• Published 2nd Jan 2023
  • 758 Views, 13 Comments

Jump to Equestria - Diloboi

Pilot Autumn Kenner, member of the Maurader corps, ends up in equestria. Titanfall Crossover.

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5: Aboard


Twilight had several questions. 70% of them involved the mysterious creature that had saved her just 20 minutes earlier. She sat, lost in thought, pondering several things. Where did Autumn come from? What species was she? Why did she leave so abruptly? She said that she had a team. Did that mean there was more than one of them? What was the armor she was wearing? It looked nothing like a guards armor. What were the strange tools-

"Has anypony seen Rainbow?" Applejack asked from where she leaned in the corner, pushing her hat up from her face. Currently, Twilight and the rest of her friends were sitting in a small dining room, waiting from another word from the Princess.

"She went to Relieve herself in the restroom, darling." Rarity replied, not looking up from the pocket mirror she held, fixing her makeup.

"Pretty sure it doesn't take 20 minutes to use the bathroom Rarity." Applejack frowned, eyeing Rarity for a second.

"Maybe she went number two!" Pinkie Pie said as she burst into the room, hopping and taking a seat at the table.

"Where were you Pinkie?" Twilight joined into the conversation, looking across the table at pinkie from her seat.

"Oh, I just went to say bye to Dashie, but she was already gone, so I instead said by to Autumn and gave her a cupcake." She said rapidly, giving a little laugh, before continuing, "I think Autumn liked the cupcake I gave her, because she startled half of the guards standing near her!"

Everpony stared at pinkie for a second, the silence a little unnerving for the mare. She spoke, confusion in her words.


"Pinkie..." Twilight started, "What do you mean Rainbow left?" She slowly finished.

"She left with Autumn. They're going on a Adventure! I wish I could go, but I've gotta be here for the wedding tomorrow." She answered smiling, before resuming to her confusion when Twilight just kept staring.

"Pinkie. We all need to be here for the wedding."

Pinkie paused before snapping her fingers in acknowledgement, "Right! I knew I was forgetting something..."

Twilight facepalmed, holding her hand there for a few seconds before bringing it down again. "Where did she go?"

"To ponyville to pack her bags. I think she flew there though."

Twilight sighed, "I'll go tell the Princesses. Girls, lets find a missing Rainbow."


Autumn stood behind a stallion with pale yellow fur and a light blue mane, dressed in a fine blue suit. The stallion in question couldn't help to stop glancing behind him at Autumn, who tried to ignore him. Still adorning her armor, she opened one of her pockets and pulled out her datapad. She tapped around before settling on a video of herself from way back when.

'This is Private Autumn Kenner, Day 1 of being officially in the Militia 4th Rifles Battalion.' the pad showed a young woman, wearing a green jumpsuit, with padding and a helmet sitting behind on a cot. Today, It'll be my first Mission! Were going to the moon of a planet named Dementer. Some airbase were going to attack...'

Autumn's viewing was interrupted when she was tapped on the shoulder. Pausing the recording, she turned to see a mint colored mare with a cyan mane where a horn poked through. She wore a dirty yellow and blue dress, and had a wide smile on her face which earned a raised eyebrow from Autumn.

"Uh- Do you need something?" Autumn asked

The mare's smile only grew wider, and she spoke with a high tone, "Hi. Yes. Are you a Human?"

Autumn blinked, "Yeah?" The mare squeed in excitement while Autumn responded, her confusion growing as she continued, "How did you-"

"Oh! I've been researching Humans for years! My friend Bon Bon always said I was crazy to believe they were real, but now you're here!" She beamed at Autumn.

"That's... Nice. Uh- If you'll excuse me, I've gotta catch a train." Autumn began to face forward when the mare spoke again.

"Where you heading?" She tilted her head, still smiling.

"Ponyville. I'm just going to find a friend."

"Really? I'm going there too!" The mare practically danced in excitement, before continuing, "I can show you around!"

"That's alright. I won't be there for long anyway." Autumn said while she avoided eye contact.

"Come on! Pleeeaaassseee." The pony begged, her pupils growing and small frown forming on her face. Autumn watched the display for only a few seconds, quickly jerking her head away from the mare's eyes. She sighed heavily before pinching the bridge of her nose.

