• Published 29th Oct 2023
  • 1,362 Views, 286 Comments

A Sparkle's Little Dusk IV: A Family Eternal - Mister E-Nonymous

Dusk Shine, son of Princess Twilight Sparkle, has a family that has been growing bigger and bigger. Especially when Cadance has a new foal of her own. That means things are gonna be a lot more interesting. Or maybe, something bad comes back for more.

  • ...

Chapter 19: To Where and Back Again

Chapter 19: To Where and Back Again

In the Nexus of All Realities, the Watcher was watching adventures of the infinite universes he protects.

"I don't normally do sequels... but this sequel involves Prince Dusk Shine and his family. Or this time, at least, his sister that came from his original human parents, Samantha Calvin, now known as Daylight Savings. This sequel comes to a conclusion at the end when..."

"Watcher..." came the voice of a woman. "Are you trying to spoil the ending again?"

The Watcher chuckled and said, "You're right, Peggy. I'm getting ahead of myself. Anyway, let's move on."

Outside of the village where Starlight lived in before Twilight and her friends showed up, Starlight, Trixie and Daylight were walking away from the village after having a panic attack.

Starlight groaned and said, "I was horrible when I led that town! I was ready for them to not trust me, but... I wasn't ready for them to put me in charge again! With my past, I should never be in charge of anything!"

"So you messed up," Trixie said. "Big deal."

"I have to agree with Trixie on this, Starlight," Daylight said. "Everyone messes up once in a while. And it's okay."

Trixie then said in a hushed voice, "Don't you ever tell another pony I said this, but even Trixie's made mistakes." She then giggled. "I know! The trick is to just move on and pretend they never happened."

"I feel like that's almost good advice," Starlight said.

"I don't think pretending is gonna be helpful in this case," Daylight said.

The Watcher was watching from above without being seen by any of the ponies.

"In the main universe, Starlight and Trixie go to Starlight's village for the Sunset Festival. But in this universe, Daylight Savings joins in on the adventure by request of Twilight Sparkle, her adopted mother. Which was a good idea, otherwise she would've been taken by the changelings. The changelings know nothing about Daylight Savings in this universe, along with Starlight Glimmer. This is going to be an interesting story."

Back in Ponyville, Daylight was getting ready for bed. Just then, the sound of a sink faucet turning off came to Daylight's ears. Daylight looked towards the door and saw Nyx coming out, brushing her teeth.

"What are you doing in here?" Nyx asked.

"Same as you," Daylight said. "Getting ready for bed."

"Riiiight," Nyx said, a little overwhelmed. "I'm... just... finishing up. I'm gonna... say good night... to the rest of the family." Daylight then noticed Nyx's eyes. Instead of the dragon eyes Nyx normally had, her eyes were more common. Normal pupils, and the whites of her eyes were white. "Nyx" then went for the door, heading out of there.

Daylight looked at "Nyx" confused. She just shrugged her shoulders and headed for the bed she slept in. She was about to pull open the covers so she could climb into bed, but then she saw something under her pillow. It was a piece of paper. Daylight took the paper in her magic and saw it was a note. It read:

"Get to the hedge! The Changelings have taken your mom and the element bearers, Spike, Dusk and Nyx. Signed, Ocellus."

Daylight gasped after reading it. She then quietly ran towards the door and headed for Starlight's room. Or at least she would have if Starlight wasn't already passing the bedroom Daylight and Nyx share.

"Oof!" Daylight and Starlight said in unison.

"Daylight?" Starlight asked, noticing that Daylight was the one who bumped into her. "What are you doing?"

"We need to get out of here!" Daylight said. "That wasn't Mom or her friends. Or Spike. Or Nyx. Or Dusk. Evil changelings are in Ponyville!"

"WHAT?!" Starlight shouted. Daylight then put a hoof over Starlight's mouth. She then remembered. "Oh, that's right. Princess Luna just came to me in my dream. The changelings have gotten her and Princess Celestia, too."

