G5 Adventures in The Great Mouse Detective

by ponydog127

First published

Our heroes journey back to 19th century England to help the famous detective, Basil of Baker Street, find a young mouse girl's toymaker father after he was kidnapped by the evil Professor Ratigan and his bat minion Fidget.

The ponies journey to Bridlewood to see if they can find anything that can help them convince Paradise Moonray to turn good, but during their time discovering the Breezie Night Market, the Unity Crystals summon them for another quest-- this time, to London, England in 1897.

Little Olivia Flaversham's father, a skilled toymaker, has been kidnapped by the evil Professor Ratigan, and she needs the help of Basil of Baker Street, the famed mouse detective, Dr. David Q. Dawson, a mysterious unicorn mare named Azurine and our ponies to help track him down... especially when Olivia has been captured to convince her father to adhere to Ratigan's commands!

It's up to our pony heroes and their new mouse friends to crack the case and save the day before Ratigan can harm England's mousy queen. But will they succeeed?

Hold onto your detective hats, because G5 Adventures' latest installment is sure to be chockfull of fun, excitement and adventure to share for years to come!

(S2E6 of G5 Adventures)

To Bridlewood!/A Mousy Kidnapping

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A week or two after returning from their latest Unity Quest in Tokyo with Mystery Incorporated, the ponies got back to their usual lives, at least for a little while. Zipp, deciding to spend some of her time focusing on how she could help Misty convince her mother to change, had an ultimatum one day-- if Misty and her mother both came from Bridlewood, maybe there would be answer there that could help!

So one evening after everypony got back from running their errands, Zipp gathered them all together and got into the Marestream, immediately setting off for Bridlewood. “This is your pilot, Zipp Storm, speaking,” Zipp said through the intercom to her friends in the back. “I'm expecting clear skies and smooth conditions as we cruise into our destination, Bridlewood.

“Thank moons for that!” Misty cheered. “I really hope there might be something we can use to turn my mom to the right side. And, maybe we’ll get to see Dad while we’re here!”

“I’m sure we can,” said Sunny with a smile. “Plus, if there's time, I wanna forage for some exotic forest berries for my smoothies!”

“And I,” said Pipp, “wanna see if there are some natural herbs and flowers I can use in my next mane and hoof line!”

“Starting our descent!” Zipp said as the Marestream began to lower itself toward the forest below, landing right near the Crystal Tea room. “We should start by asking Alphabittle if he knows anything. He knew Paradise better than anypony else, so he might be able to give us some clues.”

The group immediately got out and trotted toward the Crystal Tea Room, opening its doors to see Alphabittle chatting with Queen Haven, who gave a laugh to a funny remark Alphabittle once made. Seeing her father made Misty gasp in delight, rushing toward him. “Dad!”

“Mom!” Pipp cried as she and her sister ran toward her mother, and all three girls enveloped their parents in huge hugs. “Oh, darlings! What a surprise!” Queen Haven smiled. “Yeah, I thought you weren’t coming to visit till next week, Tea,” Alphabittle said, using the special nickname Misty created for herself. “What are you and your friends doing here?”

“We were hoping to ask you some questions… about Mom,” Misty said slowly. “Zipp thought that since you were super close to her before I was born, you might know of something we could use to get her to come to our side?”

Alphabittle hummed in thought. “Sorry, Tea… I can’t really think straight. Your mom seems to have changed so much.”

“Didn’t you say your wife used to love sitting underneath the Wishing Tree?” asked Queen Haven. “Maybe there’s something there that could remind her of her love for you and Misty.”

“Oh, good idea!” Alphabittle said. “The Wishing Tree was one of your mom’s most favorite places in Bridlewood, especially during the winter. There has to be something there that can help. We’ll go with you to search.”

“Great!” Sunny smiled. “Just lead the way!”


Alphabittle led everypony to the Wishing Tree and gestured to a particular spot in its roots. “There we are,” he said. “Your mom used to sit under this tree for hours at a time, thinking about… well, just about everything. She would often tell me that the tree was forged by friendship between the three tribes, but... since earth ponies, unicorns and pegasi weren't really friendly back then... anyway, you kids see anything?”

“No… not yet,” Hitch shook his head. “If this was Paradise’s favorite spot, maybe she left something behind that can give us a clue?”

“Maybe,” Misty rested her hoof up on the roots as her cutie mark began to sparkle. “But what?”

Suddenly, magic flowed out of Misty’s hooves and up the roots, causing Queen Haven to gasp. “Misty, dear! Your cutie mark is glowing extremely bright!”

“And it’s doing something to the tree!” Hitch said, cradling Sparky. “Look!”

Everypony watched as the tree illuminated with bright lights, and flowers blossomed from the very top of it, causing everypony around them to ooh and aww in delight. Finally, the transformation seemed to stop, and Misty was the most awestruck out of all of them. “Dad… did I do that?”

“I… I think you did!” Zipp smiled. “No idea how, but… you did!”

Alphabittle chuckled and wrapped his hoof around his daughter. “I knew my little Misty-Wisty was special!”

Suddenly, there came a light vibrating sound, which seemed to grow louder as the group looked on curiously. “What’s that sound?” Sunny wondered. “Is the tree… vibrating?”

“No…” Izzy listened closely. “It… it sounds like… no, it couldn’t be! I didn’t think they were real!”

“You didn’t think what was real?!” Zipp questioned as she got into a fighting stance in case it was something more dangerous than Paradise. Just them, small glowing creatures flew out of the tree and caused Izzy to laugh in delight upon realization. “Breezies!”

Several breezies began to fly around the room escatically, and one of them approached Sunny, as did two more. “No way! My dad always old me bedtime ponytails about breezies!”

“It seems like they’re trying to tell us something,” Queen Haven theorized just before a breezie spoke up to Hitch. “They’re just excited to see us!” he translated as another breezie spoke up. “These two say they hadn’t seen other ponies for a long time.”

“You know breezie language too?” Sunny asked. “It’s our pony language. But at too high of a speed for most to understand them.”

“I can help with that!” Zipp said as she brought out her phone again. “Watch this. What were you saying again?”

The breezies then repeated what they said, and Zipp slowed down the audio so they could listen. “We haven't seen new friends for hundreds of moons!” said the first breezie. “We have a special treat for you!

Follow us, new friends. The Night Market awaits!” the second breezie declared. “Night Market?” Misty questioned. “What’s that, Izzy?”

Izzy immediately gasped from this. “I have no idea! Something in Bridlewood I never knew about?! I've gotta see this!”

Everypony watched as the breezies’ magic opened up a golden pathway inside the tree, and everypony stepped into it, seeing an entire market of breezies and their shops, much to their surprise. “How’d they do this?” Sunny asked in awe. “It looks like it goes on forever!”

“I really don’t know how it’s here,” said Queen Haven, “but it’s absolutely divine!”

“All right, guys, split up,” said Zipp. “And let me know if one of you finds something of value!”

The group nodded and decided to split up, hoping to cover the entire Night Market before anything interrupted them… namely, another Unity Quest.


In another time, in another place, specifically in England in the year 1897, there was a little, mouse-sized toyshop called Flaversham's Toys, where Mr. Flaversham worked as the toymaker in London.

His little daughter Olivia had just turned five that particularly foggy day, and late that night, Olivia played with a small rocking horse while her father adjusted his apron. “You know, Daddy, this is my very best birthday.”

“Ah,” Mr. Flaversham smiled. “But I haven’t given you your present yet.”

“What is it? What is it?” Olivia asked excitedly. “Now, now. Close your eyes,” Mr. Flaversham began to move toward a small cupboard as Olivia tried to take a peek through her hands. “Uh-uh-uh-uh. Auch, no. No peeking now.”

Olivia giggled as .r Flaversham returned to the table, a small toy in his hands that resembled a flowerbud. He turned the key before setting the toy on the table. As a gentle tune played throughout the shop, Olivia opened her eyes and saw that the bud has turned into a mouse ballerina, who danced the most beautiful for her. “Ohhh... Daddy!” Olivia gasped in awe. “You made this, just for me?”

As Olivia and her father watched the doll dance, a peg-legged figure slowly approached, cackling as his shadow loomed over the toyshop door.

Inside, the doll has finished her dance, and Olivia got down from her chair to hug her father happily. “You’re the most wonderful father in the… in the whole world!”

Unfortunately, the tender moment was soon interrupted as the locked door began to rattle. Olivia and her father looked towards the door as the rattling becomes more intense, and Mr. Flaversham put a protective arm around his daughter. “Who...” Olivia stammered, “...who's that?!”

“I-I don’t know! Quickly, dear, stay in here and don’t come out!” Mr. Flaversham carried her to a cupboard before standing in front of it just as Fidget, the bat, cackled and burst in though the window.

From inside her hiding place, Olivia cracked the door and watched in terror as her father and Fidget struggled, just before a table flew in front of the door, knocking her backwards as she heard shouts from the outside.

“Now I gotcha, toy maker!”

“OH!! Olivia!”

Olivia pushed against the door and was finally able to move the table, creaking the door open slowly. The shop was dark and a total mess; furniture was scattered and empty paint buckets are spilling out all over the floor. “Daddy!” Olivia called. “Where are you?!”

That's when Olivia decided to go to the window and call for her father that way. “Daddy! Where are you?!” she called again, but just like before... there was only silence. “Daddy!! DADDY!!!


Back in Equestria, Misty felt a shiver run down her spine, causing her to groan as her father turned to her. “You already, Misty-Wisty?”

“Just... thought I felt something. I'm sure it's fine,” Misty reassured. “Did you find anything?”

“Well... yeah. Look at this.”

Alphabittle found an old pendant that looked like a beautiful shell covered in sparkles. “I gave this to your mom as a welcome to Bridlewood gift many moons ago. She told me she lost it, and apparently the breezies found it for me. I bet you can use this to get her to remember the good times we all had.”

Misty took the pendant and put it in her saddlebag. “Thanks, Dad. This really helps.”

“Misty, Misty!” Sunny exclaimed as the other ponies rushed over to them. “We gotta go! Our cutie marks are glowing again!”

Misty looked at her flank and discovered Sunny was right, sighing and looking at her father. “Keep looking, okay? We'll be back from our quest as soon as we can.”

“Be safe!”

“We will!”

Sunny and the others galloped out of the Night Market, into the Marestream and into the night sky, hoping to make sure this quest wasn't as life-threatening as those before it.

Meeting Basil of Baker Street

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It was starting to rain on that very evening that Olivia Flaversham's father was forcibly taken from that small toyshop, and the young girl had wandered the streets, hopelessly lost while trying to find the one mouse who could find her father. Not being able to stand the cold much longer, she took shelter in a rainboot, softly sobbing to herself.

How was she going to find her father now?


A portal opened on the cold sidewalks of London, and the ponies managed to easily come out of it, getting a good look at their surroundings. “Wow,” Sunny said, noticing how large everything was compared to them. “I'm thinking about two things-- either everything around us just got a lot bigger, or...”

“We’re Smurf-sized again!” Hitch groaned. “Great... just the terror we needed.”

Sparky babbled and ran around the group before heading to the edge of the sidewalk. “Oh, no no no no, Sparky!” Hitch said before he immediately grabbed his dragon baby. “You're gonna have to stay with me at all times, and absolutely no dragon fire unless I say so!”


“Okay, ponies-- we need to be extremely careful,” Zipp said, “cause if this is anything like the Gargamel situation, we could be flattened like a--”

“CARRIAGE!!” Hitch suddenly shrieked. “Okay, sheriff, calm down,” said Pipp. “I’m sure there aren’t any carriages in New York.”

“No, I mean, here comes an actual carriage coming to squish us flat!”

Truth be told, a carriage was approaching them, and the ponies quickly dove into hiding to not be seen. After a moment, a voice spoke up as the carriage began to depart. “Oh, I’m terribly sorry. I hope the carriage didn’t frighten you too much.”

The ponies peeked out from their hiding place to see a mouse with a mustache, hat and coat approaching them with a slender young unicorn with a brownish-tan coat, blue eyes, a curly blue mane and a cutie mark of a flower on her flank. “Oh, well… maybe a little,” Sunny admitted as they came out of hiding. “We’re just not used to being in strange places and being this size.”

“Well, let us be the first to welcome you to London,” the mouse introduce. “My name is Dr. David Q. Dawson, most recently of the Queen’s 66th Regiment. And this is my loyal assistant, Azurine Flower.”

“Hello,” Azurine greeted politely. “A pleasure to meet you both,” Misty said. “I’m Misty, and these are all my pony friends… heh, and Sparky Sparkeroni.”

Sparky immediately babbled and raced over to the doctor, who chuckled out of surprise. “A dragon! In all my days in Afghanistan, I’ve never seen one of those before.”

“We’re not really sure where he came from, but ever since that one fateful day, Sparky’s been stuck to Hitch like glue,” Pipp chuckled. “Hey, you wouldn’t happen to know of a place we could stay, do you? We don’t really know how long we’ll be here, and we need a place to rest.”

“Well, Azurine and I were just looking for a place ourselves,” Dr. Dawson replied, “but we’ll happily keep you with us until you can head home.”

“All right,” Azurine said as the other ponies gathered around the newspaper they were holding. “Let’s see…”

But as they got to looking, rain started to fall down on them gently from above, causing the ponies to groan-- it always seemed to be rain for them. “Not to worry,” Dr. Dawson flipped open his umbrella. “I always have room for more under here.”

The ponies managed to scooch in under Dr. Dawson’s umbrella, not knowing that the events those next few nights were going to change their lives forever.

Suddenly, as they walked past an old rainboot, a soft but sad sound filled the air, almost sounding like… crying. Azurine’s sensitive ears led them straight to the sound first, and they peeked inside the boot, only for Azurine to stare with wide eyes and pinned ears. “Oh…” she whispered. “O-Oh my…”

There, inside that boot, was a small mouse girl in a blue coat and hat, crying to herself and looking terribly alone. The ponies immediately wondered how long she had been in there, but Dr. Dawson spoke up to the girl before they could speak. “Are you all right, my dear?”

The little girl quickly turned to them with frightened eyes, and Dr. Dawson immediately pulled a handkerchief out from his coat. “Come now, come, come. Here, dry your eyes.”

Taking the handkerchief from him, the girl blew her nose before giving it back to Dr. Dawson. “There, that’s better,” said Sunny gently as the other ponies came into the room. “Now… can you tell us what’s the matter? Maybe we can help.”

