• Published 18th May 2023
  • 795 Views, 7 Comments

Actions speaker louder than words - Veebee

Sunset has been struggling with her mental health and bad desires lately. Although, strangely enough it was the right call for her to go to that roof that day.

  • ...

Touch her again, you’re dead

Author's Note:

So, this chapter took longer than it was supposed to. So I am very sorry about that, and just a fair warning to those who are sensitive this chapter does include mentions of Dash getting hit on. Like without consent and such, again not detailed or anything but just a fair warning. Also Sunset kinda goes apeshit in this chapter as well lol. Again Sorindash shippers please don’t kill me lmao. The next chapter is probably also going to be delayed for a bit so I apologize in advance. Enjoy the chapter :pinkiesmile:

Two weeks into this endeavor and it still hadn’t dawned on both girls that the other knew their suicidal thoughts. It became a normal routine…as if this was something that was just another task to do on a day-to-day basis. The girls all go to band practice after school, they work on songs and write new ones together and perfect older ones. Once it becomes 4:30 all the girls leave and Sunset and Dash stay to work on their guitar duet. They practice till 5:00 and then leave the music room, somedays Sunset would be the one to turn down the hall to the rooftop, sometimes Dash, sometimes both. They never had to say anything to each other if one wanted to go up the other would follow to make sure she came back down. The two gamers would sit together on the edge of the roof, their feet dangling down as they look out into the distance. Sometimes there would be tears, sometimes there would be hugs and embraces, lots of times it was just the two of them, sitting there doing nothing. Absolutely nothing at all but watching the sunset.

“Pinkie Pie!” Applejack shouted out, brushing off the big glob of mashed potatoes off her face. Her cousin just let out a sheepish and nervous chuckle as she slumped down in her seat, the only thing poking out now were her two sky blue eyes and her big poofy magenta tuft of hair. The five girls all let out loud laughs at that, as Fluttershy grabbed her napkin and leaned over the table to clean the farmer’s face off though she was letting out small giggles under her breath. “Th-thanks Sugarcube…” the farmer said, lowering her volume back to her normal tone before she glared at Sunset who was still snickering but her smug and knowing grin was clear.

“No problem Applejack,” Fluttershy replied genuinely, whipping one last piece of gravy off the farmer’s nose before sitting back in her chair. AJ had stared blankly at Fluttershy for a couple of moments, internally appreciating her well kept long locks of pink hair. Only Rarity had ever had the pleasure of brushing her fingers through that soft hair, to braid or put it up in a ponytail at a sleepover. That thought made the farmer somewhat jealous of her fashionable friend, she wanted to touch it to, she wanted to play with it and untangle it with her fingers. Applejack’s cheeks went a small touch of red as she realized she was staring for a bit before she shook her head back and forth and turned her gaze back to her food, but the image of her shy friend was still on her mind. Almost all the girls knew about AJ’s feelings towards Fluttershy except her and the farmer herself; she didn’t know what it was like to have a crush. Lucky for her all of the girls kept their teasing to a minimum except for the obvious one: Rainbow Dash. She was the one in the know, she was Fluttershy’s best friend and the one who Applejack would ask multiple questions to, about Fluttershy’s likes and dislikes, would she go out with a girl, and if AJ should go for it? Regardless of how many times the tomboy would tease her though, she would always reassure her and say to go for it even if the father wasn't ready yet, she would be there to lend a hand when the day would come.

“So anyway,” Rarity cleared her throat out, to catch the attention of all her friends. “Sunset, I was wondering if I could ask a quick question?” She asked, turning over to the former unicorn beside her.

“Hm? What is it Rare?” Sunset asked, tilting her head as she lifted a big, plumped red apple off from her plate and chomped into it. The fashionista tried her hardest not to cringe or make a face of disgust at the fruit’s juice sprinkling out in an “unladylike” manner. She couldn’t help but scoff a bit as she readjusted her light blue blouse and indigo mini skirt, whipping the juice Sunset had gotten on them with her handkerchief.

