• Published 23rd Aug 2023
  • 841 Views, 4 Comments

As the Mist ascends with the Brightdawn - RedRanger3142

Pipp and Misty snuggle after one of Pipp’s concerts goes wrong

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The Pipps bloom into Petals

Misty opened the door, entering Pipp’s room in the Zephyr Heights palace. For a second she swore she had stepped into Pipp’s room back at the Brighthouse. It seemed the Pegasus had tried to recreate her room to the best of her ability when she moved, using the same models of furniture and a similar room layout. It gave Misty a sense of familiarity, something she hadn’t felt since she arrived because she’d never been in Pipp’s foalhood room.

It was odd, Misty had been to Zephyr Heights palace before, such as the Manesquerade Ball where she revealed she didn’t have a Cutie Mark yet, and made her Cutie Mark debut there at the Cutie Blossom Bash when she did get it, but those were public events centred in one particular area. Misty had never got the chance to just look around the building.

But she wasn’t here to look around right now. She was here to see a very special pony. Pipp was lying on her bed, completely still with her head buried in her pillow. One could mistake her for being asleep, but Misty had seen Pipp’s ears perk up when she entered the room. Besides, Ruby and Queen Haven told her Pipp asked for her, so Misty was expected.

“Hey,” Misty spoke up, approaching the bed. “It’s me.”

Pipp lifted her head off the pillow. “Well I would hope so. I distinctly recall telling the guards not to let anypony other than you into my room for the rest of the night.”

Misty giggled as she climbed onto the bed and snuggled into her marefriend. Pipp’s face was covered in makeup from the concert she had been performing with Ruby Jubilee earlier in the night. A towel was wrapped around her right wing, holding a hot water bottle in place.

“So what happened exactly?” Misty asked as Pipp buried her face in Misty’s neck.

“Well I imagine you saw most of what happened on the live coverage,” Pipp explained. “Ruby and I were performing on stage, we both took flight, then suddenly I felt a pain in my wing and the next thing I know I’m crashing down onto the stage and Zipp is leaping from her front row seat to check on me.”

Misty nodded. Zipp had been the one to call her saying Pipp had been hurt.

“The next hour is kinda a blur of noise and chaos,” Pipp went on. “The crowd was panicking so Ruby landed and tried to calm them down. Then some staff members brought me backstage. I was brought here and a doctor took a look at my wing. Ruby and mom were overreacting, thinking I had broken it. The doctor thought I had merely sprained it. Then Zipp correctly diagnosed I had simply pulled a muscle.”

Misty winced. She recalled a time back at Opaline’s when she had been reaching for something on a high shelf when she pulled a muscle in her stomach. She spent the next half hour lying on the floor in pain before managing to move back to her room.

Pipp gestured to her injured wing. “It’ll be fine. I’m just grounded for a few days.” She nuzzled into Misty’s chest. “I must have given you a heart attack, seeing me fall.”

Misty chuckled nervously. “Yeah, about that. I… didn’t see the concert coverage.”

Pipp pulled away to look at her. “What? Why?” She sounded genuinely hurt.

“It wasn’t on purpose,” Misty reassured her. “I meant to, and so did the others. But then something came up and we didn’t know anything had happened until Zipp called us.”

So what’d we miss that was so important you all missed my live performance?” Pipp asked curiously. “Also, why did I hear Zipp yelling a few minutes ago?”

Misty giggled. “Well, that’s actually a funny story…”

Sunny, Izzy, Hitch and Misty galloped into the throne room. Finding Zipp waiting for them, they screeched to a halt. Or at least, Sunny and Misty did. Izzy and Hitch had a hard time slowing down on the tiled floor, with the result being that Hitch slid past Sunny and Misty and crashed into Zipp. Moments later Izzy collided into Sunny from behind. Misty looked around at her friends, all of whom were now on the floor.

“Everypony alright?” she asked.

“We got a four pony pileup on the highway” Izzy said, slightly dazed from the sudden crash.

“Izzy,” Sunny groaned from under her marefriend. “Your horn is digging into my back.”