“I… I’m lost,” the little girl finally managed to speak, pulling an old newspaper clipping from her coat pocket. “I-I-I’m trying to find Basil of Baker Street.”

“Now let’s see here,” Dr. Dawson took the newspaper clipping and read what it said. “Famous detective solves baffling disappearance. Hmm… hmm.”

“He sounds like a good detective, but I don’t understand,” Zipp said before turning back to the girl. “Where are your mom and dad? They’re probably worried sick about you.”

“That’s why I m-m-must find Basil!” the girl began to sob into her scarf, worrying the ponies and Dr. Dawson. “There, there, there. Now, now, now. Well, I don’t know any Basil…” said the doctor, earning a sad look from the girl before smiling and taking his glasses off. “…but I do remember where Baker Street is. Now, come along, everyone. We’ll find this Basil chap together.”

The little girl soon walked with them out into the rain, and as they walked, Pipp felt a tug on her wing and turned to the little girl. “Excuse me,” she said softly. “I don’t mean to pry, but… are you a princess?”

“Oh, yeah!” Pipp giggled. “Princesses Pipp Petals and Zephyrina Storm, at your service! And, you are…?”

“Flaversham,” the girl curtsied to the sisters. “Olivia Flaversham.”

“Pleased to meet you, Olivia,” said Zipp with a kind smile. “But, you can just call us Pipp and Zipp. And these are all our friends.”

“Hi!” Misty smiled. “And don’t worry. Whatever problem you have, I’m sure this Basil of Baker Street will help you. Do you think... maybe you can tell us what happened?”

Olivia sighed sadly. “My daddy’s missing, and I thought maybe Mr. Basil might be able to help.”

“Oh…” Misty gasped, and she and the others shared sympathetic glances, figuring this was probably the quest meant for them, before Pipp took Olivia onto her back. “Don’t worry,” she reassured. “We’re gonna make sure we get you to this Basil character so he can find your dad-- promise.”


Pretty soon, they manage to arrive on Baker's Street, and the rain seemed to have slacked off. Dr. Dawson knocked on the door and the housekeeper, Mrs. Judson opened it, her arms full of books, blankets and pillows, as well as a teacup and medieval mace. “Good evening, madam,” Sunny said politely. “Sorry to interrupt so late, but is this the residence of Basil of Baker Street?”

“I’m afraid it is,” Mrs. Judson sighed. “He’s not here at the moment, but you’re welcome to come in and wait.”

“Oh, we don’t want to impose,” Dr. Dawson said. “It’s just, the girl…”

Once seeing that Olivia wasn't with them, the group peered inside to see Olivia examining a magnifying glass with primal interest. Mrs. Judson immediately gasped, handing her stuff to Hitch and rushing over to her. “Oh my! You poor dear! You must be chilled to the bone!” she said, wringing out Olivia's hat with a chuckle. “Oh, but I know just the thing. Let me fetch you a pot of tea and some of my fresh cheese crumpets.”

As Mrs. Judson rushed off to the kitchen, the ponies and Olivia looked around the room, astonished at what they saw. A small propeller was operating a bellow nearby, and attached to that were several cigarettes and a pipe, all of which were puffing.On another table, four different pairs of shoes were being turned in a circular motion, first being brushed with black paint, and then setting a print on a stack of paper. “Wow,” Hitch said, setting Mrs. Judson’s stuff down. “This Basil character really has some unique stuff.”

“Hey! He unicycled a bunch of this stuff!” Izzy said with a gasp. “Just like me!”

Suddenly, a voice from the door quickly caught their attention. “Ah-ha! The villain’s slipped this time! I shall have him!”

Quickly, the door burst open to reveal a large mouse dressed in Chinese robes, smiling triumphantly with a gun in his hand as lightning struck. The ponies screamed in alarm as the mouse ran into the room with no intent of stopping. “Out of my way! Out of my way!”

“I say! Who--” Dr. Dawson began to ask as the mouse’s hat is thrown directly on his own head, taking it off before continuing the question. “Who are you?”

“What? Oh!”

The mouse reached up and pulled off a rubber mask, revealing the identity underneath. “Basil of Baker Street, my good fellow.”

Basil then pulled a tab on his robe, which let the air inside escape to reveal his slender form, surprising Dawson and the ponies even more. Olivia, on the other hand, was relieved to see him and approached eagerly. “Mr. Basil! I need your help! And I…”

Unfortunately, Basil was not at all listening to her as he put on his house robe and tossed a dart onto the dartboard with his eyes closed, scoring a direct bullseye. “All in good time.”

“But-but you don’t understand. I’m in terrible trouble.”

“If you’ll excuse me.”

Basil just walked past Olivia, who sighed desperately as Misty stepped forward. “Excuse me, Mr. Basil, would you just see--”

Basil merely rushed past her, causing Misty to pause until Dr. Dawson stepped up, gaining the wind that Misty lost. “This young lady is in need of assistance. I think you ought…”

“Will you hold this, please, doctor?” Basil asked, handing him the gun he was holding earlier. “Of course.”

Dr. Dawson took the gun with his eyes closed, and he doesn’t realize at first what he’s holding and points the gun at his head. He opened his eyes, and then nervously held it out at arms length until Basil retrieved it. That’s when he suddenly realized something was off. “Ah, wait just a moment. How did you know I was a doctor?”

Basil picked up an ordinary bullet and placed it in the gun, continuing to answer Dr. Dawson. “A surgeon, to be exact. Just returned from military duty in Afghanistan. Am I right?”

“Why, heh heh, oh yes. Major David Q. Dawson.”

“But wait a sec,” said Zipp in confusion. “How could you have possibly…?”

“Quite simple, really,” said Basil, gathering several pillows from around the room. “Dawson has sewn his torn cuff together with the Lembert stitch, which of course, only a surgeon uses. And the thread is a unique form of catgut distinguished by its… peculiar pungency… found only in the Afghan provinces.”

One by one, Basil tossed the three pillows at Dawson, who held them against his body, his face mostly covered. “Amazing!”

“Actually it’s… elementary, my dear Dawson.”

Basil then spun the gun revolver and pointed it directly at the pillows, causing Sunny to shriek, put the pillows on the nearby couch and pull the others into hiding as the gun went off, pillow feathers flying all over the place. And at that moment, Mrs. Judson rushed back out at the stentorian report. “ What in heaven’s name?! Oh! Oh! MY GOOD PILLOWS!!! Mr. Basil!”

Basil popped his head above his chair at the shout, and Mrs. Judson wasn’t finished with that rant. “How many times have I told you not to…?”

“There, there, Mrs. Judson, it’s quite all right,” Basil reassured her before sniffing the aroma from the kitchen. “Mmm! I believe I smell some of those delightful cheese crumpets of yours,” he said, pushing Mrs. Judson back to the kitchen. “Why don’t you fetch our guests some?”

“But, ah, but, but…”

But, Mrs. Judson was already pushed into the kitchen without another word.

“Now…” Basil said, searching the floor, “...I know that bullet’s here somewhere.”

Olivia had found the bullet and held it up for him, causing him to take it begrudgingly. “Thank you, Miss…”

“Flaversham. Olivia Flaversham. And these ponies are my friends.”

“Pleased to meet you, Mr. Basil,” Sunny said. “And I gotta say, your detective process is really impressive.”

“Yeah!” Zipp smiled. “I’d love to learn new skills from another detective!”

“Whatever,” Basil replied, distracted as he headed to another table. “Yes,” said Olivia, “but you don’t understand!”

Basil shushed her and immediately opened a small box containing another bullet before sticking both of them underneath the microscope to compare their markings.

The first one matched…

…the second one matched…

…but when he checked the third… they didn’t. “OH NO! Drat!” he shouted before falling into depression. “Another dead end… he was within my grasp.”

Basil flopped into his chair and began to play a sorrowful tune on his violin, not having another care in the world. “Olivia?” Azurine spoke. “I think you and I best go talk to him.”

“I’ll go, too,” Pipp said. “In case you need a famous influencer to help change his mind.”

So, Olivia and two of the ponies marched forward so they could see Basil more clearly from the light of the roaring fire in the fireplace. “Now will you please listen to me?” Olivia begged. “My daddy’s gone and I’m all alone.”

“Young lady, this is a most inopportune time,” Basil said before continuing to play, and upon seeing Olivia’s sad face, decided to say something to cheer her up. “Surely your mother knows where he is.”

“I… I don’t have a mother.”

Basil screeched the violin as he abruptly sat up, the ponies jumping in surprise. “Oh…” Pipp said softly. “I-I see. So, you need Basil to find your… remaining parent?”

Olivia nodded softly, and Izzy approached with the others. “Come on, Mr. Basil, sir! You gotta help Olivia! Just look at that adorable face!”

Basil looked like he was about to agree, but instantly changed his mind firmly. “See here! I simply have no time for lost fathers.”

“I didn’t lose him!” spoke Olivia defiantly. “He was taken! By a bat!”

Suddenly, Basil’s eyes widened as he leaned toward Olivia intently-- evidently, this information was of great importance. “Did you say… BAT?”


“Did he have a crippled wing?”

“I don’t know. But he had a peg leg!”


“This may come off as being nosy,” Hitch said, “but do you… know this bat?”

Know him?” Basil asked, sitting on top of his chair. “That bat, one Fidget by name, is in the employ of the fiend who was the very target of my experiment! The horror of my every waking moment. The nefarious Professor Ratigan!

Basil pointed his violin bow in the direction of the fireplace, where a picture of a well-dressed rat sat on the mantle frame. The flames in the fire burst and lightning struck as the ponies saw a close up of Ratigan's sinister grin. Azurine shuddered when she heard this name, but never the face, until now. “R-Ratigan?”

“You’ve heard of him?” Misty asked. “Ever since I was a filly,” Azurine nodded. “But… I’ve never seen him… or… never wanted to see him, anyway.”

“But I don’t get it,” Pipp said. “What would this… Ratigan guy want with Olivia’s dad? Is he that bad?”

“He’s a genius, princess,” Basil said firmly. “A genius… twisted for evil. The Napoleon of crime!”

“Whoa, heh…” Hitch gulped nervously as he held Sparky within his hooves. “He’s really all that, huh?”

“WORSE!!” Basil responded in a faked, hoarse tone. “For years, I’ve tried to capture him and I’ve come close… so very close. But each time he’s narrowly evaded my grasp. Not a corner of London’s safe while Ratigan’s at large. There’s no evil scheme he wouldn’t concoct! No depravity he wouldn’t commit. Who knows what dastardly scheme that villain may be plotting even as we speak…”

This sentence immediately got the ponies worried. If Ratigan was as bad as Basil said… it made Paradise and Opaline look like tiny scraps of evil.

And this made them honestly wonder… what would Ratigan be doing now?

The World's Greatest Criminal Mind

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The sewers of London was where the infamous Professor Ratigan laid in hiding, indeed cooking up a devious plan just like Basil and the ponies assumed. But… what they didn’t know was that this plan he was cooking up was his worst plan yet, and that’s why he needed Olivia’s father.

Inside his prison where Flaversham was being held, a mechanical robot was pouring tea into a cup. Mr. Flaversham was working at a podium, controlling its movements as Ratigan came to the prison door, his voice oily and gentleman-like. “Quite an ingenious scheme, eh, Flaversham? And aren’t you proud to be a part of it?”

“This whole thing… i-i-it’s monstrous!” Mr. Flaversham stammered as he continued to work the controls, getting the robot to pour a spoonful of sugar into the teacup and stir it. “We will have our device ready by tomorrow evening, won’t we?” Ratigan asked him, evilly smirking. “You know what will happen if you… fail?

In Ratigan’s hands was a small golden bell, which obviously held some kind of threat. However, instead of being afraid, Mr. Flaversham grew angry and defiant. “I… I don’t care!”

He herked hard on the controls, making the robot dump the cup of tea on its head. The robot seized the teapot and poured that onto its head as well, then hurled it towards Ratigan, who dodged just in time. The robot frailed around and finally stopped, but not before squirting oil out, which landed on Ratigan's coat, causing the rat to scowl at the resultant stain. “You can do what you want with me,” Mr. Flaversham declared. “I won’t be a part of this… this…this evil any longer!”

Ratigan wiped the oil off his coat, seemingly biting off rage. “Very well. If that is your decision. Oh, uh, by the way, I’m taking the liberty of having your daughter brought here,” he said, picking up Olivia’s ballerina doll and winding it. This caused Mr. Flaversham to pause in shock. “O-Olivia…?”

“Yes. Hm-hm, yes,” Ratigan said as he watched the toy dance around on the table. “I would spend many a sleepless night if anything unfortunate were to befall her.”

“You… you wouldn’t!”

Without another word, Ratigan picked up the doll and squeezed it until it broke into small pieces. “FINISH IT, FLAVERSHAM!!”

And then, with a heavy heart, Mr. Flaversham turned away to do as he was told.


Outside the prison where he kept Mr. Flaversham, Ratigan hummed and wrote a list on a small piece of paper. “Oh, I love it when I’m nasty.”

Then, he looked to the doorway above where his bat minion Fidget was sleeping upside-down. “Fidget?” he called, but Fidget didn’t move… so he decided to yell loudly and scare him awake. “FIDGET!!!”

Startled, the bat fell from his perch and rolled all the way down the stairs at Ratigan's feet. “Bright and alert as always. Here’s the list,” Ratigain told the bat. “You know what to do, and no mistakes!

“No, no. No mistakes, sir,” Fidget said quickly before looking at the list. “Tools, gears, girl, uniforms…”

“NOW, FIDGET!!!” Ratigan then screamed. “I’m going, I’m going! I’m going!” Fidget said, running over to a drain grate, lifting it up and disappearing below to complete his mission.


Inside his secret lair (which was a large barrel), Ratigan was approaching his throne, being cheered on by his men. He sat down and holds out his cigarette, making several hands offer lit matches, and he lit it and inhaled, blowing out several smoke rings. “My friends, we are about to embark on the most odious, the most evil, the most diabolical scheme of my illustrious career,” he said to his men. “A crime to top all crimes…a crime that will live in infamy!”

Most of Ratigan’s men were cheering at this news… all except one, Bartholomew, whose attention was focused on his empty mug. “Tomorrow evening, our beloved monarch celebrates her Diamond Jubilee,” Ratigan continued, “and… with the enthusiastic help of our good friend, Mr. Flaversham… it promises to be a night she will never forget! Her last night…and my first, as supreme ruler of all mousedom!”

As his men cheer for him, he calmly pinned his collar back and smoothed his hair, then saunters down the red carpet as a spotlight shone on him and an evil tune played.

