• Published 5th Mar 2023
  • 200 Views, 2 Comments

Day & Night - Reminisce

Equestria, a country that is suffering the fractures of instability is now on the cusp of disaster, and only the Elements of Harmony can fix it.

  • ...

Equestria First, Friendship Second

“What is the meaning of this Blueblood!” Celestia growled while taking steps into the banquet room.

The ivory stallion in question sat at the opposite end of the table with two other stuffy looking Unicorns flanking him. Twilight looked as angry as the Princess did, Fluttershy was expertly hidden in a corner, shadowed behind her long pink mane. However there was no sign of the alabaster mare that claimed generosity.

The Unicorn to the right of him pulled out a rather impressive stack of paper.

“That there are twenty seven thousand signatures of ponies wanting additional representation in this diplomatic meeting. It wasn't my idea originally… but you've forced our hooves by ignoring those that keep this castle running.” Blueblood said, looking rather uncharacteristic of his usual smug self.

Twilight snatched the papers with her magic and began leading through them to possibly site any falsifications. But without having more time, there would be no way to thoroughly leaf through the entire thing. With a frustrated huff, Twilight looked up at the Princess in defeat and passed the papers to her Instead. Celestia however just levitated them to the side, and gave her nephew a very disappointed look.

“I can not allow it, as Princess I bar any intervention of outside parties that I have not personally permitted.” Celestia asserted.

“I say let the fella stay, if your ponies want him here, then he needs ta be here.” Applejack intervened.

Celestia’s mask broke for a third time at their guest's request. With her flank on the wall, she begrudgingly nodded to Blueblood allowing him to stay. Right at that moment Rarity pranced into the banquet room, opposite from where Celestia and the Lunar Elements entered.

“Where have you been, you're late!” Twilight hissed.

“I see you've already seen fit to replace me…” Rarity quipped back, eyeing Blueblood and his associates suspiciously.

“Are y'all done yet.” Applejack weighed in, tired of all the theatrics.

“Very, I apologize for the interruptions. My name is Twilight Sparkle, the element of magic.”

“Fluttershy…” The silent mare in the corner whispered. Which caused Twilight to almost face hoof.

“Fluttershy, her name is Fluttershy and she's the element of kindness.” Twilight spoke for the timid mare.

“And I believe we've already been introduced.” Rarity added in with a subtle drip of sarcasm.

“I can say the same." Pinkie duly noted, earning a strange look from Applejack. "And this is Speaker Applejack, also the element of Honesty… she'll be doing most of the mouth work.”

Blueblood and his associates stayed quiet however. The ivory stallion was simply gawking at Pinkie Pie and Applejack as if they were going to eat him. Either way the Princess didn't bother to introduce them either before walking to the side where her students were to take a seat. Each group sat at their own end of the long table, leaving them placed in a triangle of stares.

Twilight again looked up to her mentor to receive a nod in response.

Twilight cleared her throat and began to speak. “I-I welcome you to Canterlot and I wish we could have met under better circumstances. But th- I mean our Princess called for this monumental meeting to discuss the possibility of the Children of the Night aiding Equestria and possibly the world.’ Taking a deep breath, Twilight couldn't bear to look up at anypony before she continued. ‘A rogue magical anomaly has been terrorizing forested lands and creeps closer to civilization each day… it acts as though it absorbs magic and life to grow and we've come to the conclusion that the reunification of the elements could destroy or contain it.”

The silence consumed the room, still Fluttershy could feel the tension emanating from the two Everfree ponies. Especially the pink one, her stoic face betrayed the anger she was feeling. But the larger and more outwardly intimidating mare just looked at Twilight and shook her head. The large Everfree pony then took her sexton off and set it on the table.

“Y'all seriously don't know, huh. Not even yer infallible Princess has figured out her age old mistake. Nightmare Moon is on the rise, and on the Summer solstice before the Month of the Moon, she shall return… a thousand years past.” Applejack's voice was solid, absolutely prepared for the backlash her statement would soon receive.

“What foolishness is that, the Princess destroyed that monster. It simply can't just come back to-" Blueblood’s rant was cut off by his own realization. "So the stories are true, you're not ponies, but the products of that monster.”

