> The Ponytype > by Slingshot619 > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > Chapter 1:Intro > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- As Alex Mercer, The Prototype travels through the portal, thoughts race through his mind. "Will they be friendly? Could I end up in hostile territory? Could they even be human?" Alex thinks to himself. "it doesn't matter, i'm still unstoppable." Alex says. And with one final flash of light, he finds himself back in clear daylight, he looks around and notices that he's in the outskirts of some village. He raises his arms, only to find out that his hands are gone, in their place are hooves. His skin or fur, were gray. "Okay, i've changed. But into what?" He looks into a pond nearby, only to find out that he has turned into a pony, he still had his jacket. "Great, i'm one of those ponies i keep seeing on TV." Alex isn't surprised, he knew that the portal could bring him anywhere, from someone's imagination, to outer space, he'd been expecting this. Along with the fact that spending so much time in the infected world has made him mentally prepared for anything. "First things first, let's see if i still have my powers." He summons his claws, immediately six dagger sized blades sprouted. three on each hoof. After testing and adjusting to his new body, Mercer decides to take a stroll and know his surroundings better. He walks towards the forest nearby, avoiding the village. As he strolls through the forest, he can't imagine that this is the first time in several years that he's in a healthy living forest. He spots a cottage nearby, it looked well kept and clean, Animals roam about, "it might be abandoned." Alex thought. Slowly he approaches the cottage and looks through the window. He sees no one, it was neat and tidy inside. "No chance of it being abandoned. Maybe I can reason with the owner and convince him or her to let me stay." As he enters the humble home, he cannot wait to finally rest, after years of endless combat with the infected, he is tired and weary. As he explores the kitchen, he hears a shriek behind him, he turns around in a swift move, his claws drawn and ready for action. Alex's eyes eventually process what he sees. Standing face to face to him was a yellow pony, it had a long pink mane and a matching long pink tail. Alex retracts his claws, "Hello, nice to meet you." Alex says, the yellow pony stares at him, it's eyes wide with fear, and with one final little "eep!" She faints. Several hours later, Alex decides to stop standing still and carry the poor girl back into her room. When she finally wakes up, she tries to let out an ear piercing scream, only to be stopped by Alex's hoof in her mouth. "Promise me you won't scream then i'll let you go." The yellow pony stares at him, her eyes still wide with shock and fear, she was sweating, but Alex didn't mind. She finally nods and promises to keep quiet. When he finally lets her go, he asks her a simple question, "What's your name?" To which the pony responds:"Fluttershy, my name is Fluttershy. What's your name?" Alex wasn't prepared, he didn't know if he could trust Fluttershy or not, so he simply said "Names are for friends, so i don't need one." After all that he's been through, Alex wanted to rest, after asking Fluttershy a few questions, he gets up and excuses himself. "I have to go now. it's getting late." "You could stay at my place, if you want, that is." Before she could finish he was gone. As Alex continues exploring the new world that surrounds him, he stumbles across a cave. "it looks empty, maybe i'll stay here." Alex thinks to himself. He goes in and explores his new "home". He finds the darkest part of the cave and tries to get some sleep. Before he can doze off, he hears a deep growl, in one swift move he summons his Whipfist and lashes out, it impales itself into the creature, using his incredible strength he pulls the beast towards him, his other arm shifts and turns into a double sided blade, with the beast flying towards him at Mach 1, he slices it clean in half. Like the ruthless person, or pony, that he was, he summons his Hammerfist and pounds it into jelly, with that, Alex lies down again and tries to get some sleep, although he didn't need to sleep, he needed a way to go through the night. The next morning he wakes up to find himself in a cave full of blood. he stares at his handiwork, a once terrifying creature of the dark, Alex turned it into a pile of smashed organs, ranging from shattered pieces of bone to organs that were flat or crushed and ruined. Alex decides