Ratigan: From the brain that brought you the Big Ben Caper
The head that made headlines in every newspaper
And wondrous things like the Tower Bridge Job
That cunning display that made Londoners sob

Now comes the real tour-de-force--
Tricky and wicked, of course--
My earlier crimes were fine for their times
But now that I'm at it again
An even grimmer plot has been simmering
In my great criminal brain!

Thugs: Even meaner? You mean it?
Worse than the widows and orphans you drowned?
You're the best of the worst around!

Oh, Ratigan!
Oh, Ratigan!
The rest fall behind!

To Ratigan!
To Ratigan!
The world's greatest criminal mind!

Ratigan then began to play a harp as the lights dimmed to a blue shade. “Thank you, Thank you. But it hasn’t all been champagne and caviar. I’ve had my share of adversity, thanks to that miserable second-rate detective, Basil of Baker Street.”

His attention then turned to the toy mouse dressed in detective attire, making his thugs boo in disgust at the second-rate detective their boss spoke off. “For years,” Ratigan mocked sadness, “that insufferable pipsqueak has interfered with my plans. I haven’t had a moment’s peace of mind.”


“But, all that’s in the past! This time, nothing, not even Basil, can stand in my way! All will bow before me!”

Thugs: Oh, Ratigan!
Oh, Ratigan!
You're tops and that's that!

To Ratigan!
To Ratigan!

Bartholemew: To Ratigan, the world's greatest rat!

At this, Ratigan spit out the wine he was drinking in shock as the thugs gasped. “What was that?!” Ratigan demanded. “What did you call me?!”

All at once, three of the thugs tried to defend their colleague from facing Ratigan’s wrath.

“Oh, oh, he didn’t mean it, professor.”

“I-It was just a slip of the tongue!”

Ratigan picked up the drunken mouse by the shirt collar. “I AM NOT A RAT!!!”

“Of course not!” said a third thug. “You’re a mouse!”

“Yeah, that’s right. Right! A mouse.”

Yeah, a big mouse!


Ratigan threw Bartholemew outside as the other thugs watched in terror at what would come next. “Oh, my dear Bartholomew… I’m afraid that you’ve gone and upset me,” he said dramatically. “You know what happens when someone upsets me…”

He rung the bell from his pocket, and his thugs gasped in horror as they looked to the alleyway, where a shadow was approaching. An enormously fat cat, Felicia, is approaching the oblivious Bartholomew as he drunkenly began to sing.

Oh, Ratigan... oh, Ratigan
You’re the tops and that’s that
Oh dear.

To Ratigan, to Ratigan...
The world’s grea-tee-e-e-e-est...!

Before he could finish the song, a gulping noise was heard, followed by a content meow.

Felicia had swallowed the drunk mouse whole, never to be seen again.

Two of the Thugs remove their hats and the third wiped a tear from his eye. All the while, Ratigan was cooing over his cat, wiping her mouth with his handkerchief. “Tsk, tsk, tsk. Oh, Felicia, my precious, my baby. Did Daddy’s little honey bun enjoy her tasty treat?”

Instead, Felicia burped in his face, and Ratigan looked a little dismayed before he turned and walked back inside. “ I trust there will be no further interruptions. And now, as you were singing?”

Singing was the last thing the thugs were thinking about, but when Ratigan showed the bell again, the thugs began to sing out of panic.

Thugs: Even louder!
We'll shout it!
No one can doubt what we know you can do!

You're more evil than even you! (Whoo!)
Oh, Ratigan! (Ha-ha!)
Oh, Ratigan! (Yeeeaahhh!)
You're one of a kind! (Ha ha!)
To Ratigan! (Ha!)
To Ratigan! (Olé!)
The world's greatest criminal mind!

After one final toast, Ratigan smirked-- someone very stupid would have to stand in his way now.

Investigations Begin/Meeting Toby

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While Ratigan and his thugs were singing in triumph, Olivia was telling Dr. Dawson, the ponies and Basil the entire story of how Fidget kidnapped her father, down to the very last detail.

That's when Basil began to pace across the floor. “This case is most intriguing with its multiplicity of elements… its many twists and turns.”

That’s when Zipp turned to Olivia with her FlyPad in hoof. “Olivia, are you SURE you’ve told Basil and me everything? The slightest detail may be important in finding your dad.”

Olivia nodded at this. “It’s just as I said. And then my father was gone.”

“I'm pony pink positive that we're gonna find him, Olivia,” Pipp said. “And if anypony in our team can figure it out, it's my sister.”

Dawson turned to Basil as he puffed his pipe. “What do you make of it?”

“One thing is definitely for sure,” Zipp said as Olivia began to follow her and Basil into another part of the room. “Ratigan is up to something.”

“Excellent deducing, my dear princess!” Basil said proudly before becoming serious again. “A crime of the most sinister nature no doubt. The question is… what would he want with a toy maker?”

As Zipp and Basil began to think harder and harder about the dilemma, Azurine approached Olivia with Pipp when Fidget popped down from above as lightning struck, causing the three of them to scream.

Zipp and Basil quickly turned as Fidget fell down into the shrubs, and Basil quickly leapt to the door. “Quickly, Dawson, and bring those ponies with you! We’ve not a moment to lose!”

“Uh, uh... we’re right behind you, Basil!” Dr. Dawson shouted, and they rushed outside, only to find that Fidget had disappeared. Basil looked around and knelt down to look at the sidewalk, where Fidget had left behind his muddy footprints while Misty panted for breath. “No sign of the creepy bat anywhere!”

“Not quite, young Brightdawn,” Basil addressed the ponies to the trail of footprints underneath them. “He left some rather unusual footprints. They obviously belong to the same fiend who abducted the girl’s father-- Ratigan’s peg-legged lackey!”

“And if we follow this trail before it washes away,” Azurine added, “we might be able to get some sort of lead as to where he's going!”

And, to add to this pile of evidence, Dr. Dawson discovered that Fidget has lost his hat, picking it up off the ground. “Uh, Basil?”

“Ah-ha! Excellent work, old man!” Basil said, inspecting the hat before running inside. Standing in the doorway was Olivia and Mrs. Judson, while the former was comforting the young girl. “Now… there’s nothing to be afraid of, my dear.”

As an excited Basil rushed by, Mrs. Jusdon pulled Olivia out of harms way, glaring at Basil for his insensitivity. “Mrs. Judson is right,” Sunny said, smiling at Olivia. “We have a lead, and that creepy bat is pretty much gone.”

“Ha-ha! But not for long, Miss Flamhammer!” Basil said as he changed into his detective coat. “Flaversham!” Olivia reminded. “Whatever,” Basil shrugged. “Now, we simply pursue our peg-legged friend until he leads us to the girl’s father.”

“Then you’ll get my daddy back?”

“Of course we will,” Pipp said. “And quite soon, if I’m not mistaken, thanks to Detective Zipp and Basil of Baker Street!”

Basil then put on his detective hat with a proud, confident smile. “Now, hurry along, Dawson and ponies. We must be off to… Toby’s.”

“Toby’s?” the ponies and Dr. Dawson questioned at once. “Oh, you must meet him,” Basil said. “He’s just the chap for this.”

“You-- you want me to come?” Dr. Dawson asked out of shock. “Ha!” Basil smiled. “I should think a stouthearted army mouse like you would leap at the chance for adventure.”

“Well, heh, heh. I am rather curious.”

“Besides, it does sound like quite the adventure, and I used to be quite the adventurous filly,” Azurine shrugged with a giggle. “I’m in.”

“Wait for me!” Olivia said, quickly grabbing her coat. “I’m coming too!”

When Olivia grabbed her things, she knocked over Basil’s violin in the process, causing Basil to dive and grab it before it hit the floor. “What?!” he said, instantly opposed to Olivia tagging along. “Certainly not! This is no business for children.”

“I have to agree with Basil on this one,” Zipp said. “You might get hurt, or worse! I think you better stay with Mrs. Judson, just until we find your dad.”

“Neigh way, Zipp!” Pipp argued. “What if that bat-mouthed bat shows up and scares Olivia again? Sorry, sis, but I think she’d be a lot safer with us to protect her.”

Olivia heard Pipp defending her, and instantly rushed to get ready, putting some crumpets in her coat pocket for the trip. “Are we going to take a cab? Or are you ponies gonna give us rides?”

“Whatever you want!” Pipp laughed. “I don’t give people rides often, but I think I can make an exception for ya.”

Basil sighed and turned Olivia and Pipp to face him. “My dears…” he said, trying to forcefully be gentle, “...I don’t think you understand. It will be quite dangerous.”

But just as he sat down, he destroyed his violin, growling out of frustration. “Young lady, you are most definitely not accompanying us. And that is final!


A few minutes later, the entire group traveled through the walls to the human apartment upstairs, where Basil turned to Olivia, who the ponies had practically used their puppy-dog eyes on him to allow Olivia to come. “Not a word out of any of you,” Basil said quietly to the ponies and Olivia. “Is that clear?”

Olivia quickly shushed him and they hid just as two human figures walked by-- Sherlock Holmes and Dr. Watson, talking to themselves.

“I observe that there’s a good deal of German music on the program. It is introspective, and I want to introspect.”

“But Holmes, that music is so frightfully dull.”

“Come along.”

Soon, the two men left, leaving the group alone to walk into the open. “Sheesh… this apartment is huge!” Hitch said, carrying Sparky on his back. “If this is really where Toby lives, we better get searching as many levels as possible.”

“Toby?” Basil called as they walked through the house. “Toby!”

Unfortunately, there was no answer, and Olivia leaned over to whisper to Azurine and Dr. Dawson. “Who’s Toby?”

“Well, my dear, Toby is… well, he’s uh, uh…” Dr. Dawson stammered, looking for an answer before he turned to Basil. “I say, Basil, who is this Toby chap?”

Before Basil could answer, there came a roar of thundering footsteps that sounded like they were getting closer. Towering over them is an adorable basset hound dog, who was obviously very happy to see Basil. “Ah, here he is now!” Basil said as the ponies’ and Dr. Dawson’s jaws dropped. “Sweet sauce horseshoe toss!” Izzy cried. “That is one BIG dog!”

“He’s a basset hound! I’ve read about them before in an old book my dad used to read!” Misty said eagerly. “They’re really good at sniffing out clues for mysteries.”

“Well, um… yes,” Basil said, clearing his throat before pushing the others toward Toby’s nose. “Dawson and ponies… Toby.”

Toby eagerly began to sniff them as Azurine coughed from the smell coming from Toby’s breath. “Oh… that is a strong odor,” she said quietly. “Charmed…” Dr. Dawson said, patting Toby on the nose, “...I’m sure.”

Unfortunately, Toby didn’t seem too thrilled with the introduction and growled menacingly at the group, causing Azurine and Dr. Dawson to hide and Hitch to step forward. “Toby! Is that any way to treat new friends?” he scolded. “Cease and desist! What would your mother say if she heard that language?”

Toby paused in surprise at how Hitch could understand him, giving Azurine and Dr. Dawson a chance to recover. “Wow,” Azurine said to Hitch. “How did you know he would react that way?”

“Hitch can understand all sorts of animals,” Sunny smiled. “Something that really comes with his earth pony magic, I guess.”

“I’m frightfully sorry about that fright, all,” Basil apologized. “Toby has the most splendid sense of smell of any hound I’ve trained. But he can be deucedly frisky.”

Basil chuckled as Toby sniffed around the room and stopped at a footstool, where Olivia’s feet and Misty’s hooves could be seen behind the fringe. Cautiously, Olivia pushed the fringe aside and smiled at Toby, who seemed to like her just fine. “Hello, Toby!” she said, patting Toby on the nose and giggled as Toby sniffed her again. “Silly doggy!”

“I know I’m not able to understand animals,” said Misty, “but I think he likes you. Oh! I have an idea!”

Using her magic, she pulled a crumpet from Olivia’s coat pocket and offered it to Toby. “Toby, do you want a crumpet? They’re Mrs. Judson’s homemade cheese ones.”

Toby nodded happily as Misty lifted the crumpet up, and Toby licked it up, licking his chops after he was through. “Awww…” Izzy cooed. “For such a big doggy, he sure is cute!”

“Here now, Toby? Toby!” Basil said, digging into his coat pocket for the hat. “I want you to…”

Toby wasn’t at all listening, as the dog was on his back enjoying a belly rub from Olivia, Pipp and Zipp. Basil whistled, and Toby rolled his head back to see him clearing his throat and tapping his foot, causing Olivia to slide down Toby’s stomach and fall onto Azurine’s back, letting Toby roll over for Basil, who got the hat ready to show him. “Good, now Toby! Toby… I want you to find… this fiend!

Upon seeing the hat, Toby immediately began to growl, teeth bared and hairs on his neck raising. Then, to the ponies’ surprise, Basil began to bark and growl with him. “Yes, you know his type. A villain. A scoundrel! Low brow. Close set eyes. Broken wing.”

Toby then paused and looked at Basil, confused at the description. “Oh,” said Misty. “He’s a peg-legged bat with a broken wing.”

This time, Toby began to growl more menacingly than before. “Yes! Yes! That’s the spirit! Got his scent?” Basil asked, causing Toby to nod so he could grab Toby’s leash. “Good boy!” Zipp said. “Good boy!”

Once Basil got the leash, he turned to face Toby again, only to find him turned the opposite way. He then moved in front of Toby again, smiling proudly. “Miss Flamchester!”

“Flaversham!” the others shouted. “Whatever. Your father is as good as found!” Basil said, attaching Toby’s leash. “Toby…”

Toby then displayed a ‘pointer’ pose, ready to bolt after Fidget's trail. “...sick ‘em!” Basil finished. As Toby rushed out, he accidentally stomped on his master. The dazed detective managed to hold on to the leash and quickly regained his wind. “Ah-ha! Yoinks! Tally ho! Ha-ha! Ha-ha!”

“Oh boy…” Sunny said to herself. “I sure hope Basil doesn’t become so sure of himself that he foils the investigation.”

Toy Store Chaos

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Finally, the ponies, Dr. Dawson and Olivia caught up to an excitable Toby with Basil riding on his back, and began to wander through the streets of London, with Toby hot on Fidget’s trail. Toby sniffed... and sniffed... and sniffed... and sniffed some more...

...until he finally caught onto a much stronger scent trail, howling to the dreary sky before bolting down the street, barking as everyone hung on for their lives. “The thrill of the hunt, eh, Dawson?!” Basil shouted as Dr. Dawson hung on for dear life on Toby’s tail. “Q-Quite!” Dr. Dawson replied. “Aw yeah!” Zipp cheered. “It’s just like riding the Marestream, guys! Just bumpier and furrier!”

