• Published 5th Mar 2023
  • 200 Views, 2 Comments

Day & Night - Reminisce

Equestria, a country that is suffering the fractures of instability is now on the cusp of disaster, and only the Elements of Harmony can fix it.

  • ...

Betrayal, A Nightmare Begins

“I didn't expect those results.” Twilight humbly admitted to Rarity as the two made their way to the conference room from yesterday.

“I take risks for our sake darling, I want this to work as much as you do.” Rarity reassured.

The party of the prior night almost looked like a failure, until Pinkie's casual antics cut through much of the tension. She somehow managed to convince some of the Wonderbolts into a spontaneous dance off as she changed the music randomly. Causing most of them to look like fools dancing to the ever-changing beat. Not to mention Regal Ring's talks with honesty somehow bore fruit, because they managed to talk the whole night. About what, nopony really knew, but the cautious Applejack was actually enjoying herself for the first time since her arrival. Rarity could've sworn she heard something about apples, but she couldn't be too sure.



“Do you worry about not waking your element in time?” Twilight had never asked her that question, nor did she ever intend to. Yet the question was critical of the moment, it would be something that would have to be addressed soon. They barely had a week left.

“Hmm, don't worry yourself Darling.” Rarity's response was cold. The young Unicorn's trot slowed a bit as she thought harder on it. “No missteps can be afforded now can it, I'm here.”

Twilight didn't respond after that, she should have phrased the question differently, or not opened her muzzle at all. Still there were too many variables floating around in Twilight's head. As the small Unicorn looked down the hallway, she spotted one of the variables visibly agitated.

Regal Ring, the tall and stout Unicorn noble was in the middle of a conversation with Blueblood right in front of the conference room. Pen Esquire was nowhere to be seen, which at face value was a good thing for the negotiations.

“They are monsters!” Blueblood fumed, trying to inject his misplaced fears into the other noble.

“I understand your views my Prince, but they are ideological views unfounded by any of our distinguished scholars. We have yet to explore our scientific and magical avenues with our new neighbors. Perhaps this alliance will grant us the chance.” Regal’s counter gave the Prince pause, that was until he saw the two mare's slowly approaching.

“This was her doing.” Blueblood growled, sticking an accusatory hoof out at Rarity.

“You insult me, my decision is my own. Take my humble advice, we are looking at the winning horse. Surely Sir Esquire could turn this into favorable publicity for the both of us, my Prince." With that, Regal bowed to Blueblood. “I must apologize, but my time here is over, I must attend to school business.”

Regal raised his head, and trotted in the direction of Rarity. Where she smiled and he winked back in return, something Twilight hadn’t expected in the slightest. Had Rarity truly gained noble favor overnight, what did she offer him?

“I don't know what you did, peasant, but this isn't over. I'll protect my country till my last breath.” Blueblood seethed, unaware of the looming presence behind him.

“That's my job Prince.” Shining Armor said, holding very little patience for Blueblood.

Not far behind the guard captain also stood the Princess. She however looked far less impressed, if that were even possible. Blueblood paled at the sight of the Princess, she literally looked like she had slept in Tartarus overnight. Before anything else could be said, a contingent of guards came stomping into view behind the Princess. They were armed to the teeth; spears, shields, swords, and all the effects that came with them. Twilight was mortified as she glanced at her older brother to notice his expression had darkened.

“Begone.” That was all the Princess had to say, and like that, the Prince turned tail without another word of defiance.

With the hallway cleared, Shining made a single gesture with his hoof and the guards marched down the hallway. Taking station at every door, entrance, and window down the hallway. Rarity looked outside to see armored Pegasi doing the same thing outside. She could only assume the worst.

“No, no, no…” Twilight shook her head in disbelief.

The Princess stepped toward Twilight and leaned down. Her expression was one of sorrow as she looked her student in the eyes.

“It's not what you think, but still very dire. The magical anomaly has far exceeded our expectations.”