“Darling I insist that you please be careful, these handkerchiefs are silk you know,” she sighed out before facepalming.

“Then just use a napkin like the rest of us,” Applejack snorted out, elbowing her cousin who was also giggling a bit.

“Sorry Rarity…” Sunset apologized sheepishly though she did let out a small snicker.

“It’s quite alright dear,” Rarity reassured her otherworldly friend before clearing her throat yet again. “Now back to my querary.” Sunset just whipped her face off with her napkin as she nodded and gave her full attention to the fashionista. “So as you all know it is the fall season and well…I was wondering if you wouldn’t mind modeling some outfits from my new fall line?”

“M-me?” Sunset asked, a little shocked and a little flustered before she shook her head and smiled. “Yes, I would love to.”

“That is amazing, thank you Sunset!” Rarity exclaimed, a bright smile on her face. “I promise you’ll look absolutely fabulous, your complexion works very well with warm and fall based colors.”

Sunset smiled and nodded at that, seeing where her friend was coming from. She didn’t really mind, she was excited about this anyway, her favorite season was fall and she got to wear cute clothes and help out her friend? It was a win-win situation. The girls continued to talk and laugh back and forth together, Pinkie Pie kept stealing her cousin’s hat as Fluttershy kept giving it back to her. Whilst Twilight read a history book though she would get shoved to the side by the shy girl on accident every now and again.

“What are you reading Twi?” Fluttershy asked, peaking her eyes over the nerd’s shoulder.

Twilight gave a nervous and soft chuckle, scooting the book closer to infront of Fluttershy’s face before answering. “It’s a novel about a young woman who did extraordinary things.”

“Like what?” Her nature loving friend asked, tilting her head and looking at the book curiously.

“Lots of things actually,” Twilight began, chuckling and feeling chipper that someone was taking an interest in what she likes. “She graduated high school at only age seventeen, she helped organize so many peace protests for things like lgbt rights, women's rights, education for all children. Not to mention she also graduated college at twenty one! She got married at twenty six, is now pregnant with a child and still she volunteered at multiple local orphanages and-” she continued to rant before she was cut off by a loud slamming of a tray on the girl’s table followed by a grumbling girl who slumped down in a chair next to Fluttershy. She shoved her food away, adjusting some of her loose articles of clothing and pulling her hoodie’s strings to cover her face.

“Uhm…Dashie?” She asked softly, reaching her hand to pull the tomboy’s hood off that was covering most of her face. Rainbow tried to shake her off but it was too late and all the girls made eye contact with her red, puffy and misty eyes. Everyone’s expressions turned to concern as most of them were confused to see their normally fearless friend like this.

“Dash, what happened?” Applejack asked, reaching out to touch her friend’s hand comfortingly before Rainbow slid her hands under the table and turned away.

“Not talking about it,” she grumbled back, her voice cracking a bit as she turned her head away from all her friends.

“D-don’t you sit with Sorin on Thursday’s?” Twilight asked a bit tentatively, feeling like it wasn’t exactly her place but her curiosity got the better of her.

“So!?” Rainbow snapped, whipping her head back to make eye contact with Twilight who had cowered a bit at the sudden yell. “…I’m sorry Twi…” she apologized quickly before her eyes let out a couple of leaky tears again as she tried to whip them away aggressively. Sunset’s protective defenses immediately hit her, as she pushed her chair back from the table and walked over to her sporty friend, crouching down next to her and placing her hands on Dash’s.

“Please…tell us what happened?” She pleaded softly, looking up into her friend’s magenta pupils and giving her a very empathetic and reassuring look. Rainbow let out a small gasp followed by a small whimper before shutting her eyes tightly and then sighing as they reopened and she nodded softly. Everyone at the table set aside all distractions as they gave their full attention to their hurt friend, Sunset squeezing her hands tightly to calm and reassure her.

