• Published 16th Jan 2023
  • 309 Views, 14 Comments

Grand Larceny - Waiting on my 20s

A harrowing, destructive future awaits Equestria. Unless a certain trio can pull off the heist of the millennium.

  • ...

Chapter X - Irrationality

Author's Note:

Alright y’all, I’ve decided that from this point forward, I will be delivering 1-2 chapters EVERY MONTH. No more disappearing for me.

The greatest chase…



“I’m thinking, sister.”

“You’ve been thinking for nine minutes now.”

“Then shut your mouth and let me finish.”

Princesses Celestia and Luna whispered to one another while sat upon their thrones in the royal chamber. Sitting before the entire Royal Guard and all of the castle staff present at both the Gala and the guarding of the Royal Castle last night. It had been approximately two hours since Century’s trio successfully escaped Equestria. With Meridio’s donated hypercarrier. And Celestia’s crown. And the book that turns unicorns into alicorns. And Celestia’s crown. A truly amazing morning for the Sun Princess.

To say Celestia was upset was an understatement. She'd been ticked off before—of course—but this was irritation. An emotion she hadn’t felt since even before she banished Luna to the moon. She couldn’t perfectly remember what it was, but she knew it involved the Griffins. She’d never let a single pony know. Never let her subjects see her express such an irrational feeling. At least, that’s how she saw it. But the larger problem at hand was containing this irritation. Not to say it wasn’t important, but because—as strange as it might seem—not everypony was focused on the same thing as Her Highness.

“Captain Flash Sentry and Second Lieutenant Ardent Rose, step forward,” Celestia boomed. Her voice startling all of her subjects. Not a moment after, they parted to reveal said lieutenant and captain like a school of fish. Stepping forward was indeed Flash Sentry, adorning the same yellow and violet armor as Shining once did. Next to him was an Earth pony mare, clad in pristine armor unmistakably similar to the first lieutenant, with her helmet removed. However, this armor was not a bright white, but instead a midnight black. Darker than Luna’s night sky. Which was ironic since the pony under the armor had an incredibly bright pink coat with a tomboy-short, lime-green mane.

Following her Highness’ request, the two stepped forward to the base of the throne. “Princess Celestia,” the two replied, simultaneously.

“Last night,” Celestia began, “where were you two?”

“Ma’am,” Sentry began, “I was stationed at the Gala dining hall.”

“Ma’am,” Ardent Rose began, “I was stationed at the catwalk towards the Royal Princesses’ Chambers.”

“Captain,” Celestia began, “What did you see last night? Anything, and I mean anything, out of the ordinary?”

Flash stammered, “N-No ma’am, nothing. It was just another Gala.”


Ardent Rose cleared her throat, “N-No ma’am, nothing out of the ordinary, really.”


“Well, I mean… Er, the only strange thing last night was just that I thought I felt another pony rub against me. Like, against my cutie mark, but there was nopony there. So I figured it was just in my head.“

“Truly strange,” Celestia replied, “that must be their doing. Anything else?”

“Uh, no ma’am.”

“Captain Sentry, can you explain to me why nopony was guarding the doors to my room last night?"

Sentry felt a bead of sweat grace his forehead. "Typically ma'am, there would be four ponies in that hallway. Two guarding the door, and two patrolling the hallway. The guards' reassignments for the Gala were randomized, so it's likely that those four guards were moved to the Gala. Leaving your room mostly unguarded."

"And it never occurred to you that this might be a problem?"

"...No ma'am, it was a complete lapse of judgment on my part. I take full responsibility."

"Hm... Well, you've had the guard search all three houses belonging to the transgressors, correct?”

Flash nodded, “Yes ma’am, and we believe their meeting spot was Spirit Candy’s house. We’ve virtually flipped the house over in our search, and haven’t found anything particularly unusual besides a cider bottle that’s… Uh… Not of Equestrian origin.”


Ardent stepped forward, “Permission to speak, ma’am.”


“...Why is it that the guard is only just now finding out about the existence of this Meridio nation?

Celestia cursed herself internally, “…I... Understand this morning has been… Eventful, for you. It’s been eventful for all of us. And clearly, things won't be going my way for a while. But to answer your question, Ardent, I’ll put it briefly. You weren’t supposed to anyway.”

If the room was silent before Celestia first called forward the Guard’s Captain and Lieutenant, whatever it was now was quieter than space itself. The guards and staff gave each other confused glances; They felt the reserve of questions they had about this morning expand even further than they imagined. Princess Luna internally face palmed.

“As of this moment,” Celestia continued, “Our nationwide search is over. Operations and routines shall return as scheduled, while the Royal Guard should also be on the lookout for any similar criminal activity and whatnot.”

Celestia pointed to Sentry, “Captain, you shall gather the Elements of Harmony; Bring them back to this chamber. While you, Lieutenant, shall inform Admiral Douglas MacHoof to gather his crew and deploy to Vanhoover for reassignment. We need both of these tasks handled immediately, so no dilly-dallying, as you say.”

“Dismissed,” Luna ordered, and the chamber was gradually cleared of the Royal Guard and staff. The Second Lieutenant, however, stayed back in hopes of having a question answered.

“I anticipate you wish to know the whereabouts of the First Lieutenant, yes?” Ardent Rose nodded silently at Celestia’s prediction. “Astral Rose," she continued, "was with me when I, well, we attempted to prevent the hypercarrier from fleeing… He was on the carrier’s deck apprehending Century. However, as you know, that didn't end particularly well. The ship cleared the bridge at Trottingham in almost a full minute, and by now, they've likely cleared bug bear territory, entering the North Sea.”

