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3. Kick Off! The Start Of The Football Season!

The morning sun cast a warm glow over Canterlot High School as Y/N walked with his new friends and teammates, Flash Sentry and Bulk Biceps, to their first-period class. The atmosphere buzzed with anticipation as everyone could feel the energy of the upcoming football season. As the first rays of dawn painted the sky with hues of orange and pink, Canterlot High buzzed with excitement. It was the start of the football season, a time when the entire school rallied behind their team, ready to cheer them on to victory.

It was surprising to Y/N from all the gossip he heard Canterlot hadn't been a good team for a long time but yet everyone seemed to still have hope and would cheer for them despite the team being unsuccessful for a few years now. 'Even though this team hasn't won anything for a long time everyone still believes in us. Regardless of all the negative they still look past that and only think about the positive. I've got to do my best for everyone who's cheering for us. If they're going to cheer for us and poor their hearts out we've got to at least make it a good show.' That only made Y/N happy to know that despite everything, their school still had their back and would support them.

Y/N adjusted his backpack and glanced over at Flash and Bulk, both clad in their football jerseys. "Why do we have to wear our jerseys today?" Y/N asked, adjusting the fabric of his football jersey.

Flash grinned, "It's game day tradition, dude! On the day of a football game, we proudly wear our jerseys to show our support and unity as a team."

"Yeah!" Bulk yelled which made Y/N smile while nodding his head in understanding, it made sense after all.

"Though a question nagged at the back of my mind." Y/N and Bulk looked over at Flash. "Out of all of the remaining numbers available to you, why did you choose number thirteen? I mean, I don't have anything against it, it's your choice but isn't it supposed to be an unlucky number or something?"

Y/N chuckled. "Yeah, some people think that, but I don't buy into all that superstition stuff. Besides, I make number thirteen look good!" Y/N did a goofy pose that made Flash and Bulk laugh at him which made Y/N laugh along with them.

Flash rolled his eyes and shrugged, accepting the explanation. "Fair enough, Y/N. Fair enough."

As they entered their first-period class taught by Mrs. Cheerilee, the teacher's eyes lit up with curiosity. "Well, well, well, if it isn't our star athletes! Flash, Bulk, oh, and Y/N too! Good morning! I heard there's quite the excitement surrounding tonight's game."

Flash and Bulk looked over at Y/N and Y/N immediately understood what Mrs. Cheerilee was referring to. All the talk was about who the new starting Quarterback was going to be for the team. Everyone was dying to know who was going to lead their team to victory, or at least they hoped so. Flash nudged Y/N letting him know to let out the tea. Y/N nodded his head, a hint of pride in his voice. "Yes, Mrs. Cheerilee. I'm actually the new Quarterback for the team."

Mrs. Cheerilee's eyebrows shot up in surprise, followed by murmurs of astonishment from the rest of the class. Y/N watched as the class stared at him in shock which made him a bit nervous but he kept his cool. "My goodness, that's fantastic news! Congratulations, Y/N! I wish you all the best of luck in tonight's game. Make Canterlot proud."

"Thank you, Mrs. Cheerilee." The three of them chorused in unison, grateful for her well-wishes. Even though it didn't look like it, and all the practice they did, they still couldn't help but be a little nervous, especially Y/N. The three of them, along with the rest of the team wanted to make Canterlot proud just as Mrs. Cheerilee had said.

While walking over to take their seats, Y/N couldn't help but feel eyes following him as he walked to the back of the class. Taking his seat Y/N was startled to see everyone looking at him with a few taking a few peeks and then talking to one another, most likely about him. Not paying too much mind to them, Y/N took out his supplies and focused on the class before him. Coach Iron Will had made it very clear to everyone, especially Y/N since he was new that although being on the team was an honor and a privilege to them, that still didn't mean it was their main focus. Coach Iron Will, despite seeming like a mean and uncaring guy actually was a very kind and understanding man to his team. He wanted them to be a good football team, yes. But he also wanted them to be good students as well. Coach Iron Will made it clear that anyone who couldn't maintain at least a 2.5 GPA, at the minimum would miss out on playing. They also had to be on their best behavior, if they got into a fight or detention or anything like that they would also miss out on playing, and depending on what they did the punishment could be increased to being cut from the team entirely. Coach Iron Will had also made it clear that he would be doing regular check-ins with their teacher to see how they are behaving in class and checking in on their grades. And being the Quarterback, but also wanting to make Canterlot proud, Y/N was determined to be not only on his best behavior but also maintain good grades, which he never normally never had a problem with.

