• Published 26th Jul 2023
  • 469 Views, 9 Comments

My Little Pony: Gunslinging is Magic (A RDR2 crossover) - WilleAutist

After a failed robbery in Blackwater, the Van Der Linde gang are on the run. What they don't know is that they're about to end up somewhere much stranger.

  • ...

Chapter 4: The Plan

Arthur awoke the next morning by the sun shining through his tent opening. Squinting his eyes at first, the outlaw quickly forced himself to get up and get ready for the day. After putting on his signature outfit, this time with his tan jacket abcent and his sleeves rolled up, he walked out to get some coffee. Opon walking out his tent, he saw the camp buzzing with activity. Dutch was smoking a cigar, Hosea was eating breakfest with some others, Grimshaw was making sure people were doing their chores and Javier was playing his guitar.

Arthur walked over to the campfire to get some warm water for his coffee when he was noticed by the group at the table eating breakfest.

"Well, well, well, look who finally decided to wake up." said Sean.

"Shut up." said Arthur.

"You know you're getting old, Arthur Morgan." said Sean "Maybe you should start taking naps."

"Me?" asked Arthur "Nah, that's more Uncle's thing."

"Ha ha, fair enough." laughed Sean.

"Do you know what Dutch is planning, Hosea?" asked Arthur, turning his attention to Hosea.

"Haven't got the slightest clue." said Hosea "Dutch's probably thinking about it over his cigar."

"Alright." said Arthur "Anyway, i'm gonna go get coffee."

Arthur walked over to camps water supply, which was just a barrel of water, and filled his metal cup with water. After retrieving his water, he then walked over to the campfire and heated up the liquid. After getting it up to temperature, Arthur poured in some instant coffee mix he had in his satchel and started drinking his coffee in peace. That was until a voice roared through out camp...

"Listen up everyone!" said Dutch firmly "Stop what you're doing for a moment!"

"It is time to get to work." said Dutch firmly "And now with the Pinkertons and O'driscoll's not a problem anymore, we can get back to making money the way we know best."

"So get out there and see what you can find." said Dutch with authority.

"And remember, what ever you find out there, the camp gets its slice." said Dutch, pulling out a box and placing it on a barrel at his tent. "So be sensible."

"Also, one of you has to go hunting each and every day." said Pearson "Look for vegetables. Carrots, tomatos, celery, that kind of stuff."

"Why can't we hunt for meat?" asked Arthur.

"We're horses, Arthur." said Pearson "From what i know horses don't eat meat."

"Oh, i'm supposed to become a vegetable eater now?" asked Arthur jokingly.

"Gentlemen!" said Dutch sternly, shutting up the pair arguing "It is time for everyone to earn their keep."

Everyone sensed that Dutch had finished his speech and promptly got back to work. Dutch then approached Arthur to speak with him.

"Arthur, i need you to take the girls into town and find them work." said Dutch "I know Tilly already has employment at Miss Rarity's, so find something for Karen and Mary."

"Whatever you say Dutch." said Arthur.

"Ponyville seems like a very pass through kind of town." said Hosea "So look for work where people come and go from different places."

"So like saloons or bars?" asked Arthur.

"Exactly." said Hosea "Hopefully we'll find something good."

"What about Tilly?" asked Arthur.

"Miss Rarity seemed like the type to gossip, wouldn't you agree?" asked Dutch.

"Fair enough." said Arthur "Well, i'll go get the girls and head into town."

"Wait Arthur." said Hosea, stopping Arthur in his tracks "Do take little Jack with you. He seemed excited to play with his new friends."

"Sure, Hosea." said Arthur as he walked away to get the girls and Jack.
He decided to look for Jack first, and after walking around camp for a bit, he found him drawing on the ground with a stick.

"Whatchu up to?" asked Arthur.

"Drawing." said Jack.

"Is it fun?" asked Arthur.

"I guess." said Jack.

"Do you want to come with me and the girls into town?" asked Arthur.

"Why?" asked Jack.

"To play with your new friends!" said Arthur enthusiastically.

"Sure!" said Jack gleefully.

"Alright!" said Arthur enthusiastically "But first i need to go get the girls alright? So you just stay here for now."

"Okay Uncle Arthur." said Jack.

Arthur then walked away from Jack to look for the girls. After looking around for a bit, he found them all doing chores for Miss Grimshaw. Karen and Mary-Beth where washing clothes and Tilly was washing dishes, all of them had bored expressions on their faces.

"Girls, we're heading into town to find y'all work." said Arthur.

"Finally!" said Karen with much excitement and relief "We don't have to do Miss Grimshaw's chores anymore!"

"Woo hoo!" said Mary-Beth.

"For now." said Arthur.

"Oh Shut up Arthur, and take us into town already." said Karen.

"Fine." said Arthur "Oh, and we're taking Jack with us, to go see his new friends."

"At last." said Tilly "That boy has been cooped up for so long and has no one to play with."

"Well, it's kinda hard to find him others to play with, on the account of our lifestyle." said Arthur.

"True." said Tilly "But still."