“Really dude? I still can’t get over how you scored such a hot chick!” Cloud Chaser laughed out as he and the rest of the athletic guys shoved against each other and roughhoused.

“I still say Rainbows is in love with me. She just doesn’t know how to react to all of this,” Zephyr pouted before giving a smug look on his face as she brushed his fingers through his hair. All the guys just let out a loud groans before Sorin facepalmed.

“Rainbow isn’t some ‘hot chick’ that I dig. She is my girlfriend who I would appreciate you guys stop trying to hit on or make jokes about us,” he grumbled out as he shoved Cloud Chaser’s arm off his shoulders. All the guys just laughed out at that as they all took turns punching and ruffling Sorin’s hair. He couldn’t help but laugh at that as he playfully punched them back, chuckling.

“Okay, okay. We get it, we’ll back off,” Thunder Lane surrendered, lifting his hands up as he slumped back into his chair.

“Maybe,” Cloud Chaser added, chuckling again. “But just so you know when she dumps your ass I’m swooping in and taking her.” All the guys except Sorin laughed out at that before it was cut off by a loud bang on the edge of the table. Everyone at the table immediately trembled when they met the pair of furious cyan eyes that used to dominate all of the school.

“S-sunset, h-hey. Uhm, can we help you?” Sorin asked a little tentatively, swallowing as he smiled sheepishly.

“Actually, yeah,” the flame haired girl chuckled out in her fake sweetened voice. Clenching her hands around the edge of the table as she dug her fingers into the wood, trying her hardest not to punch the guys right then and there. Calm down Sunset, calm down. She repeated to herself before taking a deep breath and turning to glare right at Cloud Chaser and Open Skies. “Do I even need to say anything or will you allow me to punch you now,” she growled deeply, putting her arms into a crossing position. All the rest of the boys turned to the two in question, giving confused glances and tilting their heads. Sunset’s glare sent shivers down both boy’s spines as they even shook a bit.

“I-I have no idea what you are talk-” Open Skies started but was cut off by Sunset shouting.

“You won’t fess up!? Fine, then I will!” She huffed, slamming her fist on the table, clattering all the utensils. She then turned to Sorin, her dark glare still clear on her face. “Your little friends here, basically assaulted Dash!” She explained, still not being able to keep her anger down as she turned back to the two cowering athletes. “She said she was going to meet up with you after gym outside the lockers like usual but was stopped by these two. She said they started to flirt with her and grabbing her by the wrist and saying…gross things to her!”

“I-Is this true?” Sorin asked, as he turned to his friends.

“Oh come on, she’s being dramatic,” Cloud Chaser rolled his eyes as he sent his own glare to Sunset. “She had it coming, she’s hot and our friend’s girlfriend. So I see nothing wrong here. Also your girlfriend wears boxers Sorin,” he laughed out, playfully punching Open Skies who was way more weary about Sunset’s glare towards them.

That comment made the former unicorn snap, her glare hardening as she made her way over to Cloud Chaser and shoved him off his seat.
“You dickhead!”

The light blue haired boy grumbled out, he couldn’t deny that Sunset was definitely strong and could give him a good beating. But that didn’t stop him from saying his next words. “Damn, what the hell dude!” As he stood up from the ground he collapsed on, getting all up in Sunset’s face. “You’re being so dramatic, so what if we crossed a line? We won't do it again!”

“Well apparently to her you’ve said similar things to her before, and today was just the breaking point!” The amber girl clapped back, shouting so loud that some silvia escaped from her mouth.

“So what? Any girl here can be taken down, even you. It was her fault for playing hard to get!” Open Skies finally spoke out, also getting up from his seat. Sunset was at her breaking point, trying her hardest not to retort back to her old ways of punching her way through. As she clenched her eyes shut and grit her teeth she was finally able to reach back to a calm level, that was fairly short-lived though.