"Fine. But only until my friend is ready."

"Oh thank you! You won't regret it!" She bounced around, making Autumn smile at the sight before a cough from behind her drew her attention to the stallion in the ticket booth, who eyed Autumn curiously.

"Sorry. I got distracted. 1 ticket to Ponyville please." Autumn said evenly.

"O-Of course. 15 bits please."

Handing over the coins, the stallion gave her the ticket.

"Your seat is in the rear car, just before the caboose."

"Thank you." As Autumn walked away, the Stallion couldn't help but look at the odd creature for a moment before helping the next pony in line. Autumn walked to the platform, where dozens of other ponies crowded. The train, a Bright pink locomotive with 8 large cars trailing behind it, pulled into the station. Gazing over the crowd, Autumn spotted several guards, adorned in golden armor. They stood around the crowd and in front of the train's doors, each holding a variety of weapons.

"Attention! Passengers looking to board the train to Ponyville! We are now allowing boarding! Please have your ticket ready!" A stallion guard shouted, looking over the crowd.

Several ponies began making their way to the doors, grabbing bags and other belongings with them. Autumn followed behind what looked to be small family. A guardsmare standing next to the door stared in confusion as the human made her way into the train car. The interior was crowded with various ponies. Each gave off a reaction upon seeing Autumn enter the place. Some confusion, some shock, others fearful.

Sitting in open seat, Autumn began to glance around her surroundings idly, lost in thought. The ponies here were clearly fleeing the city. Passing through the streets earlier, Autumn had seen the extent of the damage. Many houses had damage to their structures, and debris was littering the streets. Along with the nature of the attackers, Autumn understood why so many were leaving.

Similar things have happened on the Frontier.

She was snapped out of her stupor when she caught a pair of large blue eyes on her. Facing in front of her, a small pony, with brown fur and a dark brown mane where a small horn poked out, looked at her with curiosity from his seat across from her. He wore a small blue jacket over a white shirt, with a brown pants.

"You need something?" Autumn asked the kid.

Quickly shaking his head, the colt spoke, "-who are you?"

"Lieutenant Kenner. Autumn is fine though. How about you?" The human smirked to herself.

"Oh! uh- Rocky Road." Autumn snickered at the name before giving a warm smile. Ponies had strange names, she had come to learn.

"It's nice to meet you Rocky. Any other questions you have for me?"

"Are you from a comic book? 'cause you look like this one I have about a pony from the future..." He trailed off and looked down, before looking up with wide eyes, "Are you from the future?"

Autumn chuckled, shaking her head, "No... I'm from a different planet." The colt's mouth hung open and his eyes looked as if they were going to pop out of his head.


"Yup. Been to a bunch other ones before I arrived here too." Autumn's smile widened at the colt's shock.

"Hiya there human!" Autumn looked up to see the Mint colored mare from earlier stroll up to booth and take a seat next to her. Autumn scooched to be next to the window, and looked at the newcomer with amusement.

"My name is Autumn by the way." She smiled as the pony made an 'O' shape with her mouth.

"My name's Lyra Heartstrings. I was looking for you! After getting your ticket, that ticket pony wouldn't stop staring, so I told him it's rude to stare, then he got all weird about it. Thankfully he remembered to give me my ticket, otherwise the train would've probably left without me!" Lyra smiled at Autumn, who raised an eyebrow.

"Well... Thanks for that I guess."

Rocky looked at the new mare with interest, before speaking up, "She's from space you know. She came from a whole 'nother planet!"

Lyra quickly turned her head to the colt, her eyes widening, "Really?!?"

As the two began talking about the nearby human, the train suddenly lurched in motion. Autumn rested her hand on her arm, looking out the window as the station pulled away, being replaced by steep cliffs and the countryside far below. The mid-day sun was floating ever-so slightly west, and a few clouds drifted lazily on the horizon. Autumn smiled at the beauty, bringing her back to memories of her home planet, Harmony. The open fields and high mountains were similar to the ones that lay before her. She quietly mumbled something before returning looking over the scenery.

"This is what we're fighting for."

Author's Note:

I forgot how to write for a couple days.