• Published 2nd Jan 2023
  • 758 Views, 13 Comments

Jump to Equestria - Diloboi

Pilot Autumn Kenner, member of the Maurader corps, ends up in equestria. Titanfall Crossover.

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1: Touchdown


Lieutenant Autumn Kenner was bored. Painfully so. After checking her kit several times over, she had grown annoyed that the crew of the Dropship had yet to fix with their jump drive. At this rate, she would probably miss the battle entirely. She had already been gone long enough after Typhoon, and she just couldn't bear the thought of it. Standing to her feet, she pulled off her helmet, revealing a head of short auburn hair and walked to the cockpit, where the two pilots, Roger and Davis, were busy banging their heads on the controls.

"Have you fixed the drive yet? Were kinda in a rush." She said, a hint of annoyance in her tone.

"We're trying our best here. We just don't know quite what's wrong." Roger said, hunched over where Davis was messing with the console. Roger was short, white man with short jet black hair. Davis was a well built black man with long hair. Both of them were relatively new to the fight, with Davis only being there for a few months and Roger even less.

"Maybe I can try giving it a look? I think I'm pretty good with tech." Sergeant Melisa Li spoke up from the back, adorned in blue tinted pilot armor. She was an Asian woman, with creamy white skin and a black ponytail.

"Mel, you're good at opening doors, if that's what you mean." Autumn said, still facing the two men.

"Oh, well excuse me for trying to help, Kenner." She said, crossing her arms and starting to pout.

Autumn faced her, letting out a chuckle. "You really gotta stop making that face. No one is gonna take you seriously."

Li's mouth formed into a smile, "I'm just making sure that my enemies underestimate me. Makes the job easier."

Autumn raised an eyebrow, "Are you saying that we're your enemies? Because I don't think you'll get the chance to do that when facing down anything."

Li gave a smug look, "Maybe."

Chuckling again, Autumn shook her head and faced the pilots again. "Anything?"

"I think we got it now. Should just be a few minutes." Davis said, still pressing around on the console.

"Good." Without another word, she walked back and took a seat next to Li. Nothing was said for moment, leaving an awkward moment of only the sounds of the two up front and the low hum of the engines.

"So what are you going to do?" Li paused for a moment, "After the war I mean."

Autumn stayed looking forward, caught a little off guard from the question. After a few moments, she responded.

She sighed, "I don't know."

"Really? I thought you would have some idea for what to do. After all, this wars been winding down for a good 4 months now. The IMC is barely even putting up a fight anymore." Li said, "It's only going to be so much longer."

"I haven't really thought about it. I guess I've just been to focused on fighting." She paused for a moment, resting her elbows on her lap. "Maybe I'll just go freelance. Become a Merc probably. Or join those games I've heard of. Apex I think it was..."

"Is that really the best choice though? Risking your life just for a quick buck." Li said, raising an eyebrow.

"Beats being a farmhand. I'll at least be able to keep fighting. It can be fun sometimes." She said, facing Li. "It would be a waste to just not use my skills for something."

"Aw, come on now. You could use a break. Maybe you could settle down, find a nice place to just wind down."

"You know I would never do something like that. I live for action." Autumn chuckled,

"Well... Maybe think about it. You can't just keep fighting forever." Li said, smirking and giving Autumn a nudge, "I can't really see you as a old lady still trying to use that grapple of yours."

Autumn smiled, "I'll try."

"30 seconds till jump!" Davis shouted back, now back into his seat, helmet on. Roger sat behind him.

"Right. We'll talk some more after this." Li said, pulling her helmet on and checking on her Mastiff shotgun.

"Sure." Autumn did the same, checking on her C.A.R. smg and adjusting her grapple. "Ready when you are Davis!"

"Final countdown! 10! 9! 8! 7..."

"Sir! There's some kind of interference." Roger said, rapidly tapping the console in front of him. "It's messing with our course! The destination is... 99 million light years away?!?

"What the hell!? I can't stop the jump!" Davis turned back to Autumn and Li, both had looking at the cockpit in shock. "Brace yourselves! This is gonna be rough!"

As her vision began to distort and her mind clouded, Autumn only said one thing.



The first thing Autumn knew when she awoke, was the massive pain in her head, like a spike was being driven through it. The second thing, was the sickness in her stomach, like she had just been spun around 4 dozen times. The third thing, however, was probably the most alarming.

