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2. A Fresh New Start! Stepping Into The Future!

Waking up that morning Y/N woke up with a smile on his face and immediately started doing his morning routine. From doing his hair, brushing his teeth, and getting his stuff for school, Y/N was ready for his first day at his new school. Looking in the mirror, Y/N was making sure he looked his best. First impressions were important and he wanted to have a good lasting first impression on everyone at Canterlot High. 'I gotta make a good first impression... I don't want things happening like back at Crystal Prep.'

"Y/N, darling?" Y/N snapped out of his thoughts hearing his cousin's voice. "It's time to get going, we don't want to be late on your first day. It's especially unladylike for a woman to be late and I refuse to be late on your behalf!" Y/N laughed to himself after hearing his cousin. Even after all the time he had been away from her, Rarity was still the same old cousin Y/N remembered when they were little.

Looking at his reflection one last time to make sure he looked his best, Y/N nodded his head and walked out. "Coming Rarity!" Walking downstairs, Y/N noticed Rarity fixing her clothes, and Y/N rolled his eyes. "I'm here now."

Rarity turned around and smiled seeing her cousin. "Well hello there, Y/N. I do hope you're ready for your first day of school."

Y/N nodded his head and gave a small smile. "Yeah, let's get a move on." Rarity smiled and nodded as she walked over to grab her backpack. Y/N unlocked the door and held the door open for Rarity. "After you, m'lady."

Rarity laughed. "How couth of you, Y/N." Rarity walked out the door and Y/N closed and locked the door from behind. Closing the door from behind, the two cousins started making their way to Canterlot High.

Upon arriving at the school, Y/N couldn't help but look at the school again. It was just huge and bursting with life as it was the first time he saw it. Y/N looked around and looked at all the students around the front of the school either happily conversing with one another laughing or playing games with one another.

Walking up the stairs to get to the front door to the school Y/N noticed all the looks he was getting. Being that he was new, people probably realized that he was a new face in the school. 'Okay, Y/N. Just smile and look your best.' Surprisingly everyone was beating him to the chase and Y/N was getting waves and smiles from everyone he passed. Y/N was surprised, no one at Crystal Prep was like this, but the people here were so nice. Y/N happily smiled at everyone and gave a small wave to them. Everyone was so kind, and actually had expressions and weren't motionless zombies like at Crystal Prep. 'Yeah, I can get used to this.'

Rarity and Y/N walked up to a door and Rarity knocked on the door. "Principal Celestia? I brought the new student." Not having to wait long, the door opened, and out came a tall woman with rainbow-like hair. Y/N guessed that she was Principal Celestia, and unlike Principal Cinch, she looked like a very nice and kind woman. "This is Y/N, my dear cousin. He transferred from Crystal Prep, my parents should have sent you an email?"

Principal Celestia smiled and looked at Y/N. "Yes, Y/N. I know everything about you and the circumstances that occurred. I'm so sorry that happened to you, no one should have to go through that." Principal Celestia put her hand on Y/N's shoulder and smiled at him. "But I can promise you that I think you'll find our school setting more pleasant than the environment that you have to go through."

Y/N looked at Principal Celestia and smiled. "Yeah, thanks. I'm sure anywhere is better than that place." Celestia and Y/N looked at each other and smiled while Rarity smiled at them. However, her smile was anything but real. As she looked at Celestia and Y/N talking her mind started to wonder what exactly happened to her cousin.

'Y/N, what did happen to you in Crystal Prep, darling?' Rarity knew that Crystal Prep wasn't near as lively as Canterlot, but she wondered what had gone down that Y/N now had to live with her and be transferred over to Canterlot. Y/N hadn't mentioned anything and Rarity didn't want to ask anything that might make Y/N feel uncomfortable. However, Rarity was known for talking about all sorts of juicy drama that went down at school, love, and all the amount of tea. But even she knew when was the right time not to be noisy, especially since it was her cousin who had just moved in with her and was getting used to the new environment. 'Whatever happened to you darling I do hope that you know that you can talk to me about anything.'

"Rarity?" Rarity snapped out of her thoughts and looked to see Y/N and Celestia looking at her. "Principal Celestia gave me my schedule and told me everything that I need to know." Y/N gave Rarity his schedule and Rarity started to look at it. Luckily for the two cousins, they shared a bit of class with one another. "I'm going to get going to my first-period class, but I'll catch up with you later in third period."

