> Jump to Equestria > by Diloboi > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- > 1: Touchdown > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOCATION: DEEP SPACE TIME: 1300 HOURS OBJECTIVE: RENDEZVOUS WITH CPT. JOHN BRADFORD ON PLANET GRIDIRON TO ASSIST IN ASSAULT AGAINST IMC FORCES Lieutenant Autumn Kenner was bored. Painfully so. After checking her kit several times over, she had grown annoyed that the crew of the Dropship had yet to fix with their jump drive. At this rate, she would probably miss the battle entirely. She had already been gone long enough after Typhoon, and she just couldn't bear the thought of it. Standing to her feet, she pulled off her helmet, revealing a head of short auburn hair and walked to the cockpit, where the two pilots, Roger and Davis, were busy banging their heads on the controls. "Have you fixed the drive yet? Were kinda in a rush." She said, a hint of annoyance in her tone. "We're trying our best here. We just don't know quite what's wrong." Roger said, hunched over where Davis was messing with the console. Roger was short, white man with short jet black hair. Davis was a well built black man with long hair. Both of them were relatively new to the fight, with Davis only being there for a few months and Roger even less. "Maybe I can try giving it a look? I think I'm pretty good with tech." Sergeant Melisa Li spoke up from the back, adorned in blue tinted pilot armor. She was an Asian woman, with creamy white skin and a black ponytail. "Mel, you're good at opening doors, if that's what you mean." Autumn said, still facing the two men. "Oh, well excuse me for trying to help, Kenner." She said, crossing her arms and starting to pout. Autumn faced her, letting out a chuckle. "You really gotta stop making that face. No one is gonna take you seriously." Li's mouth formed into a smile, "I'm just making sure that my enemies underestimate me. Makes the job easier." Autumn raised an eyebrow, "Are you saying that we're your enemies? Because I don't think you'll get the chance to do that when facing down anything." Li gave a smug look, "Maybe." Chuckling again, Autumn shook her head and faced the pilots again. "Anything?" "I think we got it now. Should just be a few minutes." Davis said, still pressing around on the console. "Good." Without another word, she walked back and took a seat next to Li. Nothing was said for moment, leaving an awkward moment of only the sounds of the two up front and the low hum of the engines. "So what are you going to do?" Li paused for a moment, "After the war I mean." Autumn stayed looking forward, caught a little off guard from the question. After a few moments, she responded. She sighed, "I don't know." "Really? I thought you would have some idea for what to do. After all, this wars been winding down for a good 4 months now. The IMC is barely even putting up a fight anymore." Li said, "It's only going to be so much longer." "I haven't really thought about it. I guess I've just been to focused on fighting." She paused for a moment, resting her elbows on her lap. "Maybe I'll just go freelance. Become a Merc probably. Or join those games I've heard of. Apex I think it was..." "Is that really the best choice though? Risking your life just for a quick buck." Li said, raising an eyebrow. "Beats being a farmhand. I'll at least be able to keep fighting. It can be fun sometimes." She said, facing Li. "It would be a waste to just not use my skills for something." "Aw, come on now. You could use a break. Maybe you could settle down, find a nice place to just wind down." "You know I would never do something like that. I live for action." Autumn chuckled, "Well... Maybe think about it. You can't just keep fighting forever." Li said, smirking and giving Autumn a nudge, "I can't really see you as a old lady still trying to use that grapple of yours." Autumn smiled, "I'll try." "30 seconds till jump!" Davis shouted back, now back into his seat, helmet on. Roger sat behind him. "Right. We'll talk some more after this." Li said, pulling her helmet on and checking on her Mastiff shotgun. "Sure." Autumn did the same, checking on her C.A.R. smg and adjusting her grapple. "Ready when you are Davis!" "Final countdown! 10! 9! 8! 7..." "Sir! There's some kind of interference." Roger said, rapidly tapping the console in front of him. "It's messing with our course! The destination is... 99 million light years away?!? "What the hell!? I can't stop the jump!" Davis turned back to Autumn and Li, both had looking at the cockpit in shock. "Brace yourselves! This is gonna be rough!" As her vision began to distort and her mind clouded, Autumn only said one thing. "Shit." LOCATION: UNKNOWN TIME: 1310 HOURS OBJECTIVE: UNKNOWN The first thing Autumn knew when she awoke, was the massive pain in her head, like a spike was being driven through it. The second thing, was the sickness in her stomach, like she had just been spun around 4 dozen times. The third thing, however, was probably the most alarming. She was falling. Scratch that. Opening her eyes, she saw that their whole ship was falling. The darkness of space was quickly being replaced with blue, distorted by the flames engulfing the exterior of the ship. The sound of wind roaring outside was becoming deafening. The interior of the ship was chaos as well. She was pressed against the backdoor of the ship, pinned by the force from falling. Beside her was Li. Whether she was conscious or not was unknown to Autumn. What was obvious, however, was that the pilots were out. Major problem. They were probably going terminal velocity towards an unknown planet, with no way to stop themselves from crashing. Reaching her hand to her helmet, she barely was able to switch on her radio, but when she did, she shouted with all her might. "DAVE! WAKE THE FUCK UP!" Dave didn't move. Nor did Roger. Both men were out cold. Li on the other hand, was shaken from her slumber. "What happened!" She shouted, which Autumn barely heard. "Radio!" Autumn shouted, gesturing to her ear. Li nodded somewhat, and also struggled to flick it on. She flicked it on, and repeated her question. "What happened!" "I don't know! But we need to do something about our descent! I don't really think being flat is all that nice!" Autumn smiled a tinge. "Not the time Kenner!" Li paused for a moment. "Try grappling yourself up to the cockpit! Your jumpkit can help!" Autumn tried to face palm, but only accomplished putting her hand near her helmet. "Alright. Here we go!" Using all her strength, she brought her arm and aimed for the cockpit. Pulling the mechanism, the grapple shot out at a high speed, smashing into the wall beside Roger. It quickly dug in, and the line began to pull her from her back. Getting her feet on