"Jack!" shouted Arthur "Come now, we're going."

"Coming Uncle Arthur!" said Jack, running over to the group. After Jack arrived, the group started walking to Ponyville.

"Alright let's go." said Arthur.

After about 15 minutes of walking, Arthur, Jack and the girls had arrived in Ponyville.

"Arthur, how are we supposed to find Jacks friends?" asked Mary-Beth "They didn't exactly give us a time or place."

"Why don't we ask Miss Rarity." said Arthur "We're already going there to drop off Tilly."

"Yeah i suppose." said Mary-Beth.

"Are you excited to play with your new friends?" asked Tilly sweetly to Jack.

"Yeah!" said Jack excitingly.

"What are you gonna do Arthur?" asked Karen.

"I'm gonna walk around town." said Arthur "See if can find anything."

"Alright." said Karen.

"We're here." said Arthur, as him, Jack and the girls arrived at the Carousel Boutique. The group walked up to the door and Arthur knocked.

"Coming~" said the distinctive voice of Rarity from the inside of the store, as rustling was also heard as she made her way to open the door.

"Oh, hello Mister Morgan." said Rarity opon opening the door "What can i do for you?"

"I've come to drop off Miss Tilly, for work." said Arthur.

"Oh good." said Rarity "I actually do need a pair of extra hands today. I'm kind of back up on orders."

"Well, ain't it good that we came over then?" asked Arthur, with a grin on his face.

"We where also wondering where we could find Sweetie Belle and her friends." said Mary-Beth "You promised that her and her friends would play with little Jack here today but you didn't give us a time or place."

"Oh i do apologize for that." said Rarity "Sweetie Belle and her friends are upstairs, i'll call them down."

"Girls! Jack is here." shouted Rarity to the CMC upstairs. The girls quickly came running down the stairs, but there was another creature with them. It was a purple and green scaled creature with a spikey green mohawk-like hair on top of its head and a short tail on its behind. The mysterious creature was wearing blue jeans, green t-shirt, purple hoodie and black sneakers.

"Hiya Jack!" said Apple Bloom "You ready to do some crusading?"

"Sure!" aswered Jack.

"Uh, who's the new kid?" asked Arthur.

"Oh, i'm Spike! Spike the dragon!" said the creature proudly "Number one assistant to Twilight."

"Oh, alright." said Arthur, slightly stunned "Never seen a dragon before."

"Don't worry, that's pretty common." said Spike "Dragons aren't exactly native to Equestria."

"Come on girls! Let's go crusading already!" said Scootaloo, she and the rest of the crusaders pulling Jack and Spike with them and running away.

"Hey!" shouted Arthur "Y'all be careful with Jack now, ya hear?"

"Don't worry mister, we will." said Sweetie Belle, as her and the rest ran away to start on their adventures.

"*sigh* foals and their antics." said Rarity "Anyway, shall we get to work Miss Jackson?"

"Alright." said Tilly, walking inside.

"Tilly, meet us back at camp after work, alright?" said Arthur.

"Of course." said Tilly, inside the building.

"Well, i'll catch you both later." said Arthur.

"Of course." said Rarity "And remember, if you need any new garmets, you come to me."

"Yeah, i'll remember." said Arthur "Goodbye."

"Ta-ta~" said Rarity, closing the door.

"Well, of to find you two work." said Arthur, starting to walk from the boutique and into town.

"You know, she really reminds me of one of those rich girls from Saint Denis." said Karen.

"Yeah, only difference is she's actually nice to us." joked Arthur, causing the other two to laugh.

After about 5 minutes of more walking, Arthur, Karen and Mary-Beth had made it to the town squere.
After looking around a bit, the group saw a building that stood out. It had a brick foundation with the typical ponyville style timber frames and thatched windows, albeit with a darker color of wood. The thing that made it really stand out was the roof. It looked like a piece of a curved hill, with grass and everything. The building had a sign with a bottle of wine and a glass, with the text 'The Dizzy Weasel' under it.

"I think i found my new place of work." said Karen, pointing at the building.

"There?" asked Arthur "Why, you want free drinks?"

"Shut up" giggled Karen, pushing Arthur jokingly "I reckon i could dig up something good there."

"Fair enough, off you go." said Arthur, as Karen made her way into The Dizzy Weasel.

"Ok, what now for me?" asked Mary-Beth.

"What about that jewelry store over there." said Arthur, ponting at a typical ponyville building with a sign that said 'Ponyville Jewely Shop' "Bet a bunch of rich folk go there."

"Mmm..." said Mary-Beth "Good idea, Arthur. Maybe the first one you've had."

"Ahh, shut up." said Arthur "You think you could steal something there?"

"I think so." said Mary-Beth.

"Good. Well, whatchu waiting for?" said Arthur, making Mary-Beth start walking to the store. But then she suddenly stopped and turned around.

"What are you going to do, Arthur?" asked Mary Beth.

"I'm gonna walk around town." said Arthur "Haven't got a proper look around yet."

