• Published 18th May 2023
  • 777 Views, 7 Comments

Actions speaker louder than words - Veebee

Sunset has been struggling with her mental health and bad desires lately. Although, strangely enough it was the right call for her to go to that roof that day.

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Author's Note:

So…basically the whole point of this story is to convert everyone to Sundash shippers because I love them so much. This type of story has been in the back of my head for awhile now and I hope to improve my writing skills as time goes on. Shoutout and dedicated to my bestie, best friend forever KingLunes, and yeah that’s it. So please enjoy :raritystarry:

“Wow…I guess Rainbow Dash wasn’t lying when she said you were a uhm ‘She-Demon,’” Twilight sparkle said, putting her hands up in quotations as she was trying to lighten the mood. Sunset Shimmer could see what she was trying to do. Although she did appreciate her new friend’s efforts to cheer her up she still couldn’t help but wince at the thought of the last fall formal. The two girls sat there in silence for a bit, the nerd fidgeting with her glasses and hair before she cleared her throat ready to speak before she was interrupted.

“Look…it’s going to be hard, hard to move on from that. I still really…really struggle with my past mistakes to this day,” Sunset sighed out. A voice in the back of her head telling her to maybe let Twilight in, it’s gotten worse lately…a lot worse. Yet she just saved the school from Twilight- or rather Midnight. Still, this girl is still a stranger, she may look like the princess but she wasn’t her.

Twilight gave Sunset a look of concern before she gave a soft and reassuring smile. “I’m glad,” she said simply. The flame haired woman short circuited for a minute, looking up to the desk across from her where the bookworm was sitting.

“Come again?”

“I’m glad. Glad that I have someone like you, to help me through this. I-I still have so many questions about you and all the magic. But…” she started to say before standing up from her desk and putting a hand on her new friend’s shoulder. “I think I’ll be okay. And I think you will as well.”

I’m not so sure about that…Sunset said to herself on the inside but on the outside she gave the best fake smile she could give. “Thank you, and I’m glad too Twi.”

The nerd smiled back before she let out a tiny yelp, being startled by the sudden text from both her and Sunset’s phones. The former bully couldn’t help but chuckle a bit at both Twilight’s yelp and the annoyed glare she gave her before they both pulled out their messages to see who texted the group chat.

Egohead: Hey nerds, so I kinda got into a spat with my folks and they said they want me home ASAP so I don’t think I’ll make it to band practice today.

Pinkie: Awe!!!! But Dashiieeeee!

AJ: Wait so then what’s the plan now? Wasn’t Twilight supposed to like ‘audition’ for us today?

Sunset turned over to Twilight who just looked back at her and just shrugged. It’s almost been a month since the friendship games and Twilight had been watching their band practice for awhile before yesterday when she finally asked if she could join and sing. Of course all the girls were more than happy for her to join but they still needed to make sure she could sing.

Twilight(not princess): I mean there isn’t really a big rush there’s always tomorrow.

Three dots then appeared with Rainbow’s icon next to them before they disappeared for a good couple minutes. Causing all of the girls in the group confusion as they all messaged again to bring the athlete back online.

Rarity: Rainbow darling?

Flutters: Dashie? Where did you go?


A couple more texts popped up from each other the girls before Sunset finally texted a: “Dash?”

Egohead: Yeah, sorry…Was talking to a teacher. And to answer your question: Sunny can just do it. She is the second best vocalist in the group. After me of course.

Both Twilight and Sunset Shimmer rolled their eyes at the tomboy’s response before letting out a small chuckle.

Sunset: I mean I guess I could? But maybe it’s still best until we wait tomorrow.

AJ: I concur.

Pinkie: OOOO Fun! Also does anyine have a copy of the history homework I didnt get it today.

Rarity: Pinkie, please use correct grammar.

Egohead: Shut up, not everyone is all fancy schmancy like you Rare. Also I don’t think I’ll be at band practice tomorrow btw.

Sunset: Uhm, okay? Why not?

Egohead: I want to hit the gym, haven’t gone in a hot minute.

For some reason that felt like a lie, the flame haired girl was ready to type a protest before Fluttershy chimed in again.

Flutters: Well should we just skip practice all together today then? I have been meaning to spend more time at the shelter anyways.

AJ: Works for me. Guess I’ll see y’all tomorrow.

Pinkie: BOOOOO! But okay.

Sunset just shrugged, not really wanting to argue with her friend’s decisions. If band practice was canceled that just meant she had more time to…maybe that’s a bad thing. She loved band practice and it would always give her an escape from that mindset, but whatever.

“Well I guess that’s that then,” Twilight shrugged before the school bell rang out, releasing them from their study hall. Sunset gave a little smile before she packed her supplies away: her macbook, pencil case, a couple of notebooks and her math binder.

“I guess I’ll just see you tomorrow then?” She asked as the two began to walk out of the classroom.

