• Published 2nd Jan 2023
  • 758 Views, 13 Comments

Jump to Equestria - Diloboi

Pilot Autumn Kenner, member of the Maurader corps, ends up in equestria. Titanfall Crossover.

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4: Introductions


Zipping up to the creature, Rainbow gawked at the armor it wore, painted in orange camouflage, like leaves in fall. The blue visor of it's helmet shone upon her, looking up and down. Rainbow blushed slightly, before reaching her hand out.

"Sorry. My name is Rainbow Dash. What's yours?"

Autumn took her and shook it. "Nice to meet you Rainbow. Mine is-" She was interrupted when someone busted through the door.

"SISTER! I sensed a disturbance in the for-" Princess Luna paused at the sight of the newcomer, and more importantly, her sister standing in a ruined white dress. Princess Celestia raised an eyebrow before Luna scratched at the back of her head.

"My b-bad. It seems the issue has been resolved. I shall return to my Quarters." Luna blushed before retreating from the room.

"Okay..." Autumn started, her face contorting in confusion underneath her helmet, "...My name is Lieutenant Autumn Kenner. I'm part of the Militia's Marauder Corps."

"So you're a soldier?" Twilight asked, now standing up. Behind her, the rest of the girls looked on at Autumn. Applejack raised an eyebrow, regarding suspicion at the newcomer. Fluttershy hid behind Applejack, pretending to be looking over some of the bruises. Pinkie was smiling wide, shaking slightly with excitement. Rarity was more focused on the armor rather than Autumn herself. Her face went discontent upon seeing the large burn on the breast plate.

"You could say that." She waved her hand, and pulled off her helmet as she continued. "The Militia is mostly just made up normal citizens who hate the IMC. I just joined because I wanted to go on Adventures and such. But, enough about me, what about you guys?"

"Oh- um..." She stopped for a moment upon seeing Autumn's appearance, but upon clearing her throat, Twilight spoke again, "My name is Twilight Sparkle. This is Rarity," Rarity bowed her head slightly and waved, "this is Pinkie Pie," The mare waved her hand wildly, "She is Fluttershy," Hearing her name, she ducked further behind Applejack, "And this is Applejack." The farmer tipped her hat.

"As for me, I am Princess Celestia." She walked to Autumn, unfazed by the non-pony appearance, towering about 2 feet over the woman, and shook the Pilot's hand. "I would like to thank you for saving us from the Dreadful Queen Chrysalis."

"We would also like to extend our thanks." Cadence and Shining Armor walked up, arms hooked together, "You bought us needed time for me to free my fiance. We are both eternally grateful."

A sheepish smile broke on Autumn's features, "It's no big deal."

"Nonsense darling! What you did was not only brave, but downright heroic!" Rarity exclaimed.

"Oh! I can't wait to throw a 'Congratulations on saving the day against Queen Chrysalis' Party!" Pinkie appeared behind Autumn, placing a party hat on her head, much to her confusion.

"That sounds nice, but I wouldn't really want to impose." She looked around for second, "I'll just be on my way soon, I have to..." She trailed off as a small beeping inside her helmet. Quickly placing it on her head, she went silent upon seeing the message it displayed.

"Uh- I have to go..."

"What's wrong?" Rainbow asked, looking at the helmeted woman with confusion.

"I got a distress beacon..." She paused, laughing and smiling slightly, "From my team..."


"You're leaving now?!? Just like that?" Rainbow dash exclaimed, following in the air behind Autumn she made her way to the front courtyards. Her weapons were holstered and her helmet hung off her waist. They walked through the large Corridors, where newly stationed guards eyed the Pilot, their gazes varying from suspicion, to surprise, to confusion.

"I have to find my team as soon as possible. They could be hurt... or worse." She said the final bit quietly, a brief image of Li flashing in her mind. She quickly shook the thought away and continued, "Besides, its not like I'm needed here anymore. I took care of that bug, and now I'm going to find my team. It was nice meeting you and your friends, but I need to go."

Rainbow huffed, crossing her arms but still following. Here, someone nearly as cool as her, was just about to leave her without another word. A thought crossed her mind, however, and she immediately blurted it out without a second thought.

"How about I come with you? I can help!"

Autumn stopped for moment, considering the thought for a brief moment before shaking her head. "I can't take you with me. It will probably be dangerous, and I can't risk someone like that."

"Come on! Danger is my middle name! There's only Timber-wolves and Manticores you have to worry about, and I can take them out, no sweat!"

Autumn raised an eyebrow, "Is your middle name really Danger?"

"What? No! I was just- You know what I mean! I can help. I'm the fastest flyer in Equestria, probably the whole planet!"

Autumn turned, regarding the multicolored Pegasus, before sighing heavily, "How do I know you'll have my back?"

Rainbow set down on the floor and struck a pose, pointing her thumb at herself, "I'm the Element of Loyalty. Ain't no way I'm leaving you all high and dry!"

She's cocky, but then again, so was I. Autumn stood for a moment before sighing again.

"Fine... Pack your bags and get ready for an adventure."

"Hay yeah! Okay! I'll fly down to Ponyville and pack some stuff. You can just take the train down." She began to sprint off before skidding to a stop and running back to the human. "Here, you'll need some of these to a get a ticket." She dropped 15 gold coins in her hand before running off.

"Wait! What are these for?" She called out

"They're bits! Do you use money where you're from?" Rainbow turned around, still standing a ways away.

"No- I mean yes we do, but It's not usually solid gold."

"Oh, well just give them to the Stationmaster and ask for a ticket to Ponyville. Should be easy enough! Alright, See ya!" The pegasus ran a bit more before spreading her wings and taking off in the sky, leaving a rainbow trail behind her.

Autumn looked at the bits before stuffing them in one of the pouches on her armor. She began to walk some more before a finger touched her on the shoulder. Turning around, she was met by the Pink Party Pony herself, who held a cupcake.

"Um... Hi?" Autumn said slowly.

"I just wanted to give you a little snack." She said, giving Autumn a cupcake with orange frosting and chocolate cake underneath. "Also, make sure to keep Dashie safe. Toodles!" Without another word, the pink mare hopped off, momentarily defying gravity with each jump.

Autumn looked on for a moment before shaking her head. Turning back to the exit, she examined the cupcake for second before taking a bite, immediately going wide eyed.

"This is damn Delicious!"

Author's Note:

I write these in the middle of the night, so I have to come back and fix sum stuff.