• Published 9th Jul 2023
  • 357 Views, 4 Comments

Following the Dawn - Sunlight star

The Daughter of Princess Twilight Sparkle, warrior princess, Equestrias protector. What if she never became ruler of Equestria? What if she had a daughter who is more more like her mother than she will ever know?

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Chap. 1 Happy Ever After

Author's Note:

This takes place almost immediately after season 9- I will scatter flashbacks throughout the chapters so you can get a sense of what Solar was like before and during said series.
enjoy the opening chapter folks!

“Dang I'm nervous,” the grey pegasus with lightning yellow hair spoke. He was nervously muttering to himself, today being the biggest day in his life. Today, he was getting married to the love of his life. The day couldn't have been any more perfect for a wedding. It was late May and the flowers had bloomed, the trees were littered with fresh, emerald green leaves, and the grass was recently cut, each singular shred the same as the last. It was the first royal wedding since Princess Cadance and Shining Armor's.

"Don't worry, Solar. I've known you for years and you are marrying my sister. She loves you so much it's actually cute.” Shining laughed, adjusting his soon-to-be brother-in-laws tie. He was wearing a black tux with a white collared shirt and a yellow tie. Shining on the other hand was wearing his commander uniform along with many shiny, polished medals.

“Thanks, Shine. I never thought I'd get to marry her, her being a princess and everything. I thought she'd have higher standards than to marry a poor pony like me. I've never even worn a tux before,” he blushed. Twilight, in his eyes, was perfect. From her kind personality to her smile that could win over any grouchy noble, to her magenta eyes. He could look at them for all eternity. They were like a galaxy shrunk down to a miniature model.

“Trust me, Solar Thunder,” he held his hooves on his shoulders whilst looking into his eyes reassuringly. “She absolutely adores you. I think you two are more romantic than me and Cad, and she's the princess of love for crying out loud.” Shining admitted, laughing. Solar blushed, not knowing what to say. “I suppose we better be heading to the ceremony. Are you ready?”

“Mhmff” Solar tried speaking, but he could barely muster a word as he had a vibrant yellow marigold in his mouth. He tried to position it correctly in his tuxedo pocket, but it was very difficult. Shining laughed out loud at his efforts.

"Let me help you out there,” Shining gripped the bright marigold in his crimson magic before positioning it in Solar's tux pocket, it stood out beautifly against the darkness of the black. Solar stared at himself in the mirror, clad in an outfit he never would've imagined wearing and marrying the mare he never thought he would in a million years. He had loved her so long he couldn’t believe it was finally going to become a reality. Them together, a couple, it was something that was snatched right out of a fantasy film.

“Thank you, Shining, for everything,” Solar uttered, his face reddening.

“No problem, Solar, you've been my best friend since we were foals. I’d do anything for you and this'll technically make us brothers,” Shining laughed. “I know my sister is in good hands.”

Just down the hall in another room, a special mare was also getting ready for her special day.

"You look absolutely stunning, Twilight,” Cadance commented, a small tear in her eye at watching her sister-in-law grow up. She herself was wearing a simple lilac-blue dress with a yellow trim. Twilight on the other hand was wearing an extravagant white gown. It had small marigolds, her favourite flower, sewn on the trim along with a ten foot trail on the foot of her dress. She also wore her specially made tiara with her regalia. Her hair was styled in light wavy curls. From a distance you wouldn't be able to tell that this beautiful mare was Twilight, the princess known for being shy and constantly having her nose in a book.

“Thanks, Cady. You look just as amazing,” Twilight smiled,

“I need to change then, you’re meant to be the pretty one today,” Cadance joked. Twilight blushed a bright red, brighter than a tomato. Cadance giggled. “I’m only kidding with you, Twilight. You look beyond stunning. I don’t think there’s a good enough word to describe how outstandingly pretty you look.”

"She’s right, Twilight,” a voice said cheerily, walking through the door. It belonged to Princess Celestia herself. She had her special regalia on, consisting of a maroon dress along with her usual neck piece as well as a huge crown placed on her head. She walked over with grace, perfectly balancing the large crown with ease. “Any wedding day jitters? I remember Cadance was nervous,” she giggled, thinking of the memory. Cadence blushed.