"We need to get to the hedge," Daylight said.

"Hold on," Starlight said. "What about Trixie?" Then they looked at each other.

The Watcher was watching them from above without them being seen.

"They eventually caught on. They found out that Trixie wasn't one of those evil changelings. Luckily, neither was Discord. Eventually, Thorax, the reforming changeling living in the Crystal Empire, had reunited with them. Eventually, they all headed for the Hedge."

At the Hedge, Daylight, Starlight, Trixie, Thorax and Discord arrived. They heard voices coming from inside.

"Are ya sure that our sisters have been taken and replaced with evil changelings?" Apple Bloom's voice came.

"You know I can sense other changelings, Apple Bloom," Ocellus's voice came in as the three ponies, Thorax and Discord were coming in. "They've been taken."

"It's true," Daylight said, coming in. In the hedge were Smolder, Gallus, Silverstream, Yona, Ocellus, the Cutie Mark Crusaders and the Tri-Pies. "I saw them change into changelings myself in the throne room. Although, one of them almost gave itself away."

"What do you mean almost?" Smolder asked.

"Nyx had normal eyes instead of dragon eyes," Daylight said. "And she wasn't wearing her enchanted glasses."

"Ohhh!" all of them, except Thorax, Starlight, Trixie and Discord, said in unison.

"So we're all gonna have to get to where the Changelings are keeping our friends and sisters," Scootaloo said. "Let's go."

"Is someone in there?" came a voice coming from outside. They all looked at each other and headed outside. When they got out they saw Sandbar outside. Thorax and Ocellus stayed in the hedge. He then asked, "What are you all doing in there?"

"Sandbar?" Daylight asked. She then thought of something. "Wait. How do we know you're the real Sandbar?"

"What's that supposed to mean?" Sandbar asked.

"Tell me about the day we've met," Daylight said, still skeptical.

"Uh... you should know this," Sandbar said. "My baby sister was getting more attention, so I was leaving, but you, your sister and brother stopped me from leaving them and..."

"Okay, okay," Daylight said, covering Sandbar's mouth. "It's you."

"Okay, so why are you out here?" Starlight asked.

"I was following her," Sandbar said, pointing at something over the Hedge Entrance. The group turned and was surprised on who they saw.

"Dragon Lord Ember?!" Smolder asked.

"So, you've made it here safe and sound," Ember said. "Good. Your brother wanted to make sure you were alright."

"For now," Smolder said. "Right now, all the alicorns in Equestria, along with their friends and family have been taken by evil Changelings."

"Changelings?!" Sandbar asked. "Oh, so that's why you were skeptical and asking me about... Yeah. That makes sense."

"And that's not all," came Thorax's voice. They all looked towards the hedge and saw Thorax and Ocellus coming out. "If they have all the most beloved ponies in Equestria, Chrysalis will get stronger and will rule over all of Equestria."

"WHOA!" Sandbar said.

"Relax," Starlight said. "These two changelings are good. They're on our side."

"Okay," Ember said. "Let's kick some evil changeling butts."

"Careful," Ocellus said. "They might be evil, but they're still our family."

"Right," Ember said. "So, how do we get to..." Just then, Discord snapped his talon fingers and they all vanished in a flash of light.

They appeared somewhere in Equestria, all with gear to fight off the changelings. They all looked around.

"Odd," Discord said before lifting up a rock. "I was trying to take us right to Fluttershy, but there is no Fluttershy." Discord's eyes stretched out and looked around for Fluttershy. Discord then put the rock down.

Trixie whimpered and said, "I think I have a pretty good idea where she might be..." She then pointed off somewhere. They looked where Trixie was pointing at and saw something.

"Whoa!" Daylight, the Crusaders and the Tri-Pies said in unison.

"I'd hoped never to see that place again," Thorax said. "Now what?" Everyone there looked at Starlight. All Starlight did was give off a concerned look while biting her lip.

Discord then stepped forward and said, "Oh, this is so strange. We're here and that's there, and I clearly meant for us to be there and not here."

