• Published 5th Mar 2023
  • 998 Views, 65 Comments

The Bar at the Edge of Nowhere - Syric Philharmonica

The Bar stands as a haven for those who need it and a reminder for those old enough to remember it. Everyone who enters may not be a friend, but they all deserve a drink.

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Much Ado Over the Daring (Daring Do)

When it comes to a life of adventure and danger, stability is sorely needed among a whole host of other needs. Luckily for archaeologist and treasure hunter Daring Do, fate seemed to be kind to her in this instance when her latest delve brought her near what seemed to be civilization.

'Well,' Daring thought, standing before what looked like a Post-Unification style tavern. 'I was half right. this place is in remarkable condition! How suspicious.' And with that cheerful thought she began to cautiously approach the building, casting a tired yet keen eye over the exterior for any indication that it was either a trap, or a hideout for any hostile creatures. Upon coming to the conclusion that the front facing exterior was clear, she made sure her saddlebags were secure she began to circle the property keeping a comfortably wide berth and keeping out of sight of the darkened windows.

Once Daring had reached the rear of the tavern she was taken aback to find a fairly large garden space, full to bursting with crops of all shapes and sizes, from corn, tomatoes, and beets to a roped off section of the forest teeming with all kinds of different trees. each type an isolated copse. Just from where Daring stood she could see apples, pears, and cherries and even more behind them hidden by the shaded forest around it all.

After a few minutes spent gawking at the plethora of produce Daring turned shook her head to focus back on her task, casing the building for threats. Once she took a second to plot the best course through the edible jungle in font of her, Daring began to weave her way through the frankly massive garden, confident that the overabundance of plants would keep her tan coat and gray mane hidden from the few windows at the back of the property.

'Either this place belongs to to QUITE the eccentric unicorn, or this garden has been growing out of control for a long time. Another point for this place being a ruin then. Still doesn't explain how the place is in such good condition though.' The errant thought had barely flitted across Daring's mind before she threw herself into the dirt when she glimpsed a shadow move across one of the windows she was keeping a vigilant eye on. "Shit." Daring cursed as she attempted to hide beneath a grapevine she had been passing. 'Alright, don't panic. No shouting, no alarms, didn't see me.'

Once a few minutes had passed Daring lifted her head enough to see through the grapevine towards the Door she had spotted and breathed a sigh of relief when it didn't open.

'Okay. That was scary. But at least I now know that there ARE beings inside... Still .' Taking a calming breath Daring stood from the dirt and checked her saddlebags again before continuing through the garden, taking care not to crush any of the lush plant life under hoof.

Upon making it back the front side of the building Daring spent a minute attempting to school her errant and tired mind int some semblance of order, wary of what her tired and frazzled mind had labeled as an enemy.

'This is stupid..' Daring thought as she tried to rationalize her exhausted threat assessment. 'Even IF all signs point to it being completely benign you have to remember where you are, NOTHING would come all the way out here for business at the other side of Equestria. This HAS to be a trap.' Daring cracked a grin as she confidently strode to the door. 'Well whatever this turns out to be, they won't catch ME off guard!.'

All things considered, Stalwart felt like he was having a good day so far. Everyone who had come into his establishment today was perfectly fine with following the set rules on a sign above the bar, and there was a calm, quiet atmosphere layered over the tables. And that group of mercenaries were surprisingly polite and didn't cause a scene either! As such, Stalwart was able to have a break in between orders and finish the crossword a lovely mare had dropped off for him before leaving. All in all, a nice slow day. When the bell above the door chimed Stalwart glanced over to see a mare in a pith helmet enter, seemingly confused.

"Just a moment!" Stalwart called out as he put down his puzzle to cross over to the bar and wait for her to approach. "Welcome to The Sleeping Alicorn, been a while since I've seen a new face in here. What can I get you?"

"Uh, oh, just a water, thanks." Daring distractedly answered as she cast a critical gaze over the interior of the establishment, making a mental note to examine the assortment of maps displayed on a wall near the wall tables. "I won't be here long enough to need anything heavier."