to finally head into the village, he was here to start a new life after all. In the village, he noticed that everyone was staring at him, not with awe, not with curiousity, but with fear. he turns and looks, noticing that his whole body was covered with blood and ruined intestines. He ignored them all and continued strolling. Along the way he spots several things that caught his eye, one of which was a applefarm, he stared at the vast quantities of apple trees. Another thing that interested him was a unique pony that flew in the clouds. All of the ponies that he saw and met had one singular color for their tail and mane, this one had cyan blue fur, and her mane and tail were rainbow colored, Alex didn't need to eat, being the Prototype and all so he would have no problem dealing with food. But shelter was a problem, although he spent most of his time on earth battling creatures big and small, tame and wild, he didn't want to spend his life like that here too. During his stroll, he ran into the same pony that he'd scared, it was Fluttershy, this time she was with a friend. She was with a unicorn pony with a lavender body, an indigo mane in a hime cut with pink and purple streaks, Fluttershy called out to him, and Alex knew it was his cue to isolate himself in the forest again. Just as he was about to run off, he felt a force lift him off the ground and pull him towards the table they were sitting. "Woah there, where are you off to in such a rush?" the unicorn asked. "Nowhere, nowhere at all." Alex answers. He hadn't counted on running into Fluttershy, even his experience on earth could not prepare him for the onslaught of questions that the unicorn asked him. Alex later found out that her name was Twilight Sparkle. Twilight asked questions quicker than Alex could answer them. Eventually, Alex found himself in a familiar situation. "So, what's your name?" asked Twilight. Alex thought about it, he responded the same way when Fluttershy asked him the same question yesterday. "Names are for friends so i don't need one." Twilight looks a little confused and shocked. "Okay, so where are you staying?" Twilight asked, "Nowhere, for now that is." Twilight asks again:"Then where did you sleep last night?" to which Alex responds:"In a cave, with a terrifying creature." "Well, that would explain the blood and guts all over you." Twilight says. Just as Alex was about to leave, the cyan blue pony that had caught his eye moments earlier flew down and hovered above them. "So who's the new guy?" she asks. "This is Fluttershy's new friend, he won't tell us his name and he's looking for someplace to stay." Twilight responds. "This is Rainbow Dash, she takes care of the weather in Ponyville." Twilight says to Alex. "What can he do? And what's his Cutie Mark?" Rainbow Dash asked. Alex thought to himself:"A Cutie what? He notices that Rainbow Dash is staring at his flank, he cranes his head and notices that on his flank was a DNA, but this one was red and black. "Weird, so what can he do? Can he fly? Is he a scientist?" Rainbow Dash asks. "I was a scientist, until a little project got out of control." Alex responds. "So you're a scientist? An egghead like Twilight?" Rainbow Dash asks. "I said I WAS a scientist, I WAS an egghead, now if you'll excuse me." But before Alex could escape them, Rainbow Dash suddenly put her arm on the table, a clear sign that she wanted to arm wrestle. "If you said that you WERE an egghead prove it right now." Rainbow Dash exclaims. "Fine." Alex replies. If Alex took a walk down the street, nobody would've assumed that this guy could toss cars, defeat giant monsters and karate kick helicopters to pieces, so it was a big surprise to everyone when Alex ended up winning Rainbow Dash, not only did he win, he dominated, in about the tenth of a second, Alex had smashed Rainbow's arm through the table. Everyone stared at him, Alex had just smashed the greatest athlete in Ponyville through a table. Alex found the all attention surprisingly nerve rattling. He took off, parkouring through the streets and back into the forest. Fluttershy and Twilight looked on in worry as Rainbow Dash was taken to the hospital. Back in his cave, Alex cleaned out the mashed organs and rotting flesh from his new "home". While he cleaned up thoughts raced through his mind. And suddenly he found himself smiling, he liked this feeling, the feeling of chaos, "Snap out of it Alex, you came here for a new start, to put that past behind you." Alex thought to myself. As he watched the sunset, he had the unmistakeable feeling that whether