During class, Y/N couldn't help but still feel the eyes linger on him. Looking up to gather some notes that Mrs. Cheerilee was writing down, Y/N made eye contact with a girl who was looking at him with her chin on her hand, and a smile on her face. She waved at Y/N, winked, and giggled before turning around to not miss out on anything that Mrs. Cheerilee was writing down on the board.

Y/N felt a nudge on his shoulder once again and looked over to see Flash with a smirk on his face. "Looks like you've become popular in the blink of an eye." Y/N rolled his eyes and went back to looking at the board before getting distracted again. "I'm serious here man. You're going to be the talk of the school for the rest of the day once news gets out about you being the new Quarterback. Plus." Flash tilts his head over and Y/N looks over in the direction to see a few girls looking over at the group of them smiling and waving at them seductively. "When you're on the football team, you're bound to get a lot of attention from the girls."

Y/N let out a small chuckle. "Yeah, yeah, whatever."

Mrs. Cheerilee handed out some worksheets for everyone to work on. Y/N with the help of Flash and Bulk had gotten it done in no time and had some time to kill. Flash and Bulk were talking about the Super Bowl that had gone down a week before Y/N had come to Canterlot. Super Bowl 58 was a matchup between the 49ers and the Cheifs and although many people called the game rigged saying Taylor Swift paid for the Chiefs to win, Y/N didn't want to get involved with their conversation just to be safe so no arguments accidentally took place. Looking around the room, Y/N's eye caught Sunset and Rainbow a few seats away working on the worksheet together.

'So that's Sundrop's girlfriend?' Taking a good look at Sunset, Y/N could understand why he got with her. She was very beautiful, and she seemed to be pretty smart with how she helped Rainbow answer the questions on the worksheet. Her smile seemed to be pretty innocent and equally as cute as her. 'No surprise he probably saw the same thing that I see, and probably a bunch of other boys here. But... with her being here at Canterlot and with him still being over at Crystal Prep, I doubt she knows what type of person he's like over there. She probably has no clue all the bad things that he does to people over there, enjoying the pain of others that he bullies.' Y/N tightened his fist. 'Someone like her shouldn't be with someone like him. She should be with someone who isn't such a complete son of a-'

"Uh, Y/N?" Y/N snapped out of his thoughts and looked over at Flash who was looking at him confused. "Did you hear what I just said?"

Y/N scratched the back of his neck nervously hoping that Flash didn't see him staring at Sunset. "Sorry, I just... thinking about tonight's game is all. What did you say?" Y/N silently hoped that Flash would buy that bad lie of his.

Flash smiled and nodded his head. "Yeah, I get that. I do that often, especially during the start of the football season." Bulk nodded his head while he put away his stuff in his backpack. "I said that after school all of us have to head to the football field to get in some last-minute practice and then we'll go into the locker room and get everything ready before the big game."

"Oh, okay. Thanks, I'll remember that." Y/N looked over to Sunset once again and unexpectedly his eyes met his. The two of them looked each other in the eye until Sunset gave a small smile and a wave which Y/N returned. Sunset went back to paying attention to her worksheet while Y/N turned his head to not look like a creep, now finding solace in looking at the board. Looking into those eyes, Sunset looked so innocent and kind, the complete opposite of Sundrop. 'She should know the truth about him so that he doesn't hurt her like he has to so many others. But.. there's no way she would believe someone she doesn't even know. Besides, the truth always comes out, I'm sure she'll find out exactly the type of person Sundrop is sooner or later.' Closing his eyes, Y/N waited for class to be over.

Throughout the day, whispers followed Y/N and his teammates as news of his new position spread like wildfire. Some offered words of encouragement, while others voiced their doubts. He even got a few girls staring at him either winking at him or waving at him, while some giggled and messed with their hair as he walked by. Did this happen to every guy that was on the football team? Nevertheless, Y/N remained focused, determined to prove himself on the field. He wasn't going to let anyone's negativity cloud his mind before the game even happened. But even Y/N himself had some doubts. Yes, he did so well in practice, would that same skill he presented to all his teammates show up during the big game, he sure hoped so.

