• Published 3rd Jan 2012
  • 4,924 Views, 22 Comments

Screwball - Psyga315

A pony who once reveled in chaos now must adjust to life in Ponyville and try to find a purpose.

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I could tell that I was gone for a while, as I saw the sun set on my way back. I’ve decided to rest for the night not far off from Ponyville. As laid down, the turtle cuddled itself next to me.

“Don’t worry… I’ll find your owner…” I whispered to it as I drifted off to sleep.


When morning came, I woke up and continued my way to the town. This time, I felt a little better than I was yesterday. I began to think of the things I would do once I got back. Definitely apologizing to Caramel would be on the top of my list. I soon arrived at Ponyville. I tried to look for Caramel’s house when I saw Rarity, wearing a fancy pink cape. She noticed me and I prepared for her to overreact… but she didn’t.

“Ah, Screwball. I heard you ran off, and… You mind if we discuss things over at my place, I want to make a few adjustments to my cape.” Rarity said. She then trotted to her house as I followed her, unsure where she was going with this.


We entered her house as her horn glowed blue. Soon two teacups began to float towards her.

“Care for some tea?” She asked me. I shook my head. She then put away one of the teacups then brought forth a kettle and a teabag. “I… I want to apologize for my reaction on Nightmare Night. It’s just that… Well… There were some bad memories that I wanted to suppress.” She said.

“Memories of Discord, I presume?” I asked.

“…Yes. Most of them involved Tom. I… I was manipulated to be greedy, hoarding Tom and carrying him on my back. I… I didn’t expect him to become a pony. I didn’t even think it was possible...” She said, looking at her cup as her lips parted.

“Well… It happened. You hurt his feelings when you rejected him.” I said to her.

“I know that. I apologized to him a couple of days ago… when he saved a dear friend of mine.” She said. I instantly recalled what Tom said about the Pegasus. “I shouldn’t feel all that bad about his decision… He’s happy where he is…” She said, finishing off her tea. “Come, let’s continue this upstairs. I have to see what this ” She said as she walked away to the upstairs part of the boutique.


“So, what brings you back here so soon?” Rarity asked me.

“I’ve decided that, even if I lack a purpose, I will make my own.” I said. Something caught the corner of my eye, but I tried to focus on Rarity, who was busy looking at my dress.

“Well, that’s good. Now, do you think my cape should have a few more ruffles?” She asked me. Despite my lack of care for her cape, I decided to say something about it to her. However, before I spoke up, a hand smashed through the window and tried to grab at Rarity. I pushed her away then backed off before the hand could grab me. The arm swatted at me furiously, and the boutique shook. I got knocked aside. When I got up, the hand took Rarity and pulled her out of the room.


I ran downstairs to get out of the boutique, but as I did, I came across the dressing room. Whatever that thing was, it caused the several closets to be shaken open. I then noticed something in one of the closets. Something… purple. I opened the door all the way and saw a costume. It was mostly purple except for the mask, cape, and boots, which were a dark blue. There was also a hat by the costume. I remembered a time where a pony in this costume popped around and saved several ponies… Then I remembered a moment that I had hid away during my despair. A moment that I shouldn’t have forgotten. It was during the time I was friends with Berry Punch…


Caramel and I were taking a stroll by a cliff, enjoying the sights and such. Caramel then tripped and fell off. Acting fast, I held Caramel’s hooves with my own hooves. However, I couldn’t hold on and soon, my hooves slipped. I saw Caramel plunge down and feared the worst.

“Caramel!” I screamed out as I tried to look for him. I turned around in panic and saw a cyan Pegasus dropping off Caramel, who was trembling.

“Th-th-thank you…” He stuttered.

“No problem, I was just at the right time and place is all.” The Pegasus said. I looked at her mane. There wasn’t just one color, but multiple colors, almost like a rainbow. Soon the Pegasus opened up her wings. “Well, I aughta continue my skyswimming.” She said as she flew off. I barely had time to ask who she was…


I looked at the costume again. Suddenly, something appeared into my head: an idea. I looked outside a nearby window to see a monster roaming across the town. I smirked. I knew what my purpose is.


Sirens began to howl as several ponies ran off in different directions across the town, away from the rampaging monster. One yellow-coated pony galloped towards a small music hall, fearing the worst for one of his friends.


