• Published 16th Jan 2023
  • 309 Views, 14 Comments

Grand Larceny - Waiting on my 20s

A harrowing, destructive future awaits Equestria. Unless a certain trio can pull off the heist of the millennium.

  • ...

Chapter II - Burdened

Author's Note:

”An unlikely trio…”

P A R T - O N E



"I know, it sounds crazy, but you have to believe me."

"Believe you?! Are you serious?"


Over sixteen hours ago, Mayor Mare's trusted advisor, Century, had been informed by an unknown cosmic creature that annihilation from a mysterious monster was imminent, and it'd be taking the entire planet.

He'd traveled to Canterlot to head to the house of a good friend of his for help. The unicorn Spirit Candy. Being two years older, he made friends with Spirit back when he was a filly. They'd bonded over their desire to do good by other ponies. Spirit taught him the importance of trust back then. And Century taught her fairness. They weren't teachers, obviously. But fillies will do what fillies do.

Like him, she wore a dark brown coat and jet-black hair. It was tightly coiled, but unlike him, it was far longer, and she had braided it. Dropping almost too close to the ground.

Her cutie mark was an orange, four-pointed star surrounded by white rings. He couldn't remember where or how she earned it, but he did know it had something to do with magic. When she was younger, she enrolled at Celestia's School for Gifted Unicorns. But dropped out due to failing.

Using her magic, she continued to wash her dishes. She spoke up, "Whatever you're talking about is insane. There's no way you honestly think I'd be stupid enough to believe that. Cosmic skeletons? Really?"

"But I-"

"Shove it. If you want to be useful, you can help me with these dishes. Then we can go out and get something to eat or whatever. I'm off work today, as you can tell, and I'd like to spend it doing something fun, not… Discussing whatever the heck you’re going on about.”

Century sighed, "Spirit, just think. Why in the world would I lie? W-What do I get out of that?! Why would I travel this far just to lie?"

"My birthday's coming up. Maybe this is your idea of a surprise."

Century groaned, "That’s utterly ridiculous.”

"Maybe you've decided to go all out this year, I don't know! It would be a lovely change of pace. Remember that carrot cake you got me last year? Still can't believe you honestly thought I'd like that."

"Oh, shut up!"

Spirit smiled, "All in all, I'm glad you've visited me. It's been a minute, hasn't it? But whatever you're talking about, birthday party or not, I need some sort of evidence before I jump in to steal the Princess' literal crown."

Century rested his head against his hoof on the table. He had to find some way to convince her, but how? If the roles were reversed, why would he ever believe her? How would she convince him?

Century thought that Warner thing was such a jerk. Finding all of this entertaining. How could this be entertaining? Trying to get his stubborn friend to believe something he could hardly believe himself. No way he found watching this enjoyable. And that's when it hit him.

Century stood up and spoke towards the floor. "Hey, Warner! There's no way you find this stupid conversation enjoyable. Why don't you just help me out so we can get to the more important stuff?!"

Spirit spoke, bewildered, "Uh… Who are you talking to, ya schitzo? Is this skeleton thingy living in my floor? I take back the birthday thing; you've gone completely mental."

Century grew frustrated, "Come on, man! Don't be like this. You're making me look stupid!"

"He's right, strange, giant, cosmic skeleton. He looks extraordinarily dumb.”

"Allow me."

That same deep, gravely, echoing voice from yesterday spoke once more in reply. With that, a giant, skeleton hand that definitely belonged to Warner phased through the floor. Spirit switched up her attitude immediately as annoyance and amusement turned to pure terror.

With its thumb and index finger, the hand gripped both sides of Spirit's head. It then began to glow a menacing, purple glow. Century assumed it was filling Spirit's head with the same knowledge he held as her eyes were reduced to a bright, purple pool. She even began to foam at the mouth.

Century stepped back, startled. He was hoping for help, but this was unsettling. This strange being was doing things not even Princess Celestia could. At least, he didn't know if she could.

The hand let go of Spirit, and she fell over, hyperventilating. Her heart was racing as if she just ran a marathon. Century stepped over to her and helped her to her hooves. He looked at the hand, "So... Does she understand now?"

Warner chuckled, "Of course. She knows everything now. I even went the distance and filled her head with visions of the future. She'll undoubtedly help you now. Unless the poor unicorn goes mad."