“Yes.” Speaker Applejack's response was a clear acknowledgement to Blueblood’s accusation.

The Princess slightly lowered her head at Applejack's admission. The scar she bore seemed as though it intensified at the remembrance of her lost sister and the nightmare that consumed her. The same nightmare that dwelled inside the ponies sitting before her, stirring within their seemingly tainted souls. Looking up at the vivid paintings that covered her white walls, and the stained glass windows that added further illustration to Equestria's greatness. Celestia felt an immense sorrow from her forgotten failure that could never be displayed for others to see. But now she must come to bear her personal atrocity for all to see.

“It is what I feared than… If what you say is true, which I have no doubt it is. Then my greatest failure has finally come to light." Celestia grimaced as her students looked up in obvious disbelief. "I wasn't strong enough to defeat Nightmare Moon.”

“Princess…” Fluttershy inched closer to her mentor, wanting to comfort her somehow.

“How can Equestria trust you creatures, you very well may be agents sent to infiltrate us!” Blueblood shouted, now offended by the two Everfree ponies' presence. Choosing to completely ignore his aunt's monologue.

“I am the element of Honesty, I have no reason to lie to any of y'all. Bottom line, we need tha help." Applejack broke eye contact with Blueblood in favor of the Princess. "The nightmare has been attacking the Everfree more aggressively each passing day, we've been takin’ a licking.”

“B-but I thought you said-” Twilight's question was cut off by Pinkie.

“There are… some ponies that think we're products of Nightmare Moon. But that's not wholly accepted by the rest of the Council of Speakers nor is it the entire truth." Pinkie pointed out, causing Applejack to shift a bit. "And apparently the nightmare doesn't like to be ignored.”

“Way back when, our ancestors use ta give offerings to the nightmare. That however, ended sum three hundred years or so ago after our first government outlawed it.” Applejack stated clearly.

“Most of us still pay some form of respect to the moon, but that's as far as it’s gone.” Pinkie added boredly.

“Sooo you are part of the nightmare, but are you against it?” Rarity questioned.

“We've governed ourselves for over seven hundred years. And that's without any of ya Alicorns to worship, we owe the nightmare no more than we owe ya.” Applejack stated with authority, even going as far as to stamp her hoof on the table to add affirmation.

“I see, so your ponies are entirely self-governed” Celestia concluded after taking in the entirety of what she was told.

“It's been that way for hundreds of years like I've said… I'm guessin’ ya were expecting a bunch of savages.” Applejack bit back.

“I meant no offense, I'm simply humbled by your ponies decision to communicate with us… it must not have been an easy deliberation to make.” The Princess assumed.

Pinkie scoffed while leaning forward on her hoof.

“No it wasn't, honestly we're riskin’ everything on this hogwash and it's looking like ya never even had a plan beyond gettin’ our sorry hides out here.” Applejack was growing increasingly frustrated with the lack of production. Yet she knew that they weren't going to have a plan, not one that would be as effective or dangerous as theirs. But she held hope that an age old Alicorn would have a plan to save lives, however she was wrong.

“But you do.” Twilight intervened for the first time in a minute.

“We do.” Applejack answered begrudgingly.

Blueblood slouched in annoyance with all the dodging. Looking at his associates, he saw one of them writing something down and passing it to the other. It was clear they were quickly losing interest in the current talks just as he was. But that didn't matter, he would stay till he knew Equestria was safe from that… nightmare, and those things disguised as ponies.

“Well then, enlighten us.” Blueblood dead-panned.

Pinkie and Applejack exchanged glances before Applejack decidedly spoke up.

“Ya Princess is right, all the Elements are needed to destroy the nightmare once and for all. However in its current state, the darn thing can't be touched; let alone destroyed." Applejack sighed, breaking her solid facade for only a moment to look at the Equestrian ponies straight. "We need to catch it at the right time.”

“We must let it manifest.” Pinkie pointed out from her slouched position.

“Manifest… you mean let Nightmare Moon come back?” Rarity reiterated just to be clear.

