• Published 25th Sep 2012
  • 3,558 Views, 33 Comments

The Ponytype - Slingshot619

When The Prototype Alex Mercer enters Equestria, no one is sure one could possibly happen.

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Chapter 1:Intro

As Alex Mercer, The Prototype travels through the portal, thoughts race through his mind. "Will they be friendly? Could I end up in hostile territory? Could they even be human?" Alex thinks to himself. "it doesn't matter, i'm still unstoppable." Alex says. And with one final flash of light, he finds himself back in clear daylight, he looks around and notices that he's in the outskirts of some village. He raises his arms, only to find out that his hands are gone, in their place are hooves. His skin or fur, were gray. "Okay, i've changed. But into what?" He looks into a pond nearby, only to find out that he has turned into a pony, he still had his jacket. "Great, i'm one of those ponies i keep seeing on TV." Alex isn't surprised, he knew that the portal could bring him anywhere, from someone's imagination, to outer space, he'd been expecting this. Along with the fact that spending so much time in the infected world has made him mentally prepared for anything. "First things first, let's see if i still have my powers." He summons his claws, immediately six dagger sized blades sprouted. three on each hoof.

After testing and adjusting to his new body, Mercer decides to take a stroll and know his surroundings better. He walks towards the forest nearby, avoiding the village. As he strolls through the forest, he can't imagine that this is the first time in several years that he's in a healthy living forest. He spots a cottage nearby, it looked well kept and clean, Animals roam about, "it might be abandoned." Alex thought. Slowly he approaches the cottage and looks through the window. He sees no one, it was neat and tidy inside. "No chance of it being abandoned. Maybe I can reason with the owner and convince him or her to let me stay." As he enters the humble home, he cannot wait to finally rest, after years of endless combat with the infected, he is tired and weary. As he explores the kitchen, he hears a shriek behind him, he turns around in a swift move, his claws drawn and ready for action. Alex's eyes eventually process what he sees. Standing face to face to him was a yellow pony, it had a long pink mane and a matching long pink tail. Alex retracts his claws, "Hello, nice to meet you." Alex says, the yellow pony stares at him, it's eyes wide with fear, and with one final little "eep!" She faints.

Several hours later, Alex decides to stop standing still and carry the poor girl back into her room. When she finally wakes up, she tries to let out an ear piercing scream, only to be stopped by Alex's hoof in her mouth. "Promise me you won't scream then i'll let you go." The yellow pony stares at him, her eyes still wide with shock and fear, she was sweating, but Alex didn't mind. She finally nods and promises to keep quiet. When he finally lets her go, he asks her a simple question, "What's your name?" To which the pony responds:"Fluttershy, my name is Fluttershy. What's your name?" Alex wasn't prepared, he didn't know if he could trust Fluttershy or not, so he simply said "Names are for friends, so i don't need one." After all that he's been through, Alex wanted to rest, after asking Fluttershy a few questions, he gets up and excuses himself. "I have to go now. it's getting late." "You could stay at my place, if you want, that is." Before she could finish he was gone.

As Alex continues exploring the new world that surrounds him, he stumbles across a cave. "it looks empty, maybe i'll stay here." Alex thinks to himself. He goes in and explores his new "home". He finds the darkest part of the cave and tries to get some sleep. Before he can doze off, he hears a deep growl, in one swift move he summons his Whipfist and lashes out, it impales itself into the creature, using his incredible strength he pulls the beast towards him, his other arm shifts and turns into a double sided blade, with the beast flying towards him at Mach 1, he slices it clean in half. Like the ruthless person, or pony, that he was, he summons his Hammerfist and pounds it into jelly, with that, Alex lies down again and tries to get some sleep, although he didn't need to sleep, he needed a way to go through the night. The next morning he wakes up to find himself in a cave full of blood. he stares at his handiwork, a once terrifying creature of the dark, Alex turned it into a pile of smashed organs, ranging from shattered pieces of bone to organs that were flat or crushed and ruined.