“Wha-” Twilight was baffled.

“It's expanding exponentially at the center of Ponyville, a small town to the south. We won't make it in time by flight or train, we're going to mass teleport.” The Princess explained clearly.

“I thought you said it was extremely dangerous.” Twilight skeptically rebutted.

“Alone, yes. However between you, shining, and I; we'll have more than enough to cast the spell.” The Princess reassured, standing back to her full height she turned to the window. “We'll require the use of your element.”

“If I cast the spell, I'll still be here won't I?”

“That's why I'm casting it.” Shining stepped forward, armor clunking as he approached. “I'm not short of talent Twily, I'll be able to handle the channeling.”

Twilight froze for a second before clearing all her negative thoughts. “I understand.”

“What of Fluttershy, and our Everfree guests?” Rarity added in.

“Fluttershy is here.” The Princess gestured to her left, to where they finally noticed the shy butterscotch mare sitting quietly in the corner of the hallway. Blushing a bit, Fluttershy feebly waved to them.

“And when I told the Speaker, she immediately took the pink pony and said to meet them there.” Shining said, concluding what the Princess started.

The danger was just increased two-time after Shining’s statement. Twilight then took action, she told Rarity to get back as she lit horn. It illuminated a bright purple as she called on her element to bolster her magical potential and fortitude. After the calling was complete, her eyes were a solid white and horn constantly a glow. Most of the guards looked in awe, even The non-unicorns could feel the magical pressure around them.

“Ready!” Twilight proclaimed.

The Princess did similar, however her effects were much different. As a magical visible emanated from her, surrounding her entire body in a bright glow. Rarity had never witnessed anything as inspiring as the Princess’s display of magical potential. Shining however just hoped he wouldn't burn his horn to a crisp casting the spell. Sure he could put on a show himself, but seeing their display just put them in a different league. He could only imagine what the Princess’s magic potential must've been in her prime.

“Captain, after you cast the spell, secure the castle and its surroundings. I'm effectively placing a gag on your orders, there may not be any discussions outside of my council!” Celestia's voice boomed, her natural leadership on clear display

The Captain and the guards all saluted. “Understood!”

“Start the channeling, and cast on ten.” Celestia commanded.

Twilight's horn grew impossibly brighter as she aimed it at her brother, the Princess followed. They both shot a steady beam of concentrated magic straight to his horn, his eyes immediately glowed from the surge of power. The pain from it was also immeasurable, but shining was trained and disciplined. He would wait patiently, any pain was worth his country and his family's safety.

“Ten.” Celestia calmly began the count down.



The guard's were gripping tightly to their weapons, afraid of the possible feedback from the spell.




Shining had just begun to mentally compile the spell in his head. There couldn't be a single mistake in the formula, everything had to be perfect. He had to thread the magical needle so to speak, and he couldn't have been more alive.




“one, cast!”

Shining’s horn illuminated with the combined magic, and within a millisecond after the entire area was engulfed in a blinding flash of light. After that, they were gone without a trace. Shining collapsed to the ground from pure pain and effort, he knew it worked, it took everything out of him… but it worked.

Shining looked to his concerned comrades before stepping back up to his hooves with an exhausted sway. “...Well, we got a job to do!”


Ponyville was in a state of panic, the small hamlet had just been shaken to its core by the sudden appearance of the rogue magic in the middle of town. Town hall was completely leveled as it ballooned outward to consume much of the area. It was black, shapeless, and erratic in its snail-like movements. It seemed to move as the ponies fled, but when all seemed still, it also mimicked the absence of movement. But it was being observed from a cloud afar, two cloaked figures sat barely visible from the ground below.

“I have to say this should've been expected, but I guess the council wanted to play nice with those Equestrians.” one of the cloak figures commented, his voice sounded very old and dry, that of a pony who’d been smoking for years.

The other cloak figure was just flicking their chromatic tail in frustration.