Fluttershy took a deep breath from behind her mane, listening to them all, she could tell exactly where the talks were going.

“Any simpleton with a horn knows magic just doesn't recreate long dead monsters without command! If anything this quote unquote rogue anomaly is now starting to look more like a set up.” Blueblood quipped, his fury was directed solely towards the Lunar Elements.

“Silence!" Princess Celestia commanded, causing Blueblood to nearly jump out of his own hide. "They gave you cause to stay, and I will not allow you to disrespect them as you have so far.”

After his initial shock wore off, Blueblood simply straightened up and sat quietly at his corner of the table.

“What exactly does this plan require of us?” Rarity inquired, making her presence known once again.

“Your complete cooperation.” Applejack vaguely put.

“That entails exactly what darling?” Rarity pressed further, much to Blueblood's surprise.

Everypony’s eyes were trained on the large lunar element as she contemplated how to put it. Pinkie Pie however had dodged the eyes, and was now wearing a very lopsided grin that told far too much. Fluttershy was the only pony to subtly feel the pink night ponies excitement. The yellow mare had yet to say a single word, but if she had to say one. The single word would be scared, everything was hinging on ponies they only just met. She wants to trust them fully, but to immediately trust them with her life. Fluttershy usually wasn't very selfish, but she liked living.

“We need all tha elements to amass at the old Everfree castle. That's where she'll appear, and we'll be able to destroy her with the jewels of the elements and Loyalty’s know-how." Applejack closed her eyes for a moment, and then opened them to look down at her hat. "The Moonlit month mustn't happen, it would only strengthen Nightmare Moon. When this goes down, the sun must stay up at all cost or our plan will burn like a bad crop.”

“You all possess the jewels, all of them?" Celestia questioned as if she didn’t believe what she had heard. "I was under the assumption that their physical manifestations were destroyed... after all I personally sacrificed the ones I had wielded.”

“They were destroyed, but now they are not." Pinkie quipped. "The details are not important right now”

Celestia bit back an immediate response, she didn’t want them to get anymore defensive then they already were. But knowing that they possess the jewels and openly admitted it gave them a lot of leverage over Equestria. Celestia couldn’t help but to assume that they’ve only mentioned it to use it as such to keep them safe from some sort of political strong hoofing.

For a long moment there was nothing but a pregnant silence among the table, that was until Rarity cleared her throat.

“So we're marching into an ancient and mystical forest, to use some mysterious jewels that aren’t supposed to exist… All a part of another element's plan, in which we've hadn't had the pleasure of meeting yet.” Rarity skeptically replied with a tilt of her head and a swirling of her hoof.

That earned a low growl from Applejack, one that caused most of the Equestrian ponies to squirm a bit. Only the princess and Rarity stayed composed.

“Ponies are dying out there, and Loyalty was the one who got this all in motion. He was the one to sway our speaker here and all the others. Try to have a little faith in us poor creatures.” Pinkie said in a tone that was absolutely eerie. But it was the part about faith that startled Twilight back into the conversation.

“I-I trust you, and if you say that anomaly is directly targeting your ponies… your family. Who are we to deny our full cooperation, this would be the first step to a healthy diplomatic relationship.” Twilight responded in a political tone.

As Twilight finished, Rarity gave Applejack a faux smile. While Applejack interpreted it as pure trouble, it was a smile all too reminiscent of another deviant pony she knows, so she returned it with a deep scowl.

“Yes, Twilight is right. You've put an ample amount of trust in us, it's time we do the same for you.” The Princess cordially responded before a maid was abruptly escorted into the conference room by a guard.

The Princess looked down at the trembling mare as the guard prodded her to speak. The maid whispered something up to the Princess, something that only the princess could catch. Her expression didn't seem all too amused with the interruption, but her attention was given fully to the maid. After whatever was said, the Princess was clearly mulling over options in her head before standing up from the table.

“I'm afraid I must call a recess, we can continue our discussions tomorrow to reach a mutual accord to your plan.” The princess diplomatically said.

“Tomorrow!” Applejack responded angrily.

“Just go with it, Speaker, we can check on Bloom and… other things.” Pinkie said, completely unfazed by their newest development.

