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1. A New Beginning! Canterlot High School!

From having to leave one school for another is always a big change. For Y/N he was forced to move, not out of his choice but because he had been forced to leave Crystal Prep Academy. Long story short Y/N had gotten into it with the wrong people and after months of constant bullying, he had to leave for his safety. So now here he was, riding in the back of his parent's car heading to his cousin's house. With no other choice, Y/N's parents decided it would be best for Y/N to go to Canterlot High School with his cousin. However it came with a cost, Y/N would have no choice but to live away from his parents and live with his cousin.

Y/N's mom looked at him through the side view mirror. "We're coming up to your cousins' house, make sure when you get out you have everything with you." Y/N sighed as he looked out the window. "I'm sorry honey, I know this isn't what you wanted but it was our only option. Plus you love your cousin, living with them for a little bit won't be all that bad."

'Love wouldn't be the word I would use to describe my relationship with my cousin but close enough Mom.' Picking up his things Y/N started to get prepared to get out of the car. "Yeah, it's just going to suck being away from you guys. I'm going to miss you two a lot."

"We're going to miss you too Champ." Y/N's dad said as he pulled into Y/N's cousin's driveway. "But it's for the best, and on the plus side you can call me or your mother whenever you're feeling homesick."

Opening the door to his side Y/N got out of the car with his luggage. "Yeah, I'll be sure to call daily." As he closed the door to the car and started making his way to the front door of the house he stopped and turned around. "Mom, Dad, I love you, I'll miss you guys."

"Love you too son." Both of Y/N's parents said. And just like that Y/N's father backed up from the driveway and back to their home but not before driving by and waving goodbye to him one last time as Y/N waved back with a smile on his face.

Turning back to the house Y/N sighed. "Well, I'm on my own from this point on." Walking to the door, Y/N rang the doorbell and waited for someone to get answer the door. Just then Y/N heard the sound of walking toward the door, the lock of the door could be heard being undone as the door then opened showing Y/N's cousin.

"Y/N, darling!" As soon as Y/N's cousin, Rarity, saw him she hugged him tightly. "It's been so long since we last saw each other, you've gotten so tall and quite charming."

Y/N smiled and hugged her back. "It's nice to see you too Rarity. We've got some catching up to do." Y/N said as the two made their way inside the house.

After the two cousins got reacquainted and after Rarity had made some lunch for the two of them she then had a bright idea. "Well, Y/N since you don't start school until tomorrow why don't I take you over to Canterlot High and show you around to get you familiar with your new surroundings?"

Y/N thought about it, it would be good to have a clue about the school and where some classes were. "Yeah, that sounds like a good idea."

Rarity smiled and nodded her head. "Very well then, let's go." Y/N nodded as the two cousins then got up and left Rarity's house and headed off to Canterlot High. Thankful for them, Rarity's house wasn't that far from Canterlot so it was a quick walk away.

When the two made their way to Canterlot, Y/N was surprised to see how amazing Canterlot looked. "Impressive, right? Canterlot High is the best, you're going to love it here. Oh! Tomorrow I could introduce you to my friends and you can have lunch with us, I'm sure they won't mind an extra person."

"That sounds like fun, I'd love to meet your friends." Looking at the school one more time Y/N couldn't help but feel excited for his next school life to begin. "Well, how about we begin that tour I was told I would be given."

Smiling, Rarity and Y/N made their way into the school. "I'll show you all the important parts of the school and where your classes will be so you won't be lost on your first day."

"Sounds good to me, now lead the way tour guide." Rarity let out a small laugh as she then started showing you around the school.

To say Y/N was impressed would be an understatement. Unlike Crystal Prep, Canterlot High seemed so much more... colorful. At Crystal Prep it was to be the best and do the best, no one was kind and everyone only cared about themselves, and then how could Y/N forget about the bullying... but that was all in the past now. Canterlot seemed much livelier than Crystal Prep would ever be, and since Y/N would be going to school with his cousin and her friends. Maybe, just maybe, Y/N would actually be able to have friends and enjoy his time at school.