Ardent’s eyes shrunk to pinpricks with this newfound knowledge. Princess Luna lowered her head out of sympathy, and Celestia took a deep breath. "I know this knowledge will be hard to process and get over. But understand, Ardent, this isn't over. Your husband shall be safely returned to you, without a doubt. For now, I need you to accomplish your tasks. And when you're done, remain in Vanhoover for your later assignment-"

"Was he injured? This Century, did he hurt him at all?"

Celestia giggled, "Quite the opposite, Ardent, you should know that. He had the Earth pony apprehended within seconds." Celestia held tight to a smile before it vanished in realization. "However, as I said, the ship our transgressors had boarded was incomprehensibly fast. And without being safely strapped down to anything..."

"I understand," Ardent replied. Sniffling and stifling the lightest tears ever shed. "I am to assemble Admiral MacHoof and his crew, inform them of their reassignment to Vanhoover, and remain until further orders are given." She placed her helmet back upon her head. "Consider it done."

Second Lieutenant Ardent Rose marched out of the throne room as if nothing happened. Princess Luna greatly admired the willpower and determination that existed within that mare. The ability to push forward through tragedy and fear is a virtuous and powerful one. Then again, there's a fine line between intrepidity and the suppression of one's true emotions. A quality Luna was more than familiar with than she'd let on.

As the door behind Ardent closed, the air tensed between the sisters once more. With no other pony around, including both of Celestia's personal guards, the sisters were able to speak freely without worry once again. Celestia cleared her throat, "Invisibility."

Luna cocked her head, "Invisibility?"

"Correct. I'm assuming our friends used the catwalk while maintaining a spell of invisibility. That would explain why Ardent believed she felt something rub against her. One of them must've gotten too close."

Her sister cocked her head, “Well, I was thinking the same thing for a moment, but that’s no average spell. We know that Lulamoon is a magician, but she needed that Alicorn Amulet to duel against Twilight back before Sparkle became a princess. Could she have improved that much?”

“Well, Twilight has written to me that her student Starlight Glimmer—an immensely exceptional unicorn in her own regard—has befriended Trixie. A unicorn like that is bound to have knowledge Trixie could only dream of. Meaning it’s more than likely that Starlight shared some of her magical secrets with Lulamoon.

“Not to mention Spirit Candy,” Celestia continued. “I remember the name. She was a student at my School for Gifted Unicorns but dropped out after Twilight hatched Spike’s egg. Reportedly due to family reasons.”

“So that's two unicorns with above-average magical ability. And I'm assuming you also believe that Century piggied off of these two to reach your room."

"Could he have done so any other way?"

"Of course not. But that begs the greatest question: Why? Why did this trio pilfer your crown, along with the Alicorn book, and escape on the centurion? What could they possibly be planning?"

Celestia groaned, "Believe me sister, that question has been rampaging around my mind since I realized my crown was missing. All we know is that they're heading to Meridio, on the complete opposite side of the world, and whatever they're planning involves the Rorsch Drill. We have to find out what as soon as possible."

"Which leads me to my other question, sister: What exactly are you planning?"

Celestia prepared to answer before stopping short. She stepped down from her throne, and Luna followed after, groaning. "Sister, please tell me you're not thinking what I think you're thinking."

Celestia approached the stained glass that displayed the Elements of Harmony. "And what is it that you think I'm thinking? Hm? Because, whatever it is, I'm thinking that you're thinking that I'm thinking of something very different to what I'm actuallythinking."

"'Tia, you ordered Flash Sentry to retrieve the Elements of Harmony, who'll likely bring along their other friends such as Spike and Starlight, and you had Lieutenant Ardent Rose assemble an infamous admiral and his crew to relocate to Vanhoover. A place that just so happens to store the west centurion-class hypercarrier."

"...I have not made an informed decision as of yet-"

"Celestia, we are not going after them."

"And appear weak on the world stage for messing up and having Meridio clean up our multi-billion bit mess for us?"

"Correction: You are not going after them."

"Pah," Celestia sneered annoyedly; Whipping around to face away from her sister. "Do not forget who the older sister is here, Luna; I wasn't thinking of leaving in the first place."

"Celestia, do not mistake me for some immature fool, I know you. You haven't been this irritated in millennia. I understand the feeling, believe me, but we can't act unaccordingly in the face of such turmoil. We have a country to run-"

"Exactly! And I am the monarch of said nation without their crown! I-It's pitiful! Like a rotten, bitter child!"

Luna rolled her eyes. Cementing once and for all what had truly irked her sister. Princess Celestia was seriously more upset about the loss of her crown than she was about the book. An old amalgamation of literal ancient metal was being valued more than a book with arguably unrivaled power across the entire planet. The very book that turned her prized student, her successor, into an alicorn. That's what separated the princess from the Royal Guard. From practically everypony in Equestria.

The only other pony capable of understanding this feeling was Luna. An irrational feeling the sisters shared since they first became princesses. Granted, it was a feeling they never quite needed to confront. But this isolation in feeling during her supposed journey would create a rift between the Sun Princess and her ponies. Not to mention the Elements. Especially Twilight. Celestia worried that there wasn’t a rat’s chance in Tartarus that such wouldn’t be picked up by the Princess of Friendship. She learned from the best, after all, and Celestia was anything but ignorant.


“A bitter child is what you’re acting like,” Luna shot back, and Celestia groaned. “Sister, the similarities aren’t lost on me. Believe that. It's just-”

“‘It’s just’ what?" You acknowledge your feelings aren't logical and are incredibly irresponsible, but you still choose to act on them regardless!? That is irrefutably uncharacteristic of you sister."

"Luna please, it's not as though I'm just going to rush in or anything-"

"Lies!" Luna trotted over to her sister and got in her face in a confrontational manner. "Your mood for the past two hours says drastically otherwise! I can’t even remember the last time I saw your eyes twitch! And what even is this great idea you've conjured up inside that mind of yours!? Because I've got one of my own, and it doesn't involve anything that's even remotely as reckless or unregal as what you've likely planned!"

