• Published 25th Sep 2012
  • 3,559 Views, 33 Comments

The Ponytype - Slingshot619

When The Prototype Alex Mercer enters Equestria, no one is sure one could possibly happen.

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Chapter 4:It Ends Tonight

Alright, a new chapter. Looks like i'm a bit early.

As Alex gazes out the cave he hears a huge roar come from the mountain tops. He looks back at James who by now had woken up, he noticed that he hadn't paid much attention to his appearance. James had brown fur, he had a short black mane and a black tail, he still wore his jacket which wasn't much of a surprise.

"What the hell was that?" James says

"I don't know, we should go check it out." Alex replies

They nod in agreement and set off to find the source of the roar. When they arrived, Alex could only stand there dumbfounded. He had faced many mutants, but none were as large as this. It appeared to be vaguely humanoid, though larger than a building of several stories. It appears to lack skin on most of its body, displaying it's bare musculature, its face is also severely lacking in skin, which gave it an almost skeletal look. It moved surprisingly fast, with oddly-angled back legs and front arms like a massive gorilla.

"Great, your pet gorilla decided to come." James grumbled

"It's not mine, it's my clone's." Alex replied

"Same thing, you woulda created it anyway."

"No i wouldn't!"

The Goliath seized this moment to smash his prey into pulp, as Alex and James continued bickering, The Goliath brought down his huge fist on them, sending the Prototypes tumbling.

"Stop the bickering, we have to kill this thing."Alex said


Alex summoned his claws while James equipped his blade. James went to cut off the creature's legs while Alex would distract it, while it was down they would destroy it and consume it to heal up their wounds. Alex leaped in to the air hoping that the behemoth would focus on him.

Alex got his attention alright.

As Alex leaped into the air The Goliath punched him with it's huge amount of strength and sent Alex flying back in to Ponyville. When he landed, he saw many faces, he saw the majestic white unicorn that gave the speech anout the infecteds. Among others he saw Rainbow Dash in the sky, she looked worried, the same went to Rarity, Applejack and Twilight.

Alex got up, he could barely stand, but the rage fueled him, he was mad at this monstrosity, he was mad at the virus. And with nostrils flaring, he got up and ran towards the beast.

James had done a pretty good job in keeping the Goliath busy, he spotted Alex and they continued on with their plan, this time Alex knew what to do, he traded the claws for his Whipfist and leaped into the air once again. He swung the Whipfist at the Goliath and managed to take out an eye. The Goliath roared with anger and chased Alex. James took this moment of opportunity to slice out the creature's legs.

Once it was down, Goliath was powerless to defend itself from James' Hammerfist and Alex's claws. When the creature was consumed, they shook hands. They had earned each other's respect, they gazed out at Ponyville, the city that they saved. When out of nowhere a Juggernaut appears.

"DAMMIT WHY CAN"T YOU JUST DIE!" James yells at the creature.

He leaps forward and summons his Hammerfist, bringing it down on the Juggernaut's head. Turning it into Juggernaut jelly.
James was breathing furiously, eventually they decide to walk back to the village to see if any other infected had managed to sneak in.

When they returned to the village, they were greeted by the majestic white unicorn Alex had seen moments earlier.

"Thank you for your help, if you weren't around Ponyville would be overrun by those savage beast."

"Don't mention it, what's your name by the way?" Alex asked

""My name is Princess Celestia." the princess replied.

After James introduced himself, they were given homes, and were appointed jobs as guards for Ponyville. They liked their new jobs, at least they were killing for a reason.

Sorry if the ending was a bit short, a sequel should be coming out soon.