• Published 16th Jan 2023
  • 309 Views, 14 Comments

Grand Larceny - Waiting on my 20s

A harrowing, destructive future awaits Equestria. Unless a certain trio can pull off the heist of the millennium.

  • ...

Chapter V - Finishing Touches

Author's Note:

Won’t be long now…


"Man... This castle is massive for no reason. How many rooms ya think the Princesses' got, Trix?"

"Century, I, er, Trixie does not know, uh... Sixty?"

"No way, it's gotta be at least a hundred."

"What would two alicorns need with a hundred rooms?"

"I'm no conspiracy theorist, but-"

"Shut up."

Century and The Great and Powerful Trixie approached The Canterlot Castle. Earlier today, Trixie and Century had gone to Sugarcube Corner to talk with Pinkie Pie about her performance at the Gala. However, Applejack had told them that Pinkie Pie was back at her family’s rock farm due to some incident. Something about chaotic emeralds, or whatever.

Therefore, Trixie decided to head to Canterlot to take the now-empty performance slot for herself. Century had tagged along as he didn't have much to do. He decided that by going with Trixie, they could scheme and confer on what Trixie's performance could be right before they tell Celestia and Luna. Maybe take a tiny peek around the castle for anything important.

"...Huh, strange. Usually, you're the annoying one, Trix."

"Trixie says there's a first time for everything... Also shut up."

"Halt!" One of two guards standing at the massive doorway shouted at the pair. Raising his left hoof. Trixie and Century came to a stop. "What is your business at coming here today?” The colt continued.

Trixie proudly stepped forward, placing a hoof on her chest. "The Great and Power-"

"Shut up," Century cut off, stepping on her hoof.

"Ow! Stop doing that!"

"Stop presenting yourself like some pompous monarch; you live in a wagon!"

"Shaming me for my lack of wealth?! How dare-"

"Silence!" The guard bellowed. "How dare you bicker like children before your Highnesses' castle?!"

Century sighed, "Of course, our mistake. We apologize, don't we magic mare?"

Trixie grumbled and muttered in response. The guard continued, "I will not ask again. What is your business today?"

Trixie replied, "We have come to speak to the Princesses regarding the Grand Galloping Gala. A slot for a performance at the Gala has become open, and I, Trixie Lulamoon, would like to occupy said slot."

"And what of him? The Earth pony?"

"He's a friend. An escort. Accompanies Trixie from time to time."

Century groaned, "I am Mayor Mare of Ponyville's trusted advisor. Practically the Deputy Mayor, since we don't really have one."

The other guard tilted her head, "And what in the world is Mayor Mare's advisor doing out here?"

"I... Uh..."

"As Trixie said, he's my escort," the unicorn reaffirmed. "Does that make much sense? To us, yes. You?"



The mare guard rolled her eyes and both of the guards stepped aside. "Whatever. There's a squad of guards inside that'll escort you to the throne room. Don't do anything stupid, or we will personally make you re-"

"Trixie understands. We'll be going now, thanks." The doors opened, and the unicorn and Earth pony trotted through. The Great and Powerful cutting off the mare guard made her understandably irritated. Just Trixie being Trixie, Century thought.


"There it is, Trix. The grand prize."

Century whispered to the Great and Powerful mare as the squad of guards escorted them to the throne room. At the far end, sitting on her million-bit throne was her highness, Princess Celestia. Seemingly discussing something with some Manehatten male aristocrat.

And upon the Alicorn's head was the pièce de résistance. Her illustrious crown. Century's eyes were glued to it as they approached the Alicorn. Inspecting every jewel. A beautiful shade of yellow, similar to butter or lemon. And its intricate engravements.

"Trixie sees it, of course," she replied, whispering. "Keep your cool, Mr. Advisor. We haven't come this far just to fail."

"I know you're not talking."

"Unfortunately for you, Trixie is."

Getting closer, the two were able to understand what the Aristocrat was going on about. And it was the opposite of good. At least for them, of course.

