• Published 8th Mar 2023
  • 134 Views, 0 Comments

A cursed legacy - Hypnotwist

Princess Luna has been struggling to live with the guilt and memories of the chaos and heartache she had caused while she was the Nightmare. But is it normal guilt or is something else messing with her head?

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An enlightening conversation

I had brought Erebos to the dining hall and we were seated across from one another. No doubt one of the guards would wake my sister up and alert her of the presence of a 'demon', I had told it so and it seemed to be unbothered by my warning. "So. First off I believe you owe me an explanation as to why you tormented me for over a year."

"You would be correct, I do owe you an explanation and an apology." It said calmly and I feel it's non-existent eyes bore into me. "Firstly mother, I apologize for being a parasite in the deepest reaches of your mind, but I had needed to feed off the suffering of a goddess in order for me to become corporeal."

I look at it expectantly, waiting for it to continue speaking. "Go on."

"I, as you know, am Erebos. Son of Chaos and Caligine, brother of Aether, Dies, and Nox . By Nox I am the father of Amor, Dolus, Metus, Labor, Invidentia, Fatum, Senectus, Mors, Tenebrae, Miseria, Querella, Gratia, Fraus, Pertinacia, the Parcae, the Hesperides and the Somnia. I am one of the first six in existence and for billions of years I have been powerless, I am the darkness in this world and I require immense suffering to take on a corporeal form.
For many a millennium I have watched hopelessly as the world grew and empires rose and fell, the wars that have been fought have never been enough to satisfy me, I always fell slightly short of what I required.
Until you returned from the moon. Your guilt was so palpable, I couldn't let you heal until I have taken on a mortal form, so I occasionally told you that your life was worth absolutely nothing. I had to keep you feeling worthless, but I promise you mother, you will hear no such cruel words from me anymore."

I can tell my mouth is open in shock as I struggle to process his words, so many thoughts are racing through my mind at the moment.
But the most prominent one is the question asking why does he call me his mother when I have not birthed him?

"I am not your mother Erebos, why do you call me such?"

"My mother is the one who has given me life, you are the most recent entity to have given me the strength and energy I had needed to take on a corporeal form once more, so therefore you are my mother and will be until I am gone from the realm of the living."

I hum and slowly nod, I'm unable to decide my feelings on the matter, on one hoof he does not appear to have any sinister intentions, but on the other hoof he himself has admitted that he is the darkness in the world and I'm unsure if he will turn on me in the near future. "Very well, what do you plan to do now that you have returned to the mortal world?"

"This sounds incredibly simple and rather.. Strange considering who I am and how far I have gone to return, but I simply want to live my life among the ponies again."

"You.. Made me suffer greatly for nearly a year because you just wanted to return to live?" I can't hide my annoyance at the revelation, I suffered so much for his stupidly simple whim.

He visibly recoils and his ears are pinned back, I figure he regrets telling me the truth because now I am rather angry. "Yes.. I apologize, but if there were any other way I would have come back I would've done it that way, you must believe me."

I sigh and glance down at the table. "Very well. You're likely very much correct that there was no other way, and letting me know what was going on would have ended in disaster for you as I without a doubt would've told my sister."

"I truly am sorry for what I have done, mother."

"It's.. I'll be fine, in the end you revealed yourself to me just in time to prevent me from taking my life. You say you have once walked among the ponies, correct?"


"Are you able to change your appearance to look like a regular equine?"

"It takes an unreasonable amount of energy for me to do so, but yes I indeed can."

"Did you once have a form that looked like a normal, everyday pony?"

"Long ago, yes."

My gaze shifts up to him, I pray I'm not making an immeasurable mistake by offering to help him change his appearance to blend in more. "Would you like my help changing your appearance to fit in more with the commoners?"

He tilts his head slightly and takes a breath to answer, but before he can I hear the door open and I see my sister rush in. "Luna! I hea-"

Her eyes land on Erebos and she narrows her eyes, she cautiously makes her way over to me and sits down on the chair beside me. "What is that thing doing here? What even is it?"

"Sister, he's.. My son."

"Your what?"

I look at him and he nods at me, he knows that he would be found out about eventually and I guess he was planning for when he did eventually have a chat with my sibling. "He was formed because of my misery."


"I am Erebos, one of the first six in existence, and your sister has given me life once more." He says and cocks his head to the side, trying to appear as harmless as he could.

Celestia looks at me and I meet her gaze, I really didn't have the energy to fight with her about him and I genuinely hoped she would be appeased by his answer to her unasked question. "It is true, Tia."

She sighs and puts a forehoof to her temple, I see her gently rubbing in circles, a clear indication of her confusion or frustration. "I.. I don't know what to think, how can he just.. Manifest?"

My breath hitches, I know I shouldn't tell her the truth right now. It would end in disaster if I did. "He is a primordial god, sister, you know about grandfather's tales about them and how their actions seemingly have no motive.."

I see her slump where she is sitting, she sighs and I get the impression she has given up and is letting it go for the time being. "Alright my nephew, I have many questions to ask you at a later date."

"Of course, auntie."

She gets up and her eyes never leave Erebos's form until she reaches the door and that's because she had to turn around to leave the room.

"Good night Tia. Sweet dreams."

"Good night Lulu, if he bothers you please don't hesitate to come get me."

"I will not harm nor bother my mother, you needn't worry aunt.."

She says nothing else and exits the room, leaving me and the ancient god alone in the room together. "To answer your previous question, yes, I would greatly appreciate you aiding me in taking on the form of a normal stallion."

I nod, but I decide to help him in achieving a fully mortal body tomorrow because as of now I am barely keeping myself conscious and attempting any major spell will not end well for me or him. "Okay, I will have to assist you tomorrow, for now I need to rest."

"I understand, I have seen numerous spells end in tragedy due to somepony being too exhausted to cast properly."

I get up from my seat and he does the same. "You may rest in my room for now, I doubt ponies will react well if they see you roaming the palace."

He nods. "Of course mother. I understand."

He doesn't get an answer as I walk towards the exit, I open the doors with my magic and step out into the corridor, I don't acknowledge the guards or servants during my walk to my bedchambers. I go into my personal space and wait for him to be in the room with me before I shut the door gently.

"I assume you will require a bed for the evening?"

"No, I don't have mortal needs until I am in a fully mortal body. I will be alright."

"Okay, good night Erebos."

"Pleasant dreams."

I give him a gentle smile, trotting over to my bed and getting under the covers. I still don't fully trust him, and I doubt I ever will, but at least I have faith that he won't attempt to murder me in my sleep.
My eyes close and I enter the dream realm, ready to save my ponies from their own nightmares.

Author's Note:

Writing while sick is hard.

But hey, I think this turned out okay so yay. I doubt this fic or Warhorse will get an update tomorrow however because I need to take a few days to rest and fully recover.

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