• Published 14th Jul 2023
  • 225 Views, 3 Comments

Equestria Winter Games - ThomasZoey3000

Diamond Tiara joins the hockey team, but due to her past, nopony really wants to play with her on the team.

  • ...

Chapter 3

My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic
Equestria Winter Games-Part 3
Written by: ThomasZoey3000 (Inspired by Disney/Pixar's Cars)

The sun had barely risen the next morning when the Winter Games began. As the hockey games would be played later in the evening, Diamond Tiara and Apple Bloom had time to look around at some of the other events and cheer their friends on. Diamond Tiara had to admit she still had butterflies in her stomach, but she kept reminding herself, "I've trained for these moments, I'm not going to let nerves take me down."

"You'll do fine," said Apple Bloom. Diamond Tiara looked over to her and saw a reassuring smile on her face.

"With friends like you by my side, I know I will be," she replied back. "Speaking of which, why don't we check on them before getting over for one last practice?"

"Sounds good to me," smiled Apple Bloom. She pulled out a piece of paper, which showed of the timing for all the events. "Scootaloo and Lilymoon's ski jump is up first, then we can just catch Sweetie Belle and Silver Spoon before meeting up with Applejack and the team."

And so they made their way to the ski jump. As they arrived, they could see young ponies, mostly a year or two older than them, jumping off the slope and gliding in the air before coming back down. Some landed perfectly, but then again, there were one or two injuries from not getting the moves right.

"Ouch," Apple Bloom gulped as she and Diamond Tiara made it to the front of the crowd, "that looked like it hurt."

"And according to doctors, Peachy Storm has broken her front left leg," said the announcer over the speakers. The crowds groaned hearing that.

"Yep, I'd say it hurts," muttered Diamond Tiara.

"Up next are the players from Ponyville. First up is young Scootaloo." No sooner was her name mentioned than two loud voices could be heard. Apple Bloom rolled her eyes and looked far to her left. Sure enough, she found the sources of the cheers; Bow Hothoof and Windy Whistles, Rainbow Dash's parents. Only this time, they were wearing Custom made Scootaloo attire.

"Wow, they sure like to be super fans don't they?" Diamond Tiara asked in surprise.

"Perhaps, but I don't think either Scootaloo or Rainbow Dash mind that at all." She looked up to the top of the slope, "look, there's Scootaloo and Rainbow Dash now."

Sure enough, young Scootaloo was at the top of the slope with her skis on.

"Okay Champ, remember our training, and don't worry, I have not cheated by adding anything to your skis. Yours are just as the same as Lilymoon's and everypony else."

"Thanks Rainbow," she said with a somewhat shaky voice.

"You want a hug from your big sister before you go down?"

Scootaloo nodded and hugged Rainbow Dash. After the hug, she got into position and waited for the signal. It was soon given and with a small push, Scootaloo started off down the ramp, going at break-neck speeds. Ponies in the crowd seemed to go quiet, even Bow Hotfoof and Windy Whistles were silent. Scootaloo focused as the edge came close. Keeping her head down, back legs together, she jumped off the ledge and soared through the air. Unlike the last pony, she landed perfectly, to which she got thunderous cheers from the crowd, while one judge pony painted a mark for Scootaloo's landing spot.

"You were awesome Scootaloo!" shouted Bow Hotfoof, "way to go!"

"Were you great sweetie!" shouted Windy Whistles.

Scootaloo blushed as she moved away from the bottom of the slope. As she made it to her safe spot, she could just see Lilymoon getting ready to go down, and see Rainbow Dash giving her some encouragement. When given the signal, Lilymoon slid down the slope, jumped through the air and like Scootaloo, landed perfectly.

"Awesome landing by recent resident of Ponyville; Lilymoon!" cheered the announcer, and he wasn't alone. The crowds were cheering too, but none more so than Diamond Tiara and Apple Bloom.

"Come on," Apple Bloom whispered, "let's find Sweetie Belle and Silver Spoon."

As much as she wanted to keep watching, Diamond Tiara didn't want her friends to think she wasn't going to support them. She nodded and both walked away, not knowing of a single elder pony watching them.

