• Published 28th May 2023
  • 219 Views, 2 Comments

Dark Road: The Traveling Masquerade - Visharo

There's a tent that travels between the Settlements, it braves the Dark Road to bring joy and happiness to ponies in a dark cruel world.

  • ...

Heavens, is that a body in my front lawn?

The Lady of the Traveling Masquerade, that's what they call her. Feared and adored by all, somewhat similar to Queen Nightmare Moon Rarity surmised, not out loud of course, only a fool of a pony would do that. Heaven knows how many spies she has, hidden amongst the townsfolk. She made her way over to the giant tent that served as her home ever since that excursion to the Crystal Empire.

Rarity was wearing a purple mask with pink gems imbedded as well as a regal purple cloak. The whole color scheme matched well with her coat and mane, she should know, she made them. She swept forwards through the tent flaps, the blinding light forced her to blink and then squint. As her eyes adjusted to the lantern light, her vision was replaced with creatures of all kinds.

Ponies, griffons, dragons, of acceptable sizes of course, yaks, donkeys, and zebras. All of which were anonymous. Nocreature were allowed to use their names under the Tent, that was rule number two. The first rule was that everycreature needed to wear a mask, else it wouldn't be much of a masquerade, would it? Rarity drifted over to the refreshment table, feeling slightly parched. Taking careful care in picking out her drink, she didn't notice somepony slide next to her.

"Lady Rarity." Her response was calm and dignified, eliciting a surprised squeal was something a prim and proper lady would never do. She had a tiny custom made pistol hidden on her pony at all times for those who said otherwise.

"Zinc, how many times have I told you not to do that! You nearly gave me a heart attack." Rarity's horn glowed as her magic poured herself a glass of the finest red wine she could get her hooves on. She took a sip after swirling it around then looked at her masked visitor. This pony, or actually, this zebra was one of her Darlings, an elite espionage squad that Rarity had made to keep order around the Tent. Out of all her Darlings, Zinc was the one she trusted the most, however he has this habit of sneaking up on her, as well as breaking her rules. "Mister Zebra, you broke a rule and made me break a rule as well."

"My sincerest apologies, I did not mean to break your ideologies." The zebra was clothed in rags and riches fit for a tribal leader of Zebrica, his mask was made of jade and silks and pictured a ferocious Longtooth of old, a creature not seen after Queen Nightmare Moon took over the throne. Rarity waited and took another sip and waited patiently. Zinc took a dainty bite of a pastry, then spoke low. "A discovery has been made. A corpse has been displayed."

Nightmare seemed to have blessed the guests at that moment for if any of them had looked at the table, they would be dead before they knew it. Rarity stood up and wiped a hoof over her mouth and glanced apologetically at the ruined clothes. She tried to wipe some of the wine but Zinc waved her away. "Where?" That was all she asked.

"Behind a tree outside of the Tent, but the corpse was found by someone with little to lament."

'Who found the body?"

"A Darling. Singing Starling."

"Then let us see what she has to say." Rarity placed her empty cup on the table and started forwards before pausing. "You need to clean up and if you ever say anything about this incident..." She let the threat hang and the zebra had the gall to laugh. Rarity glared at her second, but he knew her too well, as did she.

"Worry not, Lady Rarity. I will seal my lips of this hilarity." The gall.


Singing Starling, named after an extinct bird, was a most peculiar name, especially since she was an Earth Pony. Her parents were apparently both Loremasters and both had an affinity for the world before Eternal Night. It truly was a miracle they hadn't disappeared because of some freak accident. The mare herself looked very plain, a pale yellow coat with a red mane. Her eyes however, are a stunning pair of shimmering blue that the poor dear keeps on hiding away. Despite her shyness and a constant reminder of a pony Rarity once knew, she was quite the listener and a valuable asset to the Darlings.

Trotting up to a dressed up Earth Pony who looked like Princess Platinum with a newly dressed zebra in tow. The moment Starling saw them approaching, she froze up and stood like a statue. Rarity sighed silently and made a mental note to talk to her after this show.