The cloaked stallion to first speak lifted his hood a bit to reveal his dark gray muzzle, two protruding fangs, and light yellow bat-like eye. He looked up to the sun with a small scowl on his face. “What an eyesore.”

That only kept his attention for a short while however. A deafeningly loud pop was heard nearby, causing both cloaked ponies ears to stand in attention. The stallion completely dropped his black hood once he pinpointed the location of the noise. To the south of them, near the old farms a large Alicorn and three other ponies could clearly be seen. Still none of the fleeing residents seemed to notice their appearance yet.

“Colors, roundup what's needed, this old bat has a date with royalty.” The bat pony said, before completely decloaking. Revealing his fluid and unbreaking tattoo that swept across his whole back and over his left flank to the point of nearly obscuring his destiny mark.

Turning to where Colors once was, he expectedly saw just empty space in her place. As she flew off to execute his orders, the old stallion couldn't help but to chuckle at her eagerness to prove. But he has other matters to attend to, looking back at the old farm, he could see the four steadily approaching the town square.

“Rarity, Fluttershy; I will require the both of you to rally the citizens to a safe location to where we may address them. We must get a clear picture of what happened, and who's… hurt.” The Princess commanded as they trotted. “Twilight, make preparations for a sealing circle around the magic. Also I cannot stress the importance of not getting too close, that goes for all of you my students.”

“And you?” Rarity questioned.

The Princess didn't respond, instead she just held a hoof to the side, signaling everypony to stop in place. They all traced their Princesses eye to the sky, where they all spotted a slowly descending figure. The closer it got, the less it looked familiar. Leathery wings, large pointed ears, ash gray thick fur, and eerie bat-like yellow eyes. At that point it was exceedingly clear what they were dealing with, and then they noticed the tattoo once the stallion got slightly closer. Now they knew who they were dealing with

“A Vampony?” Fluttershy whispered.

“Loyalty!” Twilight proclaimed.

“None other.” The older stallion said as he gracefully landed before them.

Celestia's eye just steadily inspected the stallion that was supposed to be Loyalty. It had been far too long since she was able to see a true pony of her sister's pedigree. They had always been reclusive even before her mistake of a thousand years past. And to see one as the element of Loyalty, it did little to show the true depths of their servitude to her sister. Celestia blinked, quickly realizing she had been ogling him for far too long.

“My apologies, my-”

“Yes, I know who you are, your majesty. Not to mention your elements as well, I got quite the report from Pinkamena.” The stallion chuckled. “My name is Black Star, element of loyalty.”

“Are you here to help?” Rarity question from behind the Princess.

Black Star flashed the young Unicorn a winning grin before responding. “Better actually, I plan on ending it here… this opportunity is unprecedented.”

“Where is Honesty and Laughter, are they not required?” The Princess was growing increasingly impatient with his apparent stalling.

At the mentioning of the other two elements, Black Star looked off towards the Everfree forest. He actually had little clue of where they were at the time, which would be a bad response to the Princesses question. They had contacted him about the emergency, however he knew Speaker Applejack. There was a chance that she was currently petitioning the council to act immediately on the matter. Either way, he wasn’t going to be on standby till deliberation took its course, Colors should be done with their preparations at any moment

“I sense your impatience, allow me to explain as we approach the cause of our discussion.” Black Star then began to hover over the three as Celestia took the lead once again. “I'm sure you were informed of how we can rid ourselves of this problem, correct?”

Celestia nodded to Twilight, granting her permission to speak fully on the matter.

“We were told the basics of your plan… The intention is to draw out the root of the magic, let it manifest and neutralize it. But didn't go into detail, this just threw our schedule into a blender!” Twilight pointed out all the while trudging forward, still exhausted from her exertion of effort.

“We shouldn't do it here…” Fluttershy whispered up to the Princess.

She nodded in agreement. “Fluttershy is correct, we can't afford to let Nightmare Moon manifest in the middle of a town filled with innocent ponies.” Celestia turned to look the confused Stallion in his eyes. “We will contain it with a barrier and relocate it while we have it in our brief control.”