he liked it or not, the ponies were gonna know his secret, it was only a matter of time. > Chapter 2:Fitting In > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alex woke up the next day and went out to look at Ponyville. He looks back at his cave and wonders if he'll have to stay here forever, after what happened yesterday he wasn't even sure if he belonged here. He could just kill himself, but there was a problem, he was invincible, at least in this world. "My first week and i've already smashed somepony through a table." Alex sits there waiting, deciding what he should do. An image of his sister, Dana Mercer flashed in his mind. I wish you were still here sis. Alex thought back to the times where they would play together, watch scary movies together, it was all gone, because of the virus. Ever since the virus spread through New York everyone he knew left his side, simply because they thought he was a monster, but his sister saw differently, his sister looked past the other side of him and only focused on the real Alex, she knew it was still him, but the military didn't see it that way. They saw him as a threat, not to the world, but to themselves. Alex decides to pay a visit to Rainbow Dash, the pony that he put in the hospital. "Maybe saying sorry will work this time." Moments later he found himself in the hospital lobby, everyone stared at him, they knew what happened, they knew what he was capable of, so they kept clear of him. He saw Fluttershy and her friend Twilight. Accompanying them were three other ponies. One of them had pink fur and a pink mane, she waved excitedly at him, another pony had orange fur, a yellow mane, a yellow tail and she wore a stetson hat, she stared at him suspiciously, the third pony had white fur, a horn, a blue mane and blue tail. Alex walked up to the counter and asked for Rainbow Dash's room number. The ponies looked on nervously, as beads of sweat started to form. Seconds later Alex arrived at the room that Rainbow Dash was staying in. C'mon Alex, you can do this, just go in and say your sorry. Alex entered the room and spotted Rainbow Dash and her colorful mane immediately. Rainbow looked shocked and scared with Alex in the room. "W-WH-WHAT DO YOU WANT?" Rainbow asks nervously. "I'm here to say sorry." Alex calmly responds. "But why? I was the one that challenged you in the first place." "Because i'm tired of all the chaos, the violence, the yelling and the fighting." "Oh, ok" "I'm sorry about your arm and all." "It's ok." As Alex left the room, Fluttershy and her friends rushed past him into Rainbow Dash's room, worried that Alex might have done some more damage. As he walked down the corridor, he heard the ponies talk about him. "What did he do to ya?" one of the ponies asked in a southern accent. "Nothing!" Rainbow Dash said. "Nothing? Are you sure Rainbow my dear?" Another pony asked. "Then why did he come in?" Twilight asked. "He came to say sorry." Rainbow replied. Alex heard gasps come from the room, he chuckled at the thought of seeing their faces. He leaves the hospital and roams the town. He runs into Twilight as he was going back to his cave. "So, you free today?" Twilight asks. "Why?" Alex responds. "I'd like to invite you to come visit me sometime, I stay in the library if you decide to come." Alex left without an answer, as he paced his cave, he wondered if he should go to Twilight's. Alex finally decides to go. When he arrives at Twilight's, he notices that all the ponies that visited Rainbow Dash were here too. There was the orange fur one, Twilight later introduces her as Applejack, the pink one was Pinkie Pie, and the white one was Rarity. After they introduced themselves, Alex asks a question. "So, why did you want me here?" "We want to know who you are." Applejack says in her southern accent. Behind him he hears the door lock, he turns to see Twilight hide the key, he turns back and faces the ponies. He knew that he could bust out of here if he wanted, the locked door wasn't a problem, but if he ran now it would make him look bad. So he decides to confess. "Fine, i'll tell you. My name is Alex Mercer, they call me a killer, a monster, a terrorist, i'm all of these things. I used to live in a world filled with monsters and chaos. I used to hunt, I kill, I consume, I become." And with that Alex leaps and smashes through Twilight's window and proceeds to run, leap, dodge and maneuver his way through the streets with the ponies hot in pursuit. Alex manages to lose them and he returns to his cave. He thinks about it, Should i have revealed my