• Published 9th Jul 2023
  • 361 Views, 4 Comments

Following the Dawn - Sunlight star

The Daughter of Princess Twilight Sparkle, warrior princess, Equestrias protector. What if she never became ruler of Equestria? What if she had a daughter who is more more like her mother than she will ever know?

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Chap 2. Hormones and Surprises

Seven months later…

It was a new day in the Crystal Empire and a busy one at that. Tomorrow night would be the opening ceremony of the three-day Crystal Gala. It was quite early, the sun had only just peeked over the surrounding mountains, but there was a very sick pony up before it. Her name is Twilight Sparkle, the youngest of the four princesses. It was indeed a mystery illness, but she had pushed it aside and tried her best to mask it as she'd been extremely busy setting up celebrations for the opening night of the Gala.

She threw up again, this time aiming right and not all over the floor. It was a small, short victory. She wiped her mouth with the wet cloth she had reserved at the sink before slowly walking back to bed where her husband laid. Solar Thunder, whom she'd married seven months prior was fast asleep.

She quietly got back into bed, the sleeping figure beside her stirring.“Everything alright, dear?” he asked as he rolled over to face his wife, eyes half open.

“Yeah, I'm fine, Sol. I just can't sleep,” Twilight replied. “I don't know what's wrong with me.” Solar sat up.

“Would you like me to stay up with you? Give you some company.” he flirted. Twilight laughed.

“No, it's alright love, I'm sure I'll drift off eventually. You can go back to sleep.” Solar looked concerned, but Twilight was a feisty one.

“If you're sure,” he muttered as he fell back asleep.

Twilight laid back down, but could not sleep due to her upset stomach. She stared at the ceiling, contemplating what could be wrong with her. The flu? No, she didn't have a fever. Acid reflux? No, she hadn't eaten or drunk anything recently. She kept going through all of the illnesses she knew that could be related to her symptoms and she couldn't conclude that any of them were the reason she was feeling the way that she was.

The sun had risen above the mountains and it's light began to creep through the curtains, leaving a purple tint on the cold, marble floor. The young alicorn sighed, realising that she would get zero hours of sleep tonight. She looked over enviously at her peaceful spouse, wishing she could be as restful as he.

She got out of bed once the urge to throw up came back. She ran an quickly as her legs would take her to the bathroom, reaching it just in time. She was getting better at timing her trips to the toilet. Once finished she wiped her mouth before looking in the mirror. Yikes! She looked horrible. Her hair was all knotted and the sweat was dripping off her. She sighed and grabbed her hairbrush in an attempt to tame it, but failed miserably.

“I'll just get Rarity to fix it later,” she mumbled to herself. She looked at the clock which read seven thirty. She groaned, not wanting to start the day off even more horribly, she headed to the dining room for her morning meal. As she walked down the long hallways she got many looks from maids and a couple guards, but she didn't concern herself much with them as the only thing she wanted was food. She finally got to her destination, the smell of food enough for her to keep going.

She opened the door and realised her fellow princesses eyes were immediately on her. Luna and Celestia we're sitting opposite each other with Cadance beside Luna. A spare seat was beside Celestia. Twilight smiled and sat down, not letting the attention get to hern. The room was silent.

“Are you alright, Twilight?” Celestia asked while feeling her forehead. She had always been overly weary whenever Twilight was I'll because when she was ill it was extremely bad.

“I didn't sleep very well. I was up most of the night,” she yawned. Cadance poured her a cup of tea which Twilight was thankful for. She brought the cup to her lips and quickly gulped down the warm liquid. She immediately regretted it.

“I'll be back in a moment,” she spoke politely, barely more than a murmur. As soon as she was dismissed she ran as fast as her hooves could take her. The three remaining princesses gave each other looks of concern.

“I hope she's alright. I have never seen her act like that in the many years I've known her,” Luna stated whilst looking through the door Twilight had ran through. Cadance nodded, also looking through the door.

“I haven't either… I am going to see if she is alright,” Celestia remarked. She quickly got up and followed after the sick pony.