"Princess Celestia, I cannot ingeminate this any more than I already have; the warehouse, containing extremely advanced technology light years ahead of ours, was breached! We're just lucky the ship was submerged at the time. What if they stole it?!"

"And I must reiterate that your proof of this is extremely limited and tenuous," the Princess replied. Her voice, elegant, imposing, and regal, all at the same time. "A paper or two out of place is nothing special. Especially since Starboard Sail is getting quite old. There's no way he would've remembered the placement of papers so meticulously."

"And what about the patch of blood, your highness?"

"That likely could've always been there, and you just now noticed it. Storing heavy cargo is a difficult and potentially dangerous job."

"Well, what about a missing diagram poster? Do you mean to tell me that it simply disappeared? That it was never there in the first place; and that we're delusional?"

Celestia paused, a bit perturbed. "I... A diagram poster is missing?"

"Indeed. One that just so happens to detail the anatomy of the entire ship! Whoever took it now knows everything about it! This is a grotesque breach of Manehatten security! Of Equestrian security! It is imperative that we respond vigorously and vehemently! Which is why I'm here requesting supplemental security! Investigators as well! Manehatten's finest detectives are already on the case, but we could certainly use the extra hooves! L-Luna's guards too!"

"Perhaps he's right, your highness," A voice from the right of Celestia spoke up. One of her personal guards. "If the centurion has been compromised, and word gets out, it could worsen relations with Meridio.
We're already on thin ice.”

"Pardon? What are we talking about?" Century interrupted.

Princess Celestia, the guard, and the aristocrat turned their attention to the approaching Century and Trixie. Concerned about how much the two ponies heard, and how they didn't notice them sooner.

Princess Celestia stepped down from her throne. "We'll discuss this later," Celestia told the aristocrat. Said aristocrat sighed before nodding and being escorted out of the throne room.

Celestia approached Century and Trixie, "Greetings, my little ponies. What business do you have with your princess?

Trixie cleared her throat, "Greetings, Princess Celestia. The Great and Powerful Trixie would like to discuss the vacant performance slot for the Grand Galloping Gala."

"Ah, yes. Pinkie Pie was meant to perform, that's right. I didn't think you'd be going. Would you like to take her spot and perform something of your own?"

Trixie beamed, "Trixie would. She's been working on this outstanding trick mocking the..."

Your princess.

Trixie's words were drowned out as the Princess’ words rang back and forth in Century's head. Irritating him just a bit. Anypony else would tell him he was being ridiculous. That his aversion to the Princess was misplaced. Unfair. And for the most part, they were right.

Princess Celestia was an exceptional leader. Sure, there are times when she could've done more; could've done better, but that was usually swept under the rug. Somepony else could and would do it for her. Sometimes, he thought the Elements of Harmony were Celestia's maids. Cleaning up her mess; dealing with things she didn't want to.

Sure, he wasn't on top of it. Admittedly, he didn't want to be. But Nightmare Moon? Chrysalis? Discord? Tyrek? Whatever the heck that portal invasion was? The list goes on and on.

He refuses to believe that she was powerless to do anything, or that she didn't, or couldn't, foresee such attacks. Especially the Storm King’s invasion. She's been leading Equestria for literally thousands of years. Everything that's happened in the past few years was barely even a drop in the bucket. She should've figured out a way to prevent such attacks millennia ago. A way to counter them.

But no. Instead, the Elements of Harmony, her dogs, go the distance to solve such problems themselves. Sometimes, inadvertently causing more problems in the process. But the argument every time was Twilight Sparkle needing to learn the values of friendship. A lesson that had been undoubtedly taught and learned before. A lesson that was awfully expensive.

A lesson that had caused more than enough terror.

"Mr. Century?"


Century was snapped back to reality as he heard Princess Celestia call his name. His internal rant cut short.

"I was asking why you've come along with Lulamoon today," Celestia repeated.

Trixie chuckled, "Oh, Princess, he's merely my chauffeur. My personal guard and helper, isn't that right, Century?"