"Lady Ra...I mean, Miss Unicorn!" She chuckled, her voice tight with pain. A nearby donkey glanced in their direction causing the three to tense up slightly, one more than the others, then he looked away easing them up.

"Miss Earth Pony, how have you been this fine evening?"Her tone said something else and Starling's eyes widened slightly signaling she got the message.

"Ah, yes, so umm, I found her outside..."

"Her?" Rarity interrupted, curious to see who was actually killed. Being at a masquerade made it quite difficult to know who was who. The thought made her smile, this was exactly why she hosted these events.

"Uh, yes, her. Um, I believe she's the Duchess of Tall Tale?" She sounded uncertain. Somedays Rarity wondered why she hired Starling.

"Do you mean Lady Frilly? If so, that is silly." Zinc said, casting a casual glance around the room. No doubt looking for eavesdroppers. Rarity appreciated him for that.

"Yes, that's her! Wait...what do you mean silly?" Starling looked hurt. Rarity decided to back her up, call it an act of generosity if you will.

"Yes, Mister Zebra. On what basis do you say that Lady Frilly's sudden and untimely death here be silly?" She raised her eyebrow. Despite wearing a mask, she knew that Zinc would notice. He was just that type of stallion.

"Why Lady Frilly had an appointment today to go see the doctor. Several of the Darlings stationed at Tall Tale saw her." Rarity coughed. Information of the Darlings' whereabouts are supposed to be secret. Her earlier gratefulness was no replaced with annoyance. She too needed to have a talk with him later. Actually, might as well talk with all the Darlings while she was at it. "Once again, I am apologetic. I hope you are sympathetic."

Rarity waved a hoof before saying, "perhaps we should go see it, to actually confirm, no? Lead the way, Miss Earth Pony."

"Um, yes, right away!" Starling started prancing before catching herself and then tried to limit herself to a slow trot. Ah yes, youth. Perhaps that was why Rarity hired her. The three of them made their way across the carpeted floor of the Tent, dodging and weaving through the many patrons and hidden Darlings. To spare herself and others if Nightmare Moon caught them, she also made the Darlings anonymous. It is quite rare to have a Darling know four other Darlings. All of them, however, know of Rarity and Zinc. It would be quite hard to manage a secret organization anonymously.

Nobody casted a second glance when the three of them slipped past the tent flap, out into the darkness. It took several seconds for their eyes to adjust to the sudden and dramatic light shift. After they recovered, Rarity extended a hoof as if saying continue. Starling took the lead once again and made her way over to a tree, one that looked no different then the others. Just like she said, behind the trunk was a corpse of the one and only Lady Frilly.

"Lady Rarity, I stand corrected. And to think the Darlings were respected. With your permission, I wish to speak with them. Perhaps there will be something to condemn." Zinc, always the professional with his even voice, his posture told a different story. Rarity prided herself on knowing how the body works and how stiff the zebra had gotten said that he was absolutely livid.

"Relax darling, I'm sure there's an explanation. Let us just go back inside and maybe find out who the killer is. At the very least, we must not let any of the guests find this body. Perhaps we move the poor dear?" Zinc merely grunted and heaved the dead mare onto his back before dumping it unceremoniously in a bush a ways away. Rarity smiled her thanks. Then her smile slipped when a thought occurred to her.

"Darling? Why were you out here?" Rarity slipped back into her mannerism now that she was out of the Tent, away from prying ears and snooping eyes. Right now, her eyes were trained on Starling.

"Oh um, you see, I have this slight problem," an awkward chuckle, "yes, uh, a problem with crowds, you see... I had to escape, get outside, fresh air. Then there was this, th...this noise, so I came over and uh, saw her." The earth pony pointed at the bush that now acted as Lady Frilly's burial grounds.

"I see, quite curious." Rarity raised her hoof and stepped forward, thinking to go back to the Tent, but then a voice interrupted her.

"With your permission, may I inspect the remains? Perhaps if I look hard enough, there will be gains."