“You… could… say… that!” Hitch said, trying to keep hold of Sparky and keep from flying off Toby’s back as Basil let out a cheer. “Oh-hoo-hoo! Our peg-legged quarry can’t be far now!”

“I hope so!” Misty groaned. “I’m honestly not sure how much more I can take!”


As the ponies and their new friends hung on tight to Toby as he dashed them off to their destination, Fidget was inside a toy store, removing the uniforms from small British soldier toys, stuffing them into a sack before checking the list Ratigan gave him, just to make sure he didn't forget anything. “Get the following. Tools, check. I got tools. Gears, double check. I got gears. Girl…”

That’s when Fidget remembered that he still needed to get Olivia too, making a check and then erasing it. “No, didn’t get girl. Uniforms… heh heh… I got plenty of uniforms!”

Suddenly, a loud sound pierced the air-- a dog's howl. And if one were to be precise, it was Toby howling. That alerted Fidget that someone was here as well, and he needed to slip away before he was caught. “Oh no, oh no!” he said to himself. “I gotta hide! I gotta hide! Ooh, I gotta hide!”

Fidget grabbed the soldiers hats before skedaddling out of the room at the sound of Toby’s howl, unknowingly dropping Ratigan’s list in the process.


Back outside, Toby stopped outside the toyshop window, while Basil and the ponies leapt off of Toby’s muzzle. “Splendid job, Toby!” Azurine smiled. “The scoundrel who took Olivia’s father must be in here.”

Olivia stood on Toby's muzzle and held out her arms towards Basil, who gave her a look of annoyance, but held out his arms to her. Olivia quickly jumps and Basil caught her just as quick, setting her down and nudging her forward.

As Dr. Dawson moved toward Toby’s nose, the basset hound began to growl at him again, deeper than before. Dr. Dawson tipped his hat to Toby in an act of goodwill, and prepared to make a leap to the window, but Toby gives a deliberate sneeze, which sent Dr. Dawson tumbling head over heels, hitting Izzy and Misty and knocking them down. “Don’t worry!” Izzy chirped. “We’re okay!”

Basil sighed, glad they were all right before looking toward the dog responsible. “Now, Toby… sit!”

Then, to Basil’s dismay, Toby remained standing with a wagging tail. Basil marched back down the window still and stood in front of his dog, speaking more strictly this time. “Toby. Sit.”

“Sit, Toby!” Hitch said, causing Toby to promptly sit. “Good boy…” Basil shot Hitch a jealous look before walking away. “You be good now,” Olivia told the dog. “We’re going to find my father.”

Basil and Zipp looked toward the window, the former humming as to see how Fidget was able to get inside. In that moment, Basil spotted a very small hole in the glass. “Ah-ha! Here is our friend’s entrance!”

“In… there?” Misty asked. “Basil, how in the world could Fidget have possibly…?”

Basil simply responded by sticking the tip of Misty's horn into the hole and pushing her back, causing a doorway in the glass to be opened. “Wow, heh…” Misty said a tad awkwardly. “I won’t ever doubt Basil again.”

Basil immediately shushed her before climbing in through the window, followed by the ponies, Olivia and Dawson, and Misty pulled the door closed before following her friends inside.

Inside, they walked cautiously through the store, but Dr. Dawson didn’t look where he’s going and bumped into something. “Ooh! I beg your pardon,” he said. “I...”

Izzy tapped his shoulder, and the group looked up to see that Dr. Dawson had bumped into a large doll, and that the toys around them were gigantic. “Oh my Lumi-Bloom...” Azurine said in awe. “Upon my word, I... I’ve never seen so many toys!”

“Behind any of which could lurk a bloodthirsty assassin!” Basil said, ominously peeking out from behind the doll's leg. “So please, all of you… be very careful.”

As Basil and Zipp snuck around the toyshop, the other ponies snuck behind them, with Olivia and Dr. Dawson trailing at the rear. They started to climb up and fly up a tall ladder, leading them to a higher shelf.

The ponies, Basil and Dawson quietly crept down the shelf, when a sudden crashing noise from behind caused them to freeze and Dawson to leap into Basil's arms. They looked behind them and see that Olivia and Izzy had turned on a toy music box, and were happily watching the noisy fireman band play. Utterly annoyed, Basil shoved the heavy Dawson off of him and onto the ponies, leaping for the control lever and shutting the toy off. “PLEASE!!” Basil scolded Olivia and Izzy before whispering to them. “Quiet...”

“Got it, Basil-Wasil,” Izzy whimpered with a slight nod as Basil turned to the other ponies and Dr. Dawson. “Don’t let this girl out of your sight!”

As the ponies simply nodded, Dr. Dawson saluted as Basil walked past. He looked to Olivia, who was giving a playful salute of her own, and took her hand. “Now, Olivia dear, stay close.”

“Yeah,” Zipp said quietly. “Before Mr. Grouchy Detective gets mad at all of us.”


From above, Fidget watched the group move across a chessboard, and watched Basil pause by the rook, moving it one space forward. “Checkmate.”

“Basil!” Hitch cried, pointing down at the floor. “I think Sparky and I found something!”

Basil immediately scurried to them and took a closer look, smiling as he inspected the same footprints he found earlier. “Ah-ha! Evidence of our peg-legged adversary,” he said before following the footprints to the naked soldiers. “Hmm… how very odd.”

“What is it, Basil?” asked Misty curiously. “Isn’t it painfully obvious, my dear? These dolls have been stripped of their uniforms,” Basil observed. “And not by any child, either.”

The ponies spared each other a glance... what would Fidget, or Ratigan, for that matter, want with soldier uniforms? Basil looked over his shoulder, having seen more strange evidence. “Hello...”

He looked around the insides of mechanical toys, where all the gears are missing. “Someone has taken the liberty of removing the clockwork mechanisms from these toys.”

“This is getting more and more mysterious by the minute,” Zipp said with heavy thought. “And this has all been done recently... so the thief is still here.”

Fidget's eyes widened as he saw the team discovering his handiwork, and he darted away. Meanwhile, Azurine was walking around with Sunny when she seemed to step on something. “Huh?”

“What is it, Azurine?” Sunny asked Azurine lifted the paper so they could both see it. “Huh... I'm not sure,” Azurine shrugged. “It looks like a list of some kind. But I'm not sure what it means.”

“Basil!” Sunny waved to the mouse detective. “Basil!”

“Please, I’m trying to concentrate.”

“But, Basil,” Zipp began to argue, “this could be--”

Suddenly music boxes began playing, and winding toys were moving along the shelves. A puppy poked its head out of a hat and barked; a bunny was moving an egg shell up and down as a baby chick chirped inside. It then rolled by a fiddle player and a carousel.

To the ponies' wondrous eyes, it seemed like every toy in the shop was operating on its own.

Olivia, seeing some bubbles, followed them, separating herself from her friends. A small Dumbo toy was the source of the bubbles, and there is a mouse-sized baby carriage that was slowly rocking back and forth.

Olivia approached it, and as she reached up to pull the blanket back, Fidget lunged at her threateningly, a bonnet on his head, causing her to scream!


From across the room, the others heard Olivia’s shriek of terror, Pipp gasping in full alarm. “OLIVIA!!”

Fidget stuffed Olivia into a small sack with the uniforms and gears, and began to make his getaway, leaving Sunny to take charge. “Basil, Dr. Dawson! Follow us! We'll try and stop Fidget before he reaches the exit!”

But instead, Basil pushed ahead of them, nearly knocking Sunny over. As they watched Basil disappear behind a book, he quickly changed direction as a large Ferris wheel toy was rolling towards them. “Ah ah ah ah!! Look out!”

Basil and Dr. Dawson leapt out of the way while the ponies leapt to the side of it and managed to pursue Fidget as the two remaining mice crashed onto an Around the World path toy. A large doll is falling right over them, and they run for their lives, but only moved the paper path below their feet.

Just as the doll was about to crush them, they reached the end of the path and were able to leap off just as the doll broke. A piece of the porcelain doll’s face rolls toward Dawson, its eye blinking at him.

Basil rushed by, but Fidget has wound up a toy jouster, which moves towards them with an outstretched spear. Basil and the ponies were able to leap on a trumpet above them, but the jousting spear had caught Dr. Dawson by his jacket, and he was hurled towards a dart board, pinned to it.

Basil looked behind him, and his head is crashed between the cymbals of the firemen band music box, which had started up again. Basil stumbled over to a pile of marbles and trips over them, causing them to scatter, and several marbles fly towards Dawson, one even hitting him on his head.

It seemed like it would be up to the ponies now...


Fidget was just about to make his getaway when he opened the opening in the window, and was nearly eaten by Toby, who barks and growls at the exit. Fidget slammed the window shut and was about to escape another way when a blast of magic caused him to freeze...

...where he saw seven ponies in front of him, looking dangerously mad. “The game is up, Fidget. Let Olivia out of the sack and tell us where Ratigan is holding her father,” Zipp said, spreading her wings, “or else there's gonna be a mess of trouble coming your way.”

“Ha ha ha! No way, Jose!”

Fidget immediately leapt onto Azurine's back, causing her to scream and try to buck him off as the bat pulled on her mane. “Get this winged brute off of me!”

“I got this!” Pipp delivered a hard punch to Fidget’s jaw, causing him to fall off of Azurine and to scurry up the cash register. “Hurry, ponies!” Misty cried. “We can't let him get away!”


Basil had regained consciousness by that point and joined the pony crew on the bat’s tail. He jumped onto a spring horse, and used it to jump from shelf to shelf and over the ponies themselves. “Stop, you fiend!”

Basil soon reached the top shelf, falling off the horse at the base of a large pyramid of building blocks. On opposite sides, Basil and Fidget began climbing to the top. Fidget made high, deaperate leaps at the top, catching the ledge of the open sky roof.

Basil tried to leap for him, but as he did, the blocks tumbles and dell, taking Basil down with them. Fidget chuckled evilly and throws the tied sack on top of the roof, and climbed out, ignoring Olivia’s desperate cries for help as he began to sing, heading for Ratigan’s lair. “I got the gears, I got the tools, I got the uniforms, I got the girl, heh-heh-heh-heh!

It seemed as if Ratigan’s schemes would most definitely succeed with Olivia and her father in his grasp... unless the ponies, Dr. Dawson and Basil could crack the clues in time.

The Clues Deepen

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Azurine and her new pony friends rushed to find Dr. Dawson and free him from the dart board, and once that was done, they immediately ran back to the pile of blocks in search of their detective leader. “Basil!” Misty cried out. “BASIL!!”

“Oh, I sure hope he's okay!” Pipp said worriedly. “And not crushed to death by giant wooden blocks!”

Suddenly, they heard the sound of a doll repeatedly saying 'Mama', and Hitch and Dr. Dawson pushed aside a small boat and drum to find Basil tangled to the doll’s pull string, furiously trying to untie himself. “Basil!” Dr. Dawson cried. “Olivia! She's--”

“She’s gone, Dawson! Confound it! I told you to watch over the girl!” Basil said as he managed to untie the string and fell to the ground, regaining his wind quickly, as well as his bad temper. “Now she’s been spirited away by that maniacal little monster. Soon to be in the clutches of the most depraved mind in all of London! I should have known better than to…!”

“BASIL!!” Zipp managed to scream, surprising Basil as he turned to her. “There’s no point in taking this out on Dr. Dawson! He was just trying to help save Olivia, and so were we! If we want to solve this case and rescue Olivia and her father, we have to keep a calm mind. And the first way to do that... is to apologize to Dr. Dawson.”

That's when Basil finally noticed how guilty Dr. Dawson looked as he wiped his eyes with his handkerchief. “Oh, ah, poor girl. I should have watched her more closely.”

Sunny cleared her throat to Basil for him to say SOMETHING to make Dr. Dawson feel better, so Basil stepped forward. “Don’t worry, old fellow. It’s not… entirely hopeless.”

Dawson said nothing, but looked toward Basil when the younger mouse put his hand on his shoulder. “We’ll get her back.”

“Do-do you think there’s a chance?”

“There’s always a chance, doctor… as long as one can think.”

Azurine sighed and Aapuzzled expression crosses his face as she pulled out the list from her mane. “Get the following: tools, gears… girl... uni--”

Once hearing of many of the items on that list, Basil immediately grabbed it from her with a smile. “My dear Azurine, you’ve done it! This list is precisely what we need.”

“It is?”

“He's right!” Pipp said in realization. “If we can figure out the chemical makeup of this list, we can figure out where it was written and that can lead us to where Ratigan’s hideout is!”

This caused the others to look at her in surprise. “What?” Pipp asked with a small smirk. “I paid attention to what Basil was saying... and reading the 'Spooky Stables' books.”

“Well, come on!” Zipp then urged. “We gotta get back to Baker's Street!”


The door to Mr. Flaversham's prison slowly opened, revealing the sinister sewer rat, smiling at his guest. “Ah, Mr. Flaversham...” he said, dramatically posing his cape. “Allow me to present… your charming daughter!”

Ratigan moved his cape to reveal Olivia in Fidget's grasp, and this made Mr. Flaversham's eyes widen in terror. “Olivia!”


However, Fidget kept a tight hold on Olivia as she tried to rush towards Mr. Flaversham. In an act to get away, Olivia stomped on the bat's foot and ran to her father as Fidget hopped up and down in pain. “Owww! My foot, my only foot!”

“Oh, Father!” cried Olivia, hugging her father tightly. “I thought I'd never find you...”

“Oh, there, there, there, there, my bairn. I’m all right,” Mr. Flaversham told his daughter as they continued to embrace. “Oh, I was so worried about my little girl.”

Ratigan watched the sweet moment from the door, pretending to wipe tears from his eyes with a handkerchief. “Oh, I just love tearful reunions. Now, come along, my dear.”

“Oh, please! Please!” Olivia begged as she was ripped away from her father's embrace by Fidget and led away. “Father!”

“Olivia!” Mr. Flaversham cried out desperately. “Oh, please, professor!”

“Now, now, Fidget will take good care of her,” Ratigan said before his voice became all too threatening. “That is, as long as we have no further delays!”

In fear of losing Olivia, Mr. Flaversham quickly got back to work on the robot. “Yes, yes, I-I’ll finish it. Oh, just don’t hurt my daughter.”

“Remember; it must be finished... tonight!