the backdoor, she pushed with all the strength she could muster as the rockets on jumpkit kicked on. She flew up front, and quickly steadied herself on Roger's seat. Unhooking the grapple hook, Autumn climbed up the seat up to Davis, who still sat still. Reaching out an arm, she grabbed the joystick, pulling back. The ship leveled out quickly, flinging Autumn to the floor and making Davis finally stir. The ship started to quickly dip again, making Autumn slip right back to where she started. Davis screamed in terror as he noticed the situation. He jerked at the controls, bringing the ship at a less steep incline. Their descent did not stop, however. "DAVIS! PULL THE SHIP UP!" Autumn shouted into the radio. "I CAN'T! WE HAVE NO POWER!" Davis said, teeth clinched as be put all his might into the joystick. "THE AUXILIARY POWER DAVIS!" Li screamed. She tried in vane to push herself from the wall, but couldn't budge. "HOLD ON!" Davis shouted, flicking switches left, right and center. "Auxiliary power online. Warning! Speed 1058 Kilometers per hour." A feminine voice spoke, "Warning! Altitude 50 kilometers. Warning! Atmospheric shield depleted. Ship hull integrity decreasing." "WE'RE BREAKING UP! FUCK FUCK FU-!" His words were cut off as the sound the ship being torn apart roared around them. The wings were flayed off as their plating disappeared behind the ship. Autumn braced herself against the rear door. She grabbed her smg lying next to her and brought it to her chest. Beside her, Li curled up, not moving as the vehicle continued to break. "Warning! Altitude 30 kilometers." For however long it was, Autumn stayed there, unable to do anything about her situation. She was furious about it. Nothing made her more mad. A thousand thoughts raced through her head as she realized she wouldn't be able to survive this one. Her thoughts were cut short as the door behind flew open. Li grabbed her in one last attempt, holding Autumn and the remains of the ship as it threatened to tear her apart. Autumn held on with all her might, her arms roaring in pain from the stress. "Autumn! Just- hold- on!" Li screamed into her helmets mic, her breathing quick and panicked. "Li! I can't-!" Her hand was ripped from Li's as she tumbled through the ski. "AUTUMN!" Li screamed. Autumn watched her and the ship disappear into the clouds below. Tumbling through the sky, she watched herself get engulfed by the white layer. After what fell like hours of falling, her HUD flashed something. High airspeed detected. Rapid Altitude loss detected. Initializing Jumpkit thrust. The thrusters on her waist roared to life, quickly bringing her speed down. Breaking out of the cloud layer, she saw a large city perched on a mountain below. Heading straight for it, she quickly aimed her legs towards a large green area. Impact in 10 seconds. Brace for impact. The ground rapidly approached as Autumn got ready to roll. 3 2 1 Touchdown. > 2: In the thick of it > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOCATION: UNKNOWN PLANET TIME: 1315 HOURS OBJECTIVE: SURVIVE 3 2 1 Autumn slammed into the ground feet first. She quickly brought herself forward in roll, sending her flying forward in the garden. Continuing for a few feet more, she slid into a stone wall, forcing her back against it. For a few seconds, all she did was sit there, breathing heavily as the total insanity of the situation hit her. A fall like that, she should've been dead. It was a miracle she was even in one piece. Slowly standing up, she took stock of her area. Around her was a garden. Flora was grown in raised stone sections, with stone paths and grass in between. The stone was white in coloration, and looked polished and refined. Over a railing and below, a large city, white in coloration, stood. Behind her nearly took her breath away. A massive castle rose hundreds of feet in the air, with several towers and walls between them. All decorated with gold and purple, giving it a regal appearance. Her viewing was interrupted by shouting nearby. Moving to a large wooden door, Autumn pulled on the thing, revealing a long hallway. A red carpet ran through the center, and several banners depicting a star and moon were on the walls. But most concerning was the few creatures within. A duo of colorful creatures, bipedal and wearing golden armor, and wielding spears, stood surrounded by a half dozen pure black creatures against a wall. Both were similar in shape, but the black creatures had holes in their limbs, pupil-less blue glowing eyes, and wore dark armor. Large fangs were in their maw, and they held swords pointed at the two. "Look's like easy pickings for us." Said one of the black creatures, its voice having a distinct echo. Ignoring her initial shock, Autumn quickly launched into action. Jumping on the wall to her right, she sprinted before jumping high above the 6 creatures. Bringing her foot down on one, its carapace shattered on its head, shooting out a green fluid. The other 5 turned in shock as Autumn moved into her next attack, quickly giving a right hook to one nearby, laying it flat on the floor. By now, the others began to bring their swords to slash, but not before Autumn drew her wingman revolver and dropped three of them in a fluid motion. The last stood stunned, looking at the fallen creatures around him. The one on the floor clutched his head, writhing in pain. "Run. Now." Autumn commanded, aiming the revolver straight at the creatures head. He quickly started moving, grabbing the fallen one on his way, before running out the door. Bringing down her revolver, she turned to the duo, both looking stunned. The two were equine looking, having snouts, large colorful eyes, and ears on top of their heads. She stood for a moment before clearing her voice and speaking. "So... Nice weather we're having?" The one on the right, his fur white and hair blonde, with a horn poking out his head, spoke, "Who- Who are you?" "Lieutenant Kenner. SRS Marauder Corps. I heard you had a bug problem." Autumn Responded, a smirk forming underneath her helmet. "That was so Cool!" The one on the left, her fur a sepia color and her hair a deep green-blue, said, shaking with excitement. Autumn smiled, “what about you two? I’m going to need to know some names.” The white one spoke, “I’m Sergeant Steel Hoof, this is Private Indigo Zap. If you haven’t noticed, we have a bit of a problem.” “Yeah. There are Changelings that invading Canterlot! They’ve captured the princesses and are attacking everypony!” Indigo spoke, her wings flexing on her back. “We were trying to make our to throne room, where everyone is being held, but were found here.” Steel hesitated for a moment, “Do you think you can help us?” “I think with your help, we’ll be able to to get to