Star scoffed. “Relocate?”

“Forcefully if we have to.” The Princess reassured.

Black Star looked very agitated with the Princesses response, Fluttershy could see it clear as day. As they Reached the outer rim of the town, panicked voices could be heard all around. Everypony was extremely frightened, Fluttershy was absorbing those emotions like a sponge. Remembering what the Princess said, she knew she had to help them. Looking to her right, she could see a little filly crying, barely hidden behind an abandoned merchant's stand. Fluttershy instantly flew to the fillies aid, and Rarity wasn't too far behind as well. That left Twilight with the Princess and the Lunar Element, who had been oddly quiet since the Princess effectively blocked his plan.

Or so she had thought, because as they finally reached the town square to observe the anomaly there was a cloaked pony waiting for them.

“I can't allow you to contain it.” Black Star bluntly stated.

The Princess looked at the destruction caused by that mistake. The magic was still slowly expanding, and it seemed as the Princess grew near, it started to wobble and make noise. It had already grown to the size of several house's, it became painfully apparent that the situation would become unmanageable soon. Now she was unsure if they could contain it, but letting it manifest in the center of a town was unacceptable. They needed more time, that was all there was to it.

“Princess?” Twilight questioned.

“He made it clear he had not.” The Princess responded as her face grew grim. “He intends on reviving his master now...”

Black Star first looked shocked, then that expression morphed into a melancholy one.

“I guess my reports were wrong, you're still sharp as a tack.” Black Star chuckled solemnly.

“I don't understand I tho-” Twilight's panic was interrupted by a new pair of interlopers.

“Star!” The distinct voice of Applejack was heard in the distance.

The large husky orange mare was galloping on to the scene, heading straight for the other Speaker. At that point, no pony knew what was going on. The cloaked pony that had been removed from the situation was the first to act. But was immediately met with a pink wall as Pinkie dove seemingly from nowhere to topple the ponies advance, knocking the ponies cloak to the wayside. Twilight was shocked to see that the pony wasn't exactly like the other Everfree ponies they've encountered. She was a Pegasus, at least from her downed angle she could see her cyan feathered wings. Pinkie was restraining the mare with her superior strength, that didn't stop her from thrashing violently however.

“This is uncalled for…” Star immediately took to the sky to avoid Applejack's charge.

Yet he didn't see the lasso tied across her back as he dodge her. Applejack skidded to a stop, it was so sudden that her trademark sexton had flown straight off her head as she clamped down on her lasso. Recognizing the new danger, he flew higher and perched himself on top of a building. Wearing a sick smirk, he sat down and watched the frustrated Applejack pace back and forth.

“You yella bellied coward!” Applejack shouted.

“I'm the coward? I'm not the one who forgot what it truly meant to be a Speaker!” Black Star shouted back.

The Princess stayed removed from the situation, instead choosing to watch the stallion with a critical eye. Twilight however didn't know what to do, was he really loyalty.

“As Speakers we are meant to consult with our master! Not betray and desecrate her name in foolish attempts to forget what we are!” Black Star then looked to the sun. “We are monster's to the natural world, never to be understood by anything outside of our kind!”

His voice caused the cyan mare that was under Pinkie to rally. She was getting ready to throw Pinkie off with all the strength she could muster. But before she could, Pinkie's tattoo glowed a bright blue before she literally struck the Pegasus once in the head. The strike had effectively put her to sleep, finally giving Pinkie a chance to turn and face Black Star as well.

“This isn't funny Star… why did you have to involve her in this?” Pinkie growled as she got off the sleeping Pegasus.

“Don't worry your pink little head, she’ll play her part. I will save our master, our princess; even if it costs me my life. After a thousand years of slumber, she returns to claim what is rightfully hers.” Black Star said as if rehearsed, his sharp eyes scanning all the ponies before him.