Century sighed, "Fantastic. Makes my job a thousand times easier... You're still a jerk, though."

"Do not bite the hand that feeds."

"Yeah, yeah, I got it."

Century put a hoof on Spirit's shoulder. "So... Still think I'm throwing you a crazy birthday party? Besides, if you lived in Ponyville, the pink one could always have that easily arranged."

Spirit was too busy catching her breath to reply. Her pupils were pulsing, and her head was shaking. Whatever she'd seen must've been awful. Century was glad he didn't have to see such images when Warner approached him. He might not have gotten out of bed.

The skeleton hand retreated into the ground. Phasing through yet again. Century gave Spirit a little rub. "Oi? Spirit? You haven't actually gone insane or something... Right?"

"...W-We're all gonna die," Spirit spoke, trembling.

"Yeah yeah, I said that too, initially. But we've been informed. Meaning, despite how crazy it might be, we have a chance to change the future. We need to act now while we still have time. You with me?"

Spirit replied, her voice still trembling, "W-We... W-We need more than us. W-We need h-help from s-somepony. L-Like Twilight. S-She can help. C... C-Can't she?"

Century shook his head, "Warner said we couldn't tell anypony important, like a Princess, or else he'd kill us. The sick freak wants entertainment, so we can't take any shortcuts. I'm sure we could get more help, though."

"...S-Starlight Glimmer. S-She's powerful, right? D-Didn't she g-give Twilight a r-run for her money?"

Century shrugged, "I guess. But isn't she working at that weird school thing? Could we steal her away from that?"

Spirit yelled, "She has to help! We'll j-just have that skeleton t-tell her too! She wouldn't s-seriously decline!"

"Spirit! Relax! Seriously, now. I know the information you've just received is terrifying. And I can't imagine what you saw. But I need you to get your crap together. Enough with the stuttering; I need a good partner right now."

Spirit, while upset with Century's words, knew he was right. She took a deep breath and closed her eyes. Breathing in and out for a couple seconds. She spoke, "...Starlight can help us. T-There's no way she wouldn't."

Century lifted his hoof off her back. "Okay... We'll go back to Ponyville and inform her. And if that doesn't work, we'll find somepony else. I promise." Spirit took one last deep breath before replying, "...What a terrible start to my day..."

"Technically, we're halfway through, so-"

"If you finish that sentence, I'll give you testicular torsion."

Spirit and Century entered the School of Friendship an hour or two later. School was almost over, so they'd have to be quick. Lest they be trampled by a bunch of ponies eager to go home. They knew Starlight was the school counselor, so that made their job easier than just going room to room.

The School of Friendship used to also be on Century's crap list. The paperwork that had to be done for the building initially was incredibly annoying. He also thought it a massive eyesore, like Twilight's castle.

But Mayor Mare explained the importance of friendship and how important it is for the young to learn it. And while that got it off his list, he still didn't like it. He was never taught friendship. And yet, Spirit was the closest pony he'd ever had.

But this wasn't important right now. Besides, he might now have liked the building, but he didn't want it destroyed, or its occupants killed two weeks from now. They had to find Starlight and then come up with a plan.

"So... Any idea where this mare’s office is?" Spirit asked.

Century pointed to a map near the entrance, "Over here. The map says it should be down this hallway and then to the left."

The two began walking, and Spirit asked again, "So... Do you think there'll be a line? She'll be too busy or something?"

"She better not be. Not in the mood to wait. Besides, schoolday's almost over. The kids are probably standing at their classroom doors, waiting for the bell to ring. So let's hurry. I don't feel like getting run over."

The two ponies trotted down the hall, hoping to reach Starlight's office before the bell rang. The door was closed with the blinds down when it came into view. Whoever she was talking to, if she was, must be shy. Or the problem's extra stupid.

Century knocked, "Hello? Starlight Glimmer? You in there? My friend and I need to chat. Preferably before the school bell rings?"

Behind the door was the sound of a pony standing up from their chair. So, good news, she was actually here, and they didn't need to go on some stupid wild goose chase. The door opened, but standing before the two wasn't Starlight.

It was Trixie.

"Sorry, no Starlight. However, you've someone great and powerful right here." Trixie answered, proud as always.

Century raised a brow, "Trixie? W-What are you doing here? Where's Starlight Glimmer?"