Century stared into nothingness, "...Yeah."

Celestia tilted her head, "I don't think so. I believe I'm speaking to the political advisor of Mayor Mare, aren't I?"

Century's eyes widened slightly, "You knew that?"

"Of course! I keep track of all of Equestria's politicians. Have you and Mayor Mare decided to come to the Gala this year? Oh, wouldn't that be a nice change!"

"Uh, no. Just me. Mayor Mare's not well. Just getting... Old."

"Ah, I see. How unfortunate. Well, your presence will be more than enough. I always enjoy seeing new faces at the Gala. If I may, why did you decide to come to this year's Gala? Any particular reason?" Century eyed Celestia's crown with almost malicious intent.


"Ah. Well, I hope you enjoy it. Since Mayor Mare isn't coming, I'd like to discuss with you the current condition of Ponyville."

Century perked up, "Really?"

"Of course! That isn't necessarily Twilight's job, so I don't get information from her. You wouldn't be opposed to this, would you?"

"No no, sounds great. It's just, what about all those other higher-up ponies?"

"What about them? I've talked to just about all of them several times. I doubt they've anything truly substantial to say."

Century thought for a moment. This would make the heist far easier as he could get up close to the target without it being suspicious or awkward. The last thing he wanted was to embarrass himself at one of the most important events of the year.

He shrugged, "Hm. Okay, I can do that."

"Marvelous!" Celestia replied. "As for you, Lulamoon, your performance sounds like a true spectacle. I'll be sure to let my planners know of your presentation. Everypony loves magic, after all."

Trixie smirked, "Indeed they do."

Princess Celestia returned to her throne, "Well, well, my little ponies. I believe we are done here. It was a pleasure to make your acquaintance today, and I look ever more forward to the Gala."


"Well, Trixie thinks that went better than expected. She will perform a spectacle at the Gala for all of Equestria's finest." Trixie delighted at the fact as she and Century exited the castle and made their way back to Spirit's house.

Century rolled his eyes, "You do know the whole point is to act as a distraction, right?"

"Of course, but this is still the opportunity of a lifetime! And Trixie got the part so easily! Truly, Trixie is a master of persuasion. Not even an alicorn can stand up to her righteous charm."

"Yeah, uh huh, so, what exactly is your trick? I spaced out when you were going over it."

"Wha- How?"

"Just repeat it."

"Hmph, well, Trixie was thinking of using her magic to create the illusion that not only could Trixie also control the sun and moon, but that she could create a sun out of thin air!"

"So, a blinding light?" Century scratched his chin, "Yeah, and while Celestia and everypony else are blinded, I could snatch the crown and escape without anypony seeing. That's a great idea, Trix."

Trixie beamed with a genuine smile, "Heh, well, Trixie is pretty great, huh?"

Century's face got serious, "By the way, you heard what that aristocrat pony was talking about, right?"

Trixie's face did the same. "Trixie did. This means all of Manehatten's higher-ups, and maybe all of Equestria's higher-ups know somepony is after that ship. This could complicate things."

"Complicate is an understatement. That guard mentioned how Equestria's relationship with Meridio wasn't doing well. If this is the case, I imagine word getting out about Spirit's infiltration would seriously worsen relations. Equestria's going to do just about everything in its power to protect that ship."

Trixie replied. Smug, "Well, it won't be enough to stop us, will it?"

Century smirked, "Without a doubt. We'll discuss it with Spirit when she gets back. But anyways, now that we've done our part, what do you wanna do?"

Trixie put her hoof to her chin, thinking. Surely, Spirit wouldn't take that long. She just had to buy a dress with some pretty feathers or something. Trixie, in the corner of her eye, then spotted a store. And her mouth began watering like a fountain.

Century raised a brow, "What? What are you looking at?" Trying to find what had her watering, Century scoured the sight before him until spotting what had gotten the unicorn's attention.

He groaned, "They have an IHoof here? Seriously?"

Trixie got in his face, "This is great! Trixie doesn't know how this got past her, but she's not complaining!"