"Yes, you go do that, darling. If you need me, I'll be socializing inside. Perhaps I could find somecreature with some grievances against the late Lady Frilly. Let's go, Starling. The Tent is calling!" She hummed a little ditty, the lyrics lost to time.


"...surely not, Miss Griffon!" Rarity guffawed with the other nobles that stood around her. The one who made the horrendous joke was a princess of the Guto bloodline in Griffonstone. Her costume was elegantly done, a depiction of a famous griffon Knight. There was also tow donkeys, both lords in whatever land they hailed from. The one on the right ruled over the southern tip whilst the donkey on the left held court in the eastern side. They are mortal enemies, yet they don't even know they're in the same room together. The last creature in this little group was a pegasus, one whom Rarity has no dirt on, thus making her very interesting indeed.

"Oh, but it is true, Miss Unicorn! He took a bite out of the table!" The laughter bubbled up again. Then out in her peripheral, she noticed one of her Darlings was gesturing for a surprise visitor. That made her frown. Surprise visitors were usually bad for business and in the most extreme of cases, something life destroying. Those only happen once a month.

"My apologies, my thirst has taken over. Please excuse me." The other four made no comment nor did they spare a second glance to the retreating unicorn. Rarity quickly made her way to the refreshments table and got herself another glass of red wine. Taking a tentative sip, she casually looked at the tent flap and braced herself for any mysterious visitor.

In all her years of working and maintaining the Traveling Masquerade, what came out of those flaps was not what she expected. The flaps were thrust to the side and out sprang the pinkest thing you'll ever see in your life. Her disbelief grew even more once she noticed there were more creatures behind the pink one. A cyan blue pegasus and a griffon of large qualities, a warrior no doubt.

The moment she saw that vibrant pink, she spat out yet another glass of wine over the carpeted floor. That annoyed her, Saddle Arabian carpets aren't easy to wash. Then her annoyance was immediately forgotten due to the large and fluffy head that appeared right in front of her.

"Hiya Rarity!"

"Yes, greetings Pinkie." The other creatures around her heard and looked. Rarity couldn't blame them, here was three creatures who broke both rules and even called out the Lady of the Traveling Masquerade. Then the whispering began. Awe, fear, anger. It was all commonplace once her identity was revealed. For some reason, nobles always thought that Rarity would not attend the festivities herself, she scoffed inwardly, as if. The gossip produced by those anonymous was the juiciest she had ever gotten.

"Dashie! Gilda! I found her!" Rarity would have facehoofed, but ladies do no such thing. She watched as the two skirmishers, evident by their visible pistols, trotted up to her, looking short of miserable.

"My my, if it isn't the great Rainbow 'Danger' Dash and her sidekick Gilda. What brings you here?" She ignored the threatening growl that came from the griffon and focused on her old friend.

"Rarity." Rainbow tipped her head in greeting then her face soured. "I don't know why we're here, ask Pinkie."

"Pinkie, why are yo..."

"Well Rarity, thank you for asking!" The pink pony was practically vibrating. "There was this commission that Dashie got and brought us to the Everfree ruins, ya know? The one giant castle? We went there one time." Rarity and Pinkie both ignored the dumfounded expressions of the other two. "Yes, I'm sure you remember. Anyways, so we failed to get anything because of the Wraith, well I didn't actually go in, the others went. I stayed behind to get mushrooms, granny Pie showed me this recipe to make GREAT mushroom stew, anyways, they came back and Dashie almost died! It was crazy! The others said that they didn't get anything so the commission was a bust, it happens." She giggled. "So we went back to Canterlot, dropped off the other heroes, they weren't that happy, but they still got paid! I made sure of that, yes ma'am. After that, Dashie and Gilda tried to get away from that, imagine that! But they weren't allowed to leave, you know why? Because I had an itchy back with a scratchy left hoof. That always means I have to visit my best friend, Rarity, but this time my right eye was twitching too! That combination meant I had to bring Rainbow and Gilda with me! I had to drag them you see, Gilda almost threw me off a cliff, luckily I have wings." Once again, the two ignored the other two. Rarity had far too much experience dealing with Pinkie over the years to be surprised anymore, not to mention, it would ruin her whole aesthetic as a powerful Lady. "So the whole journey took several days, Ponyville is kinda far once you put an angry griffon and pegasus in my caravan. Longshadow definitely got angry, took several cupcakes to calm him down! And then by the end of the fifth day, not that it was day mind you, we made it here! My caravan is just right outside near the bush with the dead body. So how was that for an explanation?"