"There's actually something we haven't told you guys," Ocellus said. "The hive is..." Discord then shushed Ocellus by putting a finger from his lion paw on the young changeling's lips.

"Tut-tut, young Ocellus," Discord said. "If at first you don't succeed..."

Starlight stopped Discord from snapping his fingers with her magic, saying, "Maybe we should come up with a plan first?"

Discord then blew the magic off of his fingers and asked, "A what?"

"You know, figuring out the best way to do something before you actually do it," Trixie said.

Discord laughed and said, "Oh, that's adorable. But you see, unlike you, I can do anything."

"Not with Chrysalis's rune throne blocking out all but Changeling Magic," Ocellus said, making everypony but Thorax go wide eyed.

"What Changeling friend talking about?" Yona asked.

"That's what we've been trying to tell you all," Thorax said. "Nothing other than changeling magic works here. Chrysalis's throne is carved from an ancient dark stone that soaks up outside magic the same way changelings soak up love. It's how she keeps the hive safe."

Starlight then walked up to the edge of a small cliff, her horn glowing. She then leaned her head in, and the magic surrounding her horn disappeared.

"So, uh, what kind of plan were you thinking?" Trixie asked, the question going to Starlight.

Starlight was thinking of something. The Watcher was watching from above the trees without being seen by the creatures below.

"Eventually, these individuals had to go in and go after Chrysalis."

In the Nexus of All Realities, the Watcher and Captain Carter were watching the events of that universe as it was going on.

"And in that time, Starlight suggested that the Cutie Mark Crusaders stay right there where they'll be safe. But they were too stubborn to not go. Eventually, all of them went into the hive to take down the changeling queen, Chrysalis. They even had to come up with code words in case one of them was taken. The chosen code words were not to Discord's pleasure."

"And those words are?" Captain Carter asked.

"Klutzy Draconequus," the Watcher answered. Just then, Discord looked towards them through the window of the universe he was in.

"I beg your pardon?!" Discord asked. He then snapped his lion paw and appeared in the Nexus of All Realities. "I was outvoted in that particular situation!"

"Whoa!" Captain Carter said. "How did you do that?!"

"He's the Lord of Chaos," the Watcher answered. "He can do anything. Basically, he could have easily taken down anyone powered up with the Infinity Stones by just snapping his own fingers."

"That is if they don't use the Space or Power Stones on me," Discord said.

"Oh, wow," Captain Carter said. "So, you'd know if anything would be going on in any universe as well?"

"How do you think I found out that Nyx was cloned and sent to that universe?" Discord said, pointing at his universe.

"That makes sense," Captain Carter said. "Speaking of which, should you..."

"Oh, right," Discord said before snapping his fingers and vanishing in a flash of light.

"Wow, that guy seems really annoying," Captain Carter said.

"Tell me about it," the Watcher said. "I get a lot more trouble from the Flurry Heart of that universe. She's always popping in here."

"Okay," Captain Carter said. "Anyway, shall we continue?"

"Right," the Watcher said. "As our heroes went into the hive, some of them were captured one by one. Discord, Trixie, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle and Scootaloo. All that was left were Daylight, Starlight, Thorax, Ember, Sandbar, Ocellus, Yona, Smolder, Gallus and Silverstream. Hopefully, they'll be able to save the day."

In the Throne Room of the Hive, Daylight, Starlight and Ember were entering it, careful not to be seen by anyone. Just then, green slime landed on top of Starlight's head. Ember was a little disgusted by that. Then both of them looked up to see cocoons. Each of them had a pony in them. Well, all but two. In the cocoons were all the alicorns, the Element Bearers, Spike, Shining Armor, the Cutie Mark Crusaders, the Tri-Pies, Discord and Trixie. Just then, the sound of changelings hissing came in from all around. It was an ambush.

