• Published 5th Mar 2023
  • 998 Views, 65 Comments

The Bar at the Edge of Nowhere - Syric Philharmonica

The Bar stands as a haven for those who need it and a reminder for those old enough to remember it. Everyone who enters may not be a friend, but they all deserve a drink.

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Invitation Accepted, Friends Made (Buzz Part 1)

"A friend to changelings is hard to find, what with fear of the insectile beings at it's peak, but every now and then there comes someone who holds no fear for them, and makes the effort to get to know them. And for a changeling, that is worth more than all the gold in the world."

-C. Whinny, Book 6: The Hidden Ones Among Us from his series: On the Origins on Other Species, self published in 1859

Nervousness. Nervousness and a strange excitement filled the changeling's body as she stood before the seemingly innocuous building out on the fringes, trying not to crush the fragile letter she held in a trembling grip. Just beyond those heavy looking wooden doors was the armored pony who not only located their hive but only gave her a letter and coordinates before leaving, the glare in those dark eyes had terrified her. And so here she stood, nervously shifting her weight between her hooves as her mind raced. 'And of course they just had to send me to do this, not Chitin who was standing guard with me and clearly heard it as well. Oh, what have you gotten yourself into this time Buzz?'

Before the now named Buzz could continue to lament inside her mind she was startled out of her spiraling by the creaking of those lighter than expected doors as a group of laughing patrons stumbled outside, causing the smaller changeling to scramble to the side so as to not get crushed. Thankfully Buzz went unnoticed by the very clearly drunk group as they went on their separate ways, staring after them for a second longer with her eyes narrowed. Once the drunks were a comfortable distance away Buzz's eyes were drawn up to the sign above, the peaceful sleeping Alicorn helping a great deal in making the place seem more welcoming.

Right when Buzz began to relax in the calming atmosphere she was caught off guard yet again, causing her to jump and spread her wings in fright, when a deep voice called out to her from around the side of the building. "Purty place ain't it?" An older stallion came around the corner, his cream coat complimenting his brown mane even with it's grey streaks and hiding his eyes behind a dark visor. Buzz eyed the stallion with an wary eye, unwilling to get closer but willing to listen. "Listen, a little lady like you must have QUITE the busy schedule, and I can tell you're here on important business." Here the stallion leaned against the wall, idly rubbing a hoof on his coat as he continued his spiel. "So I gots an offer for ya. Ya see, this here tavern is always real busy right around now and getting a chance to talk with that there proprietor is next to impossible any time soon. But lucky for you I happen to know him personally myself and can get ya some one on one time at the drop of a hat. So whaddya say?" The stallion held out his hoof to Buzz with a raised eyebrow, body exuding a calm confidence.

Before Buzz could even open her muzzle to respond to the stranger there was the sound of a clearing throat behind and above her causing the Stallion to freeze up, and Buzz to feel a chill run up her spine at the clanking of metal plates. Fearing what awaited her sight Buzz slowly turned eyes gaze back and up only to be met with the large armored form that scared her so. "Leave grifter. Or I shall deal with you myself." At his heavy demand the grifter quickly made his getaway, disappearing into the surrounding forest.

Buzz felt at that moment that she had never been more terrified, not even when her scouting missions had brought her to the Dragon Lands had she felt such an oppressive fear as what now gripped her. Such was this oppressive aura that when Stalwart lifted of his helmet the fear suddenly left and Buzz collapsed to the ground, her carapace heaving as she attempted to draw in breath as Stalwart kneeled next to her. "I apologize, The Fear enchantment on my armor cannot be dispelled or mitigated. It was created to protect us from other species and deter them without the threat of violence."

Buzz latched onto Stalwart's words and filed away the information for later while she put all of her focus on controlling her breathing, that all encompassing terror fading quickly now that the effect was broken. After a couple of minutes spent calming down Buzz found the strength to stand again, taking a step back from Stalwart with a blush from her unbecoming impression. "That- That wasn't fun. Uh, I can see why there are so many stories of the Dread Knights now. It seems, REALLY, effective."

Stalwart looked her over for a moment longer, seeming content with her recovery, before standing himself. "That it is. It was our greatest advantage against those who would do us harm. Unfortunately, such things have fallen out of practice and soldiers have grown lax after years of peace." Stalwart looked to the east where the tip of Canterlot Castle just barley peeked over the tops of the trees, a incredibly small yet bright dot in the vast expanse of the sky. "I fear they are unable to effectively defend against any non-pony threat, as I'm sure you and your hive know very well."

Buzz sheepishly looked to the side, knowing well that the wounds of the invasion were still fresh to many. "Yeah, I guess we do. Ah!" Buzz shot upright from her slouched position, looking under her hooves frantically before snatching up the slightly crumpled and dirty letter. Blowing away most of the dirt and trying her best to smooth it out, Buzz stood at attention with the letter held out toward Stalwart who had a small smile on his muzzle. "Sir knight, here is King Thorax's response delivered by scout Buzz!" Buzz's wings did as her named suggested and buzzed happily as Stalwart took the letter in his magic, tucking it into a side pocket on his saddlebag.