The whispers increased, creatures all started to back away and glanced fearfully between each other. Apparently the words 'dead body' inspired fear, who would've thought. Rarity sighed and ushered the Merchant and the Skirmishers outside of the Tent where they could talk in peace.

"What do you mean you have wings?"


"Do ya want a cupcake, Rarity?"

"Darlings, would you please calm down. Rainbow, it is best you do no question dear Pinkie, Gilda, I only speak of what others say, and yes, I would love a cupcake." She decided to ignore how much sugar the sweet had and promised herself to burn it off in the morning. She waited until everybody sat quiet before speaking. "Pinkie Pie, why did you back itched and your hoof scratched? Surely there must be a reason." The last time Pinkie had visited her Masquerade, it was because there was a dragon on the loose and Rarity had the exact right gem to calm it. That was an experience she would never forget.

"No idea! You don't question the Pinkie Sense!" The earth pony giggled before dashing off to who knows where.

"Oi, Pinks! Come ba...and she's gone." Rainbow sighed and placed a calming hoof on the still seething griffon.

"Rainbow, I'm surprised to see you again."

"Same here Rares, got this fancy tent. They nobles?"

"Of course, I wouldn't settle for anything less." That was a blatant lie.

"What's this about a dead body?" Gilda seemed to have calmed down enough to ask coherent questions. Rarity smiled and she stiffened, her claw dangerously close to her pistol. "And can you take off the damned mask? It's unsettling." She took off the mask, letting her features see open air for the first time in hours.

"Oh, just somepony found a dead body outside of the Tent. We've been trying to find the killer." As fun as it is to reunite with old friends, she was still technically on duty. "Perhaps we could talk more in the morning? When I have more time. Maybe you could even help pack up the Traveling Masquerade."

"I dunno Rares, I want to be in my own bed, maybe be planning for the next job. Pinkie just dragged us out here and you know how hard it is to resist that mare." She nodded, she did know.

"Ah, Lady Rarity, it seems you have made some friends. I have find interesting things on the body, come see, this one recommends." Zinc turned around and walked off into the bushes. Rarity followed the silhouette casted by the light of the lanterns and heard that Rainbow and Gilda were following.

Together, they found themselves in a dark clearing with a dead body in the center, illuminated by a single lantern hanging from a branch. Zinc was already there and unsurprisingly, Pinkie too.

"Come closer and see. This murder is of first degree." As there was nothing else to do, Rarity crouched down and inspected the body. "Here at the head, the bullet made a very small hole. I can only assume the killer had careful control. The clothes are rumpled, suggesting a fight. The late Lady is quite small, requiring not a lot of might."

"Yo, how can you understand this guy?" Gilda interrupted, looking very annoyed. The three ponies looked to her and casted a very pointed look. She looked hurt that even Rainbow was doing it. "Fine! If you're going to be like that, I'll be over there. Any good food?" Rarity nodded. "Great! See you losers later."

"Would you please continue, Zinc." Flashing a smile that could have meant many things.

"Of course. The evidence comes in fourths. The third is the broken hoof, which is considerable news. If this means what I think it means, then the killer has a bruise. Lastly, behind this bush," the zebra trotted over and pulled back the foliage revealing a pile of dirtied clothes. Masquerade clothes to be exact, complete with a broken mask. "are the killer's attire. The lack of holes says the killer is not a flier. They are not bulky nor giant. Good thing, because dragons are quite defiant. In fact, I believe the culprit is of unicorn descent. How could anycreature be of such cruel intent?"