Alex decides to finally head into the village, he was here to start a new life after all. In the village, he noticed that everyone was staring at him, not with awe, not with curiousity, but with fear. he turns and looks, noticing that his whole body was covered with blood and ruined intestines. He ignored them all and continued strolling. Along the way he spots several things that caught his eye, one of which was a applefarm, he stared at the vast quantities of apple trees. Another thing that interested him was a unique pony that flew in the clouds. All of the ponies that he saw and met had one singular color for their tail and mane, this one had cyan blue fur, and her mane and tail were rainbow colored, Alex didn't need to eat, being the Prototype and all so he would have no problem dealing with food. But shelter was a problem, although he spent most of his time on earth battling creatures big and small, tame and wild, he didn't want to spend his life like that here too. During his stroll, he ran into the same pony that he'd scared, it was Fluttershy, this time she was with a friend. She was with a unicorn pony with a lavender body, an indigo mane in a hime cut with pink and purple streaks, Fluttershy called out to him, and Alex knew it was his cue to isolate himself in the forest again. Just as he was about to run off, he felt a force lift him off the ground and pull him towards the table they were sitting.

"Woah there, where are you off to in such a rush?" the unicorn asked. "Nowhere, nowhere at all." Alex answers. He hadn't counted on running into Fluttershy, even his experience on earth could not prepare him for the onslaught of questions that the unicorn asked him. Alex later found out that her name was Twilight Sparkle. Twilight asked questions quicker than Alex could answer them. Eventually, Alex found himself in a familiar situation. "So, what's your name?" asked Twilight. Alex thought about it, he responded the same way when Fluttershy asked him the same question yesterday. "Names are for friends so i don't need one." Twilight looks a little confused and shocked. "Okay, so where are you staying?" Twilight asked, "Nowhere, for now that is." Twilight asks again:"Then where did you sleep last night?" to which Alex responds:"In a cave, with a terrifying creature." "Well, that would explain the blood and guts all over you." Twilight says.

Just as Alex was about to leave, the cyan blue pony that had caught his eye moments earlier flew down and hovered above them. "So who's the new guy?" she asks. "This is Fluttershy's new friend, he won't tell us his name and he's looking for someplace to stay." Twilight responds. "This is Rainbow Dash, she takes care of the weather in Ponyville." Twilight says to Alex. "What can he do? And what's his Cutie Mark?" Rainbow Dash asked. Alex thought to himself:"A Cutie what? He notices that Rainbow Dash is staring at his flank, he cranes his head and notices that on his flank was a DNA, but this one was red and black. "Weird, so what can he do? Can he fly? Is he a scientist?" Rainbow Dash asks. "I was a scientist, until a little project got out of control." Alex responds. "So you're a scientist? An egghead like Twilight?" Rainbow Dash asks. "I said I WAS a scientist, I WAS an egghead, now if you'll excuse me." But before Alex could escape them, Rainbow Dash suddenly put her arm on the table, a clear sign that she wanted to arm wrestle. "If you said that you WERE an egghead prove it right now." Rainbow Dash exclaims. "Fine." Alex replies. If Alex took a walk down the street, nobody would've assumed that this guy could toss cars, defeat giant monsters and karate kick helicopters to pieces, so it was a big surprise to everyone when Alex ended up winning Rainbow Dash, not only did he win, he dominated, in about the tenth of a second, Alex had smashed Rainbow's arm through the table.

Everyone stared at him, Alex had just smashed the greatest athlete in Ponyville through a table. Alex found the all attention surprisingly nerve rattling. He took off, parkouring through the streets and back into the forest. Fluttershy and Twilight looked on in worry as Rainbow Dash was taken to the hospital. Back in his cave, Alex cleaned out the mashed organs and rotting flesh from his new "home". While he cleaned up thoughts raced through his mind. And suddenly he found himself smiling, he liked this feeling, the feeling of chaos, "Snap out of it Alex, you came here for a new start, to put that past behind you." Alex thought to myself. As he watched the sunset, he had the unmistakeable feeling that whether he liked it or not, the ponies were gonna know his secret, it was only a matter of time.