• Published 18th May 2023
  • 795 Views, 7 Comments

Actions speaker louder than words - Veebee

Sunset has been struggling with her mental health and bad desires lately. Although, strangely enough it was the right call for her to go to that roof that day.

  • ...


Author's Note:

Boo! :rainbowderp: I’m alive! I’m so sorry I’ve been kinda AWOL for awhile, been dealing with life and writers block…:applejackconfused: Buttttttt! I’m here and I’ve got a new awesome chapter for you I hope you enjoy it and hopefully the next one won’t take as long lol :twilightoops:

The file of their friends shuffled in after Rainbow had called out to them a couple of times. Each one of them entered one by one, but to the two gamer’s surprise a certain purple haired nerd had appeared behind Pinkie after the rest of the girls came through. She hesitantly made eye contact with Sunset before darting her eyes back to the floor and cowering a bit behind the pink party girl. The former bully let out a small sigh before gently pulling away from Rainbow Dash’s hold on her. All of the girls had shuffled out of the way as Sunset approached her sheepish friend.

Once coming face to face with Sunset, Twilight felt a wave of panic was over her. “I’m sorry Sunset! I shouldn’t have gotten Vice Principal Luna! I just was so worried you would get hurt, and I-I didn’t want a major fight to break out! I should-” she began to rant before she was cut off by the flame haired woman tightly but gently wrapping her arms around her.

“It’s okay Twi…I know you were just looking after me. It’s okay, I’m not mad,” she reassured her nerdy friend in a whisper. Twilight felt her eyes water a bit before she hugged Sunset back just as securely, sniffling up her tears as she let out a soft and watery chuckle.

“Y-you are really the best Sunset…” She sniffled, pulling back from the hug with a smile. “You all are. Thank you,” she added, turning to each one of the girls with a smile.

“Ah shucks Sugarcube,” Applejack chuckled, putting an arm around the scientist with her own smile. “We’re always there for each other.” The rest of the group nodded in agreement, all of them smiling but Fluttershy. The nature loving girl gently moved in between Rarity and Applejack so she could get to Sunset.

“I-I…I’m sorry…” She apologized in a soft tone, softer than usual. “We shouldn’t have…we all got scared of you. I was scared of you,” she admitted, bringing a hand to her chest.

Sunset couldn’t lie to herself, that hurt. It hurt really badly, what type of person does that? She had no regrets punching the boys. But snapping at her friends, and even scaring them? It felt like she was getting stabbed in the gut. But of course, she wasn’t going to show them that. “Boo,” she giggled, bringing her hands up in a claw-like position.

Fluttershy gave a weak chuckle before she sniffled and tilted her head to the side. “You forgive me?”

“Shy, of course I do. You girls had every right to be intimidated by me. It’s really okay you guys,” the flame haired girl tried to reassure. She put a hand on Fluttershy’s shoulder, squeezing it gently. The rest of the girl’s faces all lit back up again, all except Rainbow who could see past Sunset’s fake smile. “Now come on, let’s practice!” The former unicorn cheered before making her way to her guitar and motioning the others to follow.

It was early in the morning, for once Dash had gotten to school on time. Even earlier, she only did it for Fluttershy though. Helping her hand out flyers for the animal shelter, like every Wednesday and it was nice. It gave the two childhood friends a chance to catch up one-on-one, although today Dash wasn’t exactly feeling as chipper. She had stayed awake most of the night, too many thoughts were running through her head. For once in her life she even thought about what she was going to wear to school today, not because she wanted to impress anybody; that was the opposite of what she wanted. She wore an oversized sage green hoodie with long black leggings that had little lightning bolt patterns on the ankles. A couple of people had approached the blue skinned girl and it took everything in her power to fight back her reflexes of slapping them. With what happened yesterday she was on high alert; not because she was scared of some hormonal teenage boys. Because of course she wasn’t! Not at all. Rainbow Dash doesn’t get scared over some stupid boys. She just was…shaken up a bit…that’s all…that’s all.

“Dashie?” A soft, familiar voice asked before the tomboy felt a hand on her shoulder. Dash flinched back at that, even letting out a light gasp before her gaze met her worried friend’s.

“Heh, sorry…” Rainbow chuckled a bit sheepishly before rubbing the back of her neck.

“It’s okay, you just seem…out of it,” her childhood friend pointed out. “Does this have to do with what happened yesterday at lunch?” She asked, tilting her head to the side as she let go of Dash’s shoulder.

“No,” Rainbow half lied, shaking her head and giving a smile. “I just didn’t get a good night's sleep last night…”

“How come?” Fluttershy asked after handing a flyer to one student walking by.

“….” Dash didn’t really know how to respond to that, she wasn’t AJ but lying wasn’t her favorite. Luckily for her another student came up to them and interrupted the conversation, not so lucky they interrupted it by planting a kiss on the tomboy’s lips. She immediately panicked, pulling herself away from the uncomfortable peck. “What the fuck!” She yelped, scowling at the culprit before it softened a bit.