“You don’t want to hang out or something? I mean, I do have work to do but it’s a little strange not going to band practice after school,” Twilight explained, as they exited the room.

The former unicorn nodded, giving a reassuring smile so her friend wouldn’t feel bad. “I know what you mean, but I have some stuff to do…ya know? Like stuff that’s better to do solo?” She said softly, trying not to offend the glasses wearing girl.

“No I get it, I guess that’s that then,” Twilight shrugged once they approached the school doors. “You coming?” She asked, after turning her head over as she was confused as to why Sunset wasn’t following.

“Yeah, I just have to ask one of my teachers a quick question. I’ll see you tomorrow Twi,” Sunset tried to reassure, pointing her thumb down the opposite direction. She wasn’t always the best at lying but she knew how to hide her emotions and Twilight wasn’t someone who knew her well enough yet to see her masking.

“Oh alright then,” the scientist shrugged before waving the amber girl off with a smile and exiting through the front doors. Sunset sighed out once Twilight was out of view and turned over to the girls bathroom, hiding in one of the stalls as she played a mobile game on her phone. She stood in there for what felt like hours but it had only been about 20 minutes when a text from her hotheaded friend popped up on her screen. She couldn’t help but smile a bit as she opened the message, expecting an insult or a snarky comment about how awesome she was but instead it caught her off guard for a second.

Egohead: Hey, uh Sunset? Do you want to take my role as band leader?

Sunset short-circuited for a minute, blinking hard and waiting for a second message from Dash saying that it was just a joke. But after ten minutes of staring, another message finally popped up.

Egohead: Sunny?

Sunset: I uh…I’m sorry?

Egohead: Do you. Want to be. Band leader?

Again the flame haired girl was shocked, music was Rainbow’s passion, her calling in life. It’s what she loved and she loved being the quote, unquote: “leader.”

Sunset: Are…are you okay Rainbow?

Egohead: What do you mean?

Sunset: Did something happen? You just basically said you want to quit the band! The band you started!


Sunset: Well that’s what it looks like to me!

Egohead: Look…I just think I need to devote my time into sports and soccer more. That’s all. I still love the band and such, I just don’t think I can devote time into it as much anymore…ya know?

Sunset’s finger’s floated above her keyboard as she read and reread her rainbow haired friend’s message. Something didn't feel right, but she didn’t want to antagonize her friend more. With a deep sigh she finally typed a response.

Sunset: Of course. If it helps get some stress and such off you, ofc I will :)

Egohead: Thanks Sunset! You’re the best!

Sunset: No, that's you.

Egohead: I will not argue with that!

The flame haired girl let out a small snicker at that before she checked the time again and saw that it had been an hour since school got out. She was in the clear, with a deep sigh she lifted her bag and exited out of the bathroom down towards the hallway. She finally got to the hall she was targeting, the hall full of things like: the teacher’s lounge, janitor’s closets and the flights of stairs leading to the rooftop. With another deep sigh she took out a bobby pin from her hair and picked the lock, opening the door. She couldn’t help but shiver a bit as her eyes welled up, but she persisted and entered the stairwell, clicking the door behind her. She walked up the steps tentatively, staring down at each gray brick as her foot lifted her up them. Something wasn’t sitting right with her, sure she had gone up here many times before but she always came down. But today something felt off, it felt like she wouldn’t be going down them, that message she sent Dash was probably the last one she would have ever sent. Before she knew it Sunset had bumped her head against the door that opened to the terrace, letting out a little grumble as she rubbed her head she grabbed the door handle aggressively. Again, she felt that same feeling, it was so strange and so…scary at the same time. But she stopped her debat and tried to trust herself and hoped her depressing thoughts wouldn’t win today. She took another shaky breath before opening the door to the rooftop and sighing out as she couldn’t help but form a smile at the warm breeze. It was so calming, sure she was a bit biased, but sunset had always been her favorite time of day. The birds chirping as they turn in for the evening, the perfect view of the sun in the horizon, the sky lighting up with beautiful warm colors, the warmth of said sun and the coolness of the breeze. Nothing was more calming than a sunset in October. Unfortunately the flame haired woman’s relaxation was cut off when she saw that she wasn’t alone, someone was here already. About to do what she had fought to do almost every day, the person had a black hoodie and long sweat pants on. Sunset couldn’t see who it was but she did know that no one deserved to die…except maybe Sunset herself.

Without another moment she launched herself to the person. “Hey! Wait!” She called out, grabbing onto their torso and pulling them onto the ground, collapsing into her just in time. Sunset let out a sigh of relief, catching her breath before she loosened her grip on the person, which she could now tell was a girl, given the size of her chest. “H-hey are you okay?” She asked softly, pulling back further to make eye contact with the girl. But once she did her whole world shattered, her heart stopped as her eyes widened at the familiar pair of magenta orabs.

“…hey,” Rainbow Dash squeaked out softly, her voice cracking a bit as she tried her best to sniff back her tears.