• Published 17th Aug 2023
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A Change of Political Decisions For the Better - coolpony01

There is a unicorn by the name of Starlight Sparkle who wishes for a fairer society for all non ponies

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Ch 5

The date is January tenth, 2004, Starlight Sparkle tried to address what the royal guard were doing to non ponies as well as pony half breeds and how they break the law but Chair lady Ivory Scroll once again is not doing anything about it. The mayor sent a letter to all of the royals asking them to remove her from parliament; she is toxic to Equestria.

Starlight Sparkle is enjoying a cup of tea. She does things like this every now and then to get her mind off things. She is enjoying lemon spiced tea. She likes that type of tea. It tastes good and fills her mind with a sense of relaxation. She took some sips of the tea, the warm liquid made her feel at a sense of ease.

She then heard a commotion coming from outside so she looked outside and gasped in horror to see a royal guard beating up a changeling child. She galloped outside.

“Please stop.” The young changeling girl begged.

“You don’t deserve it, maggot.” The royal guard yelled and he then began to hit her. The little girl had cuts and bruises on her and the royal guard then walked away.

Starlight Sparkle then rushed over to the young girl a purple magical ora formed around her horn then around the changelings body as she healed the wounds.

“Thank you.” the young changeling girl spoke with gratitude.

“You’re welcome, I hope you get better soon. I'm so sorry for what that guard did to you.” Starlight Sparkle spoke.

Starlight sparkle notes the changeling child had many bruises over her body and it would take a while to heal and the guard would have to be dealt with.

The child looked like most other changelings: she had a black coat, with swiss cheese holes on her legs, sharp fangs, she had a light pink mane and tail, light pink inspector wings, light pink slanted eyes, and a curved magical horn on her forehead.

An older changeling then rushed over; she had a black coat, with swiss cheese legs, sharp fangs, a light yellow mane and tail, yellow inspector wings, a curved magical pink, and eyes like her daughter.

“Thank you Miss Sparkle.” the changeling mother spoke with gratitude.

A pegasus pony with a gray coat, a black mane and tail, green eyes, and a black cloud with a bolt for a cutie mark then approached the crowd. His name is Shadow Bolt he is one of the town officials of Ponyville his job is to report abuse of Power.

He let out a sigh, “This is the fifteenth time this month the royal guards have abused their power. The guards keep getting away with their disgusting acts this has to stop.” Shadow Bolt said.

“I agree the royal guard either keep arresting our non pony citizens or beat them up. This has to stop.” Starlight Sparkle spoke.

“This is quite saddening beating up a child. I’ll have to report what the guard did but he’ll probably get away with it.” Shadow Bolt said.

And they know this will be the case non of the guards that have wrongfully arrested a non pony as well as pony non pony half breeds have ever been convicted or often even put on trial. Those who are imprisoned are also never freed under most cases due to the fact that the federal courts keep viewing the arrests as just for the citizens. The non ponies and pony half breeds who are freed are often denied compensation because of the fact that many of those in charge of such things often view they do not need such luxuries. Those who are beaten up are also often denied compensation and have to find medical help themselves in order to heal their injuries.

Organizations such as the Care for all Citizens within Ponyville are doing whatever they can to meet the demand but these demands are high and even they are often strained. For these reasons it is still difficult for the organizations to maintain basic demands for their clints such as providing them with basic needs, medical, aid, as well as insurance. This is due to the fact that many organizations or public places even within Ponyville still refuse to serve non ponies and pony and non pony half breeds.

While laws for the rights of non ponies and pony and non pony half breeds were passed many decades ago those in charge of enforcing them have been uncaring or even distrusting of these laws as of late. For these reasons it has been extremely difficult for non ponies to make a living or even have their basic needs met with the fact that those that have disrespect towards them have been getting away with their behavior. Until these needs are met the non ponies will simply have to endure and continue on with their lives with what little they have. Being warry of the royal guard who imprisoned them and the public services that refuse to serve them.