And just like that, the door was slammed shut, leaving Mr. Flaversham alone once again.


As for Olivia, Fidget was dragging her to a large bottle over on its side. “Stop! Let me go!” Olivia said as Fidget began to shrug. “You ugly old thing!”

Unfortunately, Fidget shoved her inside the bottle and pushed the cork into place, trapping poor Olivia inside the bottle. “Help! Let me out! Let me out!!”

“See how you like that!” Fidget blew her a raspberry before strutting off toward Ratigan, who was looking through the bag Fidget brought Olivia back in. “Ah, the uniforms. Oh Fidget, I knew I could rely on you. Now, you didn’t forget anything?”

Fidget cackled in response, smiling wickedly. “No problem. I took care of everything. Everything on the list.”

Unfortunately, as he opened his wing to display the list, Fidget immediately realized it was missing and frantically searched for it. “Uh-oh...”

Ratigan’s face immediately grew stern. “What's wrong?”

“The list… I know…”

Where’s the list?” Ratigan asked again, this time becoming angrier. “The list, yeah, yeah, yeah. Well you see, uh, it was like this,” Fidget began to explain. “I was in the toy store getting uniforms when I heard 'Aroo, aroo'!”

“...you're not coming through.”

“A dog came. I ran. I had baby bonnet, girl in bag and Basil and these ponies chased me.”

Hearing that one name was enough to make Ratigan snap beyond Fidget’s control. “What? Basil on the case?! Why you gibbering little…”

Fidget immediately cowered as Ratigan clutched his chest, apparently having a heart attack. His face was tomato red with fury, but just as quickly as his temper rose, Ratigan calmed down, and he scooped Fidget into his arms. “Oh, my dear Fidget. You have been hanging upside down too long.”

“You mean, you’re not mad? I’m glad you’re taking it so well.”

Fidget was carried around the corner where Ratigan rang his bell, causing Fidget to scream as Felicia held him tight in her paws, determined to eat him this time around. “Not me, you idiot. No, stop you stupid fur ball! Open up! Open up! Ai, ai, ai! Oh, ow! You’re hurting my wings!”

Ratigan had his back turned to the chaos, leaning against a bottle and furiously rubbing his temples. “How dare that idiot Basil poke his stupid nose into my wonderful scheme and foul up everything! And to bring some... puny little ponies into the madness! They could use their formidable powers and ruin my plans even further!”

“Let me out! Let me out! HELP!!” Fidget managed to climb out of Felicia's mouth, only to have her stuff him back inside and keep her mouth plugged with one of her paws. “Oh, I can just see that insufferable grin on his smug face,” Ratigan began to bang his head in fury... until a wicked idea came into his mind. “Yes… yes, I can just see it. Heh heh... Felicia, release him.”

Felicia pouted for a moment, then spit the poor mangled bat out, and Ratigan, having found some use for the bat after all, held him up by his cheeks. “Fidget, you delightful little maniac. You’ve presented me with a singular opportunity,” he said, dropping Fidget before assuming a fake concerned face. “Poor Basil! Oh, he is in for a little surprise.


Back at Basil's flat, the detective had lit a lamp and he and Zipp were studying the list with his magnifying glass. “Are you getting any closer to figuring out what this all means?” Hitch asked impatiently as Sparky ran around the flat, after a small toy ball Dr. Dawson gave him. “The sooner we find Olivia, the sooner we can get Ratigan and his goons to pay for this!”

“Slow your hoofsteps, sheriff,” Zipp said gently. “Basil and I are working as fast as we can, but this equipment is a lot different than the kind of equipment I have at home.”

“The princess is right,” Basil said. “Offhand, I can deduce very little. Only that the words are written with a broad pointed quill pen which has spattered, twice. That the paper is of…”

Basil lightly tossed the paper into the air a bit, testing the weight. “…native Mongolian manufacture, no water mark. And has…”

With these words, Basil had discovered something else, putting the paper to his lips and smacking it several times. “…been gummed, if I’m not very much in error…”

For the next step, Basil sniffed at the paper, and held it at arms length in disgust at the result. “…by a bat who has been drinking Rodent’s Delight!”

“Oh! That's a cheap brandy sold only in the seediest pubs of London!” Zipp realized, jotting down notes. “Hmm... amazing,” Dr. Dawson said in amazement. “Oh not really, Doctor,” Zipp said as she took more notes. “We still don’t know where it came from. But, Basil and I might have come up with a solution.”

“Yes! Perhaps a close inspection will tell us something,” Basil said, and he and Zipp took turns examining the results. “That’s strange...” Zipp said after a moment. “There are trace amounts of coal dust on here!”

“Hmmm... the only type around this area of London is used in sewer lamps,” Azurine said with a confused look. “What would this have any effect on the location of where it was written, Zipp?”

“If we're in luck... it should.”

Dawson teied to look through the microscope, but Basil had taken the list and was now holding it over a small flame, letting it catch fire. “Basil!” Sunny cried, rushing to stop him. “What in the world are you--?”

“Shh!” Basil shushed her. “Don’t speak.”

Basil then let the ashes from the list fall into a bowl, and he patted it down with a small wooden masher. He poured the contents onto a glass jar of a yellow chemical, which immediately turned blue after contact. “Whoa…” Izzy said in awe, reaching for it, only for Zipp’s hoof to smack her away. “I wouldn’t, unless your hooves wanna become claws for the rest of your life.”

“Ah, yes. Excuse me, all,” Basil said as he returned with a vial of red chemical, letting a single drop fall into the blue mixture. A small puff of smoke came out as the chemical turned a bright violet. Basil set the jar below a glass spout and reached to the other side of the chemistry set to turn on a small flame.

The green chemical inside bubbles up and slowly makes its way through the tubes, Basil encouraging it softly, as if it were a baby taking its first steps. “Yes, yes. Good, good. Come along, come along, come along, come along. Come along, come along, come along come along…. Haha… Yes, yes, good, good. No, bad. Good, good, oh, no. Come along, come on. Yes, come on. Yes… yes…”

Finally, a single green droplet fell, making the chemical underneath turn red, much to Basil’s elation. “AHA!! We’ve done it, my friends!” he said, wrapping an arm around Dawson. “This reaction could only have been triggered by the paper’s extreme saturation with distillation of sodium chloride.”

“But that means…” Zipp said before gasping in realization. “Of course!”

As Zipp and Basil darted away from the table, Dr. Dawson inspected the now-clear solution. “Saltwater…? Great Scott.”

“Wait a second… saltwater?” Misty asked in confusion. “Why would you guys go through all that trouble just for some saltwater?”

“It proves beyond a doubt, this list came from the riverfront area,” Basil said, pinning a map of the riverfront area of London to a nearby pinboard. “Ah, now steady on there, Basil,” Dr. Dawson tried to get him to slow down. “No, no. Elementary, my dear Dawson,” Basil said. “We merely look for a seedy pub at the only…spot…”

“...where the sewers connect to the waterfront!” Zipp smiled. “The Rat Trap! That means that Ratigan’s lair must be somewhere close to there. And if we go there, we find Ratigan, and rescue Olivia and her father!”

“Zipp, you and Basil might be great detectives on your own,” said Pipp, “but when you work together?! Eee-hee-hee! It’s genius!

“Heh, yeah,” Zipp said, hoof-bumping Basil with a smile. “I-I guess we do make a good team.”

“What are we waiting for?” Hitch said, scooping Sparky onto his back. “Let’s go!”

“Wait just one moment,” Basil said, stopping the ponies and lifting Izzy’s tail. “You can’t certainly go to a pub dressed as you are.”


“Don’t worry, we’ll work things out on the way,” Basil said, leaving no time for questions as they rushed out the door. “Come! Toby waits for us outside!”

Night at the Rat Trap/Falling into Ratigan's Trap

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After deducing that Ratigan’s lair was close to The Rat Trap, a pub where the waters of the sewer connected to the riverfront, the group immediately set off on Toby to the docks, where the basset hound patiently waited as the group lowered themselves down to where they needed to be… after Basil picked the ponies up some costumes that would help them blend in better. “Stay, Toby,” Hitch whispered. “Stay. We’ll be back soon!”

Toby nodded and stayed as the ponies continued to lower themselves down into the darkness. After a few minutes, everyone changed into their disguises, although… Dr. Dawson didn’t exactly feel comfortable in his outfit (a pirate outfit with an eye patch and a shirt that came only halfway up his stomach). “Uh… Basil?”

“Come, come, Dawson,” Basil said quietly. “I feel utterly ridiculous,” Dr. Dawson said as he walked out of the shadows. “Don’t be absurd. You look perfect.”

“Perfect? Perfectly foolish!”

“Oh, come on, Dr. Dawson!” Azurine said playfully, admiring her pirate outfit. “I mean, it isn’t what I would normally wear, but it is kind of fun. Like… going undercover!”

“That’s exactly the point,” Zipp said. “There are a lot of creeps in here, so we need to watch ourselves. Now… let’s do this.”

“And stay low to the ground, little buddy,” Hitch said to his dragon son, dressed like a parrot. “We don’t want any thugs seeing your dragon fire.”

That’s when Sunny gently pushed open the doors and they entered the pub. It certainly was a seedy place, where clearly every lowlife in London had gathered. The mice were all smoking, playing poker, or drinking at the bar. Some are even passed out from the amount of alcohol they’ve drunk. A mouse is playing the piano as an octopus onstage is juggling three balls while tap dancing.

The barmaid was tickling a patron under his chin, but when he puckered his lips for a kiss, she punched him so hard he flew right from his chair, surprising Misty and causing her to yelp. Basil struck his match against the wall and lit his cigarette. “Dawson, you and the ponies stay close,” he whispered, “and do as I do.”

The bartender looked toward Basil and Dr. Dawson as the group approached, where Basil signaled the bartender for service as they sat down. “Uh… is it too late to say that this place makes me uncomfortable?” Misty asked. “Like… really uncomfortable?”

“Yes, Misty,” Sunny whispered. “Much too late.”

The bar patrons were eyeing the group suspiciously. A knife suddenly landed at the floor in Dawson's path, and he stumbles back, knocking a woman’s chair forward. “Oh, I do beg your pardon, madam.”

Obviously in on the prank, the woman blew her cigarette smoke in his face, making him choke. “Quite unintentional, I assure you.”

Sparky sniffed around until the smoke caught his attention, causing him to cough before speaking in lots of angry dragon gibberish. “I agree, Sparky,” Hitch said with a huff. “Watch your breath, lady!”

Luckily, Basil was able to pull them away before their cover was blown, sitting them down at a nearby table. “Remember, sheriff,” he said. “We are low-life ruffians.”

“Uh… sure,” Hitch nodded. “Low-life… the exact opposite of what I am usually.”

On stage, the octopus has nearly finished his dance. The pianist is getting nervous seeing the unhappy faces of all the patrons. The octopus finished, and caught his balls in his hat and bowed, apparently very surprised to hear the applause coming from Dawson and Izzy; the rest of the pub booed the cephalopod and quickly drown him out. “What are they booing at?” asked Izzy. “I thought his act was great!”

The others shushed her before the barmaid came up to the table. “What’s your pleasure, mates?”

“I’d like a cherry smoothie, if you have them, please,” Misty said before Basil elbowed her into shushing. “Or, uh… whatever they’re having.”

“Uh…” Dr. Dawson tried to make a decision. “I’ll have a dry sherry with… oh perhaps a twist of--”

“Eight pints for me and my shipmates,” Basil said, covering Dawson’s mouth and speaking in a tough-guy accent in order to fit in better. “Oh, by the way. We just got into port. We’re looking for an old friend of mine. Maybe you know him. Goes by the name… of Ratigan!

At the mention of Ratigan, the barmaid gasped, as well as several poker players and the pianist. They stared at Basil in shock as the barmaid recovered from her shock, clearly unwilling to admit her knowledge of the criminal mastermind. “Uh… never heard of him.”

“Hmmm…” Zipp hummed in suspicion. “She definitely knows him.”

One thing was for certain-- while the others seemed pretty frightened by all the stares they got, Basil and Zipp seemed pretty satisfied with them... like they wanted to get their message across.

The pianist has started another song, and the curtains open to reveal a salamander on a unicycle, exhausted from the effort of holding a huge frog on his shoulders. The patrons immediately resumed booing and throwing food and weapons onstage. As a knife struck the piano, the pianist nervously began the third act. The patrons were already armed with chairs, darts, and one with an ax, ready to throw them at whoever is next.

But when the curtains opened, a pretty lady mouse stood onstage, wearing a blue tank top, purple skirt, and pink shawl. The patrons slowly lowered their weapons as she began to sing to them.

Miss Kitty: Dearest friends, dear gentlemen
Listen to my song
Life down here's been hard for you
Life has made you strong
Let me lift the mood
With my attitude

As the beat began to pick up, Miss Kitty began to strut onstage as every eye was focused on her, bouncing along with her song. However, as the ponies and Basil tried not to look too interested, Dr. Dawson looked as though he’d fallen in love.

Miss Kitty: Hey, fellas
The time is right
Get ready
Tonight's the night
Boys, what you're hopin' for will come true
Let me be good to you

While the song continued, Sunny immediately noticed the barmaid whisper something into the bartender's ear, to which she immediately pointed out to Basil as the barender poured the contents of a vial into each of the eight mugs.

Miss Kitty: You tough guys
You're feelin' all alone
You rough guys
The best o' you sailors and bums
All o' my chums

So dream on
And drink your beer
Get cozy
Your baby's here
You won't be misunderstood
Let me be good to you

Miss Kitty moved behind the curtain and let the band join in, kicking up the beat even more. After a moment, the curtains pulled back, and Miss Kitty was joined by two other twin lady mice, in pink hats, dresses and black elbow length gloves, making all the patrons go absolutely wild.

Miss Kitty: Hey, fellas
I'll take off all my blues
Hey, fellas
There's nothin' I won't do
Just for you

The patrons whistled, and one was being restrained as he tries to climb onstage, causing Miss Kitty to kick him down. She then pointed to Dawson and Hitch, who both seemed very bashful now. Miss Kitty then left the stage, leaving the other lady mice onstage to dance for the pub. At that moment, the barmaid returned with the drinks. “There you go, mates,” she said uneasily. “It’s uh… on the house.”

“Oh! That’s so nice!” Pipp smiled before Zipp stopped her. “Wait… Sunny whispered to me she saw the bartender slip something in these. Better let us test out our theory before drinking anything.”

