• Published 26th Jul 2023
  • 467 Views, 9 Comments

My Little Pony: Gunslinging is Magic (A RDR2 crossover) - WilleAutist

After a failed robbery in Blackwater, the Van Der Linde gang are on the run. What they don't know is that they're about to end up somewhere much stranger.

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Chapter 3: New town, new friends (Pt 2)

The group of outlaws were now nearly at the Carousel Boutique. After asking some locals, the group found out that is was a fancy looking building with the appearance of a Carousel, hence the name, and that is was run by a mare by name of 'Rarity'. When the group finally got to the store, they saw a sign on the door that said 'open' so decided to walk in. A bell at the door rang as they walked into the store.

The group saw the inside of the store and thought it looked like a store from Saint Denis. It was fancy and had some mirrors, changing rooms and mannequins. Suddenly there came a voice from upstairs.

"Coming!" said the voice, with a distictly rich and posh accent to it. Down the stairs came a mare unicorn with a pure white coat and styled dark purple mane. She was wearing a white blouse, a short black leather skirt, black high heels and had a hair clip with a diamond design on it. The group were certain that this was Rarity.

"Welcome to Carousel Boutique where every garment is chic, unique and magnifique." said Rarity, with her eyes closed. Opon opening them, her eyes widened at the sight of 6 rough and tumble looking stallions with weapons.

"My name is Rarity, how can i-i help you gentlecolts?" asked Rarity, sounding slightly nervous.

"Don't worry Miss Rarity, we ain't gonna hurt you." said Arthur "We're just looking to buy some clothes."

"Alright..." said Rarity, calming down.

"We're looking to buy some bandanas." said Dutch "Do you sell that here?"

"Yes, i have some in stock." said Rarity "Why do you need them?"

"One of us in our camp is coughing badly and the rest of us don't wanna get sick." said Dutch.

"Okay, follow me." said Rarity. She and the group walked to a cabinet where she had bandanas in every color imagenable. The group started picking their choises. Dutch took a red flannel bandana, Lenny took a orange bandana and the rest took black bandanas. The group also took a dark green bandana for Sean and two more black ones for John and Hosea. After having made their choises, Rarity and the group walked over to the counter and she rang them up for 9 bandanas.

"One of you mentioned a camp. Are you all new to Ponyville?" asked Rarity.

"Yes, we are." said Dutch "We're currently camping in the woods outside of town."

"You're camping in the Everfree forest?!" asked Rarity "But it's all icky and dangerous! Why would you want to camp out there?!"

"Don't worry Miss Rarity. It's nothing we can't handle." said Dutch "We're all pretty used to camping out in different places."

"Oh alright, here are you bandanas." said Rarity "Do come again!"

"Bye" said Arthur, him and the group leaving the store.

The group were walking through the streets of Ponyville, going back to the camp, when suddenly, Twilight came running up to them.

"Hi guys!" said Twilight.

"Hey Twilight." said Arthur "You want something?"

"Can you all follow me?" asked Twilight "I have something to show."

"Alright, show us the way." said Dutch, as the group started to follow Twilight.

"Do you think it's trouble?" asked Javier.

"Don't know." said Dutch "Be ready for anything."

The group followed Twilight to what seemed like a big candy house. It had same basic structure as most buldings in Ponyville. But instead of a normal roof, it had a chocolate looking roof with a kind of icing outlining and a big watch tower that looked like a cupcake on the top.

"It's in there." said Twilight, pointing at the building.

"Thanks Twilight." said Charles.

The group started approaching the building, with their guns at the ready. Maybe it was another gang, maybe it was lawmen or maybe it was nothing at all. In anyway, the group couldn't take any chances.

"Alright, Arthur you take the left side of the door, Lenny you take the right. Bill, Charles, Javier, y'all stay right behind me." said Dutch, with every one nodding in agreement.

"Okay, let's do this!" said Dutch as he kicked down the door of the building and went into a fully dark room. The rest of the group followed swiftly with their revolvers out and ready for any trouble. As soon as all of them went into the dark room of the building, the light switched on.