"Water eh? Coming right up. What's your name?"

"Daring Do"

"Nice to meet you Daring, I'm Stalwart Shield." Stalwart said as he used his magic to grab a bottle from a cooler behind him and placed it on the bar as he walked over to the register. "That'll be two bits."

After Daring had put the money on the counter her eyes drifted over to the map wall again, a thread of memory beckoning her to them incessantly. "Hey barkeep," She nodded her head at the wall. "What's that all about?"

Stalwart looked over the collection of maps and chuckled to himself. "Many things, really. A timeline, reminders, warnings, guides, and hints for those who need them." he gestured over to it, a lazy grin stretching across his muzzle as he caught the ear flick she gave when he mentioned 'timeline'. "Interested in history are we?"

"Very." Daring replied as she threw a look back at him and grabbed the bottle with a wing before quickly making her way to the maps, excitement growing as she took in the yellowed parchment locked behind glass. 'Let's see here.' She thought as her eyes began to scan over the oldest maps displayed, eyes growing wider as she cross-referenced what she saw with what she knew of the historical topography of Equestria , Quickly realizing that these maps were OLD. Much, MUCH older than any she had seen in history books or in person before.

Daring was startled when she heard a voice speak up behind her, turning to see Stalwart settling back into his seat near the bar as he magically lifted the crossword again. "I'm guessing your a historian? They're the only Ponies I've seen that THAT excited over some dusty old maps."

They aren't just maps, old timer! they are incredibly valuable historical artefacts!" Daring Exclaimed, claimed by her fervor, as she dashed to the oldest ones. "These ones here, at the beginning, give us a never before seen second source for Old Equestria! and those!" She continued, moving over to the more recent ones. "There are locations and points of interest I've never seen before!" Whirling around, Daring pointed her hoof at Stalwart. "Where'd did you get these!?"

Looking down at her hoof, he gently pushed it down and moved to the wall himself, gazing over it absent mindedly. "An old friend of mine fancied herself the greatest cartographer in all Equestria and made most of these for me due to my work taking me all over the land... Until this one." He pointed to a clear change in map maker, where the ones before where incredibly detailed and lovingly made, the ones after the change were more clinical in nature, obviously geared toward mass production. "I was away on job at the time, and only learned of her death when I had returned." At this point he gave a heavy sigh and turned away from the collection.

Daring took in the given information as her eyes scanned over the maps made by Stalwart's friend, eyes seeking out the cartographers signature. "Well, she seemed to have quite the talent for it. They are all beautifully done." finally she found the name and had to bite the inside of her cheek to muffle a gasp when she recognized it. "Cardinal Direction!?" She turned back to Stalwart as he was easing back down into his chair. "Your friend WAS the greatest cartographer of Old Equestria! She pioneered the modern mapmaking method still used today!"

Stalwart watched Daring as she began to rant, cutting her off with a chuckle. "Heh. Thank you, I'm sure she would have loved to hear your praise." His gaze wandered over the maps as he began to think, before turning to her with a proposal. "I can tell you have a real love for history and all it contains, so I have a deal for you. I'll provide the maps if you want to take them for copying, as long as you return them to me afterward."

With a start, Daring turned to Stalwart with an excited grin. "Really? Oh, thank you!" She responded with glee. "this will be an incredible boon to recording history. Thank you, again."

"Don't worry about it." Stalwart remarked as he looked over the collection of maps. "They were just gathering dust up in that case anyway. give me a moment." With his magic Stalwart unlocked the glass case and gently floated the maps over to Daring, allowing her to carefully put them away in a special container designed for ancient texts and scrolls. "Take care Miss Do, see you next time." and with that final statement Stalwart walked back to the bar to serve the customers who had just walked in.

Daring, after securing the Maps in her saddlebag, took a sip of her water, adjusted her hat, then happily walked out of The Sleeping Alicorn. Well aware of the fact she would be returning again, and not just to return the maps.