“Seriously, Hitch?” Zipp hissed. “Did you forget that lecture we gave those foals about running on tiled floors?”

“Sorry, Zipp,” her coltfriend apologised, before sitting up, pulling her with him. “So, what’s the problem?”

“Nothing major, Pipp just injured her wing slightly,” Zipp responded. “So what were you guys up to?”

“We’ve been busy the last couple hours,” Sunny explained as she and Izzy got back on their hooves. “Some colts thought it would be funny to steal all of the stuff out of my smoothie cart.”

Zipp’s eyes widened. “YOU MEAN I MISSED A PURSUIT?” she yelled at the top of her voice.

Suddenly a pair of doors opened and Ruby and Haven appeared.

“Ah, good. You’re here.” Haven addressed the new arrivals.

“Is Pipp alright?” Misty asked.

“She fine,” Ruby explained. “But she asked for you Misty.”

Misty nodded, running past the two towards Pipp’s room.

Pipp and Misty giggled.

“That sounds like my sister,” Pipp commented. “Disappointed she missed a pursuit. So what exactly happened?”

“Well, we kept losing them in the alleyways,” Misty narrated. “And we were wishing you and Zipp were there until Izzy remembered we could ask Rocky for help. He and Jazz joined the chase, but we were still having trouble so I roped in Sprout and Posey.”

“And you caught them?” Pipp asked.

“Eventually,” Misty said. “I wish I got the ending on camera though. We had caught six of them but the leader was getting away with Sunny’s blender, so she flying tackled him… over the Main Street railings and down onto the beach.”

Pipp gasped in shock. “Was anything broken?”

“Only the blender. Sunny wasn’t happy.”

Pipp burst out laughing. Smiling, Misty scanned the nearby makeup table. Finding what she was looking for she grabbed the cloth in her magic and levitated it over.

“Misty? What are you doing?” Pipp asked.

“Just hold still for a second,” Misty said as she began to wipe the makeup off Pipp’s face. “No more ‘pop star Pipp’ for the night. I want to cuddle with ‘just Pipp’.” Once she was done she levitated the cloth back to the table and smiled at her marefriend. “Much better.”

Pipp laughed slightly. “Thanks.” Then she frowned. “I still feel so bad, Misty. I ruined the concert.”

“Wasn’t it during the final song?” Misty reminded her.

“Well, yes” Pipp answered.

“And couldn’t your wing injury have been much worse?” Misty pointed out.

Pipp glanced at her injured wing. “I guess so…”

“Then it could have been much worse,” Misty said, pulling Pipp closer. “I just wish I’d been here the whole time.”

“I wish Zipp and I had been with you guys in Maretime Bay, that sounded fun.” Pipp snuggled against Misty. A small smirk appeared on her muzzle. “And to think, the injury you were concerned about in the music industry was a constant sore throat.”

Misty laughed. After lots of begging from Pipp and Ruby to be in their new album Misty had relented and agreed to be in one of the songs, though she made it clear she didn’t intend to make it a habit. The two pop stars’ only response was “we’ll see about that.”

“Seriously though, thanks Misty,” Pipp said, nuzzling her head into Misty’s chest. “I needed cheering up.”

Misty smiled warmly. “Anytime Pipp” she replied, resting her head on Pipp’s head.

Author's Note:

So after the fun I had writing the first story, I decided to write a second one. Heck, I enjoyed writing this too, so I might write a third one. Enjoy all.

Comments ( 4 )

Always love me some Mistypetals. It’s an underrated ship

This is so adorable. So fluffy and cute. :heart: I haven’t watched much G5 but from what I know, I can still understand the story. If anything, it’s making a case in tempting me to watch more XD.

At this point I think we could say Misty has been shipped with every main character except for Sunny.

Misty winced. She recalled a time back at Opaline’s when she had been reaching for something on a high shelf when she pulled a muscle in her stomach. She spent the next half hour lying on the floor in pain before managing to move back to her room.

opaline not even reacting to misty getting injured makes her somehow an even worse mom/boss than she was in cannon

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