“So go be the perfect angel you are, we all know you won’t fight. You’ve come way too far from your old bullying ways. So go back to your table, and tell Rainbow Dash to get breast implants with how flat she is.” Cloud Chaser laughed out before he was cut off by a large hard orange fist pounding him on his temple.

All of the guy’s eyes winded as their friend fell hard on the tiled floor, coughing out drops of red liquid as he was shaking in fear from Sunset towering over him. She reared her arm, ready to throw another one before she felt her arm being pulled back, she quickly shot her head to the side to see who dared to stop her.

“H-hey Sunset, there’s no need to get so worked up,” Zephyr tried to reassure nervously, using all his strength to hold her back.

The former unicorn just grinned maliciously as she let out a dark chuckle. “You’re lucky you’re Fluttershy’s brother or I would have beaten you up a long, long time ago for harassing Dash. You have no right to stop me with how many times she has repeatedly told you to stop flirting with her!” She growled out, shoving Zephyr off of her, almost knocking him down as well. “Now back off or you’ll be next,” she warned, snarling her teeth a bit as her old bully senses kicked back in. Zephyr immediately backed away, crashing into the back of one light green pillar. Sunset sent a little thankful smile before she turned back to Open Skies and glared at him before landing a punch on him, knocking him to the ground next to Cloud Chaser. At this point the entire cafeteria was silent as they watched the show-down.

“You psycho!” Cloud Chaser yelled out, rushing up from the ground and punching Sunset in the gut. She had whimpered out a bit at that as she held onto her stomach, wincing out before snarling again.

“Oh you’ll regret that, you creep!” She retorted back, launching herself towards the light blue haired boy but she was held back by strong orange arms.

“Sunset, stop it,” Applejack demanded, her voice low as she gripped onto her friend tightly.

“No! They hurt Dash! I’ll make them bleed, bleed until they pass out!” Sunset screeched out, trying to pull away from the farmer’s hold. She’s already hurting enough.

Her words shook almost the entire school to their core, people knew she was protective over her friends but this was different. She wasn’t acting like the Sunset Shimmer that saved them at the friendship games, she was acting like the Sunset who was voted biggest meanie freshman year. “Let me go! They’ll pay! I-Urgh, AJ!” She yelled out, kicking her legs and flaring her arms in the air.

“Sunset Shimmer!” A deep voice asked, causing the entire cafeteria to turn back to their food and act as if nothing had happened. The flame haired girl let out a small whine as the cowgirl finally released her and they both turned to meet their vice principal’s dark glare with a sheepish Twilight next to her, adjusting her glasses nervously. Sunset was ready to shout at Twilight for she clearly was the one who brought the vice principal here but she was cut off by the blue woman. “My office, now!” She demanded in a deep voice, turning her way to exit the cafeteria not even bothering to see if she would follow. Sunset just grumbled, shoving past AJ and sending a glare to Twilight as she walked by her, trailing behind Luna.

She turned her head to look towards Sorin before speaking. “You're lucky to have someone as amazing as Dash here, I insist you treat her better before you see the old me again,” she said in a deep tone before flipping him off and turning to Cloud Chaser and Open Skies one last time. “Touch her again and you’re dead, like actually dead!” Before slamming the door behind her and Luna, echoing it through the cafeteria.

Rainbow Dash was in the corner of the room, her back leaning against a piano leg. She was fiddling with her guitar strings, playing a couple of notes that echoed throughout the silent music room. All of the rest of the girls were also holding their instruments in utter silence, Pinkie at the drum kit tapping her foot on the floor a bit. Rarity and Fluttershy were back to back sitting on the steps whilst AJ was leaning against the wall. Everyone kept taking glances over towards the flame haired girl who was sitting next to Dash, aggressively writing in her journal. Their nerdy friend hadn't shown up yet and it was already 30 minutes into rehearsal and they were all getting concerned as each of them would send a text to her every few minutes. It was unbearably awkward, everybody was thinking the exact same thing. But nobody had the guts to say it, so they all continued to sit in silence except for the small strungs coming from the athlete and her guitar.