"Well, well, well," came Chrysalis's voice. Chrysalis was hiding from within the cocoons. She then started flying down to the throne. "Two little ponies and one dragon. One of the ponies, the adopted daughter of Princess Twilight, and the other, Princess Twilight's sole pupil. Honestly, I didn't think you two were worth replacing with one of my drones." Then the Changelings fired slime at the hooves of Daylight and Starlight, and Ember's feet, making them stuck. They were struggling to get out.

"Ew!" Daylight said. "This is gross!"

"You won't get away with this!" Starlight said.

"Yeah, we will all stop you!" Ember snapped, pointing at Chrysalis.

"Stop me?" Chrysalis asked. She then cackled. "Nopony is gonna stop me! Nopony is coming to save you. Your little squad was it. And now, there's just you."

Starlight smirked and said, "Thorax and Ocellus are still out there."

"Don't mention the names of those traitors in my kingdom!" Chrysalis snapped, flying up to the three. "That young changeling was a fool to even think about choosing friendship. And as for the other one, he was a fool to leave and even more a fool to return! When I find him, he'll learn just what happens to those who betray the hive, and I'll do it in front of the young nymph's eyes!"

Starlight whimpered, not realizing her eyes flashed, meaning it wasn't Starlight. Chrysalis noticed this. She then looked at the other two. Ember's eyes flashed as well.

"And it seems I don't have far to look, do I..." Chrysalis smirked. She then lit up her horn and then she fired a couple of beams towards Starlight and Ember, who transformed, revealing Thorax and Ocellus. "Thorax and Ocellus?" All the Changelings hissed at the three individuals that were stuck.

"Oh, shoot!" Daylight said. "Starlight, hurry!"

Then the sound of pounding came from the throne. All the changelings looked towards the throne and saw Starlight, Ember, Sandbar, Smolder, Silverstream, Gallus and Yona trying to smash the throne. Then they noticed Chrysalis. She was about to fire a blast towards them, but they jumped out of the line of fire.

"You all keep going!" Ember said. "I'll take care of this monster!" She then flew towards Chrysalis. She then grabbed Chrysalis and flew towards a wall, slamming the Changeling Queen into the wall.

"You've gotten a lot of power in you," Chrysalis said. "Maybe next, the dragons will be taken down." Just then, Chrysalis fired a beam, sending Ember back to the ground, her landing near Daylight, Thorax and Ocellus. She then got up, but was then fired at with slime and was stuck to the ground. "You dragons are nothing but hot heads."

"You're right about that," Ember smirked. She then blew flames to her feet, drying up the slime. She then broke out and started flying towards Chrysalis.

"Oh, I forgot dragons could do that!" Chrysalis said before being slammed by Ember. "You... are really starting to irritate me!"

"Do you ever... stop... talking?!" Ember asked, angrily. Just then, she was snatched up by a series of strings of slime, then got pulled back. A string of slime was then wrapped around Ember's snout, and Ember was thrown back towards Daylight, Thorax and Ocellus. Starlight, Sandbar, Gallus, Silverstream, Yona and Smolder noticed it.

"Ember!" Smolder called out.

"Very clever," Chrysalis said as the six individuals not caught to go into hiding in the holes underneath the throne. "And clearly Thorax revealed to you the secret of my throne. I can't have powerful ponies using their abilities against me. Even with your rather embarrassing little rescue attempt, everything has gone according to my plan." One by one, each one of the young ones were captured by changelings, and brought to the spot where Daylight, Thorax, Ocellus and Ember were. All that remained that wasn't captured was Starlight.

"What plan?" Starlight asked. "Why did you do all this?!"

"So I could feed, of course!" Chrysalis said, finding Starlight, getting close to her face. Starlight then started running. "By replacing the most beloved figures in Equestria, my drones will be able to store all the love meant for them and return it here to me. Everypony will do as I command, and my subjects and I will feed on their love for generations!" She then laughed maniacally.

Starlight eventually got out from under Chrysalis's throne. She then noticed the rest of the group that were captured, surrounded by changelings, who were hissing towards Starlight. Starlight then noticed Thorax's and Ocellus's wings, how they were shiny from learning so much about friendship.