"I remember that all too well, the second best day of my life, first was Flurry being born, of course,” Cadance smiled at the pleasant memories. “Are you going to have a foal of your own, Twilight? I think Solar would be an amazing father.”

Twilight's face reddened, “We have talked about it quite a bit. He really wants a foal, particularly a filly and I would enjoy having one running about in the near future,” she responded, smiling happily with her answer.

“I think you would make an excellent mother, Twilight, but let's think about the task at hand. Need any help getting ready?” Celestia retaliated.

Twilight smiled, a light twinkle in her eye, “No, I think I'm ready."

The ceremony hall was packed, ponies and creatures from Equestria and beyond had travelled for the wedding of the century. Word of the wedding of Princess Twilight Sparkle and Sir Solar Thunder, second hand man to the Captain of the Canterlot Royal Guard had spread far and wide. The power couple of the Royal Family, the people of Equestria had grown to love the couple, and no one wanted to miss the day they tied the knot.

The individuals waiting for the wedding to begin were all talking in whispers excitedly when trumpets abruptly blasted, followed by the slow, happy music Twilight had specifically chosen. Everyone immediately stopped speaking and sat forward. Suddenly, large doors were opened and in walked Twilight Sparkle. Everyone in the room was mesmerised, but no one was adoring her as much as Solar. It reminded him of when they had first met.

"Mom! Shining won't let me play with him and his friend!” Young Twilight yelled down the stairs. Solar could hear his friends mom sighing and muttering under her breath whilst walking out of the kitchen.

"Shining! Let your sister play too or you'll be grounded!” she yelled from the bottom of the stairs before strolling back into the kitchen to continue cooking dinner. Twilight walked into Shining's room with a large grin on her face as she winked at Solar.

"Works like a charm,” she giggled. Shining just rolled his eyes,

“Fine Twily, you can play with us, but only because you're my little sister and mom said so,” he murmured the last part under his breath, but Solar heard him anyway and smiled.

"So Twilight, have you ever played Mario kart?” Solar asked, intrigued. She nodded while smiling cheerily.

"Me and my dad play all the time. I usually win, but Shiny always says it's because he doesn't try,” she shook her head. “But I know I'm really good, he's just old,” she chuckled.

"I'm sure you'll do okay, you're not that much younger than us,“ Solar winked, ”I bet I'll win though,” he joked. Twilight smirked.

"If you think so, I'll be waiting at the finish line for you.” She looked over towards the screen, waiting for the game to begin.

The countdown began, then they were off. Shining immediately took the lead, turning the controller with his magic like it was nothing, easily avoiding the obstacles like they were easy homework. He looked over at Twilight and stuck out his tongue, not paying attention to the screen, which did not do him any favours as he fell into the water below the bridge.

"Dang it!” he shouted. Twilight laughed.

"Hah, I told you I was better,” she joked. She too looked away and fell into the river, this gave Solar the advantage which he took. He was just nearing the finish line, the duo at his tail, but it was too late. He crossed the finish line first.

"Yes!” he celebrated, giving Shining and his little sister a look of triumph. His sister wasn't half bad, just a year younger than Solar, but he could tell that she was happy he won, even though she tried to look disappointed.

He flashed back to the present. Twilight looked just as lovely as she did those twenty short years ago. Her friends close behind her were just as proud, as captivated as Solar was, as they too watched her grow up to be the extraordinary mare she was today. She was smart, kind, pretty, and on this particular day, even prettier. She got to the altar where her mentor and fellow princess was standing, ready to officiate the wedding.

"Mares and Gentlecolts, we are gathered here today to celebrate the union of Princess Twilight Sparkle and Sir Solar Thunder. A wonderful couple, the strength of their love for one another is as clear as could be. May I have the rings, please?” she gestured to Spike who was wearing a black jacket followed by a tall, black top hat.
Celestia smiled as Spike handed them to her. “I now pronounce you, mare and stallion.” The room filled with applause, as Twilight and Solar walked onto the balcony a few metres away to wave to the rumbling crowd below.

"I never thought this day would come,” Rarity cried, standing slightly behind Celestia who nodded as well, a tear developing in her eye.

