• Published 25th Sep 2012
  • 3,564 Views, 33 Comments

The Ponytype - Slingshot619

When The Prototype Alex Mercer enters Equestria, no one is sure one could possibly happen.

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Chapter 2:Fitting In

Alex woke up the next day and went out to look at Ponyville. He looks back at his cave and wonders if he'll have to stay here forever, after what happened yesterday he wasn't even sure if he belonged here. He could just kill himself, but there was a problem, he was invincible, at least in this world.

"My first week and i've already smashed somepony through a table."

Alex sits there waiting, deciding what he should do. An image of his sister, Dana Mercer flashed in his mind.

I wish you were still here sis.

Alex thought back to the times where they would play together, watch scary movies together, it was all gone, because of the virus. Ever since the virus spread through New York everyone he knew left his side, simply because they thought he was a monster, but his sister saw differently, his sister looked past the other side of him and only focused on the real Alex, she knew it was still him, but the military didn't see it that way. They saw him as a threat, not to the world, but to themselves.

Alex decides to pay a visit to Rainbow Dash, the pony that he put in the hospital.

"Maybe saying sorry will work this time."

Moments later he found himself in the hospital lobby, everyone stared at him, they knew what happened, they knew what he was capable of, so they kept clear of him. He saw Fluttershy and her friend Twilight. Accompanying them were three other ponies. One of them had pink fur and a pink mane, she waved excitedly at him, another pony had orange fur, a yellow mane, a yellow tail and she wore a stetson hat, she stared at him suspiciously, the third pony had white fur, a horn, a blue mane and blue tail.

Alex walked up to the counter and asked for Rainbow Dash's room number. The ponies looked on nervously, as beads of sweat started to form.

Seconds later Alex arrived at the room that Rainbow Dash was staying in.

C'mon Alex, you can do this, just go in and say your sorry.

Alex entered the room and spotted Rainbow Dash and her colorful mane immediately. Rainbow looked shocked and scared with Alex in the room.

"W-WH-WHAT DO YOU WANT?" Rainbow asks nervously.

"I'm here to say sorry." Alex calmly responds.

"But why? I was the one that challenged you in the first place."

"Because i'm tired of all the chaos, the violence, the yelling and the fighting."

"Oh, ok"

"I'm sorry about your arm and all."

"It's ok."

As Alex left the room, Fluttershy and her friends rushed past him into Rainbow Dash's room, worried that Alex might have done some more damage. As he walked down the corridor, he heard the ponies talk about him.

"What did he do to ya?" one of the ponies asked in a southern accent.

"Nothing!" Rainbow Dash said.

"Nothing? Are you sure Rainbow my dear?" Another pony asked.

"Then why did he come in?" Twilight asked.

"He came to say sorry." Rainbow replied.

Alex heard gasps come from the room, he chuckled at the thought of seeing their faces. He leaves the hospital and roams the town. He runs into Twilight as he was going back to his cave.

"So, you free today?" Twilight asks.

"Why?" Alex responds.

"I'd like to invite you to come visit me sometime, I stay in the library if you decide to come."

Alex left without an answer, as he paced his cave, he wondered if he should go to Twilight's. Alex finally decides to go. When he arrives at Twilight's, he notices that all the ponies that visited Rainbow Dash were here too. There was the orange fur one, Twilight later introduces her as Applejack, the pink one was Pinkie Pie, and the white one was Rarity.

After they introduced themselves, Alex asks a question.

"So, why did you want me here?"

"We want to know who you are." Applejack says in her southern accent.

Behind him he hears the door lock, he turns to see Twilight hide the key, he turns back and faces the ponies. He knew that he could bust out of here if he wanted, the locked door wasn't a problem, but if he ran now it would make him look bad. So he decides to confess.

"Fine, i'll tell you. My name is Alex Mercer, they call me a killer, a monster, a terrorist, i'm all of these things. I used to live in a world filled with monsters and chaos. I used to hunt, I kill, I consume, I become."

And with that Alex leaps and smashes through Twilight's window and proceeds to run, leap, dodge and maneuver his way through the streets with the ponies hot in pursuit.

Alex manages to lose them and he returns to his cave. He thinks about it,

Should i have revealed my identity?

Alex lounges in his cave thinking. So far his weapons hadn't been any help other than for self defense. He wondered if he would fit in anywhere at all.

The next day, Alex woke up and gazed out of his cave. Alex notices a majestic white unicorn with wings and a flowing rainbow mane giving a speech. Alex moved in for a closer look.

" ...... i have heard complaints about an unusual and mysterious stallion, with incredible strength and agility. Keep your distance and avoid all contact. We also have a bigger problem, there is a aggresive creature dwelling on the mountains, it has been on a killing spree lately. So i want nopony going near the mountains at all."

Aggresive huh?

Alex runs towards the mountain, hoping he can set things right, he could bring back the carcass of the beast and convince the ponies that he isn't here to harm them.

As he is running towards the mountain he feels a rope tighten around his neck and yank him back, he stumbles backwards and is met by the Twilight and the gang.

"And just where do ya think your going?" Applejack asks.

"I'm going to the mountains." Alex replies.

"Are you crazy? There's a terrifying creature there!" Rainbow Dash says.


Alex takes off again, he feels the rope yank him back again, but this time he was expecting it. He surges forward and snaps the rope as he continues his journey to the mountains.

Upon reaching the mountain top, he searches for the beast. After hours of searching he gives up and sits on a rock nearby. The ponies showup moments later.

"There's no beast here! I've been searching for hours and i've found nothing!" Alex snaps at them.

He notices that the ponies were paying not attention to him, they were looking behind him. Before Alex could turn around, the beast slices Alex's back with it's claws. The ponies watch with horror as the beast stood above him. Alex picks himself up and equips his Blade, he turns to face his assailant, and recognizes the creature instantly, it was heavily mutated and looked humanoid, with reddish, hairless skin, bulging muscles, sunken eyes and a lip less mouth. It bore a fitting resemblance to a shaved gorilla.

But Alex knew that this was no gorilla, this was much worse. This was a Hunter. Alex knew that there were probably four to five other Hunters around. Right on cue, the rest of the Hunters leaped out and prepared for combat, the ponies prepared themselves for Alex to get torn to pieces.

Someone got torn to pieces alright, but it wasn't Alex. As the first Hunter lunged, Alex sliced it in half with his Blade, the second one dashed toward the ponies but Alex reached out with his Whipfist and pulled it back. Alex used his Blade and decapitated it, the third one got a Whipfist through the head, Alex puched throught the chest of the forth Hunter and rummaged through his intestines, incredibly pulling it's heart out. There was one more left, Alex summoned his Hammerfists and leaped a good 30 feet into the air, and then proceeded to bring his Hammerfists down on the creature, turning it into a pile of intestine jelly.

Alex observes his handiwork and turns his attention back to the ponies. They looked like they were gonna throw up.

"Your welcome." Alex says to the ponies before dashing back into his cave.