Trixie brushed her hair to the side, "Starlight's returned to her village for a visit. She hasn't been here all day. Why? What does Mayor Mare's loyal dog want with Starlight?"

Century replied, anger in his voice, "Excuse me?"

Trixie laughed, "Kidding! Trixie is merely kidding. You must learn to take a joke once in a while."

Spirit stepped forward, "If Starlight's not here, then why are you? You're not on the student council. Are you even a staff member?"

"Trixie was asked by her best friend Starlight to take over while she was gone. It matters not if Trixie’s not on the staff. Twilight doesn't object to it."

Century scoffed, "Twilight doesn't even know you're here, does she?"

"Well... It's not like Trixie's done a bad job, now is it?"


Trixie sighed and opened the door for them. "Well, Trixie's bored. You may enter. Trixie is in need of entertainment and is willing to hear you out."

"This is beyond entertainment. The world is at stake."

Trixie perked up, "Well, now Trixie's definitely willing to hear you out. Come in! Before Trixie changes her mind."

Century glanced at Spirit, who glanced back at him. If Starlight wasn't here, that would throw a wrench in their plans. They needed a powerful unicorn to help. But instead, they'd have to settle with Ms. "great and powerful."

The two entered the room and took seats before Starlight's desk. Trixie, like the pompous, domineering unicorn she was, sat in Starlight's chair before them with all the sass in the world.

Century always disliked Trixie. Her condescending nature. Her obsession with being better than everypony. And especially how she always talked about herself in the third person. That drove him mad.

He wasn't in town for the incident with the Alicorn Amulet, but he'd heard about it and wasn't surprised. Trixie was so petty and selfish. Who'd go so far just to prove something to themselves?

She'd changed from then, or so he'd been told, but he never warmed up to her. Nor did he try. He'd hope Trixie would just go off and do her own thing. Performing her stupid magic shows, leaving him alone. Not that she'd ever specifically bothered him. Outside of knowing his job and insulting him for it. Even if it was a "joke," he didn't have the patience.

"Now," Trixie began, "How can the Great and Powerful Trixie help you on this fine afternoon?"

Spirit began, "The world is in danger. We've recently received critical information-"

"We don't have all day, " Century cut off. "Warner, do your thing so we don't end up looking like lunatics."

Trixie shook her head, confused. "Uh, excuse Trixie? What are you talking-"

Similarly to when it happened to Spirit, a massive skeletal hand phased through the ceiling. Trixie, upon seeing the hand, began to freak out. Screaming bloody murder. She fell out of her chair and scampered away. Unfortunately, it was for naught.

The hand pinched Trixie's head with its thumb and index finger. Her eyes filled with a luminous purple, and foam began to spew from her mouth. Spirit cringed, unsettled by the sight before her.

In time, Warner let go of poor Trixie's head. The light in her eyes faded, and she collapsed to the floor. Warner's hand retreated from the room, phasing through the ceiling. And all was normal again. As if nothing had happened.

Spirit walked over to Trixie and helped her to her feet. Trixie, trembling and panting, attempted to calm herself down. Wiping the foam from her mouth. Spirit spoke, "Yeah, I know, Trixie. The same thing happened to me. Incredibly unpleasant, isn't it?"

Trixie stuttered, "W-What... W-What do we-"

"Listen bum. I'll explain the situation in a more coherent, less frightening method." Century interrupted her, "We've got a heck of a problem on our hands."

He stepped forward, slightly towering over her. "We're all in imminent danger. Less than two weeks from now, some powerful galactic monster will eradicate all life in Equestria. All life on the planet. For some stupid reason, the only way to stop this monster is to steal Princess Celestia's crown and find a way to destroy it."

He put a hoof on her shoulder, "I don't like you, Trixie. I think you're petty, selfish, and annoying. But right now, you may be the most capable unicorn we have. I know it all sounds crazy and sudden, but we need you to pull this off. So please, will you help us?"

Despite trying hard to regain her composure, Trixie continued to tremble and stutter her words. She growled, "D-Did you have to be s-so aggressive about it? I-I don't come into y-your office and c-call some c-creepy skeleton to fill y-your head with cursed knowledge..."

Spirit smiled, "So you'll help us?"

"...I will. I will do all that I can." Trixie frowned, "But I'm already on thin ice. If we're really s-stealing the crown, I-I don't know what'll happen to me if we fail and get c-caught. They might imprison me forever."