Pinkie grinned in a way that said she knew something, Rainbow just looked confused, and Zinc was curious. Rarity tapped a hoof on her chin. "Perhaps if we knew why she was killed. Maybe Lady Frilly was of 'cruel intent' as well. Let us go back for the time being, maybe we could ask any of the other patrons. It is quite possible she didn't come alone."


Rarity stood on the stage in the center of the Tent adorned with nothing but her natural beauty. The exit was blocked off by Zinc, also without a costume. The guests all have been corralled to the middle by a hyper pink pony, a grumpy griffon, and a still confused pegasus.

There were a lot of hushed whispers, indignant shouts, and confused mutterings. But Rarity stood tall and proud, determined to not let her expression slip. Once everycreature was settled she opened her mouth. "Greetings. It has come to my attention that a pony was murdered and left outside for the monsters of the dark. After inspection, we have found that it was Lady Frilly of Tall Tale." She paused, there was no shriek of terror or gasp of dismay, just the muttering of annoyed nobles and a few angry glares. "If you know anything, do not hesitate to come find me. For the rest, rest assured, we will find the murderer and act accordingly. Now, enjoy the rest of the evening."

The gathered nobles scattered and went back to whatever they were doing, be it gossiping or eating confections. Rarity glanced between all of them, curious of their heartlessness. She did suppose that because of eternal night and the harshness that came with it hardened a soul.

"Well, that was helpful." Gilda muttered, walking up. She was clutching several pastries and hors d'oeuvres in her wings and was pecking at them occasionally.

"Definitely not what I was expecting." Rainbow twirled her pistol around a primary feather, looking bored. Pinkie just hopped around, still grinning. "What now?"

"Now, darling, we do nothing." Rarity hopped off the stage and went to the refreshment table, determined to get another glass of wine. Pinkie followed here. "Pinkie, is there a reason for your continuous glee, because this evening has been tiring."

The grin went wider. "It's okay, Rarity. I completely understand." The earth pony whipped around and hopped away, her curly mane and tail bouncing along.


After a while, Rarity found her friends and forced them into the changing rooms so they would fit in with the vibe. Rarity also changed her outfit, to get her mysterious air back. When she came out of the changing rooms, she looked like the fabled Princess Amore. Nopony knew what happened to her after Queen Nightmare Moon

Pinkie bounced out with a bedazzling smile, her outfit though, was not the one Rarity gave her. She was wearing a yellow present, her hooves outfitted with flippers, balloons were hanging from her tail and were wrapped around her head. She also had huge red glasses. It was a crime against fashion! Rarity opened her mouth to give the earth pony a scolding that would last a lifetime but before she could utter a word, Pinkie bounced away.

Out came a very disgruntled Gilda, dressed up as a famous griffon Merchant named Giles. The problem with this outfit was that it had this outrageously large floppy hat. Rarity smiled apologetically, it was the only griffon costume big enough to fit the Skirmisher. She glared at the unicorn as if daring her to say something before heading back to the refreshment table.

Rarity patiently waited for the next pony. When the curtain opened she squealed only slightly, she had this particular costume for years, waiting for the right moment. Then her happiness died when she saw how despondent her friend was. Rainbow 'Danger' Dash, not excited to be wearing the outfit the greatest Skirmisher, Spitfire, wore? Perhaps her taste changed over the years.

"Rainbow? Is something the matter?"

"Hey Rares, these clothes are awesome, really really awesome. You really outdid yourself." Her voice didn't match her words, nor did her eyes.

"Darling, something is wrong. Tell me." Rarity trotted over and sat down next to the pegasus.

"I know it's been so long since we've seen each other, but have you really changed this much? You're so cold hearted, so calculating. Where's the generous pony I knew?" The genuine concern surprised her. Then without warning, Rarity started crying. She'd been holding it the entire night, but the concern from her friend was enough to send her over the edge. Through hiccups and sobs, the story was told.