The Princess had enough, she stepped forward with full intentions of ending it all swiftly. Her move wasn't lost on the old bat pony, because he unfurled his wings in defense. His gesture was nothing but a means to release the smoke screen pellets he had been hiding. As soon as they made contact with the roof, a thick plume of black smoke exploded and obscured their sight of the rogue Element. Applejack, who was visibly shaking with rage, called on her Element, causing her tattoo to glow green as well. Her eyes then became a solid green as well, her pupils were completely lost behind the brightness of her eyes.

Applejack looked up at the smoke, then to the strange magic and behind herself. “The vermin fled somehow?”

Applejack wasn't entirely sure how, but he had completely vanished. Evading even her truth seeking eyes, but something else illuminated in her vision off in the distance. Focusing harder, she could see through several buildings and in distant alleys several distinct glyphs stood out. Applejack instantly canceled her element just so Everypony could see the panic in her eyes.

“What in the- Run, get away from that accursed thing!” Applejack shouted.

No pony questioned her command, because The Princess instantly lit her horn and engulfed Everypony in her magic, even the Everfree ponies. She waited a moment, and then heard several explosions from every direction. The magical anomaly reacted violently to the chain reaction of explosions, they literally heard it groan before it began to move towards Celestia at an unforeseen speed. That's when she realized that she had no choice, squinting her single eye, she casted the Teleport spell. It wouldn't send them far, but it would buy them time.

Twilight wanted to scream, but her voice died in her throat when she realized she was back at the old farm. Looking around, she saw everypony else, except for the Princess.

“Of course.” Twilight looked down at her hooves blankly. That was until she heard Applejack arguing with Pinkie, then at that moment her heart was filled with rage. “This was your plan all along…”

“Here we go.” Pinkie rolled her eyes, further frustrating the small Unicorn.

“All that talk, and you just betray us!” Twilight screamed.

“We ain't betrayin’ nopony, he's actin’ on his own!” Applejack shouted back.

Twilight stomped towards the larger and more intimidating orange mare with a snarl on her face that’d put a Timberwolf to shame. “The Princess may have very well died protecting us!”

Applejack didn't back down either. “Do I have to say it again. We ain't betrayin’ nopony, so don't do nothin’ ya gonna regret.”

Twilight felt nothing but unbridled rage, a rage she had never felt before. She wanted to rip them into two, there was nothing they could say otherwise to stop her. Somepony had to answer, their life's might as well already be over. Lighting her horn, she didn't even notice Fluttershy arriving swiftly from the air in uncharacteristic fashion and jumping in between them, but it was too late. In Twilight's rage she had fired the spell, it was going to hit Fluttershy square. Yet a chromatic blur shoved Fluttershy out of harm's way and simultaneously deflected the spell into the air with a flick of a cyan wing. That snapped Twilight back to reality, as she stumbled back muttering something to herself incoherently. Everypony else was frozen in place, Fluttershy was the first to shake it off to notice a few singed feathers falling from the mare's wing.

“Rainbow!” Fluttershy screamed before leaping up to rush to her aid.

The strange mare flinched back in response, causing Fluttershy to stop in her tracks. That gave the butterscotch Pegasus a real chance to look her old friend over. The Pegasus she called Rainbow looked feral. Her cyan coat was matted and thick in some places like the other Everfree ponies, and she had a plethora of scars that littered her body. A Long claw mark went over her flank, nearly destroying her Cutie Mark on her left side; her tattered wings didn't do much to hide similar marks on her barrel. Mane and tail were an unruly mess of distractingly long chromatic hair, Her old friend looked as though she had been to war and back. Fluttershy didn't know what to make of her, but it seemed like somepony else did

“Good morning Colors…” Pinkie said nonchalantly as if nothing had just transpired.

The Colorful mare in question simply snarled back at the encroaching pink pony. That only served to show Fluttershy her halve formed fangs that were growing in an asymmetric pattern in her mouth. She also noticed that they were slightly tinted red, as if her mouth was bloodied.