“S-sorry,” Sorin apologized sheepishly, taking a step away from his girlfriend. Rainbow just averted her gaze from him before turning to Fluttershy and giving her a reassuring smile. She then took a step closer to Sorin before grabbing him by the wrist and dragging him away from the school statue and towards a corner of the building.

“Speak,” she grumbled, letting go of his wrist and bringing her arms to a crossing position.

“Look…I’m sorry I wasn’t able to stop them,” Sorin began to apologize.

To which Rainbow just scoffed in return. “Really? That’s all you have to say?”

“What do you mean? What else do I have to say, I apologized,” her boyfriend countered back, starting to get a bit annoyed.

“Can I ask you a question?”

“Fine, what is it?” The navy blue haired boy asked, crossing his own arms and rolling his eyes.

“Did you tell them off, after what happened? Are you going to stop being friends with them?”

“What kind of a stupid question is that!? You don’t see me asking you to stop being friends with Sunset after what she did!” Sorin countered back, raising his voice and looming over Rainbow. She didn’t take this very well, the tomboy could feel herself cower back as her boyfriend stepped closer.

Her shoulders tensed up as she hung her head down in defeat, knowing he had a good point. “Y-you’re right…I’m sorry,” she murmured softly, turning to walk away. But before she could Sorin wrapped his arms around her, pulling her in close to his chest. Dash couldn’t help it, she cringed. She wanted to pull back but that would have made it more awkward then it already was so she just wrapped her own arms around him, imagining he was somebody else. Someone a bit shorter, with longer hair, soft skin, and teal eyes. Her embraces with Sunset had felt more comfortable and natural as time had passed, with Sorin it felt fake. It was always fake. After a few more moments she finally pushed back from the hug, giving her boyfriend the best smile she could muster. To which he responded by kissing her on the lips, again she cringed.

“I gotta go now babe,” Sorin chuckled after pulling back and pecking her on the nose. “We should both go, don’t wanna be late for class.”

“Heh, yeah…” Dash tried to chuckle back before walking back towards the courtyard, her hand being held by Sorin’s. A sweaty, dry, clammy hand that she had never taken a liking to and she never will.

“Ow!” Dash yelped before she let out a painful groan. “Are you done yet,” she pouted, turning her head over her shoulder before she stopped herself. She had already gotten yelled at five times from moving, she wasn’t about to make it six. Now normally Rainbow Dash, Sunset, and maybe even AJ could be classified as the ‘badasses of their friend group.’ But something that the entire group agreed on: When Rarity is doing a fitting, do not antagonize her.

“Do you want your dress to be done in time for the fall formal or not!” The fashionista huffed back, rolling her eyes before readjust her ruby red work glasses on her nose. She held a piece up to Dash’s side before grabbing a pin and poking it into place.

“Ow!” The tomboy whined again, pouting her bottom lip out as she looked to Rarity with puppy-dog eyes. “It hurrttsss.”

“Damn, who’s getting murdered?” A sarcastic voice commented with a chuckle from the costume room’s doorway.

“Ha, ha, ha,” Rainbow deadpanned, attempting to bring her hand up to flip Sunset off before Rarity held it in place.

“No movement,” their dressmaker friend warned, sending a glare that gave the athlete what could be known as: ‘The heebie-jeebies.’

“I see demon Rarity has come out to play,” Sunset snickered as she stepped into the room, her arms in a crossing position. “What’s with the get up?”

“It’s Rainbow Dash’s dress for the fall formal!” Rarity answered brightly, turning over to the former unicorn with a smile. “It’s still in the early stages but I’m think making it a bit shorter and adding layers,” she explained while stepping back to look at the athlete. Putting her fingers into two L’s, observing the dress in between them.

“So like, when can I go?” Rainbow pouted, her shoulders slumped and her arms hanging at her side.

“Don’t slouch!”

At that demand Dash immediately straightened herself, making Sunset laughed under her breath.

“I’m going to grab some fabric samples I have in my car,” the fashionista announced as she walked over to her purse, rummaging through it. “Sunset, make sure she doesn’t move?”

“On it boss,” the flame haired girl saluted as Dash groaned.

“Thank you,” Rarity sung out before grabbing her keys and skipping out the room.

Sunset turned to her sporty friend with a smirk, that classic smirk she always wore.

“Oh I hate you.”

She laughed in response. “I assume this isn’t your ideal way to spend a study hall?”

“She practically dragged me out of my seat!”

“You know how she gets,” Sunset rolled her eyes, she started to walk around the room a bit. Observing the organized mess her fashionable friend made; dress sketches, safety pins, measuring tapes and more scattered across the sewing desk.

“Yeah, I know. But like you said, I’d much rather be doing other things.”

“Like what?” She asked as she hopped onto the desk, her legs dangling as she faced Rainbow on the stand. “I know not homework.”

“Har, har,” Rainbow crossed her arms and stuck a tounge out. “You’re so funny.”