Celestia shoved her sister away, "That's enough, Luna! My plan is nowhere near as impetuous or injudicious as you seem to imply!"

"But it's both of them nevertheless, isn't it?!"


"I'm waiting!"

Celestia struggled to compete with her sister in this unannounced staring contest that had now seemingly begun. She knew her sister tended to be more cautious and "by the book" than she was as a princess—after all, Luna learned such and such from her—but this level of denunciation and opposition was unprecedented. She was hoping her sister would be more sympathetic, seeing as they were both princesses—and of course, sisters—but it seemed that wouldn't be the case.

Luna was never quite fond of Meridio. Seeing their nations more as geopolitical rivals than allies. They shared many of the same goals and desires, but they were ontologically distinct in almost every essential way possible. Equestria was an absolute monarchy; Meridio was a democracy. Equestria was founded on the virtues that give magic its power; Meridio was founded on the principles of integrity and innovation for the sake of technology. Equestria had its slew of magical artifacts, with the ponies' very essence being that of magic; Meridio had a literal supermassive laser drill sticking out of its continent, powering all its devices, vehicles, and buildings.

It was these differences that turned Luna off to the idea of the countries being any more than trade partners. Becoming any more intertwined than they already were risked Equestria losing its hegemony proudly and gradually established by the sisters, and becoming absorbed by Meridio's on the other side of the planet. At least, that's how the Moon Princess saw it. And while neither of them would ever admit it publically—obviously—the two of them simply being upset at the change would be a grave understatement.

Celestia took a deep breath and exhaled. "Luna, we are clearly very tense and not fully ourselves at the moment. I apologize for offending or worrying you at all with my intentions, but I just ask that you hear me out as your dear sister. How does that sound?"

Luna stepped back. Not anticipating her sister backing down, "...I… Uh, yes, I-I apologize too. I should've had more trust in you and allowed you to explain. You know I value your judgment more than anypony else sister."

"Of course, sister. And I you. Now, as for my plan..."

"Rarity, w-what in the hay is a hypercarrier?"

"Your guess is as good as mine, Jacky."

“But you were there, weren’t ya? Surely ya should’ve caught on to some details, right?”

I wish.

Sitting and surrounding the table was none other than Equestria’s greatest heroes, the Elements of Harmony. Well, excluding the Element of Magic and Laughter, and including the unofficial seventh Element, Starlight Glimmer. Twilight and Spike had retreated upstairs after the Princess of Friendship was last seen holding a book with a sun drawn on its cover, and Pinkie Pie was still at her family’s rock farm.

The five of them—Fluttershy, Applejack, Rainbow Dash, Rarity, and Starlight—were rather quiet. Even Rainbow Dash. They were still trying to wrap their heads around the events of this morning. It's not as though the situation was complicated in their eyes, it was just extremely unexpected. A week or three ago, they had just become teachers at Twilight's new School of Friendship with Starlight as the school counselor. Now, they were processing the knowledge of a devious heist almost right under their muzzles. And the fact that there's a nation on the other side of the world with advancements in technology so great it made Equestria look like a mud house.

"So..." Rainbow Dash began, "Did Twilight mention to any of you guys what she wanted to talk about?"

Fluttershy replied, "Well, probably about the stealing of Celestia’s crown."

"Yeah, I know that part Flutters, but what exactly did she want to talk about? Like, are we supposed to do anything?"

"As I said darling," Rarity responded, "Your guess is as good as ours."

"Well, uh... Um, w-where were you guys when the whole Royal Guard descended on Ponyville?"

"I had just woken up and finished downing a lovely cup of tea with Sweetie Belle when half a dozen guards showed up at my door demanding information about potential suspicious ponies who had stolen from the Royal Castle."

Starlight rested her head on her hoof, "I had just hopped off the Friendship Express and was on my way back to Twilight's castle when I started getting barked at by guards just a couple of feet away from the castle doors. They accused me of potentially being a part of the plot!"

Applejack removed her hat, "Big Mac, Applebloom, Granny Smith an’ I had also just woken up an’ were gettin' ready for the day with some apple juice an' waffles when Royal Guards showed up at our door askin' the same thing. Applebloom was so startled that she spilled her drink. Ended up spendin' my mornin' sweepin' up glass shards."

"Same here," Fluttershy added. "Only, instead of cleaning up glass shards, I had to clean up my whole house. I was having a fun little slumber party with my animal friends; Mr. Bear didn't appreciate being rudely awoken by banging and shouting. What about you Rainbow Dash?"

"Ugh," Rainbow Dash groaned, "Four pegasi guards showed up at my cloud and started barking at me about information and 'have you seen any super suspicious ponies around at all?!' Like, dude! I just woke up from a night at the Gala! I'm Rainbow Dash; What would I know?!"

"But didn't you tell Princess Luna about Century, Trixie, and Spirit?"

"W-Well, yeah! But... uh..."

"That reminds me," Applejack began, "I know about Trixie, an' Century's visited the Apple Farm sometimes as a stand-in for Mayor Mare, but who's Spirit Candy?"

Rarity shrugged, "Third time, no idea, darling. We should save these questions until we meet with Princess Celestia."

"We're doin' that?"

"I would assume so. I mean, wouldn't you?"

"I guess... Hey, actually, has Pinkie Pie still not returned from her family's farm?"

Fluttershy replied, "Actually, she should be returning today. Maybe we'll catch her at the train station. You know, i-if we aregoing to the Royal Castle."

