• Published 21st Mar 2023
  • 328 Views, 51 Comments

A great Society - Anonymous15

Equestria's society changed, it's culture, values, and etc changed.

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Chapter 2

Then the three ponies go home as the sun exits the sky and waves goodbye, Princess Luna then said, "Oh sister, please... take some rest... you work so hard today!"

She then yawn and said, "You're right.. today was rough.."

Princess Luna then asked, "Why do you work so hard.. the ponies are strong and can take care of themselves.. when we adopted this ideology.. we promised that we will stay out of ponies lives and let them solve their problems and many other things?"

Princess Celestia replied calmly, "Luna.. I am the princess.. OF EQUESTRIA, a big kingdom... I rule this place, I am just doing my best as the ruler.. of Equestria.."

Princess Luna rolled her eyes, upset by the answer that Princess Celestia gave out. She appreciates the hard work that her older sister does as the ruler of Equestria but she thinks that she works too hard so hard that she, in the past was even staying up late till 3:00am just to do royal and work stuff for the kingdom of Equestria. She replied, "Relax, you are doing fine you can relax if everything wasn't well the ponies would be protesting and trying to overthrow you, overtime is terrible.. it is just companies forcing you to work more hours than you and the business agreed on and just demanding more work than the one that was completed during the work hours.. the only protest that happen was at 3:00pm and some ponies were just mad at the college tax.. not at you!"

Princess Celestia gave a defeated sigh, stared at her with a tired smile, and said, "Yeah, okay sister.. I- I'll rest!" She then hung her head down as she enters her bedroom and went to sleep, a smile was visible on her face. Princess Luna said, "I had a nice beauty sleep... time to get to work.. maybe.. if I have no work left.. I can eat some ice-cream!" she says as her mouth was watering of the thought of eating the tasty, and frozen treat.

She then closed her eye and her horn started to glow blue, the giant, white ball which is the moon raises up into the sky. The moon reached the top of the sky. Then Luna said, "Okay, the hard part was done.. time for the fun part... going into other ponies dreams.."

Scootaloo stretches as she is getting ready for school. She then said, "Oh boy, today was amazing.. years ago, I would have been so stress and it would take me until 3:00am to finish all my homework.. but now.. there is NO homework!"

Scootaloo quickly glances at the glass of hot, steamy milk that was sitting on her lamp-desk. She grabs it and chugs it down slowly and carefully. She then places the glass down and puts it back on the lamp-desk. She then lays on the bed and grabs her thick, purple blanket. She then dragged it to where she was laying and doze to sleep. A warm smile can be seen on her face.

Pinkie Pie has a serious, and sweating look on her face. She then mumbles, "Careful, careful... almost there.."

Mr. Cake slams the door open and yells in a cheerful tone, "Pinkie, it is 8:00pm... time to go home! you can stop working!"

He then opens his eyes and sees Pinkie on a thin, wooden ladder trying to place a single red, juicy, and cheap strawberry on top of a eight-layer cake for the wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Cake! He said, "Pinkie... are you okay?" which he said in a concerned and worried tone.

Pinkie Pie was sweating profusely, Pinkie Pie said, "No... I want to put this strawberry on top of this cake but this cake is so freaking tall! and this ladder is very unstable!"

Mr. Cake yelled in an angry tone, "Get down there, the ladder is dangerous and can cause you to fall and hurt yourself.. Here let me take care of this!"

Pinkie got down from the ladder with a strawberry on her hooves. She then said, "How can we solve this problem?"

Mr. Cake said, "Climb on my shoulders, then I will stand on my hind legs which could be tall enough to reach the top of that cake.. then you place the strawberry, then you go home... there is no overtime! that is illegal!"

Pinkie Pie nodded her head and climb on Mr. Cake's shoulders. he muttered, "Okay.. 3..2...1!"

He then stand on his hind legs while groaning and sweating. Pinkie Pie gently threw the red strawberry onto the cake which landed perfecting between the two figurines of Mr. and Mrs. Cake. She yelled, "Yay, we did it!"

Mr. Cake stop standing on his two hind legs and now stand in four of his hooves. He said, "You know that they say Pinkie, teamwork is the best work!"

Pinkie Pie said, "Just.. like how when I worked together with my friends... we manage to defeat those meanies like Discord, and Nightmare Moon!"

Mr. Cake nodded his head. Pinkie Pie said, "Good Bye" and went upstairs and went to sleep, resting her head on the comfortable, white pillow that was holding her head.

It was morning, the sun was rising and the moon was stepping down. Scootaloo got up and said, "Good morning!"

She then went to the bathroom, brush her teeth, and ran to school.

After an hour, every filly and colt has arrived to school. Mrs. Cheerlie said, "Colleges acceptance rates are 50% to make it fair for everypony... and it's free, so if decide to go to college next year.. you don't have much to worry about!"

Every student in the room cheered.

Mrs. Cheerlie said, "There are several colleges and school for y'all... like the famous.. School of Friendship!"

In a hospital, there was a young mare who was giving birth. She was yelling in pain, trying to push the foal out of her body. After a sheer two minutes, the mare manages to get the foal out and starts sweating. sweat starts racing down her head.

The doctor said, "Congrats, you have gave birth to a wonderful, beautiful, and healthy filly. Now don't worry you have health insurance and healthcare is free so don't worry about spending more than what you have for your delivery."

The mare was sitting on a huge, queen sized, and amazing bed, a stallion, holds the healthy filly. He says, "She looks so amazing!"

The doctor smiled and asked, "What are you going to name her?"

The stallion said, "Maybe... um... Jelly.."

The Doctor write down the name of the filly on the birth certificate. THe doctor said, "Hey before you and the filly go.. it is required by law that that the babies gets vaccinated for several diseases..."

Derpy asked in a confused tone, "Oh, why?"

The doctor sighed, rolled his eyes and said, "So that later they do not get diseases like.. chicken pox, small pox, and many other diseases.. trust me... I had chicken pox and it was NOT fun!"

Derpy distraught said, "Okay!"

After a series of vaccinations, the vaccinations were finished, the doctor dismissed them and they were able to go home.

Then there was a pony, Frost Breeze who was standing behind a stand. She yelled, "Free Icecream!"

Derpy said, "Ooh, Ice-cream... I was hungry after all that.."

They go up to the stand and buy icecream, one vanilla and one hazelnut.

Comments ( 5 )

Mr. Cake slams the door open and yells in a cheerful tone, "Pinkie, it is 8:00pm... time to go home! you can stop working!"

Presumably the 40 hour work week is not a concept in Equestria.

Just be glad they don't have 95-hour work weeks like I do :pinkiesad2:

Oh, I'm so sorry to hear that:pinkiesad2:

Why are people attacking the author and their beliefs in the comments? Honestly, I’m all for criticizing a story, (to a degree seeing as this is fanfiction, and therefore they are free to write whatever the hell they want regardless if you find it “good” or not) but to randomly attack the author because…they mentioned God in their notes is just…What?! :rainbowlaugh:

We get it, you’re an atheist and God and spirituality is so fUcKiNg StUpId, but go to your own page and bitch and moan about religion, not this person’s comment section of their fairly innocent little story. Nobody gives a fuck, so the fedora tipping and the “checkmate, christians!” is just cringe, and that’s coming from someone who does not identify themselves with any organized religion.

One last thing; unless otherwise stated, it’s crazy to treat every story you come across on this site like it’s a professionally published novel. Most people are only here to write for fun and connect to a community, but when they get hounded with comments about how “shitty” their story is because they imagined a world where everything is equal, (regardless of how realistic that may or may not be) it really discourages people from picking up a pen and writing just for the sake of it.

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