She was falling.

Scratch that. Opening her eyes, she saw that their whole ship was falling. The darkness of space was quickly being replaced with blue, distorted by the flames engulfing the exterior of the ship. The sound of wind roaring outside was becoming deafening. The interior of the ship was chaos as well.

She was pressed against the backdoor of the ship, pinned by the force from falling. Beside her was Li. Whether she was conscious or not was unknown to Autumn. What was obvious, however, was that the pilots were out. Major problem. They were probably going terminal velocity towards an unknown planet, with no way to stop themselves from crashing.

Reaching her hand to her helmet, she barely was able to switch on her radio, but when she did, she shouted with all her might.


Dave didn't move. Nor did Roger. Both men were out cold. Li on the other hand, was shaken from her slumber.

"What happened!" She shouted, which Autumn barely heard.

"Radio!" Autumn shouted, gesturing to her ear.

Li nodded somewhat, and also struggled to flick it on. She flicked it on, and repeated her question.

"What happened!"

"I don't know! But we need to do something about our descent! I don't really think being flat is all that nice!" Autumn smiled a tinge.

"Not the time Kenner!" Li paused for a moment. "Try grappling yourself up to the cockpit! Your jumpkit can help!"

Autumn tried to face palm, but only accomplished putting her hand near her helmet. "Alright. Here we go!"

Using all her strength, she brought her arm and aimed for the cockpit. Pulling the mechanism, the grapple shot out at a high speed, smashing into the wall beside Roger. It quickly dug in, and the line began to pull her from her back.

Getting her feet on the backdoor, she pushed with all the strength she could muster as the rockets on jumpkit kicked on. She flew up front, and quickly steadied herself on Roger's seat.

Unhooking the grapple hook, Autumn climbed up the seat up to Davis, who still sat still. Reaching out an arm, she grabbed the joystick, pulling back.

The ship leveled out quickly, flinging Autumn to the floor and making Davis finally stir. The ship started to quickly dip again, making Autumn slip right back to where she started. Davis screamed in terror as he noticed the situation. He jerked at the controls, bringing the ship at a less steep incline. Their descent did not stop, however.

"DAVIS! PULL THE SHIP UP!" Autumn shouted into the radio.

"I CAN'T! WE HAVE NO POWER!" Davis said, teeth clinched as be put all his might into the joystick.

"THE AUXILIARY POWER DAVIS!" Li screamed. She tried in vane to push herself from the wall, but couldn't budge.

"HOLD ON!" Davis shouted, flicking switches left, right and center.

"Auxiliary power online. Warning! Speed 1058 Kilometers per hour." A feminine voice spoke, "Warning! Altitude 50 kilometers. Warning! Atmospheric shield depleted. Ship hull integrity decreasing."


His words were cut off as the sound the ship being torn apart roared around them. The wings were flayed off as their plating disappeared behind the ship. Autumn braced herself against the rear door. She grabbed her smg lying next to her and brought it to her chest. Beside her, Li curled up, not moving as the vehicle continued to break.

"Warning! Altitude 30 kilometers."

For however long it was, Autumn stayed there, unable to do anything about her situation. She was furious about it. Nothing made her more mad. A thousand thoughts raced through her head as she realized she wouldn't be able to survive this one. Her thoughts were cut short as the door behind flew open.

Li grabbed her in one last attempt, holding Autumn and the remains of the ship as it threatened to tear her apart. Autumn held on with all her might, her arms roaring in pain from the stress.

"Autumn! Just- hold- on!" Li screamed into her helmets mic, her breathing quick and panicked.

"Li! I can't-!" Her hand was ripped from Li's as she tumbled through the ski.

"AUTUMN!" Li screamed.

Autumn watched her and the ship disappear into the clouds below. Tumbling through the sky, she watched herself get engulfed by the white layer. After what fell like hours of falling, her HUD flashed something.

High airspeed detected. Rapid Altitude loss detected. Initializing Jumpkit thrust.

The thrusters on her waist roared to life, quickly bringing her speed down. Breaking out of the cloud layer, she saw a large city perched on a mountain below. Heading straight for it, she quickly aimed her legs towards a large green area.

Impact in 10 seconds. Brace for impact.

The ground rapidly approached as Autumn got ready to roll.





Author's Note:

Lets hope I can actually write more than two chapters.