about that fright, all,” Basil apologized. “Toby has the most splendid sense of smell of any hound I’ve trained. But he can be deucedly frisky.”

Basil chuckled as Toby sniffed around the room and stopped at a footstool, where Olivia’s feet and Misty’s hooves could be seen behind the fringe. Cautiously, Olivia pushed the fringe aside and smiled at Toby, who seemed to like her just fine. “Hello, Toby!” she said, patting Toby on the nose and giggled as Toby sniffed her again. “Silly doggy!”

“I know I’m not able to understand animals,” said Misty, “but I think he likes you. Oh! I have an idea!”

Using her magic, she pulled a crumpet from Olivia’s coat pocket and offered it to Toby. “Toby, do you want a crumpet? They’re Mrs. Judson’s homemade cheese ones.”

Toby nodded happily as Misty lifted the crumpet up, and Toby licked it up, licking his chops after he was through. “Awww…” Izzy cooed. “For such a big doggy, he sure is cute!”

“Here now, Toby? Toby!” Basil said, digging into his coat pocket for the hat. “I want you to…”

Toby wasn’t at all listening, as the dog was on his back enjoying a belly rub from Olivia, Pipp and Zipp. Basil whistled, and Toby rolled his head back to see him clearing his throat and tapping his foot, causing Olivia to slide down Toby’s stomach and fall onto Azurine’s back, letting Toby roll over for Basil, who got the hat ready to show him. “Good, now Toby! Toby… I want you to find… this fiend!

Upon seeing the hat, Toby immediately began to growl, teeth bared and hairs on his neck raising. Then, to the ponies’ surprise, Basil began to bark and growl with him. “Yes, you know his type. A villain. A scoundrel! Low brow. Close set eyes. Broken wing.”

Toby then paused and looked at Basil, confused at the description. “Oh,” said Misty. “He’s a peg-legged bat with a broken wing.”

This time, Toby began to growl more menacingly than before. “Yes! Yes! That’s the spirit! Got his scent?” Basil asked, causing Toby to nod so he could grab Toby’s leash. “Good boy!” Zipp said. “Good boy!”

Once Basil got the leash, he turned to face Toby again, only to find him turned the opposite way. He then moved in front of Toby again, smiling proudly. “Miss Flamchester!”

“Flaversham!” the others shouted. “Whatever. Your father is as good as found!” Basil said, attaching Toby’s leash. “Toby…”

Toby then displayed a ‘pointer’ pose, ready to bolt after Fidget's trail. “...sick ‘em!” Basil finished. As Toby rushed out, he accidentally stomped on his master. The dazed detective managed to hold on to the leash and quickly regained his wind. “Ah-ha! Yoinks! Tally ho! Ha-ha! Ha-ha!”

“Oh boy…” Sunny said to herself. “I sure hope Basil doesn’t become so sure of himself that he foils the investigation.”