Rarity finally making it back to the scene stayed removed from it all, and Applejack seemed like she lost all interest after her near miss with Twilight. Who has only just shakenly returned to her hooves, to turn towards Fluttershy with tear soaked eyes. But before an apology could be uttered, the mare known as Colors jumped in between the two.

Colors got low and tried her best to spread her wings aggressively, Yet her left wing wouldn't open all the way due to the impact of Twilight's rage filled spell.

Twilight's expression grew even more pitiful once she realized the damage she caused to the other mare in front of her. Twilight sat back down muttering apologies to the both of them while holding back a full on sob.

Fluttershy on the other hoof had flashbacks of her old friend doing the same thing for her countless times years before. “It really is you.”

Colors just looked over her shoulders, concern marred her face.

“W-why won't you say anything?” Fluttershy asked, her voice barely above a whisper.

“Because she is mute.” Applejack swiftly answered, now joining Pinkie in approaching the strange mare.

“What...” Fluttershy couldn't wrap her brain around the idea. She remembered her friend vividly, and talking was a big part of who she was, a part that she liked about her.

“Still, ya got a lot to answer for regardless. Star is your master and ya were in on this without a doubt.” Applejack's voice grew more angry as Colors failed to respond. “The council gave ya chance after chance, it's over!”

“Please no, she's my friend.” Fluttershy feebly defended.

That got a twitch of the wings out of Colors.

But Applejack wasn't having it. “She's tha’ enemy!”

“That may have been the case darling.” Rarity interjected, mirroring Pinkie's casual tone. “But look at her now, she had her opportunity to flee, instead she stayed to save my friend from a terrible mistake.”


“I saw you use your element if I'm not mistaken. Correct me if I'm being presumptuous, but you can tell if she is honest or not correct?” Rarity Said before Applejack could even get a word in.

“Ah can't do that, she can't say a lick of anything… I'd get more out of a rock!” Applejack responded frustratedly, they were wasting time.

Twilight then looked up, broken from her previous failure. That mare was Colors, the pony that's supposedly faster than the Wonderbolts. The pony that the Speaker wouldn't give a hint about, and now she can see why. Colors was at some point in her life Equestrian, she wasn't born in the Everfree and that made her a walking treasure trove of information. And possibly a solution if they were lucky, the sun is still in the sky, they still have hope.

“Fluttershy, could you use Kindness to read C-her emotional state if Applejack uses Honesty?” Twilight asked quizzically.

“Yes.” Fluttershy's response was small.

Twilight then turned to Applejack, but couldn’t exactly meet her eyes. “If your sister’s assumptions of this mare are even close, we will need her help.” Twilight then literally prostrated herself before Applejack, sticking her nose in the dirt. “Please, this is the only way I can ask for her forgiveness; I hurt her… she deserves a chance.”

Applejack didn't even look down to the little Unicorn, she still wasn't even sure how she felt about her potential assault. Yet none of that would matter if they failed here, and they have Black Stars apprentice standing right before them. The large orange mare heard Colors let out a frustrated huff, which she returned with an annoyed sigh. Colors was growing impatient, and so was Applejack. Without a word, Applejack's tattoos glowed The same light blue as before. Her eyes filled with a shimmering light, she turned to look Colors in the eyes. Who in turn playfully winked to the large orange mare, clearly trying to push buttons despite the severity of the situation. Fluttershy called upon her element next, but her summoning was far more subtle. The only thing that seemed different about Fluttershy was her extraordinary focus, almost like she was manually filtering things in and out of her head.

“What are Black Star’s intentions?” Applejack asked clearly.

“S-she is uncertain…” Fluttershy commented, making her way around her old friend to face her much like Applejack.

Applejack huffed. “Well then, what are your intentions, why didn't ya flee when ya had the chance?”