"She's all grown up.” she cried silently, not wanting to draw attention to herself, but she couldn't hold it in. The little filly she once knew was now grown and she felt as if she was no longer needed, almost as if she herself had to grow up and get used to the fact her young student did not need as much guidance as before. She watched from afar as Twilight and Solar waved to the public. It was clear to her that they were the right pairing and they would change the face of Equestria forever.

Soon after came the reception, many ponies and creatures from across Equestria attending. Many would go as far as to say it was the biggest and best wedding to ever happen in Equestria, Princess Cadance and Shining Armor's a close second. Due to the ‘Chrysalis Fiasco’, of course. All the creatures sat down at their designated tables, the new couple sitting at the largest table filled with their closest friends and relatives, all of which were chattering amongst themselves.

“I'm sure the food will be delicious, after all it was made by Applejack and her family.” Twilight spoke joyfully to her mother who was sitting a few seats away. Applejack, who was sitting opposite Twilight, blushed.

"Aw, thanks Twi, anything for a good friend,” she responded. Twilight smiled.

“I have to admit AJ, I wouldn't want to have anyone else make the food for my wedding. Nothing beats Granny Smith's recipes.” It had been a couple years since Granny Smith had passed of old age, but her legacy had been kept alive through her cooking, especially her worldwide-known apple pie. The Apple family had even started a pie business in honour of her.

"You're so right Twilight. Her apple cookies are the best thing I've ever eaten.” Rainbow Dash, who was sat beside Applejack, admitted. Rainbow had tried to learn how to make Granny Smith's award winning cookies, but failed miserably every time so she had to rely on her wife, Applejack, whose speciality had turned into baking ever since she had their colt, Apple Spirit. He was born earlier in the year. Celestia, who was sitting to the left of Twilight, had been listening in on the conversation. She was eager to speak to Twilight, but didn't want to interrupt.

Late in the evening, all guests had left leaving only the royals and the element bearers.

“I think that's the most successful wedding to ever happen, Twily,” a slightly drunk Shining shouted just above a whisper as he yawned. His wife, Cadance, rolled her eyes. She was holding their young daughter who'd recently fallen asleep.

"I think it's time for us to go before Flurry wakes up,” Cadance mentioned politely, “I'll see you all tomorrow at breakfast,” she yawned. Shining sleepily followed behind her. One by one everypony slowly left until Luna, Celestia, Twilight, and Solar were left.

"Since it is just us, shall we move to a smaller room. I have to admit, I am not a fan of giant ballrooms,” Luna admitted. Everyone agreed and so they walked to the smaller dining room where on ordinary days they would have their meals throughout the day.

"This is better. It's more cozy,” Luna sighed, happy with her choice. The four sat at each end of the table, Twilight and Solar on one side and Luna and Celestia in the seats opposite them. With her indigo magic Luna summoned four teacups followed by a mug of tea, a small jug of milk, and a little bowl filled with sugar cubes.

Twilight quickly lifted the teapot in her magenta magic, pouring it into her cup. It was an herbal tea, her favourite. She filled everyone elses cup before pouring a splash of milk into her own.

“Milk anyone?” she offered. Celestia nodded politely. Twilight immediately smiled and splashed a small amount in her cup. She'd been making her old mentor tea for years and had perfected her preferred ratio. She happily set the mug down and sipped her tea. “Ah Luna, you do know my favourite.”

“I take pride in knowing others preferred beverages. I think I have finally nailed down all of your friends along with Solar Thunder's," Luna grinned causing Solar to blush. Celestia smiled.

“So what should we discuss?” she asked. Luna looked menacingly at Solar.

“Well, Solar owes me a game of chess. I think now would be a good time to pay his debt," she smiled ominously. He replied by giving her the stink eye.

“You're on,” he laughed. “I've been practising with Twilight,” he laid his hoof on his wife's thigh and smiled at her.

"He's gotten really good, Luna. I think you're beat,” she smiled, supporting her now husband, whom she had been training in the very competitive sport of chess.

"Twilight, we are talking about the Chess Champion here,” Celestia spoke, fairly terrified.

“And WHO held that title for eight years from the age of twelve?” Twilight smirked. Celestia blushed, thinking of the horrible memories. She'd taught Twilight how to play shortly after she'd gotten her cutie mark and Celestia had feared the game ever since, it was very intimidating when a twelve year old could beat a couple millennials old mare.