When school ended he along with the rest of his team went down to the field to get in some last-minute practice. Y/N did some practice with his receivers and his tight ends while the offensive and defensive linemen did a little practice on one another trying to get past or block the other. As Y/N launched a ball downfield for Flash to catch he looked to see the running backs doing some practice of their own and even the kicker was getting in some kicks. During his attention back he smiled when he noticed Flash had caught the ball and was returning over to him.

"Nice throw, Y/N. Keep throwing how you are and we might seriously have a chance this year." Flash tossed the ball over to Y/N who took and threw a short pass to Bulk.

"Thanks, I wanna do my best for the team." Y/N watched as Bulk caught the ball and ran upfield a bit before turning around and passing the ball back to him.

"ATTENTION!" Hearing that booming voice, Y/N knew who it was already. Turning around it was Coach Iron Will walking over to them. Everyone walked over to their Coach, took a knee, and looked at him to show him they had their attention. "Thank you. Now as you all know, the first game of the season is tonight, and it's taking place on our own homefield. If we want to start off the year right we've got to start off strong and vicious. This year will be different, we've got the team to win. Offense." Everyone on the offensive side perked up. "Play fast, play strong. Everyone knows why our offensive was so pitiful last year. It was because we didn't have a Quarterback, but now it seems we might have found the guy for the job. Trust in him and he'll trust you." Iron Will then looked at Y/N. "Trust them too. If you don't trust in your offense they won't trust you. Trust goes both ways." Y/N nodded his head. "I hope you all got in some good practice because it's time to head into the locker room and get your equipment on." Everyone stood up and put one of their arms into the area making a fist with their hand. "Wondercolts on three! Wondercolts on three! One! Two! Three!"

"Wondercolts!" Everyone yelled in unison as they made their way to the locker room. Y/N followed his teammates, ready for what later would bring for him and his team.

As evening descended and the sun dipped below the horizon, the stadium lights illuminated the field, casting a warm glow over the crowd. It was time for the first game of the season, and Canterlot High's home field was alive with energy and anticipation. Y/N had needed to use the bathroom and while he was heading back to the locker room he noticed just how packed the student section was. A good decent amount of the students are the school were there, if not all of them. Were they here to show their support for the team and show team spirit? Or were there here to see him? Y/N knew the news about him being the new Quarterback spread throughout the school but there's no way they were actually there just to watch him, right?

Y/N walked back into the locker room and put on his football equipment. He was going to put his helmet on but seeing everyone else holding their helmets to their side, he decided to keep his helmet by his side as well. Using his phone to look at himself he looked at his jersey, his pants, and his cleats that he had been given from Coach Iron Will. Along with all the pads they had been given for some extra protection. He noticed that Flash and Bulk had some gloves on their hands. From what he had been told gloves acted as a way to help someone grip onto the ball better so they didn't accidentally drop it.

"All right, everyone!" Everyone stood up as they noticed Coach Iron Will had walked into the locker room along with some of the other coaches. Y/N noticed some of them as the offensive and the Quarterback coach, two of whom he had really worked hard with ever since he joined the team. They had helped in understand the type of offense the team ran and helped him become a better Quarterback teaching him all kinds of techniques and strategies to become the best Quarterback he could be. "It's game time, get your helmets, and let's go out there and show everyone how us Wondercolts throw down!"

"Yes, Coach!" Everyone picked up their helmets and put them on as they started to make their way out of the locker room and toward their stadium. Exiting the locker room, they stood with their coaches as they waited to be introduced.

They heard the announcer introduce the opposing team which only resulted in the sound of boos from the crowd. The announcer's voice boomed through the speakers, as he started to introduce team Wondercolt. Excitement rippled through the crowd, seeing their team run down the field.

"Our star Wide Receiver, number ten, Flash Sentry!" Y/N watched as Flash ran out and onto the field with the Wondercolt flag in his hand as he waved it while running to the field with his team. All that was left was Y/N who originally was going to run onto the field with his teammates was stopped by Coach Iron Will because of a reason that he didn't tell him. So here was Y/N waiting for his call while all his teammates and coaches were already out there. "And now, ladies and gentlemen, you've waited long enough, introducing our new Quarterback, number thirteen, Y/N L/N!" Hearing his name be called, Y/N finally smiled and ran off the field.