the throne and free the princess!” Indigo motioned with her hands, smiling wide. Autumn put her hand to her chin for a moment, considering the proposal. Her team was lost somewhere, and, though it was hard to say, we’re probably dead or in bad shape. Li might’ve made it, but right now it would be almost impossible to get to her with this city being attacked. That left really only one option. “Let’s go save a princess.” LOCATION: CANTERLOT CITY TIME: 1325 HOURS OBJECTIVE: ASSIST SGT STEEL HOOF AND PVT INDIGO ZAP IN RESCUE OF PRINCESS Autumn had learned something’s about her Allies as they snuck through the castle hallways. One, they were called ponies, with there being 3 main species, earth ponies, pegasi, and unicorns. Two, they were fighting creatures called changelings, which could shapeshift and mimic others. Three, almost all resistance in Canterlot had fallen at this point, leaving only Autumn and her two allies. Autumn only had her wingman revolver and RE-45 autopistol, alone with her grapple and two shock grenades. Her C.A.R. Smg had been lost during her fall, and she currently had no replacement. “3 changelings ahead.” Steel hoof said, raising a hand. Autumn and Indigo crept around Steel, peaking around the corner. 3 changelings stood in front of a massive wooden door, all three standing ramrod straight and holding swords. On their left and right were several stained glass windows depicting various scenes. “Okay, I’ll boost and take out the one in the middle, and while the other two turn to me, you two will run out and catch them by surprise. Got it?” Autumn whispered. “Sounds good” Indigo clutched her spear tightly. “Sense when are you giving orders?” Steel said, raising an eyebrow. “She technically outranks you Steel.” Indigo spoke up, a smug smile forming. “She isn’t even part of the guard.” Steel said, looking back at indigo. “Not the time guys.” Autumn waved her hand for attention. “Right.” They said in unison. Indigo smiled more while Steel rolled his eyes. “Here we go.” Autumn sprinted out from the corner, leaping into the air before her jump kit boosted her high near the ceiling. Drawing her data knife, she raised it high above her head. The middle changeling took notice, raising his sword to block the attack. Quickly, Autumn brought her boot down on the changeling, snapping the sword from its hand and forcing it to the floor. Following up her attack, she brought her knife down onto the changelings throat, killing it quickly in a spurt of green. Indigo and Steel quickly charged in after, spear tips pointed towards their targets. Steel stabbed the one on the right before it could react, but Indigo was less lucky. The changeling parried her strike, and reeled it’s sword back to strike. She brought her hilt up, catching the blade but nearly getting hit in the process. Their weapons held in a lock, but they changeling was gaining the upper hand. “Autumn!” Indigo shouted, her arms beginning to buckle. Autumn hastily stood and jumped, drop kicking the changeling, making it fly through the stained glass beside it and down to the courtyard below. The sword being ripped from her spears hilt made indigo fall to the floor. “You okay Indigo?” Autumn said, grabbing indigos hand and pulling her to her feet. “Yeah. Thanks for the save.” Indigo said, smirking to Autumn. Steel cleared his throat, “Come on you two. It’s just through this door.” The trio stood in front of the door. Autumn drew her two pistols, while Indigo and Steel pointed their weapons. “Ready?” Autumn asked, “Ready.” Both ponies responded in sync. “Let’s do it.” > 3: Boss Fight > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Rainbow dash was helpless. The city had fallen, she and her friends had failed, and now Chrysalis's plan has succeeded. What would happen to her and everypony else would be no mystery, being nothing more than a love battery for the Changeling army. Sitting on her flank, around her the rest of her friends sat. AJ had not come quietly, receiving more than a couple bruises for her efforts. Fluttershy was tending to her, inspecting each bruise while AJ grumbled. Rarity held onto her knees, a shaken look on her face. Pinkie sat nearby, a frown on her face and her hair drooping. Twilight just stared at Princess Mi Amore Cadenza and Prince Shining Armor. Cadenza's hooves hat been stuck to the ground in wax, while Shining was caught in a daze. Around them stood several Changelings, all armed with swords and standing watch over her and the rest. On the balcony, Chrysalis looked over the city below, as changelings terrorized ponies in the streets. She chuckled to herself, before a changeling flew up to her from below. "Speak." She commanded, still looking over the city. "My Queen, two guards were seen making their way to the throne room." The changeling spoke, "Let them come. They'll fall just as easy as the rest." "They're not alone my Queen. Another is with them. It has taken out several of our patrols on its way to here." Rainbow's ears twitched. Another pony was coming to help them? "What is it? A Griffon? Minator? They'll all fall the same." The changeling paused for a moment, its hands tightening, "We don't know my Queen. It wears strange armor, unlike anything we've seen. It moves fast, able to jump high and run across walls." Chrysalis turned, raising an eyebrow, "When will it be here? I will personally deal with it." The conversation was interrupted as the doors flew open. LOCATION: CANTERLOT CITY TIME: 1328 HOURS OBJECTIVE: ASSIST SGT STEEL HOOF AND PVT INDIGO ZAP IN RESCUE OF PRINCESS; BREACH THRONE ROOM "Lets do it." Together, three kicked the large door, making it lurch and fly open. Inside the changeling guards, along with several ponies, looked in shock. Before anyone had a chance to react, Autumn quickly noticed the princess above in a large vessel. She aimed her arm up and zipped to roof with a grapple, switching out her Wingman for her knife and slashing a cocoon that hung there. Next, as she fell from the ceiling, she hurled a Shock grenade at the group of changeling soldiers. The device exploded on impact, sending a wave of electricity over the soldiers, making them scream and pain and drop to the floor. Using her RE-45, she sprayed a hail of bullets, killing most of them. Landing on the floor, she caught the falling princess above, laying her down. In front of her, a large changeling, what she assumed to the leader, stood mouth agape. Drawing her Wingman, she aimed both pistols at the creature. "I was just looking for a princess. Do you have any idea why one was hanging from the ceiling?" She remarked, stepping closer to the large bug. Behind her, Indigo Zap sprinted to the 6 girls, while Steel Hoof checked on the dead changeling soldiers, poking them