"SURPRISE!" said a big group of ponies, trying the greet the group but stopped as soon as they saw the guns. The stunned group of outlaws looked around the now lit room and saw a banner behind the ponies that said 'WELCOME TO PONYVILLE!' (WHO EVER YOU ALL ARE!)

The group then realized that this was a welcome party for them. The group all put their revolvers back in their holsters and pretended like nothing happened. Well, atleast they did so until a voice shouted.

"HI!" asked the pink mare that ran away.

"Uhh...hi?" said Lenny, slightly confused, like the rest of the gang.

"Hi i'm Pinkie Pie! I saw you all in town ealiear and i had never seen you before so of course i had to go and throw you all a surprise party!" said Pinkie Pie fast.

"Oh so that's what this is? A shindig." said Arthur.

"DUH! Of course!" said Pinkie "What're your names?!"

"Dutch Van Der Linde." said Dutch.

"Arthur Morgan Miss." said Arthur.

"Lenny Summers, how are ya?" said Lenny.

"Charles Smith." said Charles.

"Javier Escuella, nice to meet you."

"Bill Williamson." said Bill.

"Okie doki loki!" said Pinkie "Now let's get this party STARTED!"

As soon as Pinkie Pie said that, loud music unknown to the group started blaring and ponies all around them started partying, drinking and dancing.

"What the fuck is that racket?!" asked Bill loudly, trying to be heard over the music.

"I think it's music." said Javier.

"Y'all call this music!?" said Arthur "I call it a headache!"

"Lenny!" said Dutch.

"Yes boss?!" asked Lenny.

"Go get everyone from camp to this here shindig!" said Dutch.

"Alright!" said Lenny, sprinting out of the building.

"Can we go outside and wait?!" asked Bill "This 'music' is giving me head pain!"

The group of now 5 all went outside to wait for the others. After a couple of minutes, the group saw Pinkie Pie come out with 3 other ponies. The first was a earth pony mare with a light orange coat and yellow mane. She was wearing a white undershirt with a red flannel over it, blue work jeans, brown work boots and a brown stetson hat.

The second was a pegasus mare with a cyan coat and flashy rainbow mane. She was wearing a white t-shirt with a blue hoodie over it, black sweatpants with rainbow lightning on it, white and blue sport shoes and rainbow wristbands.

The third was also a pegasus mare, this one had a light yellow coat and light pink mane. She was wearing a light green oversized sweater, white skirt and brown and green sandles.

"Hi guys!" said Pinkie Pie "I brought some of my bestest friends for you to meet."

"Howdy, i'm Applejack. I work at the sweet apple acres farm outside of of town." said Applejack, clearly having a heavy southern accent.

"Yo, what's up? I'm Rainbow Dash! The fastest and most awesome pony in Ponyville!" said Rainbow Dash, cockily.

"Hi, i'm Fluttershy." said the yellow mare too quietly for anyone in the gang to hear.

"Pardon me but what did you say?" asked Arthur.

"Umm...my name is Fluttershy." said the yellow mare again, still too quietly.

"Could you repeat that one more time?" asked Javier.

"MynameisFluttershy!" bursted Fluttershy out, nervously.

"Uhh...okay" said Arthur "Nice to meet you all. Name's Arthur Morgan."

"Dutch Van Der Linde." said Dutch.

"Charles Smith." said Charles.

"Javier Escuella, amigos." said Javier.

"Bill Williamson." said Bill.

"Where did you get those cool weapons?!" asked Rainbow Dash, in awe.

"We bought'em, long time ago." said Arthur.

"Can i try them?" asked Rainbow.

"No, you'll blow your head off." said Bill.

"Aww, come on please?!" begged Rainbow.

"No." said Arthur "Like Bill said, you'll hurt someone, or yourself."

"Uhh, fine." pouted Rainbow Dash in defeat.

After about 3 hours of talking to the 6 girls they met, Lenny came back from camp with the rest the of the gang. By the time they got there, the sun was already setting.

"Ahh, there they are." said Dutch.

"Took'em long enough." said Arthur.

"Girls, this is the rest of our 'family'." said Dutch, half lying about the fact that they were a gang.

"*GASP* So many new ponies to meet!" said Pinkie, happily.