Rarity smiled and waved. "Goodbye, Y/N. Have a fabulous first period!" Y/N smiled and waved goodbye as he started to make his way to his first period, History.

Upon arriving at his first class, Y/N found an open seat in the back and sat down. As Y/N put his backpack down and started taking out his supplies for class, someone took a seat next to him making Y/N look up. Looking at who sat next to him, Y/N was surprised to see that it was the kid from yesterday who caught his toss. Thinking back, if Y/N was correct, his name was Flash and he was a Wide Receiver for the football team.

Wanting to make a good impression, and get close with possibly one of his teammates, Y/N decided to greet him. "Hey, you're Flash, right?" Flash looked over at Y/N. "My name is Y/N, the guy from yesterday, the one who threw you the ball."

Flash looked at Y/N and smiled. "Yeah, I remember you, you're the one who might become our Quarterback." Flash put out his hand and Y/N shook it. "My name is Flash Sentry, the school's supposed star Wide Receiver. But with our lack of an actual capable Quarterback with the right qualities of being one, I haven't gotten to truly show my skills and talent at being a Wide Receiver. I mean, if we actually had a good Quarterback, I might finally have a good above two hundred yards at max."

Y/N nodded his head. "I heard. Seems like you guys have had trouble finding the right guy for the job. But surely last year you guys weren't as bad as you make it seem." Y/N watched as Flash took out his phone and pulled up an article and showed Y/N his phone.

Looking at the phone, Y/N started to read the article in his mind. 'Canterlot High miss the playoffs once again for the fifteenth year in a row after finishing their season 3-7. Their team's offense could get nothing started all season with their defense being the only thing that kept them in their games. Canterlot is one of those teams that have a key missing factor. They have young and speedy Wide Receivers, a good run game, a steady offensive, and defensive line, and one of the best defenses in the country. However, the weakest point in their team is the Quarterback position. Canterlot played three Quarterbacks for the season a first in their teams history. Flash Sentry, Bulk Biceps, and Spike Drake, all stepped up and played the role of team leader and unfortunately were only able to bring their team three wins. If Canterlot wants to ever go back to the playoffs and win a championship they will have to find a Quarterback who is capable of throwing the ball and shows great leadership.'

Y/N gave Flash back his phone and looked at him in surprise. "Wow, I had no idea."

Flash shrugged his shoulders. "We're kinda used to it." Flash looked over to his left where Bulk Biceps was sitting next to him. "Me, Bulk, and the others, along with the school are used to losing, as sad as it is. As much as we would like a winning record, we also want to win. The article is completely right, and it annoys us to death. We have a top-five defense in the country, and good offensive weapons, but with no good Quarterback, we can't explode like how Coach knows we can." Y/N looks at Flash and Bulk who look sad but look up at the front of the room to pay attention to class which was about to begin.

"You know, the football season is about to begin." Y/N turned his head and looked to see two girls talking with one another. One of the girls had blue skin and rainbow hair, Y/N didn't want to make any assumptions but with how she was leaning on her chair without a care in the world with a soccer ball by her side, she looked like a tomboy. The other girl had red and yellow hair and light amber skin, and wore a black leather jacket with two orange stripes on the sleeves, a teal dress with a yellow shirt, blue jeans, and black heeled boots that matched her jacket. Y/N blushed, she was the most beautiful girl he had ever seen. "Do you think our football team will do any good this year?" The rainbow-haired girl asked the red and yellow-haired girl.

The red and yellow-haired girl looked at the rainbow-haired girl and rolled her eyes as she rolled her eyes. "Ugh, Rainbow everyone knows that our football team sucks!"

The rainbow-haired girl, who was now known as Rainbow just smiled. "I don't know, Sunset. Our team has amazing players and I heard from one of them that they might have just found a solid Quarterback for this season."

The girl who was now known as Sunset rolled her eyes with a smirk. "Yeah sure, whatever they say. Whoever their Quarterback is, he'll never be as great as my boyfriend Sundrop."

Y/N froze hearing that name and his eyes widened as he looked at Sunset in surprise. "Oh yeah, Sundrop." Y/N watched as Rainbow stared at Sunset. "How is he doing in Crystal Prep anyways? Being the Quarterback for a school like that has got to be an honor. Not only is he the Quarterback but he's also the smartest kid in Crystal Prep, you've got yourself a good one, Sunset."

Sunset smiled. "Yeah, he's the best boyfriend ever."