The two fillies reached the ice rink in time to see Sweetie Belle getting onto the ice. Her music played over the speakers and she skated along the ice like a pro. She even did a few spins in the air, getting some whistles from Princess Luna and Princess Cadance. To the two fillies watching, it was as if Sweetie Belle was dancing on a stage and not on ice.

"Rarity sure is a good coach eh?" Apple Bloom whispered. Diamond Tiara nodded.

After she finished, Sweetie Belle left the ice to a thunderous cheer from the crowds. Next came Silver Spoon. Even from afar, Diamond Tiara could see her oldest friend was nervous.

"You got this Silver!" she called out, "you can do it!"

That seemed to take the nervousness away and Silver Spoon performed nicely on the ice. Even doing some controlled spins about five separate times before coming to a graceful stop. She also received a large amount of cheers from the crowd.

"My word," gasped Princess Celestia, "it's going to be hard to pick out just one winner."

"There you two are," said another voice, which made the fillies jump. They looked to their left and saw Applejack standing there, "it's time to practice, and get ready for tonight's game."

"We're not running late, are we?" Apple Bloom asked.

"No, I was just wondering when you two were going to show up, now let's go."

Since they had seen their friends do their runs, they nodded and followed Applejack to the ice.

Night soon fell over the area and the first hockey game of the season was to begin. Applejack was with the fillies and colts in the locker room, going over ideas for the match. Meanwhile, Diamond Tiara was helping Toola Roola with her knee pads as they were broken.

"Guess I played a little too hard during our game," she said.

"No worries, it can happen," said Diamond Tiara with the duct tape in her mouth. "Now hold still, I'm almost done here." She wrapped it around a few times and tore off an end piece, "there we go, another problem solved with the handypony's secret weapon."

"Handypony's secret weapon? Where did that come from?"

"Uh, you know I have no idea. I think I must've heard it somewhere, just can't remember where."

"Alright ponies listen up!" called Applejack and all eyes looked to her, "no matter what happens tonight, and no matter if they cheer or not, just remember when you go out there to have fun and do your best. Also," she narrowed her eyes, "no more in-fighting."

"Understood coach!" they all said in unison. There was no arguments against that.

"Good, now let's get out there!"

"Uh Coach!" called Snails, "my stick is broken!"

Sure enough, Snail's goalie stick was broken. Applejack was going to ask how it got broken, but shook it off. She started walking over towards him, when Diamond Tiara stopped her, "I'll help him, you and the others get out there."

"You got it, Assistant."

With that, the ponies left for the ice. It took only a minute to fix the stick with the handypony's secret weapon, "there you go Snails, good to go."

"Thanks Diamond Tiara."

"Please, you can call me Diamond."

"Okay then Diamond. Let's go!"

Diamond Tiara nodded and was about to follow when she remembered that she almost forgot her stick. She grabbed it and followed a short distance away. As she walked, she heard an angry voice coming from behind her; "DIAMOND TIARA!"

She sighed and called out to Snails, "go on ahead, I'll catch up!"

Snails nodded and carried on towards the ice. Diamond Tiara turned around and saw her mother; Spoiled Rich walking up towards her.

"You get out of that stupid outfit and come home this instant!" she snapped at her daughter. "Rich ponies do not play hockey, especially with low-lives like those other ponies."

"Well this Rich pony does! I will return to the locker room, after the game. As for right now, I am going out on the ice."

"You'll ruin our image!"

"Ours, or yours?" Diamond Tiara raised an eyebrow at her mother. "This isn't about you, it's about finally showing the world that I'm not a smaller version of you. I am Diamond Tiara, and I'm a hockey player. Now why don't you be a good little pony and sit down in your seat?! Maybe then you'll learn to appreciate the game."

Diamond Tiara turned and walked towards the ice. Filthy Rich was just down the hallway, but unlike his wife, he just smiled.

"Go show 'em what you're made of kiddo."

"You bet I will," she smiled and picked up the pace.

Spoiled Rich walked over and stared firmly at her husband. As she opened her mouth, Filthy Rich interrupted, "Spoiled, just shut up." That silenced her.