The mute mare broke eye contact with Applejack only for a moment to look at her old friend with a look of sadness. That changed instantly when Fluttershy returned the look with an understanding, but equally sad smile.

“She is confident, yet remorseful; She seems understanding of her position, and I think she'd follow even if we attempted to deny her. I can sense an overwhelming desire to protect.” Fluttershy ideally left out the fact all these emotions were solely directed towards herself. But that didn't matter, she had Rainbow Dash back, even if she had changed physically.

“Her wing.” Pinkie butted in. “There isn't much she can do with that type of damage.”

Everypony looked at the injured wing, there were several feathers nearly seared off from the magical impact on the back of her wing. Even though it was a defection, something that Twilight couldn't understand; The scared mare still absorbed much of the thermal discharge. A thin line of blood was steadily trickling down the feathers of her wing as she kept it limp on her side, no longer trying to even lift it. Twilight felt absolutely disgusted with herself, there has to be something else she could do.

“I could use healing ma-” Twilight was surprisingly cut off by Fluttershy.

“No!” Fluttershy yelped. Just in time for Twilight to notice the deathly glare she was receiving from the strange Pegasus.

The chromatic mare had a temporary fix however. shutting her eyes tight, she lifted the injured wing with extreme labor. Fluttershy, who still had her element actively honed in on her old friend, she could feel the intense emotion of pain, but then to her surprise, all the pain drained from her. There was nothing, for a brief moment absolutely nothing emanated from the chromatic mare. Then the Damn broke, there was a surge of overwhelming confidence, thrill, and excitement radiated from her friend. And like that, she was airborne, her wing was still injured, but She was flying without hindrance.

“Show off.” Applejack spat.

“Marvelous, now we can focus on the task at hand.” Rarity clapped. “ Fluttershy and I rounded up everypony at the auditorium east of town hall.”

“That's close to the epicenter!” Twilight was absolutely shocked, all of their lives were in danger if the Princess failed.

“I guess evacuations are in order.” Pinkie stated, looking back towards the direction of the town.

“Yes, we must address them and assure they safely flee the city… to where, I'm unsure. But anywhere is better than here.” Twilight said, already starting towards the auditorium.

Everypony else broke out into a gallop, keeping up with Twilight. Colors flew overhead distantly, but not passing anypony, it seemed as though she was still somewhat unsure about her place amongst them. It didn't take them long however to get close to the now eerily quiet streets of the center of the town. There was no magic in sight, nor hide or hair of the Princess, but they couldn't worry about that.

They reached the large yellow wooden structure that was the auditorium, a flurry of sound and voices were heard inside. Everypony stopped just outside the doors, and Rarity was the first to make a move.

“I'll address them from the balcony, we should move the masses North.” Rarity then turned to Twilight. “Maybe then we can get your brother to help with the rest.”

“And us?” That was the first time Applejack ever seemed unsure.

“You three can wait out here, or join us inside, Truly I doubt you'll be bothered or even noticed.” Rarity Said dismissively as she trotted around back to go to the balcony.

Applejack glanced at Colors, catching her on her haunches licking her wound. The injury on her wing was clearly inflamed and red at that point. There was no doubt that she required some type of medical attention, even though the Everfree didn't have unicorns, Applejack knew magical burns left untreated was unwise.

“Take Colors inside, find something to wrap tha’ wing up.” Applejack said quickly.

Colors just glared at the larger mare.

“Please…” Fluttershy shyly said, causing Colors to instantly wilt under her old friend’s tone.

As soon as Colors stopped looking defiant, Fluttershy gestured for the agitated mare to follow her inside. To which Colors hesitantly followed, the two of them crossed the threshold of the large auditorium doors together. That left a quiet Twilight alone with the two Lunar Elements.

“Hey.” Pinkie called out to Twilight.