Y/N looked at Sunset, still in shock. 'How does she know Sundrop? Does she know what kind of person he is over at Crystal Prep? Maybe Rarity will know info on her, and then I can ask how the two of them meet and how she got with... him.'

"Good morning class, it's time we begin." Everyone turned their heads and faced the teacher. She was a middle-aged woman that looked like she was in her thirties. She had dark pink hair and wore a green dress. Y/N looked away from Sunset, not wanting to get caught by her, and looked up front to pay attention to the teacher. As he paid attention, Y/N wondered what his first day at Canterlot would be like.

Y/N entered the cafeteria and grabbed his lunch. He decided to go with a slice of pizza and an apple along with some water he had in his water bottle. Looking around, Y/N found his cousin in line getting her food. Still wanting to get answers from earlier, Y/N made his way over to Rarity.

Rarity who was in line noticed Y/N walking over to her and smiled. "Why hello there, Y/N. I hope that your day has been going good. Classes going well?"

"Hey, Rarity. My day's been pretty good, thanks. Classes have been going pretty easy actually, everything we've gone over has been reviewed for me so far." Y/N wasn't lying, Crystal Prep's lessons were far more intense. So intense that Y/N was sure that Crystal Prep was teaching a few college classes. Coming to Canterlot was a bit of a break from all the hard studies he was used to having. "Hey so, I've got to talk to you about something. You mind if we find a spot and talk to each other... privately?"

Rarity looked at Y/N confused but nodded her head. "Of course, darling." Y/N nodded and made his way over to an isolated table. He ate his food as he waited for Rarity to get her food and make her way over to him. Thankfully, it didn't take too long for her to get her food and find her way over to the table Y/N was sitting and eating his food. "So, what is it that you wanted to talk about Y/N?"

Y/N looked at his cousin, trying to find the right words to say. He noticed her eating a salad which made him smile. "Look, Rarity. Before I tell you, I would appreciate it you this stayed between us."

Rarity raised an eyebrow. "Y/N, whatever is the matter?"

Y/N looked around, making sure no one was around to hear their conversation. Seeing that no one was nearby, Y/N leaned in. "You wouldn't by any chance know anything about Sunset, would you?"

Looking at her cousin, Rarity smirked. "Y/N, darling. You don't by any chance... have a crush on her, do you?"

Y/N blushed and rolled his eyes. "Mind your business and answer the question."

Rarity let out a giggle and started to think. "Well, Sunset is one of the nicest girls at the school, that's for sure. She's one of the most brilliant minds here and she's well-liked by everyone. Boys love her for her stunning looks and her intelligent mind, but unfortunately, she's off the market if you know what I mean."

"Yeah, I heard, I have her in my first period. But what I want to know is how did she get with Sundrop." Y/N started to think back to everything that Sundrop had done to him at Crystal Prep. If Sunset didn't know what Sundrop was like, he wanted to make sure she knew what she was in for.

"Sunset and Sundrop meet at the park and hit it off from there. They talked and then exchanged numbers at the park to keep in contact. With a lot of convincing from me and the rest of the girls, Sunset decided to ask Sundrop on a... hangout, if you will. They went to a cafe and really hit it off and their relationship went from there. It didn't take long until the two of them fell for one another and started dating. They've been together for a few months now and they're by far the cutest couple I've ever seen." Rarity started to giggle which made Y/N roll his eyes. His cousin still was the same girl who loved all about love.

'So they meet at a park, interesting. And I'm guessing since Rarity is all happy, she probably doesn't know about Sundrop's other side. This isn't what I was hoping to figure out. But I guess this wasn't a complete and utter failure.' Smiling, Y/N took a sip of his water. "Thanks, Rarity."

Rarity looked at her cousin and smiled. "You're welcome, darling. Anytime I can help." Y/N smiled and the two cousins continued to their lunch together.

In the blink of an eye, school had finally ended for the day. Y/N exited his final period and started to make his way to the football field like where Iron Will had told him to meet him. Walking down the halls of the school, Y/N took a pitstop and stopped at his locker and put some books away.

"Yo! Y/N!" Y/N closed his locker and turned around to see Flash and Bulk walking toward him. "You coming to practice today?"

Smiling, Y/N made his way over to them. "Of course I was! I was making my way over there right now. We don't want to be late so do you guys want to walk with me?"