Lenny, Sean, John and Hosea were the first to step over.

"This here is Hosea Matthews, co-founder of the family, and Sean Macguire and John Marston, two more of its' 'protectors'." said Dutch.

"Nice too meet you all." said Hosea.

"Howdy." said John.

"Top O' the morning to ya, ladies." said Sean.

"My name is Twilight Sparkle." said Twilight.

"Rarity, a pleasure." said Rarity.

"Name's Applejack." said Applejack.

"Hi! I'm Pinkie Pie." said Pinkie.

"What's up? I'm Rainbow Dash." said Rainbow.

"Hi, i-i'm Fluttershy." said Fluttershy.

"Susan Grimshaw and Simon Pearson, they're responsible for setting up camp and cooking food." said Dutch, pointing at them.

"Hi, how are y'all." said Susan.

Simon didn't say anything and instead just nodded his head.

Susan Grimshaw was one of the first members of the Van Der Linde gang. Her job was not just to set up camp but also to keep order and justice on it. She was now a unicorn with a jet black coat and dark brown mane with streaks of white in it. She was wearing a wine red blouse, long black skirt, black boots and a gold necklace.

Simon Pearson was a former US navy cook who had joined the gang after getting rescued from loan sharks and became the gangs cook. He was now a fat earth pony with a light brown coat and a brown, thinning mane and bushy mustache. He was wearing a white undershirt, black sweater, gray pants, black boots and a black top hat.

"Tilly Jackson, Mary-Beth and Karen Jones, they're always looking for work." said Dutch.

"Hi." said Tilly.

"How are y'all?" said Karen.

"Hello." said Mary.

Tilly jackson was an outlaw for nearly her whole life, first running with a gang called the Forman Brothers. After she killed one of the members cousin and finding out her mother was dead, she joined the Van Der Linde gang. She was now a pegasus with a light brown coat and black mane. She wore a yellow and white dress with a blue jacket on top, black high heels and a red neckercheif.

Karen Jones was a prolific scam artist. She joined the gang out of whim, yearning for a life of danger and debauchery. She was now a earth pony with a beige coat and blonde mane tied up in a bun. She was wearing a white blouse, purple dress with a brown belt and a dark grey overcoat.

Mary-Beth was a effective and skillful pickpocketer. She joined the Van Der Linde gang after being rescued by them while being chased by people she stole watches and wallets from. She was now a unicorn with a tan coat, freckles on her face and a brown mane. She was wearing a purple blouse with a white collar, maroon skirt, black shoes and a grey shawl.

"Oh, i wouldn't mind an extra pair of hands." said Rarity "Would one of you girls like to work at my boutique."

"Sure, i'll give it a try." said Tilly.

"Excellent!" said Rarity "Let's speak about our business arrangements in private shall we."

"Alright." said Tilly, being led away from the rest of the group by Rarity.

"Anyway, this is Uncle." said Dutch, pointing at Uncle "Don't bother asking him for his real name, he ain't even told us yet."

"Sometimes i wonder why Dutch even keeps him around." said Arthur "Lazy basterd."

"Hey!" said Uncle "I have terminal lumbago. It's very serious."

'Uncle' was a very mysterious man to the gang. Just showing up randomly one day, Dutch decided to let him stay due to his stories and personality. He was now a fat and old earth pony with a dark tan caot and grey mane and beard. He was wearing a orange union shirt, brown suspenders, grey pants, black boots, dark brown hat and a blue bandana.

"Whatever old man." said Arthur.

"Last but not least we have Herr Strauss, Abigail and Jack Marston."

"Pleasure to meet you all." said Strauss, politely.

"Hello." said Abigail.

Leopold Strauss was a man of Austrian nationality but later was forced to move to the US by his father because of his health condition. After running illegitimate scams for years, he joined the Van Der Linde as their accountant and loan sharker. He was now a unicorn with a light gray coat and gray mane slicked back. He was wearing a white stripped undershirt, dark green waistcoat, gray hat and gold glasses.

Abigail Roberts was a now retired prostitute who got introduced to the gang by Uncle. After having multiple 'relations' with the gang, she eventually had a son with John named Jack. She was now a pegasus with a blue coat and black mane in a bun. She was wearing a white undershirt, light brown blouse, a brown belt, black boots and a dark blue long skirt.