with his spear. "Who are you?" Chrysalis snarled out, stealing a glance at the fallen changelings. "The one they called to exterminate some bugs." Autumn smirked, "And it looks like I've found the queen." "You dare challenge me! Please!" Chrysalis roared before glaring at the Pilot, "I'll make sure they'll have to send another one." "Lets get to it, shall we?" Autumn said, holstering her pistols and bringing her fists up. "You're doomed!" Readying her horn, she rapidly fire a beam of light, which Autumn promptly dodged, rocketing to the right. In the blink of an eye, Autumn jumped into the air, and brought her foot down on the Queen. Bringing her arms up, Chrysalis caught the attack before it reached her skull, but the force broke her left wrist in a sickening crunch. "AAUHH" Chrysalis screamed in pain, bring the broken carapace to her chest as Autumn stepped back. "Had enough?" "I'LL KILL YOU!" Chrysalis rapidly fired off shots at Autumn, forcing her to quickly jump and roll from the attacks. The other ponies dove to cover within the room, the 6 and Steel getting behind one of the pews and Indigo next to a pillar. While this was happening, Twilight rose to her hooves and dashed to Cadence, melting the wax around her hooves. "Go to him. Hurry!" She called, before jumping to the floor to avoid one of the Changeling Queen's wild attacks. Cadence ran to Shining, pressing her horn against his. "That all you got?" Autumn called out, diving above a beam before rolling onto the ground. "STAND STILL YOU PEST!" "Pretty sure-" Ducking a beam, she continued, "-You're the pest here!" Chrysalis roared in anger, and stopped her wild firing. Her horn glowed as a sickly green hue surrounded Autumn. Torn from her feet, Autumn was flung to Chrysalis's feet. Rolling to her back, the queen brought her boot down just in time to be caught by Autumn. Charging another quick shot, she shot Autumn chest plate, leaving a large burn and knocking the wind out from the pilot. "You cheated." Autumn rasped out, still holding the foot from crushing her. "Time to end this." Chrysalis put all her might into the next blast, her horn becoming enveloped in a large ball of green light. "You're missing something." Autumn pointed, drawing Chrysalis's attention to the Alicorn and Unicorn. Their horns became surrounded by a pink orb, that began to expand. "NO!" Cancelling her spell, Chrysalis could only brace herself as the orb exploded out, flinging her and the changelings below from the city. The burst traveled right through the ponies and Autumn, who laid on for a few seconds more. Standing to her feet slowly, Autumn knocked on her armor plate, still hot from the strike. Looking out from the balcony, she remarked. "Good riddance, you overgrown bug." Around her, the ponies looked in confusion. Slowly, Celestia got up, looking at the newcomer with surprise. She opened her mouth a couple times, and just as she was about to speak, was interrupted. "THAT. WAS. AWESOME!" > 4: Introductions > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- “THAT! WAS! AWESOME!” Zipping up to the creature, Rainbow gawked at the armor it wore, painted in orange camouflage, like leaves in fall. The blue visor of it's helmet shone upon her, looking up and down. Rainbow blushed slightly, before reaching her hand out. "Sorry. My name is Rainbow Dash. What's yours?" Autumn took her and shook it. "Nice to meet you Rainbow. Mine is-" She was interrupted when someone busted through the door. "SISTER! I sensed a disturbance in the for-" Princess Luna paused at the sight of the newcomer, and more importantly, her sister standing in a ruined white dress. Princess Celestia raised an eyebrow before Luna scratched at the back of her head. "My b-bad. It seems the issue has been resolved. I shall return to my Quarters." Luna blushed before retreating from the room. "Okay..." Autumn started, her face contorting in confusion underneath her helmet, "...My name is Lieutenant Autumn Kenner. I'm part of the Militia's Marauder Corps." "So you're a soldier?" Twilight asked, now standing up. Behind her, the rest of the girls looked on at Autumn. Applejack raised an eyebrow, regarding suspicion at the newcomer. Fluttershy hid behind Applejack, pretending to be looking over some of the bruises. Pinkie was smiling wide, shaking slightly with excitement. Rarity was more focused on the armor rather than Autumn herself. Her face went discontent upon seeing the large burn on the breast plate. "You could say that." She waved her hand, and pulled off her helmet as she continued. "The Militia is mostly just made up normal citizens who hate the IMC. I just joined because I wanted to go on Adventures and such. But, enough about me, what about you guys?" "Oh- um..." She stopped for a moment upon seeing Autumn's appearance, but upon clearing her throat, Twilight spoke again, "My name is Twilight Sparkle. This is Rarity," Rarity bowed her head slightly and waved, "this is Pinkie Pie," The mare waved her hand wildly, "She is Fluttershy," Hearing her name, she ducked further behind Applejack, "And this is Applejack." The farmer tipped her hat. "As for me, I am Princess Celestia." She walked to Autumn, unfazed by the non-pony appearance, towering about 2 feet over the woman, and shook the Pilot's hand. "I would like to thank you for saving us from the Dreadful Queen Chrysalis." "We would also like to extend our thanks." Cadence and Shining Armor walked up, arms hooked together, "You bought us needed time for me to free my fiance. We are both eternally grateful." A sheepish smile broke on Autumn's features, "It's no big deal." "Nonsense darling! What you did was not only brave, but downright heroic!" Rarity exclaimed. "Oh! I can't wait to throw a 'Congratulations on saving the day against Queen Chrysalis' Party!" Pinkie appeared behind Autumn, placing a party hat on her head, much to her confusion. "That sounds nice, but I wouldn't really want to impose." She looked around for second, "I'll just be on my way soon, I have to..." She trailed off as a small beeping inside her helmet. Quickly placing it on her head, she went silent upon seeing the message it displayed. "Uh- I have to go..." "What's wrong?" Rainbow asked, looking at the helmeted woman with confusion. "I got a distress beacon..." She paused, laughing and smiling slightly, "From my team..." LOCATION: CANTERLOT CASTLE HALLS TIME: 1338 HOURS OBJECTIVE: LOCATE SGT MELISA LI, CPL MARK DAVIS, PVT CLARK ROGER "You're leaving now?!? Just like that?" Rainbow dash exclaimed, following in the air behind Autumn she made her way to the front courtyards. Her weapons were holstered and her helmet hung off her waist. They walked through the large Corridors, where newly stationed guards eyed the Pilot, their