• Published 5th Mar 2023
  • 998 Views, 65 Comments

The Bar at the Edge of Nowhere - Syric Philharmonica

The Bar stands as a haven for those who need it and a reminder for those old enough to remember it. Everyone who enters may not be a friend, but they all deserve a drink.

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Consequences (Luna Part 2)

'T'would seem, in hindsight, that leaving as We did without letting anypony knoweth had QUITE the consequence.' Luna mused as she was herded along the castle hallways by a frankly unacceptable, in her opinion, amount of guards toward her sisters office. 'However, this response is HIGHLY uncalled for!' Thought Luna with a low grumble of discontent while the guard leading this procession stepped forward to let her sister know that they had arrived.

Before said guard could, however, Luna stepped astride him and glanced at the medal adorning the front of his breastplate. "We can take it from here Brigadier. We... Thank you, for thy diligence in escorting Us, but mayeth We remind you that We art Princess Luna of the Moon. Not only was Our safety never in any doubt, But there is very little in this world that COULD harm us."

"With all due respect Princess," The Brigadier began, his voice a deep and intimidating bass to match his well built and solid form. "We are under direct order from Princess Celestia to accompany you until Her Highness sees fit. As we are members of the Day guard, Your Highness will need to speak with either Captain Armor or Princess Celestia Ma'am."

After that statement from the Brigadier had been said Luna held her head up high and underlined her next words with sternness born form an iron will. "We see. Thank thee for telling Us. Now, Leave Us to converse with Our sister. Dismissed, Brigadier." Luna commanded as she opened the door to Celestia's office, not waiting for a response from the guard before closing it behind her.

With a huff Luna re-adjusted her wings against her sides before striding up to Celestia, who had watched her enter with a small half-hidden smile. Once Luna was standing across the desk from her sister she leveled her best glare at Celestia who, to her credit, was seemingly unaffected by it.

"Dearest Sister, I've been expecting you. Tea?" Celestia stood as she extended her offer, stretching out a wing to gesture toward a prepared table. Luna, for her part, huffed and stiffly stalked over to the cup opposite her sister and plopped down ungracefully.

"Thank you sester, though We feel that We both have much to discuss." Said Luna, lifting her teacup to take a drink as she regarded Celestia with a critical eye, scanning her form to find a weakness in her perfect façade.

"That we do, little sister." Celestia conceded with a small nod, taking a drink from her own cup and revealing nothing, much to Luna's silent frustration. "That first point of discussion being why you disappeared." She said with a subtle glare of her own at Luna.

"Twas not Our fault Sester, We merely miscalculated the amount of time needed for Our journey. And said miscalculation led to Our sudden disappearance." Luna said to Celestia, gathering her courage to not wither under her sisters intense gaze.

"Oh? and where exactly did you go that caused you to leave for the entire day? If you were wrong about how long you would be gone for than surely this mystery location must be close by?" Celestia questioned Luna with a cool gaze, taking another draw from her teacup as Luna began to shift in her seat.

Luna's eyes shifted from side to side as she struggled to keep her silence, the urge to reveal where she went and the gift she had brought beginning to grow unbearable. "W-Well sester, mayhaps We did lose track of time, it is as they sayeth Clocks fly when fun is had!" Luna exclaimed, drawing a chuckle from Celestia who offered a small 'indeed' to Luna's incorrect quote.

"I can see that Luna. You are certainly in better spirits than you were before you left, and you came back safe. For that, I am content. just promise that you will at least let me know before you disappear again. You gave me quite a fright after all." Celestia reasoned as she poured both herself and her sister another cup, the stiff lines in both her face and posture melting away as she relaxed.

"Of course 'Tia. We promise." Luna Acquiesced as she also relaxed, sensing that the interrogation was over. For now. And now that she no longer had to hide it, Luna's excitement began to grow again as she summoned forth the bottle she had been given from Stalwart. "In fact, We hath brought the 'Good Spirits' back with Us!" Luna the laughed at her own pun while Celestia just rolled her eyes with a soft exhale.

"So you went to a bar I assume?" Celestia asked.

"Not just any bar!" Luna answered with a chesire grin. She then floated the bottle over to Celestia with a thought, excitedly tapping her hooves on the edge of the table. "Thou could say that We were feeling tired after Our long journey!"

Celestia grabbed the bottle in her telekinetic field while idly contemplating Luna's little hint, the aroma floating up from the neck reminding her of times LONG gone. With a start, the smell of the alcohol combined with Luna's cryptic hint revealed to Celestia where her eccentric sister had run off to.

"Liquid Moonlight!? But how- ... Tch. Of course Sir Shield would be the only Supplier left." Celestia regarded the bottle with a fond exasperation, already making plans to send a request for supply with The Spymaster's agent.

Luna Crowed triumphantly, pleased that her deduction had been correct. "A-hah! You DO remember Our most loyal knight! Pray tell sester," Luna asked, turning from where she had jumped in her jubilation. "From the way Ser Stalwart had spoken when We hath visited him it would seem that thou have not gone to visit him thyself since... Our banishment." Luna took a moment to compose herself, the wounds still fresh enough to hurt. She gave a start when she felt a wing drape itself across her back, Celestia having gone around the table to comfort her younger sister.

"Breathe Lu', You're okay." After another moment Luna stood again, determined to get an answer from Celestia.

"We art fine sister, wounds of the mind are not so easily healed or forgotten. But please 'Tia, Why hath thou not stopped by Our oldest friend?"

With a weary sigh Celestia closed her eyes to re-order her thoughts before speaking. "It isn't that I do not want to go see our old friend, but that I cannot. The affairs of state are numerous and time consuming. And even if I did have the time to go myself I guarantee that the nobles would not make it easy to slip away. There are so many factors that prevent me from going that I've stopped looking for a solution." Here Celestia sighed again, pulling Luna in for another hug. "I wish it could be different Lu', but it's not all bad. I know how he is getting along from the Agent my Spymaster sends each year, and with this," Celestia lifted up the bottle of Liquid Moonlight before setting it on her desk. "I know he is keeping the old tradition alive in his own way. And that is enough for me Sister."

"Well," Luna pouted, looking up at Celestia. "That is certainly not enough for Us!" Luna marched to the door turning at it's threshold and proclaiming, "Mark Our words Dear Celestia! We shalt find a way for this long overdue meeting to happen, that We promise!" And with her declaration made, Luna threw open the door in a dramatic flourish before stepping out. "Come with me Loyal guardsponies! Thy Princess hath a new task!"

Upon hearing Luna usher the guards outside Celestia basked in the nostalgia the action brought forth, from a time when Celestia, Luna, and their most loyal knight when get into all sorts of shenanigans.

"Well, I can only hope this one doesn't end in her setting the park on fire. Again."