A small pegasus colt with a dark blue coat and brown hair was hiding behind Abigail's leg. He was wearing a greyish-blue overcoat, red scarf, dark beige pants and black shoes and socks.

"It's okay Jack." said Abigail "You can step forward, the girls are not gonna hurt you."

Jack stepped out to the girls and introduced himself.

"Hi, i-i'm Jack. I like to play." said Jack nervously.

"Ohh, aren't you just the cutest thing." said Rarity, coming back with Tilly after talking about employment "My name is Rarity."

"Name's Rainbow Dash." said Rainbow.

"I'm Fluttershy." said Fluttershy.

"Howdy, name's Applejack." said Applejack.

"My name is Twilight Sparkle." said Twilight.

"And i'm Pinkie Pie!" said Pinkie.

"Say, don't you think he could play with Sweetie Belle and her friends?" asked Rarity.

"Sound's good to me." said Applejack.

"Sure, why not?" said Rainbow.

"Okay." said Rarity "Sweetie Belle! Could you and your friends come out here?"

Out of Sugercube corner came 3 girls a couple of years older then Jack. One was a earth pony with a yellow coat and a red mane. She was wearing a green t-shirt, blue jeans shorts, orange and red work boots and a big pink bow in her mane.
The other was a unicorn with a pure white coat and pink and purple mane. She was wearing a yellow dress with a white and pink stripped undershirt and pink jacket on top, pink and yellow high-boots and a pink hair band in her mane.
The last one was a pegasus with an light orange coat and redish-purple mane. she was wearing a zip-up black hoodie, dark green cargo shorts and black boots.

"What is it sis?" asked the white one.

"I would like you to meet someone." said Rarity.

"H-Hi i'm Jack." said Jack to the 3 new girls.

"Hey." said the yellow one in a southern accent "I'm Apple Bloom."

"I'm Sweetie Belle." said the white one.

"And i'm Scootaloo!" said the orange one.

"And together, we're the Cutie Mark Crusaders!" said all 3 of them at once.

"Jack, would you like to play with these girls tommorow?" asked Abigail.

"Mhm." said Jack, nodding his head.

"Would y'all like to invite him tommorow?" asked Applejack.

"Sure, we're always down to have new members." said Scootaloo.

"Yeah, it's always nice to have new friends." said Apple Bloom.

"Then it's settled." said Applejack.

"YAY NEW CUTIE MARK CRUSADER MEMBER!!!" screamed the girls as they ran of.

"In anyway, it was nice meeting you ladies." said Dutch "But we should really be getting back to camp."

"Wait, don't you want somewhere else to sleep?" asked Twilight "You could all stay at my castle if you want."

"Thanks Miss Twilight but we kinda like camping in the woods." said Arthur "We're all pretty used to it."

"Oh alright." said Twilight "But if you change your mind you can always say."

"Sure thing, Miss Twilight." said Hosea.

Everybody said their goodbyes to eachother and the gang started making their way to the everfree forest to set up camp for the night.

"Miss Grimshaw and Mister Pearson, could y'all set up a new camp a little closer to town?" asked Dutch.

"Alright Dutch." said Susan.

"Okay." said Simon.

"Good." said Dutch

"So what's the plan Dutch?" asked Arthur.

"I don't know yet, son." said Dutch "Let me think about it until tomorrow."

"Alright." Arthur.

The gang walked back to the everfree forest to set up camp. When they got there and found a good spot, Susan and Simon set up the camp with the new tents Javier, Charles and Lenny bought and they all headed to bed. Before falling asleep, Arthur thought about where Micah was. Maybe he was here, maybe he was back in the mountains. To Arthur, all that mattered was that he was miserable.

Author's Note:

Thanks everyone for the support of this story. Sorry for the long wait. Got kinda stuck at one point of the story, but i pulled through. Updates will probably be a little slower from here on out because school is starting soon and before that i have some work to do at home.

As always, if you have any constructive criticism, leave it in the comments. And thank you for reading. :pinkiehappy: