• Published 26th Jul 2023
  • 467 Views, 9 Comments

My Little Pony: Gunslinging is Magic (A RDR2 crossover) - WilleAutist

After a failed robbery in Blackwater, the Van Der Linde gang are on the run. What they don't know is that they're about to end up somewhere much stranger.

  • ...


Year: 1899

We have been on the run for weeks, since Blackwater. It would have all been fine and dandy, but then Micah had to get all giddy about that ferry. Such a shame.

Atleast we found some shelter in an old abandoned mining town, resting here while we wait the thaw.

It's been a bad few weeks. Dutch says he has a plan. But Dutch being Dutch those plans involve robbery and dreams.

Sometimes i think, 'what if things were diffrent'. Like, what if we where in a different place, of a different time, or if we did someting diffrent.

Still, what we have, is what we have. And at least we have one another.

"Are you gonna spend your whole life with your face in that journal or what?" asked Lenny, jokingly.
Lenny Summers was one of the guns in the Van Der Linde gang. As a black man, he was often mistreated by others so he sought refuge in the gang.

"Shut up Lenny." said Arthur, with a half smile.
Arthur Morgan was one of the founding members of the Van Der Linde gang, behind Dutch Van Der Linde and Hosea Matthews. As a young and wild delinquent, he was brought in by Dutch and Hosea as their first protégé.

Then there was a creak at the door when Abigail came in. Abigail Roberts was the girlfriend of John Marston, one of the main guns in the gang. She walked over to Arthur to great him. Arthur noticed that she looked worried.

"Hello Arthur." greated Abigail.


"Arthur... how you doing?"

"Just fine, Abigail... And you?"

"I need you to…" started Abigail before being interrupted by Arthur sighing, already knowing what she was going to ask.

"I-I’m sorry, I’m sorry to ask but…" tried Abigail before being interrupted by Arthur again.

"It’s little John," said Arthur, finishing her question "He’s got himself caught into a scrape again."

"He ain’t been seen in two…" began Abigail firmly before backing off a bit "two days."

"Your John’ll be fine." said Arthur "I mean… he may be as dumb as rocks and as dull as rusted iron, but that ain’t changing because he got caught in some snowstorm."

"At least go take a look." said Hosea, entering the conversation. "Javier?"

"Yes?" answered Javier.
Javier Escuella was a notorious bounty hunter and mexican revolutionary. He joined the Van Der Linde gang after he tried to steal som chickens at the same time as Dutch.

"Javier, will you ride out with Arthur to take a look for John?" asked Hosea "You’re the two best fit men we’ve got."

"Now?" asked Javier back.

"We're all pretty worried about him" answered Hosea.

"I know if the situation were reversed, he’d look for me." said Javier as he stood up and handed Arthur a revolver.

"Thank you." said Abigail to Arthur and Javier as they headed out to look for Arthur. They went to their horses and mounted them, taking a second to double check if they had everything. After confirming that, the pair headed into the relenting weather of the mountain.

"This way." said Javier, guiding the pair "Last I know, John was headed up the river."

"For all we know, he kept riding north and never looked back." said Arthur grimly.

"He wouldn’t leave." said Javier "Not like that."

"Well, wouldn’t be the first time." retorted Arthur.

Javier and Arthur kept on riding through the snowstorm. The cold weather chilling them to the bone. After some time they saw smoke.

"Hey, I see some smoke." said Javier, pointing at the smoke "Come on, let’s take a look."

"Let’s hope it ain’t more of O’Driscoll’s boys." said Arthur.

When they got to the fire they could see that it came from a make shift campfire. It was still warm, meaning it was pretty recent. Javier got off the horse to get a closer look.

"Well," began Javier "seems somebody left recently" Javier looked around for any tracks. Pretty quickely he found some.

"And... that way." said Javier, pointing up the mountain "There’s some tracks leading up the mountain."

"Do you think it’s John?" asked Arthur.

"You tell me." said Javier, not knowing "These are horse tracks for sure, but… could be anyone. Let’s just see where they lead."

The pair kept following the tracks up the mountain, when suddenly they started feeling dizzy and their visions started going dark.

"I'm starting to feel dizzy" said Javier.

"Me too" said Arthur "Maybe it was that whiskey Micah gave us."

"I don't know" said Javier "Let's try and keep riding."

Arthur and Javier kept on riding up the mountain, trying to ignore the dizziness and darkening of vision getting worse by the minute. They got a break from the relentless snowstorm when they got close to the side of a rock formation. But it still didn't stop their visions from becoming worse.

"We... gotta keep... riding" said Arthur, trying not to slip into unconsciousness "We... gotta... find... John.

"We... need to... stay... awake" said Javier.

They tried to keep on riding and stay awake but their efforts ware futile. The dizzines got to them and they both fell of their horses, unconscious. But what they didn't know was that this moment was gonna change, not only them, but the whole gangs' lives forever. The whole Van Der Linde gang had disappeared from this world. On to another, much stranger world. Where they could thrive once again.

Author's Note:

And so it begins. The Van Der Linde gang's journey into the world of My Little Pony. Thank you so much for reading and if you have any critisim, then put them in the comments.