“Fine.” Speaker Applejack surrendered instantly after realizing the impression she was giving by standing and yelling directly at the Equestrian Princess like that. Only Blueblood looked as if he was going to blow his top, his associates however were sweating a bit.

With that said, Everypony stood up and Blueblood was the first out, followed by his unnamed associates. Applejack stepped back and grabbed her hat, just rubbing it a bit as she watched the Princess say something to the pony named Twilight, something that made the small Unicorn's eyes go wide. Then the Princess just turned and trotted towards the exit with the maid and the guard that came in unannounced. Rarity went back to sit with Fluttershy to speak with her, it was clear that the Pegasus's nerves were getting the better of her.

“See, everything is going to be alright darling.” Rarity said in an attempt to soothe the nervous Pegasus.

“I-I hope so…” Fluttershy quietly stuttered, her eyes focused on the element of Laughter.

Her friends' focus didn't go unnoticed by Rarity, but the young mare had other things to pursue during their recess. Blueblood’s intervention was untimely, and there wasn't much they could do about the Prince. But his constituents could be easily played, and Rarity knew it.

Making sure Everypony was occupied, Rarity gave Fluttershy a warm smile before slipping through the doors that Blueblood left through. On the other side of the room however, Twilight was taking the most of her time asking inquisitive questions.

“So you do consume meat?” Twilight's question was leveled without any fear or apprehension.

Applejack at first was confused at the small Unicorn's forward attitude, but quickly came to respect it and her question. “Yes.”

“Amazing, what do you eat? Do you consume it raw, or prefer it cooked like Griffins… If so, we have a chief that could prepare a meal with meat in it for you when we give you a tour of the castle!” Twilight was slowly descending into a giddy child with the wealth of information standing before her.

Applejack's expression went from confused to concerned. Needing a bit of space, she looked to Pinkie for help. However the pink mare was conveniently distant from the conversation with a knowing smirk on her face. Cursing under her breath, Applejack turned back towards the little Unicorn in submission.

“Tour… Ya ain't more worried about Nightmare Moon?” Applejack said.

“Albert Hayburn once wrote that in every crisis if there is no time to understand the ones you commit to, then there is no time to achieve what you seek…” Twilight bookishly responded.

“Albert?” Applejack responded with a Pinkie-esque dullness.

Twilight just blushed a bit at her wasted quote before looking at the ground. “The Princess has entrusted us to make you feel welcomed here till tomorrow, and a tour would statistically help both parties to understand each other further.”

“Ah guess,” Applejack mumbled.


The young child of the Night sat in the middle of the large waiting room stacking books to stave off the boredom. The guard that escorted her was just standing on the other side of the door, giving her no room to explore the big castle. However her boredom was interrupted by her keen sense of hearing. There was a scuttling noise and what sounded like two voices coming from underneath a draped table in the corner of the room.

Apple Bloom, finally finding something more interesting than making a book fort. The young filly smirked as she slowly got up and crept towards the draped table. Tilting her ear, whoever was watching her knew they got caught and was trying their best to be quiet. But now the filly caught their scent as well, she was quite surprised she hadn't smelled them before hoof. However in her defense she hadn't received her tracking training from her brother yet, but the smell of lilac and what seemed to be sugar was strong.

Now mere inches from the table, everything was still. Applebloom was unsure on how she should approach, she wasn't completely oblivious to how the Equestrian’s perceived them and she wanted to do her best to not scare away potential friends. Taking a deep breath, Apple Bloom extended a yellow hoof to pull off the drape covering the table. Yet before she could, an orange body launched out from underneath the drape straight towards Apple Bloom causing her to back peddle and stumble over her own hooves. With the orange thing right on top of her, Apple Bloom growled and showed her fangs in an instinctive defensive display. Causing whatever was on top of her to freeze. Giving the Night filly an opportunity to throw it off with a quick shove.

“Don't eat her!”

Instantly taking offense, Apple Bloom got up to address the squeaky voice that said that. “I don't eat ponies!”

“You don't?” another voice weighed in before quickly coming into view.