"Well," Starlight began, "I can't stand just sitting around anymore. We should get a move on already." She hopped out of her honorary chair, "I'm gonna go find Twilight and Spike. See what's taking them so long-"

"Hey guys! We've got somepony you're gonna wanna meet!"

Speaking of the Devil, out of the entryway doors was Twilight and Spike side by side. Behind them was another pony only one of them recognized. The Princess and her Dragon assistant parted and urged the pony behind to enter. And the pony did just that. Reluctantly stepping into the light.

It was Sunset Shimmer.

Twilight grinned, “Everypony, meet Sunset Shimmer.”

"Oh," Starlight began, "Sunset, hey! I didn't think we'd meet again for a while."

Twilight raised a brow, "W-Wait, you've met before?"

Sunset rubbed the back of her head, "Yeah, remember when I ran out of pages for my journal? I might not have told you, now that I think about it."

"Oh yeah, I was away on a friendship mission. Makes sense."

"I'm mighty sorry Twilight," Applejack began, "But can we get a more detailed introduction?"

"Sorry sorry. Long story short, remember way back when, a year or three ago when I got my crown stolen and I went into the Crystal Mirror to get it back? Well, this mare right here was the culprit!"

"But we got passed that whole schtick!" Spike added, "And we're all great friends now and friendship magic and stuff so it's all good."

Rainbow Dash hovered over to Sunset, "Oh, so that was you, huh?"

Sunset shrugged meekly, "Yeah, that was me. My bad."

Rarity stood up from her chair, "Well, it's a pleasure to meet you Sunset Shimmer. Although Twilight, I have to ask, why exactly is she here? No offense Sunset Shimmer, but we're kind of in the middle of a national security breach."

“That something is exactly why I’m here actually. Twilight filled me in on the whole thing already.”

“Wait, she knows? Did you call her over to help, Twilight?”

“Nope,” Twilight answered, “She just got alerted at the same time as when Celestia left Ponyville. Tell ‘em Sunset.”

“Sure,” Sunset began, “My friends and I, I’ll explain them later, were sitting near the Crystal Mirror just enjoying ourselves during a breakfast picnic when an insanely loud kind of cracking sound burst out of the mirror. It was so loud, it temporarily made one of my friends deaf just sitting with her back to the mirror. And I started to freak out when I saw the shockwave had caused the mirror to rupture a bit. Just a jagged crack across the left-hand side.

"So I got my journal out and quickly wrote to Twilight what had happened. Luckily she answered before I just waltzed in and gave me the run down. I couldn't believe my ears. I-I still can't believe them now. What pony would steal Princess Celestia's crown? The book of alicornhood? And why? And don't even get me started on the whole hypercarrier thing."

"Well sugar cube," AJ began, "It seems we've all had quite the mornin'. But uh, are you just headin' back? Or do ya plan on stayin' to help or somethin'?"

Sunset nodded, "I've got time to spare, so I'd like to help any way I can. I'm a tiny bit rusty as a unicorn, so bear with me, of course."

"Absolutely," Starlight replied, "Although, as of now, we don't even know how we can help. Nice to see you again, by the way."

"You too, Starlight."

Rainbow Dash set her hooves on the ground, "Well, I think we've been waiting around for too long at this point." She trotted over to the exit on the opposite side of the room and cracked the door. "I'm gonna go find Pinkie Pie and bring her back."

"Oo! We're looking for me?! Can I come, Dashie?!"

"Ah! Pinkie?!"

Poking her head through the door was indeed the Element of Laughter; Pinkie Pie. Starlight and the rest of the Mane Six trotted over to the doorway to joyfully embrace their missing friend.

Twilight spoke up, "What took you so long, Pinkie? Where have you been?"

"You know where I've been, silly! I told you, I was visiting family!"

"We remember darling," Rarity replied, "We just didn't think you'd be away for so long! You've missed so much in the last twenty hours."

"I know! Crown stolen, hypercarrier stolen, Celestia's super upset, blah, blah, blah, see? All caught up!"

"Uh... How?"

"I told her," A voice from behind Pinkie spoke up, and out of the shadow walked a Royal Guard stallion in familiar armor. Sunset smiled, "You must be Flash Sentry, right?"

Flash raised a brow, "Uh... Yes? I-I'm sorry, have we met?"

"Something like that."

Twilight stepped forward, "Captain Flash Sentry? What are you doing here in Ponyville? Did Princess Celestia send you?"

Flash entered the room properly, "As a matter of fact, she did Princess. Celestia has requested your presence in Canterlot. She wishes to speak with you. All of you."

"Even Starlight and Spike?"

"She didn't say otherwise."

"May I join?" Sunset spoke. "I know I might seem like some random unicorn, but I can assure you that Princess Celestia knows all about me. I want to be able to help however I can."

"Sunset," Twilight began, "I don't know if that's such a great idea. It's been years since you two last met. And that last meeting didn't exactly end on a good note. And with the events of this morning, I'm not totally sure Celestia will be..."

"I have to, Princess. This might actually be a great opportunity to redeem myself in her eyes. I have to at least try."

Twilight furrowed her brow in worry, but felt Fluttershy put a hoof on her shoulder. "We should at least let her try, Twilight. What's the worst that could happen?" Twilight turned to her friends for validation, who all nodded eagerly in agreement. Even Flash, who understood virtually zero of what was being discussed in front of him.

Twilight sighed, "Alright, guess we're all spending the rest of our morning at the Royal Castle." Twilight stepped over to Flash as her friends cheered for Sunset. "When should we leave?"

Flash smiled, "Right now."

Starlight, Spike, Sunset, and the Mane Six diligently followed behind the Royal Guards leading them to the throne room. They had hopped off the Friendship Express just twenty minutes ago and had finally reached the interior of the Royal Castle.