gazes varying from suspicion, to surprise, to confusion. "I have to find my team as soon as possible. They could be hurt... or worse." She said the final bit quietly, a brief image of Li flashing in her mind. She quickly shook the thought away and continued, "Besides, its not like I'm needed here anymore. I took care of that bug, and now I'm going to find my team. It was nice meeting you and your friends, but I need to go." Rainbow huffed, crossing her arms but still following. Here, someone nearly as cool as her, was just about to leave her without another word. A thought crossed her mind, however, and she immediately blurted it out without a second thought. "How about I come with you? I can help!" Autumn stopped for moment, considering the thought for a brief moment before shaking her head. "I can't take you with me. It will probably be dangerous, and I can't risk someone like that." "Come on! Danger is my middle name! There's only Timber-wolves and Manticores you have to worry about, and I can take them out, no sweat!" Autumn raised an eyebrow, "Is your middle name really Danger?" "What? No! I was just- You know what I mean! I can help. I'm the fastest flyer in Equestria, probably the whole planet!" Autumn turned, regarding the multicolored Pegasus, before sighing heavily, "How do I know you'll have my back?" Rainbow set down on the floor and struck a pose, pointing her thumb at herself, "I'm the Element of Loyalty. Ain't no way I'm leaving you all high and dry!" She's cocky, but then again, so was I. Autumn stood for a moment before sighing again. "Fine... Pack your bags and get ready for an adventure." "Hay yeah! Okay! I'll fly down to Ponyville and pack some stuff. You can just take the train down." She began to sprint off before skidding to a stop and running back to the human. "Here, you'll need some of these to a get a ticket." She dropped 15 gold coins in her hand before running off. "Wait! What are these for?" She called out "They're bits! Do you use money where you're from?" Rainbow turned around, still standing a ways away. "No- I mean yes we do, but It's not usually solid gold." "Oh, well just give them to the Stationmaster and ask for a ticket to Ponyville. Should be easy enough! Alright, See ya!" The pegasus ran a bit more before spreading her wings and taking off in the sky, leaving a rainbow trail behind her. Autumn looked at the bits before stuffing them in one of the pouches on her armor. She began to walk some more before a finger touched her on the shoulder. Turning around, she was met by the Pink Party Pony herself, who held a cupcake. "Um... Hi?" Autumn said slowly. "I just wanted to give you a little snack." She said, giving Autumn a cupcake with orange frosting and chocolate cake underneath. "Also, make sure to keep Dashie safe. Toodles!" Without another word, the pink mare hopped off, momentarily defying gravity with each jump. Autumn looked on for a moment before shaking her head. Turning back to the exit, she examined the cupcake for second before taking a bite, immediately going wide eyed. "This is damn Delicious!" > 5: Aboard > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Meanwhile... Twilight had several questions. 70% of them involved the mysterious creature that had saved her just 20 minutes earlier. She sat, lost in thought, pondering several things. Where did Autumn come from? What species was she? Why did she leave so abruptly? She said that she had a team. Did that mean there was more than one of them? What was the armor she was wearing? It looked nothing like a guards armor. What were the strange tools- "Has anypony seen Rainbow?" Applejack asked from where she leaned in the corner, pushing her hat up from her face. Currently, Twilight and the rest of her friends were sitting in a small dining room, waiting from another word from the Princess. "She went to Relieve herself in the restroom, darling." Rarity replied, not looking up from the pocket mirror she held, fixing her makeup. "Pretty sure it doesn't take 20 minutes to use the bathroom Rarity." Applejack frowned, eyeing Rarity for a second. "Maybe she went number two!" Pinkie Pie said as she burst into the room, hopping and taking a seat at the table. "Where were you Pinkie?" Twilight joined into the conversation, looking across the table at pinkie from her seat. "Oh, I just went to say bye to Dashie, but she was already gone, so I instead said by to Autumn and gave her a cupcake." She said rapidly, giving a little laugh, before continuing, "I think Autumn liked the cupcake I gave her, because she startled half of the guards standing near her!" Everpony stared at pinkie for a second, the silence a little unnerving for the mare. She spoke, confusion in her words. "What?" "Pinkie..." Twilight started, "What do you mean Rainbow left?" She slowly finished. "She left with Autumn. They're going on a Adventure! I wish I could go, but I've gotta be here for the wedding tomorrow." She answered smiling, before resuming to her confusion when Twilight just kept staring. "Pinkie. We all need to be here for the wedding." Pinkie paused before snapping her fingers in acknowledgement, "Right! I knew I was forgetting something..." Twilight facepalmed, holding her hand there for a few seconds before bringing it down again. "Where did she go?" "To ponyville to pack her bags. I think she flew there though." Twilight sighed, "I'll go tell the Princesses. Girls, lets find a missing Rainbow." LOCATION: CANTERLOT TRAIN STATION TIME: 1350 HOURS OBJECTIVE: LOCATE SGT MELISA LI, CPL MARK DAVIS, PVT CLARK ROGER; BOARD TRAIN TO 'PONYVILLE' Autumn stood behind a stallion with pale yellow fur and a light blue mane, dressed in a fine blue suit. The stallion in question couldn't help to stop glancing behind him at Autumn, who tried to ignore him. Still adorning her armor, she opened one of her pockets and pulled out her datapad. She tapped around before settling on a video of herself from way back when. 