As she came into the player's box, Diamond Tiara was amazed by the large number of ponies in the seats. There was even a small area for announcers to comment on the game, and not surprising to her, it was the same announcers from the Applewood Derby race; Hoofson, Mayflower and Hamburger.

"Welcome fillies and gentlecolts to the first ever hockey game for the first ever Equestria Winter Games," said Hoofson. "It's an honor to be here, and to see so many young ponies playing tonight."

"Yes indeed Hoofson," agreed Mayflower, "now let's meet the teams."

"First up, the young ponies who deal with Para-sprites, creatures from the Everfree forest and manage to do it all before Bedtime, please welcome the Junior Ponyville players!"

The young ponies skated onto the ice and received cheers from everypony.

"All before Bedtime?" Mayflower asked. "Hamster, this isn't a children's comic book."

"Hey give me a break, I don't normally do this," he retorted.

"And ignoring these two morons," interrupted Hoofson, "these young players are ready to play, lead by Captain Apple Bloom and assistant Diamond Tiara."

There was quiet discussions from the ponies when they heard her name, except for cheers from four ponies; Sweetie Belle, Silver Spoon, Scootaloo and Lilymoon.

"And tonight," continued Hoofson, "they will be going up against a hard hitting team, so please welcome, the Junior Manehatten Skaters!"

Another group of young ponies skated onto the ice, and one surprisied Apple Bloom and Diamond Tiara.

"They are being lead by Captain Babs Seed and Assistant Gruff McColton!" finished Hoofson.

Diamond Tiara gulped. She remembered the last time she and Babs had spoken, back when she had been a bully. Babs Seed skated over towards Apple Bloom, "Hey Cousin, I had a feeling I would be facing you tonight, but I never thought you would have her on your team."

"Hey, she's changed, and she's better now than before. You'll see, cousin."

In the stands, Starlight Glimmer whispered to Twilight, "I've heard of that name for the Assistant on the Manehatten team. Sunset Shimmer told me about how he had a fight with her cousin during the Hearth's Warming festival." She looked down to the young pony, who looked annoyed, "and by the looks of it, he hasn't changed since then."

"I guess not, I just hope he doesn't try any dirty tricks out there," Twilight whispered back.

For tonight's game, Fluttershy would keep watch over the players and drop the puck. "Play fair and good luck," she said. She raised the puck high and dropped it. She backed up as the game began.

In the stands, the lone elder pony watched as it began. He was still in disguise, but it didn't fool one pony.

"Hello Slap Shot." He looked behind him and saw Grand Pear standing there, "it's been a long time old friend, it's good to see you out and about again."

"This isn't an outing for me, I'm just curious that's all."

"Right," he said, rolling his eyes. "You're curious about your niece out there aren't you?" He got no response, so Grand Pear continued, "listen old friend, I know hockey was ruined for you by your former coach, but that doesn't mean you have to hate it forever and avoid it."

"Of course it does."

"Oh listen to you, stubborn as always. Look, we all know that coach of yours wasn't very bright, and that was certainly proven when he got rid of his best players and went with rookies instead, but hockey has changed over the years, as proven with the younger generation."

"Oh really?"

Both ponies looked down to see that Gruff McColton had gotten the puck away from Coconut Cream and was skating towards Snails. Toola Roola tried to stop him, but he just shoved her aside and went for the net. He shot and he scored the first goal of the game.

"Ha! Beat that losers!" he shouted.

"See, nothing's changed," grumbled Slap Shot. He started to turn and walk away, when he heard some words coming from his niece.

"Come on guys, we can't give up. We may be down by one goal, but we can make a comeback, after all, we've trained for moments like this, remember?"

"Sounds an awful lot like what you used to say back in the day," said Grand Pear. He looked firmly at his old friend, "you know it's not too late to get in there and help them."

"Help them? I can't play at my age."

"That's not what I meant," chuckled Grand Pear. "I meant, help them in a different way. Your advice."

Slap Shot was silent after hearing that. He looked down to see Diamond Tiara and Coconut Cream trying to get the puck down to the Manehatten net, but lost it to Gruff McColton again, who scored the second goal.