The thing that attacked her quickly revealed it to be a little orange pegasus with a dark purple mane. Right after her another filly, this time a marshmallow white Unicorn tentatively stepped behind her Pegasus friend. The Unicorn looked scared, but the Pegasus just seemed confused.

“I would never eat a pony…” Apple Bloom reassured, attempting to defuse the situation.

“T-then what do you eat then?” The Pegasus curiously asked.


“Scootaloo look, she doesn't have her cutie mark!” The Unicorn expertly interrupted.

“Why ya pointin’ that out.” Applebloom grumbled with an embarrassed look on her face. That was until she noticed that both of their flanks were blank as well.

“Hmm, you know Sweetie… I don't think she's a scary monster. Just a little bigger maybe,” Scootaloo pointed out. “And more toothy I guess?”

Applebloom stated quiet as the little unicorn began to trot around her as if she was being sized up. It hasn't dawned on the Night child that the tables had been turned on her. It wasn't but a moment ago she was stalking them. Deciding to submit, Applebloom just sat on her haunches and waited for the Unicorn to come back into her view. Took a few seconds longer than she would've liked, but the Unicorn came back around with a bright smile on her face and extended her hoof.

“My name is Sweetie Belle, let's be friends!” The little filly squeaked.

“Just like that?” Applebloom skepticism leaked from her response.

“Eh whatever, my name's Scootaloo. I'm down if Sweetie is, so what's your name?”

“Umm, Applebloom.”

After the stilted introductions, Sweetie pranced off to the far corner of the room where a chest sat. Scrounging through it, the marshmallow grew increasingly frustrated with her lack of results. Scootaloo on the other hoof knew exactly what Sweetie was looking for, and for Applebloom’s sake she hoped the Unicorn didn't find it. Swiftly the Pegasus hopped on top of a table, trying not to make too much noise. Looking outside, it was perfect Scooter weather.

“Hey Apple Bloom, since You're new here and all, want a tour of the place?” Scootaloo asked, grinning mischievously.

“No no, Rarity said-” Sweetie didn't even get to finish before Scootaloo cut her off.

“They're ‘negotiating’ remember, we'll only be gone for a few minutes…” Feeling that she had yet to convince Sweetie, the Pegasus added an addendum. “We can even stop by the Library spire, see what spike is up to.”

“Spike?” Applebloom had a feeling she was getting ready to get another tongue lashing from her sister after everything was said and done.

“Oh, he’s this kinda cool little dragon thing Twilight takes care of.” Scootaloo explained simply.

“It seems like he takes care of Twilight if anything Scoots, and isn't he in trouble after well…”

“You got him in trouble Sweetie, yes I guess you're right. But still there are other things to check out!” It was obviously clear the Pegasus was going to keep trying.

Sensing no end to it, Applebloom submitted first. She didn't know how long she’d get to be in Equestria or see her… new friends. “Ok, I'm in.”

“Aww, and I almost found my makeup kit!” Sweetie whined from her corner.

“Maybe next time, let's go before Ms. Boring guard checks in. I swear she was just sleeping on her hooves a while ago.” Scootaloo giggled before unhinging the window and directing the other two ponies towards it.

“Wait, aren't we like on tha third floor?” Applebloom hesitantly asked, stuffing her hoof on the ground.

“Trust me, I've done this a thousand times here and only broke something once.” Scootaloo said with a winning smile.

“I- ok.”

Attempting to reassure the other fillies. Scootaloo vaulted out the open window causing the other two fillies to scramble to the window in shock. But they both sighed in relief when they saw the orange filly waving up at them just a few hoof lengths away. Apparently the roof on that part of the castle was like a very exploitable set of shelves descending down to the ground. The convenience wasn’t lost on the other two fillies either. Next Sweetie Belle bounced out and then Applebloom started to get on the table to follow, that was till she heard a crack. It was sudden as the old wood table gave way underneath the Night fillies hooves making an impossibly loud noise.

Less than a second later the door to the room opened up. The guard that escorted her into the room looked in with confusion plastered on her face. She saw the broken table and a open window. Connecting the dots her face of confusion melted away to solidarity as she realized she’d have to tell the Princess.

The city below.