Many years ago, at the very beginning of the Traveling Masquerade, Rarity met a pony. She was so unlike the other nobles, it was refreshing. The genuineness that oozed from this pony was enough for Rarity to meet up with her again and again. Their friendship went even as far as business partners. The Traveling Masquerade was split in half between the two. Rarity would do the hooves on stuff, moving the Tent and organizing the refreshments, while the kind noble would spread the news of such a place where nocreature would know each other, everything laid bare yet still veiled.

For a while, it was perfect. The two worked in tandem, having the time of their lives, then one day everything changed.

The two met at their favorite cafe as usual. They sat down, ordered their usual. Rarity was chatting about how the Traveling Masquerade was doing so well, how much dirt they had gathered, how large the Darlings were expanding. Halfway through a story of a noble slipping and crashing into a dragon prince who then fell against a table who in turn smacked a yak. The domino effect fell apart into an all out brawl and it was the most fun Rarity had in a while. It was when she noticed her friend not laughing along did she noticed something was wrong.

"What's wrong?" was the normal question to ask, that's what you should ask. That simple question seemed to hurt her. She visibly flinched when Rarity tried to move her hoof into hers. Her eyes were shifting around, her food untouched, and her mane was dirty. Something was terribly wrong. Before Rarity could get anything out of her friend, she ran away crying.

She had her most trusted Darling at the time, Private Concern, spy on her. It took several weeks and during that time, the Traveling Masquerade didn't travel. It was quite the controversy amongst the nobles. When Private came back, Rarity nearly pounced on her, demanding what was wrong.

Apparently, her husband had been abusing her after he found out about her ties to the Traveling Masquerade. He was an upstart noble, one of pure beliefs and for some reason the Tent and all that it stood for, was heresy. She was subjected to regular beatings and wasn't allowed to go outside.

The whole explanation enraged Rarity to no end and was willing to shut down the Traveling Masquerade to go after the cruel noble herself. But she had to continue it, if not for her, then for her friend. After another month of painful agonizing waiting, she finally found somecreature worthy enough to run it while she was gone. Private was great at spycraft and a brilliant friend, but wasn't too good at doing public things, even behind a Masquerade mask. After placing Zinc in charge, she went to confront him.

The whole thing was a blur and before she realized what was happening, she was galloping at top speeds with her friend slung over her back. There was shouting and gunshots behind her and Rarity just kept on running. She was told that Secret and Zinc found her unconscious outside of the Tent, bleeding heavily from her shoulder, but her friend was safe.

Together they ran the Traveling Masquerade, moving around so frequently that her friend's husband wouldn't be able to find them, and they did this for several years. Then the inevitable happened. The two knew that this day was going to happen, but they weren't expecting to be so unprepared.

He showed up at their venue in Fillydelphia. He nearly got to her, but Rarity spotted him just in time for the Darlings to throw him out. They were on a constant lookout for the rest of the night, but the two were rattled. For the next few months, her friend constantly looked over her shoulder, had the Darlings check every nook and cranny of every settlement they visited, even had a powerful Alchemist brew a potion for every Darling that knew and didn't know of her existence so they would completely forget about her. The paranoia was too much and Rarity eventually confronted her on it.

She broke down mentally and physically and the two cried the night away. The next day, she claimed she wanted death. Rarity refused. Day after day, the same question. "Rarity, would you please do the honors? I'm too scared to do it myself."

Then one fateful day, outside Ponyville, the two friends went outside after a slight scuffle between her and a stallion that had the same color palette as her husband. Rarity finally conceded and one last time, they held each other. They cried until their eyes ran dry and still they cried. Slowly and carefully, Rarity pulled out her pistol and placed the barrel next to her friend's head.

"Farewell Frilly."

Author's Note:

HAHA! The third story in this universe is done. I was surprised how the end ended, I wasn't expecting it to go that route at all. Something my brain came up with I guess, dunno. My writing style sure is bizarre.
Kudos to all who read the last two, you guys are awesome.
Anyhoo, hoped you enjoyed! This took way too long to write.

Comments ( 2 )

It ended with a bang :twilightsmile:
Good read!

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