"These Ponyville losers have got nothing on me, I'm the best out there!" he boasted.

"It's not just you on this team Gruff," Babs Seed said firmly.

"Whatever, you guys are useless to me. Why I could beat this team alone and with my eyes closed."

Babs Seed rolled her eyes. Diamond Tiara sighed as she skated towards the center of the ice, "can't give up, we trained for this, I know...maybe we're not ready for this," she thought unhappily to herself.

"Come on, put a smile back on your face!" shouted a voice. "I didn't come out of hiding to see you sulk!"

"Huh?" Diamond Tiara looked to the player's box and saw her uncle standing next to Applejack, "Uncle Slap Shot, you came!"

"Of course I did, and it's a good thing I did, you ponies are in serious need of help." Applejack called for a time-out, and all the players came over. Many were surprised to see the hockey legend as they had heard stories about him, "you've been good in training, but here you're acting sloppy. Yes they are two goals ahead, but that shouldn't get you down."

"So what can we do?" asked Toola Roola.

"Simple. That boy; Gruff McColton thinks he's the best and seems to be the main muscle of the team, so if you were to put some slippery moves on him, you got a chance to get past him. Also, it'd be best to have three of you going down the ice, so it'll be easier to pass the puck. As for you," he said, pointing to Coconut Cream, "you need to stay on your side of the ice, close to the net and help your goalie out. Don't leave all the work for him to do."

"What about scoring?" asked Apple Bloom.

"Try getting the puck past the goalie, and I'll let you know of what to do. If that's okay with you missy," he said looking to Applejack.

"Not at all, you can be the assistant coach for us, and we'd be grateful for your teachings."

"Alright then, now everypony, get some lumber out there and show them what you're made of." The young ponies nodded and skated back onto the ice, "hot snot, we're back in the game now. Miss..."


"Right, Miss Applejack, keep an eye on the fillies, if one looks too tired, get them off the ice and switch them out. It's better not to overdo it."

"Yes Sir."

As play continued, many ponies started looking to the Ponyville player's box and gasped, "it's Slap Shot. It can't be, but it is. The legendary hockey player returns."

Word soon got to the three stallions commenting on the game, "uh fillies and gentlecolts, it seems that Ponyville has an assistant coach and look who they have there," said Hamburger, "it's Slap Shot!"

The crowds started cheering, which surprised Slap Shot before he regained focus and watched the team.

"Nopony has seen the hockey legend in many moons," added Mayflower, "I wonder where he's been hiding."

Gruff McColton wasn't impressed, "so they got an old timer to help them. It won't change a thing." He charged towards Apple Bloom, ready to take the puck, but at the last second, she slid in a different direction, "what the?!"

"Apple Bloom's gotten away from Gruff McColton and now is passing the puck over to Toola Roola, who's skating towards the net. She shoots, oh she misses." The Manehatten goalie had blocked it from the right side and sent it back down to another team-mate. "Now the puck is being passed to Babs, and now to Gruff again." Gruff skated quickly towards the net, but Coconut Cream was ready. She sped down the ice and as he shot, she got hold of the puck and sent it back to Apple Bloom, "now Apple Bloom's got the puck, she's skating down to Toola Roola again."

Slap Shot now had a good idea on how to score aganist Manehatten, but he wasn't alone.

"Toola, pass it to me!" shouted Diamond Tiara.

She nodded and passed it to her. Gruff McColton skated past her and went straight for Diamond Tiara. "Uh oh, will she get smashed into the wall?" asked Hamburger. Diamond Tiara skated forwards, and at the last moment, lifted her right legs up, sending her to the left and away from Gruff. She turned once more, "no, he missed, she's going for it. Diamond's going for the net, she shoots, she..." the puck shot away from the stick and went for the left side of the net, "SCORES!"

The crowds started cheering loudly for Ponyville.

"Way to go Diamond Tiara!" shouted Coconut Cream.

"That's my girl!" cheered Flithy Rich from the stands. He was cheering so much that it caused a few ponies to look to him, but he didn't care.

Slap Shot nodded, "smart kid that one." The players all came over, "well played kids, you kept that Gruff McColton from doing what he does best, and you found the goalie's weakness, his weak left hoof."

