• Member Since 3rd Nov, 2019
  • offline last seen 2 hours ago


Lives for platonic Pinkie/Fluttershy fluff. Proud Odd Squad connoisseur for over 9 years running. Master of playing Seven Degrees of Kevin Bacon.


In Odd Squad, unicorn tears hold magical properties. They are able to cure any odd disease known to mankind, and as such, they were often sought out and obtained in bulk by Odd Squad Doctors and Nurses.

Long after the cure has been forgotten, Dr. O, head Doctor of Odd Squad Precinct 13579, decides to bring it back into the medical mainstream. Even if it means resorting to a prohibited method.

An entry for the A Thousand Words Contest II, under the Horror section.

Chapters (1)
Comments ( 10 )

Well that was bizzare

That was certainly not what I was expecting. I'm not saying I didn't like it but certainly not what I was expecting.

just use tear gas...

I always follow Technicolor pony stories, he's so cute Minesweeper

I don't get it some Explain it to me

Or an onion. Requires fewer safety precautions.

Delightful adventure in insanity.

Inside the quarantine chamber in the Lab sits three ponies. Young unicorn fillies, eyes darting around in excitement and confusion.

On the other side of the glass sits three more ponies. Young unicorn mares, eyeing the fillies with panic and fear.

well, that already horrifies and saddens me :(

The screams. Those were always the worst part. For my many years of practicing in the medical field, I had heard many screams. But the screams of ponies from this alternate dimension were different in a way I couldn't place.

noooooo :(

She told me not to play it, not even for the unicorns.

But the vote by those in Precinct 13579's Medical department was unanimous.

when even what conscience remains in this organization is overridden…

I open the quarantine chamber, pry the three fillies free, and march down to the Recycling Room to throw them in the bin designated for unicorns.

well how casually horrific

Tears pool in her eyes as she stares at me.

I grab another container and sit down. Copious amounts of saliva bathe my tongue.

and even more so

extremely upsetting, but all too believable as something a human organization could justify to itself. and even then we see them having to quarantine the evil of this from themselves with specialized roles and euphemisms. i am certainly horrified, so you did a good job here.

Ooh, crossover. Daring. Let’s see how well you manage to introduce another setting in so few words.

Ah. You don’t. I don’t know who the Odd Squad is, why it is, or any other information beyond their decision to use cognitohazards to extract unicorn tears rather than, say, onions. Also that they need to be raided by some combination of the ASPCA, the SCP Foundation, and the Equestrian armed forces. It’s not clear whether unicorns even survive this process, which is on par with slaughtering sheep to get wool. Yes, the demand is extreme. No, that doesn’t excuse extracting a renewable resource in a way that kills sophonts.

There are few things I hate more than needless cruelty, and one of them is stupidly needless cruelty. There’s enough of that in the world as is.


Unfortunately that's one of the many caveats that come with crossing over with a niche IP, even more so when you have only 1000 words to work with. This is more a springboard for a concept than anything else, and I'm hoping to do much more with it in the future that goes beyond 1000 words and is much better in execution (also because my non-crossover idea was too expansive to fit in 1000 words), but rest assured I can understand where the criticism is coming from and I thank you for putting it out there. Will take it into consideration for future stories.

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