"Past you? You don't live in Canterlot, you-"

"Live in a wagon outside of Ponyville, Trixie knows. You don't need to shove it in her face!"

"Whatever, but didn't you have breakfast today at least?"

"Trixie only had oatmeal."


"Trixie does not like oatmeal."

"Oh, for the love of-"

"So can we go?"

"Yes! We can go! Just... Just shut up."

"...Trixie thinks you need to chill the hoof out."


The two began towards the IHoof store. Trixie trotting and grinning in anticipation while Century practically dragged his hooves forward. He hoped things were going well with Spirit. Because this baby blue unicorn was going to be the death of him.

Although to be fair, he thought, maybe he was being unfair and grumpy. Besides, it's not like eating there was a bad or weird idea; it was still morning. And everypony deserves a good breakfast. Thinking some more, it couldn't hurt to provide Trixie with a delicious morning meal from time to time. He guessed that was the politician inside of him talking.

Or maybe it was his heart.


Rarity's iconic voice was shouted from inside the boutique. Spirit, standing outside her door, had rung the bell; and was waiting diligently for the fashionista to open said door.

Today was going to be simple, Spirit thought. Today, she wasn't sneaking into any port warehouses containing advanced, stupid-expensive cargo ships. No. Today, Spirit was going shopping. Nothing more, nothing less.

The door opened, and before the doorframe stood Rarity Belle. Donning her designer glasses. She smiled, "Good morning, miss! My name is Rarity, though I'm sure you know that, and welcome to my magnificent Carousel Boutique! How can I assist you on such a gorgeous day?"

Spirit cleared her throat, "Hello, Ms. Belle. My name is Spirit Candy. Uh, I was wondering if you had any dresses in stock that look... Uh... Touchy? Does that make sense? That makes sense. Right?"

Rarity giggled, "Of course, darling. Right this way."

Motioning her inside, Spirit stepped into the boutique and got herself an eyeful. Strangely enough, Spirit was underwhelmed. I thought it'd be bigger, she thought. So much had been said in Canterlot about Ponyville's sedulous and scrupulous fashion designer, that Spirit was expecting the boutique to be full of customers and for dresses to be hanging from every corner and wall.

What Spirit didn't know, the brown dipstick, was that Rarity was just that. A fashion designer. She merely designed the dresses; she wasn't a clothing salesmare. At least, not entirely. This would explain why she found more mannequins, mirrors, and cloth than actual marketable clothing.

This is why you never make assumptions, kids.

"Now darling, why don't you take a seat right here," Rarity urged. "I'll go take a look at my wardrobe for something fabulous."

Following Rarity's orders, Spirit took a seat at a nearby window while Rarity trotted behind some curtains. She rested her head in her hoof and against the window sill. She looked out the window in wonder.

She could see the adventurous and daring Element of Loyalty screwing with the clouds. The way Rainbow Dash soared effortlessly through the sky always seemed so majestic to her. That pegasus was as free as the wind; nothing holding her down. Sometimes, Spirit envied that.

Spirit had always wanted to fly. To glide through that dark blue as if she owned it. Where nopony could stop her. And the only thing she felt was the breeze across her face and the wind in her hair.

Sure, magic was great and all. And she could even use it to fly faster than most pegasi. But it would never be the same as having two beautiful wings attached to her sides. It was a shame, really. Spirit, ever since she was a filly, wished she could've been born a pegasus.

Life would be so much simpler that way.

"Mrs. Candy?"

Spirit was knocked out of her trance when Rarity trotted out behind the curtains, holding not a dress, but a fabric in her magic grasp. Spirit tilted her head, "Yes, I'm still here. Uh, what is that?"

Rarity sighed, "My apologies darling, but I couldn't find any dress that would fit your needs. However, I do have this exquisite fabric. Do you know what vicuna is, Mrs. Candy?"

"Vicuna? Isn't that, like, an absurdly rare fabric?"