identity? Alex lounges in his cave thinking. So far his weapons hadn't been any help other than for self defense. He wondered if he would fit in anywhere at all. The next day, Alex woke up and gazed out of his cave. Alex notices a majestic white unicorn with wings and a flowing rainbow mane giving a speech. Alex moved in for a closer look. " ...... i have heard complaints about an unusual and mysterious stallion, with incredible strength and agility. Keep your distance and avoid all contact. We also have a bigger problem, there is a aggresive creature dwelling on the mountains, it has been on a killing spree lately. So i want nopony going near the mountains at all." Aggresive huh? Alex runs towards the mountain, hoping he can set things right, he could bring back the carcass of the beast and convince the ponies that he isn't here to harm them. As he is running towards the mountain he feels a rope tighten around his neck and yank him back, he stumbles backwards and is met by the Twilight and the gang. "And just where do ya think your going?" Applejack asks. "I'm going to the mountains." Alex replies. "Are you crazy? There's a terrifying creature there!" Rainbow Dash says. "Exactly" Alex takes off again, he feels the rope yank him back again, but this time he was expecting it. He surges forward and snaps the rope as he continues his journey to the mountains. Upon reaching the mountain top, he searches for the beast. After hours of searching he gives up and sits on a rock nearby. The ponies showup moments later. "There's no beast here! I've been searching for hours and i've found nothing!" Alex snaps at them. He notices that the ponies were paying not attention to him, they were looking behind him. Before Alex could turn around, the beast slices Alex's back with it's claws. The ponies watch with horror as the beast stood above him. Alex picks himself up and equips his Blade, he turns to face his assailant, and recognizes the creature instantly, it was heavily mutated and looked humanoid, with reddish, hairless skin, bulging muscles, sunken eyes and a lip less mouth. It bore a fitting resemblance to a shaved gorilla. But Alex knew that this was no gorilla, this was much worse. This was a Hunter. Alex knew that there were probably four to five other Hunters around. Right on cue, the rest of the Hunters leaped out and prepared for combat, the ponies prepared themselves for Alex to get torn to pieces. Someone got torn to pieces alright, but it wasn't Alex. As the first Hunter lunged, Alex sliced it in half with his Blade, the second one dashed toward the ponies but Alex reached out with his Whipfist and pulled it back. Alex used his Blade and decapitated it, the third one got a Whipfist through the head, Alex puched throught the chest of the forth Hunter and rummaged through his intestines, incredibly pulling it's heart out. There was one more left, Alex summoned his Hammerfists and leaped a good 30 feet into the air, and then proceeded to bring his Hammerfists down on the creature, turning it into a pile of intestine jelly. Alex observes his handiwork and turns his attention back to the ponies. They looked like they were gonna throw up. "Your welcome." Alex says to the ponies before dashing back into his cave. > Chapter 3:New Friends, Old Enemies > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- WOW! I didn't think that this story was going to be a success. Thank you all for the support, and don't be afraid to tell me what's wrong, if there are places that need corrections and stuff, post it in the comments, i'll be reading them. Well, here it is. The third chapter, as the chapter name says, there will new friends and old enemies. ================================================================================ As Alex sits in his cave he notices that within his first whole week he's been doing nothing but sitting in his cave. And so Alex decides to head out to make new friends. Wait a minute, i don't have a proper name. Alex hadn't thought of it before, but he did realize the names of the locals were a bit off, i mean Rainbow Dash? Fluttershy? Alex had to come up with a new name. Seconds later, Alex looks out at the quiet village in the distance, with a new name and a new life ahead of him. "Well, time to go make the most out of my new life." As Alex approaches the village he notices something weird, the locals were friendly towards him, sure some of them looked at him with disgust, some still wore their faces of fear, but most of them were smiling and waving at him as he passed by. "Hey there!" An excited