After securing the letter to his person Stalwart locked the doors to The Sleeping Alicorn before turning back to Buzz, who was watching with a curious yet hesitant expression. "I, Sir Stalwart Shield, the last Knight of Olde Equestria receive this correspondence with honor." Stalwart gave the smaller changeling a nod of gratitude. "Thank you Buzz, you do your King and hive proud." Stalwart cast his gaze upward toward the dimming light of day, missing how Buzz preened at the praise before schooling her expression back into a careful mask of neutrality. "The hour grows long. Had you arrived earlier I could have offered you a drink and a place to rest before your long journey home." Stalwart adjusted the pack rested on his back as he looked up once more to check the sun's position. "As it stands, I have time enough to answer any questions you may have and help smooth out the plan for this meeting. Come with me, Buzz." Stalwart then began to walk along the thin trail leading to the east.

Given the go ahead needed to pester, Buzz fell into step beside Stalwart with twinkling eyes, her mind flooding with all manner of inquiries. Rather quickly however, Buzz's eyes fell upon Stalwart's helmet, and the memory of the crippling terror that had enveloped her mind. Right then, Buzz knew her first question. "Earlier, you said that your armor has an unremovable Fear enchantment yes?" At Stalwart's solemn nod Buzz continued. "Considering I have never heard of anything like this, is yours the last suit of armor with said enchantment?" Stalwart sucked in a breath between his teeth, considering the question as he tilted his head back.

"I would very much like to believe so my friend. But rarely does Fate deign to relieve me so." Stalwart then turned his head to look Buzz in the eyes. "Know this young one, I have lived for quite a long time. As such I have seen all manner of strange and unnatural things, Beautiful and otherworldly things as well, but every time I ever entertained the idea that I had finally seen everything well..." Stalwart slowed to a stop next to a fallen tree, Buzz stopping as well despite her captivation at what the old Stallion had to say. "The next unbelievable thing would come right around the corner." From the husk of the long dead tree came a light scratching, almost inaudible were it not for the dim glow coming from under the bark. Slowly, that light travelled up the tree's trunk until it reached a hole in it's side intensifying for a moment before it faded revealing a incredibly large jet black and red butterfly. Buzz could only watch in awe as the massive insect spread it's wings, white markings on the wings resembling a skull becoming prominent as it flew into the night and quickly becoming lost amongst the darkened trees.

after a moment spent watching it fly above the canopy Buzz began to speak again. "What was that? I've never seen anything like it! It was almost as big as you!"

With a short bark of laughter Stalwart looked back at buzz with a smile. "I don't know. I am sure that it does have a scientific name but I do not know it. However, I do know that it was one of Itzpapalotl's many children." With a tilt of his head both he and Buzz continued on, that earlier somber tone returning quickly as Stalwart sighed. "So you see child, as much as I would like to believe that I have the only set of Fear Armor I cannot justify such a claim. Although the technique to create more has been long lost to time, and I personally saw to the destruction of many sets myself. There will always be a chance, no matter how small, that more sets are out there somewhere. Maybe they are locked away in ruins long lost to memory. Maybe they are on display in someone's collection, inactive but waiting for any poor soul to don them."

Stalwart looked up once again, his eyes troubled as he reflected on what had just been said while buzz gazed sadly at him, empathizing with this old soldier. "And yours? From all you've said it seems to dangerous to keep." She asked delicately, unsure if Stalwart was still willing to answer her questions. With a blink Stalwart came back to the present, smiling softly at the changeling.

"It does seem so doesn't it? However, it is far too useful for me to destroy just yet. Maybe one day." With a small shake of his head Stalwart glanced at Buzz again, a small grin growing on his face. "Any other questions my friend? I fear that if it grows too late you may not be able to journey home."

At his words Buzz registered how low the sun had already set and her wings began to hum as they vibrated. "Oh shoot! uh, hold on!" Buzz's eyes flew back and forth as she desperately tried to come up with something to ask that would sate her ravenous curiosity if only for a while. "Come on, come on.. Aha!" Buzz turned her whole body to face the Reanent stallion, who looked on with a growing smile. Buzz lifted off from the ground, half of her mind already plotting the quickest course back to the hive while the other half was focused on this conversation. "You really know your stuff old man," Stalwart rolled his eyes at the comment, not too bothered by the jab at his age. "And as the future Lead Scout I have to know all about this stuff! So can you train me?" Buzz puffed out her carapace in pride, eagerly awaiting Stalwart's answer who had gained a pensive look as he thought it over.

Stalwart looked up at the flying changeling, her large eyes practically glowing with excitement, and let out a small huff, shaking his head in fond exasperation. "knowing how changelings learn without direct training, I don't really have a choice. I'd rather not have you end up dead from eating whatever you could get your hooves on." At Buzz's indignant expression Stalwart laughed aloud before holding out his hoof, smirk still resting on his face. "It's a deal future scout leader Buzz."