Rarity giggled, "Used to be, at least for me. But I spent a month on a mountain in Griffonstone collecting it. Now, I have enough material to last me decades! Sales have been astounding this year, darling."


"Quite so, darling, decades."


"I could never reveal my ways..."




"So, I can use this material to make a gorgeous dress for you, but it'll cost you quite a bit."

Spirit stood up, "I'm positive I can pay it. My question is when would it be ready? I need it before the Gala. You can do that, right?"

Rarity laughed, "Oh please, I've had much worse deadlines than that. I'll have the dress done the day before. Now, may we discuss payment?"

"Of course; how much?"

"How does a thousand bits sound?"

Spirit's eyes widened like saucers at the price. She took a peek inside her satchel and groaned. She had enough, obviously, but that was almost every bit Century had given her, and she didn't even want to spend half. After this purchase, she'd only have two hundred bits left. The residents of Ponyville are gonna flip when they see the next allotment report. Sure, it was justified, but that didn't help her from feeling bad.

Spirit sighed as she laid her satchel on the nearby table. "Sounds like a deal, Mrs. Belle."

Rarity grinned, "Magnifique."

"Alright ladies, this is it," Century claimed.

Spirit, Century, and Trixie all sat at the round table. That of which had been covered in photos of ponies, pins of all colors, notepads with writing, and red string connecting everything together. Like a conspiracy board, only it was for the heist of the century.

Century placed his hooves on both sides of the table. "We've got virtually everything we need for Friday. So let's go over it all from the top."

He picked up a nearby fork and pointed, "At six o'clock, the doors to the Gala will open, and everypony will be allowed inside. Before we enter, we'll survey the crowd for Starboard to make sure he's here. Once spotted, Spirit will trail behind him to wherever he goes. Once he gets settled, Spirit will approach him and talk him up. You're young and cute, Spirit, so you should get his undivided attention quickly."

Century continued, looking at Spirit. "You will get his hoofprint on your dress. Preferably twice, just in case. Then, you will get the keycard from his pocket. Once all that's done, don't stick around. Return here, and wait on Trixie and I to return. If we're not back within two hours... Dump the keycard off the waterfall."

Spirit chuckled, "Worried you two might screw up?"

"Always important to be prepared, ya bum."

Century turned to Trixie, "Speaking of which, once Spirit locates Starboard , Trixie and I will enter the Gala and split up. Trixie, you'll go wherever you need to prepare for your performance. The distraction, I should say. While you're doing that, I'll catch up with Princess Celestia. Stay near her while we wait on you."

Century continued, "Once you're ready, and everypony comes out to the plaza, the real mission will begin. Trixie will do her last trick and blind everyone in the audience, including Celestia. I imagine she'd bend her head downward and shield her eyes. The perfect height for me to carefully lift the crown off her head and into my satchel. Once I've got it secured, I'll scurry the heck out of there."

"Then Trixie will finish her performance and scurry out of there too. I'll meet her at the exit of the Gala. Finally, we'll return to Spirit's place, gather our essentials, and immediately board the Friendship Express to Manehatten. Heist completed, ladies."

Trixie sighed, "Trixie is so anxious. There's no way this will all go according to plan."

Spirit nodded, "Trixie's right. Something's bound to go wrong."

Century groaned, "Oh, will you two shut up? Have some confidence. If something goes wrong, then we'll improvise. We have to, after all. We can't give up after everything we've already done."

"Yeah, yeah, I know. It's just... Hard to believe it all. But, besides that, what do we do in the meantime."

Century sat down, "In the meantime, Trixie will practice her performance. We've got two and a half days until the Gala begins, and it needs to be flawless, Trix. Spirit, you and I will pack what we need, and... I don't know. It's the calm before the storm, ladies."

Trixie stared at the board. This was it. Outside of practice, there was nothing more to do. Nothing to research. Nowhere to go. As Century said, in two and a half days, Century, Spirit, and Trixie would head to the Grand Galloping Gala and commit what may be the greatest heist of all time.

A glorious act of grand larceny.