They didn't realize it at first, but the atmosphere of the castle felt... Off. The guards were always heavily alert and steadfast, but somehow, that feeling had been dialed up to eleven. The staff was also silent as a mouse. None of the typical waves and glee at the sight of the Elements of Harmony waltzing through the castle.

At the back of the group, Sunset and Twilight walked side-by-side. "So, Sunset," Twilight began, somewhat nervously. "I know you spent the train ride here explaining your whole back story to my friends, but I was wondering something."

"Sure Twi," Sunset responded. "Shoot."

"If you were like, not all that friendly back then, why do you think Celestia chose you? I feel like she would've been able to see the signs from the beginning."

"Well, I've thought about that as well. My two guesses are that A: She was more focused on my ambition and magical prowess than she was on my ego. B..." Sunset paused.

The group entered the throne room. The doors to the chamber creaked open like metal and wood screeching for mercy, and sitting on the largest throne before them with great patience was the mare of the hour.

"...even ten thousand-year demi goddesses can misjudge somepony."

The doors closed behind them, and the guards fell back to their positions guarding the entrance. Flash Sentry led the group straight to the base of Celestia's throne and stood at attention when the distance had finally been closed.

He cleared his throat, "Princess Celestia, I bring you Starlight Glimmer, Spike the Dragon, the Elements of Harmony, and Sun-"

"Thank you, Flash,” Twilight interjected, nervously. “I can handle it from here. Sorry.”

Captain Sentry nodded awkwardly, “Of course. Well, um, uh, Princess Celestia, I require reassignment.”

Celestia put a hoof to her chin, “Of course, notify the Vanhoover forces of our coming arrival before nightfall. Post haste, Captain.”

“Acknowledged," And with that, Flash trotted out of the throne room. Leaving the eight ponies—and singular baby dragon—alone with the Princess of the Sun. Of whom Twilight immediately felt something was off about, based on her quieter voice and the orders given to Flash.

And this feeling was shortly exemplified with the others of Twilight's group as the air stood deafeningly silent. Princess Celestia seemed to be staring at the group, but nopony could tell exactly who she was staring at.

Twilight cleared her throat as her friends looked to her, "Uh... Well, Princess Celestia-"

"Sunset Shimmer," Princess Celestia coldly interrupted. "Is that you that's hiding from me?"

Twilight and Co. worriedly exchanged glances with one another before lowering their heads submissively and parting to reveal the red and orange unicorn, who meekly stared at the ground and lowered her head. Dread took over what little willpower she had to even enter this castle almost instantly.

Celestia gasped audibly as her wings flared, confirming her suspicions. She then stood up and slowly made her way down her throne. Her hoofsteps echoed throughout the chamber as she stepped directly in front of Sunset before lowering her head to bare down on the unicorn. Sunset remained in the same position as before, with minor sweat beads now sliding down her forehead.

Celestia stood there for a moment, just staring at the mare's mane with eyes that shifted between vexation and bafflement. Twilight and Co. struggled to process the sight before them. They had never seen Celestia confront a pony in such a manner. Regret also began to fill their minds. Perhaps they shouldn't have brought Sunset along with them.

And Sunset felt that regret more than anypony else. She knew she should've just stayed home. She should've just trusted Twilight and left her worried feelings for Celestia behind in the past.

Celestia whispered sternly, "Look at me, Shimmer." Gradually, Sunset obeyed, acquiescent. Raising her head to just barely return Celestia's cold gaze. A gaze that bore into Sunset's eyes like a fierce drill.

"...State your reasoning. Why have you returned here?"

Sunset stammered, "I... I'm sorry, I-I... I heard what happened... With... your crown, and..."

Celestia lowered her head, "And?"

Sunset felt tears swell up in her eyes, "I... I wanted to help somehow... And maybe make up for my... O-Obsession with power... And my neglect of friendship... I'm deeply sorry."

Princess Celestia had always thought about this day. The day Sunset Shimmer would inevitably return to her. She always had faith. Mostly. Sunset was a smart mare, after all. She was prepared for the wait to be decades, but after Twilight went in after her, she believed it would only be a couple of years.

And now, Sunset was here. A small, shriveling unicorn wallowing in pity and self-doubt. Celestia could practically feel the guilt and remorse radiating off her like plutonium. It was intoxicating, impossible to ignore.

Celestia always imagined their reunion would be heartwarming and simple. Perhaps some tea, and they'd talk for hours of all that's happened since. She wouldn't know what to do with her, though. Maybe have Twilight take care of her. They had a seemingly closer bond, and Twilight was already pretty good at doing such. With Starlight as a prime example.

But now, after the incident that occurred last night and this morning, Celestia seemed far less peachy and willing to engage with the former student. Celestia recognized that the start of this unceremonious reunion was unbecoming of her; She could only imagine what Twilight and her friends must be thinking of her right now. Especially Twilight herself.

Celestia took a deep breath. Letting go of her more unfriendly feelings and inhibitions, before pulling Sunset Shimmer into a deep embrace with her hooves and wings. She sighed, "I apologize my little pony. It has been so, so long, and I haven't felt good this morning."

Sunset tensed up as Celestia hugged her, but returned the embrace tenfold in mere seconds. Sunset's tears turned from that of sorrow and worry to tears of joy. Elated to see that her teacher still held her dearly in her heart. She didn't sob, but Celestia could feel the droplets wet her coat, which impelled her to hold her former student even closer. Twilight and her friends sighed in relief.

Celestia pulled back, despite Sunset's silent resistance to such. "I have missed you so dearly. So very very much. I have waited for this day for so long, Sunset. And I'm overjoyed that you've decided to help."

Sunset wiped some of her tears away, "O-Of course. I-It's the least I can do t-to make up for my stupidity."