The white pegasus took a small sniff of her mug as Basil took a small taste, both of their suspicions confirmed. “Don’t drink anything, guys,” said Zipp. “These mugs have been-- DRUGGED!!”

Before she could stop Dr. Dawson, he had already drunk his entire mug of beer. “Has a rather nice bite to it,” he said as he turned back to the stage. “Jolly good, ladies, jolly good!”

“Dr. Dawson!” Azurine gasped in worry. “Get ahold of yourself!”

“Oh, bravo, bravo!”

“Well, he’s gonna be out of it for a while,” sighed Hitch. “What are we gonna do now?”

“We wait,” Basil told him. “And then we strike at the sign of any commotion.”

Suddenly, they began to hear a sound of a peg-legged figure approaching. Fidget's attention was focused on the showgirls as well, and didn’t notice that Basil and the ponies had seen him. All at once, Fidget’s peg leg got caught in a hole in the floorboard, and he fell and angrily yanked his foot out, sending himself stumbling back into the bar. During this, Miss Kitty had come back on stage and was finishing her song.

Miss Kitty: So dream on
And drink your beer
Get cozy
Your baby's here
Hey boys, I'm talkin' to you

“Guys, I see Fidget over there!” Misty said with a giggle. “That’s a good stroke of luck!”

Unfortunately, Dr. Dawson had disappeared. “Dr. Dawson?” Azurine looked around the bar. “Where’d he go?”

“Uh… I know, but none of you are gonna like it,” Pipp said, uneasily pointing to the stage and making Basil’s eyes grow wide. “DAWSON!!”

Dr. Dawson had joined Miss Kitty and her dancers up on stage, causing Miss Kitty to take his arm and swing him around, and he rejoined the twins. Basil slapped his forehead and drags his hand down his face. This couldn’t get any worse.

Miss Kitty: Your baby's gonna come through
Let me be good to you


At this ending, the twins each give Dawson a kiss on the cheek before he drunkenly passed out, falling right into the piano and abruptedly caused the pianist to stop. The pianist, angry that the mouse had destroyed his instrument, was ready to hit him with a plank, but just as he swung violently, Dawson slumped down again. The pianist instead hit the head of a big mean-looking mouse, who stood up and prepares to fight.

That led to an entire bar fight happening, with mice strangling and beating each other to a pulp! Worried they would lose Fidget in all the chaos, Zipp turned to Misty. “Misty, go after Fidget, and don’t lose sight of him! We’ll be with you as soon as we can get Dr. Dawson!”

“On it!” Misty nodded and followed after Fidget before the others went to the stage to get Dr. Dawson, who was beginning to wake up. “What in heaven’s name is going on?”

“Fidget was here, but then this fight happened,” Zipp said. “Misty is gonna trail him, and we’re going after her.”

“Come on, old fella,” Basil urged. “There’s not a moment to lose.”

As the bar fight became more and more violent, Basil found the trapdoor behind the bar that Misty and Fidget went through and led everyone down into it just as a chair flew over them and hit it.


Once inside, they saw Misty ahead of them, shushing them and telling them to be quiet as they saw Fidget ahead of Misty, singing to himself. “Let me be good to you… Ba-boo ba-boom… so dream on, and drink your beer… your baby’s here!

“Ugh…” Pipp groaned quietly. “He is a terrible singer.”

Basil shushed her before climbing inside a pipe next to them. “Follow me.”

“In there? Ugh… but sewer water…” Pipp whined before the ponies spared her a glance. “Oh, all right…”

The group followed Basil inside the pipe and tried to find their way through the twists and turns, completely submerged in darkness, aside from Azurine, Misty and Izzy’s dimly-glowing horns. “Aw, man!” Sunny groaned. “I can’t see a thing!”

“Shh. Grab my coat and follow along,” Basil’s voice was heard. “No, no, no, not that way. Dawson, look out for your--”

But immediately, Dr. Dawson walked right into a sealed cap. “Oww! Confound it!”

“Do you have any idea where we’re going?” Hitch asked, irritated. “Not exactly,” Zipp said, “but Fidget is gonna get there first if we don’t hurry!”

Finally, they reached the drain grate by Ratigan's hideout. Basil lifted up the grate to discover what he had been looking for after so many years. “Aha! We’ve found it! Ratigan’s secret lair!”

The others climbed out of the drain after him, making Pipp groan at the sewer smell coming from her wings. “I’ll have to take at least 20 moisturizing showers in order to get this smell out!”

“I have to agree,” Misty said, looking around. “It’s way filthier than I imagined it would be.”

“Come on,” Azurine urged her friends. “Let’s find Olivia and her father and get out of this filth-infested trap.”

They approached the entrance to the lair, where they saw Olivia curled up in the bottle, making Pipp gasp. “Olivia! The bottle!”

“Basil, help us open this!” Izzy pleaded, and she, Misty, Pipp and Basil moved to the bottle and tried to pull the cork off, but it was sealed on tight. “Ugh… ugh!” Misty strained. “Sorry, Pipp! It’s really stuck!”

“Olivia?” Dr. Dawson pecked on the glass of the bottle. But, as it turns out, Fidget was wearing Olivia’s hat and coat, making a kissy face that startled Hitch. “But… if you’re in there, where’s Olivia?!”


The loud shout of Ratigan’s thugs were followed by balloons and confetti being released, a welcome banner being unfurled from the ceiling for Basil, and Ratigan's thugs clapped and cheered mockingly for our heroes. Immediately, the ponies took on fighting stances, but before they could do anything, Ratigan walked forward, clapping as well. “Bravo! Bravo! A marvelous performance,” he said to Basil before checking his pocket watch. “Though frankly, I expected you fifteen minutes earlier. Trouble with the chemistry set, old boy?”

“Where’s Olivia, you big fat bully?!” Misty said, getting down to business and not buying Ratigan’s act for a minute. “Trust us, we won’t hesitate to search this place!” Hitch agreed. “And take you down for kidnapping!”

Ratigan burst out into laughter, stopping after a moment to pat Sparky and Hitch on the heads. “Oh, that’s so cute. Who do you think you are to tell ME what I should do?”

“The Unity Squad of Equestria!” Sunny said, letting her alicorn form come out. “And we’re asking you politely to release the Flavershams and stop whatever scheme you have up that dirty muzzle of yours!”

“...stand down, Sunny. I shall take care of this,” Basil said, taking a friendly tone and approaching his bitter enemy. “Ratigan… no one can have a higher opinion of you than I have. And I think you’re a slimy, contemptible sewer rat!”

At this hurtful comment, Ratigan shut his pocket watch, put it away, and chuckled. “By the way, Basil, I just love your disguise,” he said, ripping off Basil’s fake mustache. “Really, one would hardly recognize you. The greatest… detective… …in all mousedom! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!”

“Ratigan, so help me… I’ll see you behind bars yet!”

Ratigan took this as a threat, getting in his bitter rival’s face. “You fool! Isn’t it clear to you?” he asked, lifting Basil by the collar, and letting his thugs block the ponies from helping him. “The superior mind has triumphed! I’ve won!”

“Not yet, you haven’t!” Sunny snarled. “Everypony, Azurine! Formation! Time to take this guy down!”

The ponies stood together as their cutie marks began to glow, but as they were about to send magic to stop Ratigan, about 12 of the thugs laughed and lassoed the ponies and tied them up, causing them to scream and try and break out of the ropes. As the laughter continued, Basil steels himself against the jeering and pointing, but after a few moments, slumped… defeated and broken.

As they struggled to get free, the ponies watched this in concern, not knowing what to do or say as Basil hung his head. “Oh I love it! I love it!” Ratigan laughed. “Oh I love it, I love it, I love it!”

“Sunny… what do we do?!” Zipp asked. “We gotta get to Basil and help him!”

“I… I don’t know, Zipp! It’s like he was expecting this,” said Sunny. “We’ve… been outmatched.”

Hearing this from the earth pony mare made the group realize something they never thought of before… with magic or without magic… they wouldn’t have stood a chance.

Mouse Queen in Peril/Escaping Ratigan's Trap

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Seeing that Basil had finally been weakened and defeated, Ratigan tied him and Dr. Dawson to a mousetrap in the midst of some very complex machinery, and his thugs tethered all the ponies to the wall in glowing chains, making them unable to use their magic while bound in them. “You don’t know what a delightful dilemma it was trying to decide on the most appropriate method for your demise.”

Fidget nervously set the switch for the trap and scampered away after Zipp let out a growl and lunged at him, wings outstretched. While Dr. Dawson looked completely terrified, Basil was looking catatonic and was simply staring off into space. “Oh, I had so many ingenious ideas I didn’t know which to choose. So, I decided…to use them all.”

Ratigan then gave a grand gesture to reveal a gun, a crossbow, an axe, and an anvil, all of which are aimed directly at the mousetrap, causing the ponies, imprisoned nearby to gasp in horror. “Marvelous, isn’t it? Oh ho… But here, let me show you how it works. Picture this.”

Fidget curtsied to a nearby record player as Ratigan explained the deadly trap. “First, a tune I’ve recorded especially for you. As the song plays the cord tightens, and when the song ends… the metal ball is released. Rolling along its merry way until…” Ratigan gestured to each individual weapon, starting with the mousetrap. Snap! Boom! Twang! Thunk! …splat!

Izzy and Azurine whimpered at the sound of that, flinching in terror. “And so ends the short, undistinguished career of Basil of Baker Street,” Ratigan finished as Azurine finally snapped, lunging against her chains. “You’re… you’re despicable! Let us out of these chains at once, or you're going to get the worst migraine of your life!”

But as she tried to fire her horn at the despicable rat, her horn proved to be useless in the chains. “May I remind you pestly ponies that those chains are magic-proof?” Ratigan asked with a groan. “And so, you can’t use your little magic in them! All made by a very dear friend of mine.”

“...Paradise Moonray, I assume?” Misty asked with a sneer. “...actually, no. But she sounds like a clever, devious mind,” Ratigan said. “No, it was an alicorn like the orange one… but dark purple with powerful fire.”

Sunny felt her breathing get shaky at that. “Opaline… you knew her!”

“Well… we stopped her!” sneered Misty. “So now, we’re gonna stop you!”

“Don’t stress yourself too much,” Ratigan rolled his eyes before turning to his minion, now dressed as a British guard. “Everything’s ready, Fidget?”

“All set, boss.”

Ratigan then peeked inside a large white package with a pink bow on top. “Oh, this is wicked! So delightfully wicked.”

Several thugs, dressed in British Guard uniforms as well, moved the package as Ratigan walked over to Mr. Flaversham, who was bound by ropes, standing by Olivia's bottle, where the ponies could see that she’s safe and sound… for now, anyway. “Mr. Flaversham, let me congratulate you on a superb piece of craftsmanship,” Ratigan complimented. “See what you can do with the proper motivation?”

He then pinched Mr. Flaversham’s cheeks before he looked over to Felicia as more thugs got on her back. “You all know the plan.”

“Right, professor!” the thugs saluted. “It was my fond hope to stay and witness your final scene, but you were fifteen minutes late,” Ratigan told Basil. “And I do have an important engagement at… Buckingham Palace.”

Zipp growled at him, now knowing where they were going as Ratigan gestured to a nearby camera. “Now, you will remember to smile for the camera, won’t you? Hmm? Say cheese.”

“You fiend!” cried Dr. Dawson. “Sorry, chubby. You should have chosen your friends more carefully.”

Ratigan then started the record as he climbed aboard the dirigible Fidget was piloting. “Adieu, auf wiedersehen, arrivederci, farewell! Heh heh… bye bye, Basil.”

Record: You'll find your separate way
With time so short I’ll say so long
And go so soon

You followed me, I followed you
We were like each other’s
Shadows for a while

Now as you see
This game is through
So although it hurts
I’ll try to smile

As I say…

“Wait, wait wait…” Hitch said as he comforted Sparky. “W-W-What did he mean, an engagement in Buckingham Palace?”

“Haven’t you figured it out yet, sheriff?” Basil asked after a heavy sigh, sounding like he didn’t even care anymore. “The queen’s in danger and the empire’s doomed.”

This immediately caught the ponies and Dr. Dawson offguard. “THE QUEEN?!”


Outside Buckingham Palace, trumpets played as well dressed mice entered the palace for the queen's jubilee, and all the while, Ratigan's thugs were replacing the queen's actual guards so they could carry out the horrible scheme.

In her bedroom, the queen was preparing herself when there was a knock on her door, causing her to adjust her crown before answering. “Come in!”

“Ah, begging your majesty’s pardon,” said the first thug, entering the room. “A present has just arrived in honor of your jubilee.”

“A present? Oh how wonderful! Ah, I just adore jubilees.”

The thugs pushed the present inside the bedroom, where Fidget handed the queen a note, handwritten by Ratigan himself. “Here you are, sweetheart.”

That’s when the queen eyed him suspiciously. “Have you… been with us… long?” she asked before she read the note. “To our beloved queen, this gift we send as her 60 year reign… comes to an end…?”

Fidget and the other thugs pulled the ribbons and sides down on the present to reveal an exact robot replica of the queen, to which she studied with fascination. “How extraordinary!”

Suddenly, the robot came to life and grabbed the queen, causing her to run around the room as the robot chased her around. “Goodness gracious!”

The robot suddenly halted as Ratigan appeared at her doorway, with Flaversham operating the controls. “Amazing likeness, isn’t it, Your Majesty?”

“Professor Ratigan!” the queen gasped. “Guards! Seize this despicable creature!”

Fidget snickered before Ratigan spoke into the speaker, making the robot queen say what he said. “Guards! Seize this despicable creature!”

Ratigan cackled as his thugs grabbed the queen, who was more than outraged at the despicable act. “How dare you!”

“Take her away!” Ratigan ordered, ringing Felicia’s bell as the thugs took the queen away to be fed to his beloved cat.


Back in Ratigan's lair, the record was thankfully still playing, but Basil had still made no attempt to free everyone. Olivia was still pushing at the cork, to no avail.

It's through so although it hurts
I’ll try to smile as I say goodbye
So soon and isn’t this…

“Don’t worry, Olivia!” Pipp strained as she tried to fly out of the chains. “We’re gonna get you out of here… right, Basil?”

Her only response from him was a mere groan. “Basil!” Sunny shouted to get his attention. “Oh, how could I have been so blind?” Basil asked out loud. “We all make mistakes!” Dr. Dawson tried to tell him. “But we can’t let that stop us! We have to--”

“Ratigan’s proved he’s more clever than I,” Basil said with a scoff. “He would never have walked into such an obvious trap.”