"What if you didn't have to?" Starlight asked. Just then Chrysalis came in, surprising Starlight.

"Ridiculous!" Chrysalis said. Starlight tried running away, but Chrysalis bit Starlight's tail, and threw her across the room. Then Starlight got pinned down by a couple of changelings. "The hunger of changelings can never be satisfied!"

"Exactly!" Starlight said. "Thorax and Ocellus left the hive and made friends." Starlight then stood up, the changelings holding her down stepped back. "They shared love, and now they don't need to feed. You don't have to live your lives starving all the time!"

All the other changelings started looking at each other with concerned looks. Just then, Starlight was grabbed in Chrysalis's magic and brought to the queen's face.

"You know nothing of the changelings or what it takes to be their queen!" Chrysalis said before throwing Starlight towards a wall. "I decide what is best for my subjects, not some mewling grub!"

Starlight was recovering while Chrysalis was walking towards her. Starlight then said, "I know what it's like to lead by fear and intimidation! And I know what it's like to want everypony to do what you say! But I was wrong. A real leader doesn't force her subjects to deny who they are! She celebrates what makes them unique and listens when one of them finds a better way!" All the other Changelings were growing more concerned about Starlight's words.

Chrysalis then turned to look at Thorax and Ocellus while saying, "The only thing that Thorax and Ocellus have found is what happens to those who turn their back on the hive!" She then fired blasts at Thorax and Ocellus.

"No! Stop!" Starlight called out as two Changeling guards held her back.

Chrysalis then lifted Thorax up and said, "Just as soon as I drain every last ounce of love from him and show my subjects what a real leader is!" She then started draining Thorax's love, and it was hurting him.

"No, Thorax!" Ocellus called out.

"I can feel the love inside me slipping away...!" Thorax said, starting to get weaker. "I can't hold onto it much longer...!"

Starlight then got an idea. She then said, "Then don't! Sharing love is what made you different to begin with! You should share yours with Chrysalis! Give her all of it!"

Thorax then gave Chrysalis all his love, which was too much even for her. Chrysalis got sent back and slammed into the throne. Chrysalis looked towards Thorax and saw him transforming. He then changed form in front of the eyes of all the creatures there.

The changelings who were holding Starlight back let her go as she was walking up to Thorax. She then said, "This is what happens when you give love freely instead of taking it!"

The changelings looked around at each other. They started listening to Starlight. They then started sharing love with each other. All that love power was too much, even for the throne that Chrysalis was standing on. Just then, the whole Throne Room blew up from how much power there was.

After all the dust settled, there was a field of light blue magic around Starlight, Thorax, Ember, Sandbar, Ocellus, Smolder, Yona, Silverstream and Gallus. The field dissipated revealing all of them unharmed. They looked around and saw that all of the other changelings went under metamorphosis too. Ocellus included.

"Whoa!" Smolder said, standing up. "That's a good look for you, Ocellus."

Ocellus then looked at herself and smiled. She then said, "Well, that explains the color I was during that Spring Break trip."

The other changelings started helping those who were cocooned up. Eventually, every creature recovered. Just then, the shards of Chrysalis's throne started moving. Chrysalis burst out of the debris, hissing. She then noticed that all of those who defied her were in battle position.

Starlight then started walking towards Chrysalis, saying, "When Twilight and her friends defeated me, I chose to run away and seek revenge! You don't have to! You can be the leader your subjects deserve." Starlight then reached a hoof out for Chrysalis to take. Chrysalis was concerned about it. She was about to grab and accept Starlight's friendship, but she smacked it away.

"There is no revenge you could ever conceive of that will come close to what I will exact upon you one day, Starlight Glimmer!" Chrysalis said. "After I take revenge... on the colt who foiled my last plan!" She then lit up her horn and grabbed Dusk.

"Gah!" Dusk called out in pain. "Ahhhh! She's... crushing me!"

"Dusk!" Twilight called out. She then groaned in anger. "Let my son go, Chrysalis!"