Flash and Bulk looked at one another and nodded their heads. "Yeah!" Smiling, Y/N and the other boys made their way out of the school and to the football field.

"Now Y/N. There's something you need to know. Since you're new, Coach is probably going to help you with the fundamentals such as getting you your practice jersey, your football locker, your gear, and since you're new to football probably help you in teaching you what to do." Y/N nodded his head to what Flash was telling him.

Arriving at the football field, Y/N looked around and saw all the other football players on the field stretching and doing some before exercises. "Wow, so this is what football practice is like. This looks so awesome, I can't wait to get started practicing!"

"Y/N!" Y/N turned around and saw Iron Will walking over to him. "It's so great to see you on our field ready for practice!" Y/N nodded and opened his mouth to talk but Iron Will cut him off. "Listen I already got your practice equipment and locker for you, all I need you to do is pick out a number you want for your jersey when we play in games. Follow me, we've got a lot to work on today and we can't waste time." Y/N nodded and followed Iron Will into the room with the jerseys in them. "All right, listen. You can pick any number you want, and if someone has the number you want I'll make it so that you get it. Since you're the Quarterback, I'll like it if the leader of our team played on the field with a number he wants."

Y/N looked at Iron Will and nodded his head. Looking around, Y/N looked at all the numbers that were still in the room. He was looking for a certain number that he just needed to play in. Searching the room for a bit longer, Y/N found it, a jersey with the number 13 on it. Y/N smiled and walked over to Iron Will. "I found my jersey, Coach."

Iron Will looked at Y/N and accepted it. "All right, now let's get going." Y/N nodded as quickly changed into his practice jersey that had the Wondercolts colors on them.

"Looking good Y/N!" Y/N looked over at Flash who had finished stretching and went over to Y/N.

Y/N smiled and nodded his head. "Thanks!"

Stepping out on the field, Iron Will blew his whistle getting the attention of all the players on the field. "All right, listen up everyone. This is F/N L/N, and he is our new Quarterback. I want this to be a good session for Y/N to hone in on his skills before our first game in a week. This is a team and here we work as a team to make us better! Let's give it our all this practice and all the other practices! And if you ever for even a second feel like giving up think about last year, and all the years before! Think about everything everyone has said about us! Everyone has given up on us, but I haven't! We can do this! This year will be the year that we win it all! After all these years of not making the playoffs and not making the championships ends this year! Let's give it everything we got!"

"Yes, Coach!" Iron Will blew his whistle and everyone went off to do their exercises.

"Y/N! You're with me for the day!" Y/N nodded and walked over to where Iron Will was standing. A few yards away were seven targets most likely for Y/N to hit. "The other day I saw the arm you have but now I want to see what your accuracy is like. I want you to hit those targets over there, simple, right? You don't have to get a bullseye but as look as you hit the target then that'll be good enough for me. That'll be your plan for today, and if your accuracy is enough then we'll go back to running some routes with the rest of the team."

"Sure thing, Coach." Y/N nodded his head as he was given a stack of footballs and got into position as he picked up one of the balls. Y/N looked at the targets from across and took a deep breath, if he could even hit four that would be a victory to him.

So looking at the first target, Y/N cranked his arm back and threw the football at the target. The ball flew in the air, toward the target, and hit its mark. Bouncing off the target and falling to the ground, Y/N smiled. He had hit a target! Grabbing another ball, Y/N cranked his arm back and once again the ball collided with the target. Y/N did this five more times hitting the rest of the targets with perfect ease without even breaking a sweat. Y/N turned to his Coach who was smiling at the events he had seen.

"Now that was some incredible accuracy! A perfect score, not bad at all. For a record like that for a rookie who's never played the game before, that's pretty good. That takes some talent and good eye coordination to have that level of accuracy. For a Quarterback to be good, they don't have to just have a strong arm, but they also need to have to be accurate." Y/N nodded his head at his Coach's words. "Let me ask you this, Y/N. You're in the NFL and you're in the Super Bowl and you're down by three and you have a chance to get a final drive down the field in time to win but you have two Quarterbacks to choose from. Now, would you rather choose the Quarterback who's thrown fifteen interceptions in the season or the Quarterback who's thrown three interceptions?"

Y/N thought about it, but the choice wasn't that difficult. "I guess I would play things safe and choose the Quarterback who only threw three interceptions."