“So…are we goin’ adress the elephant in the room,” Applejack finally spoke up after another 30 minutes had passed. There was no response from anybody as they all turned to look straight at Sunset, waiting for her to speak up.

“What!?” She grumbled out, shutting her journal and setting it in her lap as she crossed her arms.

“Uhm…lunch,” Fluttershy whispered out, cowering a bit behind Rarity.

“What of it!?”

“Sunny…” Rainbow whispered out, gently placing a hand on her other worldly friend’s shoulder. “Can you please tell us what happened back there?” She asked softly, a pleading look in her scarlet eyes.

The look and the touch she gave her snapped Sunset out of her anger. Her once rageful expression faded as she let out a sigh and hung her head down. “I honestly don’t know,” she started, taking Dash’s hand off her shoulder and holding it in both of her’s. “I just…really, really don’t like it when you get hurt.” Rainbow let out a light gasp as she turned her body over to meet Sunset’s eyes better, she couldn’t help but give a soft smile at her friend’s care for her. “I don’t like it when any of you are hurt,” Sunset emphasized, turning her head to look at the other girls with a solemn look.

All the girls had smiled at this before each one made their way to the pino and crouched down next to the two gamers. Rarity was the first one to speak. “Darling…you know we love you as our friend. And I think I speak for all of us when I say we appreciate how protective you can be. However…”

“You shouldn’t go overboard like that,” Fluttershy finished for her, her voice very sheepish and fearful though. She wouldn’t admit it aloud but when she saw Sunset raging in the cafeteria she was reminded of who her flame haired friend used to be.

She didn’t need to say it though for Sunset to know exactly what she was thinking, it was so very clear in her facial expression and body language. “Why? You guys scared that I’m going to go back to being a bitch! You guys scared I’m going to become a demon again and terrorize you!” She snapped, trying her best to loom over her friends before Rainbow pulled her back to the ground.

“Sunset, enough!” The former unicorn couldn’t help but cower at her sporty friend’s yell, feelings of guilt, regret, and self-loathing started to fill her mind. “Please, just stop,” Rainbow emphasized again, facepalming with a sigh.

“Y-you…I-I’m sorry,” Sunset apologized quickly, her voice cracking as she scooted a good amount of distance from Rainbow Dash. Feeling unworthy of even being near her, she did mess up. She shouldn’t have used her hands, she was better than that. But she couldn’t help it…all the comments they made about her friend and how Sorin barely did anything to help Rainbow. He just sat there and didn’t go to her to comfort her, and apparently this has been going on for a long time? The flame haired girl couldn’t help but feel as if she wanted to slap Sorin for his ignorance and for being a terrible boyfriend, but she also didn’t want to hurt Dash in any way. That was the last thing she wanted, that’s what got her in this situation in the first place.

“Hey guys?” Rainbow began as she turned to all of the girls, who looked back with confusion. “Can you give us a sec?” She asked gently, waving her arm back and forth in the space between her and Sunset. All of their friends stared at Sunset with solemn and fearful looks before AJ silently whispered her reassurances in all of their ears and began to lead them out of the music room. She was the last to go and sent a small side smile to Rainbow followed by a nod, the former gave her own smile and nod back before the door latched shut. “Spill,” the tomboy demanded, reaching her hand over to Sunset’s chin and turning it to face her.

Sunset just lightly shoved her sporty friend’s hand away from her as she grumbled out under her breath. She averted her gaze away from Dash and back towards the ground, subconsciously counting each little title that lined against one another.

Rainbow let out a small whine as she pouted out her bottom lip, trying to get a reaction out of her painter friend. Well it worked, Sunset did move her gaze up to face Dash. It was brief, but just enough to satisfy the athlete to push further. “Come on Sunny,” she persisted in a sing-song voice, scooting right over to Sunset, even shoving a bit into her.