"Oh, I'll let him go!" Chrysalis said. "When I finally crush him!"

"No!" Daylight said. "I already lost my original family. I'm not gonna lose the last part of my original family I have left!" She then fired a pink beam from her horn, it hitting Chrysalis. Dusk was then release from Chrysalis's hold, and Twilight grabbed him, pulling him back to her.

"I got you, Dusk," Twilight said.

"Ow!" Dusk cried out. "I think she crushed my ribs."

"You pathetic little foal!" Chrysalis said. "This is what happens when you defy me!" She then fired a blast towards Daylight. Daylight countered with a beam of her own. But it was too much for the filly to take. "You really think you can stop me? You're just a foal!"

Daylight was struggling to keep up her magical fight, but it was too much for her.

"C'mon, Daylight!" Apple Bloom called out. "You got this!"

"We believe in you!" Sweetie Belle called out.

"Get her!" Scootaloo called out.

"We're all behind you!" Nyx said. Then the cutie marks of Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle, Scootaloo and Nyx started glowing, sending magic towards Daylight, making her magic stronger.

Dusk was still behind held by Twilight. He then quietly said, "You can do it, Sam." Then his Cutie Mark started glowing and releasing magic towards Daylight. Daylight then got a boost of magical power, sending Chrysalis's power back.

"What?!" Chrysalis asked.

"Stay... away... from my... family!" Daylight said. "Don't come... near us..." She then inhaled a lot, and with a burst of power, she somehow did the Royal Canterlot Voice, and started glowing in a flash of white light. "...AGAAAAAAAAAAAAIN!"

That power surprised Chrysalis, and it sent her back, far away from the hive, shouting all the way. "NOOOOOOOOOOOOO!"

All of those behind Daylight were shielding their eyes from the blinding light coming from Daylight. When the light dimmed down, they were all astonished at Daylight. Not only did she win against Chrysalis, but Daylight changed as well. Daylight now had alicorn wings with pink tips.

"Did... did I just...?" Daylight asked. She then noticed her wings. "Am I a...?"

"Daylight Savings," Princess Celestia said, walking up to the new alicorn. "You not only defeated Chrysalis, but you did so with your friends and family having your back, which also caused you to become... the newest Alicorn in Equestria."

From the Nexus of All Realities, the Watcher and Captain Carter were watching the events of that universe.

"And with that, Samantha Calvin, now known as Daylight Savings, became the newest Alicorn Princess of Equestria. And with the Changelings going under a peace treaty, Equestria has been made more safer."

"What is it with that mare having Alicorn children?" Captain Carter asked. "First she had Dusk who became an Alicorn in between universes, then there's Nyx, who was a clone from another dimension. If that dragon sprouts wings, I might lose it."

"All dragons of Equestria weren't hatched with wings," the Watcher said. "Eventually, Spike will go through the molt where he'll get his wings, but it'll take some symptoms for him to get them. Call it... Dragon Puberty."

"Oh," Captain Carter said.

"Well, on to the next universe," the Watcher said.

Later, in Our Town, Starlight was walking back into the town, all the ponies there were setting up the decorations. They then saw Starlight coming in.

"Uh, hey, Starlight," Party Favor said. "What are you doing here?"

"You left in such a hurry before, we kinda thought you didn't wanna come," Double Diamond said.

"Yeah... I guess after the way I used my magic on all of you, I wasn't sure I was somepony who should even be in charge of a baking contest," Starlight said, a little sad. "I was afraid I might go back to being the pony I used to be. But I realize that sometimes you don't have a choice. You have to step up. And I have changed! I can handle it. Whether that means saving Equestria or helping friends out with the Sunset Festival. Speaking of which, I know the Festival's almost over, but I kinda invited a few of my friends to join." She then pointed towards entrance, seeing the Mane 6, the Princesses, Shining Armor, Trixie, Discord, Dusk, Nyx, Daylight, the Cutie Mark Crusaders, the Tri-Pies, Spike and Flurry Heart looking towards the town of ponies with smiles. Dusk had bandages wrapped around his body, his wings folded over them. "Hope that's okay."