Pinkie Pie exclaims. "What do you want?" Alex replies. "I'm just here to say thanks!" "What for?" "Because of yesterday silly!" Alex nodded. He knew that it would pay off sooner or later. But that was only one of his problems. He was still a stranger in a strange land. "Hey did you hear? There's a new pony in town!" Pinkie Pie excitedly exclaims. "What's his name?" A curious Alex asks. "Why don't you asks him? He's at my party." "Sure why not?" As Alex walked toward the party, he wasn't sure why he had agreed to come, he just had a feeling that he would find something interesting. As Alex entered he found an unusual pony, it had white fur but he wore a white cloak, he had a sword strapped to his side and he had something on his arm, it would sprout blades occasionaly. Alex knew exactly who this was. He ran over and gave him a hug, relieved that he's not the only one that will be going through this, he had a companion, a friend, that could go through all of this with him. Alex still hugged the pony while wearing the happiest smile in the world. The pony looked quite annoyed. "Let me go!" The pony answered. "Oh, sorry." Alex answered. The pony that Mercer hugged was none other than the great Altaïr Ibn-La'Ahad. They had met when one of Mercer's concept portals brought him back to Altaïr's time period. Alex would have stayed but Altaïr's time was still filled with chaos and murder. So he leaped back into the portal after greeeting Altaïr. "Yes it's good to see you to old friend." Altaïr replied. "Indeed." An excited Alex responded. By now everyone stopped what they were doing and was focusing on them. "So, who's ya new friend?" Applejack asked. "This is Altaïr, we met some time ago." Alex replied "Why does he have a sword? Is he a SPY?" Rainbow Dash asks suspiciously. "He used to be an assassin." And with those final words everyone fell silent, and then went back to their activities, eyeing Altaïr once in a while. "I think i should be going." Alex says. As he was about to leave a timid female voice called him, he turned around to find Fluttershy standing. "Can I help you? Alex asks "Uhm, yes uhh, i was wondering what your name was, you rambled it off so quickly yesterday that we couldn't hear." Fluttershy answered. "The name is Alex Marecer." And with that, Alex leaves to go back to his cave. Not to hide, but to think, if other people like Altaïr can pass though the portal, could his sister come too? He pondered the thought for a while, but dismissed it alter. As he gazed down at the village, he couldn't help but notice another portal opening up. "Better go check it out." As soon as Alex reached he couldn't help but feel like something was wrong. But before Alex could leave, a figure stepped out of the portal. It was James Heller. Alex couldn't move, he knew that this was the man that consumed and killed his evil biomass clone, but why was he here, Alex knew that James was just as strong and poweful as he is. Plus he was a military sergeant before Alex's evil biomass clone could infect it. If a fight broke out now, the odds would be in his favor. "So, how's it going?" James asks "Uhm, ok." Alex replies "You know a place I could stay? "Sure, i stay in a cave nearby." As Alex and James walked to the cave, he couldn't help but feel awkward. When they arrived James laid down and took a nap while Alex sat there and gazed at the village. He couldn't help but feel much more relieved now that another Prototype had arrived. As Alex wondered about the possibilities, the things they could do together, but he was stopped short when he heard a huge roar come from the mountain tops. ================================================================================ Sorry if this was a bit short, but it's setting the scene for the next chapter, coming out 27th-28th. > Chapter 4:It Ends Tonight > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Alright, a new chapter. Looks like i'm a bit early. =============================================================================== As Alex gazes out the cave he hears a huge roar come from the mountain tops. He looks back at James who by now had woken up, he noticed that he hadn't paid much attention to his appearance. James had brown fur, he had a short black mane and a black tail, he still wore his jacket which wasn't much of a surprise. "What the hell was that?" James says "I don't know, we should go check it out." Alex replies They nod in agreement and set off to find the source of the roar. When they arrived, Alex could only stand there dumbfounded. He had faced many mutants, but