As play went on over the three rounds, the Ponyville players did their best to keep that puck away from the Manehatten team. It was difficult thanks to Gruff McColton playing rough, and Babs Seed's fantastic hockey ability, which resulted in them scoring three more times. But thanks to Slap Shot's advice and tricks of the trade, they managed by the third period with ten minutes left to even the score.

"They are really good," sighed one of the Manehatten fillies, "they could win this round."

"Not on my watch they're not," grumbled Gruff.

"Gruff, watch that tone of yours," adviced his coach. "We don't need you starting another hoof-fight on the ice like you've been doing lately."

But Gruff McColton took no notice and skated back into position. Babs Seed sighed, "come on then guys, let's at least give it our best shot."

Play continued, but now Gruff had some bad ideas on his mind, "they can't win if they're hurt," he thought to himself. Instead of going after the puck, he went after Diamond Tiara and slammed her into the wall. There was a crack, loud enough to be heard. Fluttershy blew the whistle and pointed to the penilty box. Gruff skated off, smirking.

"Kid, are you alright?" Slap Shot called.

"Yeah, but my skate is broken!" she called back.

"Alright, come on over and we'll fix that skate of yours." Applejack went to get another skate, but Slap Shot stopped her before pulling out some bubble gum and started chewing, "watch and learn youngster." He also grabbed some duct tape and tore some off.

Diamond Tiara skated over towards him and removed her skate. He then spat out the gum onto the skate, then used the duct tape to stick the skate back on. He gave it back to Diamond Tiara, who excepted it, placed it on her hoof and skated back onto the ice.

"Nothing like gum and the handypony's secret weapon," he smirked.

Applejack was stunned, as were many of the ponies on the bench.

The game continued, "now Babs Seed has got the puck, and...oh wait, now Apple Bloom's got it," said Mayflower, "she's skating down the ice, passing it to Diamond Tiara." Not wanting to hog the moment, Diamond Tiara passed the puck to another member of her team, and allowed her to score the goal, but she missed.

"Dang it!" she groaned.

"Don't worry, you'll get it next time," encouraged Diamond Tiara.

They played on, but the players soon got worried as Gruff McColton was allowed out and once again, instead of going after the puck, he went after Diamond Tiara. She saw him coming, but didn't move away, just yet. She waited for the right moment, lifted her left legs and spun in circles to get away, while he slammed into the wall.

"Sweet Celestia, uh sorry Princess," said Hamburger. Celestia just smiled, "anyways, that was one of Slap Shot's old tricks back in the day."

"Indeed," nodded Mayflower, "I bet his old coach now feels stupid for replacing him with the rookie."

Slap Shot laughed, "ha-ha, float like a Pegasus"

"Sting like a unicorn!" finished Diamond Tiara. She finished her spin and accepted the puck from Apple Bloom. She skated on towards the net with the intension of scoring.

"I will not be beaten by these fools," grumbled Gruff McColton. His focus then went to Apple Bloom. He charged at her, for reasons known only to him and slammed her aganist the wall. There was another crack, but this time, it wasn't her skates. Apple Bloom yelled out in pain, which meant one thing.

"Oh no, it's happened again," gasped Slap Shot.

Fluttershy blew the whistle and play stopped. Diamond Tiara looked back and gasped to see Apple Bloom down on the ice with tears coming down from her eyes, while Gruff McColton looked proud of what he did. To her, it almost looked like that picture she saw in Slap Shot's cottage. Fluttershy threw Gruff out of the game, quite literally. She picked him up and took him back to the player's box, where the coach took over and escorted the disgraced hockey player out.

Diamond Tiara skated over towards Apple Bloom, "are you okay?"

"It hurts, but I think I'll be okay to skate over to the bench."

Diamond Tiara looked to see Applejack looking to the other players, then she looked to the clock. There were only two minutes left in the game. She looked back to her captain, "not just yet Captain, you're finishing this game."

"But I can't with a broken leg."

"Then lean on me, we'll finish this one together."

"But isn't that against the rules?"