"Oh please Sunset, do not insult yourself. You made a mistake, and you just returning to me is more than enough. In fact," Celestia turned to the rest of Twilight's friends, "You being here makes my plans all the more easy."

Celestia cleared her throat, "I apologize to you all. A heartwarming reunion between student and teacher may have been interrupting, but it was greatly needed. Trust me."

Rarity waved a hoof, "Oh not at all, Princess. We love watching heartwarming reunions."

"Well, thank you kindly."

Twilight spoke, "So, Princess, uh, what exactly is your plan? Does it have to do with what you told Flash?"

"You're exactly right Twilight. All of us—except you Spike, sorry— are going to Vanhoover to board the west centurion-class hypercarrier. We're going after Century and his fellow transgressors to Meridio."

"What?!" Shouted all of Twilight's friends simultaneously. Even the previously crying Sunset. Celestia giggled, "I understand the idea sounds surprising, but I assure you, I've given the idea plenty of thought."

Plenty of thought being two minutes.

Twilight stammered, "Princess, I-I don't understand, why us? Why not just have this Meridio nation stop Century and return the crown and book to us?"

"Two reasons, Twilight. A: Simply letting Meridio handle our problem is a bad look for Equestria. Understand that from a geopolitical context. B: That book they've stolen is immensely powerful in the wrong hooves. They may not be able to unlock it's full potential and transform any one of them into an alicorn, but there are other spells inside. Spells that can grant temporary alicorn might in a slew of ways. Not to mention what I fear may be their grand plan."

Rainbow Dash cocked her head, "Grand plan?"

"Indeed. If it's true that our transgressors are heading to Meridio for the sake of utilizing the power of the Rorsch drill, they could be using it to assist in attaining alicornhood. I'm not sure how, but I do know that a combination of such power would be greater than anything we, especially I, have ever seen. Me, the Elements, along with Starlight and Sunset's combined might, may just be our best shot at stopping them."

Starlight stepped forward, "But that just can't be, Trixie isn't like thag anymore! I-I know her better than anypony in Equestria, and she gave up ambitions of that kind years ago."

"'Tis true," Rarity added, "We've seen for ourselves the kind of pony Trixie is now. And while she still has a terrible ego, she's good-hearted! She helped us out of that whole kidnapping situation with Chrysalis, after all."

"Right," Applejack began, "An' I've met Century multiple times. I've got a feelin' he ain't all that fond of us, but he just doesn't strike me as the kinda pony to go seekin' world domination or ultimate power or whatnot. He's helped Sweet Apple Acres financially a multitude of times when we fell on hard times. Not to mention the whole of Ponyville."

Celestia raised a hoof in a request for silence. "My friends, I completely understand you're confusion. Believe me, I'm far more perplexed than you are. I personally remember Spirit Candy at my School for Gifted Unicorns. She was a bright and thoughtful pony. Straight-forward and no-nonsensical. But we have to just accept that these are the ponies who've committed the crimes that they did, regardless of our past interactions and relations."

Celestia continued, "We have to be prepared for the possibility that these ponies are more wicked than we anticipated. At the very least, we have to be prepared. And regardless of how advanced Meridio is, not even they can stop an alicorn of that caliber. Not alone. Which is why we need to leave."

The group of exceptional ponies before Celestia exchanged concerned glances. Unable to confront the truth Celestia was speaking. Especially one Starlight Glimmer. "So, what about Equestria?" Rainbow Dash asked. "If the Princess of the Sun—along with the Elements of Harmony—are on the other side of the world, won't Equestria be seriously left vulnerable or something?"

"Equestria shall be left in Luna's authority, on high alert all the while. She's more hands-on when it comes to such a thing than I. So while yes, Equestria will be exposed without its best defenders, Luna and her guards are a force to be reckoned with all by themselves. Especially Luna, of course. That goes without saying, really. Not to mention, Discord will be here to assist in his... Own special way."

Celestia returned to her throne, "Now, we all need to be at Vanhoover and aboard the west hypercarrier before the afternoon. Bring all your essentials, and tell all your loved ones goodbye. If we're lucky, we'll reach Meridio before Century's group, and this whole thing will be behind us in an instant. Any questions?"

The group once again exchanged glances before Fluttershy raised a hoof. "Um, Princess Celestia, if you're going with us, will you, like, be actively looking for Century, Trixie, and Spirit alongside us, or..." Celestia chuckled. The deep kind of chuckle one wouldn't typically associate with the Princess.

"I'll never be too far."

"That's a... Hm… That's a big ship, Twi."

"You're telling me, Spike. It's almost as tall as my castle."

Almost five hours later, Spike and Twilight sat on a bench outside a restaurant near the Vanhoover dock. Sipping down on cider like it was the last time they'd ever be able to while gazing in wonderment at the sheer majesty of the hypercarrier, anointed the FRMS White Midnight. Meanwhile, Celestia and Twilight's friends assisted the centurion crew with the on-loading of their luggage and whatnot.

Celestia decided that since the news of Meridio and the hypercarrier had already been revealed, spreading across the country like wildfire, there was no point in hiding the truth any longer. Fearing the backlash of hiding blatant facts would only dig the hole she found herself in deeper. Because of this, thousands of Vannooverians had gathered to marvel at the centurion. Drawing unwanted but inescapable attention.

Spike set down his mug, "...You sure I can't come with?"

"I already asked Celestia to reconsider twice," Twilight replied, waving her mug defeatedly. "She's not budging. Believe me, I would feel a thousand percent better if you came with, but it just looks like that's not gonna happen. It's a shame too, we're gonna go way further than we did to stop the Storm King. I'd do anything for you to be by my side for it."

Spike sighed, "Well, the Princess must have her reasons. I probably wouldn't be of much help anyway."