“Applejack is going to kill me…” The young night filly muttered in fear.

“Really, because my sister might just do the same. We weren't supposed to get caught so fast!” Sweetie pointed out while looking towards Scootaloo for guidance.

The orange filly was just rummaging around the tall bushes surrounding the castle. Obviously looking for something she had stashed prior to their escape. It didn't take much longer for the fillies efforts to pay off as she managed to yank a bright red scooter out of the last bush she searched. Not only that, there was also a large wagon cart attached to the back of it. Applebloom just looked in awe at the weird thing, she had never seen anything like it in the Everfree. Devices like that would never serve a purpose on the uneven and overgrown trails of Nightingale or Grove. At the moment it didn't matter, as Scootaloo and Sweetie We're already on the Scooter. With the Pegasus driving the thing and Sweetie patting a seat next to herself, Applebloom saw no other alternative… she was in for a ride if Scootaloo’s smirk was anything to go by.

“Well?” Scootaloo said impatiently.

“I'mma comin’”

With a single hop, Applebloom sat right next to Sweetie. The Night filly didn't even get to ask another question before Scootaloo hit the accelerator. Zooming around the castle, they blew right past two unsuspecting gate guards to get out into the city. Applebloom looked around in awe despite not being able to make out a lot of what they were passing, it still was more than what she’d ever seen back home. Nightingale was kinda the same, but they tended to build more underground than above, nothing was allowed to pass the treeline.

“Watch it!” Scootaloo shouted as she nearly took out a noble wearing the goofiest hat that the filly had ever seen.

“My word!”

“I thought they'd kicked that ruffian out by now…”

Going even faster after the near miss, Scootaloo took a sharp left to dodge a guard. Both fillies in the back were shrieking at that point, because the alley was narrow and winding. One wrong move and they would be nothing more than scuff marks on the concrete. However they were near the end of the alley and could see daylight, Applebloom almost wanted to rejoice. But would have been too soon, because Scootaloo took a sharp right and now they were heading for what looked like a ramp.

Closing her eyes, Applebloom was wishing she hadn't taken their offer now. Those two, or at least the Pegasus was crazy… almost reminded her of Colors back home, and that was a scary comparison. Just as they were about to make the jump, a Pegasus in gold armor flew in front of the ramp forcing Scootaloo to smash the brakes. Grinding to a halt just a hoof away from the unflinching stallion, Applebloom sighed in relief.

“What the heck Flash… how’d you catch me so quickly this time!” Scootaloo asked with an annoyed expression.

“We do this almost once a week, there is a map of your little routes down in the Guard barracks Little Loo.” Flash stated matter of factly.

“Don't tell my sister…” Sweetie pleaded.

“I- well you're lucky Yellow Gate found me before the Princess,” Flash wiped his hoof down his face before continuing. “I'm not going to tell anypony, but we have to get you two back to the castle pronto!”

“What about me?” Scootaloo timidly asked, losing all of her previous bravado.

“Go home Loo.”

Sweetie looked at her friend with knowing eyes, and Flash stopped flying for the moment to approach the fillies.

“It's alright Sweetie… I'm sorry for getting you two in trouble.” Looking back at Flash, Scootaloo frowned a bit. “You both can get off now.”

Complying, the two fillies filed out of the wagon and without a second word Scootaloo took off at a breakneck speed in the opposite direction. Applebloom knew that something about sending Scootaloo home wasn't what it seemed like. The large night filly then turned to the hesitant guard who seemed unsure on how to approach her. But instead of Apple Bloom, Sweetie Belle was the one to say something first.

“She doesn't bite Mr.Sentry.” Sweetie dead-panned, clearly frustrated that her friend got sent away.

“I know… guessing I'll carry one of you and the other hop on my back.” Flash then noticed the glaring size difference between the two. “Ok um, how about I hold Sweetie and you can hop on my back.”