'This is Private Autumn Kenner, Day 1 of being officially in the Militia 4th Rifles Battalion.' the pad showed a young woman, wearing a green jumpsuit, with padding and a helmet sitting behind on a cot. Today, It'll be my first Mission! Were going to the moon of a planet named Dementer. Some airbase were going to attack...' Autumn's viewing was interrupted when she was tapped on the shoulder. Pausing the recording, she turned to see a mint colored mare with a cyan mane where a horn poked through. She wore a dirty yellow and blue dress, and had a wide smile on her face which earned a raised eyebrow from Autumn. "Uh- Do you need something?" Autumn asked The mare's smile only grew wider, and she spoke with a high tone, "Hi. Yes. Are you a Human?" Autumn blinked, "Yeah?" The mare squeed in excitement while Autumn responded, her confusion growing as she continued, "How did you-" "Oh! I've been researching Humans for years! My friend Bon Bon always said I was crazy to believe they were real, but now you're here!" She beamed at Autumn. "That's... Nice. Uh- If you'll excuse me, I've gotta catch a train." Autumn began to face forward when the mare spoke again. "Where you heading?" She tilted her head, still smiling. "Ponyville. I'm just going to find a friend." "Really? I'm going there too!" The mare practically danced in excitement, before continuing, "I can show you around!" "That's alright. I won't be there for long anyway." Autumn said while she avoided eye contact. "Come on! Pleeeaaassseee." The pony begged, her pupils growing and small frown forming on her face. Autumn watched the display for only a few seconds, quickly jerking her head away from the mare's eyes. She sighed heavily before pinching the bridge of her nose. "Fine. But only until my friend is ready." "Oh thank you! You won't regret it!" She bounced around, making Autumn smile at the sight before a cough from behind her drew her attention to the stallion in the ticket booth, who eyed Autumn curiously. "Sorry. I got distracted. 1 ticket to Ponyville please." Autumn said evenly. "O-Of course. 15 bits please." Handing over the coins, the stallion gave her the ticket. "Your seat is in the rear car, just before the caboose." "Thank you." As Autumn walked away, the Stallion couldn't help but look at the odd creature for a moment before helping the next pony in line. Autumn walked to the platform, where dozens of other ponies crowded. The train, a Bright pink locomotive with 8 large cars trailing behind it, pulled into the station. Gazing over the crowd, Autumn spotted several guards, adorned in golden armor. They stood around the crowd and in front of the train's doors, each holding a variety of weapons. "Attention! Passengers looking to board the train to Ponyville! We are now allowing boarding! Please have your ticket ready!" A stallion guard shouted, looking over the crowd. Several ponies began making their way to the doors, grabbing bags and other belongings with them. Autumn followed behind what looked to be small family. A guardsmare standing next to the door stared in confusion as the human made her way into the train car. The interior was crowded with various ponies. Each gave off a reaction upon seeing Autumn enter the place. Some confusion, some shock, others fearful. Sitting in open seat, Autumn began to glance around her surroundings idly, lost in thought. The ponies here were clearly fleeing the city. Passing through the streets earlier, Autumn had seen the extent of the damage. Many houses had damage to their structures, and debris was littering the streets. Along with the nature of the attackers, Autumn understood why so many were leaving. Similar things have happened on the Frontier. She was snapped out of her stupor when she caught a pair of large blue eyes on her. Facing in front of her, a small pony, with brown fur and a dark brown mane where a small horn poked out, looked at her with curiosity from his seat across from her. He wore a small blue jacket over a white shirt, with a brown pants. "You need something?" Autumn asked the kid. Quickly shaking his head, the colt spoke, "-who are you?" "Lieutenant Kenner. Autumn is fine though. How about you?" The human smirked to herself. "Oh! uh- Rocky Road." Autumn snickered at the name before giving a warm smile. Ponies had strange names, she had come to learn. "It's nice to meet you Rocky. Any other questions you have for me?" "Are you from a comic book? 'cause you look like this one I have about a pony from the future..." He trailed off and looked down, before looking up with wide eyes, "Are you from the future?" Autumn chuckled, shaking her head, "No... I'm from a different planet." The colt's mouth hung open and his eyes looked as if they were going to pop out of his head. "Really?" "Yup. Been to a bunch other ones before I arrived here too." Autumn's smile widened at the colt's shock. "Hiya there human!" Autumn looked up to see the Mint colored mare from earlier stroll up to booth and take a seat next to her. Autumn scooched to be next to the window, and looked at the newcomer with amusement. "My name is Autumn by the way." She smiled as the pony made an 'O' shape with her mouth. "My name's Lyra Heartstrings. I was looking for you! After getting your ticket, that ticket pony wouldn't stop staring, so I told him it's rude to stare, then he got all weird about it. Thankfully he remembered to give me my ticket, otherwise the train would've probably left without me!" Lyra smiled at Autumn, who raised an eyebrow. "Well... Thanks for that I guess." Rocky looked at the new mare with interest, before speaking up, "She's from space you know. She came from a whole 'nother planet!" Lyra quickly turned her head to the colt, her eyes widening, "Really?!?" As the two began talking about the nearby human, the train suddenly lurched in motion. Autumn rested her hand on her arm, looking out the window as the station pulled away, being replaced by steep cliffs and the countryside far below. The mid-day sun was floating ever-so slightly west, and a few clouds drifted lazily on the horizon. Autumn smiled at the beauty, bringing her back to memories of her home planet, Harmony. The open fields and high mountains were similar to the ones that lay before her. She quietly mumbled something before returning looking over the scenery. "This is what we're fighting for." > 5.5: Uncertainity (Interlude) > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- Celestia sat idly at a dining table, staring off and clasping her hands to her mouth. In front of her, a small pastry sat, awaiting to be consumed. Across from her, Luna sat, quietly eating a small salad, trying to avoid looking back into her sisters eyes. The two sisters had come here a bit after the initial wedding, and for several minutes, Celestia had not done anything, leaving the room in a uncomfortable silence. Taking a breath, Luna set her fork down and broke the quiet. "Is something troubling you sister? Perhaps you would like to discuss it?" Breaking out of her stupor, Celestia met Luna's eyes. For a few seconds, nothing was said, until Celestia let out a sigh. "Sorry Lulu. I was just thinking about that newcomer." "Ah. The one who drop-kicked Queen Chrysalis?" Celestia raised an eyebrow before continuing, "...Yes. I've been wondering about her and what she is capable of." "Indeed. Not many can get that close to somepony with that kind of magical power and get away with it." Luna mused before focusing back on her sister. "That's just it, my sister. Autumn, as she calls herself, is