"Oh, alright." said Mary-Beth, resuming her walk to the store and leaving Arthur all alone. He decided to pick a direction in town and started walking.

After walking around town for a bit, Arthur started to noticed that many ponies were looking at him. He reckoned this was because he was one of the only ones in town carry a gun on him. To reconcile this, he tipped his hat to as many as he could walking by, to show that he was friendly, if he wasn't messed that is.

Arthur had also noticed a couple of similar looking ponies in town. They had either white or grey coats with blue or white manes respectively. They all wore gold roman-style metal armor with blue cloth for the fabrics. They were all either unicorns or pegasi, with earth ponies absent. The thing that made Arthur a little on edge was the fact they all had guns, a revolver and a reapeter each. Arthur assumed that these were the lawmen of this world, and so decided to keep his cool.

So Arthur decided to ignore the lawmen and keep on walking. That was until a familiar pink mare came up to him...

"Hi Arty!" said Pinkie cheerfully.

"Hey there, Pinkie." said Arthur "You need something?"

"I need to give you these." said Pinkie, quickly handing over a bag of jelly beans to Arthur.

"Hmm, what are these?" asked Arthur.

"They're jelly beans!" said Pinkie "It's destiny for you to eat these!"

"Excuse me?" asked Arthur confused.

"Listen, there's no time to explain but the internet wants you to eat these!" said Pinkie in a quick manner, as if she was in a hurry.

"The what?" asked Arthur, again confused "What the hell are you talking about?"

"NO TIME TO EXPLAIN BYE!" shouted Pinkie, as she ran away quickly.

"*sigh* she sure is a strange one." said Arthur defeated. He rummaged through the bag and took a handful of jelly beans and ate them.

"Hmm, at least they're pretty good." said Arthur, eating as he started to walk again.

The sun had started going down in Ponyville as Arthur was fast asleep on a bench. After he walked around town some, Arthur had sat down on a bench to take a quick nap while waiting for the girls.

"There you are Arthur. Wake up!" said Karen, walking up to wake up Arthur with Tilly, Mary-Beth and Jack.

"Huh? What?" said Arthur, rubbing his eyes to see who it was "Oh, it's you girls."

"It sure is." said Mary-Beth.

"So, did you find anything good?" asked Arthur.

"I think so." said Tilly "So there's this thing called the 'Ring Around Equestria Tour' that is apperently a tour of Equestria a bunch of upper class ponies from Canterlot are taking."

"What the hell is a 'Canterlot'?" asked Arthur.

"It's the name of the capital of this place." said Tilly.

"God, these names." said Arthur "Anyway, go on."

"So right now it's on its way to a city called Vanhoover and after that, it's gonna pass through a place called the 'Smokey Mountain's'." said Tilly

"Okay, and?." asked Arthur.

"The Smokey Mountain's are in the middle of nowhere!" said Tilly, excited.

"With no one in sight to help if someone were to rob it." said Arthur, finishing what Tilly was gonna say.

"Exactly!" said Tilly.

"You think the take is good?" asked Arthur.

"Should be." said Tilly "A bunch of rich folk and their baggage? Sounds like a good take to me."

"Fair enough." said Arthur "Did you get anything good Miss Karen?"

"I heard about a bank in this little town on the coast called 'Marina Shores'." said Karen "I know small town banks are usually not worth it but it's a shipping town, a bunch of people trade there all the time."

"Okay, sounds good." said Arthur "Mary-Beth?"

"I didn't get any information yet. But i did steal this necklace." said Mary-Beth, pulling down her coller to show the necklace.

"HA HA, played them like a fiddle like usual. Anyway, we should get back to camp." laughed Arthur, getting up from the bench.

"Uncle Arthur! Do you know what i did today?" said Jack.

"No, what did you do?" asked Arthur.

"Me and my friends did a bunch of things." said Jack "We climbed, we drew, we played."

"Sounds like you had fun." said Arthur "You did have fun right?"

"Yes we did." said Jack.

"Good." said Arthur.

"Okay." said Jack, then noticing the bag of jelly beans on the bench "What's that?"

"Oh, those are jelly beans." said Arthur "You want some?"

"Sure!" said Jack, excitedly taking the bag of jelly beans from Arthur.

"Mmm, these are really tasty." said Jack.

"I know right?" said Arthur "Okay, now let's actually head back to camp."

The group made their way back to camp to turn in for the night. Arthur had a good feeling about this world before, but it was being strengthened with each moment in this world.

'Maybe everything will be alright.' thought Arthur before succumbing to sleep by the night.

Author's Note:

FINELLY ANOTHER CHAPTER! Thank you so much for reading and sorry for the nearly one month wait. I've been a bit busy lately and i get stuck sometimes while writing. I will try to push out chapters faster in the future. And as usual, if you have any criticism or ideas, leave them in the comments.


Comments ( 4 )

"Listen, there's no time to explain but the internet wants you to eat these!" said Pinkie in a quick manner, as if she was in a hurry.

I think we all know what she means 😂

I just couldn't resist. :rainbowlaugh:

Great story. Keep it going.

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