“Don’t ‘Sunny’ me,” the flame haired girl grumbled back, trying to shove the athlete away but it was pointless. Rainbow was stronger than her and she was too tired to fight back.

“Okay…so Shimmy,” Dash began again with a snort, scooting in a bit closer.

Sunset let out a groan, rolling her eyes but she couldn’t keep the giggle that came. “I seriously can’t with you.”

Rainbow just let out a holler and a snort at that comment before playfully punching Sunset. Who just turned to her with a deadpan before punching back with a giggle. “See…” Dash reaches her hand over to Sunset’s chin, lifting her head up a bit. “There’s that smile.”

Sunset couldn’t help but let out another giggle before it disappeared back into a frown. The athlete matching her expression as her hand left Sunset’s face and was placed in between the two. She tilted her head to the right, asking the former to explain. “It’s just…” Sunset began before sighing and burying her face in her hands. “The things they said about you…are they true?” She asked, her voice cracking a bit at that last sentence as she gave a look of sorrow and concern for her sporty friend. “They, they…they said that you wore boxers or something…I don’t know, do they touch you!?”

Rainbow fell silent at these questions, she turned to face the floor as she brought her knees to her chest, even rocking back and forth a bit. “That’s a hard question to answer…” She finally decided to go with, her tone more softer than usual and very reflective of her childhood friend’s voice.

“How the fuck is that hard to answer?!” Sunset snapped, huffing a bit towards the sporty teen. She felt bad and didn’t want to make her friend feel any more uncomfortable than she already was; but she also was getting impatient and was very worried for her wellbeing. “…Dashie? Do they touch you?” She asked again, her voice more softer than before, her eyes even watering a bit as she was terrified for the response.

The tomboy rocked herself back and forth again, a little faster then before as she also was shaking slightly. She took a deep breath before touching her forehead to her knees and answering. “They never have seen me topless…or pantless or anything like that…” Though that wasn’t necessarily true, she knew that they had eyed her up last time she went to the beach with her friends. She remembered the feeling she felt that day, she could feel their eyes on her body and that hurt. It hurt a lot whenever these guys would come up to her. She was Rainbow motherfucking Dash! And yet still…a part of her couldn’t deny the tremble she felt in their presence.

“L-look I-I…” the former unicorn begun, taking Dash’s hands in her own and forcing her to make eye contact. “I know that…w-when we go…like when we go up there,” she continued, looking straight into her friend’s scarlet eyes as she motioned her head upwards to give emphasis. “I know we don’t talk about why…why we are there but…but are they the reason?” She couldn’t help but ask, a tear finally escaping and dripping down her cheek.

“…I mean…no?” Rainbow mumbled out after around ten minutes of silent tension. “It’s complicated…I-I… you should know this,” she pointed out. Causing Sunset to tilt her head in confusion, giving her a look to elaborate. “Well I-I just mean…not one singular thing or person can cause someone to go spiraling, at least for me…” The tomboy tried to explain, stumbling her way through her explanation. “To answer…no not really.”

Sunset nodded softly before she began to think about Rainbow Dash’s words. She has multiple things that cause her dread or anxiety? That thought made yet another frown form on her face as she continued to stare at the floor before she met a pair of magenta orabs.

“Thank you by the way…” Rainbow began with a slight chuckle as she pulled away once she caught the former unicorn’s attention. “Thank you for teaching those dicks a lesson.”

Sunset couldn’t stop the smile that creeped onto her face as she let out a little giggle before leaning her head on Rainbow’s shoulder. “I’ll kick anyone’s ass who messes with my friend Rainbow Dash!”

“Oh fuck yeah you will!” Dash laughed out as she pulled the amber girl into a side hug before shouting out. “You girls can come back in now!”