strong. She took a blast from queen chrysalis, and merely got the air knocked out of her. If a pony were in her position..." Celestia shuddered slightly at the thought. Luna nodded, motioning her hand for her sister to continue. "Along with this, the speed in which she travels seems on par with only the best Wonderbolts. Even in my daze in the cocoon, she was able to reach the ceiling, cut me down, and take down several changeling guards before I even touched the floor." Celestia took a breath after the sentence, before eyeing Luna for response. On Luna's part, she had never seen her Celestia this stressed in a while. Even when discord had escaped, Celestia had only been mildly alarmed, and that was during the chaos in ponyville. Considering this, Luna spoke. "Sister? Are you afraid of her because she's an unknown to you?" Celestia's eyes widened, before she cast her eyes down in defeat. "Am I that easy to read?" Luna chuckled a bit, her voice showing a tinge of amusement, "I've only been sisters with you for over a thousand years." Celestia gave a light laugh, and Luna spoke again in a soft tone, "Sister, do not fret. I believe that 'Autumn' is not a threat to Equestria. In the time we've been aware of her, she charged the changeling queen and saved you from danger." Luna paused for a second, considering her next words, before continuing, "I heard some chatter between the guards. There were two who accompanied Autumn to confront Chrysalis. Perhaps we can ask them to fill us in on how she is like?" Celestia gave a small smile before nodding. She spoke again, this time in a quieter tone, "Thank you Luna for the reassurance. I'm sure we'll be able to talk with those two guards soon." Luna waved her hand, "There's no need to thank me. It's what a good sibling does. Now how about you eat your meal." The princess said, gesturing her hand to the lone pastry. Celestia smiled at Luna before picking up her fork, intent on digging in when a small knock rung on the door. Celestia went to speak when her sister interrupted her, hushing her with a gesture, then speaking herself. "You may enter." The door creaked open, and a purple mare, Twilight sparkle, poked her head in. She gave a small wave to Luna, who returned it with a nod, before her eyes landed on Celestia. She cleared her throat before speaking. "Um- Princess Celestia. Me and my friends are going to be heading to ponyville for a couple days until the wedding is rescheduled. Are we alright to go?" Celestia gave a nod, speaking, "Of course you can. May I ask why?" "Well... Pinkie Pie said that Rainbow Dash decided to go with Autumn to help her find her teammates. And knowing Rainbow, it might end in trouble, so we decided that we should probably go try and be there to help if that does happen." That put the princess in a pause, which was quickly picked up on by her sister. Twilight turned as Luna began to speak. "Thank you for telling us Twilight. You may go and help your friend." Twilight, confusion in her mind upon seeing her mentor out of it, stuttered out a response, "T-thank you Princess Luna. We'll be back in a few days." After Twilight retreated from the room, Luna spoke quietly. "So one of the Element bearers decide to follow the mystery creature to somewhere most likely dangerous. Great." Luna gave a small laugh at the end, which caused Celestia's expression to harden slightly as she spoke. "This isn't a laughing matter, you know." Luna turned to her sister, again using her soft tone, "I'm sure Rainbow Dash will be alright. Not only does she have her own strength, her friends will also be there to help." Celestia gave an uncertain look, before refocusing back on the door. "I hope so..." > 6: Changeling Chase > -------------------------------------------------------------------------- LOCATION: SLOPES OF CANTERLOT MOUNTAIN TIME: 1420 HOURS OBJECTIVE: FIND RAINBOW DASH IN PONYVILLE Autumn eyes searched the outside landscape idly, her head resting against the glass. The valley below was now close by now, the last stretch of track leading into it. The sun had continued to drift west, and some clouds had seemly come from nowhere, floating over the horizon to the east. Sitting back up, Autumn cast her gaze on the interior of the car. Autumn's helmet sat on the seat beside her, next to Lyra, who was looking over a magazine. Across from them, Rocky rested peacefully on the seat, lightly snoring. Around the interior, quiet murmurs of conversations could be heard throughout the car, along with the rumble of the tracks beneath. The warm sunlight streamed in through the windows, cascading on the passengers inside. "So... Any reason you're going to ponyville?" Lyra spoke, looking up from the magazine in her hands. Autumn turned to face the mare, looking on a for a second before speaking, "I'm going to see Rainbow Dash. She wants to help me with something." Her earlier excitement returned slightly as she spoke again, "Rainbow Dash is helping you? What is she helping you with?" "She's helping me find some friends." A saddened look crept on her face for a second, before she smiled again, "It's nice of her." "Friends? Like more humans? Can I meet them?" Lyra's excitement began to return in full force. "I hope so..." Autumn said, her smile disappearing. Lyra took notice, and her once excited demeanor left her. She spoke again, in a softer tone. "Is something wrong?" Autumn looked up for a second, a small mist forming on her eyes, before shaking her head as she spoke, "Just me getting worried over nothing. I'll see if you can meet them when they come back." A smile formed on her face, but it didn't reach her eyes. "Okay..." Lyra looked back at her magazine as Autumn looked out the window. Autumn couldn't help but drift into a daze. A bad thought, images of a broken drop-ship, crept their way into her mind. She tried to reassure herself, to mild success. Mel is strong. She'll be safe. Her train of though was interrupted as one of the doors opened. A rush of air, and two unicorn guards, both adorned in golden armor, entered the car. Shutting the door behind them, they turned to the crowd of passengers, most of them looking up in attention. One of them, a mare, cleared her throat before speaking. "All passengers! Please be ready to have a anti-disguise spell cast on you. This is for you're safety. The spell is completely harmless." The guardsmare turned to the other guard, a stallion, who nodded before his horn started to glow. A small tingling passed over Autumn as her body glowed a pale blue color for a second. "Hey... I'm getting something-" The stallions word's were cut off as a passenger, wearing a simple brown trench coat and jeans, leaped to his hooves and socked the guard in the jaw. The guardsmare quickly grappled