“Oh, it’s no use, Dr. Dawson!” Hitch sighed in exasperation. “We’ve tried to convince him for the past 5 minutes, and there’s been no progress on snapping him out of it!”

“Basil, you’ve got to pull yourself together!” Dr. Dawson tried to say. “You can stop that villain! Why--”

Suddenly, a sound caught their attention, and it sounded like the record… was skipping, meaning Dr. Dawson and Basil’s end was getting even closer! “Basil, Dr. Dawson!” Misty said as she strained to get loose. “The record!”

But Basil still wasn’t listening to her. “Oh, it’s finally happened! I’ve been outwitted!”

“Basil, please!

“Listen to us!”

“Beaten! Duped! Made a fool of!”

“That’s not true!”

“You can still beat Ratigan!”

“Oh, ridiculed! Belittled!”

“That’s enough!” Dr. Dawson shouted, getting angry that Basil wouldn't listen to him or the ponies as the record fixed itself. “Dash it all, Basil! The Queen’s in danger, Olivia’s counting on us to save her father and these poor ponies are trusting on us to complete their mission and help them get back to their own world! We’re about to be horribly splattered and all you can do is lie there feeling sorry for yourself. Well, I know you can save us, but if you’ve given up then why don’t we set it off now and be done with it?”

Record: We know by now that time knows how to fly…

During the uncomfortable silence, aside from the record playing, Basil let off a weak chuckle. “Set it off now…” he muttered before something in his mind clicked... something that could be able to fix everything and still give them a chance at saving the queen! “ Set it… off… now? Ye… yeah! Ha ha! Yes! We’ll… We’ll set the trap off now!”

“Wha-- Basil, wait!” Dr. Dawson cried, horrified. “I didn’t mean that we ought--”

By that point, as Dawson was trying to take back what he said, the song ended, and the ball was quickly on its way. Back in his true form, Basil quickly formed a plan. “The angle of the trajectory multiplied by the square root of an isosceles triangle… dividing Guttermeg’s principle of opposing forces in motion… and adjusting for the difference in equilibrium… Dawson, at the exact moment I tell you, we must release the triggering mechanism!!”

“Basil, we don’t even know if this will work!” Zipp cried. “You and Dr. Dawson could still get killed!”

“Trust me, your highness! I know what I’m doing!” Basil shouted before getting mentally ready for this one attempt. “Get ready, Dawson… steady… NOW!!”

As Dr. Dawson yelled out in terror, they hit the trigger, saved from the metal switch by the ball that was stopped just between their heads. This caused the ponies to sigh in somewhat relief.

That was extremely close.

The vibration loosend one of the pegs, which ricocheted towards the gun, causing it to misfire and hit the crossbow, which instead of being aimed at Basil and Dawson, flew towards the axe, cutting off the head. The blade fell lengthwise, slicing through the ropes and trap, effectively freeing the two mice before the anvil fell seconds later, missing them both.

The force of the anvil hitting the ground rattled Olivia's bottle, loosening the cork and sending her sailing through the air. As Dr. Dawson leaned heavily against the anvil, Basil shed his sailor costume and put his deerstalker cap back on, putting one arm around Dr. Dawson and holds the other out in the air. “Thank you, Dawson,” he said before catching Olivia in his open arm and turning to the camera. “Smile, everyone!”

The camera immediately off after this, capturing Basil's brilliant smile, and Olivia and Dawson's stunned expressions. “Phew…” Hitch sighed, his heart beating at 1000 miles a minute. “I thought for sure we’d see the murders of our new friends right in front of us. Now… GET US OUT OF THESE CHAINS!!!”

The three mice immediately rushed toward the ponies and managed to smash the chains off of them, where Olivia hugged Sunny and Pipp. “You’re alright!” she said happily. “I knew you all would come for me!”

“Of course we would,” Sunny said comfortingly before shaking Basil’s hand. “We’re glad you’re back, Basil. Without you, we wouldn’t have known what to do.”

“Yes, well… it was Dawson who really snapped me out of it with that last phrase, but… I appreciate you caring so much about me to not give up.”

“Anything for you, fellow detective,” Zipp said before taking him onto her back. “But we still have a mission, right? We have a queen to save!”

The Final Battle (Part 1)

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Meanwhile, at the palace, Ratigan's thugs continued their scheme by playing the trumpets to announce the robot queen’s entrance, all while Mr. Flaversham controlled the queen from behind the curtain, the thugs holding signs to show him what to say.

And immediately, as he began to speak, the crowd was fooled while they were in the robot’s presence. “On this most august occasion, we are gathered here not only to commemorate my 60 years as Queen, but to honor one of truly noble stature,” Mr. Flaversham said into the speaker as the thugs flipped cards. “I present to you a statesman among mice, a gifted leader… a crusader for justice…”


At the same time, Fidget was carrying the true queen throughout the palace, on his way to deliver the poor queen to Felicia for a midnight snack. “Over here, fatty. You’re a ton, toots.”

Felicia jumped up and down outside the balcony, eager for her snack… even if it wasn’t Fidget for a change. “Here, kitty, kitty,” Fidget said. “Time for mouse chow.”


“…a majestic mountain of humility,” the robot queen continued to the eager crowd, “and my new Royal Consort… Professor Ratigan!”

The crowd immediately backed away, horrified as Ratigan burst out from the curtain, wearing a crown and purple robe decorated with medals. A small mouse child blew a raspberry at him, and his mother quickly covered his mouth.

Ratigan smiled wickedly at this... his plan was going perfectly, and Basil wasn't going to be around anytime soon to stop him...

...or would he?


Back outside Ratigan's lair, the group climbed through the storm drain and out into the busy street, where Basil whistled for Toby, who happily barked and ran their way. “Toby!”

Upon stopping before the group and seeing Olivia was safe, Toby licked her face, causing her to giggle. “The game’s afoot, Toby!” Misty told the basset hound. “Your queen is in mortal danger, and we need to get to the palace now!”

Immediately after Misty said this, Toby put his game face on and allowed Basil, Dr. Dawson, the flightless ponies (except Sunny, who shifted into her alicorn form) and Olivia to get on his back. “That’s the spirit, Toby!” Sunny said. “Lead the way! To Buckingham Palace!”

Barking like no one's business, Toby led the flying ponies above toward the palace to thwart Ratigan's evil plan.


Back at the palace, Ratigan gave the robot queen an exaggerated bow so the plan could continue in his favor. “Thank you, Your Majesty. And now, as your new Royal Consort, I have a few… slight suggestions.”

Ratigan took out a roll of paper and let it fall, where it rolled down the aisle of the Grand Hall and well past the curtain, where one of his men had opened it for him. “Item one…”


Fidget grunted as the queen proceeded to kick him in attempt to slow him down, still attempting to deliver her to Felicia. “Stop that!” he barked. Man, when this queen was finally gone, Fidget was gonna demand a raise from this.


With Sunny and the pegasus sisters flying above him, Toby still raced toward the castle, running right in front of a horse-drawn carriage. The horses reared back, but Toby, undaunted, kept running while the sisters and Sunny merely flew between their legs. Dr. Dawson had once again fallen back toward Toby's tail, holding on for dear life.

Meanwhile, Fidget had finally made it to the edge of the balcony, where Felicia was sitting below, waiting patiently. Toby made it to the palace at the same time, and held his nose to a ledge where Basil, Olivia, Dr. Dawson and the ponies raced off and into a mouse hole, Hitch holding back. “All right, Toby. While we save the queen, you know what to do with that bad kitty. Understand?”

Toby nodded with a huff, prompting Hitch to run and rejoin the others. At the same time, Fidget now had the queen held high over his head, and Felicia's jaws were wide open. “Nuts… open wide! Bye bye!”

The entire group charged toward the balcony, and just as Fidget was about to throw the queen into Felicia’s mouth, Izzy kicked the queen out from under him, causing Fidget to fall and try and get away from Felicia’s snapping jaws. “Down, down, kitty!” he said as he clung to the side of the balcony. “Down!”

The sound of barking distracted Felicia for a moment, and she turned to see Toby running straight for her, just like Hitch had instructed earlier. This caused Felicia to screech, and ran as fast as she could to get away, with Toby close behind.

At the same time, Misty and Azurine helped the queen out of her binds. “Are you all right, your majesty?” Azurine asked in concern. “Oh… yes, quite well, now that you’ve all saved my life,” the queen smiled. “My deepest thanks.”

“It’s no problem. But if you’ll excuse us,” said Sunny, “we still have a job to do and a rat to take care of.”


Inside the Great Hall, Ratigan was still continuing down his list of tyrannical laws. “Item 96… heh heh. A heavy tax shall be levied against all parasites and sponges…such as the elderly, the infirm, and especially… heh heh… little children.

During this, Ratigan leaned upside down over the railing to sneer at the boy from before. The boy looked at the rat defiantly before his mother whisks him away, just as an older mouse with a cast and a crutch came forward. “That’s ridiculous. You’re insane!”

“Perhaps I haven’t made myself clear,” Ratigan said, snatching the crutch and breaking it in half. “I have the power!”

With each declaration, the robot queen responded instantly. “Of course you do.”

“I am supreme!”

“Only you.”


The crowd immediately cowered under his shadow before Ratigan calmed himself and turned back to the robot queen. “That is, of course, with your Highness’ permission.”

There is no answer right away, and Ratigan gave the robot a light slap, making it spring back to life. “Most assuredly…” it said before its expression and tone changed. “...you insidious fiend!”


“You’re not my Royal Consort!”

Ratigan immediately covered her mouth and addressed the crowd. “What a sense of humor.”

“You’re a cheap fraud and impostor.”

Ratigan immediately snapped his head back to the curtain. “Flaversham!!”


Basil was now at the controls of the robot as the ponies dealt with the guards holding Olivia’s father captive. While Olivia and her father hugged, Dr. Dawson, the unicorns and the queen were tying up Fidget and the other guards while Basil continued to speak into the malfunctioning robot. “A corrupt, vicious, demented, low-life scoundrel. There’s no evil scheme you wouldn't concoct.”

Basil jerks at the controls, causing the robot’s head to fly up and spin, biting Ratigan's nose. He forces the head back down, but both arms spring out, hitting him in the stomach. Ratigan moves in front of the robot, hiding it from the crowd’s eyes, but they aren’t buying his scheme anymore. “No depravity you wouldn’t commit!”

Ratigan tried to force his weight on the robot, but it sprung upward, bringing him up with it, then letting him fall. “You professor,” Basil made the robot say as it began to break apart, “are none other than a foul stenchus rodentus, commonly known as a..!”

Ratigan's temper immediately flared as he seizes the robot by the neck, knowing what is next. “DON’T SAY IT!!

That’s when the Mane 6 and Ratigan burst from the curtain, giving Ratigan a murderous glare. “SEWER RAT!!!


“Arrest that fiend!” Basil shouted. “With pleasure!” Zipp cried, and the ponies fired up their magic before leaping onto Ratigan to bring him down with as much force as they possibly could while other mice were fighting of the rest of Ratigan's men. Olivia watched this from behind the curtain, not noticing that Fidget had managed to free himself from his ropes.


Outside, Felicia is still running from Toby as he barked savagely at his feline enemy. Felicia darted through bushes and flower beds and scrambled up a wall, where Toby can only leap up halfway and bark at her. Felicia snickered and lifted her chin at him before she turned, lifting her tail, and making a show of leaping down the other side. Only a few seconds later, Felicia gave another terrified screech as several more dogs can be heard barking and growling... since she landed right in the Royal Guard Dog Kennel.


Back inside, Ratigan throws his attackers away and sheds his robe. Fidget whistles at him from a high balcony, holding Olivia. “The girl! The girl!”

“Olivia!” Azurine cried out in terror, seeing Olivia’s frightened face. Ratigan quickly jumped from mouse to mouse and grabbed a robe to swing himself to the balcony. As Basil, Dr. Dawson, Mr. Flaversham and the ponies rushed forward, Ratigan securely and threateningly held Olivia over the balcony's edge. “Stay where you are or the girl dies!

And with that, he took Olivia with him as he made a daring escape. “Come on!” Zipp cried. “We can’t let them get away!”

The entire group rushed outside to see Ratigan escaping in his dirigible, Fidget at the controls. “There he goes!” Basil shouted before he climbed a tall pole. “Dawson! Flaversham! Gather up those balloons!”

The two of them nodded and went to work before Basil lowered the British flag and slid down the pole to reach Izzy and Azurine. “Can the two of you help us secure this?”

“You got it!” Izzy saluted. “One unicycled hot air balloon coming right up!”

The Final Battle (Part 2)

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Izzy and Azurine went right to work, figuring out how to make a DIY hot air balloon so they could take to the skies without wings and catch Ratigan so they could save Olivia… but it was taking quite a bit of time.

Up in the skies, while Fidget pedaled and Ratigan steered the dirigible, Olivia decided to let them know where she stood and where they were about to stand. “Just wait! Basil’s smarter than you! He’s going to put you in jail,” she threatened, pulling on Ratigan’s tail for emphasis. “He and my pony friends are not afraid of a big, old, ugly, rat like you.”

But, Ratigan, being much stronger, yanked his tail away from the girl and decided to put her in her place. “Would you kindly sit down and SHUT UP?!

The force of Ratigan’s yell was enough to send Olivia flying backwards, knocking her over a stool and into the wall. Before he could make another move toward the young girl, Ratigan turned and saw the British flag flying in front of him and blocking his path.

Turns out, what Izzy was missing from the balloon was a matchbox they could use for a base, and after that, the rest came easy.

Izzy, Misty, Hitch and Sunny each stood at a corner of the flag, pulling on it to help the balloon steer, while Pipp and Zipp were there to keep the balloon from bumping into hazardous objects and Azurine was there to guide them. As Ratigan turned to make a quick getaway, Azurine turned to Dr. Dawson and Mr. Flaversham. “All right! Let her go, boys!”

At her commend, Dr. Dawson and Mr. Flaversham released the air from the balloon, closing the distance between them and Ratigan easily as the ponies made an effort to steer. Ratigan lead them around roofs and chimneys, up and around a statue of Lord Nelson, and straight ahead towards the Tower Bridge.

Fidget pedaled as fast as he could as Ratigan steered the dirigible just below the bridge. Dawson braced himself for a crash, but at the last moment, Zipp and Pipp pushed the balloon downward, missing it by much mere inches. “Nice moves, sis!” Zipp said with a smile. “Don’t say that yet!” Pipp said. “We’ve still got a lot of fight left in us, and I for one don’t wanna jinx it until we get Olivia away from that creep”

Further up ahead, Fidget finally stopped pedaling, out of breath and exhausted. Ratigan glared at his assistant as the bat hopped inside and gestured toward Olivia. “We have to… lighten the load!”