Fluttershy had just returned and overheard that question, "let me check the rulebook." She grabbed a nearby copy and looked it over, "it doesn't say anything about that. Let me ask the Princesses of what to do." She flew up and explained to the four princesses, as well as Starlight Glimmer and Spike. Princess Luna spoke for all of them and said to let them continue.

So it was arranged, Apple Bloom placed her broken hoof on Diamond Tiara's shoulder and they skated to the middle of the ice.

"Hang on a moment, is that allowed?" Hamburger asked.

"Doesn't say," said Mayflower.

"Well either way, the Princesses are allowing it, so the game continues," said Hoofson. The players went back to their areas, and Fluttershy dropped the puck to continue play. Babs Seed got hold of it, "she's now skating down the ice, she's easily going to...no hold on, one of the Ponyville players got the puck. They now pass it to Toola Roola, now to Apple Bloom and Diamond Tiara."

"You got this," Diamond Tiara whispered.

Apple Bloom nodded and with stick in mouth, she and Diamond Tiara skated down the ice. The Manehatten team tried to get the puck away from them, but Diamond Tiara's tricks prevented that from happening. Apple Bloom passed it back to another team-mate, who got it away from the other team, then passed it back to the duo, "now Apple Bloom and Diamond Tiara have the puck," said Hamburger, "they're going for it with twenty seconds left on the clock, they shoot..." everypony seemed to hold their breath as the puck slid down the ice towards the net. The goalie tried to stop it, but it was no use, it went past him and into the net. "And they score! Ponyville wins!"

The crowds cheered loudly, even the Manehatten fans cheered for Ponyville's win.

"That's some mighty fine hockey play there," smiled one of the Manehatten fans, "that Diamond Tiara is a real team player, her parents must be so proud of her."

Spoiled Rich just looked away, but Flithy Rich was all smiles.

Diamond Tiara helped Apple Bloom back to the bench where her sister had the first aid kit all ready. Working together, the two ponies got Apple Bloom on the bench, "thanks for the help."

"Hey, it's what friends do, am I right?"

"Right," Apple Bloom nodded.

Slap Shot spoke to her, "you did good out there kid," he smiled, "and you proved me wrong, there is still hope for this game yet."

"Thank you Uncle Slap Shot," she smiled and after removing her skates, gave him a hug. He was stunned at first, but then he hugged her back.

"Diamond Tiara, can we have a word?" Applejack asked. They let go from the hug, and Diamond Tiara walked over, "I have to admit, you were fantastic out there. You've certainly come a long way from the filly who used to bully my sister and her friends."

"Thanks, I try to make up for my mistakes."

"Well you've been doing quite well. So well that I want you to become Captain until Apple Bloom heals."

But Diamond Tiara declined, "Apple Bloom earned her place, and I wouldn't feel right taking the role. I rather remain as assistant, if that's okay. Besides," she added, looking to Apple Bloom, "I'm sure she'll make a full recovery in no time."

"Well alright then, if that's what you want."

"It is what I want, but only if Uncle Slap Shot helps train us too."

Applejack looked to the old pony, "What do you say Sugarcube? Care to join the team?"

"I...I...I'd be honored," he said, once he got over the shock. He raised his hoof and shook Applejack's hoof back.

As the Winter Games progressed, the Ponyville hockey team continued to play like a well oiled machine, before and after Apple Bloom was healed and allowed back onto the ice. Sadly, they didn't win the entire series, the honor went to Fillydelphia, but they did get third place. Still, that didn't bother the young ponies and even after they went back to Ponyville, they continued to play hockey, with Slap Shot teaching them.

"You youngsters learn fast," he smiled as he skated with them.

"We sure do," smiled Diamond Tiara, "and now I know all your old tricks Uncle."

"Do you now?" he smirked. He suddenly skated away from them and jumped off the ice. They raced to the edge to see if he was hurt, and were stunned to see him jump through the air, land on the ice and score a puck through the net. "Ha, not all my tricks rookies!"

Diamond Tiara laughed and she, along with her friends carried on playing their new favorite sport in all of Equestria; hockey.

The End!

Comments ( 1 )

I'll definitely be reading this again in the future.

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