Thanks to the help of Rarity she showed Y/N around the school, along with where all of his classes would be and where the two of them would meet up at lunchtime or during breaks. "And that Y/N is all of Canterlot High for you, I do hope you'll like it here."

"Trust me, if what you've told me about how things are over here. I might not ever want to leave, this place seems ten times better than Crystal Prep. But... I do hope the people who go here are just as nice as you and your friends." Y/N looked down at the ground thinking about his past at Crystal Prep.

Life at Crystal Prep could only be described as hell. Principal Cinch only wanted the best from her students, nothing less than perfection. The kids were rude and only wanted what was best for them, they were snobby, fakes, and all in all, total narcissists. There was no such thing as school spirit or friendship, friendship was something that Y/N had never felt. Y/N never even talked to his schoolmates unless he absolutely had to, other than that Y/N was on his own when at school.

And to make matters worse there was the biggest bully in all of Crystal Prep. Everyone was scared of him, he was known as the "King of Crystal Prep" and was also the Quarterback of the Shadowbolts football team. No one dared stand in front of him or get on his bad side or they would be in a load of misery. His name was Sundrop, a tall male figure with orange and red hair. He stood above everyone and was on top of the school for not only his grades but also his athletic ability. But most importantly he was Principal Cinch's star pupil, out of everyone he was treated with the most respect out of everyone. He also got away with a lot as well, which meant that he got away with bullying anyone he deemed worth torturing.

Y/N was his biggest target, however, every day at least once or twice Sundrop would do something to Y/N. Thinking back to everything Sundrop did to him made Y/N mad, mad at himself that he wasn't strong enough to stand up for himself or for everyone else at Crystal Prep that was also being bullied by Sundrop. The bullying became so intense that... the incident happened and Y/N was forced to leave there and come to Canterlot.

'It was all his fault...' Y/N tightened his fist. 'I never want to go through that pain ever again!'

"Y/N, darling?" Y/N snapped out of his thoughts and looked at Rarity who was staring at Y/N with a concerned expression. "You've been standing there for quite a while, I've been trying to talk to you."

"Sorry, I was just... thinking about some old memories." Y/N then looked at Rarity and smiled. "So what was it that you were trying to tell me?"

Rarity looked back at Y/N and smiled, as she put a hand on his shoulder. "I was telling you that I can promise that the people who go here are way nicer, and if anyone were to give you any trouble then you could go to Principal Celestia, she's the best when it comes to dealing with conflicts like that."

Y/N looked at his cousin and then smiled. "Trust me no one can be worse than Principal Cinch. I'm just glad to be far away from there. Plus, I have a good feeling that things are going to be just fine here. Man, I can't wait for school tomorrow!"

Rarity smiled at Y/N. "Well, I'm glad to hear that Y/N, now if you excuse me I need to use the ladies' room you wait at the front of the school and I'll catch up."

Rolling his eyes Y/N started to make his way toward the front of the school. "You got it, just don't take too long."

Upon arriving outside Y/N began his who knows how long wait for his cousin. As time went by Y/N got bored and started to mess around with his phone to kill some time. While he was waiting however Y/N heard some sounds from nearby, being curious he followed where the sounds were coming from. On a football field, a bunch of boys were doing some practice, running around the track, blocking one another, and running some routes. Y/N watched as a white-skinned bulky kid who was ginormous in size stood waiting to throw the football at a pale skin blue-haired boy.

Y/N watched waiting to see how things would turn out, however when it came to throwing the ball... the ball was completely overthrown. The ball shot in the air like a rocket and landed right next to Y/N. 'He has the arm but he doesn't know how to control it.'

"Hey, kid you mind tossing that over to us!" Y/N looked over to see what he guessed was the coach with his hand in the air as everyone else wanted Y/N to throw the ball. Not wanting to waste their time Y/N cranked his arm back and threw the football, the ball flew high into the into with a perfect spiral as it then accurately landed in the hands of the coach. The coach, along with the other kids looked at the ball with amazement and then back at Y/N. "Hey, kid! Come over here for a sec!" Y/N was confused for a second and then went over to where the others were.