She could hear Twilight close by, heading to the nearest bathroom. She found her with her head in the toilet, rushing over to pull her hair back so it was out of the way. The white alicorn rubbed the smaller alicorn's back gently. Once Twilight was finished she looked her mentor in the eye with a slight smile of gratitude.

“Thank you, Celestia. I do not feel good at all,” she moaned. “My head is busting, I cant eat, and my senses are through the roof,” Twilight complained. Celestia brought her close.

“Whatever it is we will fix it, Twilight. You head back to bed and I will get Cadance to give you a checkup,” she paused. “After all, she is the only one who's read all the medical books,” she laughed. Twilight joined her, Celestia smiling at her successful attempt in making her young equal laugh.

“You're right. I'm gonna go lie down. Send Cad in when she's ready.” Twilight said as she left the room. Celestia smiled as she watched her ex-student leave the room. The princess walked back to the dining room where an anxious Cadance and Luna sat, still looking out the door.

"Is everything all right, aunty?” Cadance asked as her and Luna rushed over. Her smile faded when she saw the slight sad face her aunt had.

“Not really, no. I was actually going to ask you, Cadance to give her a checkup. The Gala begins tomorrow night and well, you know what Twilight is like when she doesn't finish things on time,” Celestia sighed.

“Yeah, of course. Where is she?” Cadance queried, happy to help. “Why don't you get the chef to make her some soup for when I'm done looking her over? After all, she hasn't really eaten anything.”

“I'll go make a request,” Luna offered, leaving Celestia and Cadance alone. Neither spoke, Cadance only nodded.

“I'll let you know what I find,” she commented before also leaving the room.

Twilight walked into her room, realising her husband was still fast asleep. “Solar! It’s 8am you’re late for training with Shining!” She walked towards the large bed and pulled the blanket off her sleeping husband who immediately woke up.

“Huh, what time is it?” he groaned, not moving whilst covering his eyes with his pillow. Twilight rolled her eyes.

"Why did I marry a stallion who hates a schedule?” Twilight giggled. “It’s 9am Solar, I just told you.”

That caught his attention. He bounced out of bed, pulling his guard uniform on. He rushed in the bathroom to fix his hair, leaving it as quickly as he entered. He walked over to his wife, kissing her on the forehead causing her to blush. “Darling, why didn't you wake me up?” he huffed playfully.

“Sol, you're the one to blame,” she giggled. “Have a good day, sweetheart,” she called as he ran out the door. For those few minutes she felt as if her sickness had died away. That was, until she got the urge to vomit again. This time, she unfortunately missed her mark.

“Oh goodness, Twilight.” Cadance quickly ran over, helping her up off the floor. “Why don't you get in bed and I'll look you over,” she smiled sympathetically. Twilight merely nodded and got into bed.

Cadance cleaned the floor swiftly with her teal magic before making her way to Twilight. The pink alicorn felt her head. “You're not overheated,” she muttered. She checked her throat. “Your throat is slightly raw, but that's probably from the excessive vomiting,” she commented. “Let me check your heart.” After a moment, her eyes widened. She checked again, just to be sure.

“What is it, Cadance?” Twilight sat up, concerned.

Cadance giggled slightly, “That explains a lot.”

“What explains what?” Twilight asked, fearful for the worst. “And why are you laughing?”

“There's another heart beat... you're pregnant, Twilight,” she said cheerfully. “Congratulations!”

“What? Are you sure?” she asked, puzzled. “Why am I constantly throwing up then?” she asked concerned.

“That's called morning sickness, Twilight. You're telling me you've never read a single book about pregnancy?” Cadance asked.

"Of course I haven't, Cadence! My new duties the past few years have really restricted my studies. I read about stuff I need and I didn't think I would need books about pregnancy. But now, I guess I'm gonna have to take out a few books,” she giggled. Her smile slowly faded. “What happens now?” she asked.

