• Published 5th Mar 2023
  • 998 Views, 65 Comments

The Bar at the Edge of Nowhere - Syric Philharmonica

The Bar stands as a haven for those who need it and a reminder for those old enough to remember it. Everyone who enters may not be a friend, but they all deserve a drink.

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Interlude 2 - The Last Day...

Stalwart knew there was corruption in the monarchy, there was always one who chose to do so. He also knew that the allure of such things, namely the power that came with it, was completely irresistible to both those who had no power and those who thought the same. It was do to that knowledge that throughout his military career Stalwart kept a amicable yet professional relationship with his peers, but took extra time to ingratiate himself to the throne and it's charges. Such conduct quickly gained the ire of the other soldiers and dissenters, yet he also gained the trust of the people and those who lived in the castle. The friendships he created with the young Princesses the gift he treasured the most.

So it came as no surprise to him when, just after his knighting ceremony, he was approached by Lock Away; the Head of Artefact Research and the unicorn who had been gunning for Stalwart's head ever since he had tried to use his influence to bring Stalwart under his sway and was told in no uncertain terms that, "I has't far more integrity than thee seemeth to think, sir, and I would greatly appreciate if't thee would keepeth thy distance, for both thy saftey and mine own." Even with that warning clearly stated Lock Away tried to take every chance he could to undermine and sabotage Stalwart every step of the way, and Stalwart had hoped; with his newly appointed Knighthood, that Lock away would back off due to the power Stalwart now had.

"Apparently not." He mused as Lock Away seemingly glided across the weathered stone toward him, Lock Away's heavily enchanted cloak masking to movement of his body under multiple concealments. Even with Lock Away's hood up and hiding his face, Stalwart could feel the contempt and Dark, oily Magik that Lock Away prided himself on mastering, so much so that he had made himself a direct vessel for said energies. Lock Away had used both dyes and fire to burn and tattoo runic symbols and magic circles directly onto his fur and skin, forever branding himself as a practitioner of
Soul Manipulation. Stalwart warily eyed both the bag of Soul Traps he carried as well as the Phylactery around his neck, which held the soul of Lock Away's immortal servant.

"Ser Stalwart, I wast hoping to receiveth a chance to speaketh with thee on a matter of, 'great importance'. One that involves our... Lovely little princesses as well." Said Lock Away as he matched his unseen stride to Stalwart's the both of them now heading down a castle corridor to the Royale Suites. Lock Away visibly delighted in the fear rolling off of the servants and guards they passed, before that enjoyment was harshly tempered when Lock Away remembered that Stalwart was stubbornly unafraid and often directly combative against Lock Away's machinations.

"Tread carefully Lock Away, thee has't mine attention, but one missed step and thee wilt earn mine ire once again." Stalwart nearly growled, levelling Lock Away with a glare honed by years of practice training young recruits and attempting to keep the Sisters in line, a task that had lost it's effectiveness over time.

"I am quite certain I shalt earn it ere the day's end, now under order from his majesty, I has't been tasked with informing thee of needing to accompany me as an armed escort." Here Lock Away gave a great sigh, obviously bemoaning the need for protection and dismissing the very idea his Magik could fail him. "In earnest, I doth not see the point of this, but I shalt not question the King. Clump wilt deliver the relevant information to thy chambers." Said Lock Away as the pair came to a stop outside the foyer to the Royale Suites. "I shall leave thee to the rest of thy day," His heavy gaze landed on Stalwart as his eyes seemed to glow with his hatred. "maketh sure nothing goeth awry Ser, or I shalt personally rid the kingdom of both thee and thy lineage. Valorous day." And with that final remark Lock Away glided off, quickly vanishing into the depths of the castle halls.

Stalwart's eyes followed Lock Away's retreat, oblivious to the large door opening behind him. However, he did not miss the soft laughter that followed.

"What an awful personality, it must beest exhausting to deal with that. We doth not envy thee!" Exclaimed the heir to the throne, Princess Celeste Aurora as she strode out of the foyer followed by her younger sister Lunar Glow, who nodded silently.

"that gent very much hates thee." Stalwart, upon hearing that from the quieter sister let out a weary sigh as Lunar Glow leaned against his side. Stalwart cast a quick glance at the snickering older sister before using his magic to poke her muzzle, causing it to scrunch up.

"I knoweth Princesses, lest I waste mine life and breath trying to changeth that. We've both madeth our choices and art far too stubborn to back down now." At that admission Celeste gave him a eyeroll and helpless shrug.

"He's a narcissistic prick who got a bit of power and thinkest that he can rule the world. Father and Mother deal with those folk all the time, heh, usually by sending thee knights!" Celeste joked as she walked to Stalwart's other side and hit him in a gap in his armor, causing Lunar Glow to be jostled away when Stalwart jolted and retaliated with his own jab. Lunar Glow rolled her eyes and began to walk away, leaving the elder ponies to their squabbling.

"if 't thee both art quite done, We wouldst very much like to beginneth our day hence from the castle. And thee two fighting wilt leaveth us less time to enjoy ourselves!" Upon hearing Lunar Glow's declaration, Celeste quickly gave Stalwart one more kick before scampering to catch up with the younger Princess, laughing uproariously at first before with a yelp she ducked under the pillow Stalwart had snagged from the Foyer and threw at Celeste.

"Ah! Save Us sister! Our brave knight hath betrayed us!"

"Thou art going to payeth for that Princess!"

"Don't ropeth Us into this!"