Once when Y/N arrived in front of them he spoke. "Yes? Can I help you with something?"

"I'm the coach for the Wondercolts football team, the name's Iron Will, and you might just be the person I've been looking for." Iron Will then gave the football back to Y/N and turned him around to face the rest of the football team. "This here is the team for Canterlot High School. Now although our team is very good we've been in a situation when it comes to Quarterback, but with your arm, you could be the guy for the job! What's your name, kid?"

Y/N looked at the coach flabbergasted. "My name's Y/N, but... do you seriously want me to be the Quarterback for your team? I've never played football before. I don't know the first thing about it. All I know is what I've watched on TV."

Iron Will rolled his eyes. "As long as you do what I tell you to do you should be fine. Now I want you to throw a ball to our star Wide Receiver, Flash Sentry." The pale-skinned blue-haired boy walked forward. "Flash you will run a quick route and Y/N will pass it to you, got it?"

"No problem, Coach." Flash looked over at Y/N for a second and nodded his head with respect. He then got into place near the front of the fifteen-yard line and waited for Y/N's call. "Whenever you're ready."

Y/N nodded and got ready. "Hike!" As soon as making the call Flash took off doing his route he raced to the twenty-yard line and then quickly turned to his right. Seeing this Y/N quickly threw the ball that perfectly landed in Flash's hands. Y/N smiled and turned at the coach hoping he did well.

"A bit slow on reaction time but that can be worked out with practice, nonetheless a good job with the ball placement." Iron Will then picked up another ball and this time pointed at a person over at the fifty-yard line. "Now I want you to throw that ball over to where Bulk is at. Think you can throw that far?"

"Hopefully." Cranking his arm back Y/N then threw the ball as hard as he could. The ball flew high into the air and came down exactly where Bulk was standing. "Wow, guess I could do it. I never knew I was able to do that." Y/N then turned to Coach Iron Will who had a big smile on his face.

"You young man have just passed my test." Iron Will stepped forward and put a hand on Y/N's shoulder. "Y/N, will you do be the honor and join the football team as our Quarterback? The football season starts in a week and we need a Quarterback quickly, what do you say?"

Y/N looked around at the team and then back at Coach Iron Will with a smile on his face. "Alright then, I'll join your team." The team cheered in joy as some even went up to Y/N to shake his hand and introduce themselves to them. As Y/N was talking with his new teammates his phone started to ring. When he checked to see who it was he realized it was Rarity, along with twelve missed texts. "Hey, sorry to run but I've got to go. But I'll see you all again tomorrow!" Y/N then started to make his way back to the front of the school to meet up with Rarity.

"Don't be late now, Y/N! Practice is after school at five sharp, don't be late now or I might have to reconsider you being on the team!" Coach Iron Will yelled out to Y/N.

Y/N nodded his head and waved goodbye. "Don't worry I won't!"

Y/N quickly made his way back to the front of the school where Rarity was waiting. "Y/N darling where were you? I told you to wait for me."

"Sorry, Rarity, I had a run-in with the football team. You won't believe what happened!" Rarity raised her eyebrow showing Y/N that she was interested and to keep going. "They want me to join their squad as their star Quarterback!"

Rarity smiled and clapped her hands in delight. "Oh how lovely, Y/N! That sounds like it'll be quite an enjoyment. You're already making friends and you haven't even started going here."

"Yeah." Y/N looked at Canterlot High one last time and smiled. "I think I'm going to like it here, a lot."

Rarity smiled. "Marvelous, now what do you say we go grab some dinner?"

Y/N looked at Rarity as his stomach then growled. "You read my mind!"

The two cousins laughed as they made their way back home. As they walked home Y/N was bouncing with excitement, ready for school tomorrow. 'I can't wait for tomorrow! Tomorrow is going to be the best!'