"Spike!" Twilight whipped her head around, "Don't ever say that, you will always be of great help to me. You always have been. Besides, somepony has to watch over the castle while I'm gone. And I can't entrust that job to anypony but you."

"Thanks, Twi... Wait, what about-"

"The School of Friendship? They've got the next week off. We shouldn't be gone any longer than that."

"Oh… Heh, well, what a start to the first quarter, huh?"

"Things rarely ever go our way, Spike. I accepted that when a giant red centaur blew up my house."

"Hah hah! …Right..."

The two of them turned about at the sound of the restaurant's doors opening and closing. Behind them came a low-spirited Starlight Glimmer with a blue slushie in her grip. Her thoughts still racing to make sense of the unsensible.

Twilight smiled, "Hey Starlight, what are you doing here? Not gonna lie, we figured you were down at the ship."

Starlight lifted her head, "I just decided to get a little something-something. We figured you were down at the ship."

"Yeah, about that..."

Starlight giggled, "Making the other Elements do all the heavy lifting, huh?"

"Dash said I should spend some time with Spike before I go! What was I supposed to say?"

"It's fine, Twi," Starlight replied as she joined them on the bench. The three of them watching their friends in action while finishing their drinks. Starlight taking a particular look at the fiery-maned mare that now joined them. "So... Sunset Shimmer."


"At the throne room, she said she was 'obsessed with power?' What's up with that?"

Twilight shrugged, "No idea, Star. You should ask her while we're sailing to Meridio."

"Yeah, but wouldn't that be kinda-"

"Awkward? Absolutely, but I'm not doing it. You'll fare better than I would anyway, seeing as you two share a similar past."

"Well... Can't argue with that."

Spike set down his mug on the end of the bench, "Aren't you worried about Trixie, Starlight?"

"Uh- Of course!" Starlight exclaimed. Whipping her head around to face the dragon with such speed that she spilled some of her slushie on the grass. "S-She's been on my mind since this morning! I just haven't been able to wrap my head around it, she's not evil! I-I don't even think she ever was in the first place! A big ego, undoubtedly, but she's not the type to just go on some stupid-large journey to attain unlimited power or something!"

Twilight sighed, "Starlight, no offense, but this is the third or fourth time you've brought that up today. What answer can we possibly give you?"

"I-... I don't know, I just... I miss her. I miss her way more than I thought I would. The way she talks in the third person, the way she announces her title as if it's her actual name, her obsession with presentation... A-And now, the fact that we're trying to hunt her down is just so... Unsettling."

Starlight set down her slushie, "I just... I can't help but feel like... L-Like something else is going on here."

Spike cocked his head, "Like what?"

"That's just it- I don't know! I just really can't believe that this whole thing is for the sake of power or something. Trixie's a good mare, she'd never harm anypony! I... I just wonder if maybe they're after something else. Maybe we're jumping to conclusions."

Twilight stood up and chugged down her mug of cider before setting it down on the bench. Unsightly for a princess, but nopony was around to truly judge her. She took a deep breath before turning to face her friend. "Starlight... I know you've heard this already, but I get it. I really do. I really, truly do. But what's done is done. Regardless of what's going on behind the scenes, we cannot just let three ponies steal Her Highness' crown, the Book of Alicornhood, and a wildly advanced ship just to run off to a nation on the other side of the planet. Even if it's not for ultimate power, we're not gonna find out by just sitting on our flanks in Equestria doing nothing. We have to get to them as soon as possible. Get the answers we need. And if they don't wanna give them willingly-"

"I understand, jeez," Starlight responded, disturbed at what Twilight was indicating. The Princess of Friendship stammered, "I-I'm sorry, I didn't mean to sound so mean, it's just-"

"No, I get it, I get it... You're completely right, Twilight Sparkle...” Starlight signed, mentally defeated, “…Let's just get a move on."

Spike stood up, "You probably should, it looks like the hypercarrier's just about ready for send-off, judging from the lack of boxes and luggage and stuff at the bottom of the stair way."

Twilight nodded, "You're right, Spike. We'll get moving. You'll be safe getting home, right?"

Spike waved her off, "Twilight, please, I could walk home in the dead of night and still arrive safe and sound... Not that that's something I'm even considering."

Twilight giggled, "Of course, Spike. I trust you." The Princess of Friendship levitated Spike over to her to pull him into a deathly tight embrace. Rubbing the top of his head with the bottom of her chin. Spike protested, embarrassed in front of Starlight, but that protest would be cut short as Starlight joined in on the hugging session between the two. Squeezing the baby dragon even tighter.

Twilight sighed, "Goodbye, Spike. I'm gonna miss you so, so, so, so much. We'll be back before you know it, just you wait."

"What she said," Starlight added. "It'll be the quickest vacation across the world in history. We're talking the world record here."

Spike replied, muffled, "That's great and all, but may I be allowed to breathe again? Pretty please?" The alicorn and unicorn obliged, backing away from the dragon who took a deep breath afterward. "Ah, sweet, sweet air... Now get a move on!"

Starlight and Twilight laughed before beginning towards the hypercarrier. "Goodbye, Spike!" Twilight shouted, "Don't do anything stupid while we're gone!"

"Me?! You should take your own advice! And get back safe!"

Twilight giggled before she and Starlight began trotting over to the centurion. Using the path created for them by the Royal Guard to get past the crowd of more than a thousand ponies. All calling out to the Princess in hopes of understanding... Well, everything.

The two reached Sunset and the rest of the Elements at the base of the stairway to the hypercarrier. "Well," Applejack began, noticing the duo. "Look who finally decided to show up! We was as busy as a scared cat on a hot tin roof while y'all were sittin’ back drinkin' cider!"