A thunderous roar erupted from the stands, cheers and applause echoing throughout the stadium. Y/N felt a surge of adrenaline course through him as he stepped onto the field, the weight of his jersey and the expectations of the crowd spurring him on. Y/N wasn't sure what to do so he just waved to the crowd as he ran onto the field slapping his teammate's hands as ran through them as they made a line for him with them on both sides of him.

Running over to the sideline Y/N looked around taking in the feeling. The whole student section was filled on both ends with kids already cheering despite the game not even starting yet. Y/N noticed the cheer team doing some cheers and flips to energize the crowd. He looked at the field to see the referee's walking around probably making sure everything was good to go. Y/N then looked over to his teammates, some sitting down while others were standing up either walking around or jumping up and down in excitement for the game to begin.

Y/N felt a hand slap the back pretty hard. Turning around to see who it was, he noticed Flash with a huge smile on his face. "You ready for this, Y/N?"

Smiling, Y/N nodded his head as he looked over to see a referee talking to Coach Iron Will which confused him. "You bet I am! Why is the referee talking to Coach Iron Will?"

"Coach is probably telling the referee what we want to do. We're the home team after all so the visiting team gets the coin toss. Depending on how the coin toss goes depends on whether we start off on offense or defense. The referee was most likely just telling Coach how the toss went." Y/N nodded to show he understood. "However, whoever gets the ball at the beginning of the game, the opposite team gets the ball after halftime which isn't a bad thing at times."

"At the end of the day, it doesn't matter who starts with the ball or who gets it at halftime. All that matters is who wins when the game is over. But... I would be lying if I said if I wasn't itching to get onto the field." Y/N and Flash smiled until they heard the sound of the referee blowing his whistle.

Looking at the field both teams had gotten into their positions with the ball set up ready for the game-starting kickoff. "Looks like they get to start the game off with the ball first. Sorry Y/N, it looks like we'll have to wait for our chance to have the ball."

Y/N looked over to see the defense talking to one another on the sideline. Spike Drake, a lineman for the team and one of the best linemen in the country who also happened to be the leader on the defensive side was giving his teammates a talking-to. Smiling, Y/N looked over at Flash without a worry in the world. "Don't worry, Flash. I'm sure the defense is going to give us the ball sooner than you think. Remember, we have one of the best defenses in the country, and looking at them..." Y/N pointed over to them and Flash looked over to see the defense cheering bouncing up and down. "They look ready for action."

Flash nodded. "They know how to stop the run, and get to the Quarterback to sack him, and they know how to get the ball for us. Our defense did lead in turnovers. Interceptions, forced fumbles, the defense knows how to stop offenses." Flash then looked down. "It was the offense that couldn't get points on the board and all the greatest the defense did was overlooked because of the poorly ran offense." Flash then looked up with a smile. "But we have you here, and everyone feels like things are going to be different. We're all actually looking forward to the start of the season, something that I've never seen since I've been here. But don't feel like you're alone, we're all here for you. You don't have to be perfect, so don't try to overthink things."

Y/N nodded his head with a smile. "Thank, Flash. I'll do my best for everyone." The two were snapped out of their thoughts with the sound of a whistle. "Looks like the game is about to begin." Flash and Y/N walked over to the edge of the sideline as they watched both teams wait and with the sound of the whistle blowing once again, the kicker ran and kicked the ball into the air.

The game kicked off with a swift kick sending the ball soaring to the opposing team. As Y/N watched the ball soar through the air, Y/N's heart raced with anticipation. The season had officially begun, and Y/N felt a surge of adrenaline as he watched the defensive side of the team take their position on the field, ready to do their best to help their team to victory. The sun began to set, casting a warm glow over the stadium, and as the crowd roared with excitement, Y/N knew that this season held the promise of unforgettable moments and triumphs. This was it—the start of a new chapter, the beginning of his journey as Canterlot High's Quarterback.

Comments ( 4 )

I forgot about this story. Can’t believe it’s back.

I know I'm so sorry but it's finally back :twilightsheepish:

How do you pronounce Y/N?

Y/N is just Y and N but it refers to Your Name, so instead of saying Y/N, you say your name. In my case, Y/N would be Joshua :pinkiesmile:

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