none were as large as this. It appeared to be vaguely humanoid, though larger than a building of several stories. It appears to lack skin on most of its body, displaying it's bare musculature, its face is also severely lacking in skin, which gave it an almost skeletal look. It moved surprisingly fast, with oddly-angled back legs and front arms like a massive gorilla. "Great, your pet gorilla decided to come." James grumbled "It's not mine, it's my clone's." Alex replied "Same thing, you woulda created it anyway." "No i wouldn't!" The Goliath seized this moment to smash his prey into pulp, as Alex and James continued bickering, The Goliath brought down his huge fist on them, sending the Prototypes tumbling. "Stop the bickering, we have to kill this thing."Alex said "Agreed." Alex summoned his claws while James equipped his blade. James went to cut off the creature's legs while Alex would distract it, while it was down they would destroy it and consume it to heal up their wounds. Alex leaped in to the air hoping that the behemoth would focus on him. Alex got his attention alright. As Alex leaped into the air The Goliath punched him with it's huge amount of strength and sent Alex flying back in to Ponyville. When he landed, he saw many faces, he saw the majestic white unicorn that gave the speech anout the infecteds. Among others he saw Rainbow Dash in the sky, she looked worried, the same went to Rarity, Applejack and Twilight. Alex got up, he could barely stand, but the rage fueled him, he was mad at this monstrosity, he was mad at the virus. And with nostrils flaring, he got up and ran towards the beast. James had done a pretty good job in keeping the Goliath busy, he spotted Alex and they continued on with their plan, this time Alex knew what to do, he traded the claws for his Whipfist and leaped into the air once again. He swung the Whipfist at the Goliath and managed to take out an eye. The Goliath roared with anger and chased Alex. James took this moment of opportunity to slice out the creature's legs. Once it was down, Goliath was powerless to defend itself from James' Hammerfist and Alex's claws. When the creature was consumed, they shook hands. They had earned each other's respect, they gazed out at Ponyville, the city that they saved. When out of nowhere a Juggernaut appears. "DAMMIT WHY CAN"T YOU JUST DIE!" James yells at the creature. He leaps forward and summons his Hammerfist, bringing it down on the Juggernaut's head. Turning it into Juggernaut jelly. James was breathing furiously, eventually they decide to walk back to the village to see if any other infected had managed to sneak in. When they returned to the village, they were greeted by the majestic white unicorn Alex had seen moments earlier. "Thank you for your help, if you weren't around Ponyville would be overrun by those savage beast." "Don't mention it, what's your name by the way?" Alex asked ""My name is Princess Celestia." the princess replied. After James introduced himself, they were given homes, and were appointed jobs as guards for Ponyville. They liked their new jobs, at least they were killing for a reason. ================================================================================ Sorry if the ending was a bit short, a sequel should be coming out soon. > Sequel Out > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- The sequel to The Ponytype is in production, Alex faces a much graver danger that some old infected. Thanks for all the support, i know the story was bad, (Okay i'll admit it, it was short, pathetic and crappy.) But hopefully the sequel can still redeem it. As a depressed Cole sat on a bench, he wondered, what happened? How did it happen? There was simply one answer. He screwed up, big time. As Cole watched a couple of Conduits fight he wonders what's there left in this world to do. He was the ruler of a city in dust. He had absolutely no control over it's inhabitants. Maybe it's time to throw in the towel and call it quits. Cole is in deep thought, wondering if his life was still living. When all of a sudden, the two Conduits threw fired Overload Burst at each other, creating a portal that catches Cole's attention. Maybe it'll send me back in time, maybe i could end up in another universe just waiting to be ruled by me. Cole didn't have much to rely on when it came to information, but he knew one thing, anywhere was better than here. Cole takes one last look at the ruins of Empire City, and jumps. The sequel will follow Alex again, by the way here it is. http://www.fimfiction.net/story/53622/Showdown