“Oh, you want to lighten the load!” Ratigan snickered. “Excellent idea!”

Fidget snickered at Olivia, preparing to throw her overboard, but Ratigan seized him by the ears and tossed him over instead. In mid-air, Fidget tried to flap his wings and get back to the dirigible, but this proved to be an ineffective tactic. “No! Not me! I can’t fly! I can’t fly!!

“FIDGET!!!” the ponies cried out in terror, but Fidget had already fallen too far and too fast for them to catch him, causing the poor bat to fall into a watery grave, never to be seen again. With Fidget finally out of the way, Ratigan moved to the propeller and pedaled ahead to get away from Basil and the others. However, Basil and his friends had finally caught up, and the detective and Sunny were preparing to make a jump so Sunny could use her alicorn powers on Ratigan. “Steady now, Miss Starscout!” Basil shouted. “And… JUMP!!”

Sunny grunted as she made a daring leap, just landing on the aircraft while Basil managed to grab the tail of it, swinging forward, but Ratigan ducked when Basil’s feet came near him. “Olivia!” Sunny rushed toward the girl and hugged her tenderly. “Are you okay?”

“I’m fine,” Olivia nodded. “How’s my father?”

“He’s fine, just worried about-- wait a sec…” Sunny said, immediately realizing something. “If Ratigan is back there… who’s steering this thing?!”

The truth was, without Ratigan to steer the aircraft, it was left on an out-of-control route… straight toward Big Ben! Olivia and Sunny each let out a terrified scream, breaking the glare between Ratigan and Basil just before…


They crashed right through Big Ben’s clock face. On the mouse-made hot air balloon, the remaining ponies, Dr. Dawson and Mr. Flaversham watched in horror for some kind of movement. Well… all of them except one. “SUNNY!!!” Hitch screamed, tossing Sparky to Izzy. “HANG ON, SUNNY!!! I’M COMING!!!

“Hitch, no!” Zipp cried. “It’s way too dangerous!”

“We can’t get too close!” Pipp agreed. “Otherwise, something could puncture the balloon and we could plummet! Sunny, Basil and Olivia will be fine… and if it’s not, Zipp and I will go in there and get all three of them out!”

“Yeah! Wait… what?”


Miss Starscout… Miss Starscout!

Sunny groaned and finally woke to Basil’s voice calling for her, and opened her eyes with a pounding headache. “Basil…? What happened…?”

That’s when some sort of noise caught her attention, looking around and seeing the gears and clockwork inside Big Ben… the perfect common ground for Ratigan to finish them off. Creeping up behind them unnoticed was Ratigan, his left fist poised, ready to knock the two of them down, while the other hand was clamped over Olivia's mouth. The little girl struggled for a moment and finally pulled Ratigan's hand off her. “SUNNY!! BASIL!! LOOK OUT!!!”

Sunny and Basil immediately turned at the shout, but Ratigan knocked Sunny down immediately, sending her tumbling to the edge of the gear, but luckily, Basil was able to run over and help steady herself to not go over the edge. As Ratigan prepared for another devastating blow, this time to Basil, Olivia bit down hard his hand, making Ratigan scream in pain, and giving Basil and Sunny the opportunity to run over and seize the professor's cape, and tangle it between two gears.

Unfortunately, this caused Ratigan to drop Olivia onto the cape, but as he tried to keep from getting strangled, he accidentally kicked her off the gear and onto a much larger gear, connected to another one that could kill her in a matter of seconds.

Sunny gasped quickly and managed to kick Ratigan in the stomach to buy her some more time. “Basil! Hop on!”

Basil immediately hopped on her back before Sunny jumped from gear to gear, finally unleashing her alicorn form and flying up a long chain. Olivia tried to flatten herself against the gear she was on until Basil and Sunny got there, and as the gear was about to crush her, Basil swooped in on Sunny and grabbed her, Sunny carrying them to the top of the tower where they could get somewhere safe.

As Ratigan watched the trio make their escape, his sanity finally snapped and with a burst of strength, he tore his cape in half, freeing himself. Gone is the egotistical gentleman; in his place is a terrifyingly dangerous monster. He ran through many gears, his clothes becoming torn and ragged in his attempt to finally kill Basil.


“This way, guys!” Sunny said as she guided them out the hole on Big Ben’s face. “I think we’ll be safe out-- WHOA!!”

Sunny was about to stumble out on the edge, prompting Basil and Olivia to grab her tail and pull her back. The others then approached with the balloon, with Pipp and Zipp trying to keep it steady in the wind. “Pipp, Zipp!” Sunny cried. “Get Olivia and let’s get out of here!”

“We can’t, Sunny!” cried Zipp over the winds. “We have to keep the balloon steady in the wind, or it might tip over!”

“You’re gonna have to get Olivia to Mr. Flaversham yourself!” Pipp agreed. Sunny sighed and nodded, lifting Sunny up into her front hooves as Basil held her steady, with the ponies trying to hold the balloon steady while Ratigan kept getting closer. “Closer, ponies!” Sunny strained. “Closer!”

Basil tried to lift Sunny up a little bit to get Olivia closer, but even this proved difficult, as Olivia was mere inches from her father’s hold. “Daddy, I can’t reach! I can’t reach!”

In that moment, Basil turned just in time to see Ratigan leap forward to tackle him, causing him to throw Sunny and Olivia toward the balloon in a burst of strength. Olivia was able to land in her father's arms, while Misty and Izzy helped to get Sunny back aboard the balloon, Hitch hugging her rather tightly.

Basil tried to get a good grip of the top of the tower, but between the rain and Ratigan's weight, he couldn't get a good grip. They separated as they fell down the face of the clock. During the fall, Ratigan grabbed Basil again, and they hit the hour hand. Basil was sent flying across and landed, his upper body laying over the edge.

His vision blurred for only a second, he moves back, the thunderstorm being way more intense. He couldn't move... otherwise he was going to fall right to his death. “Basil!” he heard Izzy call as the balloon got closer. “Over here!!”

Basil looked on in relief, but before he could make a move to reach out for the pony chain that was being created, Ratigan attacked him from behind, lifting him up with one arm. Basil manages to wriggle free and ran up towards the edge, but with frightening speed and agility, Ratigan is there, blocking his path. “There’s no escape this time, Basil!”

“Zipp, we have to help him!” Pipp said, but a bolt of lightning caused both of them to shriek and dive inside the balloon. “No way, Pipp!” Zipp cried. “It’s way too dangerous for us to be flying! We can try to get to Basil manually, but it’s too dangerous for us to be out there!”

Basil slid down the hour hand and tried to put distance between himself and Ratigan, but the evil rat was there once more, blocking him. Ratigan held out his hand and unsheathed his razor-sharp claws, hitting Basil twice with such force, it sent him flying back. His friends tried to reach him as fast as they can, but it was evident that Basil couldn't hold out much longer.

Before Basil could even stand, Ratigan hit him square in the face, finally drawing blood. Basil stumbled back, his hands covering a gash across his muzzle. A hard swipe across the chest knocked him off his feet. Gnashing his teeth, Ratigan swung downward as Basil turned his back on him to try and stand up. The black claws truly met their mark this time, slicing into the flesh of Basil’s back and sending pieces of fur and cloth flying, making the ponies and Olivia scream at the sight and not being able to do a thing about it.

The next heavy blow smacked Basil to the very tip of the hour hand, so he scrambled away from the edge and staggered up again, clutching his bleeding arm in pain. Ratigan was upon him in a moment, still too rage-blind to recognize that Basil was on the verge of collapse.

This was too profoundly satisfying to quit now.

With yet another brutal smack to the throat, the battered mouse was flung up in the air and over the edge, where he just managed to grab hold. Ratigan snarled with savage frustration before he looked down, surveying the drop. It was a good seventy or eighty meters to the ground...

...a drop that could end Basil for good.

Basil stared up at the rat's eyes with terror in his own, his tattered jacket blowing in the gust-- it almost made him let go at seeing his enemy like this. Lightning struck as Ratigan reared back. Basil braced himself, but Ratigan's blow sends him down. Dr. Dawson, Olivia and Pipp and Zipp tried to grab him, but ended up missing, watching Basil plummet toward the ground. “BASIL!!!” the ponies shrieked. “NOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!

“I… I gotta go get him!” Azurine shrieked, and the ponies, though shocked about her losing her quiet demanor, tried to hold her back. “Azurine, no! You don’t have wings!” Misty said. “Neither of you would survive that fall! It's too dangerous!”

“But… but Basil…”

“I know,” Sunny tearfully hugged her. “I know…”

Ratigan himself almost didn;t believe it, but a cruel smile spread across his face as he leapt up and laughed maniacally. “I WON!! HA HA HA HA HA HA HA HA!!!!

“On the contrary!”

Everyone, including Ratigan, looked down to see Basil had managed to catch the propeller of the ruined dirigible, as well as something else of value for Ratigan. “The game’s not over yet!”

He then rung Felicia’s bell, and Ratigan only had time to check his pocket for his missing bell before 10:00 struck. The striking hammer fell, and Big Ben sounded off, forcing Ratigan over the edge and he fell.

During his fall, he made one final grab at Basil, catching him by his jacket and causing the rope to snap under the extra weight. Ratigan fell as Basil clung to the propeller, which snapped free. The ponies, Olivia, Dr. Dawson and Mr. Flaversham are helpless as both Ratigan and Basil, screaming, disappeared below the clouds. Ratigan was defeated… but Basil was gone.

The ponies’ heads lowered in sadness for the loss of their friend, and Olivia sobbed into her father’s chest, leaving Pipp to leave a gentle hoof on her shoulder… just before a squeaking noise caught their attention, causing them to look down.

Basil was slowly making his way back up, pedaling with all his might as the propeller is lifting him higher.

No one could believe it... Basil was alive!


“It’s Basil!”

“Jolly good!”

“He’s all right!”

“I knew he would be fine!”

“Yay, Basil!”

Basil pedaled a little closer before Pipp and Zipp grabbed him and pulled him onboard. “Oh, Basil!” Azurine hugged him tightly, as did Olivia, Sunny, Zipp and Pipp. “We were so worried…”

“Worried enough that Azurine was about to commit the Death Plunge in order to save you!” Pipp smiled. “But… story for another time.”

“Let’s get all of us back to the palace to check on the queen,” Sunny said. “Then… we have some celebrating to do.”

Another Case Solved/Finally Heading Home

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Every mouse in London had heard about the group's bravery that night-- the queen even knighted them for their good service. Then, she presented the ponies with something she had never let anyone else recieve... one of her royal jewels from her treasury. That's when Misty immediately noticed that one of the crystals in the treasury looked just like the cutie mark crystal, and the queen let them take it out of good will.

Though all of London was shocked that Ratigan did not survive the fall, no one was sad about it... they were happy that one of London's biggest criminals was finally not going to cause harm anymore.

Back at the flat, Dr. Dawson could hardly believe what had happened to them recently. “To be thanked by the Queen herself! Oh, how very thrilling, eh, Basil?”

Basil placed Ratigan’s bell on the mantle with a smile. “All in a day’s work, doctor.”

“I just can’t believe that the queen gave us the cutie mark crystal we’ve been looking for!” said Sunny, putting it into her saddlebag. “Five crystals down, three more to go!”

“I sure hope you lot find them safe and sound,” Dr. Dawson said before Olivia turned to him. “Dr. Dawson, you were all wonderful!”

“Indeed,” Mr. Flaversham said before checking his watch. “ Oh my, we’re late to catch our train. Come along, Olivia.”

“Yes, Father.”

It was a very bittersweet moment as Olivia embraced the mouse who saved her life, as well as her father’s. “Goodbye, Basil. I… I’ll never forget you.”

“Nor I you, Miss…” Basil couldn’t help but repeat the running gag one final time. “Miss Flangerhanger.”

“Whatever,” Dr. Dawson chuckled as Olivia put on her coat and hat. “Goodbye, Dr. Dawson.”

“Goodbye, my dear.”

“Will you all come back and visit?” Olivia asked her new pony friends, and Pipp tenderly rubbed her head. “We promise.”

And just like that, Olivia and her father left the group alone, just as the portal to Equestria opened. “Well, that’s us,” Zipp said. “Thanks for everything.”

“And thank you for helping us,” Azurine smiled. “We’ll never forget you.”

The ponies waved goodbye before they set off through the portal, and once it closed, Dr. Dawson cleared his throat. “Well, it’s time we were on our way too. Come along, Azurine.”

“Oh… but… I thought…” Azurine began to say out of sadness. “Well, the case is over,” Dr. Dawson told her. “Perhaps it’s… well, perhaps it’s best we found our own living quarters.”

Suddenly, a knock at the door interrupted the conversation, and Azurine and Dr. Dawson went to the door to answer it. A young lady mouse, looking quite distraught, was at the door, clearly in search of help. “I-Is this the home of the famous Basil of Baker Street?”

“Indeed it is, miss,” said Azurine with a smile. “You look as if you’re in some sort of trouble.”

“Oh, I am! I am!”

“Then, you’ve come to precisely the right place,” Dr. Dawson said before Basil approached them, putting an arm around Dr. Dawson. “ Ah, allow me to introduce my trusted associates, Dr. Dawson and Azurine Flower, with whom I do all my cases. Isn’t that right, doctor?”

“What?” Azurine asked out of surprise, but then Basil reached out to shake hands/hooves with them. “Oh, yes. Yes!” Dr. Dawson said happily. “By all means.”

The moment lasted for a moment longer before Basil got right down to business. “As you can see, Dawson, this young lady has just arrived from the Hampstead district and is troubled about the disappearance of an emerald ring missing from the third finger of her right hand. Now, tell me your story and, pray, be precise.”

From that time on, Dr. Dawson and Azurine solved the most exciting cases with Basil, and the ponies returned to their homeworld with some new detective skills to use on their adventures…

…thanks to the Great Mouse Detective, Basil of Baker Street.


In another part of London, however, a hooded pony wandered through the streets until she came upon a shop with a rolled up piece of paper in the window… exactly what she was looking for for the past several weeks since her last defeat.

The pony removed her hood, revealing herself to be Paradise Moonray. “Finally…” she sneered. “The Amulet of Spiritalia will be mine… and no one will be able to stop me… especially not Sunny Starscout or Misty Brightdawn.