“I know I am,” Sunset flicked her hair behind her back with a giggle. “No, seriously. What’s up? I know dressing up isn’t your favorite, but you always like looking good.”

“Not if I don’t feel good…” the sporty teen said under her breath, so softly it almost sounded like Fluttershy.

“Come again?”

“Nothing…” Rainbow brushed off her friend’s concerns. “It’s nothing,” she turned away from her, facing the giant mirror behind her instead.

But Sunset wasn’t one to just let things slide, she slid off the table and made her way to the stand. Stepping up right next to her friend and looking into the mirror with her. She didn’t say anything, she didn’t need to either; she just simply smiled at Dash through the mirror.

To which, the rainbow haired girl couldn’t help but do it back; Sunset’s smile was just too contagious at this point. “I…” she sighed, the smile disappearing and the frown returning. “I don’t know what it is.”

“What, what is?” Sunset asked curiously with a head tilt, she placed a hand on Dash’s shoulder and gently spun her around to face her.

Rainbow flinched a bit at the sudden contact but relaxed after she remembered it was only Sunset. “I dunno, I’ve never been one for ‘girly stuff.’”

“Well yeah, we all know your style is more tomboyish. Rarity knows that and will take that into account.”

“But…it’s, it’s like I don’t want a dress at all. Does that make sense?” Dash asked a bit tentatively, she started to unconsciously fidget with her fingers. Intertwining them and pulling at each finger on her left hand with her right one.

Sunset gave a soft and reassuring smile, she placed her hands on Rainbow’s, she tilted her head down so that way she could meet her eyes. “It makes perfect sense.”

Her athletic friend smiled back, leaning her head over so that way her forehead touched Sunset’s. She hummed softly at the contact, closing her eyes and enjoying this soft, tender touch. “W-wait…” she popped one eye open after another.


“Wh-what will I wear then?”

“I mean…it’s your choice obviously. But I imagine a suit of some kind?” She shrugged, her forehead still brushing slightly against Rainbow’s. Whose eyes just sparkled at that suggestion, letting out a giggle that was just music to the flame haired girl’s ears.

“B-but what will the girls say?” The tomboy stuttered a bit, she averted her eyes away from Sunset’s. “What will Sorin say…?”

Sunset just deadpanned, letting out a scoff and crossing her arms. “Fuck Sorin.”

“Wh-Sunset!” Dash shoved her with a laugh.

“You heard me! Fuck your boyfriend, he sucks ass!” She sang out and shoved her friend back. Dash let out more snorts at that, the smile returning yet again, a smile that only seemed to show up when Sunset was around. “I’m serious, wear what you feel most comfortable and confident in,” she cupped her chin gently. “You’re the most confident and fearless person I know. Don’t let anyone tell you otherwise.”

If only you knew… Rainbow thought to herself with a sigh before she nodded. “Thanks Sunny,
you’re well…you’re the best.”

“No you.”

“Nah, that’s you.”

“You,” Sunset poked Rainbow’s nose.

Dash let out an almost offended scoff before she matched Sunset, poking her nose. “You.”






“Sunny god dammit let me win!”

“You’re not the only competitive one here,” Sunset snarked back, lightly shoving into Dash.

She laughed and shoved Sunset back before sighing. “Fine, you win.”

“Oh finally she admits it,” the former unicorn snarked.

“I swear sometimes you’re just something else.”

Sunset put a hand on her chest with a fake offense gasp. “Wooowww. I see how it is.”

“It’s a compliment, dumbass,” Rainbow Dash stuck out her tongue.

“You’re the dumbass,” Sunset flicked her friend’s forehead. The athlete let out a wince followed by a grumble but smiled, and Sunset smiled back. That seemed to be something they’d do a lot lately, smiling and staring into each other’s eyes. “I uh-” the former bully was the first one to snap out of it, stepping off the platform. “I should head back to class, bell’s gonna ring soon,” she pointed her thumb to the door.

“Y-yeah!” Rainbow stuttered a bit nervously, looking towards the clock and then to the door. “Yeah…”

“So uhm…you’ll tell Rare what you told me?” Sunset asked gently, trying to reassure her friend.


“Okay…see you after school?” The flame haired girl asked, both genuinely with a bit of concern.

“Yeah…” Dash nodded, a warm smile still present on her face. “But…just to enjoy the view today.”

Sunset nodded, glad that today wasn’t a bad day. Or at least not anymore, and how she helped to change that. “Catch you later Dash,” she waved, turning towards the exit of the costume room.

“Bye,” her friend waved back. Once Sunset was gone she turned back to the mirror, gazing upon herself for a moment or two before she flashed a cocky smirk and wink to herself.

Comments ( 2 )
Comment posted by KingLunes deleted Sep 17th, 2023

I loved this chapter. Hope you’re doing well with the next one and I can’t wait to read it. I can’t wait for Sunset and Rainbow to finally admit their feelings for each other. Anyways, I’m Phoenix Flame and I hope you have an amazing day! ❤️

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