“Well, tell Solar, silly. I think he'll be over the moon, but I wanna know one thing,” she laughed. Twilight gave her a look as to say continue. She smiled and did so. “How did you not expect you could get pregnant, I mean you would obviously have some idea, plus you're the brightest mare around.”

Twilight blushed. “To be honest Caddy, it just slipped my mind. You know I overlook the obvious” she giggled whilst blushing. “Do you know where Solar and Shining are training?”

Cadance put her hoof to her chin. “I believe they're training in the west courtyard. I can easily go grab Solar, if you'd like?”

“Once I stop freaking out, yeah. I just can't believe it.” Twilight spoke anxiously. “I'm over the moon and I want a foal... I've always wanted a foal, but would I be a good mom?” Cadance looked over, semi-worried.

"Of course you would be a good mother, Twilight. I mean, look how good you are with Flurry. There would only be a couple years between them too, they might be close like us,” Cadance suggested. Twilight still looked anxious. Cadance put her hoof around Twilight. “It's going to be alright. If you're worried about telling people Pinkie already had Cheese and everyone was happy for her. How would this little one be any different?” Twilight smiled.

"Thanks Cady, I think I'm ready to tell him,” she got up. “I might go get some food first.” Cadance shook her head.

"No need. Aunt Luna already ordered you soup from the chef. I'll go get it for you.” And with that, Twilight was left in her room alone. She walked towards the window facing the west courtyard. There she see's two small figures, one being grey with frizzy yellow hair, the other being a white stallion, her brother. She smiled. Soon the pair would be a father and uncle. She couldn't think of anypony more fit for the roles.

"You alright, Twilight?” Cadance asked as she walked into the room once again, this time with a tray levitating near her head. On it was a bowl of carrot soup and a daisy sandwich, Twilight's favourites. She continued looking out the window.

"Yeah Cad, I'm great. I'm just observing” she smiled. Cadance walked over, setting the tray on a close by table.

"He'll be excited, Twilight. Who else are you going to tell after you tell him?” Cadance asked, intrigued. She looked round at Cadance, her smile lasting.

“I think Celestia. After all, I've known her practically my whole life. I think I'm going to tell her once I've told Solar, then I'm going to tell my parents and Shining together when my parents arrive tomorrow. Then I'll tell my friends. As far as I'm aware they haven't arrived yet,” Twilight replied.

“I think they're on the train after your parents. They'll arrive first and I believe your friends will arrive around midday.” Cadence responded with her hoof on her chin, looking quite odd as she thought. “I'll leave you to eat. I'll tell Solar you want to see him in around twenty minutes.” With that, she hugged her sister in law and left.

Twilight quickly ate her soup, her mind too pre-occupied with thinking of how to tell Solar he would be a father. Butterflies of excitement filled her stomach. They would be parents, raising a foal together. Soon enough, twenty minutes had passed and Solar knocked on the door.

“Is everything alright, Twi?” he asked as he walked in, looking concerned. “Cadance said you'd like to speak with me?”

“I'm pregnant,” she spoke quickly, as she turned around, a smile on her face. “We're going to be parents.”

A smile immediately came over Solar's face. He rushed over from the door to hug his wife. “Really! I'm going to be a father? Does anyone else know?"

Twilight embraced the stallion back. “Only Cadance, but she knew even before me. She's medically trained so Celestia had her check if I was alright cause the vomiting and feeling unwell. It turns out I'm pregnant.”

Solar laughed. “You really do miss the obvious, sweetheart,” he kissed her on the head. “I can't believe soon we'll have a foal running around,” Solar confessed.

Twilight nodded silently. “It all feels unbelievable. I mean, we wanted a foal, but I wasn't expecting it so soon, love,” she laughed. “I'm going to go on a walk, would you like to join me?”

Author's Note:

Hey guys!

Apologies for taking so long on this chapter, I was on holiday for a week at the start of July then I experienced a large writing block then I have been busy the past week so this chapter been long awaited and I have finally finished it, next chapter will be a big one, probably about five or so thousand words long,

Until next time,

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