Double Diamond laughed happily and said, "Are you kidding? Of course!"

"Great!" Starlight said as she was walking deeper into the town. "Now where's that baking contest? This pony needs a cupcake!"

Discord and Trixie were talking with each other. Discord then said, "So I'm able to rip the very fabric of reality again."

"Yeah, yeah," Trixie said. "And I'm still a self-absorbed, below-average illusionist, right?"

"Actually, I was going to say a couple of those illusions were slightly above average," Discord said, admiring Trixie's work through the hive. "If you ever need a little chaos in your act, let me know."

Trixie scoffed with a laugh and said, "When pigs fly!"

"Your wish is my command!" Discord said before snapping his fingers. Then, a couple of pigasi materialized under both him and Trixie. Both of them squealed. Then they started racing through Out Town.

"Whoa! Whoooooaaaa!" Trixie shouted as the Pigasus was racing through with Discord on his Pigasus was right behind her, both of them passing the Mane 6, Dusk, Nyx, Daylight, the Cutie Mark Crusaders and Spike.

Rainbow Dash looked towards Daylight and asked, "Daylight, you mind telling us what went down while we were trapped?"

"Okay," Daylight said. "It all started while we came right outside the area of the Changeling Hive..."

The End...

Author's Note:

Okay, the story has come to it's conclusion. Hope to see you all for my next story. See you all next time.

Comments ( 20 )

I'm already excited for the next season. Season 7 was my favorite out of all of them.

Nice that you added Ember

Outside of the village where Starlight lived in before Twilight and her friends showed up, Starlight, Trixie,(—— and Daylight were walking away from the village after having a panic attack.

"You know I can sense other changelings, Apple Bloom," Ocellus's voice came in as the three ponies, Thorax,(—— and Discord were coming in. "They've been taken."

"Ohhh!" all of them, except Thorax, Starlight, Trixie,(—— and Discord, said in unison.

In the Nexus of All Realities, the Watcher,(—— and Captain Carter were watching the events of that universe as it was going on.

Discord, Trixie, Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle,(—— and Scootaloo. All that was left were Daylight, Starlight, Thorax, Ember, Sandbar, Ocellus, Yona, Smolder, Gallus,(—— and Silverstream. Hopefully, they'll be able to save the day."

the Element Bearers, Spike, Shining Armor, the Cutie Mark Crusaders, Discord,(—— and Trixie.

Sandbar, Smolder, Silverstream, Gallus,(—— and Yona trying to smash the throne.

the Cutie Mark Crusaders, Spike,(—— and Flurry Heart looking towards the town of ponies with smiles.

Then they started racing through Our Town.

Dusk, Nyx, Daylight, the Cutie Mark Crusaders,(—— and Spike.

So why was Ember in Equestria?

She was making sure that Smolder made it to Ponyville.

Another story is finished, even if Chrysalis was very clever to secure her victory clearly the power was to her favor but in the end it was the friendship and sharing love the key for the victory.

so what's the next story? We gonna have Aaron come back?

so .................... i called it?? and in the most crazy way to ta boot??? huh.

So ready for more of this amazing AU

What next a story?

we need MOOOOOOOOOOOOORRRRRREEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Next story: Mobian era season 4. Maybe?

Is this a final conclusion, or will there be a sequel? Because I would be very sorry if it ended. Maybe we got in the future, a fifth book, or this is the last advanture?

This was a very good story. I can't wait to read more.

I’m pretty sure there’s gonna be a fifth one at some point.

Don't be so sure, I don't know how to continue the 2nd volume of my book either, because I have no inspiration anymore
(It's not my own promotion, I just thought I'd give an example, of course exploratory writing is just that)

He’s not one to give up.

i see but now i'm leaving this community for a few months because i don't like sonic sorry i'm a pokemon fan and that will never change
So Good bye

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