Century rolled his eyes, "Does it matter? If we fail, we're all dead otherwise."

"O-Oh... Y-Yeah... So then. D-Do you and Spirit have a plan?"

Spirit shrugged, "Yeah, we haven't really come up with a plan yet. We just needed to get a team together first. Now that we're all here, I suggest we find out how to destroy the crown. Any ideas, Trixie?"

Trixie shrugged, "I-I don't know... Princess Celestia's been wearing that for who knows how long. It definitely isn't easy to break. Twilight and her friends have traveled all across Equestria; maybe they know of something that strong."

"Destroying the crown is the easy part," Century stated. "Taking the thing should be our first priority."

"True," Trixie agreed," But Trixie says we should gather as much information as we can. As soon as we get the crown, we'll have to destroy it as quickly as possible. Holding it will be like holding a flaming potato."

Century tilted his head, "It's hot?"

"No, Trixie means we cannot be caught with it, you fool."

"Ah... duh."

"So," Spirit chimed in, "To Twilight's castle?"

"Indeed," Trixie replied. "The Princess will undoubtedly allow Trixie entrance. As for you, Trixie shall vouch. We're the best of friends now, after all. Friendship truly is magical, isn't it?"

Century sighed, "...You’re going to annoy me the entire time we're doing this, aren't you?"

Trixie giggled,” Trixie knows not what you speak of.”

"Hello? Twilight? The Great and Powerful Trixie would like to enter."

"Do you have to do that thing with your voice every time?"

"Yes, Century. Trixie does."

The trio stood at the steps of the Castle of Friendship. Hoping to gain entrance so that they may use Twilight's library or talk to the Princess herself. If anyone had any knowledge about an all-powerful weapon, it'd be an all-powerful alicorn. Or at least her all-powerful library.

They continued to wait for someone on the inside to answer the door. However, seconds turned to minutes. Spirit sighed, "Maybe nobody's home. We'll have to check back later-”


Right on time, the door swung open to reveal her highness, Princess Twilight Sparkle. With an embarrassed smile on her face, she spoke. "My apologies. I'd just gotten out of the shower. When I heard you calling, I rushed to dry myself off. Then I realized I could just use a spell to get dry...”

Century scoffed, "Uh huh."

"So Trixie," Twilight began, "What brings you to my home? And who are these ponies you've brought? I recognize one, but not the other."

Trixie cleared her throat, "Trixie and her new business employees-"


"Eh, Trixie and her new best friends have come this fine afternoon to go through your library. We seek great knowledge."

Twilight smiled, "Oh? That's wonderful! Great knowledge for what?"

"An all-powerful wea-"

"Teleporter!" Spirit interrupted, covering Trixie's mouth with her hoof. "We seek knowledge for an all-powerful teleporter. You see, your highness, we wish to travel the world. And we're looking for a faster method than just a boat. Right Century?"

Century nodded, silently amused. "Yep. I get seasick very easily."

Twilight stared in disbelief. She may sometimes be a bit of a numbskull, but she wasn't stupid. She knew they weren't actually looking for a teleporter based on how Spirit desperately interrupted Trixie. Though she didn't want to make any wrongful assumptions.

Trixie was a better pony now, and Century was Mayor Mare's advisor. It was unlikely they were after knowledge for malicious reasons. She didn't know about the unicorn, however. But she seemed kind enough. But, of course, looks can be deceiving.

Twilight shrugged before urging them in. "Uh... Sure. It's on the second floor. And while I don't need to say this, keep everything tidy and return every book you take back where they belong."

Spirit nodded, "Of course! We'd never make a mess of your library, Princess."

"Great to hear!"

The three of them entered the palace and trotted towards the nearest steps. Gaining access to the castle, let alone the library, had gone smoother than Century anticipated. But he wasn't complaining.

He had assembled his team. His best friend, somepony he always knew would help him, and, unfortunately, The self-proclaimed Great and Powerful Trixie. She was undoubtedly good at magic, but she wasn't particularly remarkable. But oh well, he thought. That's the way it is. In Equestria's finest moments, beggars couldn't be choosers.

Now they had to find something that could successfully destroy the Sun Princess’ seemingly invulnerable crown. Such a weapon had to exist. If not in Equestria, then somewhere on the planet. And if not, then they’d just have to go the distance and make one.