Iron Will nodded his head. "Absolutely! Now I don't care how strong your arm is, but your accuracy is something I will be on to you about. Accuracy over strength, remember that." Y/N nodded his head. "All right. Now that it seems that you've done pretty well with the accuracy test, it's time we get to do some seven-on-seven with the rest of the team." Y/N nodded his head and followed his Coach who walked him over to the rest of the team who was practicing their own things. "Attention!" Everyone stopped what they were doing and looked to their Coach. "It's time we start doing some seven-on-sevens. Offense and Defense, get onto the field." Everyone nodded and some players got into position with Y/N standing behind the Offensive Line looking at his teammates. Coach walked over to Y/N and showed him a piece of paper. "For this test Y/N I want to see how well you can lead your team. Your team will start at the twenty-yard line and then move up the field and try to get to a touchdown in the end zone on the other side of the field." Y/N nodded as he read the call, a simple slant route for the Receivers and a Comeback for the Tight End.

The team surrounded Y/N who stood in the middle. It was his first team doing this "All right everyone listen up! We've gotta get down to the end zone and we're going to do this as a team. We got trips right ninety-one eight six seven!" Everyone nodded their heads. "Break!" The whole team clapped their hands and everyone gets into their places. "All right here we go!" Y/N looked around, first looking at his Receivers and then at the Defense. "Hike!" The center throws the ball back and Y/N steps back looking around for someone who was open. He listened as the Offensive Line and Defensive Line battled, one side to get to Y/N and the other to defend him from being sacked.

Y/N turns and sees Flash ahead of his defender and with a smile on his face, Y/N launches the ball. The ball flies in the air and with ease, Flash catches the ball and takes off! Running up the field as far as he could but he was taken down by one of the defensive players. Y/N ran up the field impressed with Flash's agility. In just one play the offense was already on the twenty-five-yard line and was close to the end zone.

Walking to his team, Y/N made another call. "All right, this is going to be a screen pass to Bulk. On one, on one!" Everyone nodded and Y/N clapped his hands. "Break!" The team once again clapped and got into their places. Y/N looked around and seeing that everyone looked good to go, he made the call. "Hike!" The center once again threw the ball back to Y/N and upon getting the ball in his hands, Y/N threw the ball over to Bulk.

Bulk caught the ball and used the Receivers in front of him to block, Bulk ran his fastest, and using his big size he bulldozed anyone who stood in his way. And with ease, Bulk bulldozed his way into the endzone without a problem. Y/N smiled and ran over to Bulk and slapped his helmet. The rest of the offense ran over and cheered for Bulk for his touchdown. Just then the team heard a whistle and turned. It was Iron Will, and he looked happy.

"That was a good job from everyone! Flash, you've gotten only faster, that's good. And Bulk, I can see your strength has improved from last year, keep it up. Defense, you've got to improve on man-to-man coverage, you can't let your opponents get the edge on you like that." Everyone nodded their heads and Iron Will looked at Y/N which made him nervous. "Y/N... that was excellent leadership! You've shown that you've got what it takes to lead this team. In all my years I've never seen the Offense function that smoothly." Iron Will walked up to Y/N and put his hand on his shoulder. "Y/N, will you do us the great honor and play Quarterback for us this season?"

Y/N looked at Iron Will and then at everyone else on the field and smiled. "Of course! I want to help his team the best I can to bring this team back to the championship game, and win!" Everyone cheered and Iron Will smiled.

"All right! We've still got a lot of practice left to do before our first game! We're going to work our hearts out if we want to do our best and win the championship this year!" Everyone nodded their heads and Iron Will looked over to you with a smile. "Y/N, you bring this squad in!"

Y/N smiled and nodded as he stepped forward with his arm in the air. Everyone else put their arms in the air, waiting for Y/N's call. "Listen up everyone! We're all playing for the same thing, to win this year! Well so do I! We've got a lot of work to do if we want to be that team! We've got something that no other team has, and that's spirit! Let that spirit burn inside of you and push you to do your best! Offense! Defense! Let's do this thing!" Everyone nodded as Y/N smiled at his team who smiled back at him. "Let's go, Wondercolts!"

"Let's go, Wondercolts!" Everyone cheered as they threw their arms into the air.

Y/N watched as his team went their own ways and went back to practice before the start of the season. Y/N smiled as he went back to throwing the football at the practice targets. If he wanted to lead his team to the promised land he was going to have to train harder than anyone. The whole Wondercolts team was determined to do their best and if they wanted to be the best, they had to train the best that they could.