the passenger from the back, but it was all for naught as she was thrown over the passenger's shoulder, laying her flat on her back with a loud clang. The passenger quickly brought a hoof down on the mare's head, slamming it down and knocking her unconscious. As the other passengers began to panic and shriek, Autumn examined the passenger. The Stallion, as she identified, had parts of reflective black poking out of his deep green fur, his red mane looking like fins, and one of his eyes glowed a deep purple. "Changeling..." Autumn muttered, standing to her feet. The changeling took notice, eyes widening. Moving, his disguise fully fell as he charged through the train's door, breaking it off its hinges. Autumn quickly snapped into action, grabbing her helmet and pulling it on as she sprung after the changeling. "Autumn! Wait!" She barely heard Lyra's fleeting words. Ahead, the changeling sped through the first car, jumping and dodging past passengers. Autumn kept after him, doing the same, slowly gaining on the creature. He slammed through the next door, before jumping into the next one. A cart, filled with suitcases, stood of to the side of the main aisle. Quickly acting, the changeling threw the cart down, pilling the luggage in Autumn's path. In just a second, Autumn dove over the pile, expertly rolling before taking off in a full sprint yet again. The changeling's eyes widened, and he began to run faster. Pushing open this cars exit, he slammed it shut. Gripping a chunk of metal from the railing, he ripped it off before jamming it into the door's handle. Autumn stopped before the door, trying to push it open, to no avail. She caught the creature smirking victoriously through the window before it turned and sprinted into the third car. Taking a step back, she observed her surroundings. No straight path through here. She looked out the window to her right, before shrugging and taking a step back. I've done dumber things. Taking off, she flew out the window, over the large cliff below. Falling for a second, she twisted through the air as she launched her grapple in the metal exterior of the car. Her trajectory changed rapidly, swinging her along the cliff-side and back up to the train. Her jumpkit activated as her feet met the metal wall and windows of the train. Running across the third cars exterior, the ponies inside looked at her in a mix of wonder, amazement, shock and confusion as she zipped across. Reaching the end of the car, she off boosted towards the edge before shooting her grapple near a window on the fourth car. Launching herself, she flew in legs first, shattering through the glass before her boots met the running changeling. The poor creature was launched from his feet, slamming into the wall and seats as Autumn slide across the floor. Standing, Autumn looked over the extent of the damage. The changeling had a green ooze gushing from his forehead, and his mouth dripped the substance. His clothes looked battered, chunks of wood and glass embedding into it. His left hand clutched his chest, and his right one hung limp, more green stuff dripping from it. She stalked towards the creature, drawing her data knife and pointing it towards the changeling. "Thought you could get away, didn't you?" She remarked as she approached, her voice slightly distorted from her helmet. The changeling barely looked up, spitting out a glob of green before speaking. "Sa-Save it. Just..." He coughed roughly afterwords, more of the stuff splattering on his clothes. Underneath her helmet, her expression darkened as brought her knife, ready to deliver the final blow, when a voice, higher pitched and full of terror, spoke. "St-Stop! Please!" Autumn turned as another changeling, with blue eyes and a black fin, spoke. He was a small build, wearing a white buttoned shirt with a pair of suspenders for his brown pants. His eyes were focused on the human, and he shook violently. "Who are you?" Autumn questioned as she stood up, now pointing her knife towards the other changeling, who began to shake even more. "Th-Thorax. Please. Don't hurt us. We were ju-just trying to escape Canterlot. We di-didn't want to hu-hurt anypony." The changeling gave a pleading look towards the human. She stood there for a second, regarding Thorax before speaking. "Why should I trust you? And why do you care about him?" She gestured towards the changeling on the floor, who coughed yet again. The changeling looked more frightened, and a few tears formed on the edges of his eyes as he spoke. "He's my brother. I need to help him. He'll d-d..." His words tapered off as he looked at his brother. Autumn paused for a moment, considering the creatures words. According to Lightning Dust and Steel Hoof, the changelings were parasitic creatures that only cared about feeding. It was quiet easy for Autumn to believe earlier, as she had witnessed them placing ponies into cocoons. But now, a changeling stood, only wanting to help his brother. What the hell am I doing... Autumn sheathed her blade, instead digging around in a pouch before pulling out a red syringe. She crouched down, pulling off the cap and stabbing the object into the fallen changelings right wrist. Behind her, Thorax looked on in horror, stuttering out his words. "Wh-what are you doing?" "I'm giving him a medical syringe. It will accelerate his healing, but he'll be a little out of it for a while." Almost as if on cue, the changelings wounds began to close. Thorax looked on, stepping and crouching next to his brother. He spoke quietly to him. "Pharynx? Are you okay?" Pharynx looked up, his eyes unfocused, but still saw his brother. He smiled slightly, speaking. "Yes... Just great..." Thorax looked a little confused for a moment, before shaking his head and giving Pharynx a big hug, which he returned with his good arm. Autumn stood up and walked back. She looked around at her surroundings. All of the ponies had left the car, but it wouldn't be long until the guards from the front made their way here. She cleared her throat, prompting the brothers to look towards her. "Sorry. You two should be leaving now. The guards will be here soon." She paused for a second, then spoke, "Where will you go?" Thorax stood, helping Pharynx up, draping his arm across his shoulder. "We're going to hide in the Everfree. It'll be safe there until things cool down." The two walked to the train door, thorax pulling it open. The both spread their wings, ready to go, before Thorax hesitated. Turning his head, he spoke. "Thank you." Autumn nodded as the two buzzed into the air, flying off to a distant forest. Autumn stood for a second, looking towards where they went, before the crunch a glass caused her to turn. Standing wide eyed, Rocky looked at the Human. "What the Bu-"