Starlight raised a hoof, "If it's any consolation AJ, I was having a slushie."

"It ain't."

"Well, worth a shot- we're ready to go?"

Rainbow Dash scoffed, "We've been ready to go. I said 'Say goodbye to Spike,' Twi, not have a sit-n-drink with him."

Twilight chuckled nervously, "Just a minor misinterpretation. Where's Celestia?"

Rarity pointed to the deck, "At the top of the ship, darling. She's just waiting on us. Let's get a move on shall we."

"Of course," Twilight agreed, and with that, the ponies began upwards the stairway. It was more narrow than they expected, so all of them reaching the deck took longer than they'd like, with the exception of Rainbow Dash. The crowd out on the dock increased in volume as they watched their heroes board the ship.

As the ponies reached the deck, they spotted Princess Celestia. And as luck would have it, Celestia spotted them as well. Smiling once she did. Twilight approached her first, "We're all ready to go, Princess. Unless there's something else we're missing."

"Not at all," Celestia replied, "The crew was simply waiting on you. Speaking of which," Celestia turned back behind herself. Pointing at a large, burly Earth pony behind her. "This here is Admiral Douglas MacHoof. I believe you met him at the Gala, correct Twilight?"

"That I did," Twilight agreed, and MacHoof stepped forward. "Greetin's once aga'n, Princess. Admir'l Douglas MacHoof at ya service. I'll be ya capta'n for this 'ere voy'ge, and my crew 'ill be 'ere to assist you. Ya just say the word, 'n' they'll be righ' there to help in any way possible."

"Of course," Twilight replied, awkwardly. She still couldn't fully decipher that insane accent, but she and the girls would have plenty of time over the next couple of days. Celestia then pointed to her left, "And you know Ardent Rose by now."

Indeed at her side was the stoic Second Lieutenant. A mare the Elements had met before, but never really interacted with due to her incredibly steadfast nature. She would be at Celestia's side for the entirety of this trip, just like so at the Royal Castle.

"But enough of that," Celestia added, "It's time we take our leave. But first, I must speak to this loud and understandably confused crowd. All of you should properly settle into your rooms. Sunset, you'll be sharing a room with me, since you, well, had very little to bring." Sunset nodded, "You've got it, Princess."

Celestia stepped over to the very edge of the ship, overlooking the Vanhoover crowd while Twilight and her friends followed behind her. When they first arrived at Vanhoover, the crowd was just a couple dozen. Now, it seemed to be the entire city, and then some. Celestia took a deep breath.

"My ponies!" She shouted, regal-like. The crowd instantly falling silent. "As you all know by now, this morning in Equestria was met with great tribulation by a trio of transgressors. The Earth pony, Century: Political Consultant of Ponyville. Trixie Lulamoon: Unicorn magician of Ponyville. And the unicorn Spirit Candy: a former student of mine.

"In the last twenty-four hours, this trio of ponies infiltrated the Royal Castle, stole my crown, the Book of Alicornhood, and an advanced vessel from a nation on the other side of the planet. A nation known as the Federal Republic of Meridio." The name of the country echoed throughout the crowd in wonderment.

"I understand you have many questions, but alas, I cannot answer them all. For the Elements of Harmony and myself have decided to pursue the transgressors, and apprehend them for their crimes. We do not know why they have stolen what they have, but we do know that they have made a mistake they shall not soon forget. A mistake they will forever regret."

The crowd erupted louder than the Princess anticipated at the mention of her departure. For the first time in thousands of years, Princess Celestia would be departing from her nation. Leaving the millions of her subjects without their god-like monarch. Celestia felt awfully warm inside at the shocked exclamations and cries of this news.

"In my absence, Princess Luna shall assume the totality of Equestria in her authority. She shall be the mare you refer to regarding royal issues and the like. Furthermore, do not be afraid, my little ponies. But Equestria, make no mistake, will be exposed without its strongest forces, the Elements of Harmony. But I assure you, we won't be gone long."

Celestia extended her wings, "With that, I wish you all farewell. We will return! Make no mistake!"

The crowd of ponies' cries turned to cheers as they wished Celestia and the Elements of Harmony farewell on their faraway odyssey. They jumped and hollered and sang praises to their heroes, while Princess Celestia nodded to Admiral MacHoof as a form of signal. It was time to leave Equestria, and confront Century's trio in Meridio.

MacHoof's crew sprung into action. Switches were flipped, levers were pulled, and buttons were pressed as the hypercarrier's hyperdrive was engaged. Instead of a slingshot, the centurion would be launching as it was meant to. Peacefully and gracefully. Its metal and wood hull roared as it slowly propelled forward and parted the waves before it. Caused by MacHoof wrenching its steering wheel east toward the North Luna Ocean.

Starlight, Sunset, and the Elements approached the bow of the massive ship. Making sure not to bump into any of the crew diligently at work. They grouped up at the very tip to gaze outward at the horizon as the glass dome protecting those on the deck began to shield said part of the ship from the outside winds that gradually picked up.

The group exchanged glances before returning to the horizon. The ship now at fifty-four miles per hour. In the silence, an anxious Fluttershy spoke up, "...Chasing three ponies to an advanced country on the other side of the world."

"To stop them from reaching some super powerful laser drill," Rainbow Dash added.

"With Princess Celestia in tow," Rarity also added.

Applejack removed her hat, "...Nightmare Moon, Discord, Chrysalis, Sombra, Tirek, the Storm King... This ain't gon' be anythin' like our last adventures... is it?" Twilight sighed.

"...Not even close..."

Comments ( 2 )
Comment posted by ryanrobbie deleted January 15th

That was quite the chapter, sounds like Celestia is keeping equestria in quite the closed bubble, interesting.

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