Twilight simply looked up, Yet wasn't prepared for the close proximity of the pink Everfree mare. Twilight stumbled back in response, and Pinkie mumbled something that made Twilight's cheeks go red. Being satisfied with the young Unicorn's reaction, Pinkie reached out and ruffled her mane before slowly making her way towards the auditorium entrance. Applejack wasn't too far behind, her green eyes never even made contact with the confused Unicorn.

Twilight looked down at her hooves and sighed. She really needed to recollect herself, but time was far from her side. Turning around, Twilight made her way inside as well.

The confused and frantic chatter they were hearing outside increased ten fold once they got inside. Entire families huddled together, foals were crying, and quite a few ponies just looked inconvenienced by the whole ordeal. Twilight was surprised by how many ponies could fit in the auditorium, it didn't seem as large on the outside. Still it was unnerving to think this would be the second time they might have to placate an angry or worse a scared crowd. This time the down have the Princesses clout to save them. Looking left and right, she didn't see Fluttershy or the mute mare. But Applejack and Pinkie were sitting in the far left corner of the place, collecting a few strange looks. Now Twilight wanted to know what was taking Rarity, surely she didn't get cold hooves.

No sooner had the thought crossed Twilight's mind, Rarity stepped out from behind the veil of the balcony. All the chattering stopped, even the crying foals slowly simmered down. Rarity looked confidently down to them all, trying her best to give them a reassured look.

“Everypony, I'd like to apologize for the inconvenience of having to be assembled here. But we intend on getting all of you out of here and to safety very soon.” Rarity said loudly, allowing her voice to carry across the auditorium.

“Where is the Princess!” A random stallion shouted back.

“I thought I saw her earlier…”

“What in the everlasting sun is even happening?”

“Everypony please, questions will be answered soon. However we must evacuate Ponyville with haste, it is important that we get you all to sa-” Rarity's voice was cut off by the continuation of a bunch of loud chatter and arguing.

“Evacuations, I've heard of no such thing?” A light brown mare with a gray mane and tail loudly questioned. “I'm the mayor, I should be informed of such things!”

“Yes, you all will be informed once Everypony is safe!” Rarity tried to reason.

Back down below, Twilight could see the dissonance slowly growing amongst the crowd. Applejack shook her head in disappointment before getting up to make her way to Twilight.

“This isn't going anywhere.” Applejack bluntly stated.

Twilight was going to respond, However for a second time Everypony got deathly quiet. That time however, it was visible on everypony's face. Not the silence, it was fear, something had struck the crowd cold with fear. Both Twilight and Applejack looked up slowly to the balcony, and what they saw had the same effect on them as well. Rarity was the last to notice Everypony looking through her in horror. But what the young mare didn't see, she felt with every fiber of her being… there was something immensely powerful behind her.

Turning her head slowly, she was mere inches from what could only be described as a Nightmare. The tall black figure was shaped as an Alicorn much like their princess. However its wings were malformed, one looked as if it had been ripped off long ago, and numerous open wounds littered its frail looking black body. Still none of those wounds looked fresh, looking up to the creature's face, Rarity had to hold back her scream. What was there could barely be called a face, much of the flesh around its jaw looked Like it had been blasted off and the rest of its face was covered in burned scar tissue. It was a surprise that the thing was able to gaze upon the auditorium's audience with two large blue eyes.

“You.” The creature's voice was the epitome of dark, her voice carried a weight that crushed Rarity's spirit.

“Yes?” Rarity couldn't have hidden her fear any better.

“If you respect your life, you will point them out.” The dark creature said slowly, making sure that Rarity didn't miss a syllable. “Every element that intends on suffering for their transgressions against thou master.”

Rarity knew at that moment that everything they had been fighting for was lost. The Princess failed, Rarity was no fool, what was standing before her knew exactly who she was, and probably already can sense the other elements. But the creature wanted her to point them out, and as it struck them down, Rarity would solely be blamed for each death.

Rarity turned back to the crowd, she didn't even look at Twilight. Instead she gazed off into the distance, it was now or never she surmised.