Not knowing how to get back, Applebloom started quietly and compiled. The Guard leaned over allowing her to shuffle onto his back, she could feel his hairs slightly bristle at the contact. Applebloom knew exactly why, however her concerns were over the fact that she was about to fly. Sweetie on the other hoof had no reservations about it at all, because as soon as he got up to a hover, she jumped into his arms causing him to tilt a bit. With them both secured, Flash made sure to take off low and slow. Firstly for the fillies on board, and secondly to not be immediately caught. Shining would have his head for breaching protocol, but he's still not home free yet.

The flight back was an easy and undetected one. Flash Sentry could add that to his never again list. Still it took him a minute to figure out where to drop them off. He wound up flying back through the same window they exited easily thanks to Sweetie's directions. With both fillies back, Flash hung in the window exhausted, and he still had to report back to the captain before he was missed. Right before the stallion could say anything, the door to the room began to creak open. Panicking, Sweetie Belle booped Flash’s snout roughly causing him to tumble out the window before she slammed it shut. Apple Bloom just darted back to the corner to where her little book mess still stood.

“So your ponies rely on elections and votes to elect leaders among the common?” Twilight's voice was clear from behind the opening door.

However the first in view was the tired looking door guard who gave each filly a level glare. Sweetie bashfully looked the other way while whistling and Applebloom attempted to ignore it all together.

“Yes, we've operated under a democracy for nearly two hundred years.” Applejack responded, causing Apple Bloom to pale.

The filly knew if her sister were to ask any questions, they were screwed. It was nearly impossible to lie to Applejack without omission.

“That's uhh, amazing really.” Twilight shifted a bit. A democratic system was the same style of governing that their political rivals the minotaurs operated under. But before she could stumble with the conversation, she noticed Sweetie Belle looking suspiciously innocent near what could be assumed her hoof work.

“Sweetie Belle, what are you doing in here and how did you break that table?” Twilight's question landed squarely on Sweetie, causing the filly to flinch.

Applebloom knew it was over, she could see the focus in her sister's hard green eyes.

“Applebloom, made a new friend I see.” Pinkie forcefully interjected.

Pinkie practically stepped in between Applejack's line of sight. Which wasn't a coincidence considering the situation. Then Apple Bloom's bright green eyes locked with Pinkie's dull blue ones almost in some form of respect, but Apple Bloom knew not to waste the opportunity.

“Yea… I mean yes, she said she's one of tha element's lil’ sister's like I am and all.” Apple Bloom exclaimed happily, capturing everyponies attention. “We've kinda kicked it off ya know.”

“That's right, we're like the bestest of friends now!” Sweetie added, trying her best to distance herself from the broken table.

“Oh, that's nice.” Fluttershy whispered from next to Twilight.

“But that doesn't explain the ta-”

However before Twilight could finish, Apple Bloom interjected with their defense. “We were playing and I got a lil’ carried away ah guess.”

Twilight seemed to buy it, but Applejack just grunted in disapproval.

“Let's go Bloom, you're going to get to see the castle.”

“Really sis!” The Night fillies reaction was priceless, it even cracked Applejack's frown a bit.

“Your coming Sweetie, I'm sure Rarity will catch up with us shortly.” Twilight asked, even though she really had no idea where Rarity had disappeared off to… again.

“I… uh, gotta pee!” Sweetie feebly lied, before bolting out the door.

Applejack swiftly caught it without even trying, but decided not to press it due to Pinkie's tail flicking her in the snout. The large orange mare shot Pinkie an aggressive look, but it was only met with the back of her head. Huffing, Applejack turned and marched out the door. Twilight just looked back in confusion as Applejack tilted her hat forward to hide her face and waited in the hallway. Pinkie followed as well, yet the wicked grin on her face spoke volumes of her involvement with the now grumpy Lunar Element.

Once the Night Ponies were out of the room and out of earshot, Twilight began to whisper to Fluttershy. “I don't know about this.”

“I-I don't know either…” Fluttershy whispered back.

Twilight just closed her eyes for the moment, trying her best to rationalize their next move. Still she couldn't find any good reason to go through with what they were about to do next. But they were too far along for sense to reassert itself. Opening her eyes, Twilight looked to Fluttershy for any signs of wanting to back out of it, but there wasn't anything there.

“First stop… The Wonderbolts headquarters I suppose...” Twilight started with the enthusiasm of a sinking rock.