Octavia and some of the other musician ponies were hiding underneath the tables, waiting for the shaking to stop. Soon they hear the doors opening. Octavia was one of the first to get up to see who just entered.

“Caramel! What are you doing?” Octavia asked him.

“We don’t have time! We have to get out!” Caramel said. Suddenly, the roof came off. The ponies looked up and saw a giant purple dragon looking over them. The dragon then placed his hand right into the hall, searching and feeling with his hands. Suddenly, he felt a slight twang. He raised his hand and saw a pony, ready to attack. The pony was in a purple costume and wore a similarly coloured hat, mask, and cape. The dragon growled as the pony glared at the dragon. The dragon then swatted its claw at the masked pony but the pony ran towards the exit. The dragon disregarded the music hall and instead focused on the pony. Caramel blinked and then looked back to Octavia.

“What in the world just happened?” Octavia muttered.


The caped mare rushed through the town as the dragon chased her. Soon, a group of three pegasi, each in blue and yellow uniforms, flew to the dragon. The dragon tried to swat them away, retreating to a mountain. The mare exhaled as she hurried away to a more secluded place, knowing that the disaster is in the hands of someone else. When she got to a secluded enough space, she took off her mask, revealing a familiar discoloured face, who smiled for the first time in a while.


A few days passed since the dragon attack. It had mysteriously vanished. Caramel strolled through the town, putting his head down as he headed to Sugarcube Corner. As he entered, a familiar perky pony greeted him.

“Hiya, Caramel! What can I get for you today?” Pinkie Pie asked as she bounced to him. Caramel sighed.

“The usual…” Caramel said. He then went over to a table and rested his head on it.

“You don’t feel so good… What happened?” Pinkie Pie asked.

“It’s Screwball… She’s ran away from Ponyville… I… I feel like I’m to blame for it.” Caramel said.

“Don’t beat yourself up, Caramel, maybe she’s just out for a stroll.” Pinkie Pie said.

“No. She stormed out on me… I want to apologize to her… maybe start over…” Caramel said. Soon, a gray-coated yellow-mane Pegasus crashed through the doors. She got up soon after as if it was noting.

“Ah Uh Cahrahmeh?” The pony said, having an envelope in her mouth.

“Derpy, you silly! You got the letter stuck in your mouth again.” Pinkie giggled.

“Oh!” The pony said as she dropped the letter. “Are you Caramel?” She said.

“Yeah. Why do you ask?” Caramel asked.

“I brought you a letter!” Derpy said.

“Joy.” Caramel said, grabbing the envelope and tearing it with his mouth. Pinkie had lured away Derpy to give her some muffins while Caramel read the letter.

Dear Caramel,

I’m sorry for running away, but I just want to let you know that I’m okay.


Screwball, with the turtle on her back and a duffle bag in her mouth, approached a bush-like house. She dropped the bag and knocked on the door. The door opened and a light yellow-coated pony opened the door.

“Oh, there’s the turtle! I was so worried!” She said as she rushed to Screwball and held her with her hooves.

“Yeah… I asked around and they said you’re good with animals?” Screwball asked.

“Yes. I am. But…” The pony hesitated.

“What’s wrong?” Screwball asked.

“The turtle was trying out to be someone’s pet… and… I want to fulfill the turtle’s dream. Can… can you keep him as a pet?” She asked.

“… I guess…” Screwball said.

“Great! Thank you so much!” She said, hugging Screwball again before she closed the door.

“Well, looks like we’re going to go on an adventure.” Screwball said as she picked up her duffle bag and headed off.


I’ve found my purpose, but it’s not in Ponyville. I’m going to somewhere else. I’m not sure where, though. I’ll send you another letter when I found a place to settle. Please don’t be upset at the fact that I never got to say goodbye in person, but I didn’t have time to find you during the attack.

Hoping you will visit me one day,


Atop of a tall purple building was the purple-clad mare, her cape flapping in the wind as a turtle was by her side. She soon picked up the turtle and looked at the city. Smirking underneath the mask, the Mare-Do-Well leaped down into it.


The End

Comments ( 4 )

That's awesome!:raritystarry: I really liked it! Maybe you might consider writing a sequel? I would totally read it!

No. Tom is that rock that Rarity had in the second season premiere.


I was hoping Screwball would resurrect Discord. Would make a good story, but there's only five stories that involve screwball. :applecry:

i give this story a solid 7 out of 10

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